public function updateMatchesFromChallonge() { $c = new ChallongeAPI(Yii::app()->params['challonge_api']); $params = array(); $matches = $c->getMatches($this->challonge_id, $params); foreach ($matches as $k => $match) { $_match = Match::model()->findByAttributes(array('tournament_id' => $this->id, 'challonge_match_id' => $match->match->id)); if ($_match) { $_match->team_1 = strlen($match->match->player1_id) ? $match->match->player1_id : ''; $_match->team_2 = strlen($match->match->player2_id) ? $match->match->player2_id : ''; $_match->identifier = $match->match->identifier; $_match->round = $match->match->round; $_match->state = $match->match->state; $_match->winner = $match->match->winner_id; $_match->loser = $match->match->loser_id; $_match->save(); } } }
require $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/includes/modules/tournamentManagement/challonge.class.php'; // Create a new instance of the API wrapper. Pass your API key into the constructor // You can view/generate your API key on the 'Password / API Key' tab of your account settings page. $c = new ChallongeAPI('vbAqvSEkokYx74ZIIMP7wUgVZLOzq7VzgF2CBetW'); /* For whatever reason (example: developing locally) if you get a SSL validation error from CURL, you can set the verify_ssl attribute of the class to false (defualts to true). It is highly recommended that you **NOT** do this on a production server. */ $c->verify_ssl = true; $tournament_id = 'testtournamentlanops'; $params = array("include_matches " => 0); $tournament = $c->makeCall("tournaments/{$tournament_id}", $params, "get"); $tournament = $c->getTournament($tournament_id, $params); echo '<pre>'; print_r($c->result); echo '</pre>'; // MATCHES EXAMPLES // ************************ // Get all matches for a tournament // $matches = $c->makeCall("tournaments/{$tournament_id}/matches", $params); $matches = $c->getMatches($tournament_id, $params); echo '<pre>'; print_r($c->result); echo '</pre>'; $participants = $c->makeCall("tournaments/{$tournament_id}/participants"); $participants = $c->getParticipants($tournament_id); echo '<pre>'; print_r($c->result); echo '</pre>';