Esempio n. 1
  * Get the CSS classes generated by our theme mods.
  * @param  string $output_as Output as an array or string.
  * @return mixed  The classes generated by our theme mods, either as a string or an array.
 function get_classes($output_as = 'array')
     // Will hold the classes.
     $classes = array();
     // Fire up our theme mods class.
     $theme_mods_class = new CSST_TMD_Theme_Mods();
     // Grab all the settings.
     $settings = $theme_mods_class->get_settings();
     // For each setting...
     foreach ($settings as $setting_id => $setting) {
         // Grab the value of that setting.
         $value = $setting['value'];
         // Make that setting into a CSS class.
         $class = sanitize_html_class(CSST_TMD . "-{$setting_id}-{$value}");
         $classes[] = $class;
     // There shouldn't be any duplicates, but just in case.
     $classes = array_unique($classes);
     // Let's alphabetize them, just to be a jerk.
     // Do we want the classes as a string?
     if ($output_as == 'string') {
         $classes = implode(' ', $classes);
     return $classes;
Esempio n. 2
  * Add our panels, sections, and settings to the customizer.
  * @param  object $wp_customize An instance of the WP_Customize_Manager class.
 public function register($wp_customize)
     // Fire up our theme mods class.
     $theme_mods_class = new CSST_TMD_Theme_Mods();
     // Grab our panels, sections, and settings.
     $panels = $theme_mods_class->get_panels();
     // For each panel...
     foreach ($panels as $panel_id => $panel) {
         // Add this panel to the UI.
         $wp_customize->add_panel($panel_id, array('title' => $panel['title'], 'description' => $panel['description'], 'priority' => $panel['priority']));
         // For each section in this panel, add it to the UI and add settings to it.
         foreach ($panel['sections'] as $section_id => $section) {
             // Add this section to the UI.
             $wp_customize->add_section($panel_id . '-' . $section_id, array('title' => $section['title'], 'description' => $section['description'], 'priority' => $section['priority'], 'panel' => $panel_id));
             // For each setting in this section, add it to the UI.
             foreach ($section['settings'] as $setting_id => $setting) {
                 // Start building an array of args for adding the setting.
                 $setting_args = array('default' => $setting['default'], 'sanitize_callback' => $setting['sanitize_callback'], 'sanitize_js_callback' => $setting['sanitize_js_callback']);
                 // Register the setting.
                 $wp_customize->add_setting($panel_id . '-' . $section_id . '-' . $setting_id, $setting_args);
                 // Start building an array of args for adding the control.
                 $control_args = array('label' => $setting['label'], 'section' => $panel_id . '-' . $section_id, 'type' => $setting['type'], 'description' => $setting['description']);
                 // Settings of the type 'color' get a special type of control.
                 if ($setting['type'] == 'color') {
                     $wp_customize->add_control(new WP_Customize_Color_Control($wp_customize, $panel_id . '-' . $section_id . '-' . $setting_id, $control_args));
                     // Else, WordPress will use a default control.
                 } else {
                     $wp_customize->add_control($panel_id . '-' . $section_id . '-' . $setting_id, $control_args);
                 // End this setting.
             // End this section.
         // End this panel.
  * Loop through our theme mods and build a string of CSS rules.
  * @param  string $wrapped    Whether or not to wrap the styles in a style tag. Expects 'wrapped' or 'unwrapped'.
  * @param  string $output_for The context for these styles. Expects 'front_end' or 'tinymce'.
  * @return string CSS, either wrapped in a style tag, or not.
 public function get_inline_styles($wrapped = 'wrapped', $output_for = 'front_end')
     // This will hold all of our customizer styles.
     $out = '';
     // If we are outputting for the front end...
     if ($output_for == 'front_end') {
         // Skip any settings that don't pertain to css.
         $exclude_if_empty = array('css');
         // Else if we are outputting for tinymce...
     } elseif ($output_for == 'tinymce') {
         // ... Skip any settings that don't pertain to tinymce.
         $exclude_if_empty = array('tinymce_css');
     // Fire up our theme mods class.
     $theme_mods_class = new CSST_TMD_Theme_Mods();
     // Get the theme mods, but skip theme mods according to $exclude_if_empty.
     $settings = $theme_mods_class->get_settings($exclude_if_empty);
     // For each setting...
     foreach ($settings as $setting_id => $setting) {
         // Grab the css for this setting.
         $css_rules = $setting['css'];
         // Grab the current value for this setting.
         $value = $setting['value'];
         // For each css rule...
         foreach ($css_rules as $css_rule) {
             // The css selector.
             $selector = $css_rule['selector'];
             // The css property.
             $property = $css_rule['property'];
             // Build this into a CSS rule.
             $rule_string = "{$selector} { {$property} : {$value} ; }";
             // Does this css rule have media queries?
             if (isset($css_rule['queries'])) {
                 $queries = $css_rule['queries'];
                 // How many media queries?
                 $query_count = count($queries);
                 // Will hold the media query string.
                 $query = '';
                 $i = 0;
                 foreach ($queries as $query_key => $query_value) {
                     // Add the media query key and value.
                     $query .= "( {$query_key} : {$query_value} )";
                     // If this isn't the last query, add the "and" operator.
                     if ($i < $query_count) {
                         $query .= ' and ';
                 // Wrap the rule string in the media query.
                 $rule_string = " @media {$query} { {$rule_string} } ";
             // Add the rule, which might be wrapped in a media query, to the output.
             $out .= $rule_string;
     // Didn't find any?  Bail.
     if (empty($out)) {
         return FALSE;
     $class = __CLASS__;
     // Grab our class to add a helpful debug comment.
     if ($wrapped == 'wrapped') {
         $out = "<!-- Added by {$class} --><style>{$out}</style>";
     } elseif ($wrapped == 'unwrapped') {
         $out = "/* Added by {$class} */ {$out}";
     return $out;