function getObjectParents($repositoryId, $objectId, $includeAllowableActions, $includeRelationships, $filter = '')
     $ancestry = array();
     $objectId = CMISUtil::decodeObjectId($objectId, $typeId);
     // TODO - what about other types?  only implementing folders and documents at the moment so ignore for now
     switch ($typeId) {
         case 'Document':
             $document = $this->ktapi->get_document_by_id($objectId);
             $parent = $document->ktapi_folder;
             $ancestry[] = $parent;
         case 'Folder':
             $folder = $this->ktapi->get_folder_by_id($objectId);
             $parent = $this->ktapi->get_folder_by_id($folder->get_parent_folder_id());
             $ancestry[] = $parent;
     $ancestry = CMISUtil::createParentObjectHierarchy($ancestry, $repository->getRepositoryURI, $this->ktapi);
     return $ancestry;
 public function setContentStream($repositoryId, $documentId, $overwriteFlag, $contentStream, $changeToken = null)
     // if no document id was supplied, we are going to create the underlying physical document
     // NOTE while it might have been nice to keep this out of here, KTAPI has no method for creating a document without
     //      a physical upload, so we cannot create the document first and then add the upload as a content stream, the
     //      entire creation step needs to happen here.
     // Attempt to decode $documentId, use as is if not detected as encoded
     $tmpObjectId = $documentId;
     $tmpObjectId = CMISUtil::decodeObjectId($tmpObjectId, $tmpTypeId);
     if ($tmpTypeId != 'Unknown') {
         $documentId = $tmpObjectId;
     // TODO deal with other types except documents
     // fetch type definition of supplied document
     $CMISDocument = new CMISDocumentObject($documentId, $this->ktapi);
     // if content stream is not allowed for this object type definition, throw a ConstraintViolationException
     if ($CMISDocument->getAttribute('contentStreamAllowed') == 'notAllowed') {
         // NOTE spec version 0.61c specifies both a ConstraintViolationException and a StreamNotSupportedException
         //      for this case.  Choosing to throw StreamNotSupportedException until the specification is clarified
         //      as it is a more specific exception
         throw new StreamNotSupportedException('Content Streams are not allowed for this object type');
     $csFileName = $CMISDocument->getProperty('ContentStreamFilename');
     if (!empty($csFileName) && !$overwriteFlag) {
         throw new ContentAlreadyExistsException('Unable to overwrite existing content stream');
     $tempfilename = CMISUtil::createTemporaryFile($contentStream);
     // update the document content from this temporary file as per usual
     // TODO Use checkin_document_with_metadata instead if metadata content submitted || update metadata separately?
     $response = $this->ktapi->checkin_document($documentId, $csFileName, 'CMIS setContentStream action', $tempfilename, false);
     if ($response['status_code'] != 0) {
         throw new StorageException('Unable to update the content stream.  ' . $response['message']);
     //        else
     //        {
     //            $objectId = CMISUtil::encodeObjectId('Document', $response['results']['id']);
     //        }
     // update the CMIS document object with the content stream information
     //        $CMISDocument->reload($document['result']['document_id']);
     return $CMISDocument->getProperty('ObjectId');
  * Deals with folder service POST actions.
  * This includes creation/moving of both folders and documents.
 public function POST_action()
     $RepositoryService = new RepositoryService();
     $repositories = $RepositoryService->getRepositories();
     $repositoryId = $repositories[0]['repositoryId'];
     // set default action, objectId and typeId
     $action = 'create';
     $objectId = null;
     $typeId = null;
     $folderId = $this->params[0];
     $title = KT_cmis_atom_service_helper::getAtomValues($this->parsedXMLContent['@children'], 'title');
     $summary = KT_cmis_atom_service_helper::getAtomValues($this->parsedXMLContent['@children'], 'summary');
     $properties = array('name' => $title, 'summary' => $summary);
     // determine whether this is a folder or a document action
     // document action create will have a content tag <atom:content> or <content> containing base64 encoding of the document
     // move action will have an existing id supplied as a parameter - not sure how this works yet as the CMIS clients we are
     // testing don't support move functionality at this time (2009/07/23) and so we are presuming the following format:
     // /folder/<folderId>/children/<objectId>
     // also possible that there will be an existing ObjectId property, try to cater for both until we know how it really works
     // check for existing object id as parameter in url
     if (isset($this->params[2])) {
         $action = 'move';
         $objectId = $this->params[2];
     $cmisObjectProperties = KT_cmis_atom_service_helper::getCmisProperties($this->parsedXMLContent['@children']['cmis:object']);
     // check for existing object id as property of submitted object data
     if (!empty($cmisObjectProperties['ObjectId'])) {
         $action = 'move';
         $objectId = $cmisObjectProperties['ObjectId'];
     // TODO there may be more to do for the checking of an existing object.
     //      e.g. verifying that it does indeed exist, and throwing an exception if it does not:
     //      "If the objected property is present but not valid an exception will be thrown" (from CMIS specification)
     // NOTE this exception should be thrown in the service API code and not here.
     // determine type if object is being moved
     if (!is_null($objectId)) {
         CMISUtil::decodeObjectId($objectId, $typeId);
     // now check for content stream
     $content = KT_cmis_atom_service_helper::getAtomValues($this->parsedXMLContent['@children'], 'content');
     // TODO this will possibly need to change somewhat once Relationship Objects come into play.
     if ($action == 'create' && is_null($content) || $typeId == 'Folder') {
         $type = 'folder';
     } else {
         $type = 'document';
     $ObjectService = new ObjectService(KT_cmis_atom_service_helper::getKt());
     $success = false;
     $error = null;
     if ($action == 'create') {
         if ($type == 'folder') {
             $newObjectId = $ObjectService->createFolder($repositoryId, ucwords($cmisObjectProperties['ObjectTypeId']), $properties, $folderId);
         } else {
             $newObjectId = $ObjectService->createDocument($repositoryId, ucwords($cmisObjectProperties['ObjectTypeId']), $properties, $folderId, $content);
         // check if returned Object Id is a valid CMIS Object Id
         CMISUtil::decodeObjectId($newObjectId, $typeId);
         if ($typeId != 'Unknown') {
             $success = true;
         } else {
             $error = $newObjectId['message'];
     } else {
         if ($action == 'move') {
             $response = $ObjectService->moveObject($repositoryId, $objectId, '', $folderId);
             if (!PEAR::isError($response)) {
                 $success = true;
             } else {
                 $error = $response->getMessage();
             // same object as before
             $newObjectId = $objectId;
             $typeId = ucwords($type);
     if ($success) {
         $this->setStatus($action == 'create' ? self::STATUS_CREATED : self::STATUS_UPDATED);
         $feed = KT_cmis_atom_service_helper::getObjectFeed($this, $ObjectService, $repositoryId, $newObjectId, 'POST');
     } else {
         $feed = KT_cmis_atom_service_helper::getErrorFeed($this, self::STATUS_SERVER_ERROR, $error);
     //Expose the responseFeed
     $this->responseFeed = $feed;
Esempio n. 4
 function testObjectService()
     $ObjectService = new KTObjectService($this->ktapi);
     //        $ObjectService->startSession(KT_TEST_USER, KT_TEST_PASS);
     // set up the folder/doc tree structure with which we will be testing
     $RepositoryService = new KTRepositoryService();
     $response = $RepositoryService->getRepositories();
     $this->assertEqual($response['status_code'], 0);
     // we only expect one repository
     $repository = $response['results'][0];
     $repositoryId = $repository['repositoryId'];
     // TEST 1
     // test getting properties for a specific object
     $objectId = 'F' . $this->folders[0];
     $properties = $ObjectService->getProperties($repositoryId, $objectId, false, false);
     //        echo '<pre>'.print_r($properties['results'], true).'</pre>';
     // test printout
     $this->printTable($properties['results'][0], 'Properties for Folder Object ' . $objectId . ' (getProperties())');
     $objectId = 'D' . $this->docs[0]->get_documentid();
     $properties = $ObjectService->getProperties($repositoryId, $objectId, false, false);
     // test printout
     $this->printTable($properties['results'][0], 'Properties for Folder Object ' . $objectId . ' (getProperties())');
     // TEST 2
     // test creation of a folder (random name so that we don't have to clean up after)
     // TODO test invalid type
     // TODO test invalid parent folder
     // TODO other invalid parameters
     $created = $ObjectService->createFolder($repositoryId, 'Folder', array('name' => 'My Test Folder ' . mt_rand()), 'F1');
     if (!is_null($created['results'])) {
         $folderId = $created['results'];
         // check that folder object actually exists
         $properties = $ObjectService->getProperties($repositoryId, $folderId, false, false);
         // test printout
         $this->printTable($properties['results'][0], 'Properties for CMIS Created Folder Object ' . $folderId . ' (getProperties())');
         // delete
         $this->ktapi->delete_folder(CMISUtil::decodeObjectId($folderId), 'Testing API', KT_TEST_USER, KT_TEST_PASS);
     // TEST 3
     // test creation of document
     $folderId = 'F' . $this->folders[0];
     //        $folderId = 'F1';
     $properties = array('name' => 'Test CMIS Document 1', 'title' => 'test_cmis_doc_' . mt_rand() . '.txt');
     $contentStream = base64_encode('Some arbitrary text content');
     $created = $ObjectService->createDocument($repositoryId, 'Document', $properties, $folderId, $contentStream);
     //        echo '<pre>'.print_r($created, true).'</pre>';
     if (!is_null($created['results'])) {
         $documentId = $created['results'];
         // check that document object actually exists
         $properties = $ObjectService->getProperties($repositoryId, $documentId, false, false);
         // test printout
         $this->printTable($properties['results'][0], 'Properties for CMIS Created Document Object ' . $documentId . ' (getProperties())');
     //        // TEST 5
     //        // test updating content stream for existing document
     //        $contentStream = base64_encode('Some updated text content for the content stream');
     //        $updated = $ObjectService->setContentStream($repositoryId, $documentId, true, $contentStream);
     //        $this->assertNotNull($updated['results']);
     ////        echo '<pre>'.print_r($created, true).'</pre>';
     //        if (!is_null($updated['results']))
     //        {
     ////            $documentId = $updated['results'];
     //            // TODO test getContentStream here when we have it
     //        }
     // delete created document
     $this->ktapi->delete_document(CMISUtil::decodeObjectId($documentId), 'Testing API', false);
     // TEST
     $folderId = 'F' . $this->folders[0];
     $objectId = 'D' . $this->docs[0]->get_documentid();
     // test attempted delete via single object delete on folder which contains content - should fail
     $response = $ObjectService->deleteObject($repositoryId, $folderId);
     $this->assertEqual($response['status_code'], 1);
     // test deletion of folder tree - should succeed unless there are non-deletable objects (checked out) (not testing latter)
     $response = $ObjectService->deleteTree($repositoryId, $folderId);
     $this->assertEqual($response['status_code'], 0);
     // TODO test deleteTree with checkedout documents
     // test attempted delete of document with single version via single object delete.
     // should succeed unless there is a valid reason (checked out/immutable) (not testing latter)
     // TODO test failure on attempt to delete document with more than one version
     $response = $ObjectService->deleteObject($repositoryId, $objectId);
     $this->assertEqual($response['status_code'], 0);
     // TEST
     // TODO test failed moves (checked out, etc)
     // folder to move - folder 2
     $folderId = 'F' . $this->folders[1];
     // document to move - document 3
     $objectId = 'D' . $this->docs[1]->get_documentid();
     // target folder for all moves
     $root = $this->ktapi->get_root_folder();
     $targetFolderId = 'F' . $root->get_folderid();
     // test moving of object (document)
     $response = $ObjectService->moveObject($repositoryId, $objectId, null, $targetFolderId);
     $this->assertEqual($response['status_code'], 0);
     // test moving of object (folder)
     $response = $ObjectService->moveObject($repositoryId, $folderId, null, $targetFolderId);
     $this->assertEqual($response['status_code'], 0);
     // TEST
     // TODO test failure conditions
     // TODO test fetching of content stream
     $response = $ObjectService->getContentStream($repositoryId, $objectId);
     $this->assertEqual($response['status_code'], 0);
     // TEST
     // TODO test setContentStream?  unused at the moment
     // tear down the folder/doc tree structure with which we were testing
     // test printout
     if (DEBUG_CMIS) {
         echo '<div>&nbsp;</div>';
 public function checkIn($repositoryId, $documentId, $major, $contentStream = null, $changeToken = '', $properties = array(), $checkinComment = '')
     $documentId = CMISUtil::decodeObjectId($documentId, $typeId);
     // throw updateConflictException if the operation is attempting to update an object that is no longer current (as determined by the repository).
     try {
         $pwc = new CMISDocumentObject($documentId, $this->ktapi);
     } catch (exception $e) {
         throw new UpdateConflictException($e->getMessage());
     // throw exception if the object is not versionable
     if (!$pwc->getAttribute('versionable')) {
         throw new ConstraintViolationException('This document is not versionable and may not be checked in');
     $RepositoryService = new CMISRepositoryService();
     try {
         $typeDefinition = $RepositoryService->getTypeDefinition($repositoryId, $typeId);
     } catch (exception $e) {
         // if we can't get the type definition, then we can't store the content
         throw new StorageException($e->getMessage());
     if ($typeDefinition['attributes']['contentStreamAllowed'] == 'notAllowed' && !empty($contentStream)) {
         throw new StreamNotSupportedException('Content Streams are not supported');
     // check that this is the latest version
     if ($pwc->getProperty('IsLatestVersion') != true) {
         throw new VersioningException('The document is not the latest version and cannot be checked in');
     // now do the checkin
     $tempfilename = CMISUtil::createTemporaryFile($contentStream);
     $response = $this->ktapi->checkin_document($documentId, $pwc->getProperty('ContentStreamFilename'), $reason, $tempfilename, $major, $sig_username, $sig_password);
     // if there was any error in cancelling the checkout
     if ($response['status_code'] == 1) {
         throw new RuntimeException('There was an error checking in the document: ' . $response['message']);
     return CMISUtil::encodeObjectId(DOCUMENT, $documentId);
 public function checkIn($repositoryId, $documentId, $major, $changeToken = '', $properties = array(), $contentStream = null, $checkinComment = '')
     $documentId = CMISUtil::decodeObjectId($documentId, $typeId);
     // throw updateConflictException if the operation is attempting to update an object that is no longer current (as determined by the repository).
     try {
         $pwc = new CMISDocumentObject($documentId, $this->ktapi);
     } catch (exception $e) {
         throw new UpdateConflictException($e->getMessage());
     // throw exception if the object is not versionable
     if (!$pwc->getAttribute('versionable')) {
         throw new ConstraintViolationException('This document is not versionable and may not be checked in');
     return $documentId;