 * Implementation of hook_civicrm_pageRun
 * Handler for pageRun hook.
function mailjet_civicrm_pageRun(&$page)
    if (get_class($page) == 'CRM_Mailing_Page_Report') {
        $mailingId = $page->_mailing_id;
        $mailingJobs = civicrm_api3('MailingJob', 'get', $params = array('mailing_id' => $mailingId));
        $stats = array('BlockedCount' => 0, 'BouncedCount' => 0, 'ClickedCount' => 0, 'DeliveredCount' => 0, 'OpenedCount' => 0, 'ProcessedCount' => 0, 'QueuedCount' => 0, 'SpamComplaintCount' => 0, 'UnsubscribedCount' => 0);
        foreach ($mailingJobs['values'] as $key => $job) {
            if ($job['job_type'] == 'child') {
                $jobId = $key;
                require_once 'packages/mailjet-0.3/php-mailjet-v3-simple.class.php';
                // Create a new Mailjet Object
                $mj = new Mailjet(MAILJET_API_KEY, MAILJET_SECRET_KEY);
                $mj->debug = 0;
                $mailJetParams = array('method' => 'VIEW', 'unique' => CRM_Mailjet_BAO_Event::getMailjetCustomCampaignId($jobId));
                $response = $mj->campaign($mailJetParams);
                $page->assign('mailjet_params', $mailJetParams);
                if (!empty($response)) {
                    if ($response->Count == 1) {
                        $campaign = $response->Data[0];
                        $mailJetParams = array('method' => 'VIEW', 'unique' => $campaign->ID);
                        $response = $mj->campaignstatistics($mailJetParams);
                        if ($response->Count == 1) {
                            $stats = sumUpStats($stats, get_object_vars($response->Data[0]));
        $page->assign('mailjet_stats', $stats);
        CRM_Core_Region::instance('page-header')->add(array('template' => 'CRM/Mailjet/Page/Report.tpl'));
  * Process the mailjet bounce emails
  * @return boolean always returns true (for the api). at a later stage we should
  *                 fix this to return true on success / false on failure etc
 static function processBounces($mailingId = NULL)
     require_once 'packages/mailjet-0.1/php-mailjet.class-mailjet-0.1.php';
     // Create a new Mailjet Object @php-mailjet.class-mailjet-0.1.php
     $mj = new Mailjet(MAILJET_API_KEY, MAILJET_SECRET_KEY);
     //G: TODO
     $mj->debug = 0;
     if ($mailingId) {
         $apiParams = array('mailing_id' => $mailingId);
         $campaignJobId = 0;
         $mailJobResult = civicrm_api3('MailingJob', 'get', $apiParams);
         foreach ($mailJobResult['values'] as $jobId => $currentJob) {
             if (isset($currentJob['job_type'])) {
                 $jobType = $currentJob['job_type'];
                 //if job is not test
                 if ($jobType == 'child') {
                     $campaignJobId = $jobId;
         $mailjetParams = array('custom_campaign' => CRM_Mailjet_BAO_Event::getMailjetCustomCampaignId($campaignJobId));
         //G: https://uk.mailjet.com/docs/api/message/list
         //List all your messages (both transactional and campaign) with numerous filters.
         $response = $mj->messageList($mailjetParams);
         if (!$response) {
             return TRUE;
             //always return true - we don't process bounces if there is no reponse.
         $campaign = $response->result[0];
         //G: https://uk.mailjet.com/docs/api/report/emailbounce
         //Lists emails declared as bounce.
         $response = $mj->reportEmailBounce(array('campaign_id' => $campaign->id));
     } else {
         $response = $mj->reportEmailBounce();
     $bounces = $response->bounces;
     foreach ($bounces as $bounce) {
         $params = array('email' => $bounce->email, 'sequential' => 1);
         $emailResult = civicrm_api3('Email', 'get', $params);
         if (!empty($emailResult['values'])) {
             //we always get the first result
             //TODO: might related to bounce record issue
             $contactId = $emailResult['values'][0]['contact_id'];
             $emailId = $emailResult['values'][0]['id'];
             $emailAddress = $emailResult['values'][0]['email'];
             if (!$bounce->customcampaign) {
                 //do not process bounce if we dont have custom campaign
             $campaingArray = explode("MJ", $bounce->customcampaign);
             //TODO: related to bounce record issue
             $jobId = $campaingArray[0];
             $mailingJobResult = civicrm_api3('MailingJob', 'get', array('id' => $jobId));
             $mailingResult = civicrm_api3('Mailing', 'get', array('id' => $mailingJobResult['values'][$jobId]['mailing_id']));
             $currentMailingId = 0;
             foreach ($mailingResult['values'] as $mailingId => $mailing) {
                 $currentMailingId = $mailingId;
             /*$params = array(
                 'mailing_id' => $mailingId,
               $result = civicrm_api3('MailingJob', 'get', $params);
               $jobIds = array();
               foreach ($result['values'] as $id => $value) {
                 $jobIds[] = $id;
               $jobIds = implode(",", $jobIds);
               $params = array(
                 1 => array( $contactId, 'Integer'),
                 2 => array( $emailId, 'Integer')
             $query = "SELECT eq.id\n          FROM civicrm_mailing_event_bounce eb\n          LEFT JOIN civicrm_mailing_event_queue eq ON eq.id = eb.event_queue_id\n          WHERE 1\n          AND eq.job_id = {$jobId}\n          AND eq.email_id = {$emailId}\n          AND eq.contact_id = {$contactId}";
             $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query);
             $isBounceRecord = FALSE;
             while ($dao->fetch()) {
                 $isBounceRecord = TRUE;
             //if bounce record doesn't exsit so we record it
             if (!$isBounceRecord) {
                 $bounceArray = array('is_spam' => FALSE, 'mailing_id' => $currentMailingId, 'job_id' => $jobId, 'contact_id' => $contactId, 'email_id' => $emailId, 'email' => $emailAddress, 'blocked' => 0, 'hard_bounce' => $bounce->hard_bounce, 'date_ts' => $bounce->date_ts, 'error_related_to' => $bounce->error_related_to, 'error' => $bounce->error);
     // always returns true, i.e. never fails :)
     return TRUE;