echo "{$dates['6']}"; ?> )</td> </tr> <?php $date = new DateTime(); $date_by_week = $date->setISODate($year, $week_no, 0); //30th week 5th day $first = $date->format("Y-m-d"); $date_by_week = $date->setISODate($year, $week_no, 6); $last = $date->format("Y-m-d"); $subs = "T00:00:00Z"; $first_date_of_week = $first . $subs; $last_date_of_week = $last . $subs; $client = new CalendarClient("Amal", "aaa"); $resMessage = $client->getEvents("{$first_date_of_week}", "{$last_date_of_week}"); if ($resMessage) { $simplexml = new SimpleXMLElement($resMessage->str); $i = 0; $j = 0; $k = 0; while ($temp = $simplexml->event[$i]->name) { $name[] = trim($temp); $i++; } while ($temp = $simplexml->event[$j]->start_date_time) { $start_time[] = trim($temp); $j++; } while ($temp = $simplexml->event[$k]->end_date_time) {
</fieldset> <div class="buttonrow"> <input value="Delete" class="button" type="submit" name="Submit"/> </div> </fieldset> </form> </div><!-- /form-container --> <!-- End of Content --> <?php if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) { $start_time = $_POST['start_time']; $end_time = $_POST['end_time']; $client = new CalendarClient("Amal", "aaa"); $return_val = $client->deleteEvents($start_time, $end_time); print_r($return_val); } ?> <br> <br> <a href="get_event_client.php">Back to the calender</a> </body> </html>
</div> <!-- End of Content --> <?php /*get the values from the form and send them to the service to add values.*/ if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) { $name = $_POST['event']; $start_time = $_POST['start_time']; $end_time = $_POST['end_time']; $description = $_POST['description']; $event = new Event(); $event->name = $name; $event->startDateTime = $start_time; $event->endDateTime = $end_time; $event->description = $description; $client = new CalendarClient($username, $password); $returnMessage = $client->addEvent($event); print_r($returnMessage); } ?> <br> <br> <a href="get_event_client.php">Back to the calender</a> </body> </html>
echo "<p>Please re-enter the data and submit</p></div>"; } else { $errorFree = true; } } $username = $_POST['username']; $password = $_POST['password']; $repassword = $_POST['repassword']; $first_name = $_POST['first_name']; $last_name = $_POST['last_name']; $email = $_POST['email']; $address = $_POST['address']; $country = $_POST['country']; $postal_code = $_POST['postal_code']; if ($username != NULL) { $return_val = CalendarClient::register($username, $password, $first_name, $last_name, $email, $address, $country, $postal_code); print_r($return_val); } ?> <?php if (!isset($errorFree) || !isset($_POST['posted'])) { ?> <form action="#" method="post"> <p class="legend"><strong>Note:</strong> Required fields are marked with an asterisk (<em>*</em>)</p> <input type="hidden" name="posted" value="true" /> <fieldset> <legend>User Details</legend>
</fieldset> </form> </div> <!-- End of Content --> <?php /*get the values from the form and send them to the service to add values.*/ if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) { $name = $_POST['event']; $start_time = $_POST['start_time']; $end_time = $_POST['end_time']; $description = $_POST['description']; $obj = new Event($name, $start_time, $end_time, $description); $client = new CalendarClient("Amal", "aaa"); $returnMessage = $client->addEvent($obj); print_r($returnMessage); } ?> <br> <br> <a href="get_event_client.php">Back to the calender</a> </body> </html>
echo "{$dates['6']}"; ?> )</td> </tr> <?php $date = new DateTime(); $date_by_week = $date->setISODate($year, $week_no, 0); //30th week 5th day $first = $date->format("Y-m-d"); $date_by_week = $date->setISODate($year, $week_no, 6); $last = $date->format("Y-m-d"); $subs = "T00:00:00Z"; $first_date_of_week = $first . $subs; $last_date_of_week = $last . $subs; $client = new CalendarClient($username, $password); $events_response = $client->getEvents("{$first_date_of_week}", "{$last_date_of_week}"); if ($events_response && $events_response->return && is_array($events_response->return)) { foreach ($events_response->return as $event) { $name[] = $event->name; $start_time[] = $event->startDateTime; $end_time[] = $event->endDateTime; } } $daysize = sizeof($name); $day = array(); $time = array(); $event = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $daysize; $i++) { $day_number = strftime("%w", strtotime($start_time[$i])); switch ($day_number) {
public static function register($name, $password, $first, $last, $email, $address, $country, $postal_code) { // we need to create a static function for the register, since it doesn't need any signed in $client = new WSClient(array("wsdl" => "Calendar.wsdl", "classmap" => CalendarClient::getClassmap(), "to" => self::ENDPOINT)); $proxy = $client->getProxy(); $return_val = $proxy->register(array("username" => $name, "password" => $password, "firstName" => $first, "lastName" => $last, "email" => $email, "address" => $address, "country" => $country, "postalCode" => $postal_code)); return $return_val; }
<?php require_once "CalendarClient.php"; session_start(); ob_start(); $username = $_POST["username"]; $password = $_POST["password"]; $result = $_POST["Submit"]; /*Get the values entered by the form and send them to the service to check whether the user name and password are correct.*/ $message = ""; if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) { $_SESSION["username"] = $_POST['username']; $_SESSION["password"] = $_POST['password']; try { // create CalendarClient.. $client = new CalendarClient($username, $password); $response = $client->login(); if ($response && $response->success == "SUCCESS") { header('Location: get_event_client.php'); } else { $message .= "<div id=\"errors\">"; $message .= "<p><em>Oops... the following errors were encountered:</em></p>"; $message .= "<ul>"; if ($response == NULL) { $message .= "<li>login failed, There is a problem in the connnection</li>"; } else { $message .= "<li>login failed, username or password is incorrect</li>"; } $message .= "</ul>"; } } catch (Exception $e) {