public function actionAdd($serviceid) { if ($serviceid) { echo Cart::addToCart($serviceid); } return true; }
function addToCart() { $result = $this->Cart->Product->findById($this->p); if (empty($result)) { $this->Session->setFlash('This product was not found!'); $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index')); } else { if ($result['Product']['pd_qty'] <= 0) { $this->Session->setFlash('The product you requested is out of stock!'); $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index')); } } //ce je user loginan se uporablja userov ID if ($this->Auth->user()) { $sessionData = $this->Cart->getCart($this->p, $this->sid, $this->Session->read('')); if (empty($sessionData)) { $this->Cart->addToCart($this->p, $this->sid, $this->Session->read('')); $this->Session->setFlash('Product added to cart! -> through user ID / inserted'); } else { $this->Cart->updateCart($this->p, $this->sid, $this->Session->read('')); $this->Session->setFlash('Product added to cart! -> through session ID / updated'); } //ce user ni prijavljen se uporablja sejni ID } else { $sessionData = $this->Cart->getCart($this->p, $this->sid); if (empty($sessionData)) { $this->Cart->addToCart($this->p, $this->sid); $this->Session->setFlash('Product added to cart! -> through session ID / inserted'); } else { $this->Cart->updateCart($this->p, $this->sid); $this->Session->setFlash('Product added to cart! -> through session ID / updated'); } } $this->Cart->cleanUp(); $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'carts', 'action' => "index/c:{$this->c}/p:{$this->p}")); }
<?php require_once 'includes/config.php'; $female = "SELECT itemId FROM items WHERE gender='f'"; $resultf = $db->query($female); while ($rowf = $resultf->fetch()) { $id = $rowf['itemId']; $sqlItem = "SELECT * FROM items WHERE itemId={$id}"; $item = $db->query($sqlItem); $i = $item->fetch(); Cart::addToCart($i['name'], $i['price'], $i['itemID'], $i['type'], 3); }
public function login() { $username = $_POST['username']; $password = $_POST['password']; $user = new User($username, $password); /* Login call to user object - checking credentials */ $boolean = $user->login('account'); if ($boolean) { $database = new Database('localhost', 'pdo_ret', 'root', ''); $sql = "select * from account natural join shipping_address\n natural join address where username='******';"; $result = $database->query($sql); $result = $result[0]; $address = new Address($result[7], $result[8], $result[9], $result[10]); $account = new Account($username, $result[2], $password, (double) $result[4], $result[5], $result[6], $address); /* Check for existing payment method */ $sql = "select * from account natural join account_payment \n natural join address where username='******';"; $result = $database->query($sql); if (count($result) > 0) { $result = $result[0]; $paymentID = $result[6]; $methods = array('bank_account', 'credit_card', 'paypal'); $ids = array('acc_id', 'cc_number', 'email'); for ($i = 0; $i < count($methods); $i++) { $sql = "select * from " . $methods[$i] . " where " . $ids[$i] . "='{$paymentID}';"; $result = $database->query($sql); if (count($result) > 0) { $result = $result[0]; switch ($methods[$i]) { case 'bank_account': $sql = "select * from bank_account natural join ba_billing_address \n natural join address where acc_number='{$paymentID}';"; $result = $database->query($sql); $result = $result[0]; $street = $result[5]; $city = $result[6]; $parish = $result[7]; $postal = $result[8]; $address = new Address($street, $city, $parish, $postal); $payment = new BankAccount($result[4], $result[2], $result[3], $address); $account->setPaymentMethod($payment); $_SESSION['payment'] = 'yes'; $_SESSION['paymenttype'] = 'ba'; break; case 'credit_card': $sql = "select * from credit_card natural join cc_billing_address \n natural join address where cc_number='{$paymentID}';"; $result = $database->query($sql); $result = $result[0]; $ccnumber = $result[1]; $cardholder = $result[2]; $street = $result[3]; $city = $result[4]; $parish = $result[5]; $postal = $result[6]; $address = new Address($street, $city, $parish, $postal); $payment = new CreditCard($cardholder, $ccnumber, '', '', $address); $account->setPaymentMethod($payment); $_SESSION['payment'] = 'yes'; $_SESSION['paymenttype'] = 'cc'; break; case 'paypal': $sql = "select * from paypal where email='{$paymentID}';"; $result = $database->query($sql); $result = $result[0]; $email = $result[0]; $password = $result[1]; $payment = new PayPal($email, $password); $account->setPaymentMethod($payment); $_SESSION['payment'] = 'yes'; $_SESSION['paymenttype'] = 'pp'; break; } break; } } } /* Get cart and products in cart */ $sql = "select cart_id from account_cart where username='******';"; $result = $database->query($sql); $result = $result[0]; $cartId = $result[0]; $cart = new Cart(); $cart->setCartId($cartId); $sql = "select * from cart_product where cart_id='{$cartId}';"; $result = $database->query($sql); foreach ($result as $row) { $productId = $row[1]; $quantity = $row[2]; $sql = "select * from product where product_id='{$productId}';"; $results = $database->query($sql); $results = $results[0]; $name = $results[1]; $price = $results[3]; $product = new Product($productId, $name, $price); $cart->addToCart($product, $quantity); } /* Get orders */ $products = array(); $sql = "select order_id from account_order where username='******';"; $result = $database->query($sql); foreach ($result as $row) { $orderId = $row[0]; $sql = "select * from orders natural join order_product where order_id='{$orderId}';"; $results = $database->query($sql); $row = $results[0]; $orderId = $row[0]; $orderDate = $row[1]; $deliveryDate = $row[2]; $orderStatus = $row[3]; $orderTotal = $row[4]; foreach ($results as $products_row) { $product = new Product($products_row[5], $products_row[6], $products_row[8]); $product->setQuantity($products_row[7]); array_push($products, $product); } $order = new Order($orderTotal, $products); $order->setOrderId($orderId); $order->setOrderDate($orderDate); $order->setDeliveryDate($deliveryDate); $order->setOrderStatus($orderStatus); $account->updateOrders($order); } $account->setCart($cart); $_SESSION['account'] = $account; echo '<script>window.location.href = "?controller=pages&action=index";</script>'; } else { /* Login call to user object - checking credentials */ $boolean = $user->login('admin'); if ($boolean) { $admin = new Admin($username, $password); $_SESSION['admin'] = $admin; $_SESSION['username'] = $admin->getUsername(); echo '<script>window.location.href = "?controller=pages&action=index";</script>'; } else { $_SESSION['incorrect'] = 'yes'; echo '<script>window.location.href = "?controller=pages&action=login";</script>'; } } }
<?php //include config require_once 'includes/config.php'; if (!$user->is_logged_in()) { header('Location: index.php'); } //the cart session if (isset($_GET['itm']) && isset($_GET['quan'])) { $item = $_GET['itm']; $quantity = $_GET['quan']; $sql = "SELECT * FROM items WHERE itemID={$item}"; $result = $db->query($sql); $i = $result->fetch(); Cart::addToCart($i['name'], $i['price'], $i['itemID'], $i['type'], $quantity, $i['url']); } //sidebar $female = "SELECT DISTINCT type FROM items WHERE gender='f'"; $resultf = $db->query($female); $male = "SELECT DISTINCT type FROM items WHERE gender='m'"; $resultm = $db->query($male); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">