public function setFile($filePath) { if (self::$_instance !== null) { throw new Exception('You need to set the path before calling ' . __CLASS__ . '::getInstance() method', 0); } else { self::$_configFile = $filePath; } }
public function index() { if (\Configer::get('maintain') == 'on') { return view('maintain'); } else { return view('form', ['config' => \Configer::get(), 'alert' => \Configer::check()]); } }
public function setting() { $setting = []; $result = \DB::table('setting')->get(); foreach ($result as $item) { $setting[$item->name] = $item->value; } $langs = ['en' => 'English', 'zh-hant' => '正體中文', 'zh-hans' => '简体中文']; $themes = ["cerulean", "cosmo", "cyborg", "darkly", "flatly", "journal", "paper", "readable", "sandstone", "simplex", "slate", "united", "yeti", "lumen", "superhero", "spacelab"]; $frequency = [60, 120, 180, 240, 300]; return view('admin.setting', ['config' => \Configer::get(), 'setting' => $setting, 'langs' => $langs, 'themes' => $themes, 'frequency' => $frequency]); }
public static function check() { $main_config = \Config::get('publisher'); $custom_setting = \Configer::getSetting(); $config = array_merge(array_filter($main_config), array_filter($custom_setting)); @($license = explode("\n", $config['license'])); if (count($license)) { $config['license'] = $license; } $result = []; foreach (\Lang::get('alert') as $key => $value) { if (count(explode('.', $key)) == 2) { $exp = explode('.', $key); $check = $config[$exp[0]][$exp[1]]; } else { $check = $config[$key]; } if (empty($check)) { array_push($result, $value); } } return $result; }
$input = $_GET['p']; $input = (array)json_decode($input); $result = $db->insert( $input ); var_dump($result); echo $db->error; */ $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $uri = rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), '/\\'); $extra = 'mypage.php'; // change accordingly if (!file_exists('./conf/config.php')) { //header('Location: ''/'); header("location: ./install.php"); } else { Configer::setFile('./conf/config.php'); $config = Configer::getInstance(); error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 1); $db = new Mysql($config); if ($db->insert()) { if (isset($_REQUEST['redirect_url'])) { header("Location: {$_REQUEST['redirect_url']}"); exit; } else { die('ok'); } } else { die($db->error); } }
public function check() { @($key = strip_tags(\Route::input('key'))); if (empty($key)) { return redirect('/'); } else { $result = \DB::table('post')->where('post_key', $key)->first(); if (isset($result->id)) { if ($result->post_state == 1) { $exp = explode('_', $result->facebook_url); $url = '' . $exp[0] . '/posts/' . $exp[1]; return redirect($url); } else { if ($result->publish_time - time() >= 0) { $state = '<div class="alert alert-danger text-center" role="alert">' . \Lang::get('check.do_not_close_window') . '</div><h4>' . \Lang::get('check.remaining_time') . ': <span id="countdown" data-timestamp="' . $result->publish_time . '"></span></h4><p>' . \Lang::get('check.auto_redirect_message') . '</p>'; $foot = '<script src="/js/check.js" type="text/javascript"></script>'; } elseif ($result->publish_time - time() < 0 && $result->post_state == 0) { $last = \DB::table('post')->where('post_state', '1')->orderBy('id', 'desc')->first(); if (count($last) > 0) { $query = 'UPDATE post SET post_state = 8 WHERE id < ' . $last->id . ' AND post_state = 0'; \DB::update(\DB::raw($query)); } $this->publishPostToFacebook($result); header("Refresh:0"); exit; } elseif ($result->publish_time - time() < 0 && $result->post_state == 5) { $state = '<h4>' . \Lang::get('check.pending') . '</h4><p>' . \Lang::get('check.pending_message') . '</p>'; $foot = ''; } else { $state = '<h4>' . \Lang::get('check.oops') . '</h4><p>' . \Lang::get('check.oops_message') . '<br />' . \Lang::get('check.try_contact_with') . '<a href="' . \Configer::get('page_id') . '">' . \Lang::get('check.page_admin') . '</a></p>'; $foot = ''; } return view('check', ['config' => \Configer::get(), 'state' => $state, 'foot' => $foot]); } } else { return redirect('/'); } } }
private function handleText($text) { if (empty($text)) { $text = \Configer::get('page_name'); } if (mb_strlen($text, 'utf-8') > 140) { $text = mb_substr($text, 0, 140, 'utf-8'); } $text = str_replace('\\n', "\n", $text); $text = $this->autoWrap($text); return $text; }
public function unpublishPostFromFacebook($post) { $response = ['state' => 'error', 'message' => 'Something wrong.']; $fb = new Facebook(\Configer::get('fb_app_setting')); $fb->setDefaultAccessToken(\Configer::get('fb_page_token')); try { $callback = $fb->delete('/' . $post->facebook_url); $callback = $callback->getDecodedBody(); if ($callback['success'] == 1) { \DB::table('post')->where('id', $post->id)->update(['post_state' => 2]); $response = ['state' => 'success', 'message' => 'Post unpublished.']; } else { $response = ['state' => 'failed', 'message' => 'Post unpublish failed.']; } } catch (Exception $e) { $response = ['state' => 'failed', 'message' => 'Post unpublish failed.']; } return $response; }