public function __construct() { $this->beforeFilter(function () { if (Request::format() == 'html') { if (!Auth::check()) { return Redirect::to('/login'); } else { $this->user_id = Auth::user()->id; $this->zipcode = Session::get('zipcode'); $this->store_id = Session::get('store_id'); $this->city = City::where('zipcode', $this->zipcode)->first(); $this->stores = DB::table('stores')->leftJoin('store_locations', '', '=', 'store_locations.store_id')->where('store_locations.zipcode', $this->zipcode)->get(); $this->departments = Department::where('store_id', $this->store_id)->get(); $this->store = Store::find($this->store_id); $this->cart_id = Session::get('cart_id'); // Initialize cart id as well } } else { $this->user_id = Input::get('user_id'); $token = Input::get('token'); if (User::where('token', '=', $token)->where('id', $this->user_id)->count() == 0) { $response_array = array('success' => 'false', 'error_code' => '400', 'error' => 'Invalid Token'); $response_code = 200; $response = Response::json($response_array, $response_code); return $response; } } }, array('except' => array('login', 'action', 'view_faq', 'sendMail', 'contact', 'verify', 'sendMail', 'save', 'register', 'zipcode', 'social', 'forgot_password', 'shopper_signup', 'shopper_login', 'become_member', 'ApplyHere'))); }
public function index() { // init $data = array(); // set offset & limit $limit = 8; $page = Input::has('page') ? Input::get('page') : 1; $offset = ($page - 1) * $limit; // get all categories $data['categories'] = EventCategory::where('status', '=', 1)->get(); // get all cities $data['cities'] = City::where('status', '=', 1)->orderBy('name', 'asc')->get(); // get input $input = Input::all(); // get social actions $events = Events::with(array('city', 'category'))->where('status', '!=', 0); if (Input::has('q')) { // keyword $input['q'] = trim($input['q']); $events = $events->where('name', 'like', '%' . $input['q'] . '%'); } if (Input::has('category') and Input::get('category') != 'all') { // category $events = $events->where('event_category_id', '=', $input['category']); } if (Input::has('city') and Input::get('city') != 'all') { // city $events = $events->where('city_id', '=', $input['city']); } $data['events'] = $events->orderBy('ended_at', 'desc')->paginate($limit); // set input $data['input'] = $input; return View::make('bagikasih.event.index', $data); }
public function __construct() { $this->beforeFilter(function () { if (Request::format() == 'html') { if (!Auth::check()) { return Redirect::to('/login'); } else { $this->user_id = Auth::user()->id; $this->zipcode = Session::get('zipcode'); $this->store_id = Session::get('store_id'); $this->cart_id = Session::get('cart_id'); $lists = Lists::where('owner_id', $this->user_id)->get(); Session::put('lists', $lists); $this->city = City::where('zipcode', $this->zipcode)->first(); $this->stores = DB::table('stores')->leftJoin('store_locations', '', '=', 'store_locations.store_id')->where('store_locations.zipcode', $this->zipcode)->select('stores.*')->get(); $this->departments = Department::where('store_id', $this->store_id)->get(); $this->store = Store::find($this->store_id); } } else { $this->user_id = Input::get('user_id'); $token = Input::get('token'); if ($user = User::where('token', '=', $token)->where('id', '=', $this->user_id)->first()) { $this->zipcode = $user->zipcode; } else { $response_array = array('success' => 'false', 'error_code' => '400', 'error' => 'Invalid Token'); $response_code = 200; $response = Response::json($response_array, $response_code); return $response; } } }, array('except' => array())); }
protected static function boot() { parent::boot(); static::creating(function ($model) { $data = array('district_id' => $model->district_id, 'name' => $model->name); $rules = array('district_id' => 'required|integer|min:1|max:300000', 'name' => 'required|min:3|max:50'); $validator = Validator::make($data, $rules); if ($validator->fails()) { throw new ValidationException(null, null, null, $validator->messages()); } else { return $model->validate(); } }); static::updating(function ($model) { $data = array('district_id' => $model->district_id, 'name' => $model->name); $rules = array('district_id' => 'required|integer|min:1|max:300000', 'name' => 'required|min:3|max:50'); $validator = Validator::make($data, $rules); if ($validator->fails()) { throw new ValidationException(null, null, null, $validator->messages()); } else { return true; } }); static::deleting(function ($model) { $cities = City::where('municipality_id', '=', $model->id)->get(); foreach ($cities as $city) { $city = City::find($city->id)->delete(); } return true; }); }
public function index() { $schools = School::all(); $states = State::all(); $cities = City::where('state_id', '=', 25)->get(); $menu = 'data'; return View::make('schools.index', compact('schools', 'states', 'cities', 'menu')); }
/** * undocumented function * * @return void * @author **/ public static function isExist($id) { $count = City::where('country_id', $id)->count(); if ($count > 0) { return true; } return false; }
public function postGetCities() { $country_id = Input::get('country_id'); $cities = City::where('country_id', '=', $country_id)->get(); $data_string = "<option value='0'>All</option>"; foreach ($cities as $item) { $data_string .= "<option value='{$item->id}'>{$item->city}</option>"; } return $data_string; }
/** * Get all related data to a servidor publico */ public function getServidorProfile($json = true, $servidor_id = false, $viajes = true) { if ($servidor_id == false && isset(Auth::user()->servidor_id)) { $servidorId = Auth::user()->servidor_id; $userId = Auth::user()->id; } else { $servidorId = $servidor_id != false ? $servidor_id : Auth::user()->servidor_id; $user = User::where('servidor_id', '=', $servidor_id)->first(); $userId = $user['id']; } if (isset($servidorId) && $servidorId > 0) { $contact = Servidor::find($servidorId); //->first(); $puesto = Servidor::find($servidorId)->puesto; $puesto->remuneracion = Remuneracion::where('id', '=', $puesto->remuneracion_id)->get()->first(); $cargo = Servidor::find($servidorId)->cargo; $unidadAdministrativa = $contact->unidadAdministrativa; $numberOfViajes = Viaje::where('servidor_id', '=', $servidorId)->get()->count(); if ($viajes == true) { $viajes = Viaje::where('servidor_id', '=', $servidorId)->get(); $viajeArray = array(); foreach ($viajes as $viaje) { $viajeFinal = $viaje; $viajeFinal->tema = $viaje->tema; $viajeFinal->eventos = $viaje->eventos; foreach ($viajeFinal->eventos as $k => $evento) { $viajeFinal->eventos[$k]->pasajes = $evento->pasajes; foreach ($evento->pasajes as $l => $pasaje) { $pasaje->ciudad_origen = City::where('id', '=', $pasaje->ciudad_origen_id)->first(); $pasaje->ciudad_destino = City::where('id', '=', $pasaje->ciudad_destino_id)->first(); $viajeFinal->eventos[$k]->pasajes[$l]->ciudad_origen = $pasaje->ciudad_origen; $viajeFinal->eventos[$k]->pasajes[$l]->ciudad_destino = $pasaje->ciudad_destino; } $viajeFinal->eventos[$k]->viatico = Viatico::where('id', '=', $evento->viatico_id)->first(); } $viajeFinal->tipoComision = $viaje->tipoComision; $viajeFinal->mecanismoOrigen = $viaje->mecanismoOrigen; $viajeFinal->instGenera = $viaje->instGenera; $viajeArray[] = $viajeFinal; } } else { $viajeArray = array(); } $response = array('status' => 'success', 'servidor' => array('contact' => $contact, 'puesto' => $puesto, 'cargo' => $cargo, 'unidadAdministrativa' => $unidadAdministrativa, 'numberOfViajes' => $numberOfViajes, 'viajes' => $viajeArray)); } else { $response = array('status' => 'fail', 'message' => 'Tu perfil como servidor aún no ha sido de alta.'); } if ($json == true) { //regresamos respuesta en json return Response::json($response); } else { return $response; } }
public function getCity($id = NULL) { if (Request::ajax()) { $req = Request::all(); $data = City::where('id_province', '=', $req['provinsi'])->get(); $option = ''; foreach ($data as $row) { $option = $option . '<option value="' . $row->id . '">' . $row->name . '</option>'; } print_r($option); } }
/** * Show the form for editing the specified outlet. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function edit($outlet) { $countries = Country::lists('country', 'id'); $cities = City::where('country_id', Country::DEFAULT_COUNTRY)->lists('city', 'id'); $retailers = Retailer::owner()->lists('name', 'id'); $addresses = Address::select(array('', 'addresses.address'))->lists('address', 'id'); $images = Picture::getByRefId($outlet->id, 'outlet'); if ($outlet->status == 'active') { $title = Lang::get('site/outlets/title.outlet_update'); } else { $title = Lang::get('site/outlets/title.create_a_new_outlet'); } return View::make('site.outlets.edit', compact('countries', 'cities', 'outlet', 'title', 'retailers', 'addresses'))->nest('imageForm', 'site.partials.image.create', ['refId' => $outlet->id, 'type' => 'outlet', 'images' => $images]); }
/** * Update the specified outlet in storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function update($id) { $retailer = Retailer::findOrFail($id); $validator = Validator::make($data = Input::all(), Retailer::$rules); if ($validator->fails()) { return Redirect::back()->withErrors($validator)->withInput(); } $retailer->update($data); $countries = Country::lists('country', 'id'); $cities = City::where('country_id', $retailer->country_id)->lists('city', 'id'); $addresses = Address::where('city_id', $retailer->city_id)->lists('address', 'id'); $cats = BusinessCategory::lists('name', 'id'); return Redirect::to('admin/retailers/' . $retailer->id . '/edit')->with('success', 'Update retailer'); }
public function loadCities($state_id) { $cities = City::where('state_id', '=', $state_id)->get(); return $cities->toJson; }
/** * Get edit user's profile * @param $username * @return mixed */ public function getEdit($username) { $userModel = new User(); $user = $userModel->getUserByUsername($username); $countries = Country::lists('country', 'id'); $cities = City::where('country_id', Country::DEFAULT_COUNTRY)->lists('city', 'id'); // Check if the user exists if (is_null($user)) { return App::abort(404); } $images = Picture::getByRefId($user->id, 'user'); return View::make('site/user/edit', compact('user', 'countries', 'cities'))->nest('imageForm', 'site.partials.image.create', ['refId' => $user->id, 'type' => 'user', 'images' => $images]); }
public function excursionAddToCart() { $excursion = Input::get('excursion'); $excursion_city = Input::get('excursion_city'); $excursion_transport = Input::get('excursion_transport'); $excursion_pax = Input::get('excursion_pax'); $excursion_rate = Input::get('excursion_rate'); $excursion_total = Input::get('excursion_total'); $excursion_date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime(Input::get('excursion_date'))); $city_id = City::where('city', $excursion_city)->first()->id; $transport_type = Input::get('excursion_transport_type'); $excursion_cart_key = $excursion_date . '_' . $excursion . '_' . $city_id . '_' . $excursion_transport; $excursion_details = array('excursion' => $excursion, 'excursion_city' => $excursion_city, 'excursion_transport' => $excursion_transport, 'transport_type' => $excursion_transport, 'city_id' => $city_id, 'excursion_pax' => $excursion_pax, 'excursion_rate' => $excursion_rate, 'excursion_total' => $excursion_total, 'excursion_date' => $excursion_date, 'excursion_cart_key' => $excursion_cart_key, 'excursion_transport_type' => $transport_type); if (Session::has('excursion_cart_details')) { $data = Session::get('excursion_cart_details'); $data[$excursion_cart_key] = $excursion_details; } else { $data = []; $data[$excursion_cart_key] = $excursion_details; } //$data['total_cost'] = $total_cost; Session::put('excursion_cart_details', $data); return Response::json(Session::get('excursion_cart_details')); }
public function delete_location() { $id = Request::segment(4); $city = City::find($id); City::where('id', $id)->delete(); StoreLocation::where('zipcode', $city->zipcode)->delete(); $message = "Successfully deleted the city"; $type = "success"; return Redirect::to('/admin/locations')->with('type', $type)->with('message', $message); }
public function test2() { $error = ""; $regs = DB::table('registration')->get(); foreach ($regs as $reg) { $user = new User(); $user->name1 = strtoupper($reg->name1); $user->name2 = strtoupper($reg->name2); $user->email1 = $reg->email1; $user->email2 = $reg->email2; $user->contact1 = $reg->contact1; $user->contact2 = $reg->contact2; $user->squad = $reg->squad; $user->language = $reg->language; $school = strtoupper($reg->school); $city_name = ucwords(strtolower($reg->city)); if (School::where('name', $school)->count() && City::where('name', $city_name)->count()) { $cityid = City::where('name', $city_name)->first(); $school_name = School::where('name', $school)->where('city_id', $cityid->id)->first(); $user->school_id = $school_name->id; $user->city_id = $cityid->id; $user->centre_city = $cityid->id * 10; $roll = ""; if ($reg->squad === 'JUNIOR') { $roll = "J"; } else { $roll = "H"; } if ($reg->language === 'en') { $roll .= "E"; } else { $roll .= "H"; } $roll .= strval($cityid->code) . '0'; $lastroll = User::withTrashed()->where('roll', 'LIKE', "%{$roll}%")->count(); $roll .= str_pad(strval($lastroll + 1), 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $user->roll = $roll; $user->year = 2015; $user->paid = true; $user->comments = $reg->comments; $user->save(); } else { if (School::where('name', $school)->count()) { $error .= $city_name . '<br>'; } elseif (City::where('name', $city_name)->count()) { $error .= $school . '<br>'; } else { $error .= $school . ' ' . $city_name; } } } // Auth::logout(); return View::make('layouts.test3')->with('error', $error); }
public function postJson($json = true, $viaje_id = null) { $viaje_id = $viaje_id == null && null != Request::get('viaje_id') ? Request::get('viaje_id') : $viaje_id; if (Request::isMethod('post')) { if (null !== Request::get('servidor_id') && Request::get('servidor_id') > 0) { $viajeModel = Viaje::whereHas('servidor', function ($q) { $q->where('id', '=', Request::get('servidor_id')); })->get(); } else { if (Request::get('servidores') != null && sizeof(Request::get('servidores')) > 0) { $viajeModel = Viaje::whereIn('servidor_id', Request::get('servidores'))->get(); } else { if (Request::get('tema_id') != null && Request::get('tema_id') > 0) { $viajeModel = Viaje::where('tema_id', '=', Request::get('tema_id'))->get(); } else { $viajeModel = Viaje::all(); } } } } else { if (null !== $viaje_id || null != Request::get('viaje_id')) { $viajeModel = Viaje::where('id', '=', $viaje_id)->get(); } else { $viajeModel = Viaje::all(); } } $viajeArray = array(); // var_dump($viajeModel);die(); foreach ($viajeModel as $viaje) { // $viajeFinal = $viaje; $servidor = new ServidorApiController(); if ($viaje->servidor_id != null && $viaje->servidor_id > 0) { $viajeFinal->servidor = $servidor->getServidorProfile(false, $viaje->servidor_id, false)["servidor"]; } //$viajeFinal->servidor->unidad_administrativa = UnidadAdministrativa::where('id','=',$viaje->servidor->unidad_administrativa_id); $viajeFinal->tema = $viaje->tema; $viajeFinal->eventos = $viaje->eventos; foreach ($viajeFinal->eventos as $k => $evento) { $viajeFinal->eventos[$k]->pasajes = $evento->pasajes; foreach ($evento->pasajes as $l => $pasaje) { $pasaje->ciudad_origen = City::where('id', '=', $pasaje->ciudad_origen_id)->first(); $pasaje->ciudad_destino = City::where('id', '=', $pasaje->ciudad_destino_id)->first(); $viajeFinal->eventos[$k]->pasajes[$l]->ciudad_origen = $pasaje->ciudad_origen; $viajeFinal->eventos[$k]->pasajes[$l]->ciudad_destino = $pasaje->ciudad_destino; $viajeFinal->eventos[$k]->pasajes[$l]->compania = $pasaje->compania; } $viajeFinal->eventos[$k]->viatico = Viatico::where('id', '=', $evento->viatico_id)->first(); if ($evento->viatico_id > 0) { $hospedajes = null; $viatico = Viatico::where('id', '=', $evento->viatico_id)->first(); if (isset($viatico)) { $hospedajes = $viatico->hospedajes; } if ($hospedajes != null) { $viajeFinal->eventos[$k]->viatico->hospedajes = $hospedajes; } // var_dump($hospedajes);die(); } } //$viajeFinal->eventos->ciudad = $viaje->eventos->ciudad(); $viajeFinal->tipoComision = $viaje->tipoComision; $viajeFinal->mecanismoOrigen = $viaje->mecanismoOrigen; $viajeFinal->instGenera = $viaje->instGenera; $viajeArray[] = $viajeFinal; } if ($json == true) { return Response::json($viajeArray); } else { return $viajeArray; } }
public function filter(Request $request) { $posts = Post::with('author', '', 'community')->where('sold', NULL)->whereBetween('price', array($request->to, $request->from))->where('community_id', $request->community)->paginate(12); $community = City::where('id', $request->city)->get(); return view('community.home', ['posts' => $posts, 'community' => $community]); }
/** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function tourDetail($country = '', $tour = '', $tour_type = '') { if (Session::has('st_date')) { $st_date = Session::get('st_date'); } else { $st_date = date("Y/m/d"); } //Session::flush(); if (Session::has('ed_date')) { $ed_date = Session::get('ed_date'); } else { $ed_date = date("Y/m/d", strtotime($st_date . ' + 2 days')); } $filter_tours = Tour::where('val', 1)->get(); $filter_cities = City::where('val', 1)->get(); if (!empty($country)) { $country = str_replace('-', ' ', $country); $get_country_id = DB::table('countries')->where('country', 'LIKE', $country)->first(); $country_id = $get_country_id->id; } if (!empty($tour)) { $tour = str_replace('-', ' ', $tour); $get_tour_id = DB::table('tours')->where('tour_title', 'LIKE', $tour)->first(); $tour_id = $get_tour_id->id; } if (!empty($tour_type)) { $tour_type = str_replace('-', ' ', $tour_type); $get_tour_type_id = DB::table('tour_types')->where('tour_type_title', 'LIKE', $tour_type)->first(); $tour_type_id = $get_tour_type_id->id; } $path = array(); $tour = Tour::where('id', $tour_id)->where('val', 1)->get(); $tour_type = TourType::where('id', $tour_type_id)->where('val', 1)->first(); // dd(DB::getQueryLog()); if (!$tour_type->count()) { return Redirect::to('/403'); } return View::make('tour.tour_details')->with(array('tour' => $tour, 'tour_id' => $tour_id, 'tour_type_id' => $tour_type_id, 'path' => $path, 'tour_type' => $tour_type, 'st_date' => $st_date, 'ed_date' => $ed_date, 'filter_tours' => $filter_tours, 'filter_cities' => $filter_cities)); }
/** * Get site area for rendering area text. * * @return void */ public function getSiteArea() { global $data; global $settings; $area = Route::input('area'); $data['area'] = City::where('code', $area)->firstOrFail()->toArray(); }
public function autoComplete() { if (isset($_POST['queryString'])) { $queryString = $_POST['queryString']; // Is the string length greater than 0? if (strlen($queryString) > 0) { $hotels = Hotel::where('name', 'LIKE', '%' . $queryString . '%')->select('name')->where('val', 1)->limit(4)->get(); $cities = City::where('city', 'LIKE', '%' . $queryString . '%')->select('city')->where('val', 1)->limit(4)->get(); //dd(DB::getQueryLog()); if (!is_null($cities)) { if ($cities) { // While there are results loop through them - fetching an Object. foreach ($cities as $city) { $directory = 'a'; $images = glob($directory . "location.png"); $img_path = array_shift($images); $img_name = basename($img_path); echo ' <div class="auto_complete"> <a value="' . $city->city . '" category="city"> <span class="search_thumb"> <img class="search_thumb" src="/images/site/location.png" /> </span> <span class="category">' . $city->city . ' </span> </a> </div>'; } } } if (!is_null($hotels)) { if ($hotels) { // While there are results loop through them - fetching an Object. foreach ($hotels as $hotel) { $directory = public_path() . '/images/site/'; $images = glob($directory . "hotel.png"); $img_path = array_shift($images); $img_name = basename($img_path); echo ' <div class="auto_complete"> <a value="' . $hotel->name . '" category="hotel"> <span class="search_thumb"> <img class="search_thumb" src="/images/site/hotel.png" /> </span> <span class="category">' . $hotel->name . ' </span> </a> </div>'; } } } } else { echo 'Please Type Again To Start The Search'; } // There is a queryString. } else { echo 'There should be no direct access to this script!'; } }
public function centrechange() { $emails = ''; foreach (City::where('online', 1)->get() as $city) { CityRep::where('city_id', $city->id)->delete(); foreach (User::where('city_id', $city->id)->get() as $user) { $emails .= $user->email1 . ';' . $user->email2 . ';'; } } return $emails; }
*/ Route::get('/', 'WelcomeController@index'); Route::get('a_propos', 'WelcomeController@aboutUs'); Route::get('fonctionnement', 'WelcomeController@fonctionnement'); Route::get('contact', 'WelcomeController@contact'); Route::get('boutiques', 'WelcomeController@boutiques'); Route::get('boutique_annonces/{n}', 'WelcomeController@showBoutiquePosts'); Route::get('boutique/{n}', 'WelcomeController@showBoutique'); Route::get('offres', 'WelcomeController@offres'); Route::get('demandes', 'WelcomeController@demandes'); Route::get('annonces', 'WelcomeController@annonces'); Route::get('annonce/{n}', 'WelcomeController@showAnnonce'); Route::get('paid', 'UserController@paid'); Route::post('checkout', 'UserController@payment'); Route::get('user-posts/{n}', 'UserController@showBoutiquePosts'); Route::get('user-profil/{n}', 'UserController@showProfil'); Route::get('user-edit-profil/{n}', 'UserController@editProfil'); Route::get('creer_compte', 'WelcomeController@creerCompte'); Route::post('enregistrer_compte', 'WelcomeController@enregistrerCompte'); Route::get('depot-annonce', 'DepotAnnonceController@getForm'); Route::post('depot-annonce', 'DepotAnnonceController@postForm'); Route::post('/indexPostValidation', 'WelcomeController@indexPostForm'); Route::resource('user', 'UserController'); Route::resource('post', 'PostController'); Route::get('home', '\\Bestmomo\\Scafold\\Http\\Controllers\\HomeController@index'); Route::controllers(['auth' => 'Auth\\AuthController', 'password' => 'Auth\\PasswordController']); Route::get('/ajax-subcat', function () { $province_id = Input::get('province_id'); $cities = City::where('id', '=', $province_id)->get(); return Response::json($cities); });
public function create() { // init $data = array(); if (Session::has('update_id') and Auth::check()) { $updated = SocialTarget::updateUserid(Session::get('update_id')); if ($updated) { // show success alert $data['success'] = true; // unset session Session::forget('update_id'); } } else { if (Session::has('success')) { $data['success'] = true; } } // get categories $data['categories'] = SocialTargetCategory::where('status', '=', 1)->get(); // get all cities $data['cities'] = City::where('status', '=', 1)->orderBy('name', 'asc')->get(); return View::make('', $data); }
public function register() { if (Input::has('zipcode')) { $zipcode = Input::get('zipcode'); $store = City::where('zipcode', $zipcode)->first(); if ($store) { $message = "We’re available in " . $store->city; } else { $message = "We’ll be in " . $zipcode . " soon!"; } return View::make('register')->with('zipcode', $zipcode)->with('message', $message); } else { return Redirect::to('/'); } }
public function edit_informacion() { $user_id = Auth::user()->id; $colonia = Session::get("colonia"); $colony = Colony::findOrFail($colonia); $urbanism = Urbanism::where('colony_id', '=', $colony->id)->first(); $urb_type = DB::table('urbanism_types')->where('id', $urbanism->urbanism_type_id)->first(); $city = DB::table('cities')->where('id', $colony->location_id)->first(); $state = DB::table('states')->where('id', $city->state_id)->first(); $country = DB::table('countries')->where('id', $state->country_id)->first(); $urbanism_types = UrbanismType::orderBy('id', 'ASC')->lists('type', 'id'); $countries = Country::orderBy('id', 'ASC')->lists('name', 'id'); $states = State::orderBy('id', 'ASC')->lists('name', 'id'); $cities = City::where('state_id', '=', $state->id)->orderBy('id', 'ASC')->lists('name', 'id'); $breadcrumbs = Neighbors::where('user_id', '=', $user_id)->first(); $breadcrumbs_data = $breadcrumbs->name . " " . $breadcrumbs->last_name . " [ " . $urbanism->Colony->name . " ]"; return View::make('', ['urbanism_types' => $urbanism_types, 'usuario' => $breadcrumbs_data, 'colony' => $colony, 'urbanism' => $urbanism, 'countries' => $countries, 'states' => $states, 'cities' => $cities, 'select' => [$urb_type->id => $urb_type->type], 'select_1' => [$country->id => $country->name], 'select_2' => [$state->id => $state->name], 'select_3' => [$city->id => $city->name]]); }
public static function getKeyValueData() { return array(null => 'All') + City::where('country_id', Country::DEFAULT_COUNTRY)->lists('city', 'id'); }
public static function getAll() { return City::where('status', 1)->get(); }
public function transportMapCreate() { $origin = Input::get('origin'); $origin_longitude = City::where('id', $origin)->select('longitude')->first()->longitude; $origin_latitude = City::where('id', $origin)->select('latitude')->first()->latitude; if (Input::has('destination_1')) { $destination_1 = Input::get('destination_1'); $destination_1_longitude = City::where('id', $destination_1)->select('longitude')->first()->longitude; $destination_1_latitude = City::where('id', $destination_1)->select('latitude')->first()->latitude; } else { $destination_1_longitude = ''; $destination_1_latitude = ''; } if (Input::has('destination_2')) { $destination_2 = Input::get('destination_2'); $destination_2_longitude = City::where('id', $destination_2)->select('longitude')->first()->longitude; $destination_2_latitude = City::where('id', $destination_2)->select('latitude')->first()->latitude; } else { $destination_2_longitude = ''; $destination_2_latitude = ''; } if (Input::has('destination_3')) { $destination_3 = Input::get('destination_3'); $destination_3_longitude = City::where('id', $destination_3)->select('longitude')->first()->longitude; $destination_3_latitude = City::where('id', $destination_3)->select('latitude')->first()->latitude; } else { $destination_3_longitude = ''; $destination_3_latitude = ''; } $lan_lot_arr = array('origin_longitude' => $origin_longitude, 'origin_latitude' => $origin_latitude, 'destination_1_longitude' => $destination_1_longitude, 'destination_1_latitude' => $destination_1_latitude, 'destination_2_longitude' => $destination_2_longitude, 'destination_2_latitude' => $destination_2_latitude, 'destination_3_longitude' => $destination_3_longitude, 'destination_3_latitude' => $destination_3_latitude); $lan_lot_arr_full = array_slice($lan_lot_arr, 0); return Response::json($lan_lot_arr_full); }
public function showCenterReport($city_id, $center_id) { $cities = City::where('id', '<=', '25')->orderby('name', 'ASC')->get(); $centers = Center::where('city_id', '=', $city_id)->where('status', '=', 1)->orderby('name', 'ASC')->get(); $tables = DB::table('Student')->join('propel_student_wingman as B', '', '=', 'B.student_id')->join('User as C', '', '=', 'B.wingman_id')->join('Center as D', '', '=', 'Student.center_id')->join('City as E', '', '=', 'D.city_id'); $child_data = $tables->select(' as id', ' as name', ' as wingman_name', ' as center_id', ' as center_name', ' as city_name', ' as city_id')->distinct()->where('', '=', $city_id)->orderby('', 'ASC')->where('', '=', $center_id)->get(); //$child_data = $tables->select(' as name',' as wingman_name',' as center_id',' as center_name',' as city_name',' as city_id','',' as journal_count',' as event_count')->distinct()->where('','=',$city_id)->where('F.type','=','child_feedback')->orderby('','ASC')->get(); //Test Query $child_data = (array) $child_data; $total = array(); $total['wingman_session_count'] = 0; $total['asv_session_count'] = 0; $total['journal_count'] = 0; foreach ($child_data as $child) { $calendarEvent = CalendarEvent::where('student_id', '=', $child->id)->where('status', '<>', 'cancelled')->where('type', '=', 'wingman_time')->get(); $child->wingman_session_count = count($calendarEvent); $total['wingman_session_count'] += $child->wingman_session_count; $calendarEvent = DB::table('propel_calendarEvents as A')->join('propel_wingmanTimes as B', '', '=', 'B.calendar_event_id')->where('A.student_id', '=', $child->id)->where('A.status', '=', 'attended')->get(); $child->wingman_module_attended = count($calendarEvent); $calendarEvent = CalendarEvent::where('student_id', '=', $child->id)->where('status', '<>', 'cancelled')->where('type', '=', 'volunteer_time')->get(); $child->asv_session_count = count($calendarEvent); $total['asv_session_count'] += $child->asv_session_count; $journalEntry = WingmanJournal::where('student_id', '=', $child->id)->where('type', '=', 'child_feedback')->get(); $child->journal_count = count($journalEntry); $total['journal_count'] += $child->journal_count; } return View::make('')->with('child_data', $child_data)->with('cities', $cities)->with('city_id', $city_id)->with('centers', $centers)->with('center_id', '0')->with('total', $total); }