  * investigates if the given household still complies
  * with all the requirements for a proper household entity
 function checkHousehold($household_id)
     $problems_identified = array();
     // load household
     $household = civicrm_api3('Contact', 'getsingle', array('id' => $household_id));
     // load members
     $members = $this->getMembers($household_id);
     // CHECK 1: number of members
     if (count($members) < CRM_Householdmerge_Logic_Configuration::getMinimumMemberCount()) {
         if (count($members) == 0) {
             $problems_identified[] = CRM_Householdmerge_Logic_Problem::createProblem('HOM0', $household_id);
         } else {
             $problems_identified[] = CRM_Householdmerge_Logic_Problem::createProblem('HOMX', $household_id, array('count' => count($members)));
     // HEAD related checks
     if ('hierarchy' == CRM_Householdmerge_Logic_Configuration::getHouseholdMode()) {
         $heads = array();
         foreach ($members as $member) {
             if ($member['hh_relation'] == 'head') {
                 $heads[] = $member;
         // CHECK 2: is there still a head?
         if (empty($heads)) {
             $problems_identified[] = CRM_Householdmerge_Logic_Problem::createProblem('HHN0', $household_id);
         // CHECK 3: is there more than one head?
         if (count($heads) > 1) {
             $problems_identified[] = CRM_Householdmerge_Logic_Problem::createProblem('HHN2', $household_id);
         // CHECK 4: does the head have a DO NOT mail/phone/sms/email
         $donts = CRM_Householdmerge_Logic_Configuration::getDontXXXChecks();
         foreach ($heads as $head) {
             foreach ($donts as $field_name) {
                 if (!empty($head[$field_name])) {
                     $problems_identified[] = CRM_Householdmerge_Logic_Problem::createProblem('HHNC', $household_id);
         // CHECK 5: does the head have certain tags
         $bad_tags = CRM_Householdmerge_Logic_Configuration::getBadHeadTags();
         foreach ($heads as $head) {
             $tags = CRM_Core_BAO_EntityTag::getContactTags($head['id']);
             foreach ($tags as $tag) {
                 if (in_array($tag, $bad_tags)) {
                     $problems_identified[] = CRM_Householdmerge_Logic_Problem::createProblem('HHTG', $household_id, array('tag' => $tag));
         // CHECK 6: is the head also head of another household?
         foreach ($heads as $head) {
             $head_relation_id = CRM_Householdmerge_Logic_Configuration::getHeadRelationID();
             $relationships_a = civicrm_api3('Relationship', 'get', array('contact_id_a' => $head['id'], 'relationship_type_id' => $head_relation_id, 'is_active' => 1));
             $relationships_b = civicrm_api3('Relationship', 'get', array('contact_id_b' => $head['id'], 'relationship_type_id' => $head_relation_id, 'is_active' => 1));
             if ($relationships_a['count'] + $relationships_b['count'] > 1) {
                 $problems_identified[] = CRM_Householdmerge_Logic_Problem::createProblem('HHMM', $household_id);
     // all member checks
     // CHECK 7: does one of the members not have the household address any more?
     $this->checkAddresses($household, $members, $problems_identified);
     // CHECK 8: Is there a potential new member for this household?
     $this->findNewMembers($household, $members, $problems_identified);
     // if (!empty($problems_identified)) {
     //   $this->createActivity($household, $problems_identified, $members);
     // }
     foreach ($problems_identified as $problem) {
  * find the contact_ids of some potential candidates
 protected function findCandidates($count)
     $minimum_member_count = (int) CRM_Householdmerge_Logic_Configuration::getMinimumMemberCount();
     if ($count == 'all') {
         $limit_clause = '';
     } else {
         $count = (int) $count;
         $limit_clause = "LIMIT {$count}";
     // compile relationship conditions ("NOT ALREADY MEMBER OF")
     $member_relation_id = CRM_Householdmerge_Logic_Configuration::getMemberRelationID();
     $head_relation_id = CRM_Householdmerge_Logic_Configuration::getHeadRelationID();
     if ($member_relation_id) {
         $relationship_ids = array($member_relation_id);
         if ($head_relation_id) {
             $relationship_ids[] = $head_relation_id;
         $relationship_id_list = implode(',', $relationship_ids);
         //  try joining valid, active household relationships...
         $RELATIONSHIP_JOIN = "\n              LEFT JOIN civicrm_relationship relation_ab ON contact_id = relation_ab.contact_id_a AND relation_ab.relationship_type_id IN ({$relationship_id_list}) AND (relation_ab.end_date IS NULL OR relation_ab.end_date > NOW())\n              LEFT JOIN civicrm_relationship relation_ba ON contact_id = relation_ba.contact_id_b AND relation_ba.relationship_type_id IN ({$relationship_id_list}) AND (relation_ba.end_date IS NULL OR relation_ba.end_date > NOW())\n        ";
         // ...and then make sure there are none
         $RELATIONSHIP_CONDITION = "\n              AND relation_ab.id IS NULL AND relation_ba.id IS NULL\n        ";
     $candidates = array();
     $scanner_sql = "\n      SELECT *\n        FROM (SELECT civicrm_contact.id AS contact_id,\n                     GROUP_CONCAT(civicrm_contact.id SEPARATOR '||') AS contact_ids,\n                     GROUP_CONCAT(civicrm_contact.display_name SEPARATOR '||') AS display_names,\n                     GROUP_CONCAT(civicrm_contact.gender_id SEPARATOR '||') AS gender_ids,\n                     civicrm_contact.last_name AS last_name,\n                     civicrm_address.street_address AS street_address,\n                     civicrm_address.supplemental_address_1 AS supplemental_address_1,\n                     civicrm_address.supplemental_address_2 AS supplemental_address_2,\n                     civicrm_address.postal_code AS postal_code,\n                     civicrm_address.city AS city,\n                     civicrm_address.country_id AS country_id,\n                     COUNT(DISTINCT(civicrm_contact.id)) AS mitgliederzahl\n              FROM civicrm_contact\n              LEFT JOIN civicrm_address ON civicrm_address.contact_id = civicrm_contact.id\n              {$RELATIONSHIP_JOIN}\n              WHERE (civicrm_contact.is_deleted IS NULL OR civicrm_contact.is_deleted = 0)\n                AND civicrm_contact.contact_type = 'Individual'\n                AND civicrm_address.id IS NOT NULL\n                AND (civicrm_address.street_address IS NOT NULL AND civicrm_address.street_address != '')\n                AND (civicrm_address.postal_code IS NOT NULL AND civicrm_address.postal_code != '')\n                AND (civicrm_address.city IS NOT NULL AND civicrm_address.city != '')\n                {$RELATIONSHIP_CONDITION}\n              GROUP BY civicrm_contact.last_name, civicrm_address.street_address, civicrm_address.postal_code, civicrm_address.city) households\n        WHERE mitgliederzahl >= {$minimum_member_count}\n        {$limit_clause};\n      ";
     $scanner = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($scanner_sql);
     while ($scanner->fetch()) {
         $candidates[$scanner->contact_id] = array('contact_ids' => $scanner->contact_ids, 'display_names' => $scanner->display_names, 'gender_ids' => $scanner->gender_ids, 'street_address' => $scanner->street_address, 'supplemental_address_1' => $scanner->supplemental_address_1, 'supplemental_address_2' => $scanner->supplemental_address_2, 'postal_code' => $scanner->postal_code, 'city' => $scanner->city, 'country_id' => $scanner->country_id, 'last_name' => $scanner->last_name);
     return $candidates;