public function publishersFilter()
        if( is_null( $this->_publisherFilters ) )
            $facetApplication = null;
            foreach( $this->contentList->facets as $facet )
                if( $facet instanceof  FacetApplication )
                    $facetApplication = $facet;

            $filters = array();
            foreach( $facetApplication->defaultValues as $applicationId )
                $applicationLocalized = CacheApplicationTool::buildLocalizedApplicationByApplication( $applicationId );
                if( !$applicationLocalized )
                $filter = $applicationLocalized->getPublishersFilter();
                if( !empty($filter) )
                    $filters[] = '('.$applicationLocalized->getPublishersFilter().')';

            $this->_publisherFilters = '( '.implode( ' OR ', $filters ).' )';

        return $this->_publisherFilters;
     * @param int $applicationId
     * @return array[]
    public static function fetchAllowedUsersByApplication($applicationId)
        $appLocalized = CacheApplicationTool::buildLocalizedApplicationByApplication($applicationId);
        $conditions = array(
            'application_localized_id'                 => $appLocalized->id,

        $result = parent::fetchObjectList(self::definition(), null, $conditions, null, null, false );
        $usersList = array();

        foreach( $result as $row )
            if ( !empty($row) )
                $usersList[] = $row['user_uuid'];

        return $usersList;
     * @param string $remote_id
     * @param string $cluster_identifier
     * @param string $description
     * @param string $url
     * @param string $application
     * @param string $elearningStatus
     * @return int
    public static function addToMySelection( $remote_id, $cluster_identifier, $description, $url, $application, $elearningStatus = null )
        $currentMMUser = MMUsers::getCurrentUserObject();

        if ( !($currentMMUser instanceof MMUsers) )
            return 0;

        $uuid = $currentMMUser->attribute( 'uuid' );
        $country = $currentMMUser->attribute( 'country' );

        if( !self::isAlreadyInUserSelection( $remote_id, $cluster_identifier ) )
            if ( !$currentMMUser )
                return self::countTotalFromUserSelection();

            $applicationLocalized = CacheApplicationTool::buildLocalizedApplicationByApplication($application);
            $application = $applicationLocalized->applicationObject()->attribute('identifier');

            $selection = new MMSelections();
            $selection->setAttribute( 'uuid', $uuid );
            $selection->setAttribute( 'country', $country );
            $selection->setAttribute( 'url', $url );
            $selection->setAttribute( 'remote_id', $remote_id );
            $selection->setAttribute( 'cluster_identifier', $cluster_identifier );
            $selection->setAttribute( 'description', $description );
            $selection->setAttribute( 'add_date', time() );
            $selection->setAttribute( 'application', $application );

        elseif( $application == 'e-learning' )
            self::updateSelectionDescription( $remote_id, $cluster_identifier, $description, $elearningStatus );


        return self::countTotalFromUserSelection($uuid, $country);
     * @return array
    public function getResponseSolr()
        $applicationDictionaryRows = $this->prepareConfig();

        $forbiddenWords = NodeVisibilityCheck::getForbiddenWordsArray( $this->_cluster_identifier );
        $queryTerm = count($forbiddenWords) ? implode(' ', $forbiddenWords) : '*:*';

        foreach ( $applicationDictionaryRows as $applicationDictionaryRow )
            // Get application node_id
            $applicationId = $applicationDictionaryRow['application_id'];

            /** @var ApplicationLocalized[] $_localApplication */
            $this->_localApplications[$applicationId] = CacheApplicationTool::buildLocalizedApplicationByApplication( $applicationId );

            $appLocalizedIsProper = ( $this->_localApplications[$applicationId] instanceof ApplicationLocalized );

            if ( !$appLocalizedIsProper )
                eZDebug::writeError( sprintf( 'Cannot fetch localized application %s for cluster %s', $applicationId, $this->_cluster_identifier ), __FILE__ . '::' . __LINE__ );

            /* @type $validLanguages array */
            $newsletterStyle = $applicationDictionaryRow['newsletter_style'];
            $clusterSiteIni  = eZINI::fetchFromFile( "extension/{$this->_cluster_identifier}/settings/site.ini.append.php" );
            $validLanguages  = $clusterSiteIni->variable( 'RegionalSettings', 'SiteLanguageList' );

            // Common
            $fq = array(
                '(attr_archive_date_dt:"1970-01-01T01:00:00Z" OR attr_archive_date_dt:[NOW TO *])',
                'attr_is_invisible_' . $this->_cluster_identifier . '_b:false',
                'meta_language_code_ms:(' . implode( ' OR ', $validLanguages ) . ')',
            $taxonomyList = json_decode( $applicationDictionaryRow['taxonomy_filter'], true );

            if(count($taxonomyList) > 0){
                foreach ($taxonomyList as $row) {
                    foreach($row as $taxonomyCategory => $taxonomies){
                        $taxonomies = array_map(function($value) { return '"' . $value . '"'; }, $taxonomies);
                        $fq[] = "subattr_{$taxonomyCategory}___source_id____s: (" . implode(',', $taxonomies) . ')';

            // NO SDK
            $publisherNodeIds = $this->_localApplications[$applicationId]->publisherNodeIds();
            if(count($publisherNodeIds) == 1 )
                $newsletterStyle = $applicationDictionaryRow['newsletter_style'];

                $fq = array_merge($fq, array(
                    'meta_path_si:' . $publisherNodeIds[0],
            elseif (count($publisherNodeIds) > 1 )
                $publisherFilter = implode(' OR ', $publisherNodeIds);
                $newsletterStyle = $applicationDictionaryRow['newsletter_style'];

                $fq = array_merge($fq, array(
             * SDK Specific treatment; dead code for now
                if ( $this->_localApplications[$applicationId] instanceof SDKApplication )
                    // SDK application
                    $fq = array_merge($fq, array(
                        'subattr_local_application___source_id____s:' . $applicationId,
                        'is_sdk_b:true AND is_newsletter_b:true'

            // Solr query parameters
            $rows = 100000;
            $queryParams = array(
                'indent' => 'on',
                'q' => $queryTerm,
                'start' => 0,
                'rows' => $rows,
                'fq' => $fq,
                'fl' => array(
                    'attr_has_image_' . $this->_cluster_identifier . '_bst',
                    'attr_view_counter_' . $this->_cluster_identifier . '_i',
                    'attr_media_content_types_' . ClusterTool::clusterIdentifier() . '_bst',
                    'attr_' . ClusterTool::clusterIdentifier() . '_url_s',
                    'attr_media_content_quiz_replies_' . $this->_cluster_identifier . '____ms',
                    'attr_media_content_quiz_points_' . $this->_cluster_identifier . '_i',
                    'attr_media_content_quiz_question_' . $this->_cluster_identifier . '_ms',
                'qt' => '',
                'explainOther' => '',
                'hl.fl' => '',
                'sort' => $this->_configuration['sort']
            $publisherFilters = $this->_localApplications[$applicationId]->getPublishersFilter();
            if ( $publisherFilters )
                $queryParams['fq'][] = $publisherFilters;

            if ( !empty($this->_customerType) )
                $customerTypeCondition = implode(',', $this->stringArrayToFilterQueryParam($this->_customerType));
                $queryParams['fq'][] = sprintf( 'subattr_customer_type___source_id____s:(%s)', $customerTypeCondition );
            if ( !empty($this->_specialty) )
                $specialtyCondition = implode(',', $this->stringArrayToFilterQueryParam($this->_specialty));
                $queryParams['fq'][] = sprintf( 'subattr_speciality___source_id____s:(%s)', $specialtyCondition );
            if ( $applicationDictionaryRow["publisher"] )
                $queryParams['fq'][] = sprintf( 'subattr_publisher_folder___source_id____s:(%s)', $applicationDictionaryRow["publisher"] );

            if ( $newsletterStyle == 'PICL' )
                $queryParams['fq'][] = 'subattr_media_type___source_id____s:107.2';

            $taxonomies = $this->getApplicationTaxonomies($applicationDictionaryRow['feed_id']);
            $firstCategory = reset(array_keys($taxonomies));
            $queryTaxonomies = '';
            foreach($taxonomies as $categorie=>$taxonomie)
                if($categorie != $firstCategory)
                    $queryTaxonomies .= ' AND ';
                $queryTaxonomies .= 'subattr_' . $categorie . '___source_id____s:(' . $taxonomie . ')';

            if($queryTaxonomies != '')
                $queryParams['fq'][] = $queryTaxonomies;

            $queryParamsFqFallback = $queryParams['fq'];
            $rowValueKey           = '';

            // different sort and filters by mechanism
            switch ($applicationDictionaryRow["mechanism"]) {
                case 1:
                    $rowValueKey = 'number_article_list';
                    $queryParams['sort'] = implode( ', ', $queryParams['sort'] );

                    //if begin/end date is set
                    if(!empty($this->_beginDate) && !empty($this->_endDate))
                        $queryParams['fq'][] = 'attr_online_date_dt:[' . $this->_beginDate . ' TO ' . $this->_endDate . ']';
                        $queryParams['fq'][] = sprintf( 'attr_online_date_dt:[NOW-%sDAY TO *]', $this->_configuration['days'] );
                case 2:
                    $rowValueKey = 'number_article_random';
                    $oneHourRandom = floor(time() / 3600);
                    $queryParams['sort'] = 'attr_' . $oneHourRandom . '_random asc';
                case 4:
                    $rowValueKey = 'number_article_last_x';
                    $queryParams['sort'] = "attr_online_date_dt desc";
                    $queryParams['fq'][] = 'attr_online_date_dt:[NOW-7DAY TO *]';

                    //if begin/end date is set
                    if(!empty($this->_beginDate) && !empty($this->_endDate))
                        $queryParams['fq'][] = 'attr_online_date_dt:[' . $this->_beginDate . ' TO ' . $this->_endDate . ']';
                        $queryParams['fq'][] = sprintf( 'attr_online_date_dt:[NOW-%sDAY TO *]', $this->_configuration['days'] );
                case 5:
                    $rowValueKey = 'number_article_list';
                    if(!empty($this->_beginDate) && !empty($this->_endDate))
                        $queryParams['fq'][] = 'attr_online_date_dt:[' . $this->_beginDate . ' TO ' . $this->_endDate . ']';
                    $queryParams['sort'] = implode( ', ', $queryParams['sort'] );
                    if( $applicationDictionaryRow['number_article_ns'] )
                        $queryParams['rows'] = (int)$applicationDictionaryRow['number_article_ns'];
                         $queryParams['rows'] = 100;

            if ( (int) $applicationDictionaryRow[$rowValueKey] >= 0 )
                $queryParams['rows'] = (int) $applicationDictionaryRow[$rowValueKey];

            $queryParams['fl'] = implode( ',', $queryParams['fl'] );
            $queryParams['fq'] = implode( ' AND ', $queryParams['fq'] );

            // main fetch solr
            $result = SolrTool::rawSearch( $queryParams, 'php', false );
            if ( !isset( $result['response']['docs'] ) )
                eZDebug::writeError( 'Error from Solr for query : ' . $result['params']['fq'], __FILE__ . '::' . __LINE__ );
                if( php_sapi_name() != 'cli' )
                    header( 'HTTP/1.x 500 Internal Server Error' );
            if ( count($result['response']['docs']) == 0 && $applicationDictionaryRow['mechanism'] == 5)
                $queryParams['fq'] = $queryParamsFqFallback;
                $queryParams['sort'] = array(
                    'attr_featured_content_b desc',
                    'attr_online_date_dt desc',

                $queryParams['sort'] = implode( ', ', $queryParams['sort'] );

                //if begin/end date is set
                if(!empty($this->_beginDate) && !empty($this->_endDate))
                    $queryParams['fq'][] = 'attr_online_date_dt:[' . $this->_beginDate . ' TO ' . $this->_endDate . ']';
                $queryParams['fq'] = implode( ' AND ', $queryParams['fq'] );
                $result = SolrTool::rawSearch( $queryParams, 'php', false );

            // if no result fallback for mechanism 3
            if ( count( $result['response']['docs'] ) == 0 && $applicationDictionaryRow["mechanism"] == 3 )
                $queryParams['fq'] = $queryParamsFqFallback;
                $queryParams['fq'] = implode( ' AND ', $queryParams['fq'] );
                if ( (int) $applicationDictionaryRow['number_article_random'] >= 0 )
                    $queryParams['rows'] = (int) $applicationDictionaryRow['number_article_random'];
                    $queryParams['rows'] = $rows;
                $oneHourRandom = floor(time() / 3600);
                $queryParams['sort'] = 'attr_' . $oneHourRandom . '_random asc';

                $result = SolrTool::rawSearch( $queryParams, 'php', false );
                if ( !isset( $result['response']['docs'] ) )
                    eZDebug::writeError( 'Error from Solr for query : ' . $result['params']['fq'], __FILE__ . '::' . __LINE__ );
                    if( php_sapi_name() != 'cli' )
                        header( 'HTTP/1.x 500 Internal Server Error' );

            $articles = $result['response']['docs'];

            // if mechanism 4, we need to have articles also from previous week
            if($applicationDictionaryRow["mechanism"] == 4)
                $queryParams['fq'] = $queryParamsFqFallback;
                $queryParams['fq'][] = 'attr_online_date_dt:[NOW-14DAY TO NOW-7DAY]';
                $oneHourRandom = floor(time());
                $queryParams['sort'] = 'attr_' . $oneHourRandom . '_random asc';

                $queryParams['fq'] = implode( ' AND ', $queryParams['fq'] );
                $queryParams['rows'] = (int) $applicationDictionaryRow['number_article_random_y'];

                $resultRandom = SolrTool::rawSearch( $queryParams, 'php', false );
                if ( !isset( $resultRandom['response']['docs'] ) )
                    eZDebug::writeError( 'Error from Solr for query : ' . $result['params']['fq'], __FILE__ . '::' . __LINE__ );
                    if( php_sapi_name() != 'cli' )
                        header( 'HTTP/1.x 500 Internal Server Error' );

                if(count($resultRandom['response']['docs'])) {
                    $articles = array_merge($articles, $resultRandom['response']['docs']);

            $this->_applicationsData[$applicationId][] = array(
                'articles'                    => $articles,
                'applicationDictionaryRow'    => $applicationDictionaryRow

        return $this->_applicationsData;
//header( 'Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate' );
header('Content-Type', 'application/json');

$tpl = eZTemplate::factory();

$nodeID = $Params['NodeID'];
$applicationIdentifier = $Params['ApplicationIdentifier'];

$node = null;
if ($nodeID != null && $node != 'undefined')
    $node = eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetch($nodeID);

$application = CacheApplicationTool::buildLocalizedApplicationByApplication($applicationIdentifier);
if ($application instanceof ApplicationLocalized == false)
    echo json_encode(array(
        'publisher_logo' => false,

$publisherLogo = false;

$showRelatedPublishers = $application->applicationObject()->getCustomParameter('ShowPublisherLogos');

if ($showRelatedPublishers && $node != null && $node instanceof eZContentObjectTreeNode)
     * @return array
    public static function getApplicationLists()
        $userAppList = AppBarControl::instance()->applicationIds();
        $orderedAppList = $userAppList;
        $apps = array();


        $rawApps = ApplicationLocalized::fetchApplicationList(array('id' => array($orderedAppList)));

        foreach ( $rawApps as $k => $app )
            $force = false;
            if(SolrSafeOperatorHelper::featureIsActive('LearningNeedsAssessment') && $app->identifier == 'learning-needs-assessment')
                $force = true;

            if ( $app->attribute('application_library') || $force )
                /* @var $app ApplicationLocalized */
                $apps['#' . $app->attribute('id')] = $app;
                unset($userAppList[array_search($app->attribute('id'), $userAppList)]);
                $userAppList = array_values($userAppList);

                unset($orderedAppList[array_search($app->attribute('id'), $orderedAppList)]);
                $orderedAppList = array_values($orderedAppList);

        // we check if some apps were deleted in the meantime
        if ( self::user() )
            $applistToUpdate = false;

            foreach ( $userAppList as $k => $id )
                if ( !isset($apps['#' . $id]) )
                    // we remove the application from the app bar only if it is not available for the anonymous
                    // display rights are handled at application level
                    if ( !in_array($id, CountryApplicationLibrary::fetchAuthorizedApplicationIds(true)) )
                        $applistToUpdate = true;
                        $apps['#' . $id] = CacheApplicationTool::buildLocalizedApplicationByApplication($id);
            if ( $applistToUpdate )
                $userAppList = array_values($userAppList);
                $user = MMUsers::getCurrentUserObject();
                $orderedAppList = $userAppList;



        return array(
            'app_list' => self::user() ? $orderedAppList : $userAppList,
            'apps'     => $apps
     * @param array $conditions
     * @return ApplicationObject[]
    public static function fetchApplicationList ( $conditions = array() )
        if( is_null(self::$_applicationList ) )
            $appIds = parent::fetchObjectList(ApplicationObject::definition(), null, $conditions, null, null, false );
            $apps   = array();

            foreach( $appIds as $appId )
                $appLocalized = CacheApplicationTool::buildLocalizedApplicationByApplication($appId['id']);

                if ( $appLocalized instanceof ApplicationLocalized && $appLocalized->applicationObject instanceof ApplicationObject )
                    $apps[] = $appLocalized->applicationObject;
            self::$_applicationList = $apps;

        return self::$_applicationList;
     * @param array $solrResult
     * @param FacetBase[] $facets
     * @return array
    public function articleResult(&$solrResult, $facets)
        $returnArray     = array();
        $articleNodeIDs  = array();
        $articleSolrData = array();
        $articleData     = array();

        $fields = $this->getFields();

        foreach ( $solrResult['response']['docs'] as $doc )
            $nodeId = $doc['meta_guid_ms'];
            $article = array(
                'headline'   => isset ( $doc[$fields['headline']] ) ? $doc[$fields['headline']] : array(),
                'url'        => isset ( $doc[$fields['url']] ) ? $doc[$fields['url']] : array(),
                'status'     => isset ( $doc[$fields['status']] ) ? $doc[$fields['status']] : array(),
                'condition'  => isset ( $doc[$fields['condition']] ) ? $doc[$fields['condition']] : array(),
                'gender'     => isset ( $doc[$fields['gender']] )  ? $doc[$fields['gender']] : array(),
                'min_age'    => isset ( $doc[$fields['min_age']] ) ? $doc[$fields['min_age']] : array(),
                'max_age'    => isset ( $doc[$fields['max_age']] ) ? $doc[$fields['max_age']] : array(),
                'country'    => isset ( $doc[$fields['country']] ) ? $doc[$fields['country']] : array(),

            switch (reset($article['status']))
                case '231.2': //                case ClinicalTrialsImportManager::STATUS_RECRUITING:
                    $article['status'] = 'RECRUITING';
                case '231.1': //                case ClinicalTrialsImportManager::STATUS_NOT_RECRUITING:
                    $article['status'] = 'NOT RECRUITING';
                    $article['status'] = 'NOT AVAILABLE';

            switch (count($article['gender']))
                case 0:
                    $article['gender'] = 'NOT AVAILABLE';
                case 1:
                    if ($article['gender'][0] == '')
                        $article['gender'] = 'NOT AVAILABLE';
                        $article['gender'] = 'GENDER_' . $article['gender'][0];
                case 2:
                    $article['gender'] = 'GENDER_BOTH';
            if ($article['min_age'] == 0)
                $article['min_age'] = 'NOT AVAILABLE';
            if ($article['max_age'] == 0)
                $article['max_age'] = 'NOT AVAILABLE';

            $articleData[] = $article;

            $solrApplicationIndexes     = isset ( $doc[$fields['apps']] ) ? $doc[$fields['apps']] : array();
            $solrApplicationNames       = array();
            $solrApplicationIdentifiers = array();

            foreach( $solrApplicationIndexes as $applicationIndex )
                list ( $cluster, $void, $applicationId ) = explode( '##', $applicationIndex );

                if ( $cluster == ClusterTool::clusterIdentifier() )
                    $app = CacheApplicationTool::buildLocalizedApplicationByApplication( $applicationId );

                    if ( !($app instanceof ApplicationLocalized) )

                    $solrApplicationNames[] = $app->attribute('name');
                    $solrApplicationIdentifiers[] = $app->applicationObject()->attribute('identifier');

            $url = isset( $doc[$fields['url']] ) ? $doc[$fields['url']] : null;

            if ( empty( $solrApplicationIdentifiers ) )
                eZDebug::writeError( "Could not get application id for cluster for node $nodeId - Falling back to current application" );
                $solrApplicationIdentifiers = array( $this->contentList->applicationObject()->attribute('identifier') );

            $masterApps = $this->contentList->iniMerck()->hasSection('MasterAppSettings') && $this->contentList->iniMerck()->hasVariable( 'MasterAppSettings', 'MasterAppList' )
                ? $this->contentList->iniMerck()->variable( 'MasterAppSettings', 'MasterAppList' )
                : array();

            $applicationIdentifier = $solrApplicationIdentifiers[0];

            if (!empty($masterApps))
                foreach ($solrApplicationIdentifiers as $solrApplicationIdentifierKey => $solrApplicationIdentifier)
                    if (in_array($solrApplicationIdentifier, $masterApps))

                        $applicationIdentifier = $solrApplicationIdentifier;
                        unset( $solrApplicationIdentifiers[$solrApplicationIdentifierKey] );
                        $solrApplicationIdentifiers = array_merge( array( $applicationIdentifier ), $solrApplicationIdentifiers );


            $application       = CacheApplicationTool::buildLocalizedApplicationByIdentifier( $applicationIdentifier );
            $applicationObject = $application->applicationObject();
            $applicationType   = $applicationObject->applicationType()->attribute('type_identifier');
            $url               = ($applicationType == 'first-child') ? '/' . $application->attribute('url') : '/'.$application->attribute('url').'/'.$url;

            $articleSolrData[$nodeId] = array(
                'url'               => $url,
                'headline'          => isset( $doc[$fields['headline']] ) ? $doc[$fields['headline']] : null,
                'promo_description' => isset( $doc[$fields['promo_description']] ) ? $doc[$fields['promo_description']] : null,
                'apps'              => $solrApplicationNames,
                'app_identifiers'   => $solrApplicationIdentifiers,
                'trip_speciality'   => isset( $doc[$fields['trip_speciality']] ) ? $doc[$fields['trip_speciality']] : null,
                'trip_url'          => isset( $doc[$fields['trip_url']] ) ? $doc[$fields['trip_url']] : null,
                'trip_publication'  => isset( $doc[$fields['trip_publication']] ) ? $doc[$fields['trip_publication']] : null
        if( $this->withArticles )
            $articleInformations = array(
                'articles'                      => $articleData,
                'articles_solrdata'             => $articleSolrData,
                'features'                      => $this->features,
                'with_feed'                     => $this->withFeed,
                'content_service_configuration' => ( isset($app) ? $app->applicationObject->configurationContentService : array() ),

            $returnArray['article_informations'] = $articleInformations;
            $returnArray['articles_nb']          = count($articleNodeIDs);

            if( trim($this->searchQuery) != '' )
                if( isset( $solrResult['spellcheck']['suggestions']) )
                    $returnArray['kw_suggestion'] = $solrResult['spellcheck']['suggestions']['collation'];

            if( isset( $solrResult['highlighting'] ) )
                $highlights = $this->parseSolrHighlights( $solrResult );

                if( $highlights )
                    $returnArray['highlights'] = $highlights;

        if ( $this->withAllSpecialities )
            $facet = null;

            foreach($this->contentList->facets as $f)
                if( $f instanceof FacetFieldTagSpeciality )
                    $facet = $facets[$f->key]['list'];

            $main_speciality = '';
            $specialities    = array();
            $first           = true;

            foreach( $facet as $lbl => $arr )
                if( $first )
                    $main_speciality = $lbl;
                    $first           = false;
                    $specialities[$lbl] = $arr;

            $allSpecialitiesInformations = array(
                'main_speciality'  => $main_speciality,
                'specialities'     => $specialities,
                'all_specialities' => $this->allSpecialitiesFacet()

            $returnArray['all_specialities_informations'] = $allSpecialitiesInformations;

        if( $this->withMostPopularKeywords )
            $returnArray['most_popular_kw'] = $this->keywordsAutocomplete('');

        if ( $this->withT3Facets )
            $t3FacetInformations = array();

            foreach($this->contentList->facets as $index => $f)
                if( $f instanceof FacetFieldTagType3 )
                    $t3FacetInformations['t3_facets'] = $facets[$f->key]['list'];
                    $t3FacetInformations['t3_name'] = $f->key;
                    $t3FacetInformations['t3_key'] = 'f'.$index;

            $returnArray['t3_facet_informations'] = $t3FacetInformations;
        return $returnArray;
  * @param int $applicationId
 public function __construct( $applicationId )
     $this->_applicationId = $applicationId;
     $this->_application = CacheApplicationTool::buildLocalizedApplicationByApplication( $applicationId )->applicationObject;
    static function updateRanking()
        $qpru = QuizPendingRankingUpdate::fetchAll();
        if( $qpru ) {
            $benchMessage = $benchSQLStart = $benchSQLEnd = $benchCalculusStart = $benchCalculusEnd = $benchTotalStart = $benchTotalEnd = null;
            // We only update one quiz application's leaderboard on each
            // cronjob pass even if multiple leaderboards are awaiting update
            // to limit SQL queries
            $lowestRanking     = (int)$qpru[0]['lowest_global_ranking'];
            $clusterIdentifier = $qpru[0]['cluster_identifier'];
            $applicationId     = (int)$qpru[0]['application_id'];
            $application = CacheApplicationTool::buildLocalizedApplicationByApplication($applicationId);

            if( is_numeric( $lowestRanking ) && $lowestRanking != null && is_numeric( $applicationId ) && $applicationId != null ) {
                $benchTotalStart = getrusage();
                $db = eZDB::instance();
                $results = $db->arrayQuery( sprintf("
                        uuid, user_specialty, score, global_ranking, specialty_ranking
                        global_ranking <= %d
                        AND cluster_identifier = '%s'
                        AND application_id = %d
                        AND ( nb_correct > 0 OR nb_wrong > 0 )
                    ORDER BY
                        score DESC",
                    $db->escapeString( $clusterIdentifier ),
                ) );

                $updateCount = 0;
                if( $results && count( $results ) > 1 ) {
                    $benchCalculusStart = getrusage();
                    $updateResult = null;
                    $spe = $changed = $res = array();
                    $r = $_r = 1;
                    foreach( $results as $rank => $row ) {
                        if( (int)$row['global_ranking'] != $r ) {
                            $changed[] = $row['uuid'];
                            $results[$rank]['global_ranking'] = $r;
                        if( isset( $results[$rank + 1] ) && ( (int)$results[$rank + 1]['score'] != (int)$row['score'] ) )
                        $spe[$row['user_specialty']][] = $results[$rank];
                        $res[$row['uuid']] = $rank;
                    foreach( $spe as $row ) {
                        $_r = 1;
                        if( count( $row ) > 1 ) {
                            foreach( $row as $_rank => $_row ) {
                                if( (int)$_row['specialty_ranking'] != $_r ) {
                                    if( !in_array( $_row['uuid'], $changed ) )
                                        $changed[] = $_row['uuid'];
                                    $results[$res[$_row['uuid']]]['specialty_ranking'] = $_r;
                                if( isset( $row[$_rank + 1] ) ) {
                                    if( (int)$row[$_rank + 1]['score'] != (int)$_row['score'] )
                        } else {
                            if( (int)$row[0]['specialty_ranking'] != $_r ) {
                                if( !in_array( $row[0]['uuid'], $changed ) )
                                    $changed[] = $row[0]['uuid'];
                                $results[$res[$row[0]['uuid']]]['specialty_ranking'] = $_r;
                    $benchCalculusEnd = getrusage();
                    if( count( $changed ) > 0 ) {
                        $benchSQLStart = getrusage();
                        foreach( $changed as $uuid ) {
                            $updateResult = $db->query( sprintf("
                                    global_ranking = %d,
                                    specialty_ranking = %d
                                    uuid = '%s'
                                    AND cluster_identifier = '%s'
                                    AND application_id = %d",
                                $db->escapeString( $clusterIdentifier ),
                            ) );
                        $benchSQLEnd = getrusage();
                    $updateCount = count( $changed );
                    $benchTotalEnd = getrusage();
                    if( $updateCount > 0 )
                        $benchMessage = 'Total: ' . self::benchmarckTime( $benchTotalEnd, $benchTotalStart ) . 'ms (Calculus: ' . self::benchmarckTime( $benchCalculusEnd, $benchCalculusStart ) . 'ms, SQL: ' . self::benchmarckTime( $benchSQLEnd, $benchSQLStart ) . 'ms)';
                } else {
                    if( $results && count( $results ) == 1 ) {
                        $updateResult = $db->query( sprintf("
                                global_ranking = 1,
                                specialty_ranking = 1
                                uuid = '%s'
                                AND cluster_identifier = '%s'
                                AND application_id = %d",
                            $db->escapeString( $clusterIdentifier ),
                        ) );
                        $updateCount = 1;
            // Once leaderboard update is done, we delete the corresponding PendingRankingUpdate row in DB
            QuizPendingRankingUpdate::removeById( (int)$qpru[0]['id'] );

            // If we updated a user with a lower global ranking than the one used for the recalculation above, that means we
            // had users sharing the same global ranking. We need to schedule yet another recalculation with the lowest ranking available
            if( $r != $lowestRanking ) {
                ClusterTool::setCurrentCluster( $clusterIdentifier );
                $lowestGlobalRanking = QuizPlayerScoring::fetchBy( array( 'cluster_identifier' => $clusterIdentifier, 'application_id' => $applicationId ), array( 'global_ranking' => 'desc' ), array( 'length' => 1 ) );
                QuizPendingRankingUpdate::add( $lowestGlobalRanking[0]->attribute('global_ranking'), $applicationId );

            return array(
                'updateCount'       => $updateCount,
                'updateResult'      => $updateResult,
                'clusterIdentifier' => $clusterIdentifier,
                'applicationId'     => $applicationId,
                'benchmark'         => $benchMessage
        return null;
     * @param null $command
     * @return string
    protected function getWSHandler( $command = null )

        // Specific cases for ESHCP 1.8 validation
        if ( in_array( $command, array( 'validate/us' ) ) )
            $this->_wsHandler = "EshcpWSHelper";
            return $this->_wsHandler;

        // Specific cases as some webservices used for UUMP countries will be available only through 8088 port
        if ( in_array( $command, array( 'doccheck' ) ) )
            $this->_wsHandler = "WSHelper";
            return $this->_wsHandler;

        // Do we override classic WSHandler (ESB) for a specific one, for special registration purposes ?
        if ( SolrSafeOperatorHelper::featureIsActive( 'OverrideWSHandler' ) && ( $command == 'create' ) )
            $this->_wsHandler = SolrSafeOperatorHelper::feature( 'OverrideWSHandler', 'ClassName' );

            // Are we on the "validation" registration page and is the hash correct ?
            if ( self::verifyHash() )
                // We go back on classic ESB instead of overriden WSHandler
                $register_app     = CacheApplicationTool::buildLocalizedApplicationByApplication( $_POST['app_id'] );
                $this->_wsHandler = $register_app->getCustomParameter( 'WSHandler' );
        // Are we on a UUMP cluster ?
        elseif ( SolrSafeOperatorHelper::featureIsActive( 'UUMP' ) )
            $this->_wsHandler = SolrSafeOperatorHelper::feature( 'UUMP', 'WSHandlerClassName' );
        // Else we use the classic ESB
            $this->_wsHandler = "WSHelper";

        return $this->_wsHandler;
    private function buildResultList()
        $applications = array();
        $applicationIds = array();
        $applicationsByName = array();
        foreach( CountryApplicationLibrary::fetchAuthorizedApplicationIds() as $appId )
            if( $appId == 0 )
            $applicationLocalized = CacheApplicationTool::buildLocalizedApplicationByApplication( $appId );
            if( !($applicationLocalized instanceof ApplicationLocalized) )

            // Hack : Temporary patch to override in localized application the mm_application.parent_id
            if ( $applicationLocalized->getCustomParameter('DirectAccessDisable') === true )

            if( (bool)$applicationLocalized->applicationObject->attribute('application_library') )
                if($applicationLocalized->restrictionLevel() == ApplicationObject::RESTRICTION_LEVEL_LIMITED)
                        $applications[] = $applicationLocalized->applicationObject;
                        $applicationIds[] = $appId;
                    $applications[] = $applicationLocalized->applicationObject;
                    $applicationIds[] = $appId;
        /* @var $app ApplicationObject */
        foreach( $applications as $k => $app )
            $applicationsByName[$app->applicationLocalized()->attribute('headline')] = $app;
        uksort( $applicationsByName, function($a, $b){ return strnatcasecmp($a, $b); });

        // display all applications
        $this->pushResult('application_ids'     , $applicationIds);
        $this->pushResult('applications_by_name', $applicationsByName);

        // for anonymous users
        $ids = CountryAppsBar::fetchAppsBarApplicationIds();
        $applications_anonymous = array();
        foreach($ids as $id)
            $applications_anonymous[] = (string)$id;
        $this->pushResult('applications_anonymous', $applications_anonymous);

        // banners
        $banners        = array();
        $base           = $this->applicationLocalized()->applicationUrl().'/';
        /* @var $application ApplicationObject */
        /* @var $homepageApplication MMHomePage */
        $homepageApplication = ApplicationFactory::fetchByUri('/');
        foreach( $homepageApplication->getAppsToAdd() as $application )
            $bannerFiles = $application->applicationLocalized()->getBanners();

            if (is_array($bannerFiles) && !is_null($bannerFiles['big']) && !is_null($bannerFiles['small']))
                $banners[] = array(
                    'id'        => $this->applicationLocalized()->attribute('id'),
                    'img'       => SolrSafeOperatorHelper::bannerDecHash('/esibuild/banner/'.$application->attribute( 'identifier' ).'/big/'.ClusterTool::clusterIdentifier().'.png'),
                    'img_small' => SolrSafeOperatorHelper::bannerDecHash('/esibuild/banner/'.$application->attribute( 'identifier' ).'/small/'.ClusterTool::clusterIdentifier().'.png'),
                    'label'     => $application->applicationLocalized()->attribute('headline'),
                    'url'       => $base . $application->applicationLocalized()->attribute('url'),

            if( count($banners) >= self::BANNER_ITEMS_LIMIT )

        $this->pushResult('banners', $banners);
  * @return ApplicationLocalized
 public function applicationLocalized()
     return CacheApplicationTool::buildLocalizedApplicationByApplication($this->attribute('id'));
  * @return ApplicationObject
 public function application()
     $localized = CacheApplicationTool::buildLocalizedApplicationByApplication($this->attribute("channel_application_id"));
     if ($localized == null) {
         return null;
     return $localized->applicationObject();
if( is_null($cluster) )
    $script->shutdown(3, 'No cluster provided - Aborting');

if( is_null($filename) )
    $script->shutdown(1, 'No File provided - Aborting');

if( !($f = fopen($filename, 'r')) )
    $script->shutdown(2, 'Could not open source file - Aborting');

$db = eZDB::instance();

$appsById = array();
foreach( $db->arrayQuery( sprintf( "SELECT application_id FROM mm_application_localized WHERE cluster_identifier = '%s'", $cluster ) ) as $row )
    $appsById[$row['application_id']] = CacheApplicationTool::buildLocalizedApplicationByApplication($row['application_id'] );
uasort( $appsById, function($a, $b){ return strnatcasecmp( $a->applicationObject->attribute('identifier'), $b->applicationObject->attribute('identifier') ); });


$dumpCmd = 'mysqldump -h'.$db->Server.' -u'.$db->User.' -p'.$db->Password.' '.$db->DB.' mm_application mm_application_localized > "'.eZINI::instance()->variable('FileSettings', 'VarDir').'/mm_application_import_dump.'.date('YmdHis').'.sql"';
$dump = exec($dumpCmd);

$headers = fgetcsv($f, null, ',', '"');

while ( $r= fgetcsv($f, null, ',', '"') )
    $row = array_combine($headers, $r);
    public static function getPublisherArticleUrl($publisher, $articleId)
        $fields = array(
            'apps' => 'subattr_local_application___source_mixed____s',
            'url'  => 'attr_'.ClusterTool::clusterIdentifier().'_url_s',
            'publisher_path' => 'subattr_publisher_folder___source_id____s',

        $fq = array(
            "subattr_publisher_folder___source_id____s: \"{$publisher}\"",
            "attr_publisher_internal_id_s: \"{$articleId}\"",

        $params = array(
            'indent'        => 'on',
            'q'             => '',
            'start'         => 0,
            'rows'          => 1,
            'fq'            => implode(' AND ', $fq),
            'fl'            => implode(',', array_values($fields)),
            'qt'            => 'ezpublish',
            'explainOther'  => '',
            'hl.fl'         => '',

        $raw = SolrTool::rawSearch($params);
        if ($raw['response']['numFound'] == 0)
            return null;
        $row = $raw['response']['docs'][0];

        $solrApplicationIndexes = $row[$fields['apps']];
        $solrApplicationIdentifiers = array();
        $solrApplicationNames = array();

        foreach( $solrApplicationIndexes as $applicationIndex )
            list ( $cluster, /* unused */, $applicationId ) = explode( '##', $applicationIndex );

            if ( $cluster == ClusterTool::clusterIdentifier() )
                $app = CacheApplicationTool::buildLocalizedApplicationByApplication( $applicationId );

                if ( !($app instanceof ApplicationLocalized) )

                $solrApplicationNames[] = $app->attribute('name');
                $solrApplicationIdentifiers[] = $app->applicationObject()->attribute('identifier');

        if (empty($solrApplicationIdentifiers))
        $applicationIdentifier = $solrApplicationIdentifiers[0];
        $application = CacheApplicationTool::buildLocalizedApplicationByIdentifier( $applicationIdentifier );
        $applicationObject = $application->applicationObject();
        $applicationType = $applicationObject->applicationType()->attribute('type_identifier');
        $publisherPath = $row[$fields['publisher_path']][0];
        $publisherInfo = PublisherFolderTool::getPathToIDMapping($publisherPath);
        $publisherFolderId = $publisherInfo['pfid'];

        $url = isset( $row[$fields['url']] ) ? $row[$fields['url']] : null;

        $url = ($applicationType == 'first-child')
            ? $application->attribute('url_alias')
            : $application->attribute('url_alias') . '/' . $publisherFolderId . '/' . $url;

        return $url;
Esempio n. 17
     * @return array
    public static function version_json()
        $cacheManifest = CacheTool::dailyValue(self::MOBILE_MANIFEST_NAME);

            $cacheManifest = array();

        $allAppIds = CountryApplicationLibrary::fetchAuthorizedApplicationIds();
        $applicationIds = array('my-selection', 'application-library', 'register', 'global-search', 'contactus-fr', 'sendtocolleague', 'mobile-app-settings');

        foreach ( $allAppIds as $appId )
            if ( $appId == 0 )

            $applicationLocalized = CacheApplicationTool::buildLocalizedApplicationByApplication($appId);

            if ( !($applicationLocalized instanceof ApplicationLocalized) )

            if ( (bool) $applicationLocalized->applicationObject->attribute('application_library') )

                $applicationIds[] = $applicationLocalized->applicationObject->attribute('identifier');

        $newApps = array_diff($applicationIds, array_keys($cacheManifest));
            // fill the cacheManifest with new entry
            foreach($newApps as $newApp)
                $cacheManifest[$newApp] = array("js" => array_flip(self::getJavascript($newApp, 'all')),
                                                "css" => array_flip(self::getCSS($newApp))
            // save new applications in cache
            CacheTool::dailyValue(self::MOBILE_MANIFEST_NAME, $cacheManifest);

        $js     = array();
        $css    = array();
        foreach($applicationIds as $id)
            $js     = array_merge($js, $cacheManifest[$id]["js"]);
            $css    = array_merge($css, $cacheManifest[$id]["css"]);

        return array_unique(array_merge($js, $css));
     * i18n operator works like : source|context([argument1, argument2 ...])
     * Arguments are optional and are comma separated
     * @return Callable[]
     * Examples :
     * Simple without argument:
     * {{# i18n }}
     *   MORE|merck()
     * {{/ i18n }}
     * Or with argument:
     * {{# i18n }}
     *   %nb RESULTS|merck(3)
     * {{/ i18n }}
    private static function getHelpers($application = null)
        return array(
            'i18n' => function($text) {
                preg_match("#(?<source>[^\|]+)\|(?<context>[^(]+)\((?<params>[^\)]+)?\)#", $text, $m);
                if($m && $m["source"] && $m["context"])
                    $arguments = array();
                        $params = explode(",", $m["params"]);
                        preg_match_all("#(?<arguments>%\w+)#", $m["source"], $mParams);
                        if($mParams && $mParams["arguments"])
                            for($i = 0; $i < count($mParams["arguments"]); $i++)
                                $arguments[$mParams["arguments"][$i]] = $params[$i];

                    return ezpI18n::tr($m["context"], $m["source"], null, $arguments);
                return $text;
            'taxonomies_filter' => function($text) use ($application) {
                $filterTaxonomies = $application->getCustomParameter('TaxonomiesFilter');

                $html = '';
                foreach($filterTaxonomies as $category)
                    $taxonomies = FacetFilteringTool::getTaxonomyTranslationsByCategory($category);
                    $tpl = eZTemplate::factory();

                    $tpl->setVariable('taxonomies', $taxonomies);
                    $tpl->setVariable('category', $category);
                    $html .= $tpl->fetch( 'design:esibuild/app_content/channel/filter.tpl' );
                return $html;
            'editors_choice_content' => function($text) use ($application) {
                $taxonomyCategory = $application->getCustomParameter('EditorsChoiceFilter');
                $taxonomyValue = $application->getCustomParameter('EditorsChoiceValue');
                $limit = $application->getCustomParameter('EditorsChoiceLimit');
                $html = '';
                $language = eZINI::instance('site.ini')->variable('RegionalSettings', 'ContentObjectLocale');

                $fields = array(
                    'node_id'              => 'meta_node_id_si',
                    'object_id'            => 'meta_id_si',
                    'language'             => 'meta_language_code_ms',
                    'url'                  => 'attr_'.ClusterTool::clusterIdentifier().'_url_s',
                    'headline'             => 'attr_headline_s',
                    'promo_description'    => 'attr_promo_description_t',
                    'rating'               => 'attr_content_rating_'.ClusterTool::clusterIdentifier().'_f',
                    'views'                => 'attr_view_counter_'.ClusterTool::clusterIdentifier().'_i',
                    'app_identifiers'      => 'subattr_parent_application___identifier____s',
                    'apps'                 => 'subattr_local_application___source_mixed____s',
                    'app_id'               => 'subattr_local_application___source_id____s',
                    'online_date'          => 'attr_online_date_dt',
                    'score'                => 'score',
                    'publisher_path'       => 'subattr_publisher_folder___source_id____s',
                    'has_image'            => 'attr_has_image_'.ClusterTool::clusterIdentifier().'_bst',
                    'media_types'          => 'attr_media_content_types_'.ClusterTool::clusterIdentifier().'_bst',
                    'internal_id'          => 'attr_publisher_internal_id_s',
                    'link_url'             => 'attr_media_content_link_'.ClusterTool::clusterIdentifier().'____ms'
                $filters = array(
                    "subattr_{$taxonomyCategory[0]}___source_id____s: \"{$taxonomyValue[0]}\"",
                    "meta_language_code_ms: \"{$language}\""
                $params = array(
                    'indent'        => 'on',
                    'q'             => '*:*',
                    'fq'            => implode(' AND ' , $filters),
                    'start'         => '0',
                    'rows'          => $limit,
                    'fl'            => implode(',',$fields),
                    'qt'            => 'ezpublish',
                    'explainOther'  => '',
                    'hl.fl'         => '',
                    'sort'          => "attr_online_date_dt desc",
                $result = SolrTool::rawSearch($params);
                foreach ($result[response][docs] as $key => $value) {
                    $result[response][docs][$key]['headline'] = $value['attr_headline_s'];
                    $result[response][docs][$key]['node_id'] = $value['meta_node_id_si'];
                    $result[response][docs][$key]['object_id'] = $value['meta_id_si'];
                    $result[response][docs][$key]['language'] = $value['meta_language_code_ms'];
                    $result[response][docs][$key]['promo_description'] = $value['attr_promo_description_t'];
                    $app = CacheApplicationTool::buildLocalizedApplicationByApplication( $value['subattr_local_application___source_id____s'][0] );
                    $applicationObject = $app->applicationObject();
                    $applicationType   = $applicationObject->applicationType()->attribute('type_identifier');
                    $result[response][docs][$key]['application_name'] = $app->attribute('url_alias');
                    $publisherPath = $value['subattr_publisher_folder___source_id____s'][0];
                    $publisher = PublisherFolder::getPublisherFromPath($publisherPath);
                    $publisherFolderId = $publisher->getTranslation()->attribute('publisher_folder_id');
                    $publisherName = $publisher->getTranslation()->attribute('name');
                    $result[response][docs][$key]['publisher_name'] = $publisherName;
                    $url = $value['attr_'.ClusterTool::clusterIdentifier().'_url_s'];
                    $url = ($applicationType == 'first-child')
                        ? $app->attribute('url_alias')
                        : $app->attribute('url_alias') . '/' . $publisherFolderId . '/' . $url;
                    $result[response][docs][$key]['url'] = $url;
                    $result[response][docs][$key]['online_date'] = solrTool::getDateFromSolr($value['attr_online_date_dt']);
                    $result[response][docs][$key]['publisher_name'] = $publisherName;
                    $result[response][docs][$key]['has_image'] = json_decode( base64_decode($value['attr_has_image_'.ClusterTool::clusterIdentifier().'_bst']), true );
                    $mediaCase = ImageArticleTool::NEWS_APPLICATION_CASE;
                    $hasImage = $result[response][docs][$key]['has_image'][$mediaCase];
                    if ($hasImage) {
                        $result[response][docs][$key]["dt_url"] = SolrSafeOperatorHelper::getImageArticleUrl($mediaCase, $result[response][docs][$key]['object_id'], $result[response][docs][$key]['language'], 'dt_full');
                        $result[response][docs][$key]["mb_url"] = SolrSafeOperatorHelper::getImageArticleUrl($mediaCase, $result[response][docs][$key]['object_id'], $result[response][docs][$key]['language'], 'm_full');

                $tpl = eZTemplate::factory();
                $tpl->setVariable('editorsChoice', $result);
                $html .= $tpl->fetch( 'design:esibuild/app_content/channel/editors_choice.tpl' );
                return $html;
     * @param string $taxonomyCategory
     * @param float $taxonomyValue
     * @param int $limit
     * @param boolean $includeAllValues
     * @return array
    public function getRelatedContent($taxonomyCategory, $taxonomyValue, $limit, $includeAllValues, $nodeId)
        $fields = $this->mappingFieldsSolr;

        $filters = array();
        if ($includeAllValues)
            foreach ($taxonomyValue as $tv)
                $filters[] =  "subattr_{$taxonomyCategory}___source_id____s: \"{$tv}\"";
            $filter = "subattr_{$taxonomyCategory}___source_id____s: (%s)";
            $taxonomyValue = array_map( function($v) {
                return "\"{$v}\"";
            }, $taxonomyValue);
            $filter = sprintf($filter, implode(' OR ', $taxonomyValue));

            $filters[] = $filter;

        $filters[] = '-meta_node_id_si: ' . $nodeId;
        $locale = LocaleTool::languageFromLocale();
        $filters[] = "meta_language_code_ms:".$locale.'*';

        $params = array(
            'indent'        => 'on',
            'q'             => '*:*',
            'fq'            => implode(' AND ' , $filters),
            'start'         => $this->offset,
            'rows'          => $limit,
            'fl'            => implode(',',$fields),
            'qt'            => 'ezpublish',
            'explainOther'  => '',
            'hl.fl'         => '',
            'sort'          => "attr_online_date_dt desc",

        $solrResult =  SolrTool::rawSearch( $params, 'php', true, false );

        foreach ( $solrResult['response']['docs'] as $doc )
            $nodeId                     = $doc['meta_node_id_si'][0];
            $articleNodeIDs[]           = $nodeId;
            $solrApplicationIndexes     = isset ( $doc[$fields['apps']] ) ? $doc[$fields['apps']] : array();
            $solrApplicationNames       = array();
            $solrApplicationIdentifiers = array();
            $app                        = null;

            foreach( $solrApplicationIndexes as $applicationIndex )
                list ( $cluster, /* unused */, $applicationId ) = explode( '##', $applicationIndex );

                if ( $cluster == ClusterTool::clusterIdentifier() )
                    $app = CacheApplicationTool::buildLocalizedApplicationByApplication( $applicationId );

                    if ( !($app instanceof ApplicationLocalized) )

                    $solrApplicationNames[] = $app->attribute('name');
                    $solrApplicationIdentifiers[] = $app->applicationObject()->attribute('identifier');

            $url = isset( $doc[$fields['url']] ) ? $doc[$fields['url']] : null;

            if ( empty( $solrApplicationIdentifiers ) )
                eZDebug::writeError( "Could not get application id for cluster for node $nodeId - Falling back to current application" );
                $solrApplicationIdentifiers = array( $this->contentList->applicationObject()->attribute('identifier') );

            $masterApps = $this->contentList->iniMerck()->hasSection('MasterAppSettings') && $this->contentList->iniMerck()->hasVariable( 'MasterAppSettings', 'MasterAppList' )
                ? $this->contentList->iniMerck()->variable( 'MasterAppSettings', 'MasterAppList' )
                : array();

            $applicationIdentifier = $solrApplicationIdentifiers[0];

            if (!empty($masterApps))
                foreach ($solrApplicationIdentifiers as $solrApplicationIdentifierKey => $solrApplicationIdentifier)
                    if (in_array($solrApplicationIdentifier, $masterApps))
                        $applicationIdentifier = $solrApplicationIdentifier;
                        unset( $solrApplicationIdentifiers[$solrApplicationIdentifierKey] );
                        $solrApplicationIdentifiers = array_merge( array( $applicationIdentifier ), $solrApplicationIdentifiers );


            $application       = CacheApplicationTool::buildLocalizedApplicationByIdentifier( $applicationIdentifier );
            $applicationObject = $application->applicationObject();
            $applicationType   = $applicationObject->applicationType()->attribute('type_identifier');
            $publisherPath     = $doc[$fields['publisher_path']][0];
            $publisherInfo     = PublisherFolderTool::getPathToIDMapping($publisherPath);
            $publisherFolderId = $publisherInfo['pfid'];
            $onlineDateStamp   = strtotime($doc[$fields['online_date']]) > 3600*24*2 ? SolrTool::getTimestampFromSolr($doc[$fields['online_date']]) : 0;
            $mediaTypes        = isset( $doc[$fields['media_types']] )
                ? json_decode( base64_decode($doc[$fields['media_types']]), true )
                : array();
            $mediaCount        = 0;
            $hasImage          = isset( $doc[$fields['has_image']] )
                ? json_decode( base64_decode($doc[$fields['has_image']]), true )
                : array();
            $url               = ($applicationType == 'first-child')
                ? $application->attribute('url_alias')
                : $application->attribute('url_alias') . '/' . $publisherFolderId . '/' . $url;

            $result[$nodeId] = array(
                'object_id'            => isset( $doc[$fields['object_id']] )            ? $doc[$fields['object_id']]            : null,
                'language'             => isset( $doc[$fields['language']] )             ? $doc[$fields['language']]             : null,
                'headline'             => isset( $doc[$fields['headline']] )             ? $doc[$fields['headline']]             : null,
                'promo_description'    => isset( $doc[$fields['promo_description']] )    ? $doc[$fields['promo_description']]    : null,
                'online_date'          => strtotime($doc[$fields['online_date']]) > 3600*24*2 ? SolrTool::getDateFromSolr($doc[$fields['online_date']]) : 0,
                'has_image'            => $hasImage,
                'url'                  => $url,
                'node_id'              => $nodeId,
                'internal_id'          => isset( $doc[$fields['internal_id']] )          ? $doc[$fields['internal_id']]            : null,
                'application'          => $application,
        return $result;