public function run() { Eloquent::unguard(); DB::table('clinics')->delete(); Clinic::create(['name' => 'Apollo', 'x_coord' => '12.45', 'y_coord' => '54.23', 'address' => 'Delhi', 'email' => 'apollo', 'description' => 'apollo']); Clinic::create(['name' => 'Fortis', 'x_coord' => '56.45', 'y_coord' => '32.23', 'address' => 'Noida', 'email' => 'fortis', 'description' => 'fortis']); }
public function store() { $data = array("first_name" => Input::get("first_name"), "last_name" => Input::get("last_name"), "email" => Input::get("email"), "username" => Input::get("username"), "phone" => Input::get("phone"), "picture" => Input::file("picture"), "password" => Input::get("password"), "password_confirmation" => Input::get("password_confirmation")); $rules = array("first_name" => 'required|min:1|max:255', "last_name" => 'required|min:1|max:100', "email" => 'required|email|unique:users', "username" => 'required|min:5|unique:users', "phone" => 'required|min:1|max:100', "picture" => 'mimes:jpeg,gif,png', 'password' => 'confirmed|min:6'); $messages = array('required' => 'El campo :attribute es obligatorio.', 'min' => 'El campo :attribute no puede tener menos de :min carácteres.', 'email' => 'El campo :attribute debe ser un email válido.', 'max' => 'El campo :attribute no puede tener más de :max carácteres.', 'numeric' => 'El campo :attribute debe contener solo numeros', 'mimes' => 'El formato de la imagen logo debe ser jpg, git, png', 'unique' => 'El :attribute ingresado ya esta siendo usaddo por otro usuario.', 'confirmed' => 'La confirmación del :attribute no coincide'); $validation = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules, $messages); //si la validación falla redirigimos al formulario de registro con los errores //y con los campos que nos habia llenado el usuario if ($validation->fails()) { return Redirect::to('/clinic/users/create')->withErrors($validation)->withInput(); } else { $user = new User(); $user->first_name = Input::get("first_name"); $user->last_name = Input::get("last_name"); $user->email = Input::get("email"); $user->username = Input::get("username"); $user->password = Input::get("password"); $user->activated = 1; $user->save(); $doctorUser = Sentry::getUserProvider()->findByLogin($user->email); $doctorsyGroup = Sentry::getGroupProvider()->findByName('Receptionist'); $doctorUser->addGroup($doctorsyGroup); $Receptionist = new UserReceptionist(); $Receptionist->user_id = $user->id; $Receptionist->clinic_id = Clinic::getClinicId(); if (Input::file('picture') != NULL) { //agrega imagen de logo $file_logo = Input::file('picture'); $ext = Input::file('picture')->getClientOriginalExtension(); $nameIMG = date('YmdHis'); $logo = $nameIMG . '.' . $ext; $logo = 'assets/doctor/images/profile_pic/profile_' . $logo; $file_logo->move("assets/doctor/images/profile_pic/", $logo); } $Receptionist->save(); if (!$logo) { $logo = ""; } $profile = new Profile(); $profile->user_id = $user->id; $profile->lang = Input::get("lang"); $profile->phone = Input::get("phone"); $profile->picture = $logo; $profile->save(); if ($profile) { return Redirect::to('/clinic/users/')->withFlash_message("Guardado Exitosamente"); } else { return Redirect::to('/clinic/users/create')->withErrors("Error")->withInput(); } } }
public function search() { $q = Input::get('q'); $doctors = Doctor::where('name', 'like', '%' . $q . '%')->get(); $result = []; foreach ($doctors as $doctor) { array_push($result, $doctor); } $clinics = Clinic::with('doctors.contacts', 'doctors.specializations')->where('name', 'like', $q . '%')->orWhere('address', 'like', $q . '%')->get(); foreach ($clinics as $clinic) { foreach ($clinic->doctors as $doctor) { $flag = false; foreach ($result as $d) { if ($d->id == $doctor->id) { $flag = true; break; } } if ($flag == false) { array_push($result, $doctor); } } } $specializations = Specialization::with('doctors.contacts', 'doctors.specializations')->where('detail', 'like', $q . '%')->get(); foreach ($specializations as $specialization) { foreach ($specialization->doctors as $doctor) { $flag = false; foreach ($result as $d) { if ($d->id == $doctor->id) { $flag = true; break; } } if ($flag == false) { array_push($result, $doctor); } } } return Response::data($result); }
public function getAgendas() { if (Payment::VeryPayment() == false) { return View::make('clinic.payment.renews-payment'); } $user = Sentry::getUser(); $clinic = Clinic::where('user_id', $user->id)->first(); $doctors = Doctor::where('clinic_id', $clinic->id)->get(); return View::make('clinic.Agendas.agenda', ['doctors' => $doctors]); }
public function edit($id) { if (Payment::VeryPayment() == false) { return View::make('clinic.payment.renews-payment'); } $user = Sentry::getUser(); $clinic = Clinic::where('user_id', $user->id)->first(); $doctor = Doctor::where('clinic_id', $clinic->id)->where('id', $id)->first(); $agenda = Agenda::where('doctor_id', $doctor->id)->first(); $esps = explode(',', $doctor->specialty_id); $espok = ''; $array = array(); foreach ($esps as $esp) { $very = Specialty::where('id', $esp)->first(); if ($very) { $array[] = array('value' => $very->id, 'text' => $very->name_es); } } $profile = Profile::where('user_id', $doctor->user_id)->first(); return View::make('clinic.doctors.edit', ['agenda' => $agenda, 'doctor' => $doctor, 'profile' => $profile, 'specialty' => $array]); }
/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { DB::table('users')->truncate(); DB::table('patients')->truncate(); DB::table('doctors')->truncate(); DB::table('clinics')->truncate(); Sentry::getUserProvider()->create(array('email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => '123', 'username' => 'diego10', 'first_name' => 'Diego', 'last_name' => 'Serras', 'activated' => 1)); $c1 = Sentry::getUserProvider()->create(array('email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => '123', 'username' => 'jose10', 'first_name' => 'Jose', 'last_name' => 'Gonzalez', 'activated' => 1)); $c1_ = new Clinic(); $c1_->user_id = $c1->id; $c1_->name = "Clinica Medica Raul Ortega"; $c1_->save(); $c2 = Sentry::getUserProvider()->create(array('email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => '123', 'username' => 'alber10', 'first_name' => 'Alberto', 'last_name' => 'Perdomo', 'activated' => 1)); $c2_ = new Clinic(); $c2_->user_id = $c2->id; $c2_->name = "Clinica Medica Jose Pineda"; $c2_->save(); $d1 = Sentry::getUserProvider()->create(array('email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => '123', 'username' => 'martha10', 'first_name' => 'Martha', 'last_name' => 'Mendoza', 'activated' => 1)); $d1_ = new Doctor(); $d1_->user_id = $d1->id; $d1_->clinic_id = $c2_->id; $d1_->save(); $d2 = Sentry::getUserProvider()->create(array('email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => '123', 'username' => 'jairo10', 'first_name' => 'Jairo', 'last_name' => 'Flores', 'activated' => 1)); $d2_ = new Doctor(); $d2_->user_id = $d2->id; $d2_->clinic_id = $c2_->id; $d2_->save(); $d3 = Sentry::getUserProvider()->create(array('email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => '123', 'username' => 'gabriela10', 'first_name' => 'Gabriela', 'last_name' => 'del Cid', 'activated' => 1)); $d3_ = new Doctor(); $d3_->user_id = $d3->id; $d3_->clinic_id = $c2_->id; $d3_->save(); $d4 = Sentry::getUserProvider()->create(array('email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => '123', 'username' => 'keiry10', 'first_name' => 'Keiry', 'last_name' => 'Rivas', 'activated' => 1)); $d4_ = new Doctor(); $d4_->user_id = $d4->id; $d4_->save(); $d5 = Sentry::getUserProvider()->create(array('email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => '123', 'username' => 'mabel10', 'first_name' => 'Mabel', 'last_name' => 'Mendoza', 'activated' => 1)); $d5_ = new Doctor(); $d5_->user_id = $d5->id; $d5_->save(); $p1 = Sentry::getUserProvider()->create(array('email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => '123', 'username' => 'John10', 'first_name' => 'Jonh', 'last_name' => 'Smith', 'activated' => 1)); $p1_ = new Patient(); $p1_->user_id = $p1->id; $p1_->save(); $p2 = Sentry::getUserProvider()->create(array('email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => '123', 'username' => 'Orlando10', 'first_name' => 'Orlando', 'last_name' => 'Arias', 'activated' => 1)); $p2_ = new Patient(); $p2_->user_id = $p2->id; $p2_->main = $p1_->id; $p2_->relationship = 'son'; $p2_->save(); $p3 = Sentry::getUserProvider()->create(array('email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => '123', 'username' => 'Alejandra10', 'first_name' => 'Alejandra', 'last_name' => 'Cerna', 'activated' => 1)); $p3_ = new Patient(); $p3_->user_id = $p3->id; $p3_->main = $p1_->id; $p3_->relationship = 'daughter'; $p3_->save(); $p4 = Sentry::getUserProvider()->create(array('email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => '123', 'username' => 'Maria10', 'first_name' => 'Maria', 'last_name' => 'Polio', 'activated' => 1)); $p4_ = new Patient(); $p4_->user_id = $p4->id; $p3_->main = $p1_->id; $p3_->relationship = 'wife'; $p4_->save(); $p5 = Sentry::getUserProvider()->create(array('email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => '123', 'username' => 'Rodrigo10', 'first_name' => 'Rodrigo', 'last_name' => 'Jandres', 'activated' => 1)); $p5_ = new Patient(); $p5_->user_id = $p5->id; $p5_->save(); }
public function run() { Clinic::where('id', 1)->delete(); Clinic::create(['id' => '1', 'name' => 'EMR Clinic', 'address' => 'DHA Lahore']); }
public function index() { $clinics = Clinic::all(); return Response::data($clinics); }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * DELETE /clinics/{id} * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function destroy($id) { Clinic::destroy($id); return Redirect::route('clinics.index'); }
public static function getClinicId() { $user = Sentry::getUser(); $clinic = Clinic::where('user_id', $user->id)->first(); return $clinic->id; }
/** * Draw page text */ public function DrawText() { global $objLogin; $objGallery = new GalleryAlbums(); $objContactUs = ContactUs::Instance(); $replace_needles = 1; $module_page = false; if (!count($this->page)) { return false; } // dont show this page if it was expired if (!$objLogin->IsLoggedInAsAdmin() && $this->page['finish_publishing'] != '0000-00-00' && date('Y-m-d') > $this->page['finish_publishing']) { draw_important_message(_PAGE_EXPIRED); return false; } if ($this->page['content_type'] == 'article' && isset($this->page['page_text'])) { $page_text = decode_text($this->page['page_text'], false); echo '<div class="pages_contents">'; if (preg_match('/{module:gallery}/i', $page_text)) { $module_page = true; $page_text = @preg_replace('/{module:gallery}/i', $objGallery->DrawGallery(false), $page_text, 1); } if (preg_match_all('/{module:album=(.*?)}/i', $page_text, $matches)) { $module_page = true; if (is_array($matches[1])) { foreach ($matches[1] as $key => $val) { if (strtolower($val) != 'code') { $val = @preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9:]/i', '', $val); $page_text = @preg_replace('/{module:album=' . $val . '}/i', $objGallery->DrawAlbum($val, false), $page_text, 1); } } } } if (self::$PROJECT == 'MedicalAppointment') { if (preg_match('/{module:about_us}/i', $page_text)) { $module_page = true; $page_text = @preg_replace('/{module:about_us}/i', Clinic::DrawAboutUs(false), $page_text, 1); } } if (self::$PROJECT == 'HotelSite') { if (preg_match('/{module:about_us}/i', $page_text)) { $module_page = true; $page_text = @preg_replace('/{module:about_us}/i', Hotels::DrawAboutUs(false), $page_text, 1); } if (preg_match('/{module:rooms}/i', $page_text)) { $module_page = true; $page_text = @preg_replace('/{module:rooms}/i', Rooms::DrawRoomsInfo(false), $page_text, 1); } if (preg_match('/{module:testimonials}/i', $page_text)) { $module_page = true; $page_text = @preg_replace('/{module:testimonials}/i', Testimonials::DrawTestimonails(false), $page_text, 1); } } if (preg_match('/{module:contact_us}/i', $page_text)) { $module_page = true; $page_text = @preg_replace('/{module:contact_us}/i', $objContactUs->DrawContactUsForm(false), $page_text, 1); } if (preg_match('/{module:faq}/i', $page_text)) { $module_page = true; $page_text = @preg_replace('/{module:faq}/i', FaqCategories::DrawFaqList(false), $page_text, 1); } if (function_exists('get_magic_quotes_gpc') && get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $page_text = stripslashes($page_text); } if ($this->page['is_home']) { if (self::$PROJECT == 'HotelSite') { Campaigns::DrawCampaignBanner('standard'); Campaigns::DrawCampaignBanner('global'); } } //echo $page_text; //echo "<hr>"; // draw all needed blocks for Home page if ($this->page['is_home']) { if (self::$PROJECT == 'BusinessDirectory') { if (ModulesSettings::Get('listings', 'show_categories_home_block') == 'yes') { Categories::DrawHomePageBlock(); } } else { if (self::$PROJECT == 'ShoppingCart') { if (ModulesSettings::Get('products_catalog', 'is_active') == 'yes') { Campaigns::DrawCampaignBanner(); if (ModulesSettings::Get('products_catalog', 'show_featured_block') == 'home page') { Products::DrawFeaturedBlock('home'); } if (ModulesSettings::Get('products_catalog', 'show_new_products_block') == 'home page') { Products::DrawNewProductsBlock(); } Categories::DrawHomePageBlock(); } } } } // draw comments form if (!$this->page['is_home'] && !$module_page) { if (Modules::IsModuleInstalled('comments')) { if (ModulesSettings::Get('comments', 'comments_allow') == 'yes' && $this->page['comments_allowed']) { $objComments = new Comments(); $objComments->DrawArticleComments($this->page['id']); } } } echo '</div>'; } else { if ($this->page['content_type'] == 'link' && isset($this->page['link_url'])) { $link_url = decode_text($this->page['link_url']); echo '<div class="pages_contents">'; echo '<a href="' . $link_url . '">' . $link_url . '</a>'; echo '</div>'; } } }
loadLib('payment'); loadLib('clinic'); //loadJS('payment.js','payment'); //loadCSS('payment.css','payment'); switch (getVar('task')) { case 'add_payment': //check if the user has rights to add a payment if (current_user_can('add_payment')) { Payment::addPayment(getVar('patient_id'), getVar('clinic'), getVar('practitioner_id'), getVar('description'), getVar('amount')); error_log("Adding the payment", 0); setResponse('Payment Registered... !!'); } break; case 'get_clinics': //get the clinics to use in the payment echo $clinics = json_encode(Clinic::getClinics()); break; case 'get_fees': echo $fees = json_encode(Payment::getFees()); break; case 'get_users': echo $users = json_encode(get_users('role=practitioner')); break; } switch (getView()) { case 'list': //get all the payments from the clinics $payments = Payment::getAllPayments(); //set the backLink //$backLink = "index.php?com=patient&view=patient&patient_id=" . $patient_id; include 'views/list.php';