Esempio n. 1
 function run()
     $config = $this->config;
     $context = $this->context;
     /* @var $context ExecutionContext */
     $write = function ($s) {
         echo $s;
     $writeln = function ($s) {
         $d = new \DateTime();
         echo $d->format(\DateTime::ISO8601) . ' ' . $s . "\n";
     $c = $color = new \Colors\Color();
     /* @var $c \Colors\Color */
     $writeln($c('Running agent `' . $this->name)->bold() . '`');
     // generate an array with handlers
     $writeln('Loading handlers');
     $handlers = [];
     $handlersDir = $config->handlers_dir;
     if ($handlersDir) {
         $finder = new \Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder();
         foreach ($finder->in($handlersDir)->name('*.php')->sortByName() as $file) {
             /* @var $file \SplFileInfo */
             $handlerId = $file->getBasename('.php');
             $handler = (include $file);
             $handlers[$handlerId] = $handler;
             $writeln('  setting up handler ' . $color($handlerId)->bold() . $color->yellow(' (in ' . $file . ')'));
             $eventName = SqsEvents::generateEventForAgentId(SqsEvents::EVENT_SQSAGENT_SQSMESSAGERECEIVED, $this->getId());
             $context->getEventDispatcher()->addListener($eventName, function (\T24\Event\SqsMessageReceivedEvent $event) use($write, $writeln, $color, $handler, $handlerId, $eventName) {
                 $writeln($color->bg('blue', $color->white('invoking handler ' . $handlerId . ' for event ' . $eventName)));
                 /* @var Callable $handler */
                 $result = $handler($event);
                 // write comments
                 $comments = $event->getComments();
                 foreach ($comments as $comment) {
                     $writeln($color('  comment: ')->yellow() . $comment);
                 $writeln('  - handler ' . $handlerId . ' had been invoked.');
                 if ($event->isPropagationStopped()) {
                     $writeln('  - ' . $color->red('the event was stopped from further propagation.'));
                 } else {
                     $writeln('  - the event was not stopped. proceed to next handler');
                 return $result;
         $writeln('Loaded ' . count($handlers) . '  handlers.');
     } else {
         $writeln('default handlers dir not specified, no handlers defined..');
     // @todo: get aws params.
     $region = '';
     $sqsQueueUrl = '';
     $sqs = SqsClient::factory(['region' => $config->aws_region, 'version' => '2012-11-05', 'credentials' => ['key' => $config->aws_key, 'secret' => $config->aws_secret]]);
     // start the process
     $ttl = (int) $config->ttl;
     $ttl = min($ttl, 300);
     $ttl = max($ttl, 5);
     $sleep = (int) $config->sleep;
     $sleep = min($sleep, $ttl - 5);
     $sleep = max($sleep, 0);
     $stopwatch = new \Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\Stopwatch();
     $b = $stopwatch->start('loop');
     while ($b->getDuration() < $ttl * 1000) {
         // get an sqs message from the queue
         $writeln($c('Polling Sqs for messages'));
         $result = $sqs->receiveMessage(['QueueUrl' => $config->sqs_queue_url, 'AttributeNames' => ['All'], 'MessageAttributeNames' => ['All'], 'MaxNumberOfMessages' => 1]);
         /* @var $result \Aws\Result */
         if (!$result['Messages'] || $result['Messages'] == 0) {
             $writeln($c('no messages found in sqs queue'));
         } else {
             $writeln($c(sprintf('%d message(s) retrieved from queue.', count($result['Messages']))));
             foreach ($result['Messages'] as $message) {
                 // set up an event that the message is received.
                 // the default subscriber will pass the event to the event handlers in the handlers dir
                 $event = new SqsMessageReceivedEvent($context, $message);
                 $context->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch(SqsEvents::EVENT_SQSAGENT_SQSMESSAGERECEIVED, $event);
                 $context->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch(SqsEvents::generateEventForAgentId(SqsEvents::EVENT_SQSAGENT_SQSMESSAGERECEIVED, $this->getId()), $event);
                 $context->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch(SqsEvents::EVENT_SQSAGENT_SQSMESSAGEHANDLED, $event2);
                 if ($event->isProcessed()) {
                     $context->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch(SqsEvents::EVENT_SQSAGENT_SQSMESSAGEPROCESSED, $event2);
                 if ($event->getRemoveFromQueue()) {
                     $writeln('  - the event handlers indicate the sqs message should  be removed from the queue.');
                     // remove from sqs
                     $sqsMessage = $event->getSqsMessage();
                     $removed = $sqs->deleteMessage(['QueueUrl' => $config->sqs_queue_url, 'ReceiptHandle' => $sqsMessage['ReceiptHandle']]);
                     $writeln('  - ' . ($removed ? $c->green('succesfully removed the message from SQS') : $c->red('failed to remove the message from SQS')));
                 } else {
                     $writeln('  - the event handlers indicate the sqs messageshould not be removed from the queue.');
         $writeln($color->cyan('sleeping for ' . $sleep . ' seconds'));
     // end stopwatch while loop
     $writeln('Stopped after ' . (int) ($b->getDuration() / 1000) . ' secs.');
     // send the finish event.
     $event = new \T24\Event\AgentEvent($context);
     $context->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch(SqsEvents::EVENT_SQSAGENT_FINISH, $event);
     $context->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch(SqsEvents::generateEventForAgentId(SqsEvents::EVENT_SQSAGENT_FINISH, $this->getId()), $event);
Esempio n. 2
    function __invoke($string = null)
        $obj = new Colors\Color($string);
        return $obj;
$c = new Kolor();
$c = new Colors\Color();
function color($string)
    return new Colors\Color($string);
echo color('Hello World!')->red()->white() . color("some other text 1 ")->green() . color("some other text 2 ")->blue() . color("some other text 3 ")->yellow() . color("some other text 4 ")->white() . PHP_EOL;
print "we r here \n";
print $c->red("this is red") . "\n";
print $c->bold($c->red("this is red and bold")) . "\n";
print $c("also this is red and bold")->red->bold . "\n";
$c("this is some text");
print "===============================================================\n";
$c("this is some text")->red();
print "===============================================================\n";
$c("different text");
print "===============================================================\n";
$c("different text")->blue();
print "===============================================================\n";
Esempio n. 3
  * @return string
 public function getHelp()
     $color = new \Colors\Color();
     $help = '';
     $isNamed = $this->type & self::TYPE_NAMED;
     if ($isNamed) {
         $help .= PHP_EOL . (mb_strlen($this->name, 'UTF-8') === 1 ? '-' : '--') . $this->name;
         if (!empty($this->aliases)) {
             foreach ($this->aliases as $alias) {
                 $help .= (mb_strlen($alias, 'UTF-8') === 1 ? '/-' : '/--') . $alias;
         if (!$this->isBoolean()) {
             $help .= ' ' . $color->underline('<argument>');
         $help .= PHP_EOL;
     } else {
         $help .= (empty($this->title) ? "arg {$this->name}" : $this->title) . PHP_EOL;
     // bold what has been displayed so far
     $help = $color->bold($help);
     $titleLine = '';
     if ($isNamed && $this->title) {
         $titleLine .= $this->title . '.';
         if ($this->isRequired()) {
             $titleLine .= ' ';
     if ($this->isRequired()) {
         $titleLine .= $color->red('Required.');
     if ($titleLine) {
         $titleLine .= ' ';
     $description = $titleLine . $this->description;
     if (!empty($description)) {
         $descriptionArray = explode(PHP_EOL, trim($description));
         foreach ($descriptionArray as $descriptionLine) {
             $help .= Terminal::wrap($descriptionLine, 5, 1) . PHP_EOL;
     return $help;