function callUpdate($appList) { $url = ContextTool::instance()->domain() . '/esibuild/ajax/apps_bar/a/ual'; $data = array( 'al' => implode('-', $appList), ); $cookieData = implode("; ", array_map( function($k, $v) { return "$k=$v"; }, array_keys($_COOKIE), array_values($_COOKIE) ) ); $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt_array($ch, array( CURLOPT_POST => true, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => http_build_query($data), CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, CURLOPT_COOKIE => $cookieData, )); $response = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); return $response; }
/** * @return string */ static public function getCookieDomain () { $cookieDomain = false; if( self::iniMerck()->hasVariable( 'CookieSettings', 'CookieDomain') ) { $cookieDomainSetting = self::iniMerck()->variable( 'CookieSettings', 'CookieDomain' ); if ( $cookieDomainSetting == 'disabled' ) return false; if( $cookieDomainSetting == 'dynamic' ) { $splitDepth = self::iniMerck()->hasVariable( 'CookieSettings', 'CookieDomainSplitDepth' ) ? self::iniMerck()->variable( 'CookieSettings', 'CookieDomainSplitDepth' ) : 1; if ( $splitDepth == 0 ) { $cookieDomain = preg_replace('#^(https?://)?([^.]+.){0}#', '', ContextTool::instance()->domain() ); } else { $cookieDomain = preg_replace('#^(https?://)?([^.]+.){'.$splitDepth.'}#', '.', ContextTool::instance()->domain() ); } return $cookieDomain; } $cookieDomain = $cookieDomainSetting; } return $cookieDomain; }
/** * Fetches the zones and blocks for each zone * * The cache will be checked before hitting the database. * * @param string $currentEnvId * @return array Array of zones and blocks */ public function fetchZones( $currentEnvId ) { $env = eZINI::instance()->variable("Environment", "Type"); if ( $env != "stg" ) { if ( ContextTool::instance()->isMobile() ) $zones = $this->getCachedValue( self::MOBILE_ZONES_CACHE_KEY ); else $zones = $this->getCachedValue( self::DESKTOP_ZONES_CACHE_KEY ); } else { $zones = false; } if ( !$zones ) { $clusterIdentifier = ClusterTool::clusterIdentifier(); $leftZone = MMHomePageZone::fetch( MMHomePageZone::LEFT_ZONE ); $rightZone = MMHomePageZone::fetch( MMHomePageZone::RIGHT_ZONE ); $zones = array( 'left' => $leftZone->fetchBlocks( $currentEnvId, $clusterIdentifier ), 'right' => $rightZone->fetchBlocks( $currentEnvId, $clusterIdentifier ), ); if ( $env != "stg" ) { if ( ContextTool::instance()->isMobile() ) $this->storeCacheValue( self::MOBILE_ZONES_CACHE_KEY, $zones ); else $this->storeCacheValue( self::DESKTOP_ZONES_CACHE_KEY, $zones ); } } return $zones; }
/** * @return string */ protected static function refuseToU() { MMUserLogin::logoutUser(); CookieTool::destroyCookie( 'remember_me' ); $redirectURL = ContextTool::instance()->domain().'/logoutActions.php'; return $redirectURL; }
function __construct( $row ) { parent::__construct( $row ); $this->configurations = ChannelBlockConfiguration::getConfigurationsByBlock( $this->attribute("id") ); $templateObject = ChannelTemplate::getTemplateById( $this->attribute("template_id") ); if( $templateObject ) { $this->template = $templateObject->attribute("template_web"); if( ContextTool::instance()->isMobile() && $templateObject->attribute("template_mobile") ) { $this->template = $templateObject->attribute("template_mobile"); } } }
/** * @param eZScript $script * @param eZCli $cli */ public function __construct( $script, $cli ) { $this->script = $script; $this->cli = $cli; $this->newRelicApi = new klpNrApi(); $envArray = array( ContextTool::ENVIRONMENT_STAGING => 'stg', ContextTool::ENVIRONMENT_PROD => 'prod' ); if( !isset($envArray[ContextTool::instance()->environment()]) ) $this->script->shutdown( 0, 'This script cannot be executed on the current environment' ); $this->env = $envArray[ContextTool::instance()->environment()]; $this->newsletterFeed = $this->populateNewsletterFeed(); }
/** * @return bool */ public function htmlBuildResult() { $ela = array(); foreach( CacheApplicationTool::clusterApplications() as $app ) { if ( $app->applicationObject->applicationType->attribute('type_identifier') == 'e-learning' && $app->getCustomParameter('HasLearningTracker') && ApplicationFactory::fetchByUri($app->attribute('url_alias'))->canRead() ) { $ela[] = array( 'headline' => $app->headline, 'url' => $app->applicationUrl(), ); } } $this->pushResult( 'ela', $ela ); $this->pushResult( 'content_service_configuration', $this->applicationObject->configurationContentService ); $this->pushResult( 'is_mobile', ContextTool::instance()->isMobile() ); $this->pushResult( 'isApplicationAllowedToUser', MMLimitedApplicationsAllowedUsers::hasCurrentUserAccessToApp(CacheApplicationTool::buildLocalizedApplicationByIdentifier('learning-needs-assessment')->application_id) ); $uuid = $this->user()->attribute('uuid'); $this->pushResult( 'userId', $uuid ); //LNA Dashboard url $lmtBaseUrl = SolrSafeOperatorHelper::feature('LearningNeedsAssessment', 'LMTBaseUrl'); $lmtPrefix = SolrSafeOperatorHelper::feature('LearningNeedsAssessment', 'LMTPrefix'); $this->pushResult( 'dashboardUrl', $lmtBaseUrl . $lmtPrefix ); $environment = new MMEnvironment(); $this->pushResult( 'environment', $environment->env ); $userData = CertificatesWebservice::readUserData(); $this->pushResult( 'companyCode', $userData['CID'] ); $countryPrefix = preg_replace( "~cluster|_~", "", ClusterTool::clusterIdentifier() ); $this->pushResult( 'dashBoardCountryPrefix', strtolower( $countryPrefix ) . '_' ); parent::htmlBuildResult(); return true; }
/** * @return bool */ public function htmlBuildResult() { $this->pushResult( 'rightColumnContext', 'about' ); if ( $this->fullContext == 'chapter' ) { $params = array( 'DepthOperator' => 'eq', 'Limit' => 1, 'Offset' => 0, 'Depth' => 1, 'SortBy' => array( array( 'priority', 'asc' ) ), ); $children = eZContentObjectTreeNode::subTreeByNodeID( $params, $this->rootNodeId() ); if ( isset( $children[0] ) && $children[0] instanceof eZContentObjectTreeNode ) { $this->node = $children[0]; $this->fullContext = 'topic'; } } $this->pushResult( 'node', $this->node ); if ( ContextTool::instance()->isMobile() ) { $this->pushResult( 'hideMenuButton', true ); $this->pushResult( 'hideTreeButton', true ); } return true; }
) { $serviceLogin = ESBFactory::getLoginService( ServiceLoginBase::ESB_METHOD_AUTOLOGIN, $_REQUEST ); if ( $serviceLogin->checkTouPPPopin( ESBFactory::getUserService()->form() ) ) { CookieTool::destroyCookie( 'displayToUPPPopin' ); CookieTool::destroyCookie( 'displayToUPPPopin', '/', null ); $serviceLogin->login(); eZExecution::cleanExit(); } } } // User is already logged-in, we redirect him $context = isset( $_REQUEST['context'] ) ? $_REQUEST['context'] : false; header('Location: '.ContextTool::instance()->contextUrl($context)); eZExecution::cleanExit(); } elseif ( isset($_REQUEST['dsp']) && $_REQUEST['dsp'] == 1 ){ $tpl = eZTemplate::factory(); $tpl->setVariable( 'cluster_identifier', ClusterTool::clusterIdentifier() ); header_remove('Pragma'); header_remove('Cache-control'); header_remove('Expires'); header('Expires: ' . gmdate( 'D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + 7200 ) . ' GMT'); header('esi-enabled: 1');
'%GLOBAL_RANK' => $playerScoring->attribute('global_ranking'), '%NB_POINTS' => $playerScoring->attribute('score') )); $description = strip_tags($description); $data = array( 'title' => ezpI18n::tr("merck/quiz", "QUIZ ANNOUNCEMENT"), 'description' => $description, 'specialty_rank' => $playerScoring->attribute('specialty_ranking'), 'global_rank' => $playerScoring->attribute('global_ranking'), 'application_identifier' => $applicationIdentifier, 'type' => $cardType, ); $userId = $playerScoring->attribute('uuid'); $clusterIdentifier = $playerScoring->attribute('cluster_identifier'); $hash = md5($cluster_identifier . $userId . $description); $socialCard = MMSocialCard::fetchByHash($hash); if (!$socialCard) { $socialCard = MMSocialCard::create($data); $socialCard->hash = $hash; $socialCard->store(); } echo ContextTool::instance()->domain() . "/esibuild/social_card/$hash"; } }
/** * @param int $applicationIdentifier * @param string $clusterIdentifier * @return ApplicationLocalized */ public static function getLocalizedApplicationByIdentifier( $applicationIdentifier, $clusterIdentifier = null ) { $conditions = array( 'identifier' => $applicationIdentifier, ); $applicationArray = ApplicationObject::fetchObject( ApplicationObject::definition(), null, $conditions, false ); if ( is_array( $applicationArray ) && isset($applicationArray["id"]) ) { $conditions = array( 'application_id' => $applicationArray["id"], 'cluster_identifier' => $clusterIdentifier == null ? ClusterTool::clusterIdentifier() : $clusterIdentifier, ); $result = self::fetchObject ( self::definition(), null, $conditions ); if ( !$result || !($result->attribute('environment') & ContextTool::instance()->environment() ) ) return null; return $result; } else { return null; } }
/** * @param null $customerType * @param null $speciality * @param null $limit * @return array */ public static function fetchBanners($customerType = null, $speciality = null, $limit = null) { $user = MMUsers::getCurrentUserObject(); if($user) { $speciality = $user->attribute("user_speciality"); $customerType = $user->customerTypeId(); } $channels = self::fetchFeaturedByProfile($customerType, $speciality, $limit); $banners = array(); $environment = ContextTool::instance()->environment(); /** @var FeaturedChannel $channel */ foreach($channels as $channel) { $application = $channel->application(); if ($application == null) { continue; } $applicationLocalized = $application->applicationLocalized(); if (!$applicationLocalized || !($applicationLocalized->attribute('environment') & $environment)) { continue; } $channelConfiguration = ChannelConfiguration::getChannelConfigurationByApplicationLocalizedId($applicationLocalized->attribute("id")); $title = $channel->attribute("title"); $subtitle = $channel->attribute("subtitle"); if(!$title) { $title = $applicationLocalized->attribute("headline"); } if(!$subtitle) { $subtitle = $channelConfiguration->attribute("subtitle"); } $banners[] = array( "title" => $title, "subtitle" => $subtitle, "url" => "/".$applicationLocalized->attribute("url"), "cover" => $channel->getCoverPath($channelConfiguration), "icon_small" => $channel->getIconSmallPath($channelConfiguration), "new" => $channel->getNewImage($channelConfiguration), "color" => $channel->getColor($channelConfiguration), ); } return $banners; }
/** * @return string */ protected function startCourseOverWsdl() { $courseId = ( isset( $_POST['courseid'] ) && filter_var($_POST['courseid'], FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, SecurityTool::$ELEARNING_COURSEID_REGEXP) ) ? $_POST['courseid'] : null; $soapUrl = SolrSafeOperatorHelper::feature('OnlineVortrageSettings', 'WsdlUrl'); $credentialLogin = SolrSafeOperatorHelper::feature('OnlineVortrageSettings', 'WsdlLogin'); $credentialPassword = SolrSafeOperatorHelper::feature('OnlineVortrageSettings', 'WsdlPassword'); $useLocale = SolrSafeOperatorHelper::feature('OnlineVortrageSettings', 'UseLocale'); $locale = SolrSafeOperatorHelper::feature('OnlineVortrageSettings', 'Locale'); $credentials = array( 'login' => $credentialLogin, 'password' => $credentialPassword, ); $params = array( array( 'username' => MMUsers::getCurrentUserId(), 'courseID' => $courseId, ) ); if ( $useLocale ) { $params[0]['locale'] = $locale; } try { $soap = new SoapClientAuth( $soapUrl, $credentials ); $result = $soap->__soapCall( 'UnivadisEncrypt', $params ); if ( isset($result) && isset($result->return) ) { $url = $result->return; if ( strpos($url, 'http') !== 0 || strpos($url, 'https') !== 0) { $url = 'http://' . $url; } if ( !ContextTool::instance()->isMobile() ) { $url = urlencode( urlencode( $url ) ); $url = '/external/deeplink?deeplink=' . $url . '&exit_strategy=0'; } return $url; } } catch ( SoapFault $f ) { } return false; }
/** * @param bool $forAnonmyous * @param null $processedUserCustomerType * @return int[] */ public static function fetchAuthorizedApplicationIds( $forAnonmyous = false, $processedUserCustomerType = null ) { if( !$forAnonmyous && !is_null(self::$_authorizedApplications) ) return self::$_authorizedApplications; $db = MMDB::instance(); $customerType = null; $mainSpeciality = null; $whereString = sprintf( " cluster_identifier='%s' AND environment & %d", $db->escapeString(ClusterTool::clusterIdentifier()), ContextTool::instance()->environment() ); $user = $forAnonmyous ? false : MMUsers::getCurrentUserObject(); if( $user ) { /* @var $user MMUsers */ $user = MMUsers::getCurrentUserObject(); $customerType = $user->attribute('customer_type'); $mainSpeciality = $user->attribute('main_speciality'); if( $user->hasAttribute('prefered_language')) { $language = $user->attribute('prefered_language'); $whereString.= sprintf( " AND ( language = '%s' OR language IS NULL OR language = '0' )", $db->escapeString($language) ); } if( $user->hasAttribute('country')) { $country = $user->attribute('country'); $whereString.= sprintf( " AND ( country = '%s' OR country IS NULL OR country = '0' )", $db->escapeString($country) ); } } if (!$customerType && $processedUserCustomerType) { $customerType = $processedUserCustomerType; } $whereString .= is_null($customerType) ? ' AND customer_type IS NULL ' : sprintf( " AND ( customer_type IS NULL OR customer_type = '0' OR customer_type='%s') ", $db->escapeString($customerType) ); $whereString .= is_null($mainSpeciality) ? ' AND main_speciality IS NULL ' : sprintf( " AND ( main_speciality IS NULL OR main_speciality = '0' OR main_speciality='%s') ", $db->escapeString($mainSpeciality) ); $sql = "SELECT * FROM mm_country_application_library WHERE ".$whereString." ORDER BY country DESC, language DESC, customer_type DESC, main_speciality DESC"; $lastProfile = null; $excludedApps = array(); $applicationIds = array(); foreach( $db->arrayQuery($sql) as $row ) { $profile = serialize( array($row['customer_type'], $row['main_speciality']) ); if( !is_null($lastProfile) && $profile != $lastProfile ) break; $lastProfile = $profile; if( $user && $user->hasAttribute('state') && !is_null($user->attribute('state')) && $row['state'] === $user->attribute('state') ) { $excludedApps[] = (int)$row['application_id']; continue; } $applicationIds[] = (int) $row['application_id']; } if( !empty($excludedApps) ) { foreach ( $applicationIds as $k => $appId ) { if( in_array($appId, $excludedApps ) ) unset( $applicationIds[$k] ); } $applicationIds = array_values($applicationIds); } if(SolrSafeOperatorHelper::featureIsActive('LearningNeedsAssessment')) { $applicationIds[] = ApplicationObject::fetchByIdentifier('learning-needs-assessment')->attribute('id'); } $applicationIds = array_unique( $applicationIds ); if( !$forAnonmyous ) self::$_authorizedApplications = $applicationIds; return $applicationIds; }
$isConsentOptOut = in_array( ClusterTool::clusterIdentifier(), array() ); $displayToUPPAndOptInsBlockTitle = in_array( ClusterTool::clusterIdentifier(), array( 'cluster_france' ) ); $visitorCountry = SolrSafeOperatorHelper::getLocaleBySystemCode( 'ga_visitor_country' ); if( $visitorCountry == 'not provided' || !isset($visitorCountry) || is_null($visitorCountry) || empty($visitorCountry)){ $dt = new DateTime("Europe/Warsaw"); $msg = 'Missing ga_visitor_country for '.ClusterTool::clusterIdentifier().' at '.$dt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); ezLog::write($msg, 'toupp_visitor_country.log'); } echo json_encode( array( 'userProfile' => $userProfile, 'displayConsents' => $displayConsents, 'useDedicatedPage' => (ContextTool::instance()->isMobile() ? SolrSafeOperatorHelper::feature( 'ToUPPPopin', 'useDedicatedPageMobile' ) : SolrSafeOperatorHelper::feature( 'ToUPPPopin', 'useDedicatedPage' )), 'visitorCountry' => SolrSafeOperatorHelper::getLocaleBySystemCode( 'ga_visitor_country' ), 'staticPages' => array( 'ToU' => is_null( $touPage ) ? null : $touPage->attribute( 'core_content' ), 'PP' => is_null( $ppPage ) ? null : $ppPage->attribute( 'core_content' ) ), 'features' => array( 'currentToUConsentVersion' => $currentToUConsentVersion, 'currentPPConsentVersion' => $currentPPConsentVersion, 'hasCheckbox' => $hasCheckbox, 'precheckedCheckbox' => $precheckedCheckbox, 'adaptConsentText' => $adaptConsentText, 'isConsentOptOut' => $isConsentOptOut, 'displayToUPPAndOptInsBlockTitle' => $displayToUPPAndOptInsBlockTitle, 'touPPCheckboxFeatures' => $touPPCheckboxFeatures, 'optInFeatures' => $optInFeatures,
/** * @param string $token * @param string $uumpId * @param string $email * @param bool $isConsult */ protected function sendResetPasswordMail($token, $uumpId, $email, $isConsult = false) { if ( $isConsult ) { $baseUrl = 'consult/'; } $baseUrl .= SolrSafeOperatorHelper::getApplicationUrl('reset-password'); eZLog::write(var_export("Base url is {$baseUrl}", true) , 'resetpass.log'); $url = ContextTool::instance()->domain() . "/{$baseUrl}/(token)/{$token}"; eZLog::write("URL: {$url}", 'esb_uump.log'); eZLog::write("URL: {$url}", 'resetpass.log'); $this->sendMailWrapper("MailServiceResetPasswordTemplateId", $uumpId, $email, $url, $isConsult); }
if( isset($_GET['context'])) { $context = trim($_GET['context']); if( preg_match( '#^(?:https?://|/)#', $context) ) { if( strpos( $context, '/' ) === 0 ) { $context = ContextTool::instance()->domain().$context; } if( ContextTool::instance()->checkRedirectUrl( $context ) ) { $destUrl = $context; } else { $destUrl = ContextTool::instance()->backUrl(); } } } header('Location: '.$destUrl ); eZExecution::cleanExit(); } else { header( 'HTTP/1.1 500 Login Failed' ); header( 'Status: 500 Login Failed' ); $Result['content'] = $tpl->fetch ('design:login/fail.tpl'); }
public function htmlBuildResult() { $this->pushResult( 'is_mobile', ContextTool::instance()->isMobile() ); $this->pushResult( 'anonymousUrl', $this->anonymousUrl ); $this->pushResult( 'parisSynchHour', SolrSafeOperatorHelper::feature( 'merckConnectWebServices', 'parisSynchHour' ) ); }
/** * @return eZTemplate */ public function tpl() { if(is_null($this->_tpl)) { eZTemplate::resetInstance(); $this->_tpl = eZTemplate::factory(); if (SolrSafeOperatorHelper::featureIsActive('showMedicalNewsDemo') && SolrSafeOperatorHelper::feature('ShowMedicalNewsDemo', 'showDemo')){ $showMedicalNewsDemo = true; }else { $showMedicalNewsDemo = false; } $this->_tpl->setVariable('showMedicalNewsDemo',$showMedicalNewsDemo); $this->_tpl->setVariable('language' , LocaleTool::languageISO639Code()); $this->_tpl->setVariable('application_class' , get_class($this) ); $this->_tpl->setVariable('view_parameters' , $this->_params['UserParameters']); $this->_tpl->setVariable('cluster_identifier', ClusterTool::clusterIdentifier()); $this->_tpl->setVariable('application_url' , $this->applicationName()); $this->_tpl->setVariable('consult' , $this->isConsult); $this->_tpl->setVariable('httpcontext' , array( 'host' => ContextTool::instance()->domain(), )); $environment = new MMEnvironment(); $this->_tpl->setVariable('environment' , $environment->env); $applicationLocalized = CacheApplicationTool::buildLocalizedApplication($this->applicationName()); if (empty($applicationLocalized)) $this->_tpl->setVariable('application_name' , $this->applicationName()); else { $applicationIdentifier = $applicationLocalized->applicationObject->attribute('identifier'); $this->_tpl->setVariable('application_name' , $applicationIdentifier ); $this->_tpl->setVariable('current_localized' , $applicationLocalized ); $this->_tpl->setVariable('current_application' , $applicationLocalized->applicationObject ); } } return $this->_tpl; }
/** * @return bool */ public function htmlBuildResult() { if( !$this->isFull ) { $solrResult = $this->resultHandler->contentResultMain( true ); $articleNodeId = $solrResult['response']['docs'][0]['meta_node_id_si']; $this->pushResult( 'features', $this->resultHandler->features ); $this->pushResult( 'articles', $articleNodeId ); // quiz of the day $solrReturn = $this->getResultHandler()->articleResult($solrResult, array()); if($solrReturn["article_informations"] && $solrReturn["article_informations"]["articles_solrdata"]) { $this->pushResult('articles_solrdata', $solrReturn["article_informations"]["articles_solrdata"]); } } else { /* @type $dm eZContentObjectAttribute[] */ $dm = $this->node->dataMap(); if( $dm['media_content']->hasContent() ) { $mediaContent = $dm['media_content']->content(); /* @type $quizDM eZContentObjectAttribute[] */ $quizDM = eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetch( $mediaContent['relation_list'][0]['node_id'] )->dataMap(); $quizReplies = $quizDM['replies']; if( $quizReplies instanceof eZContentObjectAttribute ) { /* @type $quizRepliesContent eZMatrix */ $quizRepliesContent = $quizReplies->content(); $replies = $quizRepliesContent->Matrix['rows']['sequential']; $repliesList = array(); $finalReplies = array(); foreach( $replies as $reply ) $repliesList[] = $reply['columns-by-id']; foreach($repliesList as $reply) { $i = 0; $replyAttr = array(); foreach($reply as $attr) { if($i == 0) $replyAttr['index'] = $attr; else $replyAttr['label'] = $attr; $i++; } $finalReplies[] = $replyAttr; } $this->pushResult( 'replies', $finalReplies ); } } $this->pushResult( 'quiz_id', $this->node->object()->attribute('id') ); } $this->pushResult( 'is_mobile', ContextTool::instance()->isMobile() ); parent::htmlBuildResult(); return true; }
public function contentBuildResult() { $oldSkipPage = SolrSafeOperatorHelper::getCustomParameter($this->applicationObject->identifier, 'SkipExitPage', 'application'); $skipPage = $oldSkipPage || !$this->exitStrategy(); $this->pushResult('user' , self::user()); $this->pushResult('country', LocaleTool::countryISO3166Code()); if ( $skipPage ) { $_REQUEST['proceed'] = 'proceed'; $_COOKIE[$this->cookieKey()] = '1'; if ( ContextTool::instance()->isMobile() ) $_REQUEST['r'] = 1; } if( isset($_REQUEST['proceed']) && isset($_COOKIE[$this->cookieKey()]) && filter_var($_COOKIE[$this->cookieKey()], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT)) { // proceed to iframe view $this->iframeBuildResult( ); } elseif( isset($_REQUEST['proceed']) ) { // proceed requested but no cookie, we ask again and force redirect to make sure we the proper layout header('Location: '.ContextTool::instance()->domain().$this->applicationLocalized()->applicationUrl()); eZExecution::cleanExit(); } else { // normal exit page vie $isMobile = ContextTool::instance()->isMobile(); $urlToRedirect = isset($_REQUEST['r']) ? trim($_REQUEST['r']) : null; if ($this->isExitApplication() && $this->displayIframe()) { $serverUrl = ContextTool::instance()->domain(); $params = array( 'r' => urlencode($urlToRedirect), 'exit_strategy' => 0, 'display_iframe' => $this->displayIframe(), 'new_window' => $this->newWindow() ); $urlToRedirect = $serverUrl . '/external/exit/?' . http_build_query($params); $this->pushResult('decode_url', false); $this->pushResult('server_url', $serverUrl); } if($isMobile){ if($this->applicationObject()->externalLinkHandler()) { $externalUrl = $this->applicationObject()->externalLinkHandler()->getNodeUrl( $this->node ); $urlToRedirect = isset($externalUrl) ? $externalUrl : $urlToRedirect ; if(SolrSafeOperatorHelper::getCustomParameter($this->applicationObject->identifier, 'usePostMethod', 'application' )){ $url = $this->applicationObject()->externalLinkHandler()->getNodeUrl( $this->node ); $url = $this->getDeeplink( $url ); if ($url == null && isset($_REQUEST['r'])) { $url = urldecode($_REQUEST['r']); } $url = in_array('arg', array_keys($this->_params['UserParameters'])) ? $url . $this->_params['UserParameters']['arg'] : $url; $this->pushResult('postParams', $url); } } else { $urlToRedirect = '/bad_config'; } } $this->pushResult('back_url', ContextTool::instance()->backUrl()); $this->pushResult('url', $urlToRedirect); $this->pushResult('deeplink', urlencode( $this->getDeeplink() )); // Because we are passing boolean parameters to final URL, we need to make isset check. if ( $this->isDeeplinkApplication() || $this->isExitApplication() ) { if ( isset( $_GET['display_iframe'] ) ) { $this->pushResult('display_iframe', $this->displayIframe()); } if ( isset( $_GET['new_window'] ) ) { $this->pushResult('new_window', $this->newWindow()); } if ( isset( $_GET['exit_strategy'] ) ) { $this->pushResult('exit_strategy', $this->exitStrategy()); } } } if($this->node && $this->node->attribute('url_alias') != "") { $this->pushResult('article_url', end(explode("/", $this->node->attribute('url_alias')))); /* @type $pfDM eZContentObjectAttribute[] */ $pf = NodeTool::getPublisherNodeFromNode( $this->node ); $pfDM = $pf->DataMap(); $pfID = PublisherFolderTool::getPathToIDMapping( $pfDM['path']->content() ); $this->pushResult( 'pfid', $pfID['pfid'] . '/' ); } $oldOpenInNewWindow = SolrSafeOperatorHelper::getCustomParameter($this->applicationObject()->identifier, 'openInNewWindow', 'application'); $openInNewWindow = $this->newWindow() || $oldOpenInNewWindow; $this->pushResult('application', $this->applicationObject); $this->pushResult('open_in_new_window', $openInNewWindow); $this->pushResult('cookie_key', $this->cookieKey()); $this->pushResult('node', $this->node); if( SolrSafeOperatorHelper::featureIsActive( 'GoogleAnalytics' ) ) { $this->pushResult( 'gtm_variables', $this->getGTMTags( $this->node ) ); if( $this->node ) { $publisherNodeId = PublisherFolderTool::getPublisherNodeIdFromArticleNode($this->node); if ($publisherNodeId) { $publisherInfos = PublisherFolderTool::getNodeIdToPathMapping( $publisherNodeId ); $publisherPath = $publisherInfos['path']; $this->pushResult( 'publisher', $this->applicationLocalized()->getPublisherFolderFromPath( $publisherPath ) ); } } } }
/** * @param bool $force * @return ApplicationLocalized[] */ public static function clusterApplications( $force = false ) { $allLoaded = self::getValue('misc', 'allLoaded'); if( !$allLoaded || $force ) { self::flushMemoryCache(); foreach( MMDB::instance()->arrayQuery( sprintf("SELECT id FROM mm_application_localized WHERE cluster_identifier='%s' AND environment & %d", ClusterTool::clusterIdentifier(), ContextTool::instance()->environment()) ) as $row ) { self::buildLocalizedApplicationByLocalizedId( $row['id'], true, false ); } self::setValue( 'misc', 'allLoaded', true ); self::store(); } return self::getValue( 'applicationLocalized' ); }
/** * Fetches a page using params * * @param array $params Fetch parameters for the page * @return null or instance of MMStaticPage **/ public static function fetchBy( $params ) { $environmentOriginal = $params['environment']; if( ContextTool::instance()->isMobile() ) { $params['target_platform'] = 'MOBILE'; } $page = self::fetchObject( self::definition(), null, $params, true ); if ( !$page && self::shouldFallbackToProdEnv() ) { $params['environment'] = self::ENV_PROD; $page = self::fetchObject( self::definition(), null, $params, true ); } if( !$page && ContextTool::instance()->isMobile() ) { $params['environment'] = $environmentOriginal; $params['target_platform'] = 'WEB'; $page = self::fetchObject( self::definition(), null, $params, true ); } if ( !$page && self::shouldFallbackToProdEnv() ) { $params['environment'] = self::ENV_PROD; $page = self::fetchObject( self::definition(), null, $params, true ); } if( !$page ) { return null; } $page->setAttribute( 'core_content', str_replace( '/bundles/static-data/', '/esibuild/static/', $page->attribute( 'core_content' ) ) ); return $page; }
$previousEntriesFile = eZSys::cacheDirectory().'/solrpendingmonitor.json'; $previousEntries = file_exists( $previousEntriesFile ) ? json_decode( file_get_contents($previousEntriesFile), true ) : array(); foreach ( $previousEntries as $date => $row ) { if ( ( time() - strtotime($date) ) <= $alertPeriod ) { if ( ( $retriesCount - $row['retriesCount'] ) >= $alertThreshold ) { // Alert!!! $to = '*****@*****.**'; $from = eZINI::instance()->variable('MailSettings', 'EmailSender'); $subject = '[' . ContextTool::instance()->environment() . '] Solr Pending list Alert!! Threshold reached for index errors'; $message = ( $retriesCount - $row['retriesCount'] ) . " objects failed to index within the last " . $alertPeriod . " seconds"; $email = new MailTool( $subject, $from, $to, $message, 'solrpendingmonitor_email.log'); return $email->sendMail(); } } else { unset( $previousEntries[$date] ); } } $previousEntries[date('Y-m-d H:i:s')] = array( 'retriesCount' => $retriesCount,
/** * Sends an alert if necessary for quarentaines */ protected function sendAlert() { if ( count($this->quarantaineFiles) > 0 ) { $envArray = array( ContextTool::ENVIRONMENT_DEV => "dev", ContextTool::ENVIRONMENT_STAGING => "stg", ContextTool::ENVIRONMENT_PROD => "prod", ); $environment = ContextTool::instance()->environment(); $subject = "[MERCK-IMPORT][{$envArray[$environment]}] Article putted on quarantaine"; $from = eZINI::instance()->variable('MailSettings', 'EmailSender'); $to = array(XMLImportMonitor::EMAIL_LIST); $body = "Hello,\n\nthe following article has reached the maximum of import attempts and has been putted on quarantaine :\n%s\n\nRegards,\nAdministrator"; $body = sprintf($body, $this->implodeQuarentaineText()); if ( $envArray[$environment] == "prod" ) $to[] = '*****@*****.**'; $email = new MailTool( $subject, $from, $to, $body, 'import_monitoring_email.log'); $email->sendMail(); } }
<?php require 'autoload.php'; $script = eZScript::instance( array( 'description' => ( "Get the newsletter feed consumed by Creator mail" ), 'use-modules' => true, 'use-extensions' => true, 'debug-output' => false, ) ); $script->startup(); $script->initialize(); if ( ContextTool::instance()->environment() != ContextTool::ENVIRONMENT_PROD ) $script->shutdown( 1, "This script can only be run on production" ); $options = $script->getOptions( "[cluster:][nlt:][frq:]", array( 'cluster' => 'Cluster identifier', 'nlt' => 'Newsletter type [news|education]', 'frq' => 'Frequency [daily|ẁeekly|monthly]' ) ); $cli = new QuestionInteractiveCli(); $clusterIdentifier = isset ( $options['cluster'] ) ? $options['cluster'] : false; $nlType = isset( $options['nlt'] ) ? $options['nlt'] : null; $nlFrequency = isset( $options['frq'] ) ? $options['frq'] : null; $clusterDomains = eZINI::instance( 'merck.ini' )->variable( 'DomainMappingSettings', 'ClusterDomains' ); if ( !$clusterIdentifier )
/** * @param string $applicationIdentifier * @return bool */ public static function seoIsEnabled($applicationIdentifier) { $featureEnabled = self::featureIsActive('Seo'); if ( !$featureEnabled ) return false; /** @var ApplicationLocalized $applicationLocalized */ $applicationLocalized = CacheApplicationTool::buildLocalizedApplicationByIdentifier($applicationIdentifier); if(!$applicationLocalized) return false; $seoParams = $applicationLocalized->seoParams(); if(!$seoParams) return false; $enabled = $seoParams->attribute("enabled"); if(!$enabled) return false; return ContextTool::instance()->compareMask($enabled); }
/** * Relog the user if rememberme is checked and not logged in * @param bool $try * @throws Exception * @return boolean */ public static function relog($try = false) { $out = array('session_lifetime' => intval(eZINI::instance('merck.ini')->variable('WSMobile', 'SessionLifetime'))); $backendUrl = eZINI::instance('merck.ini')->variable('WSMobile', 'BackEndUrl'); $c = curl_init(); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_URL, $backendUrl.'/mobile.php'); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_HEADER, true); if ( eZINI::instance('merck.ini')->hasVariable('WSMobile', 'BackEndHeader') ) { /* @type $headers array */ $headersList = array(); $headers = eZINI::instance('merck.ini')->variable('WSMobile', 'BackEndHeader'); foreach ( $headers as $header => $value ) { $headersList[] = sprintf('%s: %s', $header, $value); } curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headersList); } $headers = getallheaders(); if( isset($headers['Cookie']) ) curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_COOKIE, $headers['Cookie']); $result = curl_exec($c); $errno = curl_errno($c); $error = curl_error($c); curl_close($c); $loggedOnBackend = true; if( preg_match( '#^HTTP/1.1 302 Found#', $result ) || ( preg_match( '#Set-Cookie: .*BSESSIONID=(?P<baksess>.*?);#m', $result, $m ) && isset( $_COOKIE['BESSIONID'] ) && $_COOKIE['BESSIONID'] != $m['baksess'] ) ){ $loggedOnBackend = false; } if ( self::isLogged() && $loggedOnBackend ) { return $out; } if ( isset($_COOKIE['remember_me']) ) { $db = MMDB::instance(); $corQuery = "SELECT r.code FROM bo_reference r JOIN bo_cluster_has_reference chr ON chr.cluster_identifier = '%s' WHERE r.type = 'country' AND = chr.reference_id"; $cor = $db->arrayQuery( sprintf( $corQuery, ClusterTool::clusterIdentifier() ) ); if( count( $cor ) > 0 ) $countryOfRegistration = $cor[0]['code']; else $countryOfRegistration = eZINI::instance('site.ini')->variable('RegionalSettings', 'CountryOfRegistration'); $uuid = MMUserLogin::uncryptTicket($_COOKIE['remember_me']); $context = isset( $_REQUEST['context'] ) ? $_REQUEST['context'] : ContextTool::instance()->domain() . '/'; $readService = ESBFactory::getUserService(); $parameters = $readService->getFormParameters($uuid); $datas = $readService->read( $parameters, $uuid ); $esbResult = new ESBResult(); $isPopulated = ServiceLoginUUMP::populateESBResult( $esbResult, $datas ); if ( !$isPopulated ) { // error log caught on WS stack return null; } $loginResult = MMUserLogin::esbLogin( $uuid, $esbResult, true, $context ); if( is_null( $loginResult )) { $out['status'] = 'failed'; $out['errorCode'] = 9; $out['msg'] = 'User not found.'; return $out; } $user = MMUsers::fetchByIdAndCountry($loginResult['params']['Username'], $countryOfRegistration); $loginResult['params']['mmSettings'] = $user->getMMSettings(); $loginResult['params']['unorderedAppList'] = $user->getApplicationList(); $loginResult['params']['alterboxMsgReset'] = $user->hasPreference('alterboxMsgReset') ? $user->getPreferences('alterboxMsgReset') : true; $logged = self::backendLog($loginResult['params']); if ( $logged ) { return $out; } } if ( $try !== true ) { throw new Exception('Missing "remember_me" cookie', 30); } return false; }
// Suppression session EZP MMUserLogin::logoutUser(); // Redirection vers logoutActions.php (Suppression session PHP-ESI) $redirectURL = "/logoutActions.php"; if ( isset( $_GET['context'] ) ) { $context = urldecode( $_GET['context'] ); if ( preg_match( '#^(?:https?://|/)#', $context ) ) { if ( strpos( $context, '/' ) === 0 ) { $context = ContextTool::instance()->domain() . $context; } if ( ContextTool::instance()->checkRedirectUrl( $context ) ) { $redirectURL .= '?context='.urlencode( $context ); } } } $isUserAction = ( isset( $Params['isUserAction'] ) && $Params['isUserAction'] ); if( $isUserAction ) { CookieTool::destroyCookie( 'remember_me' ); CookieTool::destroyCookie( 'unorderedAppList' ); CookieTool::destroyCookie( eZINI::instance( 'merck.ini' )->variable( 'TIBCOCookieSettings', 'TIBCOCookieName' ) ); $cookiesToInvalidate = eZINI::instance( 'merck.ini' )->variable( 'LogoutSettings', 'InvalidateCookies' ); if (is_array($cookiesToInvalidate))
/** * @param ApplicationDefault $contentApp * @return array */ private function oldPromoPage( $contentApp ) { $promoLoginUri = eZINI::instance()->variable('SiteSettings', 'PromoLoginPage'); $promoLoginPath = preg_replace('#^https?://[^/]+/#', '/', $promoLoginUri); if( (bool)self::user() && !self::user()->toUValidated() && $this->iniMerck()->hasVariable( 'LoginSettings', 'ToUCheck' ) && $this->iniMerck()->variable( 'LoginSettings', 'ToUCheck') != 'disabled' ){ $promoLoginUri = eZINI::instance()->variable('SiteSettings', 'ToUAgreementPage'); $promoLoginPath = preg_replace('#^https?://[^/]+/#', '/', $promoLoginUri); } $patterns = array( '#^(?:https?://[^/]+)?/esibuild/main_view/app_content#', '#\?key=[^&]+#' ); $context = ContextTool::instance()->domain().preg_replace($patterns, array( '', '' ), $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ); // for externals, we need to redirect to the promologin page if( !isset($_GET['key'] ) && $this->applicationObject()->hasExternalLinkHandler() ) { $context = preg_replace( '#^(https?://[^/]+/)#', '\1external/', $context ); header( 'Location: '.ContextTool::instance()->domain().$promoLoginUri.'?context='.urlencode($context) ); eZExecution::cleanExit(); } if(strpos($promoLoginPath, '/page') !== 0) $promoLoginPath = '/page'.$promoLoginPath; $app = ApplicationFactory::fetchByUri( $promoLoginPath ); if( empty( $app->node ) ) { if( in_array( ContextTool::instance()->environment(), array(ContextTool::ENVIRONMENT_PROD, ContextTool::ENVIRONMENT_STAGING) ) ) { openlog( 'Missing Promo page', LOG_PID, LOG_LOCAL6 ); syslog( LOG_CRIT, 'Error message' ); closelog(); } else { $out = 'Promo page can not be loaded for the cluster: '.ClusterTool::clusterIdentifier(); eZDebug::writeError( $out, 'Missing Promo page' ); } } $app->buildResult(); $app->pushResult('context', urlencode( $context )); $this->tpl()->setVariable('staticnode', $contentApp->node); if( SolrSafeOperatorHelper::featureIsActive( 'GoogleAnalytics' ) ) { $this->tpl()->setVariable( 'gtm_variables', $this->getGTMTags( $contentApp->node ) ); if( $contentApp->node ) { $publisherNode = NodeTool::getPublisherNodeFromNode($contentApp->node); if ($publisherNode) { /* @type eZContentObjectAttribute[] $publisherDM */ $publisherDM = $publisherNode->dataMap(); $publisherPath = $publisherDM['path']->content(); $this->tpl()->setVariable( 'publisher', $this->applicationLocalized()->getPublisherFolderFromPath( $publisherPath ) ); } } } return $app->getHtmlResult(); }