$ID = intval($ID);
$filter_lesson_id = intval($filter_lesson_id);
$lessonPath = '';
if (isset($_POST['LESSON_PATH'])) {
    $lessonPath = $_POST['LESSON_PATH'];
} elseif (isset($_GET['LESSON_PATH'])) {
    $lessonPath = $_GET['LESSON_PATH'];
} else {
    $result = CLQuestion::GetByID($ID);
    $arData = $result->Fetch();
    $oPath = new CLearnPath($arData['LESSON_ID']);
    $lessonPath = $oPath->ExportUrlencoded();
$oPath = new CLearnPath();
$uriLessonPath = $oPath->ExportUrlencoded();
$NEW_LESSON_ID = false;
$LESSON_ID = false;
if ($ID == 0) {
    $LESSON_ID = $oPath->PopBottom();
} else {
    // Get lesson id from item data
    $result = CLQuestion::GetByID($ID);
    $arQuestionData = $result->ExtractFields("str_");
    if ($arQuestionData) {
        $LESSON_ID = $arQuestionData['LESSON_ID'];
        if (isset($_POST['LESSON_ID']) && $_POST['LESSON_ID'] >= 1 && $_POST['LESSON_ID'] != $LESSON_ID) {
            $NEW_LESSON_ID = (int) $_POST['LESSON_ID'];
Esempio n. 2
//Set Title
$arParams["SET_TITLE"] = $arParams["SET_TITLE"] == "N" ? "N" : "Y";
if ($arParams["SET_TITLE"] == "Y") {
$bCanEdit = CLearnAccessMacroses::CanUserEditLesson(array('lesson_id' => $arParams['CHAPTER_ID'])) || $USER->IsAdmin();
if ($bCanEdit) {
    $deleteReturnUrl = "";
    if ($parent = $this->GetParent()) {
        $parentLessonId = 0;
        $lessonPath = "";
        if (strlen($arParams["LESSON_PATH"]) > 0) {
            $path = new CLearnPath();
            $lessonPath = $path->ExportUrlencoded();
            $lessonId = $path->PopBottom();
            $edgesToParents = CLearnLesson::ListImmediateParents($arParams['CHAPTER_ID']);
            foreach ($edgesToParents as $arEdgeToParent) {
                if ((int) $arEdgeToParent['PARENT_LESSON'] === (int) $lessonId) {
                    $parentLessonId = $lessonId;
        if ($parentLessonId) {
            $deleteReturnUrl = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($parent->arResult["FOLDER"] . $parent->arResult["URL_TEMPLATES"]["chapter.detail"], array("CHAPTER_ID" => "0" . $parentLessonId, "COURSE_ID" => $arParams["COURSE_ID"]));
            $deleteReturnUrl .= strpos($deleteReturnUrl, "?") !== false ? "&" : "?";
            $deleteReturnUrl .= "LESSON_PATH=" . $lessonPath;
        } else {
            $deleteReturnUrl = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($parent->arResult["FOLDER"] . $parent->arResult["URL_TEMPLATES"]["course.detail"], array("COURSE_ID" => $arParams["COURSE_ID"]));
Esempio n. 3
$lessonPath = '';
if (isset($_POST['LESSON_PATH'])) {
    $lessonPath = $_POST['LESSON_PATH'];
} elseif (isset($_GET['LESSON_PATH'])) {
    $lessonPath = $_GET['LESSON_PATH'];
$oPath = new CLearnPath();
$LESSON_ID = $oPath->GetBottom();
if ($LESSON_ID === false) {
    require $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/modules/main/include/epilog_admin.php';
$uriLessonPath = $oPath->ExportUrlencoded();
if (isset($from) && strlen($from) > 0) {
    $str_from = "&from=" . htmlspecialcharsbx($from);
} else {
    $str_from = "";
$oAccess = CLearnAccess::GetInstance($USER->GetID());
$bAccessLessonModify = $oAccess->IsLessonAccessible($LESSON_ID, CLearnAccess::OP_LESSON_WRITE);
$lesson = CLearnLesson::GetList(array(), array('LESSON_ID' => $LESSON_ID));
$arLesson = $lesson->Fetch();
$oTree = CLearnLesson::GetTree($LESSON_ID, array('EDGE_SORT' => 'asc'), array(), false);
$arSubLessons = $oTree->GetTreeAsList();
$arSubLessonsIDs = array();
foreach ($arSubLessons as $arSubLesson) {
    $arSubLessonsIDs[] = (int) $arSubLesson['LESSON_ID'];
if (isset($_POST['LESSON_PATH']) || isset($_GET['LESSON_PATH'])) {
    if (isset($_POST['LESSON_PATH'])) {
        $g_learn_currentLessonPath = $_POST['LESSON_PATH'];
    } else {
        $g_learn_currentLessonPath = $_GET['LESSON_PATH'];
    $oPath = new CLearnPath();
    $arPath = $oPath->GetPathAsArray();
    if (count($arPath) >= 2) {
        // pop current lesson id
        // remember parent path
        $oParentPath = new CLearnPath();
        $g_learn_parentLessonPath = urldecode($oParentPath->ExportUrlencoded());
        // pop parent lesson id
        $g_learn_parentLessonId = array_pop($arPath);
        // If lesson was edited and unlinked from parent $g_parentLessonId
        // we must cleanup LESSON_PATH. Also we must cleanup lesson path if
        // it is wrong due to other reasons.
        //		$arEdgesToParents = CLearnLesson::ListImmediateParents($LESSON_ID);
        //		$isLinkToParentFound = true;
        //		foreach ($arEdgesToParents as $arEdgeToParent)
        //		{
        //			if ( (int) $arEdgeToParent['PARENT_LESSON'] === (int) $g_learn_parentLessonId )
        //				$isLinkToParentFound = true;
        //		}
        //		if ( ! $isLinkToParentFound )
Esempio n. 5
  * WARNING: tree build algorithm skips duplicated lessons, so
  * if there is some duplicates lessons, only one of them
  * will be in resulted tree.
 protected function BuildTreeRecursive($rootLessonId, $arOrder, $arFilter, $depth = 0, $parentChapterId = NULL, $arSelectFields, $arRootPath)
     $oPath = new CLearnPath();
     $arLessons = array();
     $CDBResult = CLearnLesson::GetListOfImmediateChilds($rootLessonId, $arOrder, $arFilter, $arSelectFields);
     while (($arData = $CDBResult->Fetch()) !== false) {
         // Skip lessons that are already in tree (prevent cycling)
         if (in_array($arData['LESSON_ID'], $this->arLessonsInTree)) {
         // Skip lessons prohibited for publishing
         if (in_array((int) $arData['LESSON_ID'], $this->arPublishProhibitedLessons, true)) {
         // Path as array for current LESSON_ID
         $arCurrentLessonPath = $arRootPath;
         $arCurrentLessonPath[] = (int) $arData['LESSON_ID'];
         $strUrlencodedCurrentLessonPath = $oPath->ExportUrlencoded();
         // Register lesson
         $this->arLessonsInTree[] = $arData['LESSON_ID'];
         $this->arLessonsAsList[] = array_merge($arData, array('#DEPTH_IN_TREE' => $depth, '#LESSON_PATH' => $strUrlencodedCurrentLessonPath));
         // hack: we don't know yet, what index name must be for element in array.
         // And we must preserve order in array elements (for compatibility).
         // But we will know index name after BuildTreeRecursive will be called, which
         // adds to array new elements. So create bother elements, and after remove unneeded.
         $this->arLessonsAsListOldMode['LE' . $arData['LESSON_ID']] = array();
         $this->arLessonsAsListOldMode['CH' . $arData['LESSON_ID']] = array();
         $item = $arData;
         $item['#childs'] = array();
         $lessonType_oldDataModel = 'LE';
         if ($arData['IS_CHILDS']) {
             $lessonType_oldDataModel = 'CH';
             $item['#childs'] = $this->BuildTreeRecursive($arData['LESSON_ID'], $arOrder, $arFilter, $depth + 1, $arData['LESSON_ID'], $arSelectFields, $arCurrentLessonPath);
             // It still can be zero childs due to $arFilter, publish prohibition or prevent cycling instead of non-zero $arData['IS_CHILDS']
             if (count($item['#childs']) == 0) {
                 $lessonType_oldDataModel = 'LE';
         // remove unneeded element caused by hack above
         if ($lessonType_oldDataModel === 'LE') {
             unset($this->arLessonsAsListOldMode['CH' . $arData['LESSON_ID']]);
         } else {
             unset($this->arLessonsAsListOldMode['LE' . $arData['LESSON_ID']]);
         $this->arLessonsAsListOldMode[$lessonType_oldDataModel . $arData['LESSON_ID']] = array_merge($arData, array('ID' => $arData['LESSON_ID'], 'CHAPTER_ID' => $parentChapterId, 'SORT' => $arData['EDGE_SORT'], 'TYPE' => $lessonType_oldDataModel, 'DEPTH_LEVEL' => $depth + 1, '#LESSON_PATH' => $strUrlencodedCurrentLessonPath));
         $arLessons[] = $item;
     return $arLessons;
 public function BuildListContextMenu()
     $aContext = array();
     $parentLessonId = false;
     // Button "level up" available only if LESSON_PATH available and parent exists in it
     if (isset($_GET['LESSON_PATH']) && strlen($_GET['LESSON_PATH']) > 0) {
         $oPath = new CLearnPath();
         $arPath = $oPath->GetPathAsArray();
         $arUpPath = $arPath;
         $count_arUpPath = count($arUpPath);
         if (isset($arUpPath[$count_arUpPath - 1])) {
             $parentLessonId = $arUpPath[$count_arUpPath - 1];
         // Is parent node exists
         if ($count_arUpPath >= 2) {
             // "Level up"
             $oUpPath = new CLearnPath();
             $aContext[] = array('ICON' => 'btn_up', 'TEXT' => GetMessage('LEARNING_A_UP'), 'LINK' => 'learn_unilesson_admin.php?lang=' . LANG . '&set_filter=Y' . '&PARENT_LESSON_ID=' . htmlspecialcharsbx($arUpPath[count($arUpPath) - 1]) . '&LESSON_PATH=' . $oUpPath->ExportUrlencoded() . '&' . $this->hrefSearchRetPoint, 'TITLE' => GetMessage('LEARNING_A_UP'));
         } else {
             // To all lessons list
             $aContext[] = array('ICON' => 'btn_up', 'TEXT' => GetMessage('LEARNING_ALL_LESSONS'), 'LINK' => 'learn_unilesson_admin.php?lang=' . LANG . '&set_filter=Y' . '&PARENT_LESSON_ID=-2' . '&' . $this->hrefSearchRetPoint, 'TITLE' => GetMessage('LEARNING_ALL_LESSONS'));
         unset($arPath, $oPath, $arUpPath, $oUpPath);
     } else {
     if (!$this->IsSearchMode()) {
          * User can create lesson if he has base access for creating AND:
          * 1) no parent lesson
          * OR
          * 2) if user creating lesson linked to some parent on which user has access
          * to link childs, and user has access to link his created lesson to parent
         $isAccessCreate = false;
         try {
             if ($this->oAccess->IsBaseAccess(CLearnAccess::OP_LESSON_CREATE)) {
                 if ($parentLessonId === false) {
                     $isAccessCreate = true;
                 } elseif ($this->oAccess->IsBaseAccess(CLearnAccess::OP_LESSON_LINK_DESCENDANTS | CLearnAccess::OP_LESSON_LINK_TO_PARENTS) || $this->oAccess->IsLessonAccessible($parentLessonId, CLearnAccess::OP_LESSON_LINK_DESCENDANTS) && $this->oAccess->IsBaseAccessForCR(CLearnAccess::OP_LESSON_LINK_TO_PARENTS)) {
                     $isAccessCreate = true;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
         if ($isAccessCreate) {
             // btn add new course
             $aContext[] = array('ICON' => 'btn_new', 'TEXT' => GetMessage('LEARNING_ADD_COURSE'), 'LINK' => 'learn_course_edit.php?lang=' . LANG . $PROPOSE_RETURN_LESSON_PATH, 'TITLE' => GetMessage('LEARNING_ADD_COURSE_ALT'));
             // btn add new unilesson (non-course)
             $aContext[] = array('ICON' => 'btn_new', 'TEXT' => GetMessage('LEARNING_UNILESSON_ADD'), 'LINK' => 'learn_unilesson_edit.php?lang=' . LANG . $PROPOSE_RETURN_LESSON_PATH, 'TITLE' => GetMessage('LEARNING_UNILESSON_ADD'));
     return $this;
Esempio n. 7
function __learning_admin_get_menu($THIS, $arPath = array(), $deep = 0, &$immediateChildsIds, $loadOnlySpecialEntities = false)
    $immediateChildsIds = array();
    // puts here ids of all immediate childs
    $deep = (int) $deep;
    // Index in path for current parentLessonId
    $indexInPath = $deep - 1;
    // Path doesn't include top root element ('all courses' or 'all unilessons')
    $arMenu = array();
    //$urlPath = $oPath->ExportUrlencoded();
    // current lesson id (not exists only for top root)
    if (isset($arPath[$deep])) {
        $currentLessonIdInPath = (int) $arPath[$deep];
    } else {
        $currentLessonIdInPath = false;
    // Path to current element
    $arCurrentDeepPath = array();
    foreach ($arPath as $key => $value) {
        if ($key === $deep) {
        $arCurrentDeepPath[] = $value;
    if ($deep === 0) {
        // We are at the top level, so we must get list of all courses
        $CDBResult = CCourse::GetList(array('COURSE_SORT' => 'ASC'));
    } else {
        // If not parent with such indexInPath => we are deep too much.
        if (!isset($arPath[$indexInPath])) {
            return $arMenu;
        // no items
        $parentLessonId = $arPath[$indexInPath];
        $oCurrentDeepPath = new CLearnPath();
        $urlPath = $oCurrentDeepPath->ExportUrlencoded();
        $arMenu[] = array("text" => GetMessage("LEARNING_QUESTION"), "url" => "learn_question_admin.php?lang=" . LANG . '&PARENT_LESSON_ID=' . ($parentLessonId + 0) . '&LESSON_PATH=' . $urlPath . "&from=learn_menu", "icon" => "learning_icon_question", "more_url" => array("learn_question_admin.php?lang=" . LANG . '&PARENT_LESSON_ID=' . ($parentLessonId + 0) . '&LESSON_PATH=' . $urlPath . "&from=learn_menu", "learn_question_edit.php?lang=" . LANG . '&LESSON_PATH=' . $urlPath . "&from=learn_menu", "learn_question_admin.php?lang=" . LANG . '&PARENT_LESSON_ID=' . ($parentLessonId + 0) . '&LESSON_PATH=' . $urlPath, "learn_question_edit.php?lang=" . LANG . '&LESSON_PATH=' . $urlPath, "learn_question_admin.php?lang=" . LANG . '&LESSON_PATH=' . $urlPath), "title" => GetMessage("LEARNING_QUESTION_LIST"));
        $CDBResult = CLearnLesson::GetListOfImmediateChilds($parentLessonId, array('EDGE_SORT' => 'ASC'));
        // determine, is parent a course (only for courses in subroot level)?
        if ($deep === 1) {
            $immediateParentCourse = CLearnLesson::GetLinkedCourse($parentLessonId);
            if ($immediateParentCourse !== false) {
                // immediate parent is a course, so we must add entity 'Tests'
                $arMenu[] = array('text' => GetMessage('LEARNING_TESTS'), 'url' => 'learn_test_admin.php?lang=' . LANG . '&filter=Y&set_filter=Y' . '&COURSE_ID=' . ($immediateParentCourse + 0) . '&PARENT_LESSON_ID=' . ($parentLessonId + 0) . '&LESSON_PATH=' . $urlPath, 'icon' => 'learning_icon_tests', 'more_url' => array('learn_test_admin.php?lang=' . LANG . '&set_filter=Y' . '&COURSE_ID=' . ($immediateParentCourse + 0) . '&PARENT_LESSON_ID=' . ($parentLessonId + 0) . '&LESSON_PATH=' . $urlPath, 'learn_test_edit.php?lang=' . LANG . '&filter=Y&set_filter=Y' . '&COURSE_ID=' . ($immediateParentCourse + 0) . '&PARENT_LESSON_ID=' . ($parentLessonId + 0) . '&LESSON_PATH=' . $urlPath), 'title' => GetMessage('LEARNING_TESTS_LIST'));
    if ($loadOnlySpecialEntities) {
        return $arMenu;
    // When listing courses, limit it's count
    if ($deep === 0) {
        $items = 0;
        $learning_menu_max_courses = (int) COption::GetOptionString("learning", "menu_max_courses", "10");
    while ($arData = $CDBResult->GetNext()) {
        // When listing courses, limit it's count
        if ($deep === 0) {
            if ($items >= $learning_menu_max_courses) {
                // add element 'other courses'
                $arMenu[] = array('text' => GetMessage('LEARNING_MENU_COURSES_OTHER'), 'url' => 'learn_unilesson_admin.php?lang=' . LANG . '&PARENT_LESSON_ID=-1', 'title' => GetMessage('LEARNING_MENU_COURSES_ALT'), 'more_url' => array('learn_test_admin.php', 'learn_test_edit.php', 'learn_unilesson_admin.php', 'learn_unilesson_edit.php', 'learn_question_admin.php', 'learn_question_edit.php'));
                // stop adding courses to menu
        $arSubImmediateChildsIds = false;
        $arCurItemPath = $arCurrentDeepPath;
        $arCurItemPath[] = $arData['LESSON_ID'] + 0;
        // Remember all immediate childs
        $immediateChildsIds[] = $arData['LESSON_ID'] + 0;
        $oCurItemPath = new CLearnPath();
        $urlCurItemPath = $oCurItemPath->ExportUrlencoded();
        $arItem = array('text' => $arData['NAME'], 'url' => 'learn_unilesson_admin.php?lang=' . LANG . '&PARENT_LESSON_ID=' . ($arData['LESSON_ID'] + 0) . '&LESSON_PATH=' . $oCurItemPath->ExportUrlencoded(), 'title' => $arData['NAME'], 'items_id' => 'menu_learning_courses_new_' . implode('_', $arCurItemPath), "icon" => "learning_icon_courses", 'module_id' => 'learning', 'more_url' => array('learn_unilesson_admin.php?lang=' . LANG . '&set_filter=Y' . '&PARENT_LESSON_ID=' . ($arData['LESSON_ID'] + 0) . '&LESSON_PATH=' . $urlCurItemPath, 'learn_unilesson_admin.php?lang=' . LANG . '&PARENT_LESSON_ID=' . ($arData['LESSON_ID'] + 0) . '&LESSON_PATH=' . $urlCurItemPath, 'learn_unilesson_admin.php?lang=' . LANG . '&set_filter=Y' . '&LESSON_PATH=' . $urlCurItemPath, 'learn_question_admin.php?lang=' . LANG . '&filter=Y&set_filter=Y' . '&LESSON_PATH=' . $urlCurItemPath, 'learn_question_edit.php?lang=' . LANG . '&set_filter=Y' . '&LESSON_PATH=' . $urlCurItemPath, 'learn_unilesson_edit.php?lang=' . LANG . '&LESSON_ID=' . ($arData['LESSON_ID'] + 0) . '&LESSON_PATH=' . $urlCurItemPath, 'learn_unilesson_edit.php?lang=' . LANG . '&PARENT_LESSON_ID=' . ($arData['LESSON_ID'] + 0) . '&LESSON_PATH=' . $urlCurItemPath));
        $arItem['items'] = array();
        if ($deep === 0 && isset($arData['LINKED_LESSON_ID']) && $arData['LINKED_LESSON_ID'] > 0) {
            $arItem['page_icon'] = $arItem['icon'] = 'learning_icon_courses';
            $arItem['dynamic'] = true;
            $loadOnlySpecialEntities = false;
            // Load child items only for lesson in current path
            if ($arData['LESSON_ID'] == $currentLessonIdInPath) {
                $arItem['items'] = __learning_admin_get_menu($THIS, $arPath, $deep + 1, $arSubImmediateChildsIds);
        } else {
            $loadOnlySpecialEntities = false;
            $childsCnt = CLearnLesson::CountImmediateChilds($arData['LESSON_ID']);
            $questionsCnt = CLQuestion::GetCount(array('LESSON_ID' => (int) $arData['LESSON_ID']));
            if ($childsCnt > 0) {
                $arItem['page_icon'] = $arItem['icon'] = 'learning_icon_chapters';
            } else {
                $arItem['page_icon'] = $arItem['icon'] = 'learning_icon_lessons';
            $arItem['dynamic'] = true;
            // Load child items only for lesson in current path
            if ($arData['LESSON_ID'] == $currentLessonIdInPath) {
                $arItem['items'] = __learning_admin_get_menu($THIS, $arPath, $deep + 1, $arSubImmediateChildsIds);
        // now, adds items into more_url (it needs when edit form for childs opened)
        if (is_array($arSubImmediateChildsIds)) {
            $oSubItemPath = new CLearnPath();
            foreach ($arSubImmediateChildsIds as $k => $v) {
                // determine path for every child
                $arSubItemPath = $arCurItemPath;
                $arSubItemPath[] = $v;
                // child id added to current path
                $arItem['more_url'][] = 'learn_unilesson_edit.php?lang=' . LANG . '&filter=Y&set_filter=Y' . '&LESSON_ID=' . ($v + 0) . '&LESSON_PATH=' . $oSubItemPath->ExportUrlencoded();
            $arSubImmediateChildsIds = false;
        $arMenu[] = $arItem;
        unset($oCurItemPath, $arCurItemPath, $urlCurItemPath, $arItem);
    return $arMenu;