Esempio n. 1
if ($contact_id) {
    $contact = new CContact();
    $contact->loadFull($AppUI, $contact_id);
    // include PEAR vCard class
    require_once $AppUI->getLibraryClass('PEAR/Contact_Vcard_Build');
    // instantiate a builder object
    // (defaults to version 3.0)
    $vcard = new Contact_Vcard_Build();
    // set a formatted name
    $vcard->setFormattedName($contact->contact_first_name . ' ' . $contact->contact_last_name);
    // set the structured name parts
    $vcard->setName($contact->contact_last_name, $contact->contact_first_name, $contact->contact_type, $contact->contact_title, '');
    // set the source of the vCard
    $vcard->setSource($w2Pconfig['company_name'] . ' ' . $w2Pconfig['page_title'] . ': ' . $w2Pconfig['site_domain']);
    // set the birthday of the contact
    // set a note of the contact
    $contact->contact_notes = mb_str_replace("\r", ' ', $contact->contact_notes);
    // add an organization
    // add dp company id
    // add a phone number
    $vcard->addParam('TYPE', 'PF');
    // add a phone number
    // add a mobile phone number