Esempio n. 1
require_once 'jpgraph/jpgraph.php';
require_once 'jpgraph/jpgraph_canvas.php';
require_once 'jpgraph/jpgraph_canvtools.php';
// Define work space
$xmax = 20;
$ymax = 20;
// Setup a basic canvas we can work
$g = new CanvasGraph(400, 200, 'auto');
$g->SetMargin(5, 11, 6, 11);
// We need to stroke the plotarea and margin before we add the
// text since we otherwise would overwrite the text.
// Create a new scale
$scale = new CanvasScale($g);
$scale->Set(0, $xmax, 0, $ymax);
// The shape class is wrapper around the Imgae class which translates
// the coordinates for us
$shape = new Shape($g, $scale);
// Add a black line
$shape->Line(0, 0, 20, 20);
// .. and a circle (x,y,diameter)
$shape->Circle(5, 14, 2);
// .. and a filled circle (x,y,diameter)
$shape->FilledCircle(11, 8, 3);
// .. add a rectangle

// $Id: canvas_jpgarchex.php,v 2005/11/30 23:01:53 gth2 Exp $
include "../jpgraph.php";
include "../jpgraph_canvas.php";
include "../jpgraph_canvtools.php";
// Scale we are using
$ymax = 24;
$xmax = 20;
// Setup the basic canvas
$g = new CanvasGraph(700, 650, 'auto');
$g->SetMargin(2, 3, 2, 3);
// ... and a scale
$scale = new CanvasScale($g);
$scale->Set(0, $xmax, 0, $ymax);
// ... we need shape since we want the indented rectangle
$shape = new Shape($g, $scale);
// ... basic parameters for the overall image
$l = 2;
// Left margin
$r = 18;
// Row number to start the lowest line on
$width = 16;
// Total width
// Setup the two basic rectangle text object we  will use
$tt = new CanvasRectangleText();
$tt->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_NORMAL, 14);
Esempio n. 3
 * Método que sirve de reemplazo al mecanismo de paloSantoGraph y paloSantoGraphLib
 * para generar gráficos a partir de una clase que devuelve datos.
 * @param   string  $module     Módulo que contiene la clase fuente de datos
 * @param   string  $class      Clase a instanciar para obtener fuente de datos
 * @param   string  $function   Método a llamar en la clase para obtener datos
 * @param   array   $arrParameters  Lista de parámetros para la invocación 
 * @param   string  $functionCB 
function displayGraph($G_MODULE, $G_CLASS, $G_FUNCTION, $G_PARAMETERS, $G_FUNCTIONCB = "")
    //------- PARAMETROS DEL GRAPH -------
    $G_TYPE = null;
    //tipo de grafica
    $G_TITLE = null;
    $G_COLOR = null;
    $G_LABEL = array();
    $G_SIZE = array();
    $G_MARGIN = array();
    $G_LEYEND_POS = array(0.05, 0.5);
    //posicion de las leyendas
    $_MSJ_ERROR = null;
    //$_MSJ_ERROR   = "Sin mensaje ERROR";
    global $_MSJ_NOTHING;
    //$_MSJ_NOTHING = "Sin mensaje NOTHING";
    $G_YDATAS = array();
    $G_ARR_COLOR = array();
    $G_ARR_FILL_COLOR = array();
    $G_ARR_LEYEND = array();
    $G_ARR_STEP = array();
    $G_SHADOW = false;
    $G_LABEL_Y = null;
    $G_SCALE = "textlin";
    $G_WEIGHT = 1;
    if ($G_MODULE != '') {
        require_once "modules/{$G_MODULE}/libs/{$G_CLASS}.class.php";
        //lib del modulo
        require_once "modules/{$G_MODULE}/configs/default.conf.php";
        //archivo configuracion del modulo
        global $arrConfModule;
        $dsn = isset($arrConfModule["dsn_conn_database"]) ? $arrConfModule["dsn_conn_database"] : "";
    } else {
        require_once "libs/{$G_CLASS}.class.php";
        //lib del modulo
        require_once "configs/default.conf.php";
        //archivo configuracion del modulo
        global $arrConf;
        $dsn = isset($arrConf["dsn_conn_database"]) ? $arrConf["dsn_conn_database"] : "";
    $oPaloClass = new $G_CLASS($dsn);
    $arrParam = $G_PARAMETERS;
    $result = call_user_func_array(array(&$oPaloClass, $G_FUNCTION), $arrParam);
    global $globalCB;
    $globalCB = NULL;
    if ($G_FUNCTIONCB != '') {
        $globalCB = array($oPaloClass, $G_FUNCTIONCB);
    //------------------- CONTRUCCION DEL ARREGLO PARA X & Y -------------------
    global $xData;
    $xData = array();
    $yData = array();
    if (sizeof($result) != 0) {
        $isX_array = false;
        foreach ($result as $att => $arrXY) {
            //------------------ ATTRIBUTES ------------------
            if ($att == 'ATTRIBUTES') {
                foreach ($arrXY as $key => $values) {
                    //VARIABLES NECESARIAS
                    if ($key == 'LABEL_X') {
                        $G_LABEL[0] = $values;
                    } else {
                        if ($key == 'LABEL_Y') {
                            $G_LABEL[1] = $values;
                        } else {
                            if ($key == 'TITLE') {
                                $G_TITLE = $values;
                            } else {
                                if ($key == 'TYPE') {
                                    $G_TYPE = $values;
                                } else {
                                    if ($key == 'SIZE') {
                                        $G_SIZE = explode(',', $values);
                                    } else {
                                        if ($key == 'MARGIN') {
                                            $G_MARGIN = explode(',', $values);
                                        } else {
                                            if ($key == 'COLOR') {
                                                $G_COLOR = $values;
                                            } else {
                                                if ($key == 'POS_LEYEND') {
                                                    $G_LEYEND_POS = explode(',', $values);
                                                } else {
                                                    if ($key == 'NUM_COL_LEYEND') {
                                                        $G_LEYEND_NUM_COLUMN = $values;
                                                    } else {
                                                        if ($key == 'SHADOW') {
                                                            $G_SHADOW = $values;
            } else {
                if ($att == 'MESSAGES') {
                    foreach ($arrXY as $key => $values) {
                        if ($key == 'ERROR') {
                            $_MSJ_ERROR = $values;
                        } else {
                            if ($key == 'NOTHING_SHOW') {
                                $_MSJ_NOTHING = $values;
                } else {
                    if ($att == 'DATA') {
                        foreach ($arrXY as $DAT_N => $MODES) {
                            foreach ($MODES as $key => $values) {
                                if ($G_TYPE == 'lineplot' || $G_TYPE == 'barplot' || $G_TYPE == 'lineplot_multiaxis') {
                                    if ($key == 'VALUES') {
                                        $yData = array();
                                        foreach ($values as $x => $y) {
                                            if ($isX_array == false) {
                                                $xData[] = $x;
                                            $yData[] = $y;
                                        $isX_array = is_array($xData) ? true : false;
                                        $G_YDATAS[] = $yData;
                                    } else {
                                        if ($key == 'STYLE') {
                                            foreach ($values as $x => $y) {
                                                if ($x == 'COLOR') {
                                                    $G_ARR_COLOR[] = $y;
                                                } else {
                                                    if ($x == 'LEYEND') {
                                                        $G_ARR_LEYEND[] = $y;
                                                    } else {
                                                        if ($x == 'STYLE_STEP') {
                                                            $G_ARR_STEP[] = $y;
                                                        } else {
                                                            if ($x == 'FILL_COLOR') {
                                                                $G_ARR_FILL_COLOR[] = $y;
                                } else {
                                    if ($G_TYPE == 'plot3d' || $G_TYPE == 'plot3d2') {
                                        if ($key == 'VALUES') {
                                            foreach ($values as $x => $y) {
                                                $yData[] = $y;
                                            $G_YDATAS[0] = $yData;
                                        } else {
                                            if ($key == 'STYLE') {
                                                foreach ($values as $x => $y) {
                                                    if ($x == 'COLOR') {
                                                        $G_ARR_COLOR[] = $y;
                                                    } else {
                                                        if ($x == 'LEYEND') {
                                                            $xData[] = $y;
                                    } else {
                                        if ($G_TYPE == 'bar' || $G_TYPE == 'gauge') {
                                            if ($key == 'VALUES') {
                                                foreach ($values as $x => $y) {
                                                    $G_YDATAS[] = $y;
    //      ***** ***** ***** ***** *   *      //
    //      *     *   * *   * *   * *   *      //
    //      * *** ***** ***** ***** *****      //
    //      *   * * *   *   * *     *   *      //
    //      ***** *   * *   * *     *   *      //
    // L I N E P L O T
    if (sizeof($G_YDATAS) >= 1) {
        // true no funciona porque cada cadena u otro valor que se retorne es valor "valido o verdadero"
        // y equivale a true, entonces para diferenciarlo verdaderamente se compara con 'true'
        $str = checkAttributes($G_TITLE, $G_TYPE, $G_LABEL_Y, $_MSJ_ERROR, $_MSJ_NOTHING);
        if ($str != 'true') {
            showError($str, $G_SIZE);
        if ($G_TYPE == 'lineplot') {
            $graph = new Graph($G_SIZE[0], $G_SIZE[1], "auto");
            if ($G_SHADOW) {
            $graph->SetFrame(true, '#999999');
            $graph->img->SetMargin($G_MARGIN[0], $G_MARGIN[1], $G_MARGIN[2], $G_MARGIN[3]);
            $graph->legend->Pos($G_LEYEND_POS[0], $G_LEYEND_POS[1], "right", "center");
            $graph->legend->SetColor("#444444", "#999999");
            $arr_lineplot = array();
            foreach ($G_YDATAS as $num => $yDatas) {
                $lineplot = new LinePlot($yDatas);
                if ($G_ARR_STEP[$num] == true) {
                if ($G_ARR_FILL_COLOR[$num] == true) {
                $arr_lineplot[] = $lineplot;
            foreach ($arr_lineplot as $num => $yDatas) {
            if (sizeof($xData) > 100) {
                $graph->xaxis->SetTextTickInterval((int) (sizeof($xData) / 10));
        } else {
            if ($G_TYPE == 'plot3d') {
                $graph = new PieGraph($G_SIZE[0], $G_SIZE[1], "auto");
                if ($G_SHADOW) {
                $dataMarginColor = isset($result["ATTRIBUTES"]["MARGIN_COLOR"]) ? $result["ATTRIBUTES"]["MARGIN_COLOR"] : "#999999";
                $dataSizePie = isset($result["ATTRIBUTES"]["SIZE_PIE"]) ? $result["ATTRIBUTES"]["SIZE_PIE"] : "80";
                $graph->SetFrame(true, $dataMarginColor);
                $graph->legend->Pos($G_LEYEND_POS[0], $G_LEYEND_POS[1], "right", "center");
                $graph->legend->SetColor("#444444", "#999999");
                $graph->legend->SetShadow('gray@0.6', 4);
                $pieplot3d = new PiePlot3d($G_YDATAS[0]);
                //color a los porcentages
                //da color al contorno y separacion del pastel
            } else {
                if ($G_TYPE == 'plot3d2') {
                    if (!function_exists('displayGraph_draw_pie3d')) {
                        function displayGraph_draw_pie3d($canvasx, $ydata, $arrcolor)
                            $canvasy = $canvasx;
                            $escala = $canvasx / 320.0;
                            $iAnchoPastel = 256 * $escala;
                            $iAltoPastel = 155 * $escala;
                            $iPosCentroX = 141 * $escala;
                            $iPosCentroY = 91 * $escala;
                            $thumb = imagecreatetruecolor($canvasx * 284 / 320, $canvasy * 250 / 320);
                            $transparent = imagecolorallocatealpha($thumb, 200, 200, 200, 127);
                            imagefill($thumb, 0, 0, $transparent);
                            // Asignar colores de imagen
                            $imgcolor = array();
                            foreach ($arrcolor as $i => $sHtmlColor) {
                                $r = $g = $b = 0;
                                sscanf($sHtmlColor, "#%02x%02x%02x", $r, $g, $b);
                                $imgcolor[$i] = imagecolorallocate($thumb, $r, $g, $b);
                            $colorTexto = imagecolorallocate($thumb, 0, 0, 0);
                            // Mostrar el gráfico de pastel
                            if (!function_exists('displayGraph_pie')) {
                                function displayGraph_pie($thumb, $x, $y, $w, $h, $ydata, $G_ARR_COLOR, $colorTexto)
                                    $iTotal = array_sum($ydata);
                                    $iFraccion = 0;
                                    $etiquetas = array();
                                    for ($i = 0; $i < count($ydata); $i++) {
                                        if ($ydata[$i] >= $iTotal) {
                                            imagefilledellipse($thumb, $x, $y, $w, $h, $G_ARR_COLOR[$i]);
                                        } else {
                                            $degInicio = 360 - 45 - (int) (360.0 * ($iFraccion + $ydata[$i]) / $iTotal);
                                            $degFinal = 360 - 45 - (int) (360.0 * $iFraccion / $iTotal);
                                            imagefilledarc($thumb, $x, $y, $w, $h, $degInicio, $degFinal, $G_ARR_COLOR[$i], IMG_ARC_PIE);
                                        $iFraccion += $ydata[$i];
                                        $degMitad = ($degInicio + $degFinal) / 2;
                                        $iPosTextoX = $x + 0.5 * ($w / 2.0) * cos(deg2rad($degMitad));
                                        $iPosTextoY = $y + 0.5 * ($h / 2.0) * sin(deg2rad($degMitad));
                                        $etiquetas[] = array($iPosTextoX, $iPosTextoY, sprintf('%.1f %%', 100.0 * $ydata[$i] / $iTotal));
                                                            if (!is_null($colorTexto)) {
                                                                for ($i = 0; $i < count($ydata); $i++)
                                                                    imagestring($thumb, 5, $etiquetas[$i][0], $etiquetas[$i][1], $etiquetas[$i][2], $colorTexto);
                            for ($i = (int) (60 * $escala); $i > 0; $i--) {
                                displayGraph_pie($thumb, $iPosCentroX, $iPosCentroY + $i, $iAnchoPastel, $iAltoPastel, $ydata, $imgcolor, NULL);
                            displayGraph_pie($thumb, $iPosCentroX, $iPosCentroY, $iAnchoPastel, $iAltoPastel, $ydata, $imgcolor, $colorTexto);
                            imagealphablending($thumb, true);
                            imagesavealpha($thumb, true);
                            $source2 = imagecreatefrompng("images/pie_alpha.png");
                            imagealphablending($source2, true);
                            imagecopyresampled($thumb, $source2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 290 * $escala, 294 * $escala, 290, 294);
                            header("Content-Type: image/png");
                    displayGraph_draw_pie3d($G_SIZE[0], $G_YDATAS[0], $G_ARR_COLOR);
                } else {
                    if ($G_TYPE == 'barplot') {
                        $graph = new Graph($G_SIZE[0], $G_SIZE[1], "auto");
                        if ($G_SHADOW) {
                        $graph->img->SetMargin($G_MARGIN[0], $G_MARGIN[1], $G_MARGIN[2], $G_MARGIN[3]);
                        $graph->legend->Pos($G_LEYEND_POS[0], $G_LEYEND_POS[1], "right", "center");
                        $arr_barplot = array();
                        foreach ($G_YDATAS as $num => $yDatas) {
                            $barplot = new BarPlot($yDatas);
                            $arr_barplot[] = $barplot;
                        $gbarplot = new GroupBarPlot($arr_barplot);
                    } else {
                        if ($G_TYPE == 'lineplot_multiaxis') {
                            $graph = new Graph($G_SIZE[0], $G_SIZE[1], "auto");
                            if ($G_SHADOW) {
                            $inc = sizeof($G_YDATAS);
                            $graph->SetFrame(true, '#999999');
                            $graph->img->SetMargin($G_MARGIN[0], $G_MARGIN[1], $G_MARGIN[2], $G_MARGIN[3]);
                            $graph->legend->Pos($G_LEYEND_POS[0], $G_LEYEND_POS[1], "right", "center");
                            $graph->legend->SetColor("#444444", "#999999");
                            $graph->legend->SetShadow('gray@0.6', 4);
                            foreach ($G_YDATAS as $num => $yData) {
                                $lineplot = new LinePlot($yData);
                                if ($G_ARR_STEP[$num] == true) {
                                if ($G_ARR_FILL_COLOR[$num] == true) {
                                if ($num == 0) {
                                } else {
                                    $graph->SetYScale($num - 1, 'lin');
                                    $graph->ynaxis[$num - 1]->SetColor($G_ARR_COLOR[$num]);
                                    $graph->ynaxis[$num - 1]->SetPosAbsDelta($G_MARGIN[1] + 49 * ($num - 1));
                                    //mueve el eje Y
                                    $graph->AddY($num - 1, $lineplot);
                            if (sizeof($xData) > 100) {
                                //$graph->xaxis->SetTextLabelInterval( (int)(sizeof($xData)/8) );
                                $graph->xaxis->SetTextTickInterval((int) (sizeof($xData) / 10));
                                //$graph->xaxis->SetTextTickInterval( 9*(int)(log(sizeof($xData))-1) );
                        } else {
                            if ($G_TYPE == 'bar') {
                                $g = new CanvasGraph(91, 21, 'auto');
                                $g->SetMargin(0, 0, 0, 0);
                                $xmax = 20;
                                $ymax = 20;
                                $scale = new CanvasScale($g);
                                $scale->Set(0, $G_SIZE[0], 0, $G_SIZE[1]);
                                //DUBUJA LA BARRA
                                $alto = $G_SIZE[1];
                                $ancho = $G_SIZE[0];
                                $coor_x = 0;
                                $coor_y = 0;
                                $porcentage = $G_YDATAS[0];
                                $valor = 90 * (1 - $porcentage);
                                $g->img->Line($coor_x, $coor_y, $coor_x + $ancho, $coor_y);
                                $g->img->Line($coor_x, $coor_y, $coor_x, $coor_y + $alto);
                                $g->img->Line($coor_x + $ancho, $coor_y, $coor_x + $ancho, $coor_y + $alto);
                                $g->img->Line($coor_x, $coor_y + $alto, $coor_x + $ancho, $coor_y + $alto);
                                for ($i = 0; $i < $alto; $i++) {
                                    $g->img->SetColor(array(95 - 3 * $i, 138 - 3 * $i, 203 - 3 * $i));
                                    //para hacerlo 3D, degradacion
                                    $g->img->Line($coor_x, $coor_y + $i + 1, $coor_x + $ancho - $valor - 1, $coor_y + $i + 1);
                            } else {
                                if ($G_TYPE == 'gauge') {
                                    if (!function_exists('displayGraph_draw_gauge')) {
                                        function displayGraph_draw_gauge($canvasx, $percent)
                                            $escala = $canvasx / 320.0;
                                            $thumb = imagecreatetruecolor($canvasx * 284 / 320, $canvasx * 284 / 320);
                                            if ($percent > 100) {
                                                $percent = 100.0;
                                            if ($percent < 0) {
                                                $percent = 0.0;
                                            $angle = -135.0 + 270 * $percent / 100.0;
                                            // COLORES
                                            $blanco = imagecolorallocate($thumb, 255, 255, 255);
                                            $dred = imagecolorallocate($thumb, 180, 0, 0);
                                            $lred = imagecolorallocate($thumb, 100, 0, 0);
                                            $transparent = imagecolorallocatealpha($thumb, 200, 200, 200, 127);
                                            imagefill($thumb, 0, 0, $transparent);
                                            imagealphablending($thumb, true);
                                            imagesavealpha($thumb, true);
                                            $source = imagecreatefrompng("images/gauge_base.png");
                                            imagealphablending($source, true);
                                            imagecopyresampled($thumb, $source, 0, 0, 0, 0, 285 * $escala, 285 * $escala, 285, 285);
                                            $radius = 100 * $escala;
                                            $radius_min = 12 * $escala;
                                            $centrox = 142 * $escala;
                                            $centroy = 141 * $escala;
                                            $x1 = $centrox + sin(deg2rad($angle)) * $radius;
                                            // x coord farest
                                            $x2 = $centrox + sin(deg2rad($angle - 90)) * $radius_min;
                                            $x3 = $centrox + sin(deg2rad($angle + 90)) * $radius_min;
                                            $y1 = $centroy - cos(deg2rad($angle)) * $radius;
                                            $y2 = $centroy - cos(deg2rad($angle - 90)) * $radius_min;
                                            $y3 = $centroy - cos(deg2rad($angle + 90)) * $radius_min;
                                            $arrTriangle1 = array($centrox, $centroy, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2);
                                            $arrTriangle2 = array($centrox, $centroy, $x1, $y1, $x3, $y3);
                                            imagefilledpolygon($thumb, $arrTriangle1, 3, $lred);
                                            imagefilledpolygon($thumb, $arrTriangle2, 3, $dred);
                                            $source2 = imagecreatefrompng("images/gauge_center.png");
                                            imagealphablending($source2, true);
                                            imagecopyresampled($thumb, $source2, 121 * $escala, 120 * $escala, 0, 0, 44 * $escala, 44 * $escala, 44, 44);
                                            header("Content-Type: image/png");
                                    displayGraph_draw_gauge($G_SIZE[0], $G_YDATAS[0] * 100.0);
                                } else {
                                    if ($G_TYPE == 'bar2') {
                                        $alto = 20;
                                        $ancho = 90;
                                        $coor_x = 100;
                                        $coor_y = 10;
                                        $porcentage = 0.67;
                                        $valor = 90 * (1 - $porcentage);
                                        $g = new CanvasGraph($G_LEN_X, 40, 'auto');
                                        $g->SetMargin(1, 1, 31, 9);
                                        $g->SetColor(array(250, 250, 250));
                                        $xmax = 20;
                                        $ymax = 20;
                                        $scale = new CanvasScale($g);
                                        $scale->Set(0, $G_LEN_X, 0, $G_LEN_Y);
                                        //DUBUJA LA BARRA
                                        $g->img->Line($coor_x, $coor_y, $coor_x + $ancho, $coor_y);
                                        $g->img->Line($coor_x, $coor_y, $coor_x, $coor_y + $alto);
                                        $g->img->Line($coor_x + $ancho, $coor_y, $coor_x + $ancho, $coor_y + $alto);
                                        $g->img->Line($coor_x, $coor_y + $alto, $coor_x + $ancho, $coor_y + $alto);
                                        for ($i = 0; $i < $alto; $i++) {
                                            $g->img->SetColor(array(95 - 4 * $i, 138 - 4 * $i, 203 - 4 * $i));
                                            //para hacerlo 3D, degradacion
                                            $g->img->Line($coor_x, $coor_y + $i, $coor_x + $ancho - $valor - 1, $coor_y + $i);
                                        //AGREGA LABEL 1
                                        $txt = "Uso de CPU";
                                        $t = new Text($txt, 10, 12);
                                        $t->font_style = FS_BOLD;
                                        //AGREGA LABEL 2
                                        $txt = "67.64% used of 2,200.00 MHz";
                                        $t = new Text($txt, 200, 12);
                                        $t->font_style = FS_BOLD;
    } else {
        showError('nothing', $G_SIZE, $G_TITLE);
Esempio n. 4

// $Id: listfontsex1.php,v 1.3 2002/10/25 22:44:15 aditus Exp $
include "../jpgraph.php";
include "../jpgraph_canvas.php";
include "../jpgraph_canvtools.php";
$g = new CanvasGraph(550, 450, 'auto');
$scale = new CanvasScale($g);
$scale->Set(0, 27, 0, 53);
$g->SetMargin(5, 6, 5, 6);
$t = new CanvasRectangleText();
$t->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_NORMAL, 16);
$t->Set("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTTF Fonts", 0.5, 19, 26, 32);
$t->Stroke($g->img, $scale);
$t = new CanvasRectangleText();
$t->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_BOLD, 18);
$t->Set('Family', 1, 1, 8);
$t->Stroke($g->img, $scale);
$t->Set('Italic style', 9, 1, 8);
$t->Stroke($g->img, $scale);
$t->Set('Bold style', 17.5, 1, 8);
$t->Stroke($g->img, $scale);