function truncate() { $ConnectionManager = new ConnectionManager(); $conn = $ConnectionManager->getConnection(); $stmt = $conn->prepare("TRUNCATE TABLE free_delivery_price"); $stmt->execute(); $ConnectionManager->closeConnection($stmt, $conn); }
public function insertarTareaUsuario($tareaUsuario) { $manager = new ConnectionManager(); $tareaUsuarioDAO = $manager->getTareaUsuarioDAO(); try { return $tareaUsuarioDAO->insertar($tareaUsuario); } finally { $manager->close(); } }
public function buscarTarea($buscar) { $manager = new ConnectionManager(); $tareaDAO = $manager->getTareaDAO(); try { $list = $tareaDAO->buscarTareas($buscar); return $list; } finally { $manager->close(); } }
function getPostalCode($customer_id, $address_no) { $ConnectionManager = new ConnectionManager(); $conn = $ConnectionManager->getConnection(); $stmt = $conn->prepare("SELECT postal_code FROM address WHERE customer_id=? AND address_no=?"); $stmt->bind_param("si", $customer_id, $address_no); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->bind_result($postal_code); $postalcode = ''; while ($stmt->fetch()) { $postalcode = $postal_code; } $ConnectionManager->closeConnection($stmt, $conn); return $postalcode; }
/** * Run * * @return void */ public function run() { $null = null; $this->db = ConnectionManager::getDataSource($this->connection); $this->db->cacheSources = false; $this->db->begin($null); if (!isset($this->args[0]) || !in_array($this->args[0], array('insert', 'remove'))) { $this->out(__d('SoftDelete', 'Invalid option')); return $this->_displayHelp(null); } if (!isset($this->args[1])) { $this->out(__d('SoftDelete', 'You missed field name.')); return $this->_displayHelp(null); } try { $this->_run($this->args[0], $this->args[1]); $this->_clearCache(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->db->rollback($null); throw $e; } $this->out(__d('SoftDelete', 'All tables are updated.')); $this->out(''); return $this->db->commit($null); }
/** * Get current connection * * @return \Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Connection|\Doctrine\DBAL\Connection|\Blast\Orm\Connection */ public function getConnection() { if (null === $this->connection) { $this->connection = ConnectionManager::getInstance()->get(); } return $this->connection; }
public function load() { if (Cache::read('qe.dbconfig_' . hash("md5", "qe_dbconfig"), QEResp::QUICK_EMAILER_CACHE)) { return true; } if (Configure::check('qe.dbconfig')) { if (!file_exists(APP . 'Config' . DS . 'database.php')) { return QEResp::RESPOND(QEResp::ERROR, QuickEmailerErrorDefinitions::NO_DATABASE_CONFIGURED()); } try { $datasource = ConnectionManager::getDataSource(Configure::read('qe.dbconfig')); if ($datasource->connected) { $this->CheckTables($datasource); Cache::write('qe.dbconfig_' . hash("md5", "qe_dbconfig"), true, QEResp::QUICK_EMAILER_CACHE); return true; } return QEResp::RESPOND(QEResp::ERROR, QuickEmailerErrorDefinitions::NO_DATABASE_CONFIGURED()); } catch (Exception $e) { $excep_message = QuickEmailerResponseHandler::AddExceptionInfo(QuickEmailerErrorDefinitions::NO_DATABASE_CONFIGURED(), $e); //TODO: Log errors return QEResp::RESPOND(QEResp::ERROR, $excep_message); } } else { return QEResp::RESPOND(QEResp::ERROR, QuickEmailerErrorDefinitions::NO_DATABASE_CONFIGURED()); } }
/** * Override Model::delete, because it would block deleting when * useTable = false and no records exists * * @param <type> $id * @param <type> $cascade * @return <type> */ function delete($id = null, $cascade = true) { if (!empty($id)) { $this->id = $id; } $id = $this->id; if ($this->beforeDelete($cascade)) { $db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($this->useDbConfig); if (!$this->Behaviors->trigger($this, 'beforeDelete', array($cascade), array('break' => true, 'breakOn' => false))) { return false; } $this->_deleteDependent($id, $cascade); $this->_deleteLinks($id); $this->id = $id; if (!empty($this->belongsTo)) { $keys = $this->find('first', array('fields' => $this->__collectForeignKeys())); } if ($db->delete($this)) { if (!empty($this->belongsTo)) { $this->updateCounterCache($keys[$this->alias]); } $this->Behaviors->trigger($this, 'afterDelete'); $this->afterDelete(); $this->_clearCache(); $this->id = false; $this->__exists = null; return true; } } return false; }
/** * Constructor. * * @access public */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); // Setup Search Engine Connection $this->db = ConnectionManager::connectToIndex(); $_SESSION['no_store'] = true; }
public function execute() { if (empty($this->connection)) { $this->connection = $this->DbConfig->getConfig(); } $this->out('Generating Proxy classes'); $dm = ConnectionManager::getDataSource($this->connection)->getDocumentManager(); $metadatas = $dm->getMetadataFactory()->getAllMetadata(); $metadatas = MetadataFilter::filter($metadatas, isset($this->params['filter']) ? $this->params['filter'] : null); // Process destination directory $destPath = empty($this->params['destPath']) ? $dm->getConfiguration()->getHydratorDir() : $this->params['destPath']; if (!is_dir($destPath)) { mkdir($destPath, 0777, true); } $destPath = realpath($destPath); if (!file_exists($destPath)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("Proxies destination directory '<info>%s</info>' does not exist.", $destPath)); } else { if (!is_writable($destPath)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("Proxies destination directory '<info>%s</info>' does not have write permissions.", $destPath)); } } if (count($metadatas)) { foreach ($metadatas as $metadata) { $this->out(sprintf('Processing document "<info>%s</info>"', $metadata->name)); } // Generating Proxies $dm->getHydratorFactory()->generateHydratorClasses($metadatas, $destPath); // Outputting information message $this->out(sprintf('Hydrator classes generated to "<info>%s</info>"', $destPath)); } else { $this->out('No Metadata Classes to process.'); } }
static function configure() { if (empty($_COOKIE['selenium'])) { return; } $cookie = $_COOKIE['selenium']; App::import('Model', 'ConnectionManager', false); ClassRegistry::flush(); Configure::write('Cache.disable', true); $testDbAvailable = in_array('test', array_keys(ConnectionManager::enumConnectionObjects())); $_prefix = null; if ($testDbAvailable) { // Try for test DB restore_error_handler(); @($db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource('test')); set_error_handler('simpleTestErrorHandler'); $testDbAvailable = $db->isConnected(); } // Try for default DB if (!$testDbAvailable) { $db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource('default'); } $_prefix = $db->config['prefix']; $db->config['prefix'] = $cookie . '_'; ConnectionManager::create('test_suite', $db->config); $db->config['prefix'] = $_prefix; // Get db connection $db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource('test_suite'); $db->cacheSources = false; ClassRegistry::config(array('ds' => 'test_suite')); }
/** * Truncates all tables and loads fixtures into db * * @return void * @access public */ function main() { if (!empty($this->args)) { if ($this->args[0] == 'chmod') { return $this->chmod(); } $fixtures = $this->args; foreach ($fixtures as $i => $fixture) { $fixtures[$i] = APP . 'tests/fixtures/' . $fixture . '_fixture.php'; } } else { App::import('Folder'); $Folder = new Folder(APP . 'tests/fixtures'); $fixtures = $Folder->findRecursive('.+_fixture\\.php'); } $db = ConnectionManager::getDataSource('default'); $records = 0; foreach ($fixtures as $path) { require_once $path; $name = str_replace('_fixture.php', '', basename($path)); $class = Inflector::camelize($name) . 'Fixture'; $Fixture =& new $class($db); $this->out('-> Truncating table "' . $Fixture->table . '"'); $db->truncate($Fixture->table); $Fixture->insert($db); $fixtureRecords = count($Fixture->records); $records += $fixtureRecords; $this->out('-> Inserting ' . $fixtureRecords . ' records for "' . $Fixture->table . '"'); } $this->out(sprintf('-> Done inserting %d records for %d tables', $records, count($fixtures))); }
public function truncateModel($name) { $model = ClassRegistry::init(array('class' => $name, 'ds' => 'test')); $table = $model->table; $db = ConnectionManager::getDataSource('test_suite'); $db->truncate($table); }
public function setUp() { $this->Model = ClassRegistry::init('Country'); $this->db = ConnectionManager::getDataSource('test'); $this->skipIf(!$this->db instanceof Mysql, 'The subquery test is only compatible with Mysql.'); parent::setUp(); }
public function health() { App::Import('ConnectionManager'); $MPSearch = ConnectionManager::getDataSource('MPSearch'); $elasticSearch = $MPSearch->API->cluster()->health(); $this->set(array('elasticSearch' => $elasticSearch, '_serialize' => array('elasticSearch'))); }
/** * Loads connections configuration. * * @return void */ protected static function _init() { include_once APP . 'Config' . DS . 'database.php'; if (class_exists('DATABASE_CONFIG')) { self::$config = new DATABASE_CONFIG(); } self::$_init = true; }
/** * @return mpAPISource */ private function getAPISource() { if (!self::$apiSource) { self::$apiSource = ConnectionManager::getDataSource('mpAPI'); } return self::$apiSource; }
function main() { if ($this->args && $this->args[0] == '?') { return $this->out('Usage: ./cake fixturize <table> [-force] [-reindex]'); } $options = array('force' => false, 'reindex' => false, 'all' => false); foreach ($this->params as $key => $val) { foreach ($options as $name => $option) { if (isset($this->params[$name]) || isset($this->params['-' . $name]) || isset($this->params[$name[0]])) { $options[$name] = true; } } } if ($options['all']) { $db = ConnectionManager::getDataSource('default'); $this->args = $db->listSources(); } if (empty($this->args)) { return $this->err('Usage: ./cake fixturize <table>'); } foreach ($this->args as $table) { $name = Inflector::classify($table); $Model = new AppModel(array('name' => $name, 'table' => $table)); $file = sprintf('%stests/fixtures/%s_fixture.php', APP, Inflector::underscore($name)); $File = new File($file); if ($File->exists() && !$options['force']) { $this->err(sprintf('File %s already exists, use --force option.', $file)); continue; } $records = $Model->find('all'); $out = array(); $out[] = '<?php'; $out[] = ''; $out[] = sprintf('class %sFixture extends CakeTestFixture {', $name); $out[] = sprintf(' var $name = \'%s\';', $name); $out[] = ' var $records = array('; foreach ($records as $record) { $out[] = ' array('; if ($options['reindex']) { foreach (array('old_id', 'vendor_id') as $field) { if ($Model->hasField($field)) { $record[$name][$field] = $record[$name]['id']; break; } } $record[$name]['id'] = String::uuid(); } foreach ($record[$name] as $field => $val) { $out[] = sprintf(' \'%s\' => \'%s\',', addcslashes($field, "'"), addcslashes($val, "'")); } $out[] = ' ),'; } $out[] = ' );'; $out[] = '}'; $out[] = ''; $out[] = '?>'; $File->write(join("\n", $out)); $this->out(sprintf('-> Create %sFixture with %d records (%d bytes) in "%s"', $name, count($records), $File->size(), $file)); } }
/** * Constructor - checks dependencies and loads the connection * * @param string $sConnecion The connection from database.php to use. Deafaults to "default" * @return void */ function Migrations($sConnection = 'default') { if (class_exists('Spyc')) { $this->bSpycReady = true; } $this->oDb =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($sConnection); }
private function __dbStructure($options = array()) { if (is_string($options) || isset($options['useSchema'])) { $version = new MigrationVersion(); $versions = $version->getMapping('rcms'); if (!isset($options['targetVersion'])) { $options['targetVersion'] = array_pop($versions); } if (!isset($options['initVersion'])) { $options['initVersion'] = array_pop($versions); } $version->run(array('version' => array($options['initVersion'], $options['targetVersion']), 'type' => 'rcms', 'direction' => 'up')); } else { if (isset($options['fileName'])) { $db = ConnectionManager::getDataSource('default'); $statements = file_get_contents(CONFIGS . 'sql/' . $options['fileName']); /* Replacing the block comments */ $statements = preg_replace('/\\/\\*[^\\*]*\\*\\//', '', $statements); /* Replacing the line comments */ $statements = preg_replace('/.*\\-\\-.*\\n/', '', $statements); $statements = explode(';', $statements); foreach ($statements as $statement) { if (trim($statement) != '') { $db->query($statement); } } return true; } } }
/** * Displays information about the system configuration. */ public function status() { $this->set('core', array('debug' => Configure::read('debug'), 'database' => @ConnectionManager::getDataSource('default'))); $uploads_path = Configure::read('uploads.path'); $this->set('uploads', array('url' => Configure::read('uploads.url'), 'path' => $uploads_path, 'exists' => is_dir($uploads_path), 'writable' => is_writable($uploads_path), 'executable' => is_executable($uploads_path))); $this->set('dependencies', array('Ghostscript' => is_executable('ghostscript'), 'Imagemagick' => class_exists('Imagick'))); }
public function run($data) { if (array_key_exists('search', $data) && !empty($data['search'])) { $search = $data['search']; $this->Twitter = ConnectionManager::getDataSource('twitter'); switch ($search) { default: $this->getSearchResults($search); $nextUpdate = '+30 Minutes'; break; case '*global*': $this->getGlobal($search); $nextUpdate = '+5 Minutes'; break; } //check if there is already a task for this term. $findConf = array('conditions' => array('fetched' => null, 'data LIKE' => '%' . $search . '%')); $alreadyPresent = $this->QueuedTask->find('count', $findConf); if ($alreadyPresent == false) { if ($this->QueuedTask->createJob('twitterscrape', array('search' => $search), $nextUpdate)) { $this->out('Searchterm update Queued'); } else { $this->err('Could not create Twitterscrape Job.'); } } else { $this->err('There seems to be another job queued for this term, job not requeued.'); } return true; } else { $this->out('No Search term found, Cancelling'); // return true so the task does NOT get requeued. return true; } }
function _importTables($from) { $defaultDb = ConnectionManager::getDataSource($from); foreach ($defaultDb->listSources() as $table) { $this->fixtures[] = "app." . Inflector::singularize($table); } }
public function main() { $db = ConnectionManager::getDataSource('default'); $db->query($this->migrationsTableSql); $results = $db->query("select migrations from __migrations"); $applied = array(); foreach ($results as $result) { $applied[] = $result['__migrations']['migrations']; } $migrations = glob(APP . 'Config' . DS . 'Schema' . DS . 'migrations' . DS . '*.sql'); natsort($migrations); $db->begin(); try { foreach ($migrations as $filename) { list($migration, $ignore) = explode('.', basename($filename)); if (in_array($migration, $applied)) { continue; } $this->out("Migrating to {$migration}."); $db->query(file_get_contents($filename)); $db->query("INSERT INTO `__migrations` VALUES ('{$migration}')"); } $db->commit(); $this->out('Done.'); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->out("<error>Migration failed. Rolling back.</error>"); $db->rollback(); throw $e; } }
/** * Gets the connection names that should have logs + dumps generated. * * @param Controller $controller The controller. * @return array */ public function beforeRender(Controller $controller) { if (!class_exists('ConnectionManager')) { return array(); } $connections = array(); $dbConfigs = ConnectionManager::sourceList(); foreach ($dbConfigs as $configName) { $driver = null; $db = ConnectionManager::getDataSource($configName); if (empty($db->config['driver']) && empty($db->config['datasource']) || !method_exists($db, 'getLog')) { continue; } if (isset($db->config['datasource'])) { $driver = $db->config['datasource']; } $explain = false; $isExplainable = preg_match('/(Mysql|Postgres)$/', $driver); if ($isExplainable) { $explain = true; } $connections[$configName] = $explain; } return array('connections' => $connections, 'threshold' => $this->slowRate); }
public function importKeywords() { $db = ConnectionManager::getDataSource('default'); $mysqli = new mysqli($db->config['host'], $db->config['login'], $db->config['password'], $db->config['database']); $sql = array('links', 'links_keywords'); foreach (glob('/home/kiang/public_html/news/cache/output/*.json') as $jsonFile) { $json = json_decode(file_get_contents($jsonFile), true); $newLinkId = String::uuid(); $json['title'] = $mysqli->real_escape_string(trim($json['title'])); $json['url'] = $mysqli->real_escape_string($json['url']); $json['created'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $json['created_at']); $sql['links'][] = "('{$newLinkId}', '{$json['title']}', '{$json['url']}', '{$json['created']}')"; foreach ($json['keywords'] as $keywordId => $summary) { $lkId = String::uuid(); $summary = $mysqli->real_escape_string(trim($summary)); $sql['links_keywords'][] = "('{$lkId}', '{$newLinkId}', '{$keywordId}', '{$summary}')"; } unlink($jsonFile); } if (!empty($sql['links'])) { $linksSql = 'INSERT INTO links VALUES ' . implode(',', $sql['links']) . ";\n"; $lkSql = 'INSERT INTO links_keywords VALUES ' . implode(',', $sql['links_keywords']) . ';'; file_put_contents(TMP . 'keywords.sql', $linksSql . $lkSql); } }
public function beforeFilter() { $db = ConnectionManager::getDataSource('default'); $db->fetchAll('SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1;'); //$this->Auth->allow( ); $this->Auth->allow('login', 'logout', 'reset_password', 'contact', 'set_notifications', 'read_user'); if ($this->Session->check('Auth.User.session_time') && $this->Session->check('Auth.User.last_activity') && time() - $this->Session->read('Auth.User.last_activity') > $this->Session->read('Auth.User.session_time')) { $this->Session->setFlash(__('Sesión cerrada por inactividad.'), 'alert', array('plugin' => 'BoostCake', 'class' => 'alert-danger')); $this->Auth->logout(); //die("<script>window.location.href='{$this->request->webroot}';</script>"); } if ($this->Auth->login()) { $this->Session->write('Auth.User.last_activity', time()); /*if($this->Session->read('Auth.User.House')=="") { $chooseHouse = true; } else { $chooseHouse = ; }*/ } //Configure::write('Config.language', $this->Session->read('Config.language')); }
protected function query() { if ($this->database !== false && !empty($this->sql)) { $this->connection =& ConnectionManager::connection($this->database); $this->result = $this->connection->query($this->sql)->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } }
public function createDatabaseFile($data) { App::uses('File', 'Utility'); App::uses('ConnectionManager', 'Model'); $config = $this->defaultConfig; foreach ($data['Install'] as $key => $value) { if (isset($data['Install'][$key])) { $config[$key] = $value; } } $result = copy(APP . 'Config' . DS . 'database.php.install', APP . 'Config' . DS . 'database.php'); if (!$result) { return __d('croogo', 'Could not copy database.php file.'); } $file = new File(APP . 'Config' . DS . 'database.php', true); $content = $file->read(); foreach ($config as $configKey => $configValue) { $content = str_replace('{default_' . $configKey . '}', $configValue, $content); } if (!$file->write($content)) { return __d('croogo', 'Could not write database.php file.'); } try { ConnectionManager::create('default', $config); $db = ConnectionManager::getDataSource('default'); } catch (MissingConnectionException $e) { return __d('croogo', 'Could not connect to database: ') . $e->getMessage(); } if (!$db->isConnected()) { return __d('croogo', 'Could not connect to database.'); } return true; }
public function getRows() { $data = $this->read(); $client = $this->Client->find('first', array('fields' => array('', ''), 'conditions' => array('' => $data['TrainingReport']['client_id']))); $moodle_ids = array(); $users = $this->Client->User->find('all', array('fields' => array('', ''), 'conditions' => array('' => $client['Client']['id']))); foreach ($users as $user) { $moodle_ids[] = "'n" . $user['User']['id'] . "'"; } $moodle_ids = implode(', ', $moodle_ids); $client_name_trunc = substr($client['Client']['name'], 0, 40); // mdl_user.institution is only 40 chars $moodle = ConnectionManager::getDataSource('moodle'); $sql = "SELECT mdl_user.firstname, mdl_user.lastname, mdl_quiz_grades.grade, mdl_quiz_grades.timemodified\n FROM mdl_user, mdl_quiz_grades WHERE mdl_quiz_grades.quiz IN \n (SELECT FROM mdl_quiz WHERE mdl_quiz.course = :course_id) \n AND mdl_quiz_grades.userid = AND mdl_user.institution = :client_name \n AND mdl_user.idnumber in ({$moodle_ids})\n AND mdl_user.deleted = 0 ORDER BY mdl_user.lastname ASC"; $rows = $moodle->fetchAll($sql, array(':course_id' => $data['TrainingReport']['course_id'], ':client_name' => $client_name_trunc)); $new_rows_by_name = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $name = $row['mdl_user']['lastname'] . ',' . $row['mdl_user']['firstname']; $new_rows_by_name[$name] = null; } $old_sql = "SELECT mdl_user.firstname, mdl_user.lastname, mdl_quiz_grades.grade, mdl_quiz_grades.timemodified\n FROM mdl_user, mdl_quiz_grades WHERE mdl_quiz_grades.quiz IN \n (SELECT FROM mdl_quiz WHERE mdl_quiz.course = :course_id) \n AND mdl_quiz_grades.userid = AND mdl_user.institution = :client_name \n AND mdl_user.deleted = 0 ORDER BY mdl_user.lastname ASC"; $old_rows = $moodle->fetchAll($old_sql, array(':course_id' => $data['TrainingReport']['course_id'], ':client_name' => $client_name_trunc)); foreach ($old_rows as $row) { $name = $row['mdl_user']['lastname'] . ',' . $row['mdl_user']['firstname']; if (!array_key_exists($name, $new_rows_by_name)) { $rows[] = $row; } } function cmp($a, $b) { return strcmp($a['mdl_user']['lastname'], $b['mdl_user']['lastnmae']); } uksort($rows, 'cmp'); return $rows; }