</div> <?php } }), array('header' => 'Рейтингові відмітки', 'htmlOptions' => array('style' => 'width: 200px;'), 'value' => function ($data, $row) { /* @var $data Personspeciality */ $Total = 0.0; $doc_val = 0; $doc_val_zno = 0; if (!$data->edbo && $data->edboID) { $data->edbo = EdboData::model()->findByPk($data->edboID); } // 123 $ConverAttestat = new ConvertAttestat(); if ($data->QualificationID == 1) { $doc_val = round($data->PointDocValue, 2); $post = ConvertAttestat::model()->findall('twelve_p=:twelve_p', array(':twelve_p' => $doc_val)); $doc_val = (double) $post[0]['two_hundred_p'] * Yii::app()->params['scoreweight_AtestatValue']; } else { $doc_val = $data->PointDocValue; } /*$post=ConvertAttestat::model()->find(array( 'select'=>'two_hundred_p', 'condition'=>'twelve_p=:twelve_p', 'params'=>array(':twelve_p'=>'9.4'), ));*/ $doc_val_zno = round($data->ZnoDocValue, 2); $doc_name = 'Документ'; $doc_desc = $data->entrantdoc ? $data->entrantdoc->type->PersonDocumentTypesName : "Відсутній"; $Total += $doc_val; $Total += $data->documentSubject1 ? (double) $data->documentSubject1->SubjectValue * $data->sepciality->ZnoKoef1 : 0.0; $Total += $data->documentSubject2 ? (double) $data->documentSubject2->SubjectValue * $data->sepciality->ZnoKoef2 : 0.0;
/** * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable. * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised. * @param integer the ID of the model to be loaded */ public function loadModel($id) { $model = ConvertAttestat::model()->findByPk($id); if ($model === null) { throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.'); } return $model; }
/** * Метод формує рейтингові дані (PARTIAL) для конкретної спеціальності. * @param Personspeciality[] $models масив моделей, що повертає метод rating_search * @return array */ protected function CreateRatingData($models) { $data = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($models); $i++) { $ZNO = 0 + (!empty($models[$i]->documentSubject1) ? $models[$i]->documentSubject1->SubjectValue : 0) + (!empty($models[$i]->documentSubject2) ? $models[$i]->documentSubject2->SubjectValue : 0) + (!empty($models[$i]->documentSubject3) ? $models[$i]->documentSubject3->SubjectValue : 0); $ExamsPoints = 0 + $models[$i]->Exam1Ball + $models[$i]->Exam2Ball + $models[$i]->Exam3Ball; $quotaID = intval($models[$i]->QuotaID); $isOutOfComp = intval($models[$i]->isOutOfComp); $info_row['PIB'] = $models[$i]->NAME; $info_row['Points'] = $models[$i]->ComputedPoints; $info_row['ZNO'] = $ZNO; $info_row['AdditionalBall'] = $models[$i]->AdditionalBall > 0.0 ? 0.0 + $models[$i]->AdditionalBall : 0.0; // Змінено для бакалаврів (вираховується по 200бальній $info_row['DocPoints'] = $models->QualificationID == 1 ? $models[$i]->ZnoDocValue = ConvertAttestat::model()->findall('twelve_p=:twelve_p', array(':twelve_p' => $models[$i]->ZnoDocValue)) : $models[$i]->ZnoDocValue; //$info_row['DocPoints'] = $models[$i]->ZnoDocValue; $info_row['ExamsPoints'] = $ExamsPoints; $info_row['OlympsPoints'] = 0 + (!empty($models[$i]->olymp) ? $models[$i]->olymp->OlympiadAwardBonus : 0); $info_row['CoursesPoints'] = 0 + $models[$i]->CoursedpBall * Yii::app()->params['scoreweight_CoursedpBall']; $info_row['isPZK'] = $isOutOfComp ? 'V' : '—'; $info_row['isExtra'] = $models[$i]->isExtraEntry ? 'V' : '—'; $info_row['isQuota'] = $quotaID > 0 ? 'V' : '—'; $info_row['isOriginal'] = !$models[$i]->isCopyEntrantDoc ? 'V' : '—'; $info_row['AnyOriginal'] = $models[$i]->AnyOriginal && $models[$i]->isCopyEntrantDoc ? 'V' : '—'; $info_row['idPersonSpeciality'] = $models[$i]->idPersonSpeciality; $info_row['priority'] = $models[$i]->priority; $data[$i] = $info_row; } return $data; }