Esempio n. 1
     if (!$arFields["AUDITORS"]) {
         $arFields["AUDITORS"] = array();
 if (!empty($arFields)) {
 $task = $oTask->getData();
 // count children tasks
 $childrenCnt = 0;
 $arFilter = array();
 if (is_array($_POST['arFilter'])) {
     $arFilter = $_POST['arFilter'];
 if ($rsChildrenCount = CTasks::GetChildrenCount($arFilter, array($task['ID']))) {
     if ($arChildrens = $rsChildrenCount->fetch()) {
         $childrenCnt = $arChildrens["CNT"];
 $bGannt = false;
 if (isset($_POST['bGannt'])) {
     $bGannt = (bool) $_POST['bGannt'];
 $params = array("PATHS" => $arPaths, "PLAIN" => false, "DEFER" => true, "SITE_ID" => $SITE_ID, "TASK_ADDED" => false, 'IFRAME' => 'N', "NAME_TEMPLATE" => $nameTemplate, 'DATA_COLLECTION' => array(array("CHILDREN_COUNT" => $childrenCnt, "DEPTH" => 0, "UPDATES_COUNT" => 0, "PROJECT_EXPANDED" => true, 'ALLOWED_ACTIONS' => null, "TASK" => $task)));
 if ($columnsOrder !== null) {
     $params['COLUMNS_IDS'] = $columnsOrder;
 $APPLICATION->IncludeComponent('bitrix:tasks.list.items', '.default', $params, null, array("HIDE_ICONS" => "Y"));
 $arAdditionalFields = array('html' => "'" . CUtil::JSEscape(ob_get_clean()) . "'");
Esempio n. 2
 // Is task id the result of previous operation in batch?
 $taskId = BXTasksResolveDynaParamValue($arAction['taskData']['ID'], array('$arOperationsResults' => $arOperationsResults));
 $oTask = CTaskItem::getInstanceFromPool($taskId, $loggedInUserId);
 $returnValue = null;
 $arTask = $oTask->getData($bSpecialChars = false);
 if ($arTask['GROUP_ID']) {
     $arTask['GROUP_NAME'] = '';
     $arGroup = CSocNetGroup::GetByID($arTask['GROUP_ID']);
     if ($arGroup) {
         $arTask['GROUP_NAME'] = $arGroup['~NAME'];
 $childrenCount = 0;
 $rsChildrenCount = CTasks::GetChildrenCount($arFilter = array(), array($taskId));
 if ($rsChildrenCount) {
     if ($arChildrens = $rsChildrenCount->Fetch()) {
         $childrenCount = $arChildrens['CNT'];
 $arPathes = array('PATH_TO_TASKS_TASK' => str_replace("#user_id#", $loggedInUserId, COption::GetOptionString('tasks', 'paths_task_user_action', null, $SITE_ID)));
 $arTaskEscaped = array();
 foreach ($arTask as $key => $value) {
     if (is_array($value)) {
         foreach ($value as $key2 => $value2) {
             $arTaskEscaped[$key][$key2] = htmlspecialcharsbx($value2);
     } else {
         $arTaskEscaped[$key] = htmlspecialcharsbx($value);
Esempio n. 3
 $arPrevTasksIds = array();
 while ($arPrevTask = $rsPrevTasksIds->fetch()) {
     $arPrevTasksIds[] = (int) $arPrevTask['DEPENDS_ON_ID'];
 $arResult["PREV_TASKS"] = array();
 if (!empty($arPrevTasksIds)) {
     $rsPrevtasks = CTasks::GetList(array('GROUP_ID' => 'ASC'), array('ID' => $arPrevTasksIds));
     while ($arPrevTask = $rsPrevtasks->GetNext()) {
         $arResult["PREV_TASKS"][] = $arPrevTask;
         $arTasksIDs[] = $arPrevTask["ID"];
         if ($arPrevTask["GROUP_ID"] && !in_array($arPrevTask["GROUP_ID"], $arGroupsIDs)) {
             $arGroupsIDs[] = $arPrevTask["GROUP_ID"];
 $rsChildrenCount = CTasks::GetChildrenCount(array(), $arTasksIDs);
 if ($rsChildrenCount) {
     while ($arChildrenCount = $rsChildrenCount->Fetch()) {
         $arResult["CHILDREN_COUNT"]["PARENT_" . $arChildrenCount["PARENT_ID"]] = $arChildrenCount["CNT"];
 // groups
 $arResult["GROUPS"] = array();
 $arOpenedProjects = CUserOptions::GetOption("tasks", "opened_projects", array());
 if ($arResult["TASK_TYPE"] != "group" && sizeof($arGroupsIDs)) {
     $rsGroups = CSocNetGroup::GetList(array("ID" => "ASC"), array("ID" => $arGroupsIDs));
     while ($arGroup = $rsGroups->GetNext()) {
         $arGroup["EXPANDED"] = array_key_exists($arGroup["ID"], $arOpenedProjects) && $arOpenedProjects[$arGroup["ID"]] == "false" ? false : true;
         $arResult["GROUPS"][$arGroup["ID"]] = $arGroup;
Esempio n. 4
                $arResult['TASKS'][$taskId]['FILES'][] = $arFile;
$arResult["GROUPS"] = array();
$arOpenedProjects = CUserOptions::GetOption("tasks", "opened_projects", array());
if (!empty($arGroupsIDs)) {
    $rsGroups = CSocNetGroup::GetList(array("ID" => "ASC"), array("ID" => $arGroupsIDs));
    while ($arGroup = $rsGroups->GetNext()) {
        $arGroup["EXPANDED"] = array_key_exists($arGroup["ID"], $arOpenedProjects) && $arOpenedProjects[$arGroup["ID"]] == "false" ? false : true;
        $arResult["GROUPS"][$arGroup["ID"]] = $arGroup;
$arResult["CHILDREN_COUNT"] = array();
$rsChildrenCount = CTasks::GetChildrenCount($arFilter, $arTasksIDs);
if ($rsChildrenCount) {
    while ($arChildrenCount = $rsChildrenCount->Fetch()) {
        $arResult["CHILDREN_COUNT"]["PARENT_" . $arChildrenCount["PARENT_ID"]] = $arChildrenCount["CNT"];
$arResult["UPDATES_COUNT"] = CTasks::GetUpdatesCount($arViewed);
$rsTemplates = CTaskTemplates::GetList(array("ID" => "DESC"), array("CREATED_BY" => $USER->GetID(), 'BASE_TEMPLATE_ID' => false, '!TPARAM_TYPE' => CTaskTemplates::TYPE_FOR_NEW_USER), array('NAV_PARAMS' => array('nTopCount' => 10)));
$arResult["TEMPLATES"] = array();
while ($template = $rsTemplates->GetNext()) {
    $arResult["TEMPLATES"][] = $template;
$sTitle = "";
if ($taskType == "group") {
    $sTitle = $sTitleShort = GetMessage("TASKS_TITLE_GROUP_TASKS");
} else {
Esempio n. 5
                $arData = $_POST;
                $arData['CHECKLIST_ITEMS'] = $arChecklistItems;
    } else {
        $arResult['ERRORS'] = array();
        $arResult['ERRORS'][] = array('text' => 'Duplicate POST-request', 'id' => 'ERROR_TASKS_DUPLICATE_POST_REQUEST');
        $arResult["bVarsFromForm"] = true;
        $arData = $_POST;
} else {
    if (isset($arResult["CALLBACK"]) && $arResult["CALLBACK"] && intval($_GET["TASK_ID"]) > 0) {
        $rsTask = CTasks::GetByID(intval($_GET["TASK_ID"]));
        if ($callbackTask = $rsTask->GetNext()) {
            $arResult["TASK"] = $callbackTask;
            $rsChildrenCount = CTasks::GetChildrenCount(array(), $arResult["TASK"]["ID"]);
            if ($arChildrenCount = $rsChildrenCount->Fetch()) {
                $arResult["TASK"]["CHILDREN_COUNT"] = $arChildrenCount["CNT"];
            $rsTaskFiles = CTaskFiles::GetList(array(), array("TASK_ID" => $arResult["TASK"]["ID"]));
            $arResult["TASK"]["FILES"] = array();
            while ($arTaskFile = $rsTaskFiles->Fetch()) {
                $rsFile = CFile::GetByID($arTaskFile["FILE_ID"]);
                if ($arFile = $rsFile->Fetch()) {
                    $arResult["TASK"]["FILES"][] = $arFile;
    if ($arResult["ACTION"] == "edit") {
        $arData = $arTask;