  * liste les interventions hors plage entre 2 date données
  * @param date      $start     date de début
  * @param date|null $end       date de fin (si null = date de début)
  * @param array     $chir_ids  chirs targeted
  * @param array     $salle_ids salles to check
  * @return COperation[]
 static function getForDates($start, $end = null, $chir_ids = array(), $salle_ids = array())
     $d_start = $start;
     $d_end = $end ? $end : $start;
     $ljoin = array();
     $ljoin["sejour"] = "sejour.sejour_id = operations.sejour_id";
     $where = array();
     if (count($chir_ids)) {
         $where["chir_id"] = CSQLDataSource::prepareIn($chir_ids);
     if (count($salle_ids)) {
         $where[] = "operations.salle_id IS NULL OR operations.salle_id " . CSQLDataSource::prepareIn($salle_ids);
     $where["operations.plageop_id"] = "IS NULL";
     $where["operations.date"] = "BETWEEN '{$d_start}' AND '{$d_end}'";
     $where["operations.annulee"] = "= '0'";
     $where["sejour.group_id"] = "= '" . CGroups::loadCurrent()->_id . "'";
     $order = "operations.date, operations.chir_id";
     $op = new COperation();
     /** @var COperation[] $listHorsPlage */
     $listHorsPlage = $op->loadList($where, $order, null, null, $ljoin);
     return $listHorsPlage;
$where = array();
$where["date"] = " = '" . CMbDT::date($date_depart) . "'";
$where["annulee"] = " = '0'";
$ljoin = array();
$ljoin["sallesbloc"] = "sallesbloc.salle_id = operations.salle_id";
if ($bloc_id) {
    $where["sallesbloc.bloc_id"] = "= '{$bloc_id}'";
} else {
    $bloc = new CBlocOperatoire();
    $where_bloc = array("group_id" => "= '" . CGroups::loadCurrent()->_id . "'");
    $blocs = $bloc->loadListWithPerms(PERM_READ, $where_bloc, "nom");
    $where["sallesbloc.bloc_id"] = CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($blocs));
$operation = new COperation();
/** @var COperation[] $operations */
$operations = $operation->loadList($where, "time_operation ASC", null, null, $ljoin);
$sejours = CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($operations, "sejour_id");
CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($sejours, "patient_id");
CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($operations, "salle_id");
CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($operations, "plageop_id");
foreach ($operations as $_operation) {
    $sejour = $_operation->loadRefSejour();
    $affectation = $sejour->loadRefCurrAffectation($date_depart);
// Tri à posteriori
switch ($order_col) {
Esempio n. 3
$ljoin["plagesop"] = "operations.plageop_id = plagesop.plageop_id";
$where = array();
$in_salles = CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($salles));
$where[] = "plagesop.salle_id {$in_salles}  OR operations.salle_id {$in_salles}";
$where["materiel"] = "!= ''";
$where[] = " operations.date BETWEEN '{$date_min}' AND '{$date_max}'";
if ($praticien_id) {
    $where["operations.chir_id"] = " = '{$praticien_id}'";
} elseif ($function_id) {
    $mediuser = new CMediusers();
    $users = $mediuser->loadProfessionnelDeSante(PERM_READ, $function_id);
    $where["operations.chir_id"] = CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($users));
$order = "operations.date, rank";
$operation = new COperation();
$ops = $operation->loadList($where, $order, null, "operation_id", $ljoin);
$operations = array();
$commande = new CCommandeMaterielOp();
foreach ($commande->_specs["etat"]->_list as $spec) {
    $operations[$spec] = array();
foreach ($ops as $_op) {
    /** @var COperation $_op */
    if (!$_op->_ref_commande_mat->_id && !$_op->annulee) {
        $operations["a_commander"][$_op->_id] = $_op;
    } elseif ($_op->_ref_commande_mat->_id) {
    $where[] = "operations.chir_id " . $in_prats . " OR operations.chir_2_id " . $in_prats . " OR operations.chir_3_id " . $in_prats . " OR operations.chir_4_id " . $in_prats;
    $where[] = "operations.anesth_id IS NULL OR operations.anesth_id {$in_prats}";
} else {
    $where_chir = "operations.chir_id = '{$user->_id}' OR operations.chir_2_id = '{$user->_id}'\n                    OR operations.chir_3_id = '{$user->_id}' OR operations.chir_4_id = '{$user->_id}'";
    if ($user->isAnesth()) {
        $where[] = "{$where_chir} OR\n      operations.anesth_id = '{$user->_id}' OR\n      (operations.anesth_id IS NULL && plagesop.anesth_id = '{$user->_id}')";
    } else {
        $where[] = $where_chir;
/** @var COperation[] $interventions */
$operation = new COperation();
if (!$interv_with_no_codes) {
    $where[] = "LENGTH(codes_ccam) > 0";
$interventions = $operation->loadList($where, null, null, null, $ljoin);
$totals["interventions"] = count($interventions);
$where = array();
if (!$all_prats) {
    //$where["executant_id"] = "= '$user->_id'";
    $where["code_activite"] = $user->_is_anesth ? "= '4'" : "!= '4'";
CStoredObject::massCountBackRefs($interventions, "actes_ccam", $where);
// Préparation des interventions
CDatedCodeCCAM::$cache_layers = Cache::INNER_OUTER;
foreach ($interventions as $key => $_interv) {
foreach ($interventions as $key => $_interv) {
    $codes_ccam = $_interv->_ext_codes_ccam;
    // Nombre d'acte cotés par le praticien et réinitialisation du count pour le cache
Esempio n. 5
$nbIntervNonPlacees = 0;
foreach ($listDays as $keyDate => $valDate) {
    // Récupération des plages par jour
    $where = array();
    $where["date"] = "= '{$keyDate}'";
    $where["salle_id"] = "= '{$salle->_id}'";
    $order = "debut";
    $listPlages[$keyDate] = $listPlage->loadList($where, $order);
    // Récupération des interventions hors plages du jour
    $where = array();
    $where["date"] = "= '{$keyDate}'";
    $where["annulee"] = "= '0'";
    $where["salle_id"] = "= '{$salle->_id}'";
    $order = "time_operation";
    /** @var COperation[] $horsPlages */
    $horsPlages = $operation->loadList($where, $order);
    // Détermination des bornes du semainier
    $min = CPlageOp::$hours_start . ":" . reset(CPlageOp::$minutes) . ":00";
    $max = CPlageOp::$hours_stop . ":" . end(CPlageOp::$minutes) . ":00";
    // Détermination des bornes de chaque plage
    foreach ($listPlages[$keyDate] as $plage) {
        /** @var CPlageOp $plage */
        $nbIntervNonPlacees += $plage->_count_operations - $plage->_count_operations_placees;
        $plage->fin = min($plage->fin, $max);
        $plage->debut = max($plage->debut, $min);
Esempio n. 6
    $totalOp += count($_plage->_ref_operations);
 * Comptage des Interventions hors plages
$operation = new COperation();
$where = array();
$ljoin["sejour"] = "sejour.sejour_id = operations.sejour_id";
$where["operations.date"] = "= '{$date}'";
$where["operations.plageop_id"] = "IS NULL";
$where["operations.annulee"] = "= '0'";
$where["sejour.group_id"] = "= '" . CGroups::loadCurrent()->_id . "'";
/** @var COperation[] $horsplages */
$horsplages = $operation->loadList($where, null, null, null, $ljoin);
$totalOp += count($horsplages);
foreach ($horsplages as $_operation) {
    if ($_operation->facture) {
 * Comptage des séjours
$group = CGroups::loadCurrent();
$next = CMbDT::date("+1 day", $date);
$sejour = new CSejour();
$where = array();
$where["entree"] = "< '{$next}'";
//Instanciation du planning
$planning = new CPlanningWeek($debut, $debut, $fin, $nbDays, false, $print ? "1000" : "auto");
$planning->title = $prat->_view;
$planning->guid = $prat->_guid;
$planning->hour_min = "07";
$planning->hour_max = "20";
$planning->pauses = array("07", "12", "19");
$whereHP["plageop_id"] = " IS NULL";
for ($i = 0; $i < $nbDays; $i++) {
    $jour = CMbDT::date("+{$i} day", $debut);
    $where["date"] = $whereInterv["date"] = $whereHP["date"] = "= '{$jour}'";
    if (CAppUI::pref("showIntervPlanning")) {
        // HORS PLAGE
        $horsPlage = new COperation();
        /** @var COperation[] $horsPlages */
        $horsPlages = $horsPlage->loadList($whereHP);
        CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($horsPlages, "chir_id");
        foreach ($horsPlages as $_horsplage) {
            $lenght = CMBDT::minutesRelative("00:00:00", $_horsplage->temp_operation);
            $op = new CPlanningRange($_horsplage->_guid, $jour . " " . $_horsplage->time_operation, $lenght, $_horsplage, "3c75ea", "horsplage");
        /** @var CPlageOp[] $intervs */
        $interv = new CPlageOp();
        $intervs = $interv->loadList($whereInterv);
        CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($intervs, "chir_id");
        foreach ($intervs as $_interv) {
            $range = new CPlanningRange($_interv->_guid, $jour . " " . $_interv->debut, CMbDT::minutesRelative($_interv->debut, $_interv->fin), CAppUI::tr($_interv->_class), "bbccee", "plageop");
Esempio n. 8
$prestation_id = CAppUI::pref("prestation_id_hospi");
if (CAppUI::conf("dPhospi prestations systeme_prestations", $group) == "standard" || $prestation_id == "all") {
    $prestation_id = "";
$prestation = new CPrestationJournaliere();
$format_print = CAppUI::conf("dPbloc printing format_print", $group);
$ordre_passage_temp = array();
$ordre_passage = array();
// Operations de chaque plage
foreach ($plagesop as $plage) {
    $where["operations.plageop_id"] = "= '{$plage->_id}'";
    $op = new COperation();
    /** @var COperation[] $listOp */
    $listOp = $op->loadList($where, $order, null, null, $ljoin);
    $chirs = CStoredObject::massLoadFwdRef($listOp, "chir_id");
    $sejours = CStoredObject::massLoadFwdRef($listOp, "sejour_id");
    CStoredObject::massLoadFwdRef($sejours, "patient_id");
    foreach ($listOp as $key => $operation) {
        if ($operation->_datetime_best < $filter->_datetime_min || $operation->_datetime_best > $filter->_datetime_max) {
        if ($no_consult_anesth && $operation->_ref_consult_anesth->_id) {
Esempio n. 9
     $joins = array();
     $where["plageop_id"] = "= '{$_plage->_id}'";
     $where["annulee"] = "= '0'";
     // Intervention ordonnancé
     switch ($filter->_ranking) {
         case "ok":
             $where["rank"] = "!= '0'";
         case "ko":
             $where["rank"] = "= '0'";
     if ($filter->_codes_ccam) {
         $where["codes_ccam"] = "LIKE '%{$filter->_codes_ccam}%'";
     $order = "operations.rank";
     $listOperations = $tempOp->loadList($where, $order, null, null, $ljoin);
     // Urgences
     $where["plageop_id"] = "IS NULL";
     $where["salle_id"] = "= '{$_plage->salle_id}'";
     $where["chir_id"] = "= '{$_plage->chir_id}'";
     $where["date"] = "= '{$_plage->date}'";
     $where["operation_id"] = $_plage->_spec->ds->prepareNotIn($listUrgencesTraitees);
     $listUrgences = $tempOp->loadList($where, $order, null, null, $ljoin);
     $listUrgencesTraitees = array_merge($listUrgencesTraitees, array_keys($listUrgences));
     // On compile les interventions
     $_plage->_ref_operations = array_merge($listOperations, $listUrgences);
 } else {
     // Cas des urgences restantes
     $ljoin["sejour"] = "sejour.sejour_id = operations.sejour_id";
     $where["sejour.group_id"] = "= '{$group->_id}'";
     $where["plageop_id"] = "IS NULL";
Esempio n. 10
  * Load the COperation to send from the linked CSalle objects
  * @param CSalle[] $linked_objects The linked objects
  * @return COperation[]
 protected static function loadOperationsFromLinkedObjects($linked_objects)
     $salles = array();
     foreach ($linked_objects as $_linked_object) {
         $salles[] = $_linked_object->object_id;
     $operation = new COperation();
     $where = array('salle_id' => CMySQLDataSource::prepareIn($salles), 'date' => " = '" . CMbDT::date() . "'", 'plageop_id' => ' IS NULL');
     /* Loading the unplanned operations */
     $unplanned_operations = $operation->loadList($where);
     $ljoin = array("plagesop" => "plagesop.plageop_id = operations.plageop_id");
     $where = array("plagesop.salle_id" => CMySQLDataSource::prepareIn($salles), "plagesop.date" => " = '" . CMbDT::date() . "'", "operations.salle_id" => CMySQLDataSource::prepareIn($salles));
     /* Loading the planned operations */
     $operations = $operation->loadList($where, null, null, null, $ljoin);
     $operations = array_merge($operations, $unplanned_operations);
     CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($operations, 'plageop_id');
     CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($operations, 'chir_id');
     CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($operations, 'sejour_id');
     return $operations;
Esempio n. 11
$operation = new COperation();
// Liste des interventions non validées
$ljoin = array();
$ljoin["plagesop"] = "operations.plageop_id = plagesop.plageop_id";
$where = array();
$where["plagesop.date"] = "BETWEEN '{$date}' AND '{$fin}'";
if ($bloc->_id) {
    $salles = $bloc->loadRefsSalles();
    $where["plagesop.salle_id"] = CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($salles));
$where["operations.annulee"] = "= '0'";
$where["operations.rank"] = "= '0'";
$order = "plagesop.date, plagesop.chir_id";
/** @var COperation[] $listNonValidees */
$listNonValidees = $operation->loadList($where, $order, null, null, $ljoin);
foreach ($listNonValidees as $_operation) {
$listHorsPlage = CIntervHorsPlage::getForDates($date, $fin, null, array_keys($bloc->_ref_salles));
foreach ($listHorsPlage as $_operation) {
// Création du template
$smarty = new CSmartyDP();
Esempio n. 12
$bloc->type = "obst";
$bloc->group_id = $group->_id;
/** @var CBlocOperatoire[] $blocs */
$blocs = $bloc->loadMatchingList();
$salles = array();
foreach ($blocs as $_bloc) {
    $salles = $_bloc->loadRefsSalles();
    foreach ($salles as $_salle) {
        $salles[$_salle->_id] = $_salle->_id;
// anesth
$anesth = new CMediusers();
$anesths = $anesth->loadListFromType(array("Anesthésiste"), PERM_READ);
/** @var COperation[] $ops */
$ops = $op->loadList($where, "date DESC, time_operation", null, null, $ljoin);
CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($ops, "sejour_id");
CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($ops, "anesth_id");
$chirs = CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($ops, "chir_id");
CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($chirs, "function_id");
foreach ($ops as $_op) {
    $sejour = $_op->loadRefSejour();
    $grossesse = $sejour->loadRefGrossesse();
if ($salle_id) {
    $where["operations.salle_id"] = $ds->prepare("=?", $salle_id);
if ($bloc_id) {
    $ljoin["sallesbloc"] = "sallesbloc.salle_id = operations.salle_id";
    $where["sallesbloc.bloc_id"] = $ds->prepare("=?", $bloc_id);
if ($hors_plage) {
    $where["operations.plageop_id"] = "IS NULL";
if ($codes_ccam) {
    $where["operations.codes_ccam"] = $ds->prepare("LIKE %", "%{$codes_ccam}%");
/** @var COperation[] $interventions */
$interventions = $interv->loadList($where, null, null, "operation_id", $ljoin);
// Chargements de masse
$sejours = CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($interventions, "sejour_id");
CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($sejours, "patient_id");
CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($sejours, "praticien_id");
CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($interventions, "chir_id");
$columns = array("IPP", "Nom", "Nom naissance", "Prénom", "Date naissance", "Sexe", "Date intervention", "Libellé intervention", "Chirurgien nom", "Chirurgien prénom", "NDA", "Praticien nom", "Praticien prénom", "Date entrée", "Date sortie");
$csv = new CCSVFile();
foreach ($interventions as $_intervention) {
    $_sejour = $_intervention->loadRefSejour();
    $_patient = $_sejour->loadRefPatient();
    $_praticien = $_sejour->loadRefPraticien();
    $_chir = $_intervention->loadRefChir();
Esempio n. 14
 * dPboard
 * @category Board
 * @package  Mediboard
 * @author   SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**>
 * @license  GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 * @version  SVN: $Id:$
 * @link     http://www.mediboard.org
global $prat;
$date_interv = CValue::getOrSession("date_interv", CMbDT::date());
// Chargement des plages du mois
$plage = new CPlageOp();
$where = array("date" => "= '" . $date_interv . "'", "chir_id" => "= '" . $prat->_id . "'");
$order = "date, debut";
$listPlages = $plage->loadList($where, $order);
$interv = new COperation();
$where = array();
$where[] = "(plageop_id " . CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($listPlages)) . " OR (operations.date = '{$date_interv}' AND operations.chir_id = '" . $prat->_id . "'))";
/** @var COperation[] $listIntervs */
$listIntervs = $interv->loadList($where);
foreach ($listIntervs as &$_interv) {
// Variables de templates
$smarty = new CSmartyDP();
$smarty->assign("date_interv", $date_interv);
$smarty->assign("listIntervs", $listIntervs);
$smarty->assign("prec", CMbDT::date("-1 DAYS", $date_interv));
$smarty->assign("suiv", CMbDT::date("+1 DAYS", $date_interv));
Esempio n. 15
  * Mine or remine the first available operations
  * @param int    $limit
  * @param string $phase
  * @return array Success/failure counts report
 function mineSome($limit = 100, $phase = "mine")
     $report = array("success" => 0, "failure" => 0);
     if (!$limit) {
         return $report;
     $operation = new COperation();
     /** @var COperation[] $operations */
     $operations = array();
     if ($phase == "remine") {
         $date = CMbDT::date(self::$remine_delay);
         $where["date"] = "< '{$date}'";
         $where["remined"] = "= '0'";
         $mined = $this->loadList($where, null, $limit);
         $operation_ids = CMbArray::pluck($mined, "operation_id");
         $operations = $operation->loadAll($operation_ids);
     if ($phase == "postmine") {
         $date = CMbDT::date(self::$postmine_delay);
         $where["date"] = "< '{$date}'";
         $where["postmined"] = "= '0'";
         $mined = $this->loadList($where, null, $limit);
         $operation_ids = CMbArray::pluck($mined, "operation_id");
         $operations = $operation->loadAll($operation_ids);
     if ($phase == "mine") {
         $date = CMbDT::date(self::$mine_delay);
         $table = $this->_spec->table;
         $ljoin[$table] = "{$table}.operation_id = operations.operation_id";
         $where[] = "operations.date < '{$date}'";
         $where["{$table}.operation_id"] = "IS NULL";
         $operations = $operation->loadList($where, null, $limit, null, $ljoin);
     $plages = CStoredObject::massLoadFwdRef($operations, "plageop_id");
     $salles = CStoredObject::massLoadFwdRef($plages, "salle_id");
     CStoredObject::massLoadFwdRef($salles, "bloc_id");
     foreach ($operations as $_operation) {
         if ($msg = $this->store()) {
             trigger_error($msg, UI_MSG_ERROR);
     return $report;
 * @license    GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 * @version    $Revision$
$operation_id = CValue::getOrSession("operation_id");
$date = CValue::getOrSession("date", CMbDT::date());
$hour = CMbDT::time();
$totaltime = "00:00:00";
// Selection des plages opératoires de la journée
$plages = new CPlageOp();
$where = array();
$where["date"] = "= '{$date}'";
$plages = $plages->loadList($where);
// Récupération des détails des RSPO.
$interv = new COperation();
$where = array();
$where[] = "`plageop_id` " . CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($plages)) . " OR (`plageop_id` IS NULL AND `date` = '{$date}')";
$leftjoin["blood_salvage"] = "operations.operation_id = blood_salvage.operation_id";
$where["blood_salvage.operation_id"] = "IS NOT NULL";
$order = "entree_reveil";
/** @var COperation[] $listReveil */
$listReveil = $interv->loadList($where, $order, null, null, $leftjoin);
foreach ($listReveil as $key => $value) {
$smarty = new CSmartyDP();
$smarty->assign("listReveil", $listReveil);
$smarty->assign("date", $date);
$smarty->assign("hour", $hour);
$smarty->assign("operation_id", $operation_id);
foreach ($consultations as $_consult) {
    /* @var CConsultation $_consult*/
    $color = "#cfc";
    $libelle = $_consult->_view . " - " . $_consult->_ref_plageconsult->_ref_chir->_view;
    $event = new CPlanningEvent($_consult->_guid, $_consult->_datetime, CMbDT::minutesRelative($_consult->_datetime, $_consult->_date_fin), $libelle, $color, true);
    $event->onmousover = true;
$ljoin = array();
$ljoin['plagesop'] = "plagesop.plageop_id = operations.plageop_id";
$where = array();
$where[] = "(plagesop.date BETWEEN '{$debut}' AND '{$fin}') OR (operations.date BETWEEN '{$debut}' AND '{$fin}')";
$where["operations.sejour_id"] = " = '{$sejour_id}'";
$operation = new COperation();
$operations = $operation->loadList($where, null, null, "operation_id", $ljoin);
foreach ($operations as $_operation) {
    /* @var COperation $_operation*/
    $color = "#fcc";
    $class = null;
    if ($_operation->_acte_execution == $_operation->_datetime) {
        $_operation->_acte_execution = CMbDT::addDateTime($_operation->temp_operation, $_operation->_datetime);
    $libelle = "Intervention par le Dr " . $_operation->_ref_chir->_view . " - {$_operation->libelle}";
    $event = new CPlanningEvent($_operation->_guid, $_operation->_datetime, CMbDT::minutesRelative($_operation->_datetime, $_operation->_acte_execution), $libelle, $color, true);
    $event->onmousover = true;
$dates = array($debut, $fin);
Esempio n. 18
$view = CValue::get("view", 1);
$date = CMbDT::date();
$request = "SELECT `operations`.*\r\n            FROM `operations`\r\n            LEFT JOIN `plagesop` ON `operations`.`plageop_id` = `plagesop`.`plageop_id`\r\n            WHERE `operations`.`ASA` = '1'\r\n            AND (`plagesop`.`date` >= '" . $date . "'\r\n            OR `operations`.`date` >= '" . $date . "')\r\n            AND NOT EXISTS (\r\n              SELECT * FROM `consultation_anesth`\r\n              WHERE `consultation_anesth`.`operation_id` = `operations`.`operation_id`\r\n            );";
$resultats = $ds->loadList($request);
if ($view == false) {
    $request = "UPDATE `operations`\r\n            LEFT JOIN `plagesop` ON `operations`.`plageop_id` = `plagesop`.`plageop_id`\r\n            SET `operations`.`ASA` = NULL\r\n            WHERE `operations`.`ASA` = '1'\r\n            AND (`plagesop`.`date` >= '" . $date . "'\r\n            OR `operations`.`date` >= '" . $date . "')\r\n            AND NOT EXISTS (\r\n              SELECT * FROM `consultation_anesth`\r\n              WHERE `consultation_anesth`.`operation_id` = `operations`.`operation_id`\r\n            );";
    $result = $ds->affectedRows();
    CAppUI::stepAjax(count($resultats) . " intervention(s) modifiée(s)", UI_MSG_OK);
} else {
    $where = array();
    $where["operation_id"] = CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(CMbArray::pluck($resultats, "operation_id"));
    /* @var COperation[] $operations*/
    $operation = new COperation();
    $nb_operations = $operation->countList($where);
    $operations = $operation->loadList($where, null, "100");
    $sejours = CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($operations, "sejour_id");
    CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($sejours, "patient_id");
    CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($operations, "plageop_id");
    CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($operations, "chir_id");
    foreach ($operations as $op) {
    // Creation du template
    $smarty = new CSmartyDP();
    $smarty->assign("operations", $operations);
    $smarty->assign("nb_operations", $nb_operations);
Esempio n. 19
 * $Id$
 * @package    Mediboard
 * @subpackage PlanningOp
 * @author     SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**>
 * @license    GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 * @version    $Revision$
$operation = new COperation();
// Nombre d'interventions...
$counts["total"] = $operation->countList();
// Dans une plage...
$where["operations.plageop_id"] = "IS NOT NULL";
$counts["plaged"] = $operation->countList($where);
// Sans date!
$where["operations.date"] = "IS NULL";
$counts["missing"] = $operation->countList($where);
// Avec une date erronée!
$ljoin["plagesop"] = "plagesop.plageop_id = operations.plageop_id";
$where["operations.date"] = "IS NOT NULL";
$where[] = "plagesop.date != operations.date";
$counts["wrong"] = $operation->countList($where, null, $ljoin);
foreach ($operation->loadList($where, null, null, null, $ljoin) as $_operation) {
    mbTrace($_operation->_guid, $_operation->plageop_id);
// Création du template
$smarty = new CSmartyDP();
$smarty->assign("counts", $counts);
Esempio n. 20
// Interventions hors plages non traitées
$op = new COperation();
$ljoin = array();
$ljoin["sejour"] = "operations.sejour_id = sejour.sejour_id";
$where = array();
$where["operations.date"] = "= '{$date_suivi}'";
$where["operations.salle_id"] = "IS NULL";
$where["operations.plageop_id"] = "IS NULL";
$where["operations.chir_id"] = CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($listChirs));
$where["sejour.group_id"] = "= '" . $group->_id . "'";
/** @var COperation[] $non_traitees */
$non_traitees = $op->loadList($where, null, null, null, $ljoin);
foreach ($non_traitees as $_operation) {
// Création du template
$smarty = new CSmartyDP();
$smarty->assign("vueReduite", true);
$smarty->assign("listAnesths", $listAnesths);
$smarty->assign("listBlocs", $listBlocs);
$smarty->assign("bloc", $bloc);
$smarty->assign("date_suivi", $date_suivi);
$smarty->assign("operation_id", 0);
$smarty->assign("non_traitees", $non_traitees);
Esempio n. 21
        // $order = "operations.entree_reveil";
        $order_col = CValue::getOrSession("order_col_{$type}", "entree_reveil");
        $where["operations.sortie_reveil_reel"] = "IS NOT NULL";
        // $order = "operations.sortie_reveil_possible DESC";
        $order_col = CValue::getOrSession("order_col_{$type}", "sortie_reveil_possible");
        $order_way = CValue::getOrSession("order_way_{$type}", "DESC");
if ($order_col == "_patient") {
    $order_col = "entree_salle";
// Chargement des interventions
$operation = new COperation();
$listOperations = $operation->loadList($where, "{$order_col} {$order_way_final}", null, null, $ljoin);
// Optimisations de chargement
$chirs = CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($listOperations, "chir_id");
CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($chirs, "function_id");
CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($listOperations, "plageop_id");
if ($use_poste) {
    CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($listOperations, "poste_sspi_id");
    CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($listOperations, "poste_preop_id");
$anesths = CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($listOperations, "sortie_locker_id");
CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($anesths, "function_id");
if (in_array($type, array("ops", "reveil")) && CModule::getActive("bloodSalvage")) {
    CMbObject::massCountBackRefs($listOperations, "blood_salvages");
$sejours = CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($listOperations, "sejour_id");
CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($sejours, "patient_id");
$where["duree_uscpo"] = "> 0";
$where["annulee"] = "!= '1'";
$operation = new COperation();
$max_uscpo = $operation->_specs["duree_uscpo"]->max;
// Minimal date will narrow scope and boost index execution greatly
$date_min = CMbDT::date("-{$max_uscpo} DAY", $date);
$where[] = "operations.date BETWEEN '{$date_min}' AND '{$date}'";
$where[] = "DATE_ADD(operations.date, INTERVAL duree_uscpo DAY) > '{$date}'";
$ljoin["sejour"] = "sejour.sejour_id = operations.sejour_id";
$where["sejour.group_id"] = "= '{$group_id}'";
if ($service_id) {
    $where["sejour.service_id"] = " = '{$service_id}'";
$where[] = "operations.passage_uscpo = '1' or operations.passage_uscpo IS NULL";
// Prévues
$operations_prevues = $operation->loadList($where, null, null, null, $ljoin, $index);
// Placées
$ljoin["affectation"] = "affectation.sejour_id = operations.sejour_id";
$where[] = "DATE_ADD(operations.date, INTERVAL duree_uscpo DAY) <= affectation.sortie";
$operations_placees = $operation->loadList($where, null, null, null, $ljoin, $index);
/** @var COperation[] $operations */
$operations = array_merge($operations_placees, $operations_prevues);
CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($operations, "plageop_id");
CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($operations, "chir_id");
foreach ($operations as $_operation) {
$smarty = new CSmartyDP();
$smarty->assign("operations_prevues", $operations_prevues);
$boardItem = CValue::get("boardItem", 0);
$nb_canceled = 0;
$current_group = CGroups::loadCurrent();
// Urgences du jour
$list_urgences = array();
$operation = new COperation();
if ($userSel->_id) {
    $where = array();
    $where["date"] = "= '{$date}'";
    $where["plageop_id"] = "IS NULL";
    $where[] = "chir_id = '{$userSel->_id}' OR anesth_id = '{$userSel->_id}'";
    if (!$canceled) {
        $where["annulee"] = "= '0'";
    /** @var COperation[] $list_urgences */
    $list_urgences = $operation->loadList($where, "annulee, date");
    $where["annulee"] = "= '1'";
    $nb_canceled += $operation->countList($where);
    $sejours = CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($list_urgences, "sejour_id");
    CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($sejours, "patient_id");
    CMbObject::massCountBackRefs($list_urgences, 'actes_ccam');
    foreach ($list_urgences as $_urg) {
        $_sejour = $_urg->_ref_sejour;
        /* Comptage du nombre d'activités CCAM */
        $_urg->_count['codes_ccam'] = 0;
        foreach (CMbArray::pluck($_urg->_ext_codes_ccam, "activites") as $_code) {
            $_urg->_count['codes_ccam'] += count($_code);
  * Charge la liste de plages et interventions pour un jour donné
  * Analogue à CSalle::loadRefsForDay
  * @param string $date        Date to look for
  * @param bool   $second_chir Use chir_2, chir_3 and chir_4
  * @return void
 function loadRefsForDay($date, $second_chir = false)
     $secondary_specs = array();
     foreach ($this->_back["secondary_functions"] as $_sec_spec) {
         /** @var CSecondaryFunction $_sec_spec */
         $_function = $_sec_spec->_ref_function;
         $secondary_specs[$_function->_id] = $_function;
     // Plages d'intervention
     $plage = new CPlageOp();
     $ljoin = array();
     $add_where = "";
     if ($second_chir) {
         $ljoin["operations"] = "plagesop.plageop_id = operations.plageop_id";
         $add_where = " OR operations.chir_id = '{$this->_id}' OR operations.chir_2_id = '{$this->_id}'\r\n                    OR operations.chir_3_id = '{$this->_id}' OR operations.chir_4_id = '{$this->_id}'";
     $where = array();
     $where["plagesop.date"] = "= '{$date}'";
     $where[] = "plagesop.chir_id = '{$this->_id}' OR plagesop.spec_id = '{$this->function_id}' OR plagesop.spec_id " . CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($secondary_specs)) . $add_where;
     $order = "debut";
     $this->_ref_plages = $plage->loadList($where, $order, null, "plageop_id", $ljoin);
     // Chargement d'optimisation
     CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($this->_ref_plages, "chir_id");
     CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($this->_ref_plages, "anesth_id");
     CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($this->_ref_plages, "spec_id");
     CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($this->_ref_plages, "salle_id");
     CMbObject::massCountBackRefs($this->_ref_plages, "notes");
     CMbObject::massCountBackRefs($this->_ref_plages, "affectations_personnel");
     foreach ($this->_ref_plages as $_plage) {
         /** @var CPlageOp $_plage */
         $_plage->_unordered_operations = array();
         // Chargement d'optimisation
         CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($_plage->_ref_operations, "chir_id");
         $sejours = CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($_plage->_ref_operations, "sejour_id");
         CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($sejours, "patient_id");
         foreach ($_plage->_ref_operations as $_operation) {
             if ($_operation->chir_id != $this->_id && (!$second_chir || $_operation->chir_2_id != $this->_id && $_operation->chir_3_id != $this->_id && $_operation->chir_4_id != $this->_id)) {
             } else {
                 $_operation->_ref_chir = $this;
                 // Extraire les interventions non placées
                 if ($_operation->rank == 0) {
                     $_plage->_unordered_operations[$_operation->_id] = $_operation;
         if (count($_plage->_ref_operations) + count($_plage->_unordered_operations) < 1) {
     // Interventions déplacés
     $deplacee = new COperation();
     $ljoin = array();
     $ljoin["plagesop"] = "operations.plageop_id = plagesop.plageop_id";
     $where = array();
     $where["operations.plageop_id"] = "IS NOT NULL";
     $where["operations.annulee"] = "= '0'";
     $where["plagesop.salle_id"] = "!= operations.salle_id";
     $where["plagesop.date"] = "= '{$date}'";
     $where[] = "plagesop.chir_id = '{$this->_id}'" . $add_where;
     $order = "operations.time_operation";
     $this->_ref_deplacees = $deplacee->loadList($where, $order, null, "operation_id", $ljoin);
     // Chargement d'optimisation
     CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($this->_ref_deplacees, "chir_id");
     $sejours_deplacees = CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($this->_ref_deplacees, "sejour_id");
     CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($sejours_deplacees, "patient_id");
     foreach ($this->_ref_deplacees as $_deplacee) {
         /** @var COperation $_deplacee */
     // Urgences
     $urgence = new COperation();
     $where = array();
     $where["plageop_id"] = "IS NULL";
     $where["date"] = "= '{$date}'";
     if ($second_chir) {
         $where[] = "chir_id = '{$this->_id}' OR chir_2_id = '{$this->_id}' OR chir_3_id = '{$this->_id}' OR chir_4_id = '{$this->_id}'";
     } else {
         $where["chir_id"] = "= '{$this->_id}'";
     $where["annulee"] = "= '0'";
     $this->_ref_urgences = $urgence->loadList($where, null, null, "operation_id");
     // Chargement d'optimisation
     CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($this->_ref_urgences, "chir_id");
     $sejours_urgences = CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($this->_ref_urgences, "sejour_id");
     CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($sejours_urgences, "patient_id");
     foreach ($this->_ref_urgences as $_urgence) {
         /** @var COperation $_urgence */
Esempio n. 25
 $whereHospi[] = $where_anesth;
 if (!$canceled) {
     $whereHospi["operations.annulee"] = " = '0'";
 $whereUrg = array("plagesop.plageop_id" => "IS NULL", "operations.date" => "= '{$date}'", "sejour.group_id" => "= '{$group->_id}'");
 $whereUrg[] = $where_anesth;
 if (!$canceled) {
     $whereUrg["operations.annulee"] = " = '0'";
 /** @var COperation[] $allInterv */
 $allInterv = array();
 foreach ($services as $_service) {
     $whereAmbu["service.service_id"] = "= '{$_service->_id}'";
     $whereHospi["service.service_id"] = "= '{$_service->_id}'";
     $whereUrg["service.service_id"] = "= '{$_service->_id}'";
     $listInterv["ambu"][$_service->_id] = $interv->loadList($whereAmbu, $order, null, null, $ljoin);
     $listInterv["comp"][$_service->_id] = $interv->loadList($whereHospi, $order, null, null, $ljoin);
     $listInterv["hors_plage"][$_service->_id] = $interv->loadList($whereUrg, $order, null, null, $ljoin);
     $allInterv = array_merge($allInterv, $listInterv["ambu"][$_service->_id]);
     $allInterv = array_merge($allInterv, $listInterv["comp"][$_service->_id]);
     $allInterv = array_merge($allInterv, $listInterv["hors_plage"][$_service->_id]);
     $count_ops["ambu"] += count($listInterv["ambu"][$_service->_id]);
     $count_ops["comp"] += count($listInterv["comp"][$_service->_id]);
     $count_ops["hors_plage"] += count($listInterv["hors_plage"][$_service->_id]);
 $whereAmbu["service.service_id"] = "IS NULL";
 $whereHospi["service.service_id"] = "IS NULL";
 $whereUrg["service.service_id"] = "IS NULL";
 $listInterv["ambu"]["non_place"] = $interv->loadList($whereAmbu, $order, null, null, $ljoin);
 $listInterv["comp"]["non_place"] = $interv->loadList($whereHospi, $order, null, null, $ljoin);
 $listInterv["hors_plage"]["non_place"] = $interv->loadList($whereUrg, $order, null, null, $ljoin);
Esempio n. 26
  * Chargement des interventions
  * @param bool   $annulee   Prise en compte des interventions annulées
  * @param string $order     Paramètre ORDER SQL
  * @param bool   $sorted    Utilisation du paramètre ORDER SQL passé en paramètre
  * @param null   $validated Uniquement les validées
  * @param array  $where     Tableau de paramètres WHERE SQL
  * @return COperation[]
 function loadRefsOperations($annulee = true, $order = "rank, time_operation, rank_voulu, horaire_voulu", $sorted = false, $validated = null, $where = array())
     $where += array("plageop_id" => "= '{$this->plageop_id}'");
     if (!$annulee) {
         $where["annulee"] = "= '0'";
     /** @var COperation[] $operations */
     $operations = array();
     $op = new COperation();
     if (!$sorted) {
         $operations = $op->loadList($where, $order);
     } else {
         $order = "rank, rank_voulu, horaire_voulu";
         if ($validated === null || $validated === true) {
             $where["rank"] = "> 0";
             $operations = CMbArray::mergeKeys($operations, $op->loadList($where, $order));
         if ($validated === null || $validated === false) {
             // Sans rank
             $where["rank"] = "= 0";
             $where["rank_voulu"] = "> 0";
             $operations = CMbArray::mergeKeys($operations, $op->loadList($where, $order));
             // Sans rank voulu
             $where["rank_voulu"] = "= 0";
             $where["horaire_voulu"] = "IS NOT NULL";
             $operations = CMbArray::mergeKeys($operations, $op->loadList($where, $order));
             $where["horaire_voulu"] = "IS NULL";
             $operations = CMbArray::mergeKeys($operations, $op->loadList($where, $order));
     foreach ($operations as $_operation) {
         $_operation->_ref_plageop = $this;
         if ($_operation->temp_operation) {
             $this->_cumulative_minutes = $this->_cumulative_minutes + CMbDT::minutesRelative("00:00:00", $_operation->temp_operation);
     return $this->_ref_operations = $operations;
Esempio n. 27
  * Charge la liste de plages et opérations pour un jour donné
  * Analogue à CMediusers::loadRefsForDay
  * @param string $date Date to look for
  * @param bool   $second_chir Use chir_2, chir_3 and chir_4
  * @return void
 function loadRefsForDay($date, $second_chir = false)
     // Liste des utilisateurs
     $user = new CMediusers();
     $listPrats = $user->loadPraticiens(PERM_READ);
     // Liste des fonctions
     $function = new CFunctions();
     $listFunctions = $function->loadListWithPerms(PERM_READ);
     // Plages d'opérations
     $plage = new CPlageOp();
     $conf_chambre_operation = $plage->conf("chambre_operation");
     $ljoin = array();
     $add_where = "";
     $add_or_where = "";
     if ($second_chir) {
         $ljoin["operations"] = "plagesop.plageop_id = operations.plageop_id";
         $prepare_prats = CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($listPrats));
         $add_where = "operations.chir_id " . $prepare_prats . " OR operations.chir_2_id " . $prepare_prats . " OR operations.chir_3_id " . $prepare_prats . " OR operations.chir_4_id " . $prepare_prats;
         $add_or_where = " OR {$add_where}";
     $where = array();
     $where["plagesop.date"] = "= '{$date}'";
     $where["plagesop.salle_id"] = "= '{$this->_id}'";
     $where[] = "`plagesop`.`chir_id` " . CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($listPrats)) . " OR `plagesop`.`spec_id` " . CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($listFunctions)) . $add_or_where;
     $order = "debut";
     $this->_ref_plages = $plage->loadList($where, $order, null, "plageop_id", $ljoin);
     // Chargement d'optimisation
     CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($this->_ref_plages, "chir_id");
     CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($this->_ref_plages, "anesth_id");
     CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($this->_ref_plages, "spec_id");
     CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($this->_ref_plages, "salle_id");
     CMbObject::massCountBackRefs($this->_ref_plages, "notes");
     CMbObject::massCountBackRefs($this->_ref_plages, "affectations_personnel");
     foreach ($this->_ref_plages as $_plage) {
         /** @var CPlageOp $_plage */
         $_plage->_unordered_operations = array();
         // Chargement d'optimisation
         CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($_plage->_ref_operations, "chir_id");
         $sejours = CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($_plage->_ref_operations, "sejour_id");
         CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($sejours, "patient_id");
         foreach ($_plage->_ref_operations as $operation) {
             if ($conf_chambre_operation) {
             // Extraire les interventions non placées
             if ($operation->rank == 0) {
                 $_plage->_unordered_operations[$operation->_id] = $operation;
     // Interventions déplacés
     $deplacee = new COperation();
     $ljoin = array();
     $ljoin["plagesop"] = "operations.plageop_id = plagesop.plageop_id";
     $where = array();
     $where["operations.plageop_id"] = "IS NOT NULL";
     $where["plagesop.salle_id"] = "!= operations.salle_id";
     $where["plagesop.date"] = "= '{$date}'";
     $where["operations.salle_id"] = "= '{$this->_id}'";
     $where[] = "`plagesop`.`chir_id` " . CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($listPrats)) . " OR `plagesop`.`spec_id` " . CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($listFunctions)) . $add_or_where;
     $order = "operations.time_operation";
     $this->_ref_deplacees = $deplacee->loadList($where, $order, null, "operation_id", $ljoin);
     // Chargement d'optimisation
     CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($this->_ref_deplacees, "chir_id");
     $sejours_deplacees = CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($this->_ref_deplacees, "sejour_id");
     CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($sejours_deplacees, "patient_id");
     foreach ($this->_ref_deplacees as $_deplacee) {
         /** @var COperation $_deplacee */
     // Hors plage
     $urgence = new COperation();
     $ljoin = array();
     $ljoin["plagesop"] = "operations.plageop_id = plagesop.plageop_id";
     $where = array();
     $where["operations.date"] = "= '{$date}'";
     $where["operations.plageop_id"] = "IS NULL";
     $where["operations.salle_id"] = "= '{$this->_id}'";
     if ($second_chir) {
         $where[] = $add_where;
     } else {
         $where["operations.chir_id"] = CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($listPrats));
     $order = "time_operation, chir_id";
     $this->_ref_urgences = $urgence->loadList($where, $order, null, "operation_id");
     // Chargement d'optimisation
     CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($this->_ref_urgences, "chir_id");
     $sejours_urgences = CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($this->_ref_urgences, "sejour_id");
     CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($sejours_urgences, "patient_id");
     foreach ($this->_ref_urgences as $_urgence) {
         /** @var COperation $_urgence */
         if ($conf_chambre_operation) {
Esempio n. 28
            $_operation->_pat_next = $next !== false ? $next->entree_salle : null;
            $_operation->_ref_plageop = $_plage;
            $operations[$_operation->_id] = $_operation;
} else {
    // Récupération des interventions
    $where = array();
    $where[] = "date BETWEEN '{$deblist}' AND '{$finlist}'";
    $where[] = "salle_id " . CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($salles)) . " OR salle_id IS NULL";
    if ($type != "all") {
        $where["plageop_id"] = "IS NULL";
    $order = "date, salle_id, chir_id";
    $operation = new COperation();
    $operations = $operation->loadList($where, $order);
    foreach ($operations as $_operation) {
        // Calcul du rang
        $_operation->_rank_reel = $_operation->entree_salle ? $nb_interv : "";
        $_operation->_pat_next = null;
// Chargement exhaustif
CStoredObject::massLoadFwdRef($operations, "anesth_id");
CStoredObject::massLoadFwdRef($operations, "chir_id");
$sejours = CStoredObject::massLoadFwdRef($operations, "sejour_id");
CStoredObject::massLoadFwdRef($sejours, "patient_id");
foreach ($operations as $_operation) {
Esempio n. 29
 * @link     http://www.mediboard.org
$date = CValue::get("date");
$bloc_id = CValue::get("bloc_id");
$bloc = new CBlocOperatoire();
$in_salles = CSQLDataSource::prepareIn($bloc->loadBackIds("salles"));
$ljoin["plagesop"] = "operations.plageop_id = plagesop.plageop_id";
$where[] = "operations.salle_id {$in_salles} OR plagesop.salle_id {$in_salles}";
$where[] = "operations.date = '{$date}'";
$where["labo"] = "= 1";
$order = "entree_salle, time_operation";
$operation = new COperation();
/** @var COperation[] $operations */
$operations = $operation->loadList($where, $order, null, null, $ljoin);
CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($operations, "plageop_id");
$chirs = CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($operations, "chir_id");
CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($chirs, "function_id");
$sejours = CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($operations, "sejour_id");
CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($sejours, "patient_id");
foreach ($operations as $_operation) {
// Création du template
$smarty = new CSmartyDP();
$smarty->assign("date", $date);
Esempio n. 30
$date = CValue::getOrSession("date", CMbDT::date());
$page = CValue::get("pageUrg", 0);
$operation = new COperation();
$where = array();
$ljoin["sejour"] = "sejour.sejour_id = operations.sejour_id";
$where["operations.date"] = "= '{$date}'";
$where["operations.plageop_id"] = "IS NULL";
$where["operations.annulee"] = "= '0'";
$where["sejour.group_id"] = "= '" . CGroups::loadCurrent()->_id . "'";
$order = "operations.chir_id";
$step = 30;
$limit = "{$page},{$step}";
/** @var COperation[] $horsplages */
$count = $operation->countList($where, null, $ljoin);
$horsplages = $operation->loadList($where, $order, $limit, null, $ljoin);
/** @var CSejour[] $sejours */
$sejours = COperation::massLoadFwdRef($horsplages, "sejour_id");
/** @var CPatient[] $patients */
$patients = CSejour::massLoadFwdRef($sejours, "patient_id");
$chirurgiens = COperation::massLoadFwdRef($horsplages, "chir_id");
CMediusers::massLoadFwdRef($chirurgiens, "function_id");
foreach ($horsplages as $_operation) {
    $_operation->_ref_sejour = $sejours[$_operation->sejour_id];