function churchwiki_setShowonstartpage($params) { $i = new CTInterface(); $i->setParam("doc_id"); $i->setParam("version_no"); $i->setParam("wikicategory_id"); $i->setParam("auf_startseite_yn"); db_update("cc_wiki")->fields($i->getDBInsertArrayFromParams($params))->condition("doc_id", $params["doc_id"], "=")->condition("version_no", $params["version_no"], "=")->condition("wikicategory_id", $params["wikicategory_id"], "=")->execute(false); }
public function editNotification($params) { global $user; if (empty($params["person_id"])) { $params["person_id"] = $user->id; } $i = new CTInterface(); $i->setParam("domain_type"); $i->setParam("domain_id"); $i->setParam("person_id"); $i->setParam("notificationtype_id", false); // Delete if abotype is not set if (empty($params["notificationtype_id"])) { db_delete("cc_notification")->fields($i->getDBInsertArrayFromParams($params))->condition("domain_type", $params["domain_type"], "=")->condition("domain_id", $params["domain_id"], "=")->condition("person_id", $user->id, "=")->execute(false); } else { try { db_insert("cc_notification")->fields($i->getDBInsertArrayFromParams($params))->execute(false); } catch (Exception $e) { db_update("cc_notification")->fields($i->getDBInsertArrayFromParams($params))->condition("domain_type", $params["domain_type"], "=")->condition("domain_id", $params["domain_id"], "=")->condition("person_id", $user->id, "=")->execute(false); } } }
public function deleteAgenda($params) { $agenda = $this->loadAgendas(array("ids" => array($params["id"]))); if ($agenda == null) { throw new CTException("Agenda not found!"); } $this->checkPerm("edit agenda", null, $agenda[$params["id"]]->calcategory_id); if (churchservice_isAgendaTemplate($params["id"])) { $this->checkPerm("edit agenda templates", null, $agenda[$params["id"]]->calcategory_id); } $i = new CTInterface(); $i->setParam("id"); $db = db_query("SELECT * FROM {cs_item} WHERE agenda_id=:agenda_id", array(":agenda_id" => $params["id"]), false); foreach ($db as $item) { $this->deleteItem(array("id" => $item->id)); } db_delete("cs_agenda")->fields($i->getDBInsertArrayFromParams($params))->condition("id", $params["id"], "=")->execute(false); }
function churchcal_saveCategory($params) { global $user; $id = null; if (isset($params["id"])) { $id = $params["id"]; } $auth = false; if ($params["privat_yn"] == 1 && $params["oeffentlich_yn"] == 0) { if ($id != null) { $auth = user_access("admin personal category", "churchcal") || churchcal_iAmOwner($id); } else { $auth = user_access("admin personal category", "churchcal") || user_access("create personal category", "churchcal"); } } else { if ($params["privat_yn"] == 0 && $params["oeffentlich_yn"] == 0) { if ($id != null) { $auth = user_access("admin group category", "churchcal") || churchcal_iAmOwner($id); } else { $auth = user_access("admin group category", "churchcal") || user_access("create group category", "churchcal"); } } else { if ($params["privat_yn"] == 0 && $params["oeffentlich_yn"] == 1) { $auth = user_access("admin church category", "churchcal") || churchcal_iAmOwner($id); } } } if (!$auth) { throw new CTNoPermission("Admin edit category", "churchcal"); } $i = new CTInterface(); $i->setParam("bezeichnung"); $i->setParam("sortkey"); $i->setParam("color"); $i->setParam("privat_yn"); if (!isset($params["id"]) || $params["id"] == null) { // Offentlich wird nur beim Insert festgelegt $i->addModifiedParams(); $i->setParam("oeffentlich_yn"); $i->setParam("randomurl"); $params["randomurl"] = random_string(32); $id = db_insert("cc_calcategory")->fields($i->getDBInsertArrayFromParams($params))->execute(false); // Erg�nze noch das Recht f�r den Autor db_query("insert into {cc_domain_auth} (domain_type, domain_id, auth_id, daten_id)\n values ('person', {$user->id}, 404, {$id})"); $_SESSION["user"]->auth = getUserAuthorization($_SESSION["user"]->id); if (isset($params["accessgroup"]) && $params["accessgroup"] != "") { if (isset($params["writeaccess"]) && $params["writeaccess"] == true) { db_query("insert into {cc_domain_auth} (domain_type, domain_id, auth_id, daten_id)\n values ('gruppe', " . $params["accessgroup"] . ", 404, {$id})"); } else { db_query("insert into {cc_domain_auth} (domain_type, domain_id, auth_id, daten_id)\n values ('gruppe', " . $params["accessgroup"] . ", 403, {$id})"); } } } else { $c = db_query("select * from {cc_calcategory} where id=:id", array(":id" => $params["id"]))->fetch(); $id = $params["id"]; db_update("cc_calcategory")->fields($i->getDBInsertArrayFromParams($params))->condition("id", $params["id"], "=")->execute(false); } return $id; }
/** * Saves the reminder or delete if no reminddate is given. used by AJAX call * Please take care of authorization!! * @param unknown $params * @return multitype:unknown */ function churchcore_saveReminder($params) { global $user; $params["person_id"] = $user->id; $id = null; $i = new CTInterface(); $i->setParam("domain_id"); $i->setParam("domain_type"); $i->setParam("person_id"); $i->setParam("reminddate", false); if (!isset($params["reminddate"])) { $id = db_delete("cc_reminder")->fields($i->getDBInsertArrayFromParams($params))->condition("person_id", $params["person_id"], "=")->condition("domain_id", db_cleanParam($params["domain_id"]), "=")->condition("domain_type", $params["domain_type"], "=")->execute(false); } else { $reminder = db_query("SELECT * FROM {cc_reminder} r\n WHERE person_id = :person_id AND domain_type = :domain_type\n AND domain_id = :domain_id", array(':person_id' => $params["person_id"], ':domain_type' => $params["domain_type"], ':domain_id' => $params["domain_id"]))->fetch(); if (!$reminder) { $id = db_insert("cc_reminder")->fields($i->getDBInsertArrayFromParams($params))->execute(false); } else { $id = $reminder->id; db_update("cc_reminder")->fields($i->getDBInsertArrayFromParams($params))->condition("person_id", $params["person_id"], "=")->condition("domain_id", db_cleanParam($params["domain_id"]), "=")->condition("domain_type", $params["domain_type"], "=")->execute(false); } } return array("id" => $id); }
function churchcal_updateEvent($params, $source = null) { $arr = array(); // Store all Exception and Addition changes for communication to other modules $changes = array(); // Nur Rechte pr�fen, wenn ich source bin, denn sonst hat das das Ursprungsmodul schon erledigt if ($source == null) { // Pr�fe, ob ich auf neue Kategorie schrieben darf if (!churchcal_isAllowedToEditCategory($params["category_id"])) { return CTNoPermission("AllowedToEditCategory[" . $params["category_id"] . "]", "churchcal"); } // Pr�fe, ob ich auf die vorhandene Kategorie schreiben darf $old_cal = db_query("select category_id, startdate from {cc_cal} where id=:id", array(":id" => $params["id"]))->fetch(); if (!churchcal_isAllowedToEditCategory($old_cal->category_id)) { return CTNoPermission("AllowedToEditCategory[" . $old_cal->category_id . "]", "churchcal"); } } // Wenn es nur eine Verschiebung auf dem Kalender ist if (!isset($params["repeat_id"])) { $i = new CTInterface(); $i->setParam("startdate", false); $i->setParam("enddate", false); $i->setParam("bezeichnung", false); $i->setParam("category_id", false); if (count($i->getDBInsertArrayFromParams($params)) > 0) { db_update("cc_cal")->fields($i->getDBInsertArrayFromParams($params))->condition("id", $params["id"], "=")->execute(); } } else { $arr[":event_id"] = $params["id"]; $arr[":startdate"] = $params["startdate"]; $arr[":enddate"] = $params["enddate"]; $arr[":bezeichnung"] = $params["bezeichnung"]; $arr[":ort"] = $params["ort"]; $arr[":intern_yn"] = $params["intern_yn"]; $arr[":notizen"] = str_replace('\\"', '"', $params["notizen"]); $arr[":link"] = $params["link"]; $arr[":category_id"] = $params["category_id"]; if (isset($params["repeat_id"])) { $arr[":repeat_id"] = $params["repeat_id"]; } else { $arr[":repeat_id"] = null; } if (isset($params["repeat_until"])) { $arr[":repeat_until"] = $params["repeat_until"]; } else { $arr[":repeat_until"] = null; } if (isset($params["repeat_frequence"])) { $arr[":repeat_frequence"] = $params["repeat_frequence"]; } else { $arr[":repeat_frequence"] = null; } if (isset($params["repeat_option_id"])) { $arr[":repeat_option_id"] = $params["repeat_option_id"]; } else { $arr[":repeat_option_id"] = null; } db_query("update {cc_cal} set startdate=:startdate, enddate=:enddate, bezeichnung=:bezeichnung, ort=:ort,\n notizen=:notizen, link=:link, category_id=:category_id, intern_yn=:intern_yn, category_id=:category_id, \n repeat_id=:repeat_id, repeat_until=:repeat_until, repeat_frequence=:repeat_frequence,\n repeat_option_id=:repeat_option_id \n where id=:event_id", $arr); // Hole alle Exceptions aus der DB $exc = churchcore_getTableData("cc_cal_except", null, "cal_id=" . $params["id"]); // Vergleiche erst mal welche schon in der DB sind oder noch nicht in der DB sind. if (isset($params["exceptions"])) { foreach ($params["exceptions"] as $exception) { if ($exception["id"] > 0) { $exc[$exception["id"]]->vorhanden = true; } else { $add_exc = array("cal_id" => $params["id"], "except_date_start" => $exception["except_date_start"], "except_date_end" => $exception["except_date_end"]); churchcal_addException($add_exc); $changes["add_exception"][] = $add_exc; } } } // L�sche nun alle, die in der DB sind, aber nicht mehr vorhanden sind. if ($exc != false) { foreach ($exc as $e) { if (!isset($e->vorhanden)) { $del_exc = array("id" => $e->id, "except_date_start" => $e->except_date_start, "except_date_end" => $e->except_date_end); churchcal_delException($del_exc); $changes["del_exception"][] = $del_exc; } } } // Hole alle Additions aus der DB $add = churchcore_getTableData("cc_cal_add", null, "cal_id=" . $params["id"]); // Vergleiche erst mal welche schon in der DB sind oder noch nicht in der DB sind. if (isset($params["additions"])) { foreach ($params["additions"] as $addition) { if ($addition["id"] > 0) { $add[$addition["id"]]->vorhanden = true; } else { $add_add = array("cal_id" => $params["id"], "add_date" => $addition["add_date"], "with_repeat_yn" => $addition["with_repeat_yn"]); churchcal_addAddition($add_add); $changes["add_addition"][] = $add_add; } } } // L�sche nun alle, die in der DB sind, aber nicht mehr vorhanden sind. if ($add != false) { foreach ($add as $a) { if (!isset($a->vorhanden)) { $del_add = array("id" => $a->id, "add_date" => $a->add_date); churchcal_delAddition($del_add); $changes["del_addition"][] = $del_add; } } } } // MeetingRequest if (isset($params["meetingRequest"])) { churchcal_handleMeetingRequest($params["id"], $params); } // BENACHRICHTIGE ANDERE MODULE $modules = churchcore_getModulesSorted(false, false); if (in_array("churchresource", $modules) && ($source == null || $source != "churchresource")) { include_once CHURCHRESOURCE . '/churchresource_db.php'; if ($source == null) { $source = "churchcal"; } $params["cal_id"] = $params["id"]; churchresource_updateResourcesFromChurchCal($params, $source, $changes); } if (in_array("churchservice", $modules) && ($source == null || $source != "churchservice")) { include_once CHURCHSERVICE . '/churchservice_db.php'; $cs_params = array_merge(array(), $params); $cs_params["cal_id"] = $params["id"]; $cs_params["id"] = null; $cs_params["old_startdate"] = $old_cal->startdate; if ($source == null) { $source = "churchcal"; } churchservice_updateEventFromChurchCal($cs_params, $source); } }
/** * save cal category * @param array $params * @throws CTNoPermission * @return Ambigous <mixed, string> */ function churchcal_saveCategory($params) { global $user; $id = getVar('id', false, $params); $auth = false; if ($params["privat_yn"] == 1 && $params["oeffentlich_yn"] == 0) { if ($id) { $auth = user_access("admin personal category", "churchcal") || churchcal_isUserOwnerOf($id); } else { $auth = user_access("admin personal category", "churchcal") || user_access("create personal category", "churchcal"); } } else { if ($params["privat_yn"] == 0 && $params["oeffentlich_yn"] == 0) { if ($id) { $auth = user_access("admin group category", "churchcal") || churchcal_isUserOwnerOf($id); } else { $auth = user_access("admin group category", "churchcal") || user_access("create group category", "churchcal"); } } else { if ($params["privat_yn"] == 0 && $params["oeffentlich_yn"] == 1) { $auth = user_access("admin church category", "churchcal") || churchcal_isUserOwnerOf($id); } } } if (!$auth) { throw new CTNoPermission("Admin edit category", "churchcal"); } $i = new CTInterface(); $i->setParam("bezeichnung"); $i->setParam("sortkey"); $i->setParam("color"); $i->setParam("privat_yn"); $i->setParam("ical_source_url", false); if (!$id) { // oeffentlich will be set on insert only $i->addModifiedParams(); $i->setParam("oeffentlich_yn"); $i->setParam("randomurl"); $params["randomurl"] = random_string(32); $id = db_insert("cc_calcategory")->fields($i->getDBInsertArrayFromParams($params))->execute(false); // add rights for author db_query("INSERT INTO {cc_domain_auth} (domain_type, domain_id, auth_id, daten_id)\n VALUES ('person', :userId, 404, :id)", array(':userId' => $user->id, ':id' => $id)); $_SESSION["user"]->auth = getUserAuthorization($_SESSION["user"]->id); if (getVar('accessgroup', false, $params)) { db_query("INSERT INTO {cc_domain_auth} (domain_type, domain_id, auth_id, daten_id)\n VALUES ('gruppe', :accessgroup, :auth, :id)", array(':accessgroup' => $params["accessgroup"], ':auth' => getVar('writeaccess', false, $params) == true ? 404 : 403, ':id' => $id)); } } else { $c = db_query("SELECT * FROM {cc_calcategory}\n WHERE id=:id", array(":id" => $id))->fetch(); db_update("cc_calcategory")->fields($i->getDBInsertArrayFromParams($params))->condition("id", $id, "=")->execute(false); } if (!empty($params["ical_source_url"])) { churchcal_updateICalSource($id); } return $id; }
/** * add mail chimp relation * * @param array $params * @return last insert id */ function churchdb_addMailchimpRelation($params) { $i = new CTInterface(); $i->setParam("gruppe_id"); $i->setParam("mailchimp_list_id"); $i->setParam("optin_yn"); $i->setParam("goodbye_yn"); $i->setParam("notifyunsubscribe_yn"); $i->addModifiedParams(); $res = db_insert("cdb_gruppe_mailchimp")->fields($i->getDBInsertArrayFromParams($params))->execute(false); return $res; }
/** * Store all Exception and Addition changes for communication to other modules * * @param array $params * @param string $sourc; controls cooperation between modules if event comes from another modulee * @param boolean $withoutPerm If permission will be checked. */ function churchcal_updateEvent($params, $callCS = true, $withoutPerm = false) { global $user, $base_url; $changes = array(); if (!$withoutPerm && !churchcal_isAllowedToEditCategory($params["category_id"])) { throw new CTNoPermission("AllowedToEditCategory[" . $params["category_id"] . "] (newCat)", "churchcal"); } $old_cal = db_query("SELECT *\n FROM {cc_cal}\n WHERE id=:id", array(":id" => $params["id"]))->fetch(); // can user edit old event category? if (!$withoutPerm && !churchcal_isAllowedToEditCategory($old_cal->category_id)) { throw new CTNoPermission("AllowedToEditCategory[" . $old_cal->category_id . "] (oldCat)", "churchcal"); } // When empty, load originEvent for later sending Change protocol $dummy = churchcal_getCalPerCategory(array("category_ids" => array(0 => $old_cal->category_id))); $originEvent = (array) $dummy[$old_cal->category_id][$params["id"]]; if (isset($params["notizen"])) { $params["notizen"] = str_replace('\\"', '"', $params["notizen"]); } $i = new CTInterface(); $i->setParam("startdate", false); $i->setParam("enddate", false); $i->setParam("bezeichnung", false); $i->setParam("category_id", false); $i->setParam("ort", false); $i->setParam("notizen", false); $i->setParam("intern_yn", false); $i->setParam("link", false); $i->setParam("repeat_id", false); $i->setParam("repeat_until", false); $i->setParam("repeat_frequence", false); $i->setParam("repeat_option_id", false); if (isset($params["modified_pid"])) { $i->setParam("modified_pid"); } // not with ", false" cause this cause an update $f = $i->getDBInsertArrayFromParams($params); if (count($f)) { db_update("cc_cal")->fields($f)->condition("id", $params["id"], "=")->execute(); } // get all exceptions for event $exc = churchcore_getTableData("cc_cal_except", null, "cal_id=" . $params["id"]); // look which are already in DB if (!empty($params["exceptions"])) { foreach ($params["exceptions"] as $exception) { if ($exception["id"] > 0) { $exc[$exception["id"]]->vorhanden = true; } else { $add_exc = array("cal_id" => $params["id"], "except_date_start" => $exception["except_date_start"], "except_date_end" => $exception["except_date_end"]); churchcal_addException($add_exc); $changes["add_exception"][] = $add_exc; } } } // delete removed exceptions from DB if ($exc) { foreach ($exc as $e) { if (!isset($e->vorhanden)) { $del_exc = array("id" => $e->id, "except_date_start" => $e->except_date_start, "except_date_end" => $e->except_date_end); churchcal_delException($del_exc); $changes["del_exception"][] = $del_exc; } } } // get all additions $add = churchcore_getTableData("cc_cal_add", null, "cal_id=" . $params["id"]); // look which are already in DB. if (!empty($params["additions"])) { foreach ($params["additions"] as $addition) { if ($addition["id"] > 0) { $add[$addition["id"]]->vorhanden = true; } else { $add_add = array("cal_id" => $params["id"], "add_date" => $addition["add_date"], "with_repeat_yn" => $addition["with_repeat_yn"]); churchcal_addAddition($add_add); $changes["add_addition"][] = $add_add; } } } // delete from DB which are deleted. if ($add) { foreach ($add as $a) { if (!isset($a->vorhanden)) { $del_add = array("id" => $a->id, "add_date" => $a->add_date); churchcal_delAddition($del_add); $changes["del_addition"][] = $del_add; } } } // meeting request if (isset($params["meetingRequest"])) { churchcal_handleMeetingRequest($params["id"], $params); } // Call other modules $newBookingIds = null; if (churchcore_isModuleActivated("churchresource")) { include_once CHURCHRESOURCE . '/churchresource_db.php'; $newBookingIds = churchresource_operateResourcesFromChurchCal($params); } $newCSIds = null; if ($callCS) { if (churchcore_isModuleActivated("churchservice")) { include_once CHURCHSERVICE . '/churchservice_db.php'; $newCSIds = churchservice_operateEventFromChurchCal($params); } } // Notification $data = db_query("select * from {cc_calcategory} where id=:id", array(":id" => $params["category_id"]))->fetch(); $txt = $user->vorname . " " . $user->name . " hat einen Termin angepasst im Kalender "; if ($data != false) { $txt .= $data->bezeichnung; } else { $txt .= $params["category_id"]; } $txt .= " auf:<br>"; $txt .= churchcore_CCEventData2String($params); ct_notify("category", $params["category_id"], $txt); // Inform creator when I am allowed and when it is not me! if ($callCS && getVar("informCreator", "true") == "true" && $originEvent["modified_pid"] != $user->id) { $data = (array) churchcal_getEventChangeImpact(array("newEvent" => $params, "originEvent" => $originEvent, "pastEvent" => null)); if (!empty($data["bookings"]) || !empty($data["cal"])) { $data["new"] = false; $data["caption"] = $params["bezeichnung"]; $data["startdate"] = churchcore_stringToDateDe($params["startdate"]); $data["eventUrl"] = $base_url . "?q=churchcal&category_id=" . $params["category_id"] . "&id=" . $params["id"]; $p = db_query("SELECT name, vorname, IF(spitzname, spitzname, vorname) AS nickname\n FROM {cdb_person}\n WHERE id=:id", array(":id" => $originEvent["modified_pid"]))->fetch(); $data["p"] = $p; // get populated template and send email $lang = getUserLanguage($params["modified_pid"]); $content = getTemplateContent('email/informCreator', 'churchcal', $data, null, $lang); churchcore_sendEMailToPersonIDs($originEvent["modified_pid"], "[" . getConf('site_name') . "] " . t2($lang, 'information.for.your.event'), $content, null, true); } } return array("cseventIds" => $newCSIds, "bookingIds" => $newBookingIds); }
/** * edit person weight for service group (for auto planning?) * @param array $params */ function churchservice_editServiceGroupPersonWeight($params) { $i = new CTInterface(); $i->setParam("servicegroup_id"); $i->setParam("person_id"); $i->setParam("max_per_month"); $i->setParam("relation_weight"); $i->setParam("morning_weight"); $i->addModifiedParams(); try { db_insert("cs_servicegroup_person_weight")->fields($i->getDBInsertArrayFromParams($params))->execute(false); } catch (Exception $e) { db_query("UPDATE {cs_servicegroup_person_weight} \n SET max_per_month=:max_per_month, relation_weight=:relation_weight, morning_weight=:morning_weight\n WHERE servicegroup_id=:servicegroup_id and person_id=:person_id", $i->getDBParamsArrayFromParams($params)); } }
/** * * @param array $params * @throws CTException */ function savePropertiesGroupMeetingStats($params) { $i = new CTInterface(); $i->setParam("id"); $i->setParam("anzahl_gaeste"); $i->setParam("kommentar"); $i->setParam("datumvon", false); $i->setParam("datumbis", false); $i->addModifiedParams(); $id = db_update("cdb_gruppentreffen")->fields($i->getDBInsertArrayFromParams($params))->condition("id", $params["id"], "=")->execute(false); if (isset($params["entries"])) { if (entryGroupMeeting($params["g_id"], $params["id"], $params["entries"]) != "ok") { throw new CTException("Problem beim Speichern der einzelnen Teilnahmerdaten"); } } }
/** * TODO: too much code in churchresource_updateBooking, split it up * FIXME: the changes for using email template are breaking logging in case no email is send * otherwise logging of complete mails dont seems useful => only log important things in a short text? * * @param array $params * @return multitype:multitype:unknown */ function churchresource_updateBooking($params, $sendEMails = true) { global $base_url, $user; $oldBooking = getBooking($params["id"]); $bUser = churchcore_getPersonById($oldBooking->person_id); $ressources = churchcore_getTableData("cr_resource", "resourcetype_id,sortkey,bezeichnung"); $i = new CTInterface(); $i->setParam("resource_id"); $i->setParam("status_id"); $i->addTypicalDateFields(); $i->setParam("text", false); $i->setParam("location", false); $i->setParam("note", false); if (empty($params["text"])) { $res = db_query('SELECT text FROM {cr_booking} WHERE id=:id', array(":id" => $params["id"]))->fetch(); $params["text"] = $res->text; } $i->setParam("person_id", false); $id = db_update("cr_booking")->fields($i->getDBInsertArrayFromParams($params))->condition("id", $params["id"], "=")->execute(false); $changes = null; $exceptions = churchcore_getTableData("cr_exception", null, "booking_id=" . $params["id"]); // look which exceptions are already saved in DB. if (isset($params["exceptions"])) { foreach ($params["exceptions"] as $exception) { $current_exc = null; // It is not possible to search exceptions by id, because ChurchCal Exc have other IDs if ($exceptions) { foreach ($exceptions as $e) { if (churchcore_isSameDay($e->except_date_start, $exception["except_date_start"]) && churchcore_isSameDay($e->except_date_end, $exception["except_date_end"])) { $current_exc = $e; } } } if ($current_exc) { $exceptions[$current_exc->id]->exists = true; } else { $changes["add_exception"][] = $exception; } } } // delete removed exceptions from DB. if ($exceptions) { foreach ($exceptions as $e) { if (!isset($e->exists)) { $changes["del_exception"][] = (array) $e; } } } // get all additions $additions = churchcore_getTableData("cr_addition", null, "booking_id=" . $params["id"]); // look which additions are already saved in DB. if (isset($params["additions"])) { foreach ($params["additions"] as $addition) { $current_add = null; // It is not possible to search additions by id, because ChurchCal adds have other IDs if ($additions) { foreach ($additions as $a) { if (churchcore_isSameDay($a->add_date, $addition["add_date"]) && $a->with_repeat_yn == $addition["with_repeat_yn"]) { $current_add = $a; } } } if ($current_add) { $additions[$current_add->id]->exists = true; } else { $changes["add_addition"][] = $addition; } } } // delete removed additions from DB. if ($additions) { foreach ($additions as $a) { // churchresource_delAddition($a->id); if (!isset($a->exists)) { $changes["del_addition"][] = (array) $a; } } } // save new exceptions $res_exceptions = array(); $res_additions = array(); $days = array(); $resources = churchcore_getTableData("cr_resource"); //TODO: only get needed resource_id if ($changes) { if (isset($changes["add_exception"])) { foreach ($changes["add_exception"] as $exc) { // Check, if exception not alreay in DB (only possible when coming from Cal) $db = db_query("SELECT id FROM {cr_exception}\n WHERE booking_id=:booking_id AND except_date_start=:start", array(":booking_id" => $params["id"], ":start" => $exc["except_date_start"]))->fetch(); if (!$db) { $id = addException($params["id"], $exc["except_date_start"], $exc["except_date_end"], $user->id); if (isset($exc["id"])) { $res_exceptions[$exc["id"]] = $id; } $days[] = $exc["except_date_start"]; } } if ($sendEMails && getConf("churchresource_send_emails", true) && count($days) && $bUser) { $data = array('canceled' => true, 'surname' => $bUser->vorname, 'name' => $bUser->name, 'nickname' => $bUser->spitzname ? $bUser->spitzname : $bUser->vorname, 'user' => $user, 'resource' => $resources[$params["resource_id"]]->bezeichnung, 'booking' => $booking, 'days' => implode(", ", $days), 'person' => $bUser, 'contact' => getConf('site_mail')); $lang = getUserLanguage($oldBooking->person_id); $content = getTemplateContent('email/bookingRequest', 'churchresource', $data, null, $lang); churchresource_send_mail("[" . getConf('site_name') . "] " . t2($lang, '') . ": " . $params["text"], $content, $bUser->email); } } if (isset($changes["del_exception"])) { foreach ($changes["del_exception"] as $exc) { $db = db_query("SELECT id FROM {cr_exception}\n WHERE booking_id=:booking_id AND except_date_start=:start", array(":booking_id" => $params["id"], ":start" => $exc["except_date_start"]))->fetch(); if ($db) { churchresource_delException(array("id" => $db->id)); } } } if (isset($changes["add_addition"])) { foreach ($changes["add_addition"] as $add) { $db = db_query("SELECT id FROM {cr_addition}\n WHERE booking_id=:booking_id AND add_date=:date", array(":booking_id" => $params["id"], ":date" => $add["add_date"]))->fetch(); if (!$db) { $id = addAddition($params["id"], $add["add_date"], $add["with_repeat_yn"], $user->id); if (isset($add["id"])) { $res_additions[$add["id"]] = $id; } } } } if (isset($changes["del_addition"])) { foreach ($changes["del_addition"] as $add) { $db = db_query("SELECT id FROM {cr_addition}\n WHERE booking_id=:booking_id AND add_date=:date", array(":booking_id" => $params["id"], ":date" => $add["add_date"]))->fetch(); if ($db != false) { churchresource_delAddition($db->id); } } } } // FIXME: check logic for correct function; i am not sure what should happen exactly in which cases // TODO: maybe use $params as data and add further values $booking = getBooking($params["id"]); $changedFields = churchcore_getFieldChanges(getBookingFields(), $oldBooking, $booking, false); $data = array('enddate' => churchcore_stringToDateDe($params["enddate"]), 'startdate' => churchcore_stringToDateDe($params["startdate"]), 'resource' => $resources[$params["resource_id"]]->bezeichnung, 'changes' => str_replace("\n", "<br>", $changedFields), 'booking' => $booking, 'bookingUrl' => $base_url . "?q=churchresource&id=" . $params["id"], 'text' => $params['text'], 'note' => isset($params['location']) ? $params['location'] : "", 'pending' => $params["status_id"] == CR_PENDING, 'approved' => $params["status_id"] == CR_APPROVED && ($oldBooking->status_id != CR_APPROVED || $changedFields != null), 'canceled' => $params["status_id"] == CR_CANCELED, 'deleted' => $params["status_id"] == CR_DELETED, 'contact' => getConf('site_mail')); $logInfo = ' :: ' . t('bookingX.for.resource.on.datetime', $params["text"], $resources[$params["resource_id"]]->bezeichnung, $params["startdate"], isset($params['location']) ? $params['location'] : ""); $subject = t('booking.request.updated'); if ($data['pending']) { $logInfo = t('booking.updated') . $logInfo; } elseif ($data['approved']) { $logInfo = t('booking.approved') . $logInfo; } elseif ($data['canceled']) { $logInfo = t('booking.canceled') . $logInfo; } elseif ($data['deleted']) { $logInfo = t('booking.deleted') . $logInfo; } if ($sendEMails && getConf("churchresource_send_emails", true)) { if (($params["status_id"] != $oldBooking->status_id || $changedFields != null) && $bUser) { $adminmails = explode(",", $resources[$params["resource_id"]]->admin_person_ids); // if current user is not resource admin OR is not the booking creating user if (!in_array($user->id, $adminmails) || $user->id != $bUser->id) { $content = getTemplateContent('email/bookingUpdated', 'churchresource', $data); churchresource_send_mail("[" . getConf('site_name') . "] {$subject}: " . $params["text"], $content, $bUser->email); } } } if ($changedFields) { cr_log("UPDATE BOOKING\n" . $logInfo, 3, $booking->id); } return array("exceptions" => $res_exceptions, "additions" => $res_additions); }
function churchresource_updateBooking($params, $changes = null) { global $base_url, $user; // Only bigchange, when I get repeat_id. Otherwise it is only a time shift. $bigchange = isset($params["repeat_id"]); $old_arr = getBooking($params["id"]); $buser = churchcore_getPersonById($old_arr->person_id); $ressources = churchcore_getTableData("cr_resource", "resourcetype_id,sortkey,bezeichnung"); $i = new CTInterface(); $i->setParam("resource_id"); $i->setParam("status_id"); if ($bigchange) { $i->addTypicalDateFields(); $i->setParam("text"); $i->setParam("location"); $i->setParam("note"); } else { $i->setParam("startdate"); $i->setParam("enddate"); $res = db_query('select * from {cr_booking} where id=:id', array(":id" => $params["id"]))->fetch(); $params["text"] = $res->text; } $i->setParam("person_id"); $id = db_update("cr_booking")->fields($i->getDBInsertArrayFromParams($params))->condition("id", $params["id"], "=")->execute(false); // No changes mean not from Cal, so I have to check changes manuelly if (is_null($changes) && $bigchange) { // Hole alle Exceptions aus der DB $exc = churchcore_getTableData("cr_exception", null, "booking_id=" . $params["id"]); // Vergleiche erst mal welche schon in der DB sind oder noch nicht in der DB sind. if (isset($params["exceptions"])) { foreach ($params["exceptions"] as $exception) { $current_exc = null; // Look for Exc. This is not possible to make by id, cause ChurchCal Exc have other IDs if ($exc != false) { foreach ($exc as $e) { if (churchcore_isSameDay($e->except_date_start, $exception["except_date_start"]) && churchcore_isSameDay($e->except_date_end, $exception["except_date_end"])) { $current_exc = $e; } } } if ($current_exc != null) { $exc[$current_exc->id]->vorhanden = true; } else { $changes["add_exception"][] = $exception; } } } // L�sche nun alle, die in der DB sind, aber nicht mehr vorhanden sind. if ($exc != false) { foreach ($exc as $e) { if (!isset($e->vorhanden)) { $changes["del_exception"][] = (array) $e; } } } // Hole alle Additions aus der DB $add = churchcore_getTableData("cr_addition", null, "booking_id=" . $params["id"]); // Vergleiche erst mal welche schon in der DB sind oder noch nicht in der DB sind. if (isset($params["additions"])) { foreach ($params["additions"] as $addition) { $current_add = null; // Look for additions. This is not possible to make by id, cause ChurchCal Additions have other IDs if ($add != false) { foreach ($add as $a) { if (churchcore_isSameDay($a->add_date, $addition["add_date"]) && $a->with_repeat_yn == $addition["with_repeat_yn"]) { $current_add = $a; } } } if ($current_add != null) { $add[$current_add->id]->vorhanden = true; } else { $changes["add_addition"][] = $addition; } } } // L�sche nun alle, die in der DB sind, aber nicht mehr vorhanden sind. if ($add != false) { foreach ($add as $a) { if (!isset($a->vorhanden)) { //churchresource_delAddition($a->id); $changes["del_addition"][] = (array) $a; } } } } // New Exception-Ids will be saved here $res_exceptions = array(); $res_additions = array(); $days = array(); // Now do the changes! if ($changes != null) { if (isset($changes["add_exception"])) { foreach ($changes["add_exception"] as $exc) { // Check, if exception not alreay in DB (only when coming from Cal it is possible) $db = db_query("select id from {cr_exception} where booking_id=:booking_id and except_date_start=:start", array(":booking_id" => $params["id"], ":start" => $exc["except_date_start"]))->fetch(); if ($db == false) { $id = addException($params["id"], $exc["except_date_start"], $exc["except_date_end"], $user->id); if (isset($exc["id"])) { $res_exceptions[$exc["id"]] = $id; } $days[] = $exc["except_date_start"]; } } if (count($days) > 0 && $buser != null) { $txt = "<h3>Hallo " . $buser->vorname . "!</h3><p>Bei Deiner Serien-Buchungsanfrage '" . $params["text"] . "' fuer " . $ressources[$params["resource_id"]]->bezeichnung . " mussten leider von " . $user->vorname . " " . $user->name . " folgende Tage abgelehnt werden: <b>" . implode(", ", $days) . "</b><p>"; churchresource_send_mail("[" . variable_get('site_name') . "] Aktualisierung der Buchungsanfrage: " . $params["text"], $txt, $buser->email); } } if (isset($changes["del_exception"])) { foreach ($changes["del_exception"] as $exc) { $db = db_query("select id from {cr_exception} where booking_id=:booking_id and except_date_start=:start", array(":booking_id" => $params["id"], ":start" => $exc["except_date_start"]))->fetch(); if ($db != false) { churchresource_delException(array("id" => $db->id)); } } } if (isset($changes["add_addition"])) { foreach ($changes["add_addition"] as $add) { $db = db_query("select id from {cr_addition} where booking_id=:booking_id and add_date=:date", array(":booking_id" => $params["id"], ":date" => $add["add_date"]))->fetch(); if ($db == false) { $id = addAddition($params["id"], $add["add_date"], $add["with_repeat_yn"], $user->id); if (isset($add["id"])) { $res_additions[$add["id"]] = $id; } } } } if (isset($changes["del_addition"])) { foreach ($changes["del_addition"] as $add) { $db = db_query("select id from {cr_addition} where booking_id=:booking_id and add_date=:date", array(":booking_id" => $params["id"], ":date" => $add["add_date"]))->fetch(); if ($db != false) { churchresource_delAddition($db->id); } } } } $txt = ""; $info = "'" . $params["text"] . "' fuer " . $ressources[$params["resource_id"]]->bezeichnung . " (" . $params["startdate"] . "h"; if ($params["location"] != "") { $info = $info . " in " . $params["location"]; } $info = $info . ")"; $arr = getBooking($params["id"]); $changes = churchcore_getFieldChanges(getBookingFields(), $old_arr, $arr, false); if ($params["status_id"] == 1) { $txt = " wurde aktualisiert und wartet auf Genehmigung."; } else { if ($params["status_id"] == 2 && ($old_arr->status_id != 2 || $changes != null)) { $txt = " wurde von {$user->vorname} {$user->name} genehmigt!<p>"; } else { if ($params["status_id"] == 3) { $txt = " wurde leider abgelehnt, bitte suche Dir einen anderen Termin.<p>"; } else { if ($params["status_id"] == 99) { $txt = " wurde geloescht, bei Fragen dazu melde Dich bitte bei: " . variable_get('site_mail', 'Gemeinde-Buero unter oder 040-2271970') . "<p>"; } } } } if ($txt != "" && $buser != null) { $txt = "<h3>Hallo " . $buser->vorname . "!</h3><p>Deine Buchungsanfrage " . $info . $txt; if ($changes != null) { $txt .= "<p><b>Folgende Anpassung an der Buchung wurden vorgenommen:</b><br/>" . str_replace("\n", "<br>", $changes); } if ($params["status_id"] < 3) { $txt .= '<p><a class="btn" href="' . $base_url . "?q=churchresource&id=" . $params["id"] . '">Zur Buchungsanfrage »</a>'; } $adminmails = explode(",", $ressources[$params["resource_id"]]->admin_person_ids); // Wenn der aktuelle User nicht Admin ist ODER wenn der Benutzer nicht der ist, der die Buchung erstellt hat. if (!in_array($user->id, $adminmails) || $user->id != $buser->id) { churchresource_send_mail("[" . variable_get('site_name', 'ChurchTools') . "] Aktualisierung der Buchungsanfrage: " . $params["text"], $txt, $buser->email); } } if ($changes != null) { cr_log("UPDATE BOOKING\n" . $txt, 3, $arr->id); } $res = array("exceptions" => $res_exceptions, "additions" => $res_additions); return $res; }