/** * Delete entries * * @param array|string $where SQL WHERE clause(s) * @return int|string */ public function delete($user_id, $company_id) { $model_contact = new Company_Model_Contact(); $data["acl_users_id"] = 0; $model_contact->update($data, 'acl_users_id = ' . (int) $user_id . ' and company_id =' . $company_id); //delete resource $table = $this->getTable(); $table->delete('acl_users_id = ' . (int) $user_id . ' and companies_id =' . $company_id); }
public function update(array $data, $where) { $table = $this->getTable(); $fields = $table->info(Zend_Db_Table_Abstract::COLS); //check if the user want have contat $data_contact = $data; $data_contact['acl_users_id'] = $data["id"]; unset($data_contact["id"]); if ($data_contact["add_contact"]) { $model = new Company_Model_Contact(); $model->save($data_contact); } foreach ($data as $field => $value) { if (!in_array($field, $fields)) { unset($data[$field]); } } if ($data['password'] != "") { $data['password'] = hash('SHA256', $data['password']); } else { unset($data['password']); } return $table->update($data, $where); }
function consultAction() { //get the page of the table $this->gpms = new Zend_Session_Namespace('gpms'); if ($this->gpms->storage->out_production == 0) { return $this->_helper->_redirector->gotoSimple('index', 'company', 'company'); } // die(); $this->company = new Zend_Session_Namespace('company'); $page = $this->_getParam('page', 1); $models = new Company_Model_Contact(); $paginator = Zend_Paginator::factory($models->fetchCompany($this->company->id)); $contact = Zend_Registry::get('company'); $paginator->setItemCountPerPage($contact->paginator); $paginator->setCurrentPageNumber($page); $paginator->setPageRange($contact->paginator); $this->view->paginator = $paginator; //get the dates for the table $model = new Company_Model_Company(); $select_company = $model->fetchEntry($_SESSION["company"]["id"]); $this->view->select_company = $select_company; //send information to the view $this->view->title = "Production Consult"; }
public function inlitterAction() { if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { $del = $this->getRequest()->getPost('del'); if ($del == 'Yes') { $id = $this->getRequest()->getPost('id'); $model = new Company_Model_Contact(); $model->inLitter('id = ' . (int) $id); } $company_id = $this->getRequest()->getPost('company_id'); //check if its ownCompany return $this->_helper->_redirector->gotoSimple('index', 'company', 'company', array('company_id' => $company_id)); } else { $id = $this->_getParam('id', 0); if ($id > 0) { $model = new Company_Model_Contact(); $this->view->contact = $model->fetchEntry($id); } } }
/** * Delete entries * * @param array|string $where SQL WHERE clause(s) * @return int|string */ public function delete($id) { //check the integration TODO the views and resource check $model_production = new Production_Model_Production(); if ($model_production->fetchHaveCompanyClient($id) != null) { die("esta compañia esta trabajando como cliente de una produccion"); } $model_contact = new Company_Model_Contact(); if ($model_contact->fetchHaveCompanyContact($id)) { die("esta compañia tiene contactos asociaodos"); } //delete resource $table = $this->getTable(); $table->delete('id = ' . (int) $id); }