Esempio n. 1
  * This function is the main function that is called when the page loads, it decides the which action has to be taken for the page.
  * return null
  * @access public
 function run()
     $this->_action = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('action', 'String', $this, false, 'browse');
     $this->_context = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('context', 'String', $this);
     $this->assign('action', $this->_action);
     $this->assign('context', $this->_context);
     $this->_contactId = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('cid', 'Positive', $this);
     require_once 'CRM/Pledge/Page/Tab.php';
     if ($this->_action & CRM_Core_Action::UPDATE) {
     } else {
         $pledgeId = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('pledgeId', 'Positive', $this);
         require_once 'CRM/Pledge/BAO/Payment.php';
         $paymentDetails = CRM_Pledge_BAO_Payment::getPledgePayments($pledgeId);
         $this->assign('rows', $paymentDetails);
         $this->assign('pledgeId', $pledgeId);
         $this->assign('contactId', $this->_contactId);
         // check if we can process credit card contribs
         $processors = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::paymentProcessor(false, false, "billing_mode IN ( 1, 3 )");
         if (count($processors) > 0) {
             $this->assign('newCredit', true);
         } else {
             $this->assign('newCredit', false);
         // check is the user has view/edit signer permission
         $permission = 'view';
         if (CRM_Core_Permission::check('edit pledges')) {
             $permission = 'edit';
         $this->assign('permission', $permission);
     return parent::run();