/** * testCommentFind * * @return void */ public function testCommentFind() { $this->Comment->recursive = -1; $results = $this->Comment->find('first'); $this->assertTrue(!empty($results)); $expected = array('Comment' => array('id' => '1', 'user_id' => null, 'model' => 'Article', 'foreign_key' => '1', 'parent_id' => '0', 'approved' => 1, 'name' => null, 'title' => '-', 'slug' => '_', 'body' => 'This is a comment', 'lft' => 1, 'rght' => 2, 'modified' => '2008-12-22 16:39:19', 'created' => '2008-12-22 16:39:19', 'author_name' => 'mark story', 'author_email' => '*****@*****.**', 'author_url' => 'http://example.com', 'is_spam' => 'clean', 'comment_type' => 'comment')); $this->assertEqual($results, $expected); }
/** * testProcessDisapprove * * @return void */ public function testProcessDisapprove() { $data['Comment'] = array('1' => 1, '2' => 0); $this->Comment->process('disapprove', $data); $comment = $this->Comment->find('first', array('conditions' => array('Comment.id' => 1))); $this->assertEqual($comment['Comment']['approved'], false); }
public function postPostscustom() { $postsCheked = Input::get('comments'); if (is_array($postsCheked)) { $customposts = Input::get('customposts'); if ($customposts == 'publish') { for ($i = 0; $i < count($postsCheked); $i++) { if (Comment::find($postsCheked[$i])->status == '0') { DB::table('comments')->where('id', $postsCheked[$i])->update(['status' => 1]); } } return Redirect::to('/teacher/comments'); } else { if ($customposts == 'unpublish') { for ($i = 0; $i < count($postsCheked); $i++) { if (Comment::find($postsCheked[$i])->status == '1') { DB::table('comments')->where('id', $postsCheked[$i])->update(['status' => 0]); } } return Redirect::to('/teacher/comments'); } else { if ($customposts == 'delete') { for ($i = 0; $i < count($postsCheked); $i++) { Comment::find($postsCheked[$i])->delete(); } return Redirect::to('/teacher/comments'); } else { return Redirect::to('/teacher/comments'); } } } } else { return Redirect::to('/teacher/comments'); } }
public function post_edit() { if (!cmsHelper::isCurrentUserAllowedToPerform('comments')) { return; } //Flash current values to session Input::flash(); $id = Input::get('editingMode'); $editComment = Comment::find($id); $editComment->name = Input::get('name'); $editComment->email = Input::get('email'); $editComment->content = Input::get('content'); //Add rules here $rules = array('name' => 'required', 'email' => 'required', 'content' => 'required'); //Get all inputs fields $input = Input::all(); //Apply validaiton rules $validation = Validator::make($input, $rules); //Validate rules if ($validation->fails()) { return Redirect::to($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] . '?id=' . $editComment->id)->with_errors($validation); } //Update the comment $editComment->save(); return Redirect::to($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] . '?id=' . $editComment->id)->with('successmessage', 'Comment successfully updated'); }
public function actionAdmin() { // delete comment request if (Rays::isPost()) { if (isset($_POST['checked_comments'])) { $commentIds = $_POST['checked_comments']; foreach ($commentIds as $id) { if (!is_numeric($id)) { return; } else { $comment = new Comment(); $comment->id = $id; $comment->delete(); } } } } $curPage = $this->getPage("page"); $pageSize = $this->getPageSize('pagesize', 10); $count = Comment::find()->count(); $comments = Comment::find()->join("user")->join("topic")->order_desc("id")->range(($curPage - 1) * $pageSize, $pageSize); $pager = new RPager('page', $count, $pageSize, RHtml::siteUrl('comment/admin'), $curPage); $this->layout = 'admin'; $this->setHeaderTitle("Comments administration"); $data = array('count' => $count, 'comments' => $comments, 'pager' => $pager->showPager()); $this->render('admin', $data, false); }
public function destroy($id) { $status = Comment::find($id); $status->delete(); Flash::message('Your comment has been deleted.'); return Redirect::back(); }
public function testCounterIncrementsAndDecrementsWhen() { $post_with_comments = new Post(); $post_with_comments->title = 'post 1'; $this->assertTrue($post_with_comments->save()); $post_without_comments = new Post(); $post_without_comments->title = 'post 2'; $this->assertTrue($post_without_comments->save()); //Create 10 comments, ensure counter increments for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) { $comment = new Comment(); $comment->postId = $post_with_comments->id; $comment->text = 'comment ' . $i; $this->assertTrue($comment->save()); $post_with_comments->refresh(); $post_without_comments->refresh(); $this->assertEquals($post_with_comments->commentsCount, $i); $this->assertEquals($post_without_comments->commentsCount, 0); } //Delete all comments, ensure counter decrements $comments = Comment::find()->all(); $count = count($comments); foreach ($comments as $comment) { $this->assertEquals($comment->delete(), 1); $count--; $post_with_comments->refresh(); $this->assertEquals($post_with_comments->commentsCount, $count); } }
public function findById($post_id, $id) { $comment = Comment::find($id); if (!$comment || $comment->post_id != $post_id) { throw new NotFoundException('Comment Not Found'); } return $comment; }
/** * Find comment parent by id. * * @param int $id * @return \FIIP\Comments\Comment|null */ public function findParent($id) { $comment = Comment::find($id); if ($comment && $comment->parent) { return $this->findParent($comment->parent->id); } return $comment; }
/** * Show the form for editing the specified comment. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function edit($id) { $comment = Comment::find($id); if (Auth::id() != $comment->user_id) { return Redirect::action('comments.index'); } return View::make('comments.edit', compact('comment')); }
public function destroy($id) { $comment = Comment::find($id); if (!$comment->hasDefaultPhoto()) { File::delete($comment->fullPhotoPath()); } Comment::destroy($id); return Response::json(array('success' => true)); }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param $comment * @return Response */ public function deleteIndex($comment) { $id = $comment->id; if (!$comment->delete()) { return Api::json(array('result' => 'error', 'error' => Lang::get('core.delete_error'))); } $comment = Comment::find($id); return empty($comment) ? Api::json(array('result' => 'success')) : Api::json(array('result' => 'error', 'error' => Lang::get('core.delete_error'))); }
public function getComments() { $comments = Comment::find(array("topicId", $this->id, "pid", 0))->all(); $result = []; foreach ($comments as $c) { $result[] = ['root' => $c, 'reply' => $c->children()]; } return $result; }
public function actionDelete($id) { if ($_POST['action'] == 1) { $model = Comment::find($id); $model->delete(); echo json_encode(array('id' => array($id), 'class' => 'alert-success', 'message' => __('delete success'))); exit; } }
public function delete_destroy() { $cid = Input::get('cid'); $pid = Input::get('pid'); $post = Post::find($pid); //$post_id = Comment::find(Input::get('id'))->post->slug; Comment::find($cid)->delete(); return Redirect::to_route('post_view', $post->slug)->with('message', 'Comment has been deleted Successfully!'); }
public function deleteComment() { if (!Acl::isSuperAdmin()) { return Redirect::route('home'); } $id = e(Input::get('id')); $comment = Comment::find($id); $comment->delete(); return Redirect::back()->with('success', trans('directory.comment_deleted')); }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param $comment * @return Response */ public function deleteIndex($comment) { $id = $comment->id; $comment->delete(); $comment = Comment::find($id); if (empty($comment)) { return Response::json(array('result' => 'success')); } else { return Response::json(array('result' => 'failure', 'error' => Lang::get('admin/comments/messages.delete.error'))); } }
/** * Add a comment * * @param Request $request * @param string $params * @return void */ protected static function post($request, $params) { static::authorize($request); try { $data = array('postID' => $request->get('postID'), 'userID' => $request->user->get('id'), 'text' => $request->get('text'), 'created' => time()); $comment = new Comment($data); $comment->save(); static::response(Comment::find(array('id' => $comment->id), $request->include), 201, ''); } catch (Exception $e) { static::response(array(), 400, $e->getMessage()); } }
/** * @param $postId * @param \User $author * @return bool|void */ public static function minus($postId, \User $author) { $comment = \Comment::find(intval($postId)); if (!$comment) { return false; } if ($comment->author_id == $author->id) { return $comment->author_id; } if ($comment->author->rate(-1)) { return $comment->author_id; } return false; }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param $comment * @return Response */ public function postDelete($comment) { $rules = array('id' => 'required|integer'); $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules); if ($validator->passes()) { $id = $comment->id; $comment->delete(); $comment = Comment::find($id); if (empty($comment)) { return Redirect::to('admin/comments')->with('success', Lang::get('admin/comments/messages.delete.success')); } } return Redirect::to('admin/comments')->with('error', Lang::get('admin/comments/messages.delete.error')); }
public function actionListComment($id) { $query = Comment::find()->joinWith('topicContent'); $countQuery = clone $query; $pages = new Pagination(['totalCount' => $countQuery->count()]); $page = 1; if (isset($_GET["page"])) { $page = $_GET["page"]; } $limit = 10; $offset = $limit * ($page - 1); $pageSize = ceil($countQuery->count() / $limit); $pages->setPageSize($pageSize); $models = $query->offset($offset)->limit($limit)->all(); return $this->render('list', ['models' => $models, 'pages' => $pages]); }
/** * Delete a comment * * @param Request $request * @param string $params * @return void */ protected static function delete($request, $params) { static::authorize($request); try { $comment = Comment::find(array('id' => $params)); $post = Post::find(array('id' => $comment->postID), 'blog'); if ($comment->userID === $request->user->id || $post->blog->userID === $request->user->id) { $comment->delete(); static::response(array(), 200, ''); } else { static::response(array(), 403, 'No Permission'); } } catch (Exception $e) { static::response(array(), 400, $e->getMessage()); } }
public function delete() { $id = $this->request->data['id']; App::uses('Comment', 'Model'); $Model = new Comment(); $params = array(); $params['recursive'] = -1; $params['fields'] = array('user_id'); $params['conditions']['id'] = $id; if (!($comment = $Model->find('first', $params))) { exit; } if ($this->user['User']['id'] == $comment['Comment']['user_id'] || $this->user['User']['can']['manage_own_events'] || $this->user['User']['can']['manage_events'] || $this->user['User']['can']['full_permissions']) { $Model->delete($id); } exit; }
protected function buildCommentsHierarchy($comments) { $ids = []; foreach ($comments as $model) { $ids[] = $model->id; } $parentsId = implode(',', $ids); $subComments = Comment::find()->where(['model' => $this->where['model'], 'model_id' => $this->where['model_id'], 'status' => Comment::STATUS_PUBLISHED]); if (!empty($parentsId)) { $subComments->where("super_parent_id IN ({$parentsId})"); } $subComments = $subComments->all(); foreach ($comments as $parent) { $parent->comments = self::getSubComments($parent, $subComments); } return $comments; }
/** * 更新请求 * * @param Request $request * @param int $id * @return void */ public function update(Request $request, $id) { // 验证 $this->validate($request, ['topic' => 'string', 'participants' => 'string', 'state' => 'required|in:1,-1', 'reply_message' => 'required|string']); $log = Comment::find($id); // 更新 DB::transaction(function () use($request, $log) { if (Comment::STATUS['ENABLE'] == $request->state) { // 参与人 $participantIds = []; $participantNames = Participant::filterParticipantNames($request->participants); if (!empty($participantNames)) { foreach ($participantNames as $name) { $participant = Participant::firstOrCreate(['name' => $name]); $participant->increment('counts', 1); $participantIds[] = $participant->id; } } // 节目 $program = Program::where('date', date('Y-m-d', strtotime($log->metas->thread_key)))->first(); $topic = Program::filterTopic($request->topic); if (!empty($topic)) { $program->update(['topic' => $topic]); } if (!empty($participantIds)) { $program->participants()->sync($participantIds); } } // 刷新首页文件缓存 Cache::forget(Program::INDEX_CACHE_KEY); // 刷新贡献记录页文件缓存 Cache::forget(Comment::CONTRIBUTION_CACHE_KEY); // 记录日志 Comment::where('id', $log->id)->update(['ext_is_agree' => $request->state]); }); // 回复评论 $state = Comment::replyPost($request->reply_message, $log->metas->thread_id, $log->metas->post_id, $log->metas->author_email); // 跳转 $status = ['status' => $state ? 'success' : 'error', 'message' => $state ? '审核成功~' : '审核成功,回复失败']; return Redirect::to($request->_redirect_url)->with($status['status'], $status['message']); }
/** * testSaveAssociatedHasOneValidation method * * @return void */ public function testSaveAssociatedHasOneValidation() { $model = new Comment(); $model->deleteAll(true); $this->assertEquals(array(), $model->find('all')); $model->Attachment->deleteAll(true); $this->assertEquals(array(), $model->Attachment->find('all')); $model->validate = array('comment' => 'notEmpty'); $model->Attachment->validate = array('attachment' => 'notEmpty'); $model->Attachment->bindModel(array('belongsTo' => array('Comment'))); $result = $model->saveAssociated(array('Comment' => array('comment' => '', 'article_id' => 1, 'user_id' => 1), 'Attachment' => array('attachment' => ''))); $this->assertFalse($result); $expected = array('comment' => array('This field cannot be left blank'), 'Attachment' => array('attachment' => array('This field cannot be left blank'))); $this->assertEquals($expected, $model->validationErrors); $this->assertEquals($expected['Attachment'], $model->Attachment->validationErrors); }
public static function getByChannelAction($action) { if (is_object($action) && isset($action->channel_id)) { if ($action->type == 'comment') { return Comment::find('first', array('conditions' => array('poster_id' => $action->channel_id, 'timestamp' => $action->timestamp))); } } }
/** * undocumented function * * @return void */ public function testBindModelCallsInBehaviors() { // hasMany $Article = new Article(); $Article->unbindModel(array('hasMany' => array('Comment'))); $result = $Article->find('first'); $this->assertFalse(array_key_exists('Comment', $result)); $Article->Behaviors->attach('Test4'); $result = $Article->find('first'); $this->assertTrue(array_key_exists('Comment', $result)); // belongsTo $Article->unbindModel(array('belongsTo' => array('User'))); $result = $Article->find('first'); $this->assertFalse(array_key_exists('User', $result)); $Article->Behaviors->attach('Test5'); $result = $Article->find('first'); $this->assertTrue(array_key_exists('User', $result)); // hasAndBelongsToMany $Article->unbindModel(array('hasAndBelongsToMany' => array('Tag'))); $result = $Article->find('first'); $this->assertFalse(array_key_exists('Tag', $result)); $Article->Behaviors->attach('Test6'); $result = $Article->find('first'); $this->assertTrue(array_key_exists('Comment', $result)); // hasOne $Comment = new Comment(); $Comment->unbindModel(array('hasOne' => array('Attachment'))); $result = $Comment->find('first'); $this->assertFalse(array_key_exists('Attachment', $result)); $Comment->Behaviors->attach('Test7'); $result = $Comment->find('first'); $this->assertTrue(array_key_exists('Attachment', $result)); }
public function comments() { $c = new Comment(); $c->adId = $this->id; return $c->find(); }
/** * testSaveAllHasOneValidation method * * @access public * @return void */ function testSaveAllHasOneValidation() { $model = new Comment(); $model->deleteAll(true); $this->assertEqual($model->find('all'), array()); $model->Attachment->deleteAll(true); $this->assertEqual($model->Attachment->find('all'), array()); $model->validate = array('comment' => 'notEmpty'); $model->Attachment->validate = array('attachment' => 'notEmpty'); $model->Attachment->bindModel(array('belongsTo' => array('Comment'))); $this->assertFalse($model->saveAll(array('Comment' => array('comment' => '', 'article_id' => 1, 'user_id' => 1), 'Attachment' => array('attachment' => '')), array('validate' => 'first'))); $expected = array('Comment' => array('comment' => 'This field cannot be left blank'), 'Attachment' => array('attachment' => 'This field cannot be left blank')); $this->assertEqual($model->validationErrors, $expected['Comment']); $this->assertEqual($model->Attachment->validationErrors, $expected['Attachment']); $this->assertFalse($model->saveAll(array('Comment' => array('comment' => '', 'article_id' => 1, 'user_id' => 1), 'Attachment' => array('attachment' => '')), array('validate' => 'only'))); $this->assertEqual($model->validationErrors, $expected['Comment']); $this->assertEqual($model->Attachment->validationErrors, $expected['Attachment']); }