Esempio n. 1
 public function assignToUser($pid, $uid, $filters = [])
     $result = $this->client->post("/gdc/md/{$pid}/userfilters", ['userFilters' => ['items' => [["user" => Users::getUriFromUid($uid), "userFilters" => $filters]]]]);
     if (!isset($result['userFiltersUpdateResult']['successful']) || !count($result['userFiltersUpdateResult']['successful'])) {
         throw Exception::unexpectedResponseError('Assign filters to user failed', 'POST', "/gdc/md/{$pid}/userfilters", $result);
Esempio n. 2
 private function getToken()
     if (!$this->token) {
         $response = $this->client->post('tokens', '', json_encode(array("username" => $this->username, "password" => $this->password)))->send();
         $this->token = $response->json();
     return $this->token;
Esempio n. 3
 public function createUser($login, $password, $domain, array $options = [])
     $result = $this->client->post("/gdc/account/domains/{$domain}/users", ['accountSetting' => array_merge(['login' => strtolower($login), 'email' => strtolower($login), 'password' => $password, 'verifyPassword' => $password], $options)]);
     if (isset($result['uri'])) {
         return self::getUidFromUri($result['uri']);
     } else {
         throw Exception::unexpectedResponseError('Create user failed', 'POST', "/gdc/account/domains/{$domain}/users", $result);
Esempio n. 4
 public function schedule($to, $txt, $date)
     $client = new Client($this->user, $this->token);
     $data = array("destinations" => $to, "text" => $txt, "scheduleDate" => $date);
     $response = $client->post('messages', $data);
     return $response->scheduleId;
Esempio n. 5
 public function send($to, $txt)
     $client = new Client($this->user, $this->token);
     $data = array("destinations" => $to, "text" => $txt);
     $response = $client->post('messages', $data);
     return $response->deliveryToken;
Esempio n. 6
 public function testPost()
     $client = new Client('', '', false);
     $email = array('FromName' => 'Mailjet PHP test', 'FromEmail' => '*****@*****.**', 'Text-Part' => 'Simple Email test', 'Subject' => 'PHPunit', 'Html-Part' => '<h3>Simple Email Test</h3>', 'Recipients' => array(array('Email' => '*****@*****.**')), 'MJ-custom-ID' => 'Hello ID');
     $ret = $client->post(Resources::$Email, array('body' => $email));
     $this->assertUrl('/send', $ret);
     $this->assertPayload($email, $ret);
 public function testPost()
     $client = new Client('', '', false);
     $email = ['FromName' => 'Mailjet PHP test', 'FromEmail' => '*****@*****.**', 'Text-Part' => 'Simple Email test', 'Subject' => 'PHPunit', 'Html-Part' => '<h3>Simple Email Test</h3>', 'Recipients' => [['Email' => '*****@*****.**']], 'MJ-custom-ID' => 'Hello ID'];
     $ret = $client->post(Resources::$Email, ['body' => $email]);
     $this->assertUrl('/send', $ret);
     $this->assertPayload($email, $ret);
Esempio n. 8
  * Perform a POST request, get a decoded JSON response.
  * Internally verifies an Ed25519 signature.
  * @param string $url
  * @param SignaturePublicKey $publicKey
  * @param array $params
  * @return mixed
 public function postSignedJSON(string $url, SignaturePublicKey $publicKey, array $params = [])
     $response = $this->client->post($url, $this->params($params, $url));
     if ($response instanceof Response) {
         return $this->parseSignedJSON($response, $publicKey);
     return null;
Esempio n. 9
 public function create($options = [])
     $data = Client::post(static::endpoint(), $this->payload(), $options);
     if (count($data) > 0) {
         $data = json_decode($data, true);
     return $this->parse($data);
Esempio n. 10
 public static function getRefreshToken($code)
     $endpoint = '';
     $params = array('client_secret' => $_ENV['STRIPE_SECRET_KEY'], 'code' => $code, 'grant_type' => 'authorization_code');
     $url = self::makeurl($endpoint, $params);
     $client = new Client();
     $returned_object = $client->post($endpoint, ['body' => $params])->json();
     return $returned_object;
Esempio n. 11
 public function diff($pid, $model)
     $uri = "/gdc/projects/{$pid}/model/diff?includeDeprecated=true&includeGrain=true";
     $result = $this->client->post($uri, ['diffRequest' => ['targetModel' => $model]]);
     if (isset($result['asyncTask']['link']['poll'])) {
         $try = 1;
         do {
             sleep(10 * $try);
             $taskResponse = $this->client->get($result['asyncTask']['link']['poll']);
             if (!isset($taskResponse['asyncTask']['link']['poll'])) {
                 if (isset($taskResponse['projectModelDiff']['updateScripts'])) {
                     $lessDestructive = [];
                     $moreDestructive = [];
                     // Preserve data if possible
                     foreach ($taskResponse['projectModelDiff']['updateScripts'] as $updateScript) {
                         if ($updateScript['updateScript']['preserveData'] && !$updateScript['updateScript']['cascadeDrops']) {
                             $lessDestructive = $updateScript['updateScript']['maqlDdlChunks'];
                         if (!count($lessDestructive) && !$updateScript['updateScript']['preserveData'] && !$updateScript['updateScript']['cascadeDrops']) {
                             $lessDestructive = $updateScript['updateScript']['maqlDdlChunks'];
                         if (!$updateScript['updateScript']['preserveData'] && $updateScript['updateScript']['cascadeDrops']) {
                             $moreDestructive = $updateScript['updateScript']['maqlDdlChunks'];
                         if (!count($moreDestructive) && $updateScript['updateScript']['preserveData'] && $updateScript['updateScript']['cascadeDrops']) {
                             $moreDestructive = $updateScript['updateScript']['maqlDdlChunks'];
                     $description = [];
                     foreach ($taskResponse['projectModelDiff']['updateOperations'] as $o) {
                         $description[] = vsprintf($o['updateOperation']['description'], $o['updateOperation']['parameters']);
                     return ['moreDestructiveMaql' => $moreDestructive, 'lessDestructiveMaql' => $lessDestructive, 'description' => $description];
                 } else {
                     throw Exception::unexpectedResponseError('Polling of Model diff could not be finished', 'GET', $result['asyncTask']['link']['poll'], $taskResponse);
         } while (true);
     } else {
         throw Exception::unexpectedResponseError('Polling of Model diff could not be started', 'POST', $uri, $result);
     return false;
Esempio n. 12
 public function disableUser($uid, $pid)
     try {
         $result = $this->client->get("/gdc/projects/{$pid}/users/{$uid}");
         $this->client->post("/gdc/projects/{$pid}/users", ['user' => ['content' => ['status' => 'DISABLED', 'userRoles' => $result['user']['content']['userRoles']], 'links' => ['self' => $result['user']['links']['self']]]]);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         if ($e->getCode() != 404) {
             throw $e;
Esempio n. 13
 public function testPOST()
     // create our http client (Guzzle)
     $client = new Client('http://localhost:8000', array('request.options' => array('exceptions' => false)));
     $nickname = 'ObjectOrienter' . rand(0, 999);
     $data = array('nickname' => $nickname, 'avatarNumber' => 5, 'tagLine' => 'a test dev!');
     $request = $client->post('/api/programmers', null, json_encode($data));
     $response = $request->send();
     $this->assertEquals(201, $response->getStatusCode());
     $data = json_decode($response->getBody(true), true);
     $this->assertArrayHasKey('nickname', $data);
Esempio n. 14
 public function loadData($pid, $dirName)
     $uri = "/gdc/md/{$pid}/etl/pull2";
     $result = $this->client->post($uri, ['pullIntegration' => $dirName]);
     if (isset($result['pull2Task']['links']['poll'])) {
         $try = 1;
         do {
             sleep(10 * $try);
             $taskResponse = $this->client->get($result['pull2Task']['links']['poll']);
             if (!isset($taskResponse['wTaskStatus']['status'])) {
                 throw Exception::unexpectedResponseError('ETL task could not be checked', 'GET', $result['pull2Task']['links']['poll'], $taskResponse);
         } while ($taskResponse['wTaskStatus']['status'] == 'RUNNING');
         if ($taskResponse['wTaskStatus']['status'] == 'ERROR') {
             $errors = [];
             if (isset($taskResponse['messages'])) {
                 foreach ($taskResponse['messages'] as $m) {
                     if (isset($m['error'])) {
                         $errors[] = Exception::parseMessage($m['error']);
             if (isset($taskResponse['wTaskStatus']['messages'])) {
                 foreach ($taskResponse['wTaskStatus']['messages'] as $m) {
                     if (isset($m['error'])) {
                         $errors[] = Exception::parseMessage($m['error']);
             throw new Exception($errors);
         return isset($taskResponse['messages']) ? $taskResponse['messages'] : [];
     } else {
         throw Exception::unexpectedResponseError('ETL task failed', 'POST', $uri, $result);
Esempio n. 15
  * Send notification to LeanCloud
  * @return array
 public function send()
     $out = $this->encode();
     $resp = Client::post("/push", $out);
     return $resp;
Esempio n. 16
  * Add a new comment to the issue
  * @param Comment $comment
  * @return array
 public function addComment($comment)
     return $this->client->post(sprintf('projects/%d/issues/%d/comments', $this->projectId, $this->id), $comment->toArray());
 public function queryApp($appID)
     if (isset($appID)) {
         $this->Progress->determineApp($appID, true, null, false, true, false);
         if ($results->done != 1) {
             // Application is incomplete for one of four reasons 1: Missing an Application, 2: Number of Cubs doesn't match, 3: Number of Leaders doesn't match, 4: Payment is incomplete.
             $issues = [];
             $issueKeys = [];
             // Check 1 - does it have an invoice
             if ($results->invDone != 1 && $results->invCount != 1) {
                 arraypush($issues, 'An invoice has not been generated.');
                 arraypush($issueKeys, 0);
             // Check 2 - does it have the right number of Cubs
             if ($results->cubsDone != 1 || $results->invCubs != $results->attCubs) {
                 arraypush($issues, 'There are Cubs names missing or some that have not been cancelled on the invoice.');
                 arraypush($issueKeys, 1);
                 arraypush($issues, 'There are more Cubs names on the application than invoiced for.');
                 arraypush($issueKeys, 2);
             // Check 3 - does it have the right number of Leaders & YLs
             if ($results->cubsNotDone != 1 || $results->invNotCubs != $results->attNotCubs) {
                 arraypush($issues, 'There are Young Leaders names missing or some that have not been cancelled on the invoice.');
                 arraypush($issueKeys, 3);
                 arraypush($issues, 'There are more Young Leaders names on the application than invoiced for.');
                 arraypush($issueKeys, 4);
                 arraypush($issues, 'There are Leaders names missing or some that have not been cancelled on the invoice.');
                 arraypush($issueKeys, 5);
                 arraypush($issues, 'There are more Leaders names on the application than invoiced for.');
                 arraypush($issueKeys, 6);
             // Check 4 - is it all paid up
             if ($results->payDone != 1 && $sumValues != $sumPayments) {
                 arraypush($issues, 'Payment is Outstanding');
                 arraypush($issueKeys, 7);
             $notification = $this->Notifications->newEntity();
             $notification = $this->Notifications->patchEntity($notification, $invoiceData);
             if ($this->Notifications->save($notification)) {
                 $notificationId = $notification->get('id');
                 $noteData = ['note_text' => 'A Balance Outstanding Prompt Email was Sent with Notification id #' . $notificationId, 'visible' => false, 'user_id' => $user->id, 'invoice_id' => $invoice->id, 'application_id' => $app->id];
                 $note = $notes->newEntity();
                 $note = $notes->patchEntity($note, $noteData);
                 if ($notes->save($note)) {
                     $this->Flash->success(__('Outstanding Balance Prompt Sent.'));
                     $this->getMailer('Payment')->send('outstanding', [$user, $group, $notification, $invoice, $app]);
                     $sets = TableRegistry::get('Settings');
                     $jsonInvoice = json_encode($invoiceData);
                     $pApiKey = $sets->get(13)->text;
                     $projectId = $sets->get(14)->text;
                     $eventType = 'OutstandingPayment';
                     $keenURL = '' . $projectId . '/events/' . $eventType . '?api_key=' . $pApiKey;
                     $http = new Client();
                     $response = $http->post($keenURL, $jsonInvoice, ['type' => 'json']);
                     $genericType = 'Notification';
                     $keenGenURL = '' . $projectId . '/events/' . $genericType . '?api_key=' . $pApiKey;
                     $http = new Client();
                     $response = $http->post($keenGenURL, $jsonInvoice, ['type' => 'json']);
                     return $this->redirect(['controller' => 'Invoices', 'action' => 'view', 'prefix' => 'admin', $invoiceId]);
                 } else {
                     $this->Flash->error(__('The note could not be saved. Please, try again.'));
Esempio n. 18
 public function export($pid, $uri)
     $result = $this->client->post("/gdc/app/projects/{$pid}/execute/raw/", ["report_req" => ["reportDefinition" => $uri]]);
     return $result['uri'];
Esempio n. 19
 public static function create($amount, $description, $currency = "SAR")
     $data = [self::AMOUNT => $amount, self::DESCRIPTION => $description, self::CURRENCY => $currency];
     return json_decode(Client::post("", $data));
Esempio n. 20
  * Create a new release build for the project
  * @param ReleaseBuild $releaseBuild
  * @return array
 public function createReleaseBuild($releaseBuild)
     return $this->client->post(sprintf('projects/%d/release_builds', $this->id), $releaseBuild->toArray());
Esempio n. 21
  * Call any path, POST method.
  * @param string $path           the path
  * @param array  $parameters     POST parameters
  * @param array  $requestOptions reconfigure the request
  * @return array
 protected function post($path, array $parameters = array(), array $requestOptions = array())
     return $this->client->post($path, $parameters, $requestOptions);
Esempio n. 22
  * Verify SMS code
  * @param string $phoneNumber
  * @param string $smsCode
 public static function verifySmsCode($phoneNumber, $smsCode)
     Client::post("/verifySmsCode/{$smsCode}?mobilePhoneNumber={$phoneNumber}", null);
Esempio n. 23
  * @param string $code
  * @return mixed
 public function getToken($code)
     return $this->client->post('/oauth2/token', array('client_id' => $this->clientId, 'redirect_uri' => $this->redirectUrl, 'client_secret' => $this->clientSecret, 'code' => $code, 'grant_type' => 'authorization_code'));
Esempio n. 24
  * Get auth token
  * @param $redirect
  * @param $code
  * @return StreamInterface
 public function token(string $redirect, string $code) : StreamInterface
     $response = $this->client->post('https://' . $this->region . '', ['form_params' => ['redirect_uri' => $redirect, 'scope' => $this->scopes, 'grant_type' => 'authorization_code', 'code' => $code], 'auth' => [$this->apiKey, $this->apiSecret]]);
     return $response->getBody();
Esempio n. 25
 public static function refund($id, $amount = 0)
     $data = [self::AMOUNT => $amount];
     return json_decode(Client::post("{$id}/refund", $data));
Esempio n. 26
 public function testNestedData()
     $client = new Client($this->testUrl);
     $data = array('username' => 'my_username', 'info' => array('name' => 'my_name', 'mail' => 'my_email', 'profile' => array('twitter' => 'my_twitter', 'github' => 'my_github')));
     $this->assertEquals($data, json_decode($client->post($data), JSON_OBJECT_AS_ARRAY)['post']);
Esempio n. 27
 public function get_access_token()
     $app_client_values = array('Email' => $this->client_email, 'ApiKey' => $this->api_key);
     $access_data = Client::post("Security", $app_client_values);
     return $access_data['Response']['TokenId'];
Esempio n. 28
  * @param string $path
  * @param array  $params
  * @return mixed
 public function post($path, array $params = array())
     return $this->client->post($this->preparePath($path), $params);
Esempio n. 29
 public function testPostClient()
     Client::relateIQ(GlobalVar::KEY, GlobalVar::SECRET);
     $this->assertEquals("", Client::endpoint());
     Client::headers(["Content-type" => "application/json", "Accept" => "application/json"]);
     $this->assertEquals(["Content-type" => "application/json", "Accept" => "application/json"], Client::headers());
     $data = ['name' => 'Account1'];
     $this->assertEquals(200, Client::post('', $data, [])->code);