public function flash($key = 'flash', $attrs = array())
     $out = false;
     if (CakeSession::check('Message.' . $key)) {
         $flash = CakeSession::read('Message.' . $key);
         $message = $flash['message'];
         if (!empty($attrs)) {
             $flash = array_merge($flash, $attrs);
         if ($flash['element'] === 'default') {
             $class = 'success';
             if (!empty($flash['params']['class'])) {
                 $class = $flash['params']['class'];
             $out = '<div id="' . $key . 'Message" class="alert alert-' . $class . '"><button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button>' . $message . '</div>';
         } elseif (!$flash['element']) {
             $out = $message;
         } else {
             $options = array();
             if (isset($flash['params']['plugin'])) {
                 $options['plugin'] = $flash['params']['plugin'];
             $tmpVars = $flash['params'];
             $tmpVars['message'] = $message;
             $out = $this->_View->element($flash['element'], $tmpVars, $options);
         CakeSession::delete('Message.' . $key);
     return $out;
Esempio n. 2
 protected function _getSite($siteId = null)
     $Site = ClassRegistry::init('Sites.Site');
     $SiteDomain = $Site->SiteDomain;
     $SiteMeta = $Site->SiteMeta;
     $siteDomainTable = $SiteDomain->getDataSource()->fullTableName($SiteDomain, true, true);
     $siteMetaTable = $Site->SiteMeta->getDataSource()->fullTableName($SiteMeta, true, true);
     $options = array('recursive' => false, 'fields' => array('', 'Site.title', 'Site.tagline', 'Site.theme', 'Site.timezone', 'Site.locale', 'Site.status', 'SiteMeta.robots', 'SiteMeta.keywords', 'SiteMeta.description'), 'joins' => array(array('table' => $siteDomainTable, 'alias' => 'SiteDomain', 'conditions' => array('SiteDomain.site_id ='))), array('table' => $siteMetaTable, 'alias' => 'SiteMeta', 'conditions' => array('SiteMeta.site_id =')));
     $host = env('HTTP_HOST');
     if (empty($siteId)) {
         $options['joins'][0]['conditions']['SiteDomain.domain LIKE'] = '%' . $host;
         $options['cache'] = array('name' => 'sites_' . $host, 'config' => 'sites');
     } else {
         $options['conditions'] = array('' => $siteId);
         $options['cache'] = array('name' => 'sites_' . $siteId, 'config' => 'sites');
     $site = $Site->find('first', $options);
     if (empty($site)) {
         $site = $Site->find('first', array('recursive' => false, 'fields' => array('id', 'title', 'tagline', 'theme', 'timezone', 'locale', 'status'), 'joins' => array(array('table' => $siteDomainTable, 'alias' => 'SiteDomain', 'conditions' => array('SiteDomain.site_id ='))), array('table' => $siteMetaTable, 'alias' => 'SiteMeta', 'conditions' => array('SiteMeta.site_id =')), 'conditions' => array('Site.default' => 1)));
     if ($siteId === null && CakeSession::check(self::$_sessionKey) && ($active = CakeSession::read(self::$_sessionKey))) {
         $found = $SiteDomain->find('count', array('cache' => array('name' => 'sites_count_' . $host, 'config' => 'sites'), 'conditions' => array('SiteDomain.domain' => $host)));
         if ($found == 0) {
             $site = $active;
     return $site;
  * Check Auth is user is admin
 public function setup(Model $model, $settings = array())
     parent::setup($model, $settings);
     if (CakeSession::check('Auth')) {
         $this->_isAdmin = CakeSession::read('Auth.User.is_admin') ? true : false;
  * Checks to see if there is already a logged in session
 public function __construct()
     if (CakeSession::check('auth') && CakeSession::read('auth') == TRUE) {
         $this->status = TRUE;
         $this->admin_user = CakeSession::read('admin_user');
 public function flash($key = 'flash', $attrs = array())
     $out = false;
     if (CakeSession::check('Message.' . $key)) {
         $flash = CakeSession::read('Message.' . $key);
         if (is_array($flash)) {
             foreach ($flash as $fkey => $msg) {
                 $message = $msg['message'];
                 //                    unset($flash[$fkey]['message']);
                 if (!empty($attrs)) {
                     $msg = array_merge($msg, $attrs);
                 if ($msg['element'] === 'default') {
                     $class = 'message';
                     if (!empty($msg['params']['class'])) {
                         $class = $msg['params']['class'];
                     $out .= '<div id="' . $key . 'Message" class="' . $class . '">' . $message . '</div>';
                 } elseif (!$msg['element']) {
                     $out .= $message;
                 } else {
                     $options = array();
                     if (isset($msg['params']['plugin'])) {
                         $options['plugin'] = $msg['params']['plugin'];
                     $tmpVars = $msg['params'];
                     $tmpVars['message'] = $message;
                     $out .= $this->_View->element($msg['element'], $tmpVars, $options);
                 CakeSession::delete('Message.' . $key . '.' . $fkey);
         } else {
             $message = $flash['message'];
             if (!empty($attrs)) {
                 $flash = array_merge($flash, $attrs);
             if ($flash['element'] === 'default') {
                 $class = 'message';
                 if (!empty($flash['params']['class'])) {
                     $class = $flash['params']['class'];
                 $out = '<div id="' . $key . 'Message" class="' . $class . '">' . $message . '</div>';
             } elseif (!$flash['element']) {
                 $out = $message;
             } else {
                 $options = array();
                 if (isset($flash['params']['plugin'])) {
                     $options['plugin'] = $flash['params']['plugin'];
                 $tmpVars = $flash['params'];
                 $tmpVars['message'] = $message;
                 $out = $this->_View->element($flash['element'], $tmpVars, $options);
             CakeSession::delete('Message.' . $key);
     return $out;
Esempio n. 6
 public function initialize(Controller $controller)
     if (CakeSession::check('Config.language')) {
         Configure::write('Config.language', CakeSession::read('Config.language'));
     if (CakeSession::check('Config.language')) {
         Configure::write('Config.language', CakeSession::read('Config.language'));
 public function beforeRender()
     $this->set("title_for_layout", "サマリー");
     if (CakeSession::check('errMsg')) {
         $this->set("errMsg", CakeSession::read('errMsg'));
 public function __construct($id = false, $table = null, $ds = null)
     parent::__construct($id, $table, $ds);
     if (!CakeSession::check($this->_strategy)) {
         $config = ClassRegistry::init('Opauth.OpauthSetting')->findByName($this->_strategy);
         if (!empty($config['OpauthSetting'])) {
             CakeSession::write($this->_strategy, $config['OpauthSetting']);
     $this->_config = CakeSession::read($this->_strategy);
 public function index()
     $loginId = $this->_checkLogin();
     if (!empty($loginId)) {
     if (CakeSession::check('errMsg')) {
         $this->set("errMsg", CakeSession::read('errMsg'));
 public function currentBasketId()
     if (!CakeSession::check('WebshopShoppingBasket.current_basket_id')) {
         $basketId = $this->createBasket();
         if (!$basketId) {
             return false;
         CakeSession::write('WebshopShoppingBasket.current_basket_id', $basketId);
     return CakeSession::read('WebshopShoppingBasket.current_basket_id');
Esempio n. 11
  * Used to render the message set in FlashComponent::set()
  * In your view: $this->Flash->render('somekey');
  * Will default to flash if no param is passed
  * You can pass additional information into the flash message generation. This allows you
  * to consolidate all the parameters for a given type of flash message into the view.
  * ```
  * echo $this->Flash->render('flash', array('params' => array('name' => $user['User']['name'])));
  * ```
  * This would pass the current user's name into the flash message, so you could create personalized
  * messages without the controller needing access to that data.
  * Lastly you can choose the element that is used for rendering the flash message. Using
  * custom elements allows you to fully customize how flash messages are generated.
  * ```
  * echo $this->Flash->render('flash', array('element' => 'my_custom_element'));
  * ```
  * If you want to use an element from a plugin for rendering your flash message
  * you can use the dot notation for the plugin's element name:
  * ```
  * echo $this->Flash->render('flash', array(
  *   'element' => 'MyPlugin.my_custom_element',
  * ));
  * ```
  * @param string $key The [Message.]key you are rendering in the view.
  * @param array $options Additional options to use for the creation of this flash message.
  *    Supports the 'params', and 'element' keys that are used in the helper.
  * @return string|null Rendered flash message or null if flash key does not exist
  *   in session.
  * @throws UnexpectedValueException If value for flash settings key is not an array.
 public function render($key = 'flash', $options = array())
     if (!CakeSession::check("Message.{$key}")) {
     $flash = CakeSession::read("Message.{$key}");
     if (!is_array($flash)) {
         throw new UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('Value for flash setting key "%s" must be an array.', $key));
     $flash = $options + $flash;
     return $this->_View->element($flash['element'], $flash);
Esempio n. 12
 public function getSelectedRate()
     if (CakeSession::check('DrexCartOrder')) {
         $order = CakeSession::read('DrexCartOrder');
         if (isset($order['shipping_option'])) {
             foreach ($this->rates as $rate) {
                 if ($rate['code'] == $order['shipping_option']) {
                     return $rate;
     return false;
Esempio n. 13
 public function captcha(Model $Model, $check)
     $value = array_values($check);
     $value = $value[0];
     $field = key($check);
     if (CakeSession::check('captcha')) {
         $builder = new CaptchaBuilder();
         if ($builder->testPhrase($value)) {
             return true;
     return false;
 public function processAction(Model $model, $controller)
     if (CakeSession::check('Auth.User') == false) {
     $model->controller = $controller;
     $controller->autoRender = false;
     $params = $controller->request->params;
     $action = 'index';
     $plugin = $params['plugin'];
     if (!empty($params['pass'])) {
         $action = array_shift($params['pass']);
     $model->action = $action;
     $controller->set('action', $action);
     $module = $controller->action;
     $result = call_user_func_array(array($model, $action), $params['pass']);
     if (!is_null($plugin)) {
         //$name = $plugin . '/' . $name;
     if ($model->render === 'auto') {
         if ($action == 'add' || $action == 'edit') {
         } else {
             if ($action == 'view') {
     } else {
         if ($model->render === true) {
             $controller->render($module . '/' . $action);
         } else {
             if ($model->render === 'override') {
             } else {
                 if ($model->render !== false) {
                     $controller->render($module . '/' . $model->render);
     return $result;
 public function flash($key = 'flash', $attrs = array())
     $out = false;
     if (CakeSession::check('Message.' . $key)) {
         $flash = CakeSession::read('Message.' . $key);
         $message = $flash['message'];
         if (!empty($attrs)) {
             $flash = array_merge($flash, $attrs);
         $tmpVars = $flash['params'];
         $tmpVars['message'] = $message;
         $tmpOptions = array('plugin' => 'TwitterBootstrap');
         $out = $this->_View->element('alert', $tmpVars, $tmpOptions);
         CakeSession::delete('Message.' . $key);
     return $out;
 public function reportGetData()
     $currentModel = 'Staff';
     $rawFields = $this->getFields();
     $conditions = array();
     App::uses('CakeSession', 'Model/Datasource');
     if (CakeSession::check($currentModel . '.search.conditions')) {
         $sessionConditions = CakeSession::read($currentModel . '.search.conditions');
         $conditions = $this->paginateConditions($sessionConditions);
     $order = array();
     if (CakeSession::read($currentModel . '.search.sort.processedOrder')) {
         $order = CakeSession::read($currentModel . '.search.sort.processedOrder');
     $data = $this->find('all', array('recursive' => 0, 'conditions' => $conditions, 'order' => $order));
     $data = $this->handleOptionsInData($rawFields, $data);
     return $data;
Esempio n. 17
	function beforeFind($queryData) { 
			$group = CakeSession::read('Auth.User.group_id');//read the entity id from the session
			$user = CakeSession::read('Auth.User._id');
			if($group!='1'){// only limit data if it's not a admin user. needs to be based on name in future
				if(isset($this->_schema['user_id'])) {
					//use a condition to limit data
					$queryData['conditions'][$this->name.'.user_id'] = $user;
					return $queryData;
				//Do nothing
				return $queryData;
			//Do nothing
			return $queryData;
  * Get the current user from the session.
  * @param string $key field to retrive.  Leave null to get entire User record
  * @return mixed User record. or null if no user is logged in.
  * @link
 public static function user($key = null)
     if (!empty(static::$loggedInUser)) {
         return static::$loggedInUser;
     if (!CakeSession::check(static::$sessionKey)) {
         return null;
     $user = CakeSession::read(static::$sessionKey);
     if (is_string($user)) {
         $class = static::$documentModel;
         $user = static::$loggedInUser = $class::find($user);
     if ($key == null) {
         return $user;
     if (isset($user[$key])) {
         return $user[$key];
     return null;
Esempio n. 19
 public function save($data)
     if (isset($data['id'])) {
         if (CakeSession::write('TempItems.' . $data['id'], $data)) {
             return true;
         } else {
             return false;
     if (CakeSession::check('TempItems')) {
         $ret = CakeSession::read('TempItems');
         array_push($ret, $data);
     } else {
         $ret = array($data);
     if (CakeSession::write('TempItems', $ret)) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Esempio n. 20
  * Find, setup, and get the AB test, if we're using Sessions setup in the config, look at that first.
  * @param array of options
  * - debug (if true, will always return the test even if it's not active, and regardless of roll)
  * - return (test|roll|both) default test.
  * - refresh (will preform the search as normal without the cached test result) default false
  * @return mixed array test if found and rolled, or boolean depending on return option.
 public function getTest($options = array())
     $options = array_merge(array('debug' => false, 'return' => 'test', 'refresh' => false), (array) $options);
     $retval = array('test' => false, 'roll' => false);
     if (!$options['refresh'] && $this->test) {
         return $this->test;
     if ($test = $this->SeoABTest->findTestByUri(null, $options['debug'])) {
         if ($this->SeoABTest->isTestable($test)) {
             $retval['test'] = $test;
             if (SeoUtil::getConfig('abTesting.session')) {
                 $ab_tests = CakeSession::check('Seo.ABTests') ? CakeSession::read('Seo.ABTests') : array();
             } else {
                 $ab_tests = array();
             if (is_array($ab_tests) && isset($ab_tests[$test['SeoABTest']['id']])) {
                 $retval['roll'] = !!$ab_tests[$test['SeoABTest']['id']];
             } elseif ($options['debug'] || $this->SeoABTest->roll($test)) {
                 $ab_tests[$test['SeoABTest']['id']] = $test;
                 $retval['roll'] = true;
             } else {
                 $ab_tests[$test['SeoABTest']['id']] = false;
                 $retval['roll'] = false;
             if (SeoUtil::getConfig('abTesting.session')) {
                 CakeSession::write('Seo.ABTests', $ab_tests);
             $this->test = $retval;
     switch ($options['return']) {
         case 'test':
             return $retval['test'];
         case 'roll':
             return $retval['roll'];
             return $retval;
Esempio n. 21
 public function authenticate(MOXMAN_Auth_User $user)
     $config = MOXMAN::getConfig();
     // Check logged in key
     $sessionValue = CakeSession::read($config->get("CakeAuthenticator.logged_in_key", "loggedin"));
     if (!$sessionValue || $sessionValue === "false") {
         return false;
     // Extend config with session prefixed sessions
     $configPrefix = $config->get("CakeAuthenticator.config_prefix", "moxiemanager");
     if ($configPrefix && CakeSession::check($configPrefix)) {
         $configItems = CakeSession::read($configPrefix);
     // Replace ${user} with all config items
     $key = $config->get("CakeAuthenticator.user_key");
     if ($key && CakeSession::check($key)) {
         $config->replaceVariable("user", CakeSession::read($key));
     // The user is authenticated so let them though
     return true;
Esempio n. 22
  * Used to check if a session variable is set
  * In your controller: $this->Session->check('Controller.sessKey');
  * @param string $name the name of the session key you want to check
  * @return boolean true is session variable is set, false if not
  * @access public
 function check($name)
     if ($this->__active === true) {
         return parent::check($name);
     return false;
Esempio n. 23
  * Get the current user.
  * Will prefer the static user cache over sessions. The static user
  * cache is primarily used for stateless authentication. For stateful authentication,
  * cookies + sessions will be used.
  * @param string $key field to retrieve. Leave null to get entire User record
  * @return array|null User record. or null if no user is logged in.
  * @link
 public static function user($key = null)
     if (!empty(self::$_user)) {
         $user = self::$_user;
     } elseif (self::$sessionKey && CakeSession::check(self::$sessionKey)) {
         $user = CakeSession::read(self::$sessionKey);
     } else {
         return null;
     if ($key === null) {
         return $user;
     return Hash::get($user, $key);
Esempio n. 24
 public function applyPromoCode($CanteenOrder)
     //set all the promo codes on the order
     $currency = ClassRegistry::init("Currency");
     $user_id = false;
     if (CakeSession::check("")) {
         $user_id = CakeSession::read("");
     #User Account Promo Code
     if (isset($CanteenOrder['CanteenOrder']['user_account_canteen_promo_code_id']) && !empty($CanteenOrder['CanteenOrder']['user_account_canteen_promo_code_id'])) {
         $uap = $this->find("first", array("conditions" => array("" => $CanteenOrder['CanteenOrder']['user_account_canteen_promo_code_id']), "contain" => array()));
         if (isset($uap['CanteenPromoCode']['id'])) {
             $CanteenOrder['UserAccountCanteenPromoCode'] = $uap['CanteenPromoCode'];
     #Shipping Promo Code
     ### For Certain Users
     $free_shipping_users = array('4d715e72-7124-486a-9129-7ace0ab55011', '4d54b193-7c1c-4741-bdfe-0fe90a000269');
     if (in_array($user_id, $free_shipping_users)) {
         $CanteenOrder['CanteenOrder']['shipping_total'] = 0.0;
         $CanteenOrder['CanteenOrder']['shipping_canteen_promo_code_id'] = 2;
         //get the promo code
         $code = $this->find("first", array("contain" => array(), "conditions" => array("" => 2)));
         $CanteenOrder['ShippingCanteenPromoCode'] = $code['CanteenPromoCode'];
     	env('GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE') == "US" && 
     	$CanteenOrder['CanteenOrder']['sub_total'] >= 74.95
     ) {
     	$CanteenOrder['CanteenOrder']['shipping_total'] = 0.00;
     	$CanteenOrder['CanteenOrder']['shipping_canteen_promo_code_id'] = 2;
     	//get the promo code
     	$code = $this->find("first",array(
     	$CanteenOrder['ShippingCanteenPromoCode'] = $code['CanteenPromoCode'];
     #Promotion Promo Code
     //check to see if there are more than three items
     if (count($CanteenOrder['CanteenOrderItem']) >= 3) {
         $CanteenOrder['UserAccountCanteenPromoCode'] = null;
         $uap = $this->find("first", array("conditions" => array("" => 3), "contain" => array()));
         if (isset($uap['CanteenPromoCode']['id'])) {
             $CanteenOrder['PromotionCanteenPromoCode'] = $uap['CanteenPromoCode'];
     #Standard Promo Code
     #Calculate all the discounts
     $discount = 0;
     if (isset($CanteenOrder['UserAccountCanteenPromoCode']['rate'])) {
         $discount += $CanteenOrder['UserAccountCanteenPromoCode']['rate'] / 100 * $CanteenOrder['CanteenOrder']['sub_total'];
     if (isset($CanteenOrder['PromotionCanteenPromoCode']['rate'])) {
         $discount += $CanteenOrder['PromotionCanteenPromoCode']['rate'] / 100 * $CanteenOrder['CanteenOrder']['sub_total'];
     if ($discount > 0) {
         $discount = "-" . $discount;
     $CanteenOrder['CanteenOrder']['discount_total'] = $discount;
     $CanteenOrder['CanteenOrder']['sub_total'] += $discount;
     $CanteenOrder['CanteenOrder']['taxable_total'] += $discount;
     return $CanteenOrder;
Esempio n. 25
  * Used to check if a session variable is set
  * In your controller: $this->Session->check('Controller.sessKey');
  * @param string $name the name of the session key you want to check
  * @return boolean true is session variable is set, false if not
  * @link
 public function check($name)
     return CakeSession::check($name);
Esempio n. 26
  * Used to render the message set in Controller::Session::setFlash()
  * In your view: $session->flash('somekey');
  * 					Will default to flash if no param is passed
  * @param string $key The [Message.]key you are rendering in the view.
  * @return string Will echo the value if $key is set, or false if not set.
  * @access public
 function flash($key = 'flash')
     if ($this->__active === true && $this->__start()) {
         if (parent::check('Message.' . $key)) {
             $flash = parent::read('Message.' . $key);
             if ($flash['layout'] == 'default') {
                 if (!empty($flash['params']['class'])) {
                     $class = $flash['params']['class'];
                 } else {
                     $class = 'message';
                 $out = '<div id="' . $key . 'Message" class="' . $class . '">' . $flash['message'] . '</div>';
             } elseif ($flash['layout'] == '' || $flash['layout'] == null) {
                 $out = $flash['message'];
             } else {
                 $view =& ClassRegistry::getObject('view');
                 list($tmpVars, $tmpTitle) = array($view->viewVars, $view->pageTitle);
                 list($view->viewVars, $view->pageTitle) = array($flash['params'], '');
                 $out = $view->renderLayout($flash['message'], $flash['layout']);
                 list($view->viewVars, $view->pageTitle) = array($tmpVars, $tmpTitle);
             echo $out;
             parent::del('Message.' . $key);
             return true;
     return false;
Esempio n. 27
  * Used to render the message set in Controller::Session::setFlash()
  * In your view: $this->Session->flash('somekey');
  * Will default to flash if no param is passed
  * You can pass additional information into the flash message generation.  This allows you
  * to consolidate all the parameters for a given type of flash message into the view.
  * {{{
  * echo $this->Session->flash('flash', array('params' => array('class' => 'new-flash')));
  * }}}
  * The above would generate a flash message with a custom class name. Using $attrs['params'] you 
  * can pass additional data into the element rendering that will be made available as local variables
  * when the element is rendered:
  * {{{
  * echo $this->Session->flash('flash', array('params' => array('name' => $user['User']['name'])));
  * }}}
  * This would pass the current user's name into the flash message, so you could create peronsonalized
  * messages without the controller needing access to that data.
  * Lastly you can choose the element that is rendered when creating the flash message. Using 
  * custom elements allows you to fully customize how flash messages are generated.
  * {{{
  * echo $this->Session->flash('flash', array('element' => 'my_custom_element'));
  * }}}
  * @param string $key The [Message.]key you are rendering in the view.
  * @return array $attrs Additional attributes to use for the creation of this flash message.
  *    Supports the 'params', and 'element' keys that are used in the helper.
  * @access public
  * @link
  * @link
 public function flash($key = 'flash', $attrs = array())
     $out = false;
     if (CakeSession::check('Message.' . $key)) {
         $flash = CakeSession::read('Message.' . $key);
         $message = $flash['message'];
         if (!empty($attrs)) {
             $flash = array_merge($flash, $attrs);
         if ($flash['element'] == 'default') {
             $class = 'message';
             if (!empty($flash['params']['class'])) {
                 $class = $flash['params']['class'];
             $out = '<div id="' . $key . 'Message" class="' . $class . '">' . $message . '</div>';
         } elseif ($flash['element'] == '' || $flash['element'] == null) {
             $out = $message;
         } else {
             $tmpVars = $flash['params'];
             $tmpVars['message'] = $message;
             $out = $this->_View->element($flash['element'], $tmpVars);
         CakeSession::delete('Message.' . $key);
     return $out;
Esempio n. 28
  * Used to render the message set in Controller::Session::setFlash()
  * In your view: $session->flash('somekey');
  * Will default to flash if no param is passed
  * @param string $key The [Message.]key you are rendering in the view.
  * @return boolean|string Will return the value if $key is set, or false if not set.
  * @access public
  * @link
  * @link
 function flash($key = 'flash')
     $out = false;
     if ($this->__active === true && $this->__start()) {
         if (parent::check('Message.' . $key)) {
             $flash = parent::read('Message.' . $key);
             if ($flash['element'] == 'default') {
                 if (!empty($flash['params']['class'])) {
                     $class = $flash['params']['class'];
                 } else {
                     $class = 'message';
                 $out = '<div id="' . $key . 'Message" class="' . $class . '">' . $flash['message'] . '</div>';
             } elseif ($flash['element'] == '' || $flash['element'] == null) {
                 $out = $flash['message'];
             } else {
                 $view =& ClassRegistry::getObject('view');
                 $tmpVars = $flash['params'];
                 $tmpVars['message'] = $flash['message'];
                 $out = $view->element($flash['element'], $tmpVars);
             parent::delete('Message.' . $key);
     return $out;
Esempio n. 29
 public function getSearchHistory($searchType)
     return CakeSession::check($searchType) ? CakeSession::read($searchType) : [];
  * Get the current user.
  * Will prefer the static user cache over sessions.  The static user
  * cache is primarily used for stateless authentication.  For stateful authentication,
  * cookies + sessions will be used.
  * @param string $key field to retrieve.  Leave null to get entire User record
  * @return mixed User record. or null if no user is logged in.
  * @link
 public static function user($key = null)
     if (empty(self::$_user) && !CakeSession::check(self::$sessionKey)) {
         return null;
     if (!empty(self::$_user)) {
         $user = self::$_user;
     } else {
         $user = CakeSession::read(self::$sessionKey);
     if ($key === null) {
         return $user;
     if (isset($user[$key])) {
         return $user[$key];
     return null;