function generatexml($id)
     $xml = "";
     $template = CRM_Core_Smarty::singleton();
     $this->get((int) $id);
     $template->assign("file", $this->toArray());
     $txgroup = new CRM_Sepa_BAO_SEPATransactionGroup();
     $txgroup->sdd_file_id = $this->id;
     $total = 0;
     $nbtransactions = 0;
     $fileFormats = array();
     while ($txgroup->fetch()) {
         $xml .= $txgroup->generateXML();
         $total += $txgroup->total;
         $nbtransactions += $txgroup->nbtransactions;
         $fileFormats[] = $txgroup->fileFormat;
     if (count(array_unique($fileFormats)) > 1) {
         throw new Exception('Creditors with mismatching File Formats cannot be mixed in same File');
     } else {
         $fileFormatName = CRM_Utils_SepaOptionGroupTools::sanitizeFileFormat(reset($fileFormats));
     $template->assign("file", $this->toArray());
     $template->assign("total", $total);
     $template->assign("nbtransactions", $nbtransactions);
     $head = $template->fetch('../formats/' . $fileFormatName . '/transaction-header.tpl');
     $footer = $template->fetch('../formats/' . $fileFormatName . '/transaction-footer.tpl');
     return $head . $xml . $footer;
  * This method will create the SDD file for the given group
  * @param txgroup_id  the transaction group for which the file should be created
  * @param override    if true, will override an already existing file and create a new one
  * @return int id of the sepa file entity created, or an error message string
 static function createFile($txgroup_id, $override = false)
     $txgroup = civicrm_api('SepaTransactionGroup', 'getsingle', array('id' => $txgroup_id, 'version' => 3));
     if (isset($txgroup['is_error']) && $txgroup['is_error']) {
         return "Cannot find transaction group " . $txgroup_id;
     $creditor = civicrm_api("SepaCreditor", "getsingle", array("sequential" => 1, "version" => 3, "id" => $txgroup["sdd_creditor_id"]));
     $fileFormatName = CRM_Core_OptionGroup::getValue('sepa_file_format', $creditor['sepa_file_format_id'], 'value', 'String', 'name');
     if ($override || (!isset($txgroup['sdd_file_id']) || !$txgroup['sdd_file_id'])) {
         $fileFormatName = CRM_Utils_SepaOptionGroupTools::sanitizeFileFormat($fileFormatName);
         $format_class = 'CRM_Sepa_Logic_Format_' . $fileFormatName;
         $format = new $format_class();
         // find an available txgroup reference
         $available_name = $name = $format->getDDFilePrefix() . $txgroup['reference'];
         $counter = 1;
         $test_sql = "SELECT id FROM civicrm_sdd_file WHERE reference='%s';";
         while (CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery(sprintf($test_sql, $available_name))->fetch()) {
             // i.e. available_name is already taken, modify it
             $available_name = $name . '--' . $counter;
             $counter += 1;
             if ($counter > 1000) {
                 return "Cannot create file! Unable to find an available file reference.";
         $group_status_id_closed = (int) CRM_Core_OptionGroup::getValue('batch_status', 'Closed', 'name');
         // now that we found an available reference, create the file
         $sepa_file = civicrm_api('SepaSddFile', 'create', array('version' => 3, 'reference' => $available_name, 'filename' => $format->getFilename($available_name), 'latest_submission_date' => $txgroup['latest_submission_date'], 'created_date' => date('YmdHis'), 'created_id' => CRM_Core_Session::singleton()->get('userID'), 'status_id' => $group_status_id_closed));
         if (isset($sepa_file['is_error']) && $sepa_file['is_error']) {
             return sprintf(ts("Cannot create file! Error was: '%s'"), $sepa_file['error_message']);
         } else {
             // update the txgroup object
             $result = civicrm_api('SepaTransactionGroup', 'create', array('id' => $txgroup_id, 'sdd_file_id' => $sepa_file['id'], 'version' => 3));
             if (isset($result['is_error']) && $result['is_error']) {
                 sprintf(ts("Cannot update transaction group! Error was: '%s'"), $result['error_message']);
             return $sepa_file['id'];