     * HTML Signup form to be used in widget and shortcode
     * Based on original widget code but broken out to be used in shortcode and
     * any other place where non-logged-in users will be signing up.
     * Modify the output by calling `add_filter('constant_contact_form', 'your_function');`
     * @param array|string $passed_args Settings for generating the signup form
     * @param boolean $echo True: Echo the form; False: return form output.
     * @return string Form HTML output
    static function signup_form($passed_args, $echo = true)
        do_action('ctct_debug', 'constant_contact_public_signup_form', $passed_args, @$_POST);
        $output = $error_output = $success = $process_class = $hiddenlistoutput = '';
        $default_args = array('before' => null, 'after' => null, 'formid' => 0, 'redirect_url' => false, 'lists' => array(), 'title' => '', 'exclude_lists' => array(), 'description' => '', 'show_list_selection' => false, 'list_selection_title' => __('Add me to these lists:', 'ctct'), 'list_selection_format' => NULL, 'list_format' => NULL, 'widget' => false);
        $settings = shortcode_atts($default_args, $passed_args);
         * This unique id will be used to differentiate from other forms on the same page.
         * It will also be used to store cached forms.
         * Only get the first 10 characters, since that's all we really need.
         * @var string
        $unique_id = substr(sha1(maybe_serialize($settings)), 0, 10);
        $form = CTCT_Form_Designer_Helper::get_form($settings['formid']);
        // Merge using the form settings
        $settings = shortcode_atts($settings, $form);
        // Override one more time using the passed args as the final
        $settings = shortcode_atts($settings, $passed_args);
        $settings['list_selection_format'] = empty($settings['list_selection_format']) ? $settings['list_format'] : $settings['list_selection_format'];
        extract($settings, EXTR_SKIP);
        // The form does not exist.
        if (!$form) {
            do_action('ctct_log', sprintf('Form #%s does not exist. Called on %s', $formid, esc_url(add_query_arg(array()))));
            if (current_user_can('manage_options')) {
                return '<!-- Constant Contact API Error: Form #' . $formid . ' does not exist. -->';
            return false;
        // If other lists aren't passed to the function,
        // use the default lists defined in the form designer.
        if (empty($lists) && !empty($form['lists'])) {
            $lists = $form['lists'];
        $selected = $lists;
        if ($widget) {
            $lists = isset($form['lists']) ? $form['lists'] : null;
            $show_list_selection = !empty($form['formfields']) && is_array($form['formfields']) ? in_array('lists', $form['formfields']) : null;
            $list_selection_format = @$form['list_format'];
            $selected = isset($form['checked_by_default']) ? $form['checked_by_default'] : false;
         * Make it possible to call using shortcode comma separated values. eg: lists=1,2,3
        if (is_string($lists)) {
            $lists = explode(',', $lists);
        // The form is retrieved from constant_contact_retrieve_form()
        // and then the variables are replaced further down the function.
        if ($formid !== '' && function_exists('constant_contact_retrieve_form')) {
            $force = isset($_REQUEST['cache']) || isset($_REQUEST['uniqueformid']) && $_REQUEST['uniqueformid'] === $unique_id ? true : false;
            $form = constant_contact_retrieve_form($formid, $force, $unique_id, $lists);
        } elseif (!function_exists('constant_contact_retrieve_form') && current_user_can('manage_options')) {
            echo '<!-- Constant Contact API Error: `constant_contact_retrieve_form` function does not exist. -->';
        // If the form returns an error, we want to get out of here!
        if (empty($form) || is_wp_error($form)) {
            if (is_wp_error($form)) {
                do_action('ctct_debug', 'Form is empty or WP_Error', $form);
            return false;
        // Modify lists with this filter
        $lists = apply_filters('constant_contact_form_designer_lists', apply_filters('constant_contact_form_designer_lists_' . $formid, $lists));
         * Display errors or Success message if the form was submitted.
        $ProcessForm = CTCT_Process_Form::getInstance();
        $errors = $ProcessForm->getErrors();
        $success = '';
         * Success message: If no errors AND signup was successful show the success message
        if (!empty($errors)) {
            $process_class = ' has_errors';
            $error_output = '';
            do_action('ctct_debug', 'Handling errors in constant_contact_public_signup_form', $errors);
            // Set up error display
            $error_output .= '<div id="constant-contact-signup-errors" class="error">';
            $error_output .= '<ul>';
            foreach ($errors as $error) {
                $error_data = $error->get_error_data();
                $error_label_for = '';
                // We only want simple error data that we can output here. Akismet triggers an array instead of a string.
                if (is_string($error_data)) {
                     * The input ID is stored in the WP_Error error data.
                     * @see CTCT_Process_Form::checkRequired()
                    $error_field_id = CTCT_Form_Designer_Output::get_field_id($ProcessForm->id(), $error_data);
                    $error_label_for = ' for="' . esc_attr($error_field_id) . '"';
                $error_output .= '<li><label' . $error_label_for . '>' . $error->get_error_message() . '</label></li>';
            $error_output .= '</ul>';
            $error_output .= '</div>';
            // Filter output so text can be modified by plugins/themes
            $error_output = apply_filters('constant_contact_form_errors', $error_output);
        } elseif (is_a($ProcessForm->getResults(), 'Ctct\\Components\\Contacts\\Contact')) {
            $process_class = ' has_success';
            $success = '<p class="success cc_success">';
            $success .= esc_html__('Success, you have been subscribed.', 'ctct');
            $success .= '</p>';
            $success = apply_filters('constant_contact_form_success', $success);
            // Force refresh of the form
        $form = str_replace('<!-- %%SUCCESS%% -->', $success, $form);
        $form = str_replace('<!-- %%ERRORS%% -->', $error_output, $form);
        $form = str_replace('<!-- %%PROCESSED_CLASS%% -->', $process_class, $form);
        // Generate the current page url, removing the success _GET query arg if it exists
        $current_page_url = remove_query_arg('success', CTCT_Form_Designer_Helper::current_page_url());
        $form = str_replace('<!-- %%ACTION%% -->', $current_page_url, $form);
        if (strpos($form, '%%LISTSELECTION%%') > 0) {
            $listsOutput = '';
            // If lists are submitted, use those.
            // Otherwise, consider all/no lists selected based on `$selected` setting.
            $selected = !empty($_POST['lists']) ? (array) $_POST['lists'] : (bool) $selected;
            // Remove the cache for this whole joint
            $listsOutput = KWSContactList::outputHTML($lists, array('fill' => true, 'id_attr' => $unique_id . '-%%id%%', 'showhidden' => false, 'checked' => $selected, 'type' => $list_selection_format ? $list_selection_format : 'hidden'));
            // If you're showing list selection, show the label and wrap it in a container.
            $listsOutput = '<div class="cc_newsletter input-text-wrap cc-input-type-' . esc_attr($list_selection_format) . '">
                ' . $listsOutput . '
            $form = str_replace('<!-- %%LISTSELECTION%% -->', $listsOutput, $form);
         * Finish form output including a hidden field for referrer and submit button
        $hiddenoutput = '
	            <input type="hidden" id="cc_redirect_url" name="cc_redirect_url" value="' . urlencode($redirect_url) . '" />
	            <input type="hidden" id="cc_referral_url" name="cc_referral_url" value="' . urlencode($current_page_url) . '" />
	            <input type="hidden" name="cc_referral_post_id" value="' . get_the_ID() . '" />
	            <input type="hidden" name="uniqueformid" value="' . $unique_id . '" />
	            <input type="hidden" name="ccformid" value="' . $formid . '" />
        $form = str_replace('<!-- %%HIDDEN%% -->', $hiddenoutput, $form);
        // All remaining tags should be removed.
        $form = preg_replace('/\\%\\%(.*?)\\%\\%/ism', '', $form);
        $output = apply_filters('constant_contact_form', apply_filters('constant_contact_form_' . $formid, $form));
        do_action('ctct_debug', 'form output', $output);
         * Echo the output if $settings['echo'] is true
        if ($echo) {
            echo $output;
         * And always return the $output
        return $output;
            do_action('ctct_activity', 'Empty Akismet API key. Not processing.');
            return true;
        /** Disable nonce verification */
        add_filter('akismet_comment_nonce', function () {
            return 'inactive';
        $comment_data = array('user_ID' => get_current_user_id(), 'comment_post_ID' => isset($_POST['cc_referral_post_id']) ? intval($_POST['cc_referral_post_id']) : NULL, 'comment_author' => $Contact->get('name'), 'comment_author_email' => $Contact->get('email'), 'is_test' => apply_filters('constant_contact_akismet_is_test', false));
        $check = Akismet::auto_check_comment($comment_data);
        if (empty($check) || empty($check['akismet_result'])) {
            do_action('ctct_activity', 'There was an issue with Akismet: the response was invalid.', $check);
        } else {
            switch ($check['akismet_result']) {
                case 'true':
                    do_action('ctct_activity', __('Akismet caught this entry as spam'), $check);
                    return new WP_Error('akismet', __('Your entry was flagged as spam.'), $check);
                case 'false':
                    do_action('ctct_activity', __('Akismet cleared this comment'), $check);
                    do_action('ctct_error', sprintf(__('Akismet was unable to check this entry (response: %s), will automatically retry again later.'), substr($check['akismet_result'], 0, 50)), $check);
        return true;
  * Hook into profile_update action to update our user subscription info if necessary
  * @param <type> $user
  * @return <type>
 function update($user)
     $this->errors = CTCT_Process_Form::getInstance()->get_errors();