##  Project		:		Sport Social Networking - Admin Panel
##  Done by		:		Sanjay Chaudhary
##	Page name	:		ADCatagory.php
##	Create Date	:		10106/2011
##  Description :		It is use to performe the operation for add for Catagory.
##	Copyright   :       Synapse Communications Private Limited.
## *****************************************************************
include_once "../inc/common_functions.php";
//for common function
include_once "../inc/page.inc.php";
//for paging
include "include/ADsessionAdmin.php";
//for admin login
$func = new COMMONFUNC();
//Create an instance of class COMMONFUNC
$lnb = "10";
$error_msg = '';
$flag = 0;
$fldEventStatus = 1;
if ($_POST['isSubmit'] == 'save') {
    /* Validation Area Start*/
    hb_php_validate($_POST['fldEventName'], "Please Enter Special Event Name!");
    hb_php_validate($_POST['fldEventLocation'], "Please Enter Special Event Loacation!");
    hb_php_validate($_POST['fldEventStartDate'], "Please Enter Special Event Start Date!");
    hb_php_validate($_POST['fldEventcurrentprice'], "Please Enter Special Event Current Price!");
    hb_php_validate($_POST['fldEventfutureprice'], "Please Enter Special Event Future Price!");
    hb_php_validate($_POST['Early_Discount_day'], "Please Enter Early Discount Day!");
    hb_php_validate($_POST['Early_discount_rate'], "Please Enter Early Discount Price!");
    hb_php_validate($_POST['Transcript_discount'], "Please Enter Transcript Discount Price!");

include_once "inc/common_functions.php";
include_once "inc/page.inc.php";
$func = new COMMONFUNC();
$db = new DB();
$flag = 0;
 * checks all active subscriptions in the database
 * to see if they need to be billed again
require_once 'anet_php_sdk/AuthorizeNet.php';
require_once 'AuthorizeNetMerchantAccount.php';
// gets today's date
$today = date('Y-m-d');
// gets all active records with a next bill date equal to today
$query = "SELECT * FROM " . TBL_COLLEGE_SUBSCRIPTION . " WHERE fldActive=1 AND fldNextBillDate='{$today}'";
// loops through all matching records, gets the customer's customer profile ID, the payment profile ID, and bills them for the subscription renewal. If the transaction faisl, the subscription is canceled
while ($db->next_record()) {
    $fldId = $db->f('fldId');
    $fldType = $db->f('fldType');
    $fldCoach = $db->f('fldCoach');
    $fldAmount = $db->f('fldAmount');
    $fldPaymentProfileId = $db->f('fldPaymentProfileId');
    // gets the customer profile Id
    $query = "SELECT fldFirstName,fldLastName," . "fldANetCustomerProfileId,fldEmail FROM " . TBL_COLLEGE_COACH_REGISTER . " WHERE fldId={$fldCoach}";
    $fldFirstName = $db1->f('fldFirstName');
##  Project		:		Sport Social Networking - Admin Panel
##  Done by		:		Sanjay Chaudhary
##	Page name	:		ADCatagoryEdit.php
##	Create Date	:		10106/2011
##  Description :		It is use to performe the operation for edit for Catagory Information.
##	Copyright   :       Synapse Communications Private Limited.
## *****************************************************************
include_once "../inc/common_functions.php";
//for common function
include_once "../inc/page.inc.php";
//for paging
include "include/ADsessionAdmin.php";
//for admin login
$func = new COMMONFUNC();
//Create an instance of class COMMONFUNC
$lnb = "2";
$error_msg = '';
$flag = 0;
$tbl_transportation_discount = 'tbl_transportation_discount';
$id = $_GET['id'];
$fldEventId = $_REQUEST['fldEventId'];
/*if(isset($_REQUEST['id']) && $_REQUEST['id']!='')
	echo $q="select * from '".$tbl_coupon."' where id='".$Couponid."'";
	if ($db->num_rows()>0) {
		{	echo $coupon_name=$func->output_fun($db->f('cpn_number'));
Esempio n. 4
##  Project		:		Sport Social Networking - Admin Panel
##  Done by		:		Sanjay Chaudhary
##	Page name	:		ADTeam.php
##	Create Date	:		10106/2011
##  Description :		It is use to performe the operation for add for Team.
##	Copyright   :       Synapse Communications Private Limited.
## *****************************************************************
include_once "../inc/common_functions.php";
//for common function
include_once "../inc/page.inc.php";
//for paging
include "include/ADsessionAdmin.php";
//for admin login
$func = new COMMONFUNC();
//Create an instance of class COMMONFUNC
$lnb = "10";
$error_msg = '';
$flag = 0;
$fldStatus = 1;
if ($_POST['isSubmit'] == 'save') {
    //Edit the user info
    $fldTitle = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldTitle']);
    $fldDescription = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldDescription']);
    $fldStatus = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldStatus']);
    $whereClause = "fldTitle='" . $func->input_fun($_POST['fldTitle']) . "'";
    if ($db->MatchingRec("tbl_notes", $whereClause) > 0) {
        #user Username already exists
        $error_msg = 'This Note Already Exists!';
##  Project		:		Sport Social Networking - Admin Panel
##  Done by		:		Sanjay Chaudhary
##	Page name	:		ADPageList.php
##	Create Date	:		13/06/2011
##  Description :		It is use to show the listig of Page.
##	Copyright   :       Synapse Communications Private Limited.
## *****************************************************************
include_once "../inc/common_functions.php";
//for common function
include_once "../inc/page.inc.php";
//for paging
include "include/ADsessionAdmin.php";
// for admin login
$func = new COMMONFUNC();
//Create an instance of class COMMONFUNC
$page = new Page();
//Create an instance of class Pate
$lnb = "2";
$error_msg = '';
$srchCond = '';
if (!$searchname) {
    $searchname = $_REQUEST['searchname'];
$searchname = addslashes($searchname);
if (strlen($searchname) > 0) {
    $queryString = "searchname={$searchname}";
    $srchCond = "AND fldEventName like '%" . $searchname . "%'";
if ($_REQUEST['mode'] == "del") {

##  Project		:		Sport Social Networking - Admin Panel
##  Done by		:		Narendra Singh
##	Page name	:		sendmsgtoath.php
##	Create Date	:		19/07/2011
##  Description :		It is use to send the message to athlete.
##	Copyright   :       Synapse Communications Private Limited.
## *****************************************************************
include_once "inc/common_functions.php";
//for common function
include_once "inc/config.inc.php";
//for paging
$func = new COMMONFUNC();
$db = new DB();
$fldAthleteid = isset($_REQUEST["fldAthleteid"]) ? $_REQUEST["fldAthleteid"] : 0;
$fldYoutubelink = "";
$fldYoutubeModifiedDate = "";
$youID = "";
$error_msg = "";
if ($_POST['isSubmit'] == 'save') {
    $nowToday = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
    $fldNoteID = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldNoteID']);
    if ($fldNoteID <= 0 || $fldNoteID == "") {
        $error_msg = '<div class="thankyoumessage" style="margin-right:29px;">Please select Note.</div>';
    } else {
        $strDataArr = array('fldAthleteId' => $fldAthleteid, 'fldNoteId' => $fldNoteID, 'fldPostDate' => $nowToday);
        $db->insertRec("tbl_athlete_notes", $strDataArr, "");
        $error_msg = '

include_once 'inc/common_functions.php';
include_once 'inc/page.inc.php';
// TODO: Add a form token to make sure people aren't spoofing form data
if ($_SESSION['mode'] == "" or $_SESSION['FRONTEND_USER'] == "") {
$func = new COMMONFUNC();
$db = new DB();
$flag = 0;
 * gets coach information. This is used to pre-fill form fields 
 * and provide necessary data for the Authorize.net transaction
$query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . TBL_COLLEGE_COACH_REGISTER . " WHERE fldUserName='******'";
$fldCoach = $db->f('fldId');
$fldCollegename = $db->f('fldCollegename');
$fldtransectionId = $db->f('fldtransectionId');
$fldCancelCount = $db->f('fldCancelCount');
$fldSubscribe = $db->f('fldSubscribe');
// gets all active subscriptions for the current user
// gets available subscription types for the form
$fields = 'fldId,fldType,fldSport';
$where = 'WHERE fldCoach=' . $fldCoach . ' AND fldActive=1';
$subsList = $func->selectTableOrder($table, $fields, 'fldId', $where);
$subsCount = count($subsList);
##  Project		:		Sport Social Networking - Admin Panel
##  Done by		:		Narendra Singh
##	Page name	:		sendmsgtoath.php
##	Create Date	:		19/07/2011
##  Description :		It is use to send the message to athlete.
##	Copyright   :       Synapse Communications Private Limited.
## *****************************************************************
include_once "inc/common_functions.php";
//for common function
include_once "inc/page.inc.php";
include_once "inc/config.inc.php";
//for paging
$func = new COMMONFUNC();
$db = new DB();
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
		<META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="My Account">
		<META NAME="Description" CONTENT="My Account">
		<link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
		<script language="Javascript" src="javascript/functions.js"></script>
		<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript"></script>
		<!--middle panel starts from here -->
##  Project		:		Sport Social Networking - Admin Panel
##  Done by		:		Sanjay Chaudhary
##	Page name	:		ADPageList.php
##	Create Date	:		13/06/2011
##  Description :		It is use to show the listig of Page.
##	Copyright   :       Synapse Communications Private Limited.
## *****************************************************************
include_once "../inc/common_functions.php";
//for common function
include_once "../inc/page.inc.php";
//for paging
include "include/ADsessionAdmin.php";
// for admin login
$func = new COMMONFUNC();
//Create an instance of class COMMONFUNC
$page = new Page();
//Create an instance of class Pate
$lnb = "2";
$error_msg = '';
$srchCond = '';
if (!$searchname) {
    $searchname = $_REQUEST['searchname'];
$searchname = addslashes($searchname);
if (strlen($searchname) > 0) {
    $queryString = "searchname={$searchname}";
    $srchCond = "AND fldName like '%" . $searchname . "%'";
if ($_REQUEST['mode'] == "del") {
##  Project		:		Sport Social Networking - Admin Panel
##  Done by		:		Sanjay Chaudhary
##	Page name	:		ADTeamEdit.php
##	Create Date	:		10106/2011
##  Description :		It is use to performe the operation for edit for Team Information.
##	Copyright   :       Synapse Communications Private Limited.
## *****************************************************************
include_once "../inc/common_functions.php";
//for common function
include_once "../inc/page.inc.php";
//for paging
include "include/ADsessionAdmin.php";
//for admin login
$func = new COMMONFUNC();
//Create an instance of class COMMONFUNC
$lnb = "2";
$error_msg = '';
$flag = 0;
$fldId = $_GET['fldId'];
if ($_GET['mode'] == 'edit' and $fldId != "") {
    #get the records
    $query = " Select * from " . TBL_HS_AAU_TEAM_OTHER . " where fldId =" . $fldId;
    if ($db->num_rows() > 0) {
        $fldName = $db->f('fldName');
        $fldAddress = $db->f('fldCoachName');
##  Project		:		Sport Social Networking - Admin Panel
##  Done by		:		Sanjay Chaudhary
##	Page name	:		ADPageList.php
##	Create Date	:		13/06/2011
##  Description :		It is use to show the listig of Page.
##	Copyright   :       Synapse Communications Private Limited.
## *****************************************************************
include_once "../inc/common_functions.php";
//for common function
include_once "../inc/page.inc.php";
//for paging
include "include/ADsessionAdmin.php";
// for admin login
$func = new COMMONFUNC();
//Create an instance of class COMMONFUNC
$page = new Page();
//Create an instance of class Pate
$lnb = "2";
$error_msg = '';
$srchCond = '';
if (!$searchname) {
    $searchname = $_REQUEST['searchname'];
$searchname = addslashes($searchname);
if (strlen($searchname) > 0) {
    $queryString = "searchname={$searchname}";
    $srchCond = "AND fldPageTitle like '%" . $searchname . "%'";

include_once "inc/common_functions.php";
//for common function
include_once "inc/page.inc.php";
if ($_SESSION['FRONTEND_USER'] == "") {
//for paging
$func = new COMMONFUNC();
//Create an instance of class COMMONFUNC
$page = new Page();
//Create an instance of class Pate
$lnb = "2";
$error_msg = '';
$srchCond = '';
if ($_SESSION['mode'] == "athlete") {
    $athlete_info = $func->selectTableOrder(TBL_ATHELETE_REGISTER, "fldId,fldUsername,fldSchool,fldSport", "fldId", " where fldUsername='******'FRONTEND_USER'] . "'");
if (!$searchname) {
    $searchname = $_REQUEST['searchname'];
$searchname = addslashes($searchname);
if (strlen($searchname) > 0) {
    $queryString = "searchname={$searchname}";
    $srchCond = "AND fldEventName like '%" . $searchname . "%'";
if ($_REQUEST['mode'] == "del") {
    $fldEventId = $_REQUEST['fldEventId'];
    $delete_query_details = "delete from " . TBL_EVENT . " where fldEventId=" . $fldEventId;
##  Project		:		Sport Social Networking - Admin Panel
##  Done by		:		Sanjay Chaudhary
##	Page name	:		ADCatagoryEdit.php
##	Create Date	:		10106/2011
##  Description :		It is use to performe the operation for edit for Catagory Information.
##	Copyright   :       Synapse Communications Private Limited.
## *****************************************************************
include_once "../inc/common_functions.php";
//for common function
include_once "../inc/page.inc.php";
//for paging
include "include/ADsessionAdmin.php";
//for admin login
$func = new COMMONFUNC();
//Create an instance of class COMMONFUNC
$lnb = "2";
$error_msg = '';
$flag = 0;
$fldEventId = $_GET['fldEventId'];
if ($_GET['mode'] == 'edit' and $fldEventId != "") {
    #get the records
    $query = " Select * from " . TBL_SPECIAL_EVENT . " where fldEventId =" . $fldEventId;
    if ($db->num_rows() > 0) {
        $fldEventName = $db->f('fldEventName');
        $fldSport = $db->f('fldSport');
##  Project		:		Sport Social Networking - Admin Panel
##  Done by		:		Sanjay Chaudhary
##	Page name	:		ADCatagoryEdit.php
##	Create Date	:		10106/2011
##  Description :		It is use to performe the operation for edit for Catagory Information.
##	Copyright   :       Synapse Communications Private Limited.
## *****************************************************************
include_once "../inc/common_functions.php";
//for common function
include_once "../inc/page.inc.php";
//for paging
include "include/ADsessionAdmin.php";
//for admin login
$func = new COMMONFUNC();
//Create an instance of class COMMONFUNC
$lnb = "2";
$error_msg = '';
$flag = 0;
$fldId = $_GET['fldId'];
if ($_GET['mode'] == 'edit' and $fldId != "") {
    #get the records
    $query = " Select * from " . TBL_ATHLETE_STATS_CATAGORY . " where fldId =" . $fldId;
    if ($db->num_rows() > 0) {
        $fldName = $db->f('fldName');
        $fldNameint = $db->f('fldNameint');

include_once "inc/common_functions.php";
//for common function
include_once "inc/page.inc.php";
include_once "inc/config.inc.php";
//for paging
$func = new COMMONFUNC();
//Create an instance of class COMMONFUNC
$lnb = "10";
$error_msg = '';
$flag = 0;
function getExtension($str)
    $i = strrpos($str, ".");
    if (!$i) {
        return "";
    $l = strlen($str) - $i;
    $ext = substr($str, $i + 1, $l);
    return $ext;
if ($_POST['isSubmit'] == 'save') {
    //Edit the user info
    $fldSchoolname = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldSchoolname']);
    $fldUserName = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldUserName']);
    //$city        = $func->input_fun($_POST['city']);
    $whereClause = "fldUserName='******'";
    if ($db->MatchingRec(TBL_HS_AAU_TEAM, $whereClause) > 0) {
        #user Username already exists
##  Project		:		Reusable Component- Synapse - Admin Panel
##  Done by		:		Manish Arora
##	Page name	:		ADUserEdit.php
##	Create Date	:		23/06/2009
##  Description :		It is use to perform the operation for add/edit/delete for User.
##	Copyright   :       Synapse Communications Private Limited.
## *****************************************************************
include_once "../inc/common_functions.php";
//for common function
include_once "../inc/page.inc.php";
//for paging
include "include/ADsessionAdmin.php";
// for admin login
$func = new COMMONFUNC();
//Create an instance of class COMMONFUNC
$lnb = "2";
$error_msg = '';
$flag = 0;
$fldId = $_GET['fldId'];
if ($_GET['mode'] == 'edit' and $fldId != "") {
    #get the records
    $query = " Select * from " . TBL_ATHELETE_REGISTER . " where fldId = '{$fldId}' ";
    if ($db->num_rows() > 0) {
        $fldUsername = $db->f('fldUsername');
        $fldEmail = $db->f('fldEmail');

include_once "inc/common_functions.php";
//for common function
include_once "inc/page.inc.php";
include_once "inc/config.inc.php";
$func = new COMMONFUNC();
$db = new DB();
$fldTransportation = $_REQUEST['tp_id'];
$tbl_transportation_discount = 'tbl_transportation_discount';
$q = $_REQUEST["q"];
$que = "select * from " . $tbl_transportation_discount . " where Event_id='" . $q . "'";
if ($db->num_rows() > 0) {
	<label>Select Transportation:</label>
	<select name="fldTransportation" id="fldTransportation" onchange="transport_charge(this.value)">
		 <option value="0">I have my own transportation</option>
    while ($db->next_record()) {
        $id = $func->output_fun($db->f('id'));
        $Event_id = $func->output_fun($db->f('Event_id'));
        $Diparture_City = $func->output_fun($db->f('Diparture_City'));
        $Departure_Time = $func->output_fun($db->f('Departure_Time'));
        $Transportation_charge = $func->output_fun($db->f('Transportation_charge'));
        $Diparture_City . " departing at " . $Departure_Time;
##  Project		:		Sport Social Networking - Admin Panel
##  Done by		:		Narendra Singh
##	Page name	:		sendmsgtoath.php
##	Create Date	:		19/07/2011
##  Description :		It is use to send the message to athlete.
##	Copyright   :       Synapse Communications Private Limited.
## *****************************************************************
include_once "inc/common_functions.php";
//for common function
include_once "inc/page.inc.php";
include_once "inc/config.inc.php";
//for paging
$func = new COMMONFUNC();
$db = new DB();
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
		<META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="My Account">
		<META NAME="Description" CONTENT="My Account">
		<link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
		<script language="Javascript" src="javascript/functions.js"></script>
		<script type="text/javascript">
           function validate() {
                var error_msg = "";    
##  Project		:		Reusable Component- Synapse - Admin Panel
##  Done by		:		Manish Arora
##	Page name	:		ADUserDetails.php
##	Create Date	:		23/06/2009
##  Description :		It is use to show the details of User.
##	Copyright   :       Synapse Communications Private Limited.
## *****************************************************************
include_once "../inc/common_functions.php";
//for common function
$func = new COMMONFUNC();
//Create an instance of class COMMONFUNC

		<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
		<TITLE>Coach Details</TITLE>
		<link href="css/styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
$fldId = $_REQUEST['fldId'];
$query = "Select * from " . TBL_SPORTS . " where fldId = '{$fldId}' ";
$fldId = $db->f('fldId');
$fldSportsname = $func->output_fun($db->f('fldSportsname'));
$fldDescription = $func->output_fun($db->f('fldDescription'));
$fldStatus = $func->output_fun($db->f('fldStatus'));
##  Project		:		Sport Social Networking - Admin Panel
##  Done by		:		Sanjay Chaudhary
##	Page name	:		ADPageList.php
##	Create Date	:		13/06/2011
##  Description :		It is use to show the listig of Page.
##	Copyright   :       Synapse Communications Private Limited.
## *****************************************************************
include_once "../inc/common_functions.php";
//for common function
include_once "../inc/page.inc.php";
//for paging
include "include/ADsessionAdmin.php";
// for admin login
$func = new COMMONFUNC();
//Create an instance of class COMMONFUNC
$page = new Page();
//Create an instance of class Pate
$lnb = "2";
$error_msg = '';
$srchCond = '';
if (!$searchname) {
    $searchname = $_REQUEST['searchname'];
$searchname = addslashes($searchname);
if (strlen($searchname) > 0) {
    $queryString = "searchname={$searchname}";
    $srchCond = "AND fldName like '%" . $searchname . "%'";
##  Project		:		Sport Social Networking - Admin Panel
##  Done by		:		Narendra Singh
##	Page name	:		ADUserList.php
##	Create Date	:		10/06/2011
##  Description :		It is use to show the listig of Registered Users.
##	Copyright   :       Synapse Communications Private Limited.
## *****************************************************************
include_once "../inc/common_functions.php";
//for common function
include_once "../inc/page.inc.php";
//for paging
include "include/ADsessionAdmin.php";
// for admin login
$func = new COMMONFUNC();
//Create an instance of class COMMONFUNC
$page = new Page();
//Create an instance of class Pate
$lnb = "2";
$error_msg = '';
$srchCond = '';
if (!$searchname) {
    $searchname = $_REQUEST['searchname'];
$searchname = addslashes($searchname);
if (strlen($searchname) > 0) {
    $queryString = "searchname={$searchname}";
    $srchCond = "AND fldSportsname like '%{$searchname}%'";
if ($_REQUEST['mode'] == "del") {
##  Project		:		Reusable Component- Synapse - Admin Panel
##  Done by		:		Manish Arora
##	Page name	:		ADUserDetails.php
##	Create Date	:		23/06/2009
##  Description :		It is use to show the details of User.
##	Copyright   :       Synapse Communications Private Limited.
## *****************************************************************
include_once "../inc/common_functions.php";
//for common function
//include("include/ADsessionAdmin.php");				// for admin login
$func = new COMMONFUNC();
//Create an instance of class COMMONFUNC

		<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
		<TITLE>College Details</TITLE>
		<link href="css/styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
$fldId = $_REQUEST['fldId'];
$query = " Select * from " . TBL_COLLEGE_COACH_REGISTER . " where fldId = '{$fldId}'";
$fldId = $func->output_fun($db->f('fldId'));
$fldCollegeName = $func->output_fun($db->f('fldCollegename'));
//$fldCity                    = $func->output_fun($db->f('fldCity'));
##  Project		:		Sport Social Networking - Admin Panel
##  Done by		:		Narendra Singh
##	Page name	:		ADUserAdd.php
##	Create Date	:		10/06/2011
##  Description :		It is use to performe the operation for add/edit/delete for User.
##	Copyright   :       Synapse Communications Private Limited.
## *****************************************************************
include_once "../inc/common_functions.php";
//for common function
include_once "../inc/page.inc.php";
//for paging
include "include/ADsessionAdmin.php";
// for admin login
$func = new COMMONFUNC();
//Create an instance of class COMMONFUNC
$lnb = "10";
$error_msg = '';
$flag = 0;
if ($_POST['isSubmit'] == 'save') {
    //Edit the user info
    $fldCollegename = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldCollegename']);
    $fldUserName = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldUserName']);
    $fldEmail = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldEmail']);
    $fldAlternativeEmail = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldAlternativeEmail']);
    $fldPhone = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldPhone']);
    $fldAlternativePhone = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldAlternativePhone']);
    $fldDescriPation = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldDescriPation']);
    $whereClause = "fldUserName='******' or fldCollegename ='{$fldCollegename}' or fldEmail='{$fldEmail}'";
    if ($db->MatchingRec(TBL_COLLEGE_REGISTER, $whereClause) > 0) {
##  Project		:		Sport Social Networking - Admin Panel
##  Done by		:		Sanjay Chaudhary
##	Page name	:		ADPageEdit.php
##	Create Date	:		10106/2011
##  Description :		It is use to performe the operation for add/edit/delete for User.
##	Copyright   :       Synapse Communications Private Limited.
## *****************************************************************
include_once "../inc/common_functions.php";
//for common function
include_once "../inc/page.inc.php";
//for paging
include "include/ADsessionAdmin.php";
//for admin login
$func = new COMMONFUNC();
//Create an instance of class COMMONFUNC
$lnb = "2";
$error_msg = '';
$flag = 0;
$fldId = $_GET['fldId'];
if ($_GET['mode'] == 'edit' and $fldId != "") {
    #get the records
    $query = " Select * from " . TBL_HOME_CONTENT . " where fldId = '{$fldId}' ";
    if ($db->num_rows() > 0) {
        $fldTitle = $db->f('fldTitle');
        $fldDescription = $db->f('fldDescription');
##  Project		:		Sport Social Networking - Admin Panel
##  Done by		:		Sanjay Chaudhary
##	Page name	:		ADPageList.php
##	Create Date	:		13/06/2011
##  Description :		It is use to show the listig of Page.
##	Copyright   :       Synapse Communications Private Limited.
## *****************************************************************
include_once "../inc/common_functions.php";
//for common function
include_once "../inc/page.inc.php";
//for paging
include "include/ADsessionAdmin.php";
// for admin login
$func = new COMMONFUNC();
//Create an instance of class COMMONFUNC
$page = new Page();
//Create an instance of class Pate
$lnb = "2";
$error_msg = '';
$srchCond = '';
if (!$searchname) {
    $searchname = $_REQUEST['searchname'];
$searchname = addslashes($searchname);
if (strlen($searchname) > 0) {
    $queryString = "searchname={$searchname}";
    $srchCond = "AND fldClass like '%" . $searchname . "%'";
if ($_REQUEST['mode'] == "del") {

include_once "inc/common_functions.php";
//for common function
include_once "inc/page.inc.php";
if ($_SESSION['FRONTEND_USER'] == "") {
//for paging
$func = new COMMONFUNC();
//Create an instance of class COMMONFUNC
$page = new Page();
//Create an instance of class Pate
$lnb = "2";
$error_msg = '';
$srchCond = '';
if (!$searchname) {
    $searchname = $_REQUEST['searchname'];
$searchname = addslashes($searchname);
if (strlen($searchname) > 0) {
    $queryString = "searchname={$searchname}";
    $srchCond = "AND fldTitle like '%" . $searchname . "%'";
if ($_REQUEST['mode'] == "del") {
    $fldId = $_REQUEST['fldId'];
    //Check if video belongs to THIS USER
    $query = " Select fldVideo from " . TBL_ATHLETE_VIDEO . " where fldAthleteId='" . $_SESSION['Athlete_id'] . "' and fldId='" . $fldId . "' ";
##  Project		:		Sport Social Networking - Admin Panel
##  Done by		:		Narendra Singh
##	Page name	:		sendmsgtoath.php
##	Create Date	:		19/07/2011
##  Description :		It is use to send the message to athlete.
##	Copyright   :       Synapse Communications Private Limited.
## *****************************************************************
include_once "inc/common_functions.php";
//for common function
include_once "inc/page.inc.php";
include_once "inc/config.inc.php";
//for paging
$func = new COMMONFUNC();
$db = new DB();
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
		<title>Comments From My Coach</title>
		<META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="My Account">
		<META NAME="Description" CONTENT="My Account">
		<link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
		<script language="Javascript" src="javascript/functions.js"></script>
		<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
		function refreshParent() {
                window.opener.location.href = window.opener.location.href;

include_once "inc/common_functions.php";
//for common function
include_once "inc/page.inc.php";
require_once 'zipcode.class.php';
$z = new zipcode_class();
$func = new COMMONFUNC();
$db = new DB();
$flag = 0;
$college_info = $func->selectTableOrder(TBL_COLLEGE, 'fldId,fldAddress,fldCity,fldState,fldZipCode', "fldId", "where fldId=" . $_GET['fldid']);

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <title>Google Maps For view Location</title>
    <script src="//maps.google.com/maps?file=api&amp;v=2.x&amp;key=<?php 
" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">

    var map = null;
    var geocoder = null;

    function initialize() {
      if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
        map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map_canvas"));
##  Project		:		Sport Social Networking - Admin Panel
##  Done by		:		Sanjay Chaudhary
##	Page name	:		ADPageList.php
##	Create Date	:		13/06/2011
##  Description :		It is use to show the listig of Page.
##	Copyright   :       Synapse Communications Private Limited.
## *****************************************************************
include_once "../inc/common_functions.php";
//for common function
include_once "../inc/page.inc.php";
//for paging
include "include/ADsessionAdmin.php";
// for admin login
$func = new COMMONFUNC();
//Create an instance of class COMMONFUNC
$page = new Page();
//Create an instance of class Pate
$lnb = "2";
$error_msg = '';
$srchCond = '';
if (!$searchname) {
    $searchname = $_REQUEST['searchname'];
$searchname = addslashes($searchname);
if (strlen($searchname) > 0) {
    $queryString = "searchname={$searchname}";
    $srchCond = "fldStatus=1 AND fldName like '%" . $searchname . "%'";

include_once "inc/common_functions.php";
//for common function
include_once "inc/page.inc.php";
include_once 'Video-Flv-Video-Converter.php';
if ($_SESSION['mode'] == "" or $_SESSION['FRONTEND_USER'] == "" or $_SESSION['mode'] != "athlete") {
$func = new COMMONFUNC();
$db = new DB();
$flag = 0;
//max video size - local variable
define("MAX_SIZE", "50000");
//Increase PHP Execution Time - 600 = 60x10minutes
ini_set('max_input_time', 600);
ini_set('max_execution_time', 600);
//Get Video Extension
function getExtension($str)
    $i = strrpos($str, ".");
    if (!$i) {
        return "";
    $l = strlen($str) - $i;
    $ext = substr($str, $i + 1, $l);
    return $ext;
//Submit Form
if ($_POST['isSubmit'] == 'save') {