Esempio n. 1
 public function testSplit()
     // ASCII.
     $res = CRegex::split("He,llo;th,ere!", "/[,;]/");
     $this->assertTrue(CArray::length($res) == 4 && CString::equals($res[0], "He") && CString::equals($res[1], "llo") && CString::equals($res[2], "th") && CString::equals($res[3], "ere!"));
     $res = CRegex::split("He,llo;th.ere!", CArray::fromElements("/[,;]/", "/\\./"));
     $this->assertTrue(CArray::length($res) == 4 && CString::equals($res[0], "He") && CString::equals($res[1], "llo") && CString::equals($res[2], "th") && CString::equals($res[3], "ere!"));
     // Special cases.
     $res = CRegex::split("", "/[,;]/");
     $this->assertTrue(CArray::length($res) == 1 && CString::equals($res[0], ""));
     $res = CRegex::split("Hey", "//");
     $this->assertTrue(CArray::length($res) == 3 && CString::equals($res[0], "H") && CString::equals($res[1], "e") && CString::equals($res[2], "y"));
     $res = CRegex::split("", "//");
     $this->assertTrue(CArray::length($res) == 1 && CString::equals($res[0], ""));
     // Unicode.
     $res = CRegex::split("¡He,llo·se,ñor!", "/[,·]/u");
     $this->assertTrue(CArray::length($res) == 4 && CUString::equals($res[0], "¡He") && CUString::equals($res[1], "llo") && CUString::equals($res[2], "se") && CUString::equals($res[3], "ñor!"));
     $res = CRegex::split("¡He,llo·se.ñor!", CArray::fromElements("/[,·]/u", "/\\./u"));
     $this->assertTrue(CArray::length($res) == 4 && CUString::equals($res[0], "¡He") && CUString::equals($res[1], "llo") && CUString::equals($res[2], "se") && CUString::equals($res[3], "ñor!"));
     // Special cases.
     $res = CRegex::split("", "/[,·]/u");
     $this->assertTrue(CArray::length($res) == 1 && CUString::equals($res[0], ""));
     $res = CRegex::split("Héy", "//u");
     $this->assertTrue(CArray::length($res) == 3 && CUString::equals($res[0], "H") && CUString::equals($res[1], "é") && CUString::equals($res[2], "y"));
     $res = CRegex::split("", "//u");
     $this->assertTrue(CArray::length($res) == 1 && CUString::equals($res[0], ""));
Esempio n. 2
  * Splits a string into substrings using a specified regular expression pattern or patterns as the delimiter(s) and
  * returns the resulting strings as an array.
  * If no delimiter patterns were found, the resulting array contains just one element, which is the original
  * string. If a delimiter is located at the very start or at the very end of the string or next to another
  * delimiter, it will accordingly cause some string(s) in the resulting array to be empty.
  * As a special case, the delimiter pattern can be empty, which will split the string into its constituting
  * characters.
  * @param  string|array|map $delimiterPatternOrPatterns The pattern or array of patterns to be recognized as the
  * delimiter(s).
  * @return CArrayObject The resulting strings of type `CUStringObject`.
 public function reSplit($delimiterPatternOrPatterns)
     $delimiterPatternOrPatterns = self::ensureUModifier($delimiterPatternOrPatterns);
     return to_oop(CRegex::split($this, $delimiterPatternOrPatterns));