Esempio n. 1
  * Generate module contents
  * @return  void
 public function run()
     include_once Component::path('com_resources') . DS . 'tables' . DS . 'resource.php';
     $database = \App::get('db');
     //Get the admin configured settings
     $filters = array('limit' => 1, 'start' => 0, 'type' => trim($this->params->get('type')), 'sortby' => 'random', 'minranking' => trim($this->params->get('minranking')), 'tag' => trim($this->params->get('tag')), 'access' => 'public', 'toolState' => 7);
     $row = null;
     // No - so we need to randomly choose one
     // Initiate a resource object
     $rr = new \Components\Resources\Tables\Resource($database);
     // Get records
     $rows = $rr->getRecords($filters, false);
     if (count($rows) > 0) {
         $row = $rows[0];
     $this->cls = trim($this->params->get('moduleclass_sfx'));
     $this->txt_length = trim($this->params->get('txt_length'));
     // Did we get any results?
     if ($row) {
         $config = Component::params('com_resources');
         // Resource
         $id = $row->id;
         include_once Component::path('com_resources') . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'html.php';
         $path = DS . trim($config->get('uploadpath', '/site/resources'), DS);
         $path = \Components\Resources\Helpers\Html::build_path($row->created, $row->id, $path);
         if ($row->type == 7) {
             include_once Component::path('com_tools') . DS . 'tables' . DS . 'version.php';
             $tv = new \Components\Tools\Tables\Version($database);
             $versionid = $tv->getVersionIdFromResource($id, 'current');
             $picture = $this->getToolImage($path, $versionid);
         } else {
             $picture = $this->getImage($path);
         $thumb = $path . DS . $picture;
         if (!is_file(PATH_APP . $thumb)) {
             $thumb = DS . trim($config->get('defaultpic'));
         $row->typetitle = trim(stripslashes($row->typetitle));
         if (substr($row->typetitle, -1, 1) == 's' && substr($row->typetitle, -3, 3) != 'ies') {
             $row->typetitle = substr($row->typetitle, 0, strlen($row->typetitle) - 1);
         $this->id = $id;
         $this->thumb = $thumb;
     $this->row = $row;
     require $this->getLayoutPath();
Esempio n. 2
  * Format an entry
  * @param      object  $row       Database row
  * @param      string  $tbl       Format type
  * @param      number  $txtLength Max text length to display
  * @param      integer $getid     Just return the ID or not
  * @return     string HTML
 private function _composeEntry($row, $tbl, $txtLength = 100, $getid = 0)
     $yearFormat = 'Y';
     $monthFormat = 'm';
     $out = '';
     // Do we have a picture?
     $thumb = '';
     switch ($tbl) {
         case 'profiles':
             if ($getid) {
                 return $row->uidNumber;
             // Load their bio
             $profile = \Hubzero\User\Profile::getInstance($row->uidNumber);
             $title = $row->name;
             if (!trim($title)) {
                 $title = $row->givenName . ' ' . $row->surname;
             $out .= '<span class="spotlight-img"><a href="' . Route::url('index.php?option=com_members&id=' . $row->uidNumber) . '"><img width="30" height="30" src="' . $profile->getPicture() . '" alt="' . htmlentities($title) . '" /></a></span>' . "\n";
             $out .= '<span class="spotlight-item"><a href="' . Route::url('index.php?option=com_members&id=' . $row->uidNumber) . '">' . $title . '</a></span>, ' . $row->organization . "\n";
             $out .= ' - ' . Lang::txt('Contributions') . ': ' . $this->_countContributions($row->uidNumber) . "\n";
             $out .= '<div class="clear"></div>' . "\n";
         case 'blog':
             $thumb = trim($this->params->get('default_blogpic', '/core/modules/mod_spotlight/assets/img/default.gif'));
             if ($thumb == '/modules/mod_spotlight/default.gif') {
                 $thumb = '/core/modules/mod_spotlight/assets/img/default.gif';
             $profile = \Hubzero\User\Profile::getInstance($row->created_by);
             if ($getid) {
                 return $row->id;
             if (!$row->title) {
                 $out = '';
             } else {
                 $out .= '<span class="spotlight-img"><a href="' . Route::url('index.php?option=com_members&id=' . $row->created_by . '&active=blog&task=' . Date::of($row->publish_up)->toLocal($yearFormat) . '/' . Date::of($row->publish_up)->toLocal($monthFormat) . '/' . $row->alias) . '"><img width="30" height="30" src="' . rtrim(Request::base(true), '/') . $thumb . '" alt="' . htmlentities(stripslashes($row->title)) . '" /></a></span>' . "\n";
                 $out .= '<span class="spotlight-item"><a href="' . Route::url('index.php?option=com_members&id=' . $row->created_by . '&active=blog&task=' . Date::of($row->publish_up)->toLocal($yearFormat) . '/' . Date::of($row->publish_up)->toLocal($monthFormat) . '/' . $row->alias) . '">' . $row->title . '</a></span> ';
                 $out .= ' by <a href="' . Route::url('index.php?option=com_members&id=' . $row->created_by) . '">' . $profile->get('name') . '</a> - ' . Lang::txt('in Blogs') . "\n";
                 $out .= '<div class="clear"></div>' . "\n";
         case 'topics':
             if ($getid) {
                 return $row->id;
             $url = $row->group_cn && $row->scope ? 'groups' . DS . $row->scope . DS . $row->pagename : 'topics' . DS . $row->pagename;
             $thumb = trim($this->params->get('default_topicpic', '/core/modules/mod_spotlight/assets/img/default.gif'));
             if ($thumb == '/modules/mod_spotlight/default.gif') {
                 $thumb = '/core/modules/mod_spotlight/assets/img/default.gif';
             $out .= '<span class="spotlight-img"><a href="' . Route::url('index.php?option=com_topics&pagename=' . $row->pagename) . '"><img width="30" height="30" src="' . rtrim(Request::base(true), '/') . $thumb . '" alt="' . htmlentities(stripslashes($row->title)) . '" /></a></span>' . "\n";
             $out .= '<span class="spotlight-item"><a href="' . $url . '">' . stripslashes($row->title) . '</a></span> ';
             $out .= ' - ' . Lang::txt('in') . ' <a href="' . Route::url('index.php?option=com_topics') . '">' . Lang::txt('Topics') . '</a>' . "\n";
             $out .= '<div class="clear"></div>' . "\n";
         case 'answers':
             if ($getid) {
                 return $row->id;
             $thumb = trim($this->params->get('default_questionpic', '/core/modules/mod_spotlight/assets/img/default.gif'));
             if ($thumb == '/modules/mod_spotlight/default.gif') {
                 $thumb = '/core/modules/mod_spotlight/assets/img/default.gif';
             $name = Lang::txt('Anonymous');
             if ($row->anonymous == 0) {
                 $user = User::getInstance($row->created_by);
                 if (is_object($user)) {
                     $name = $user->get('name');
             $out .= '<span class="spotlight-img"><a href="' . Route::url('index.php?option=com_answers&task=question&id=' . $row->id) . '"><img width="30" height="30" src="' . rtrim(Request::base(true), '/') . $thumb . '" alt="' . htmlentities(stripslashes($row->subject)) . '" /></a></span>' . "\n";
             $out .= '<span class="spotlight-item"><a href="' . Route::url('index.php?option=com_answers&task=question&id=' . $row->id) . '">' . stripslashes($row->subject) . '</a></span> ';
             $out .= ' - ' . Lang::txt('asked by') . ' ' . $name . ', ' . Lang::txt('in') . ' <a href="' . Route::url('index.php?option=com_answers') . '">' . Lang::txt('Answers') . '</a>' . "\n";
             $out .= '<div class="clear"></div>' . "\n";
             if ($getid) {
                 return $row->id;
             if ($tbl == 'itunes') {
                 $thumb = trim($this->params->get('default_itunespic', '/core/modules/mod_spotlight/assets/img/default.gif'));
                 if ($thumb == '/modules/mod_spotlight/default.gif') {
                     $thumb = '/core/modules/mod_spotlight/assets/img/default.gif';
             } else {
                 $rconfig = Component::params('com_resources');
                 $path = substr(PATH_APP, strlen(PATH_ROOT)) . DS . trim($rconfig->get('uploadpath', '/site/resources'), DS);
                 $path = DS . trim($path, DS);
                 $path = $this->_buildPath($row->created, $row->id, $path);
                 if ($row->type == 7) {
                     include_once Component::path('com_tools') . DS . 'tables' . DS . 'version.php';
                     $tv = new \Components\Tools\Tables\Version($this->database);
                     $versionid = $tv->getVersionIdFromResource($row->id, 'current');
                     $picture = $this->_getToolImage($path, $versionid);
                 } else {
                     $picture = $this->_getImage($path);
                 $thumb = $path . DS . $picture;
                 if (!is_file(PATH_ROOT . $thumb) or !$picture) {
                     $thumb = DS . trim($rconfig->get('defaultpic', '/core/modules/mod_spotlight/assets/img/default.gif'), DS);
                     if ($thumb == '/modules/mod_spotlight/default.gif') {
                         $thumb = '/core/modules/mod_spotlight/assets/img/default.gif';
                 if (substr($thumb, 0, strlen('/modules')) == '/modules' || substr($thumb, 0, strlen('/components')) == '/components') {
                     $thumb = '/core' . $thumb;
                 $thumb = str_replace('com_resources/assets', 'com_resources/site/assets', $thumb);
             $normalized = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/", '', strtolower($row->typetitle));
             $row->typetitle = trim(stripslashes($row->typetitle));
             $row->title = stripslashes($row->title);
             $chars = strlen($row->title . $row->typetitle);
             $remaining = $txtLength - $chars;
             $remaining = $remaining <= 0 ? 0 : $remaining;
             $titlecut = $remaining ? 0 : $txtLength - strlen($row->typetitle);
             if ($titlecut) {
                 $title = \Hubzero\Utility\String::truncate($row->title, $titlecut);
             } else {
                 $title = $row->title;
             // resources
             $out .= '<span class="spotlight-img">';
             $out .= "\t" . '<a href="' . Route::url('index.php?option=com_resources&id=' . $row->id) . '">' . "\n";
             $out .= "\t\t" . '<img width="30" height="30" src="' . rtrim(Request::base(true), '/') . $thumb . '" alt="' . htmlentities($row->title) . '" />' . "\n";
             $out .= "\t" . '</a>' . "\n";
             $out .= '</span>' . "\n";
             $out .= '<span class="spotlight-item">' . "\n";
             $out .= "\t" . '<a href="' . Route::url('index.php?option=com_resources&id=' . $row->id) . '">' . $title . '</a>' . "\n";
             $out .= '</span>' . "\n";
             if ($row->type == 7 && $remaining > 30) {
                 // Show bit of description for tools
                 if ($row->introtext) {
                     $out .= ': ' . \Hubzero\Utility\String::truncate($this->_encodeHtml(strip_tags($row->introtext)), $txtLength);
                 } else {
                     $out .= ': ' . \Hubzero\Utility\String::truncate($this->_encodeHtml(strip_tags($row->fulltxt)), $txtLength);
             if ($tbl == 'itunes') {
                 $out .= ' - ' . Lang::txt('featured on') . ' <a href="/itunes">' . Lang::txt('iTunes') . ' U</a>' . "\n";
             } else {
                 $out .= ' - ' . Lang::txt('in') . ' <a href="' . Route::url('index.php?option=com_resources&type=' . $normalized) . '">' . $row->typetitle . '</a>' . "\n";
             $out .= '<div class="clear"></div>' . "\n";
     return $out;
Esempio n. 3
  * Update a tool version
  * @return     void
 public function updateTask()
     // get vars
     if (!$this->_toolid) {
         $this->_toolid = Request::getInt('toolid', 0);
     // Create a Tool object
     $obj = new \Components\Tools\Tables\Tool($this->database);
     // do we have an alias?
     if ($this->_toolid == 0) {
         if ($alias = Request::getVar('app', '')) {
             $this->_toolid = $obj->getToolId($alias);
     if (!$this->_error) {
         $this->_error = Request::getVar('error', '');
     $error = '';
     //$id = $this->_toolid;
     // make sure user is authorized to go further
     if (!$this->_checkAccess($this->_toolid)) {
         App::abort(403, Lang::txt('COM_TOOLS_ALERTNOTAUTH'));
     $newstate = Request::getVar('newstate', '');
     $priority = Request::getVar('priority', 3);
     $comment = Request::getVar('comment', '');
     $access = Request::getInt('access', 0);
     $newversion = Request::getVar('newversion', '');
     $editversion = Request::getVar('editversion', 'dev');
     $hzt = \Components\Tools\Models\Tool::getInstance($this->_toolid);
     $hztv = $hzt->getRevision($editversion);
     $oldstatus = $hztv ? $hztv->toArray() : array();
     $oldstatus['toolstate'] = $hzt->state;
     if ($newstate && !intval($newstate)) {
         $newstate = \Components\Tools\Helpers\Html::getStatusNum($newstate);
     if (intval($newstate) && $newstate != $oldstatus['toolstate']) {
         Log::debug(__FUNCTION__ . "() state changing");
         if ($newstate == \Components\Tools\Helpers\Html::getStatusNum('Approved') && \Components\Tools\Models\Tool::validateVersion($oldstatus['version'], $error, $hzt->id)) {
             $this->_error = $error;
             Log::debug(__FUNCTION__ . "() state changing to approved, action confirm");
             $this->_action = 'confirm';
             $this->_task = Lang::txt('COM_TOOLS_CONTRIBTOOL_APPROVE_TOOL');
         } else {
             if ($newstate == \Components\Tools\Helpers\Html::getStatusNum('Approved')) {
                 $this->_error = $error;
                 Log::debug(__FUNCTION__ . "() state changing to approved, action new");
                 $this->_action = 'new';
                 $this->_task = Lang::txt('COM_TOOLS_CONTRIBTOOL_APPROVE_TOOL');
             } else {
                 if ($newstate == \Components\Tools\Helpers\Html::getStatusNum('Published')) {
                     Log::debug(__FUNCTION__ . "() state changing to published");
                     $hzt->published = '1';
         $this->_error = $error;
         // update dev screenshots of a published tool changes status
         if ($oldstatus['state'] == \Components\Tools\Helpers\Html::getStatusNum('Published')) {
             // Create a Tool Version object
             $objV = new \Components\Tools\Tables\Version($this->database);
             Log::debug(__FUNCTION__ . "() state changing away from  published");
             // Get version ids
             $rid = \Components\Tools\Models\Tool::getResourceId($hzt->toolname, $hzt->id);
             $to = $objV->getVersionIdFromResource($rid, 'dev');
             $from = $objV->getVersionIdFromResource($rid, 'current');
             $dev_hztv = $hzt->getRevision('dev');
             $current_hztv = $hzt->getRevision('current');
             Log::debug("update: to={$to} from={$from}   dev=" . $dev_hztv->id . " current=" . $current_hztv->id);
             if ($to && $from) {
                 require_once __DIR__ . DS . 'screenshots.php';
                 $ss = new Screenshots();
                 $ss->transfer($from, $to, $rid);
         // If the tool was cancelled ...
         if ($oldstatus['state'] == \Components\Tools\Helpers\Html::getStatusNum('Abandoned')) {
             include_once __DIR__ . DS . 'resource.php';
             $r = new \Components\Resources\Tables\Resource($this->database);
             if ($r && $r->id) {
                 $rstatus = 2;
                 if ($newstate == \Components\Tools\Helpers\Html::getStatusNum('Published')) {
                     $rstatus = 1;
                 $resource = new Resource();
                 $resource->updatePage($r->id, $oldstatus, $rstatus);
         Log::debug(__FUNCTION__ . "() state changing to {$newstate}");
         $hzt->state = $newstate;
         $hzt->state_changed = Date::toSql();
     // if priority changes
     if (intval($priority) && $priority != $oldstatus['priority']) {
         $hzt->priority = $priority;
     // save tool info
     //@FIXME: look
     // get tool status after updates
     $status = $hztv->toArray();
     $status['toolstate'] = $hzt->state;
     // update history ticket
     Log::debug(__FUNCTION__ . "() before newUpdateTicket test");
     if ($oldstatus != $status || !empty($comment)) {
         Log::debug(__FUNCTION__ . "() before newUpdateTicket");
         $this->_newUpdateTicket($hzt->id, $hzt->ticketid, $oldstatus, $status, $comment, $access, 1);
         Log::debug(__FUNCTION__ . "() after newUpdateTicket");
     $this->_msg = Lang::txt('COM_TOOLS_NOTICE_STATUS_CHANGED');
Esempio n. 4
  * Display a list of screenshots for this entry
  * @param      integer $rid     Resource ID
  * @param      string  $version Tool version
  * @return     void
 public function displayTask($rid = NULL, $version = NULL)
     // Incoming
     if (!$rid) {
         $rid = Request::getInt('rid', 0);
     if (!$version) {
         $version = Request::getVar('version', 'dev');
     // Ensure we have an ID to work with
     if (!$rid) {
         App::abort(500, Lang::txt('COM_TOOLS_CONTRIBUTE_NO_ID'));
     // Get resource information
     $resource = new \Components\Resources\Tables\Resource($this->database);
     // Get version id
     $objV = new \Components\Tools\Tables\Version($this->database);
     $vid = $objV->getVersionIdFromResource($rid, $version);
     // Do we have a published tool?
     $this->view->published = $objV->getCurrentVersionProperty($resource->alias, 'id');
     // Get screenshot information for this resource
     $ss = new \Components\Resources\Tables\Screenshot($this->database);
     $this->view->shots = $ss->getScreenshots($rid, $vid);
     // Build paths
     include_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_resources' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'html.php';
     $path = \Components\Resources\Helpers\Html::build_path($resource->created, $rid, '');
     $this->view->upath = PATH_APP . DS . trim($this->rconfig->get('uploadpath'), DS) . $path;
     $this->view->wpath = DS . trim($this->rconfig->get('uploadpath'), DS) . $path;
     if ($vid) {
         $this->view->upath .= DS . $vid;
         $this->view->wpath .= DS . $vid;
     // Make sure wpath is preceded by app
     if (substr($this->view->wpath, 0, 4) != DS . 'app') {
         $this->view->wpath = DS . 'app' . $this->view->wpath;
     // get config
     $this->view->cparams = Component::params('com_resources');
     $this->view->version = $version;
     $this->view->rid = $rid;
     foreach ($this->getErrors() as $error) {
     // Output HTML
Esempio n. 5
  * Method to get tool information
  * @apiMethod GET
  * @apiUri    /tools/{tool}
  * @apiParameter {
  * 		"name":          "tool",
  * 		"description":   "Tool identifier",
  * 		"type":          "string",
  * 		"required":      true,
  * 		"default":       ""
  * }
  * @apiParameter {
  * 		"name":          "version",
  * 		"description":   "Tool version",
  * 		"type":          "string",
  * 		"required":      true,
  * 		"default":       "current"
  * }
  * @return     void
 public function infoTask()
     $database = \App::get('db');
     $tool = Request::getVar('tool', '');
     $version = Request::getVar('version', 'current');
     //we need a tool to continue
     if ($tool == '') {
         throw new Exception(Lang::txt('Tool Alias Required.'), 400);
     //poll database for tool matching alias
     $sql = "SELECT, r.alias, tv.toolname, tv.title, tv.description, tv.toolaccess as access,, tv.instance, tv.revision, r.fulltxt as abstract, r.created\n\t\t\t\tFROM #__resources as r, #__tool_version as tv\n\t\t\t\tWHERE r.published=1\n\t\t\t\tAND r.type=7\n\t\t\t\tAND r.standalone=1\n\t\t\t\tAND r.access!=4\n\t\t\t\tAND r.alias=tv.toolname\n\t\t\t\tAND tv.state=1\n\t\t\t\tAND r.alias='{$tool}'\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY revision DESC";
     $tool_info = $database->loadObject();
     //veryify we have result
     if ($tool_info == null) {
         throw new Exception(Lang::txt('No Tool Found Matching the Alias: "%s"', $tool), 404);
     //add tool alias to tool info from db
     $tool_info->alias = $tool;
     //remove tags and slashes from abastract
     $tool_info->abstract = stripslashes(strip_tags($tool_info->abstract));
     //get the supported tag
     $rconfig = Component::params('com_resources');
     $supportedtag = $rconfig->get('supportedtag', '');
     //get supportedtag usage
     include_once Component::path('com_resources') . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'tags.php';
     $this->rt = new \Components\Resources\Helpers\Tags(0);
     $supportedtagusage = $this->rt->getTagUsage($supportedtag, 'alias');
     $tool_info->supported = in_array($tool_info->alias, $supportedtagusage) ? 1 : 0;
     //get screenshots
     include_once Component::path('com_resources') . DS . 'tables' . DS . 'screenshot.php';
     include_once dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . DS . 'tables' . DS . 'version.php';
     $ts = new \Components\Resources\Tables\Screenshot($database);
     $tv = new \Components\Tools\Tables\Version($database);
     $vid = $tv->getVersionIdFromResource($tool_info->id, $version);
     $shots = $ts->getScreenshots($tool_info->id, $vid);
     //get base path
     $path = \Components\Tools\Helpers\Utils::getResourcePath($tool_info->created, $tool_info->id, $vid);
     //add full path to screenshot
     $s = array();
     foreach ($shots as $shot) {
         $s[] = $path . DS . $shot->filename;
     $tool_info->screenshots = $s;
     $object = new stdClass();
     $object->tool = $tool_info;