Esempio n. 1
 public function testPrepareCodes()
     $C = new Codes();
     $C->format = "ABC******";
     // 9 characters + ',' will be 10 chars
     $C->prefix = $C->setPrefix($C->format);
     $C->num_random_chars = strlen($C->format) - strlen($C->prefix);
     $C->fieldlength = 100;
     // sets fieldlength artifically low just for test usually 32768
     $num_codes = 101;
     $codes = $C->generateMany($num_codes);
     $code_length = strlen($codes[0]);
     $prep = $C->prepareCodesForInsert($codes);
     $c = ceil($num_codes * ($code_length + 1) / $C->fieldlength);
     //  	 echo "\n | first code : $codes[0] ";
     //  	 echo " | num_codes : $num_codes ";
     //  	 echo " | code_length : $code_length \n";
     // we expect the number of strings of codes to be 11
     $this->assertTrue(count($prep) == $c);
Esempio n. 2

require './codes.php';
// contains the DB credentials and connection
require_once './';
$mySforceConnection = new SforceEnterpriseClient();
$wsdl = './test.enterprise.wsdl.xml';
//$wsdl = './enterprise.wsdl.xml';
$mySforceConnection->login(USERNAME, PASSWORD . SECURITY_TOKEN);
$C = new Codes();
$codes = $C->generateMany($number_of_codes);
$prep = $C->prepareCodesForInsert($codes);
//	echo 'Prefix : ' .$C->prefix .'<br />';
//	echo '<pre>';
//	print_r($codes);
//	echo '</pre>';
/************************** INSERT DATA INTO SF **************************/
$records = array();
$i = 0;
foreach ($prep as $code) {
    $records[$i] = new stdclass();
    $records[$i]->Contract_Deal_Attribute__c = $cda;
    $records[$i]->Voucher_Code__c = $code;
$response = $mySforceConnection->create($records, 'External_Voucher_Code__c');