Esempio n. 1
 private function _createdefaultcategory($regpath = '/__SYSTEM__/Modules/Global')
     // get the language
     $lang = ZLanguage::getLanguageCode();
     // get the category path for which we're going to insert our place holder category
     $rootcat = CategoryUtil::getCategoryByPath('/__SYSTEM__/Modules');
     $qCat = CategoryUtil::getCategoryByPath('/__SYSTEM__/Modules/Ephemerides');
     if (!$qCat) {
         // create placeholder for all our migrated categories
         $cat = new Categories_DBObject_Category();
         $cat->setDataField('parent_id', $rootcat['id']);
         $cat->setDataField('name', 'Ephemerides');
         $cat->setDataField('display_name', array($lang => $this->__('Ephemerides')));
         $cat->setDataField('display_desc', array($lang => $this->__('Ephemerides')));
         if (!$cat->validate('admin')) {
             return false;
     // get the category path for which we're going to insert our upgraded categories
     $rootcat = CategoryUtil::getCategoryByPath($regpath);
     if ($rootcat) {
         // create an entry in the categories registry
         $registry = new Categories_DBObject_Registry();
         $registry->setDataField('modname', 'Ephemerides');
         $registry->setDataField('table', 'ephem');
         $registry->setDataField('property', 'Main');
         $registry->setDataField('category_id', $rootcat['id']);
     } else {
         return false;
     return true;
Esempio n. 2
     * create category
    public function newcat()

        if (!SecurityUtil::checkPermission('Categories::', '::', ACCESS_ADD)) {
            return LogUtil::registerPermissionError();

        $dr = (int)FormUtil::getPassedValue('dr', 0, 'POST');
        $url = System::serverGetVar('HTTP_REFERER');

        if (!$dr) {
            return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('Error! The document root is invalid.'), null, $url);

        $cat = new Categories_DBObject_Category ();
        $data = $cat->getDataFromInput();

        if (!$cat->validate()) {
            $this->redirect(ModUtil::url('Categories', 'user', 'edit', $_POST) . '#top');

        // since the original insert can't construct the ipath (since
        // the insert id is not known yet) we update the object here.

        $msg = $this->__f('Done! Inserted the %s category.', $data['name']);
Esempio n. 3
  * Copy Categories by Path (recurisve copy).
  * @param string  $apath        The path to copy from.
  * @param intiger $newparent_id The categoryID of the new parent category.
  * @param string  $field        The field to use for the path reference (optional) (default='ipath').
  * @param boolean $includeRoot  Whether or not to also move the root folder (optional) (default=true).
  * @return true or false.
 public static function copyCategoriesByPath($apath, $newparent_id, $field = 'ipath', $includeRoot = true)
     if (!$apath || !$newparent_id) {
         return false;
     $cats = self::getSubCategoriesByPath($apath, 'ipath', $field, true, true);
     $newParentCats = self::getSubCategories($newparent_id, true, true, true, true, true);
     $newParent = $newParentCats[0];
     if (!$newParent || !$cats) {
         return false;
     $currentPaths = array();
     foreach ($newParentCats as $p) {
         $currentPaths[] = $p['path_relative'];
     // need to make sure that after copying categories will have unique paths
     foreach ($cats as $k => $cat) {
         if ($includeRoot) {
             // root node is included - just check path uniqueness for root
             // subnodes will inherit it's name in paths
             $catBasePath = $newParent['path_relative'] . '/';
             if ($k === 0 && in_array($catBasePath . $cats[0]['name'], $currentPaths)) {
                 // path is not unique - add arbitrary " Copy" sufix to category name
                 $cats[0]['name'] .= ' ' . __('Copy');
                 if (in_array($catBasePath . $cats[0]['name'], $currentPaths)) {
                     // if there is already such name
                     // find first free name by adding number at the end
                     $i = 1;
                     $name = $cats[0]['name'];
                     while (in_array($catBasePath . $name, $currentPaths)) {
                         $name = $cats[0]['name'] . ' ' . $i++;
                     $cats[0]['name'] = $name;
         } elseif ($k !== 0) {
             // root node is excluded - need to check each subnode if it's path will be unique
             // follow the same routin that for the root node
             $catPath = explode('/', $cat['path_relative']);
             $catBasePath = $newParent['path_relative'] . '/' . implode('/', $catPath);
             if (in_array($catBasePath . $cats[$k]['name'], $currentPaths)) {
                 $cats[$k]['name'] .= ' ' . __('Copy');
                 if (in_array($catBasePath . $cats[$k]['name'], $currentPaths)) {
                     $i = 1;
                     $name = $cats[$k]['name'];
                     while (in_array($catBasePath . $name, $currentPaths)) {
                         $name = $cats[$k]['name'] . ' ' . $i++;
                     $cats[$k]['name'] = $name;
     $oldToNewID = array();
     $oldToNewID[$cats[0]['parent_id']] = $newParent['id'];
     // since array_shift() resets numeric array indexes, we remove the leading element like this
     if (!$includeRoot) {
         foreach ($cats as $k => $v) {
             if (isset($v['ipath']) && $v['ipath'] == $apath) {
     $ak = array_keys($cats);
     foreach ($ak as $v) {
         $cat = $cats[$v];
         $oldID = $cat['id'];
         $cat['id'] = '';
         $cat['parent_id'] = isset($oldToNewID[$cat['parent_id']]) ? $oldToNewID[$cat['parent_id']] : $newParent['id'];
         $cat['sort_value'] = null;
         $catObj = new Categories_DBObject_Category($cat);
         $oldToNewID[$oldID] = $catObj->_objData['id'];
     // rebuild iPath since now we have all new PathIDs
     self::rebuildPaths('ipath', 'id');
     // rebuild also Pahts since names could be changed
     return true;
Esempio n. 4
  * migrate old local categories to the categories module
 private function _migratecategories()
     // get the language file
     $lang = ZLanguage::getLanguageCode();
     $catPath = '/__SYSTEM__/Modules/Quotes';
     // create root category and entry in the categories registry
     // get the category path for which we're going to insert our upgraded categories
     $rootcat = CategoryUtil::getCategoryByPath($catPath);
     // create placeholder for all our migrated quotes
     $cat = new Categories_DBObject_Category();
     $cat->setDataField('parent_id', $rootcat['id']);
     $cat->setDataField('name', 'Imported');
     $cat->setDataField('display_name', array($lang => $this->__('Imported quotes')));
     $cat->setDataField('display_desc', array($lang => $this->__('Quotes imported from .7x version')));
     if (!$cat->validate('admin')) {
         return false;
     $catid = $cat->getDataField('id');
     // migrate page category assignments
     $prefix = System::getVar('prefix');
     $sql = "SELECT pn_qid FROM {$prefix}_quotes";
     $result = DBUtil::executeSQL($sql);
     $quotes = array();
     for (; !$result->EOF; $result->MoveNext()) {
         $quotes[] = array('qid' => $result->fields[0], '__CATEGORIES__' => array('Main' => $catid), '__META__' => array('module' => 'Quotes'));
     foreach ($quotes as $quote) {
         if (!DBUtil::updateObject($quote, 'quotes', '', 'qid')) {
             return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('Error! Update attempt failed.'));
     return true;
Esempio n. 5
     * edit categories for the currently logged in user
    public function edituser()
        if (!SecurityUtil::checkPermission('Categories::category', '::', ACCESS_EDIT)) {
            return LogUtil::registerPermissionError();

        if (!UserUtil::isLoggedIn()) {
            return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('Error! Editing mode for user-owned categories is only available to users who have logged-in.'));

        $allowUserEdit = $this->getVar('allowusercatedit', 0);
        if (!$allowUserEdit) {
            return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('Error! User-owned category editing has not been enabled. This feature can be enabled by the site administrator.'));

        $userRoot = $this->getVar('userrootcat', 0);
        if (!$userRoot) {
            return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('Error! Could not determine the user root node.'));

        $userRootCat = CategoryUtil::getCategoryByPath($userRoot);
        if (!$userRoot) {
            return LogUtil::registerError($this->__f('Error! The user root node seems to point towards an invalid category: %s.', $userRoot));

        if ($userRootCat == 1) {
            return LogUtil::registerError($this->__("Error! The root directory cannot be modified in 'user' mode"));

        $userCatName = $this->getusercategoryname();
        if (!$userCatName) {
            return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('Error! Cannot determine user category root node name.'));

        $thisUserRootCatPath = $userRoot . '/' . $userCatName;
        $thisUserRootCat = CategoryUtil::getCategoryByPath($thisUserRootCatPath);

        $dr = null;
        if (!$thisUserRootCat) {
            $autoCreate = $this->getVar('autocreateusercat', 0);
            if (!$autoCreate) {
                return LogUtil::registerError($this->__("Error! The user root category node for this user does not exist, and the automatic creation flag (autocreate) has not been set."));

            $installer = new Categories_Installer(ServiceUtil::getManager());
            $cat = array('id' => '',
                    'parent_id' => $userRootCat['id'],
                    'name' => $userCatName,
                    'display_name' => unserialize($installer->makeDisplayName($userCatName)),
                    'display_desc' => unserialize($installer->makeDisplayDesc()),
                    'security_domain' => 'Categories::',
                    'path' => $thisUserRootCatPath,
                    'status' => 'A');

            $obj = new Categories_DBObject_Category();
            // since the original insert can't construct the ipath (since
            // the insert id is not known yet) we update the object here
            $dr = $obj->getID();

            $autoCreateDefaultUserCat = $this->getVar('autocreateuserdefaultcat', 0);
            if ($autoCreateDefaultUserCat) {
                $userdefaultcatname = $this->getVar('userdefaultcatname', $this->__('Default'));
                $cat = array('id' => '',
                        'parent_id' => $dr,
                        'name' => $userdefaultcatname,
                        'display_name' => unserialize($installer->makeDisplayName($userdefaultcatname)),
                        'display_desc' => unserialize($installer->makeDisplayDesc()),
                        'security_domain' => 'Categories::',
                        'path' => $thisUserRootCatPath . '/' . $userdefaultcatname,
                        'status' => 'A');
                // since the original insert can't construct the ipath (since
                // the insert id is not known yet) we update the object here
        } else {
            $dr = $thisUserRootCat['id'];

        $url = ModUtil::url('Categories', 'user', 'edit', array('dr' => $dr));
Esempio n. 6
 public function save()
     $mode = $this->request->getPost()->get('mode', 'new');
     $accessLevel = $mode == 'edit' ? ACCESS_EDIT : ACCESS_ADD;
     $this->throwForbiddenUnless(SecurityUtil::checkPermission('Categories::', '::', $accessLevel));
     $result = array();
     $cat = new Categories_DBObject_Category();
     if (!$cat->validate()) {
         $args = array('cid' => $cat->getDataField('id'), 'parent' => $cat->getDataField('parent_id'), 'mode' => $mode);
         return $this->edit($args);
     $attributes = array();
     $values = $this->request->getPost()->get('attribute_value');
     foreach ($this->request->getPost()->get('attribute_name') as $index => $name) {
         if (!empty($name)) {
             $attributes[$name] = $values[$index];
     $cat->setDataField('__ATTRIBUTES__', $attributes);
     if ($mode == 'edit') {
         // retrieve old category from DB
         $category = $this->request->getPost()->get('category');
         $oldCat = new Categories_DBObject_Category(DBObject::GET_FROM_DB, $category['id']);
         // update new category data
         // since a name change will change the object path, we must rebuild it here
         if ($oldCat->getDataField('name') != $cat->getDataField('name')) {
             CategoryUtil::rebuildPaths('path', 'name', $cat->getDataField('id'));
     } else {
         // update new category data
     $categories = CategoryUtil::getSubCategories($cat->getDataField('id'), true, true, true, true, true);
     $options = array('nullParent' => $cat->getDataField('parent_id'), 'withWraper' => false);
     $node = CategoryUtil::getCategoryTreeJS((array) $categories, true, true, $options);
     $leafStatus = array('leaf' => array(), 'noleaf' => array());
     foreach ($categories as $c) {
         if ($c['is_leaf']) {
             $leafStatus['leaf'][] = $c['id'];
         } else {
             $leafStatus['noleaf'][] = $c['id'];
     $result = array('action' => $mode == 'edit' ? 'edit' : 'add', 'cid' => $cat->getDataField('id'), 'parent' => $cat->getDataField('parent_id'), 'node' => $node, 'leafstatus' => $leafStatus, 'result' => true);
     return new Zikula_Response_Ajax($result);
Esempio n. 7
  * create category
 public function newcat()
     if (!SecurityUtil::checkPermission('Categories::', '::', ACCESS_ADD)) {
         return LogUtil::registerPermissionError();
     $cat = new Categories_DBObject_Category();
     // submit button wasn't pressed -> category was chosen from dropdown
     // we now get the parent (security) category domains so we can inherit them
     if (!FormUtil::getPassedValue('category_submit', null, 'POST')) {
         $newCat = $_POST['category'];
         $pcID = $newCat['parent_id'];
         $pCat = new Categories_DBObject_Category();
         $parentCat = $pCat->get($pcID);
         //$newCat['security_domain'] = $parentCat['security_domain'];
         //for ($i=1; $i<=5; $i++) {
         //    $name = 'data' . $i . '_domain';
         //    $newCat[$name] = $parentCat[$name];
         $_SESSION['newCategory'] = $newCat;
         return System::redirect(ModUtil::url('Categories', 'admin', 'newcat') . '#top');
     if (!$cat->validate('admin')) {
         return System::redirect(ModUtil::url('Categories', 'admin', 'newcat') . '#top');
     $attributes = array();
     $values = FormUtil::getPassedValue('attribute_value', array(), 'POST');
     foreach (FormUtil::getPassedValue('attribute_name', array(), 'POST') as $index => $name) {
         if (!empty($name)) {
             $attributes[$name] = $values[$index];
     if ($attributes) {
         $cat->setDataField('__ATTRIBUTES__', $attributes);
     // since the original insert can't construct the ipath (since
     // the insert id is not known yet) we update the object here.
     $msg = __f('Done! Inserted the %s category.', $cat->_objData['name']);
     $this->redirect(ModUtil::url('Categories', 'admin', 'view') . '#top');
Esempio n. 8
     * create placeholder for categories
    private function _feeds_createdefaultcategory($regpath = '/__SYSTEM__/Modules/Global')
        // load necessary classes
        Loader::loadClassFromModule('Categories', 'Category');
        Loader::loadClassFromModule('Categories', 'CategoryRegistry');

        // get the language code
        $lang = ZLanguage::getLanguageCode();
        $dom  = ZLanguage::getModuleDomain('Feeds');

        // get the category path for which we're going to insert our place holder category
        $rootcat = CategoryUtil::getCategoryByPath('/__SYSTEM__/Modules');
        $fCat    = CategoryUtil::getCategoryByPath('/__SYSTEM__/Modules/Feeds');

        if (!$fCat) {
            // create placeholder for all the module categories
            $cat = new Categories_DBObject_Category();
            $cat->setDataField('parent_id', $rootcat['id']);
            $cat->setDataField('name', 'Feeds');
            $cat->setDataField('display_name', array($lang => __('Feeds', $dom)));
            $cat->setDataField('display_desc', array($lang => __('Feed Reader.', $dom)));
            if (!$cat->validate('admin')) {
                return false;

        // get the category path for which the feeds will be classified
        $rootcat = CategoryUtil::getCategoryByPath($regpath);
        if ($rootcat) {
            // create an entry in the categories registry
            $registry = new Categories_DBObject_Registry();
            $registry->setDataField('modname', 'Feeds');
            $registry->setDataField('table', 'feeds');
            $registry->setDataField('property', 'Main');
            $registry->setDataField('category_id', $rootcat['id']);
        } else {
            return false;

        return true;
Esempio n. 9
 function _addressbook_createdefaultcategory()
     $dom = ZLanguage::getModuleDomain('AddressBook');
     // get the language file
     $lang = ZLanguage::getLanguageCode();
     // get the category path for which we're going to insert our place holder category
     $rootcat = CategoryUtil::getCategoryByPath('/__SYSTEM__/Modules');
     $adrCat = CategoryUtil::getCategoryByPath('/__SYSTEM__/Modules/AddressBook');
     if (!$adrCat) {
         $cat = new Categories_DBObject_Category();
         $cat->setDataField('parent_id', $rootcat['id']);
         $cat->setDataField('name', 'AddressBook');
         $cat->setDataField('display_name', array($lang => $this->__('AddressBook')));
         $cat->setDataField('display_desc', array($lang => $this->__('Adress administration.')));
         if (!$cat->validate('admin')) {
             return false;
     // create the first 2 categories
     $adrCat = CategoryUtil::getCategoryByPath('/__SYSTEM__/Modules/AddressBook');
     $adrCat1 = CategoryUtil::getCategoryByPath('/__SYSTEM__/Modules/AddressBook/Business');
     if (!$adrCat1) {
         $cat = new Categories_DBObject_Category();
         $cat->setDataField('parent_id', $adrCat['id']);
         $cat->setDataField('name', 'Business');
         $cat->setDataField('is_leaf', 1);
         $cat->setDataField('display_name', array($lang => $this->__('Business')));
         $cat->setDataField('display_desc', array($lang => $this->__('Business')));
         if (!$cat->validate('admin')) {
             return false;
     $adrCat2 = CategoryUtil::getCategoryByPath('/__SYSTEM__/Modules/AddressBook/Personal');
     if (!$adrCat2) {
         $cat = new Categories_DBObject_Category();
         $cat->setDataField('parent_id', $adrCat['id']);
         $cat->setDataField('name', 'Personal');
         $cat->setDataField('is_leaf', 1);
         $cat->setDataField('display_name', array($lang => $this->__('Personal')));
         $cat->setDataField('display_desc', array($lang => $this->__('Personal')));
         if (!$cat->validate('admin')) {
             return false;
     if ($adrCat) {
         // place category registry entry for products (key == Products)
         $registry = new Categories_DBObject_Registry();
         $registry->setDataField('modname', 'AddressBook');
         $registry->setDataField('table', 'addressbook_address');
         $registry->setDataField('property', 'AddressBook');
         $registry->setDataField('category_id', $adrCat['id']);
     // now the old prefix field
     // get the category path for which we're going to insert our place holder form of address
     $rootcat = CategoryUtil::getCategoryByPath('/__SYSTEM__/General');
     $foaCat = CategoryUtil::getCategoryByPath('/__SYSTEM__/General/Form of address');
     if (!$foaCat) {
         $cat = new Categories_DBObject_Category();
         $cat->setDataField('parent_id', $rootcat['id']);
         $cat->setDataField('name', 'Form of address');
         $cat->setDataField('display_name', array($lang => $this->__('Form of address')));
         $cat->setDataField('display_desc', array($lang => $this->__('Form of address')));
         if (!$cat->validate('admin')) {
             return false;
     // create the first 2 categories
     $foaCat = CategoryUtil::getCategoryByPath('/__SYSTEM__/General/Form of address');
     $foaCat1 = CategoryUtil::getCategoryByPath('/__SYSTEM__/General/Form of address/Mr');
     if (!$foaCat1) {
         $cat = new Categories_DBObject_Category();
         $cat->setDataField('parent_id', $foaCat['id']);
         $cat->setDataField('name', 'Mr');
         $cat->setDataField('is_leaf', 1);
         $cat->setDataField('display_name', array($lang => $this->__('Mr.')));
         $cat->setDataField('display_desc', array($lang => $this->__('Mr.')));
         if (!$cat->validate('admin')) {
             return false;
     $foaCat2 = CategoryUtil::getCategoryByPath('/__SYSTEM__/General/Form of address/Mrs');
     if (!$foaCat2) {
         $cat = new Categories_DBObject_Category();
         $cat->setDataField('parent_id', $foaCat['id']);
         $cat->setDataField('name', 'Mrs');
         $cat->setDataField('is_leaf', 1);
         $cat->setDataField('display_name', array($lang => $this->__('Mrs.')));
         $cat->setDataField('display_desc', array($lang => $this->__('Mrs.')));
         if (!$cat->validate('admin')) {
             return false;
     return true;
Esempio n. 10
     * create the Topics category tree
    private function _createtopicscategory($regpath = '/__SYSTEM__/Modules/Topics')
        // get the language file
        $lang = ZLanguage::getLanguageCode();

        // get the category path for which we're going to insert our place holder category
        $rootcat = CategoryUtil::getCategoryByPath('/__SYSTEM__/Modules');

        // create placeholder for all the migrated topics
        $tCat    = CategoryUtil::getCategoryByPath('/__SYSTEM__/Modules/Topics');

        if (!$tCat) {
            // create placeholder for all our migrated categories
            $cat = new Categories_DBObject_Category();
            $cat->setDataField('parent_id', $rootcat['id']);
            $cat->setDataField('name', 'Topics');
            // pnModLangLoad doesn't handle type 1 modules
            //pnModLangLoad('Topics', 'version');
            $cat->setDataField('display_name', array($lang => $this->__('Topics')));
            $cat->setDataField('display_desc', array($lang => $this->__('Display and manage topics')));
            if (!$cat->validate('admin')) {
                return false;

        // get the category path for which we're going to insert our upgraded News categories
        $rootcat = CategoryUtil::getCategoryByPath($regpath);
        if ($rootcat) {
            // create an entry in the categories registry to the Topic property
            $registry = new Categories_DBObject_Registry();
            $registry->setDataField('modname', 'News');
            $registry->setDataField('table', 'stories');
            $registry->setDataField('property', 'Topic');
            $registry->setDataField('category_id', $rootcat['id']);
        } else {
            return false;

        return true;