function localeCheck($args) { parent::CommandLineTool($args); array_shift($args); // Knock the tool name off the list $this->locales = $args; }
/** * Constructor. * @param $argv array command-line arguments * If specified, the first argument should be the file to parse */ function XmlToSqlTool($argv = array()) { parent::CommandLineTool($argv); if (isset($this->argv[0]) && in_array($this->argv[0], array('-schema', '-data'))) { $this->type = substr($this->argv[0], 1); $argOffset = 1; } else { $this->type = 'schema'; $argOffset = 0; } if (!isset($this->argv[$argOffset]) || !in_array($this->argv[$argOffset], array('print', 'save', 'print_upgrade', 'save_upgrade', 'execute'))) { $this->usage(); exit(1); } $this->command = $this->argv[$argOffset]; $file = isset($this->argv[$argOffset + 1]) ? $this->argv[$argOffset + 1] : DATABASE_XML_FILE; if (!file_exists($file) && !file_exists($file2 = PWD . '/' . $file)) { printf("Input file \"%s\" does not exist!\n", $file); exit(1); } $this->inputFile = isset($file2) ? $file2 : $file; $this->outputFile = isset($this->argv[$argOffset + 2]) ? PWD . '/' . $this->argv[$argOffset + 2] : null; if (in_array($this->command, array('save', 'save_upgrade')) && ($this->outputFile == null || file_exists($this->outputFile) && (is_dir($this->outputFile) || !is_writeable($this->outputFile)) || !is_writable(dirname($this->outputFile)))) { printf("Invalid output file \"%s\"!\n", $this->outputFile); exit(1); } }
/** * Constructor. * @param $argv array command-line arguments */ function preCompile($argv = array()) { parent::CommandLineTool($argv); if (isset($this->argv[0]) && $this->argv[0] == '-h') { $this->usage(); exit(0); } }
/** * Constructor. * @param $argv array command-line arguments */ function __construct($argv = array()) { parent::__construct($argv); if (!sizeof($this->argv)) { $this->usage(); exit(1); } $this->parameters = $this->argv; }
/** * Constructor. * @param $argv array command-line arguments */ function SubmissionDeletionTool($argv = array()) { parent::CommandLineTool($argv); if (!sizeof($this->argv)) { $this->usage(); exit(1); } $this->parameters = $this->argv; }
/** * Constructor. * @param $argv array command-line arguments */ function upgradeTool($argv = array()) { parent::CommandLineTool($argv); if (!isset($this->argv[0]) || !in_array($this->argv[0], array('check', 'latest', 'upgrade', 'patch', 'download'))) { $this->usage(); exit(1); } $this->command = $this->argv[0]; }
/** * Constructor. * @param $argv array command-line arguments */ function upgradeTool($argv = array()) { parent::CommandLineTool($argv); if (!isset($this->argv[0]) || !in_array($this->argv[0], array('check', 'latest', 'upgrade', 'patch', 'download'))) { $this->usage(); exit(1); } $this->command = $this->argv[0]; AppLocale::requireComponents(LOCALE_COMPONENT_PKP_INSTALLER); }
/** * Constructor. * @param $argv array command-line arguments * If specified, the first argument should be the file to parse */ function __construct($argv = array()) { parent::__construct($argv); if (count($argv) != 3) { $this->usage(); exit(1); } $this->oldTag = $argv[1]; $this->newTag = $argv[2]; }
/** * Constructor. * @param $argv array command-line arguments */ function __construct($argv = array()) { parent::__construct($argv); if (!isset($this->argv[0]) || !isset($this->argv[1])) { $this->usage(); exit(1); } $this->username1 = $this->argv[0]; $this->username2 = $this->argv[1]; }
/** * Constructor. * @param $argv array command-line arguments */ function mergeUsers($argv = array()) { parent::CommandLineTool($argv); if (!isset($this->argv[0]) || !isset($this->argv[1])) { $this->usage(); exit(1); } $this->username1 = $this->argv[0]; $this->username2 = $this->argv[1]; }
/** * Constructor. * @param $argv array command-line arguments * If specified, the first argument should be the file to parse */ function genEmailUpdates($argv = array()) { parent::CommandLineTool($argv); if (count($argv) != 3) { $this->usage(); exit(1); } $this->oldTag = $argv[1]; $this->newTag = $argv[2]; }
/** * Constructor. * @param $argv array command-line arguments */ function CopyAccessLogFileTool($argv = array()) { parent::CommandLineTool($argv); if (sizeof($this->argv) !== 1) { $this->usage(); exit(1); } $plugin =& PluginRegistry::getPlugin('generic', 'usagestatsplugin'); /* @var $plugin UsageStatsPlugin */ $this->_usageStatsDir = $plugin->getFilesPath(); $this->_tmpDir = $this->_usageStatsDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'tmp'; AppLocale::requireComponents(LOCALE_COMPONENT_PKP_ADMIN); // This tool needs egrep and gunzip path configured. $this->_egrepPath = escapeshellarg(Config::getVar('cli', 'egrep')); if ($this->_egrepPath == "''") { printf(__('admin.copyAccessLogFileTool.error.noEgrep') . "\n"); exit(1); } $this->_gunzipPath = escapeshellarg(Config::getVar('cli', 'gunzip')); if ($this->_gunzipPath == "''") { printf(__('admin.copyAccessLogFileTool.error.noGunzip') . "\n"); exit(1); } // Get a list of files currently inside the usage stats dir. $fileLoaderDirs = array(FILE_LOADER_PATH_STAGING, FILE_LOADER_PATH_PROCESSING, FILE_LOADER_PATH_ARCHIVE, FILE_LOADER_PATH_REJECT); $usageStatsFiles = array(); foreach ($fileLoaderDirs as $dir) { $dirFiles = glob($this->_usageStatsDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*'); if (is_array($dirFiles) && count($dirFiles) > 0) { foreach ($dirFiles as $file) { if (!is_file($file)) { continue; } $fileBasename = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_BASENAME); if (pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == 'gz') { // Always save the filename without compression extension. $fileBasename = substr($fileBasename, 0, -3); } $usageStatsFiles[] = $fileBasename; } } } $this->_usageStatsFiles = $usageStatsFiles; // Get a list of context paths. $contextDao =& Application::getContextDAO(); /* @var $contextDao ContextDAO */ $contextFactory = $contextDao->getAll(); $contextPaths = array(); while ($context =& $contextFactory->next()) { /* @var $context Context */ $contextPaths[] = escapeshellarg($context->getPath()); } $contextPaths = implode('/|/', $contextPaths); $this->_contextPaths = $contextPaths; }
/** * Constructor */ function poToCountries($argv = array()) { parent::CommandLineTool($argv); $toolName = array_shift($argv); $this->locale = array_shift($argv); $this->translationFile = array_shift($argv); if (!preg_match('/^[a-z]{2}_[A-Z]{2}$/', $this->locale) || empty($this->translationFile) || !file_exists($this->translationFile)) { $this->usage(); exit(1); } }
/** * Constructor. * @param $argv array command-line arguments */ function migrate($argv = array()) { parent::CommandLineTool($argv); if (!isset($this->argv[0]) || !isset($this->argv[1])) { $this->usage(); exit(1); } $this->journalPath = $this->argv[0]; $this->importPath = $this->argv[1]; $this->options = array_slice($this->argv, 2); }
/** * Constructor */ function __construct($argv = array()) { parent::__construct($argv); $toolName = array_shift($argv); $this->locale = array_shift($argv); $this->translationFile = array_shift($argv); if (!preg_match('/^[a-z]{2}_[A-Z]{2}$/', $this->locale) || empty($this->translationFile) || !file_exists($this->translationFile)) { $this->usage(); exit(1); } }
/** * Constructor. * @param $argv array command-line arguments * If specified, the first parameter should be the input locale (default "en_US") * and the second parameter the output locale (default "te_ST") */ function genTestLocale($argv = array()) { parent::CommandLineTool($argv); if (count($this->argv) == 2) { $this->inLocale = $this->argv[0]; $this->outLocale = $this->argv[1]; } else { $this->inLocale = DEFAULT_IN_LOCALE; $this->outLocale = DEFAULT_OUT_LOCALE; } $this->replaceMap = array('a' => "å", 'A' => "Æ", 'c' => "ç", 'C' => "Ç", 'd' => "ð", 'D' => "Ð", 'e' => "è", 'E' => "É", 'i' => "î", 'I' => "Î", 'n' => "ñ", 'N' => "Ñ", 'o' => "ó", 'O' => "Ò", 's' => "þ", 'S' => "ß", 'u' => "ü", 'U' => "Ü", 'y' => "ý", 'Y' => "Ý", '&' => "&"); }
/** * Constructor. * @param $argv array command-line arguments */ function fixFilenames($argv = array()) { parent::CommandLineTool($argv); if (($arg = array_pop($this->argv)) == '--dry-run') { $this->dryrun = true; } elseif ($arg == '') { $this->dryrun = false; } else { $this->usage(); exit; } }
/** * Constructor. * @param $argv array command-line arguments */ function __construct($argv = array()) { parent::__construct($argv); if (($arg = array_pop($this->argv)) == '--dry-run') { $this->dryrun = true; } elseif ($arg == '') { $this->dryrun = false; } else { $this->usage(); exit; } }
function harvest($argv = array()) { parent::CommandLineTool($argv); array_shift($argv); // Clear the tool name from argv $this->firstParam = array_shift($argv); $archiveDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('ArchiveDAO'); if ($this->firstParam === 'all') { $this->archives =& $archiveDao->getArchives(); } else { $archive = $archiveDao->getArchive((int) $this->firstParam, false); if ($archive) { $archives = array($archive); import('lib.pkp.classes.core.ArrayItemIterator'); $this->archives = new ArrayItemIterator($archives); } else { $this->archives = null; // Invalid ID specified } } // Set the various flags for the parser, if supported. $this->params = array(); foreach ($argv as $arg) { switch ($arg) { case 'verbose': $this->params['callback'] = array(&$this, 'statusCallback'); break; case 'parallel': $this->params['parallel'] = true; break; default: if (($i = strpos($arg, '=')) !== false) { // Treat the parameter like a name=value pair $paramName = substr($arg, 0, $i); $paramValue = substr($arg, $i + 1); if (!isset($this->params[$paramName])) { $this->params[$paramName] = $paramValue; } else { if (is_array($this->params[$paramName])) { $this->params[$paramName][] = $paramValue; } else { $this->params[$paramName] = array($this->params[$paramName], $paramValue); } } } else { // Treat the parameter like a boolean. $this->params[$arg] = true; } break; } } }
/** * Constructor. * @param $argv array command-line arguments * If specified, the first parameter should be the path to * a tasks XML descriptor file (other than the default) */ function ScheduledTaskTool($argv = array()) { parent::CommandLineTool($argv); if (isset($this->argv[0])) { $this->file = $this->argv[0]; } else { $this->file = TASKS_REGISTRY_FILE; } if (!file_exists($this->file) || !is_readable($this->file)) { printf("Tasks file \"%s\" does not exist or is not readable!\n", $this->file); exit(1); } $this->taskDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('ScheduledTaskDAO'); }
/** * Constructor. * @param $argv array command-line arguments */ function buildCss($argv = array()) { parent::CommandLineTool($argv); array_shift($argv); // Flush the tool name from the argv list $this->force = false; while ($option = array_shift($argv)) { switch ($option) { case 'force': $this->force = true; break; default: $this->usage(); exit(-1); } } }
/** * Constructor. * @param $argv array command-line arguments */ function CopyAccessLogFileTool($argv = array()) { parent::CommandLineTool($argv); AppLocale::requireComponents(LOCALE_COMPONENT_OJS_ADMIN); if (count($this->argv) < 1 || count($this->argv) > 2) { $this->usage(); exit(1); } $plugin =& PluginRegistry::getPlugin('generic', 'usagestatsplugin'); /* @var $plugin UsageStatsPlugin */ $this->_usageStatsDir = $plugin->getFilesPath(); $this->_tmpDir = $this->_usageStatsDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'tmp'; // Get a list of files currently inside the usage stats dir. $fileLoaderDirs = array(FILE_LOADER_PATH_STAGING, FILE_LOADER_PATH_PROCESSING, FILE_LOADER_PATH_ARCHIVE, FILE_LOADER_PATH_REJECT); $usageStatsFiles = array(); foreach ($fileLoaderDirs as $dir) { $dirFiles = glob($this->_usageStatsDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*'); if (is_array($dirFiles) && count($dirFiles) > 0) { foreach ($dirFiles as $file) { if (!is_file($file)) { continue; } $fileBasename = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_BASENAME); if (pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == 'gz') { // Always save the filename without compression extension. $fileBasename = substr($fileBasename, 0, -3); } $usageStatsFiles[] = $fileBasename; } } } $this->_usageStatsFiles = $usageStatsFiles; // Get a list of journal paths. $journalDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('JournalDAO'); /* @var $journalDao JournalDAO */ $journalFactory = $journalDao->getJournals(); $journalPaths = array(); while ($journal =& $journalFactory->next()) { /* @var $journal Journal */ $journalPaths[] = escapeshellarg($journal->getPath()); } $journalPaths = implode('/|/', $journalPaths); $this->_journalPaths = $journalPaths; }
/** * Constructor. * @param $argv array command-line arguments * The first argument must be the file to check */ function MergeCoverageReportTool($argv = array()) { parent::CommandLineTool($argv); // Show the usage screen if explicitly requested or wrong // number of command line arguments. $wrongArgCount = count($this->argv) < 2 ? true : false; if ($wrongArgCount || $argv[0] == '-h') { $this->usage(); if ($wrongArgCount) { printf(PHP_EOL . 'Wrong number of arguments!' . PHP_EOL); exit(1); } else { exit(0); } } // Parse the command line arguments $this->script = array_shift($argv); $this->target = array_shift($argv); if (!is_dir($this->target)) { echo "Target directory {$this->target} dosn't exist" . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } if (!is_writable($this->target)) { echo "Target directory {$this->target} is not writable" . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } $this->coverageFiles = $argv; foreach ($this->coverageFiles as $file) { if (!is_readable($file)) { echo "Coverage file {$file} is not readable" . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } } // Verify that $phpunit is a file if (!($this->phpunit = exec('which phpunit') and is_readable($this->phpunit))) { echo 'Couldn\'t find phpunit in $PATH' . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } }
/** * Constructor. * @param $argv array command-line arguments * The first argument must be the file to check */ function PhpCompat($argv = array()) { parent::CommandLineTool($argv); // Show the usage screen if explicitly requested or wrong // number of command line arguments. $wrongArgCount = count($this->argv) != 1 ? true : false; if ($wrongArgCount || $argv[0] == '-h') { $this->usage(); if ($wrongArgCount) { printf("\nWrong number of arguments!", $this->input_file); exit(1); } else { exit(0); } } // Set the source file or directory to be parsed $this->input_file = $this->argv[0]; // Check whether the source exists if (!file_exists($this->input_file)) { printf("Invalid source \"%s\"!\n", $this->input_file); exit(1); } }
/** * Constructor. * @param $argv array command-line arguments (see usage) */ function importExport($argv = array()) { parent::CommandLineTool($argv); $this->command = array_shift($this->argv); $this->parameters = $this->argv; }
/** * Constructor * @param $argv array */ function __construct($argv) { parent::__construct($argv); }
/** * Constructor * @param $argv array */ function rebuildSearchIndex($argv) { parent::CommandLineTool($argv); }
/** * Constructor. * @param $argv array command-line arguments (see usage) */ function __construct($argv = array()) { parent::__construct($argv); $this->command = array_shift($this->argv); $this->parameters = $this->argv; }
/** * Constructor. * @param $argv array command-line arguments */ function installTool($argv = array()) { parent::CommandLineTool($argv); }
/** * Constructor. * @param $argv array command-line arguments */ function __construct($argv = array()) { parent::__construct($argv); }