Esempio n. 1
//decode the json formatted manifest so we can use the information
$presentation = json_decode($contents);
$presentation = $presentation->presentation;
if (!is_object($presentation)) {
    $presentation = new stdClass();
    $presentation->slides = array();
    $presentation->media = array();
    $presentation->placeholder = null;
    $presentation->duration = null;
//get this resource
$rr = new \Components\Resources\Tables\Resource($this->database);
//get the parent resource
$rh = new \Components\Resources\Helpers\Helper($this->resid, $this->database);
$parent = $rh->parents[0];
//check to see if parent type is series
$rt = new \Components\Resources\Tables\Type($this->database);
//if we have a series get children
if ($rt->type == "Series" || $rt->type == "Courses") {
    $rh->getChildren($parent->id, 0, 'yes');
    $children = $rh->children;
    //remove any children without a HUBpresenter
    foreach ($children as $k => $c) {
        $rh = new \Components\Resources\Helpers\Helper($c->id, $this->database);
        $sub_child = $rh->children;
        $hasHUBpresenter = false;
        foreach ($sub_child as $sc) {