Esempio n. 1
  * Creates a parsed URL from a URL string.
  * The URL string is expected to be by all means valid, with characters being percent-encoded where it is required
  * by the URL standard and without any leading or trailing whitespace. It is only when the URL string does not
  * indicate any protocol that the URL may still be considered valid and the default protocol is assigned to the
  * URL, which is "http".
  * @param  string $url The URL string.
 public function __construct($url)
     assert('is_cstring($url)', vs(isset($this), get_defined_vars()));
     assert('self::isValid($url, true)', vs(isset($this), get_defined_vars()));
     $this->m_url = $url;
     $parsedUrl = parse_url($url);
     assert('is_cmap($parsedUrl)', vs(isset($this), get_defined_vars()));
     // should not rise for a valid URL
     // Protocol (scheme).
     if (CMap::hasKey($parsedUrl, "scheme")) {
         $this->m_hasProtocol = true;
         $this->m_protocol = $parsedUrl["scheme"];
         // Normalize by converting to lowercase.
         $this->m_normProtocol = CString::toLowerCase($this->m_protocol);
     } else {
         $this->m_hasProtocol = false;
         $this->m_normProtocol = self::DEFAULT_PROTOCOL;
         if (!CMap::hasKey($parsedUrl, "host")) {
             // Most likely, `parse_url` function has not parsed the host because the protocol (scheme) is absent
             // and there are no "//" in the front, so try parsing the host with the default protocol in the URL.
             $parsedUrl = parse_url(self::ensureProtocol($url));
             assert('is_cmap($parsedUrl)', vs(isset($this), get_defined_vars()));
             CMap::remove($parsedUrl, "scheme");
     // Host (domain).
     $this->m_hostIsInBrackets = false;
     if (CMap::hasKey($parsedUrl, "host")) {
         $this->m_host = $parsedUrl["host"];
         if (CRegex::find($this->m_host, "/^\\[.*\\]\\z/")) {
             // Most likely, an IPv6 enclosed in "[]".
             $this->m_hostIsInBrackets = true;
             $this->m_host = CString::substr($this->m_host, 1, CString::length($this->m_host) - 2);
         // Normalize by converting to lowercase.
         $this->m_normHost = CString::toLowerCase($this->m_host);
     } else {
         // Same as invalid.
         assert('false', vs(isset($this), get_defined_vars()));
     // Port.
     if (CMap::hasKey($parsedUrl, "port")) {
         $this->m_hasPort = true;
         $this->m_port = $parsedUrl["port"];
         // Should be `int`, but look into the type just in case.
         if (is_cstring($this->m_port)) {
             $this->m_port = CString::toInt($this->m_port);
     } else {
         $this->m_hasPort = false;
     // Path.
     if (CMap::hasKey($parsedUrl, "path")) {
         $this->m_hasPath = true;
         $this->m_path = $parsedUrl["path"];
         // Normalize by replacing percent-encoded bytes of unreserved characters with their literal equivalents and
         // ensuring that all percent-encoded parts are in uppercase.
         $pathDelimitersReEsc = CRegex::enterTd(self::$ms_delimiters);
         $this->m_normPath = CRegex::replaceWithCallback($this->m_path, "/[^{$pathDelimitersReEsc}]+/", function ($matches) {
             return CUrl::enterTdNew(CUrl::leaveTdNew($matches[0]));
     } else {
         $this->m_hasPath = false;
         $this->m_normPath = "/";
     $this->m_urlPath = new CUrlPath($this->m_normPath);
     // Query string.
     $this->m_hasQuery = false;
     if (CMap::hasKey($parsedUrl, "query")) {
         $this->m_hasQuery = true;
         $this->m_queryString = $parsedUrl["query"];
         $this->m_urlQuery = new CUrlQuery($this->m_queryString, $parsingWasFruitful);
         if ($parsingWasFruitful) {
             $this->m_hasQuery = true;
             $this->m_normQueryString = $this->m_urlQuery->queryString(true);
     // Fragment ID.
     if (CMap::hasKey($parsedUrl, "fragment")) {
         $this->m_hasFragmentId = true;
         $this->m_fragmentId = $parsedUrl["fragment"];
         // Normalize by replacing percent-encoded bytes of unreserved characters with their literal equivalents and
         // ensuring that all percent-encoded parts are in uppercase.
         $fiDelimitersReEsc = CRegex::enterTd(self::$ms_delimiters);
         $this->m_normFragmentId = CRegex::replaceWithCallback($this->m_fragmentId, "/[^{$fiDelimitersReEsc}]+/", function ($matches) {
             // Use the newer flavor of percent-encoding.
             return CUrl::enterTdNew(CUrl::leaveTdNew($matches[0]));
     } else {
         $this->m_hasFragmentId = false;
     // User.
     if (CMap::hasKey($parsedUrl, "user")) {
         $this->m_hasUser = true;
         $this->m_user = $parsedUrl["user"];
     } else {
         $this->m_hasUser = false;
     // Password.
     if (CMap::hasKey($parsedUrl, "pass")) {
         $this->m_hasPassword = true;
         $this->m_password = $parsedUrl["pass"];
     } else {
         $this->m_hasPassword = false;
     // Compose the normalized URL string.
     $this->m_normUrl = "";
     $this->m_normUrl .= $this->m_normProtocol . "://";
     if ($this->m_hasUser) {
         $this->m_normUrl .= $this->m_user;
     if ($this->m_hasPassword) {
         $this->m_normUrl .= ":" . $this->m_password;
     if ($this->m_hasUser || $this->m_hasPassword) {
         $this->m_normUrl .= "@";
     if (!$this->m_hostIsInBrackets) {
         $this->m_normUrl .= $this->m_normHost;
     } else {
         $this->m_normUrl .= "[" . $this->m_normHost . "]";
     if ($this->m_hasPort) {
         // Normalize by skipping port indication if the port is the default one for the protocol.
         if (!(CMap::hasKey(self::$ms_knownProtocolToDefaultPort, $this->m_normProtocol) && self::$ms_knownProtocolToDefaultPort[$this->m_normProtocol] == $this->m_port)) {
             $this->m_normUrl .= ":" . $this->m_port;
     $this->m_normUrl .= $this->m_normPath;
     if ($this->m_hasQuery) {
         $this->m_normUrl .= "?" . $this->m_normQueryString;
     $this->m_normUrlWithoutFragmentId = $this->m_normUrl;
     if ($this->m_hasFragmentId) {
         $this->m_normUrl .= "#" . $this->m_normFragmentId;
Esempio n. 2
  * Adds a keyword-value pair to a locale.
  * @param  string $keyword The keyword.
  * @param  string $value The value.
  * @return void
 public function addKeyword($keyword, $value)
     assert('is_cstring($keyword) && is_cstring($value)', vs(isset($this), get_defined_vars()));
     assert('CRegex::find($keyword, "/^\\\\w+\\\\z/")', vs(isset($this), get_defined_vars()));
     assert('CRegex::find($value, "/^\\\\w+\\\\z/")', vs(isset($this), get_defined_vars()));
     $this->m_name .= (!CString::find($this->m_name, "@") ? "@" : ";") . CString::toLowerCase($keyword) . "=" . $value;
Esempio n. 3
 protected static function storageUnitFromOptionValue($optionValue)
     $optionValue = CString::toLowerCase($optionValue);
     if (CString::endsWith($optionValue, "k")) {
         return CUUnit::KILOBYTE;
     if (CString::endsWith($optionValue, "m")) {
         return CUUnit::MEGABYTE;
     if (CString::endsWith($optionValue, "g")) {
         return CUUnit::GIGABYTE;
     if (CString::endsWith($optionValue, "t")) {
         return CUUnit::TERABYTE;
     return CUUnit::BYTE;
Esempio n. 4
 public function testSymmetricDifference()
     // Using the default comparator.
     $array0 = CArray::fromElements("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f");
     $array1 = CArray::fromElements("g", "b", "h", "d", "i", "f");
     $array = CArray::symmetricDifference($array0, $array1);
     $this->assertTrue(CArray::equals($array, CArray::fromElements("a", "c", "e", "g", "h", "i")));
     // Using a custom comparator.
     $array0 = CArray::fromElements("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f");
     $array1 = CArray::fromElements("G", "B", "H", "D", "I", "F");
     $comparator = function ($string0, $string1) {
         return CString::toLowerCase($string0) === CString::toLowerCase($string1);
     $array = CArray::symmetricDifference($array0, $array1, $comparator);
     $this->assertTrue(CArray::equals($array, CArray::fromElements("a", "c", "e", "G", "H", "I")));
Esempio n. 5
 protected static function basicProtocol($protocol)
     $protocol = CString::toLowerCase($protocol);
     if (CString::equals($protocol, "https")) {
         $protocol = "http";
     } else {
         if (CString::equals($protocol, "ftps")) {
             $protocol = "ftp";
     return $protocol;
Esempio n. 6
 public function testCountValue()
     $map = ["one" => "a", "two" => "c", "three" => "b", "four" => "c", "five" => "d", "six" => "e", "seven" => "c", "eight" => "c", "nine" => "f", "ten" => "g", "eleven" => "h", "twelve" => "c"];
     // Using the default comparator.
     $this->assertTrue(CMap::countValue($map, "c") == 5);
     // Using a custom comparator.
     $comparator = function ($string0, $string1) {
         return CString::toLowerCase($string0) === CString::toLowerCase($string1);
     $this->assertTrue(CMap::countValue($map, "C", $comparator) == 5);
Esempio n. 7
 protected static function readAndAddConfig($configFp, $configName, $configs)
     if (CMap::hasKey(self::$ms_configAliases, $configName)) {
         $configName = self::$ms_configAliases[$configName];
     $configName = CString::toLowerCase($configName);
     $configJson = CFile::read($configFp);
     $configJson = CRegex::remove($configJson, "/^\\h*\\/\\/.*/m");
     // remove comments
     $configJson = "{\"{$configName}\": {$configJson}}";
     $json = new CJson($configJson);
     $config = $json->decode($success);
     assert('$success', vs(isset($this), get_defined_vars()));
     CArray::push($configs, $config);