function _eventorganiser_load_eo_confirmation_page_session()
    if (!defined('EVENT_ORGANISER_PRO_DIR') || version_compare('1.9', EVENT_ORGANISER_PRO_VER) > 0) {
    // Include Eric Mann's WP Session Manager
    // This isn't working for now as requiring it directly like this produces a 'headers already sent' error in PHP, which doesn't happen if
    // the plugin is loaded as normal in WordPress (rather than included as a library here)
    // require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/inc/wp-session-manager/wp-session-manager.php');
    // require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib/confirmation-page-session.php');
    require dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib/class-confirmation-page-session.php';
    require dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib/shortcodes.php';
    // Check if wp_session_manager exists. If it does, use it. If it doesn't, fall back to $_SESSSION. If neither exist, display an error
    if (class_exists('WP_Session')) {
        //Don't use PHP sessions as WP_Session exists
    } elseif (session_status() === PHP_SESSION_NONE || session_status() === PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE) {
        // WP_Session doesn't exist, but we can use $_SESSION
    } else {
        //We have neither WP_Session or $_SESSION. Oh dear. Display an error
        add_action('admin_notices', array(Confirmation_Page_Session::get_instance(), 'display_no_session_error'));
    // add_action( 'admin_notices', array(Confirmation_Page_Session::get_instance(), 'display_no_session_error') );

$booking_id = Confirmation_Page_Session::get_instance()->get_booking_id($a['unset']);
// Take the unset argument from the shortcode. True by default
if ($booking_id) {
    $ticket_quantity = eo_get_booking_meta($booking_id, 'ticket_quantity');
    $event_id = eo_get_booking_meta($booking_id, 'event_id');
    $occurrence_id = eo_get_booking_meta($booking_id, 'occurrence_id');
    $event_title = get_the_title($event_id);
    $event_date = eo_get_the_start(get_option('date_format', 'l jS F Y'), $event_id, null, $occurrence_id);
    // Echo the booking confirmation message, passing it through gettext
    $booking_message = sprintf(__('You have booked %d ticket(s) to %s on %s with booking reference %d. Please check your email for a copy of your tickets.', 'eo-confirmation-page-session'), $ticket_quantity, $event_title, $event_date, $booking_id);

  <div class="confirmation-message">
    echo $booking_message;

  <div class="confirmation-ticket-table">
    // Based on the code of eventorganiser_email_ticket_list()
    $booking_tickets = eo_get_booking_tickets($booking_id, false);
    $total_price = eo_get_booking_meta($booking_id, 'booking_amount');
    $booking_table = sprintf('<table>
      <thead><tr> <th>%s</th><th> %s </th></tr></thead>
      <tbody>', __('Ticket', 'eventorganiserp'), __('Price', 'eventorganiserp'));
    foreach ($booking_tickets as $ticket) {
        $booking_table .= sprintf('<tr> <td>%s<td> %s </td></tr>', esc_html($ticket->ticket_name), eo_format_price($ticket->ticket_price));
 public static function get_instance($use_php_sessions = null)
     NULL === self::$instance and self::$instance = new self($use_php_sessions);
     return self::$instance;