public function getUsersOnlineList($sfunc) { $users = $this->_getOnlineUsers($sfunc); $onlineUsersList = array(); $totalguests = $totalhidden = 0; foreach ($users as $user) { if ($user->userid) { if ($user->showOnline) { $onlineUsersList[] = CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink($user->userid, $user->username); } else { $totalhidden++; } } else { $totalguests++; } } // Show hidden users as quests: $totalguests += $totalhidden; if ($totalguests > 0) { if ($totalguests == 1) { $onlineUsersList[] = '(' . $totalguests . ') ' . JText::_('COM_KUNENA_WHO_ONLINE_GUEST'); } else { $onlineUsersList[] = '(' . $totalguests . ') ' . JText::_('COM_KUNENA_WHO_ONLINE_GUESTS'); } } return implode(', ', $onlineUsersList); }
function kunenaAvatar($userid) { $kunena_user = KunenaFactory::getUser((int) $userid); $username = $kunena_user->getName(); // Takes care of realname vs username setting $avatarlink = $kunena_user->getAvatarLink('', $this->params->get('avatar_w'), $this->params->get('avatar_h')); return CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink($userid, $avatarlink, $username); }
/** * adds the link for the connect param * @since 1.7.3 * @param $user pass-by-reference * @return void */ private function getUserLink(&$user) { $username = KunenaFactory::getUser($user['userid'])->getName(); if ($user['leapcorrection'] == $this->timeo->format('z', true) + 1) { $subject = getSubject($username); $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $query = "SELECT id,catid,subject,time as year FROM #__kunena_messages WHERE subject='{$subject}'"; $db->setQuery($query, 0, 1); $post = $db->loadAssoc(); if ($db->getErrorMsg()) { KunenaError::checkDatabaseError(); } $catid = $this->params->get('bcatid'); $postyear = new JDate($post['year'], $this->soffset); if (empty($post) && !empty($catid) || !empty($post) && !empty($catid) && $postyear->format('Y', true) < $this->timeo->format('Y', true)) { $botname = $this->params->get('swkbbotname', JText::_('SW_KBIRTHDAY_FORUMPOST_BOTNAME_DEF')); $botid = $this->params->get('swkbotid'); $time = CKunenaTimeformat::internalTime(); //Insert the birthday thread into DB $query = "INSERT INTO #__kunena_messages (catid,name,userid,email,subject,time, ip)\n\t\t \t\tVALUES({$catid},'{$botname}',{$botid}, '','{$subject}', {$time}, '')"; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); if ($db->getErrorMsg()) { KunenaError::checkDatabaseError(); } //What ID get our thread? $messid = (int) $db->insertID(); //Insert the thread message into DB $message = getMessage($username); $query = "INSERT INTO #__kunena_messages_text (mesid,message)\n VALUES({$messid},'{$message}')"; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); if ($db->getErrorMsg()) { KunenaError::checkDatabaseError(); } //We know the thread ID so we can update the parent thread id with it's own ID because we know it's //the first post $query = "UPDATE #__kunena_messages SET thread={$messid} WHERE id={$messid}"; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); if ($db->getErrorMsg()) { KunenaError::checkDatabaseError(); } // now increase the #s in categories CKunenaTools::modifyCategoryStats($messid, 0, $time, $catid); $user['link'] = CKunenaLink::GetViewLink('view', $messid, $catid, '', $username); $uri = JFactory::getURI(); if ($uri->getVar('option') == 'com_kunena') { $app =& JFactory::getApplication(); $app->redirect($uri->toString()); } } elseif (!empty($post)) { $user['link'] = CKunenaLink::GetViewLink('view', $post['id'], $post['catid'], '', $username); } } else { $user['link'] = CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink($user['userid']); } }
function displayDefault($tpl = null) { $this->config = KunenaFactory::getConfig (); $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $document->setTitle(JText::_('COM_KUNENA_STAT_FORUMSTATS') . ' - ' . $this->config->board_title); require_once(KPATH_SITE.'/lib/'); $kunena_stats = KunenaForumStatistics::getInstance ( ); $kunena_stats->loadAll(); $this->assign($kunena_stats); $this->latestMemberLink = CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink($this->lastUserId); $this->userlist = CKunenaLink::GetUserlistLink('', intval($this->get('memberCount'))); $this->statisticsURL = KunenaRoute::_('index.php?option=com_kunena&view=statistics'); parent::display (); }
<?php //get the Moderator list for display $fb_queryName = $fbConfig->username ? "username" : "name"; $kunena_db->setQuery("select m.userid, u.{$fb_queryName} AS username FROM #__fb_moderation AS m LEFT JOIN #__users AS u ON WHERE m.catid='{$catid}'"); $modslist = $kunena_db->loadObjectList(); check_dberror("Unable to load moderators."); ?> <?php if (count($modslist) > 0) { ?> <div class = "jr-bottomarea-modlist fbs"> <?php echo '' . _GEN_MODERATORS . ": "; foreach ($modslist as $mod) { echo ' ' . CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink($fbConfig, $mod->userid, $mod->username) . ' '; } ?> </div> <?php } ?> <!-- /Mod List --> </th> <th class = "th-right fbs" align="right"> <?php //(JJ) FINISH: CAT LIST BOTTOM if ($fbConfig->enableforumjump) { require_once KUNENA_PATH_LIB . DS . 'kunena.forumjump.php';
<span class="ktopic-posted-time" title="<?php echo CKunenaTimeformat::showDate($message->time, 'config_post_dateformat_hover'); ?> "> <?php echo JText::_('COM_KUNENA_POSTED_AT') . ' ' . CKunenaTimeformat::showDate($message->time, 'config_post_dateformat'); ?> </span> <?php if ($message->name) { ?> <br /> <span class="ktopic-by"><?php echo JText::_('COM_KUNENA_GEN_BY') . ' ' . CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink(intval($message->userid), $this->escape($message->name)); ?> </span> <?php } ?> <!-- /By --> </div> </td> </tr> <?php } } ?> <?php
<!-- /Avatar --> <!-- Latest Post --> <span class="topic_latest_post"> <?php if ($fbConfig->default_sort == 'asc') { if ($leaf->moved == 0) { echo CKunenaLink::GetThreadPageLink($fbConfig, 'view', $leaf->catid, $leaf->thread, $threadPages, $fbConfig->messages_per_page, _GEN_LAST_POST, $last_reply[$leaf->id]->id); } else { echo _KUNENA_MOVED . ' '; } } else { echo CKunenaLink::GetThreadPageLink($fbConfig, 'view', $leaf->catid, $leaf->thread, 1, $fbConfig->messages_per_page, _GEN_LAST_POST, $last_reply[$leaf->id]->id); } if ($leaf->name) { echo ' ' . _GEN_BY . ' ' . CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink($fbConfig, $last_reply[$leaf->id]->userid, stripslashes($last_reply[$leaf->id]->name), 'nofollow', 'topic_latest_post_user'); } ?> </span> <!-- /Latest Post --> <br /> <!-- Latest Post Date --> <span class="topic_date"> <?php echo time_since($last_reply[$leaf->id]->time, time() + $fbConfig->board_ofset * 3600); ?> <?php echo _KUNENA_AGO; ?> </span> <!-- /Latest Post Date -->
} } ?> <!-- /Avatar --> <!-- Latest Post --> <span class="ktopic-latest-post"> <?php if ($leaf->moved) { echo JText::_('COM_KUNENA_MOVED'); } elseif ($this->topic_ordering == 'ASC') { echo CKunenaLink::GetThreadPageLink('view', intval($leaf->catid), intval($leaf->thread), $threadPages, intval($this->config->messages_per_page), JText::_('COM_KUNENA_GEN_LAST_POST'), intval($this->lastreply[$leaf->thread]->id)); } else { echo CKunenaLink::GetThreadPageLink('view', intval($leaf->catid), intval($leaf->thread), 1, intval($this->config->messages_per_page), JText::_('COM_KUNENA_GEN_LAST_POST'), intval($this->lastreply[$leaf->thread]->id)); } if ($leaf->name) { echo ' ' . JText::_('COM_KUNENA_GEN_BY') . ' ' . CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink(intval($this->lastreply[$leaf->thread]->userid), $this->escape($this->lastreply[$leaf->thread]->name), '', 'nofollow'); } ?> </span> <!-- /Latest Post --> <br /> <!-- Latest Post Date --> <span class="ktopic-date" title="<?php echo CKunenaTimeformat::showDate($this->lastreply[$leaf->thread]->time, 'config_post_dateformat_hover'); ?> "> <?php echo CKunenaTimeformat::showDate($this->lastreply[$leaf->thread]->time, 'config_post_dateformat'); ?> </span> <!-- /Latest Post Date -->
public function loadTopThankyous($limit=0) { $limit = $limit ? $limit : $this->_config->popthankscount; if (count($this->topThanks) < $limit) { $query = "SELECT targetuserid AS id, COUNT(targetuserid) AS count FROM `#__kunena_thankyou` GROUP BY targetuserid ORDER BY count DESC"; $this->_db->setQuery ( $query, 0, $limit ); $this->topThanks = $this->_db->loadObjectList (); KunenaError::checkDatabaseError(); $top = reset($this->topThanks); if (empty($top->count)) { $this->topThanks = array(); return; } foreach ($this->topThanks as $item) { $item->link = CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink($item->id); $item->percent = round(100 * $item->count / $top->count); } $top->title = JText::_('COM_KUNENA_STAT_TOP') .' '. $limit .' '. JText::_('COM_KUNENA_STAT_POPULAR') .' '. JText::_('COM_KUNENA_STAT_POPULAR_USER_THANKS_YOU'); $top->titleName = JText::_('COM_KUNENA_USRL_USERNAME'); $top->titleCount = JText::_('COM_KUNENA_STAT_THANKS_YOU_RECEIVED'); } return array_slice($this->topThanks, 0, $limit); }
<td class="kcol-mid kcol-ktopicviews"> <span class="ktopic-views-number"><?php echo $this->formatLargeNumber ( $this->topic->hits );?></span> <span class="ktopic-views"> <?php echo JText::_('COM_KUNENA_GEN_HITS');?> </span> </td> <td class="kcol-mid kcol-ktopiclastpost"> <div class="klatest-post-info"> <?php if ($this->topic->ordering) echo $this->getIcon ( 'ktopicsticky', JText::_('COM_KUNENA_GEN_ISSTICKY') ); ?> <?php if (!empty($this->topic->avatar)) : ?> <span class="ktopic-latest-post-avatar"> <?php echo CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink ( $this->topic->last_post_userid, $this->topic->avatar ) ?></span> <?php endif; ?> <span class="ktopic-latest-post"> <?php echo $this->getTopicLink ( $this->topic, 'last', JText::_('COM_KUNENA_GEN_LAST_POST') ); echo ' ' . JText::_('COM_KUNENA_GEN_BY') . ' ' . CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink ( $this->topic->last_post_userid, $this->escape($this->topic->last_post_guest_name), '', 'nofollow' ); ?> </span> <br /> <span class="ktopic-date" title="<?php echo KunenaDate::getInstance($this->topic->last_post_time)->toKunena('config_post_dateformat_hover'); ?>"> <?php echo KunenaDate::getInstance($this->topic->last_post_time)->toKunena('config_post_dateformat'); ?> </span> </div> </td> <?php if (!empty($this->topicActions)) : ?> <td class="kcol-mid ktopicmoderation"><input class ="kcheck" type="checkbox" name="topics[<?php echo $this->topic->id?>]" value="1" /></td> <?php endif; ?> </tr> <?php if ($this->module) : ?>
?> <span class="ktopic-latest-post-avatar"> <?php echo CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink ( intval($this->message->userid), $useravatar ) ?> </span> <?php endif; endif; ?> <!-- /Avatar --> <!-- By --> <span class="ktopic-posted-time" title="<?php echo KunenaDate::getInstance($this->message->time)->toKunena('config_post_dateformat_hover'); ?>"> <?php echo JText::_('COM_KUNENA_POSTED_AT') . ' ' . KunenaDate::getInstance($this->message->time)->toKunena('config_post_dateformat'); ?> </span> <?php if ($this->message->userid) : ?> <br /> <span class="ktopic-by"><?php echo JText::_('COM_KUNENA_GEN_BY') . ' ' . CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink ( intval($this->message->userid), $this->escape($this->message->name) ); ?></span> <?php endif; ?> <!-- /By --> </div> </td> <?php if (!empty($this->postActions)) : ?> <td class="kcol-mid ktopicmoderation"><input class ="kcheck" type="checkbox" name="posts[<?php echo $this->message->id?>]" value="1" /></td> <?php endif; ?> </tr> <?php if ($this->module) : ?> <tr> <td class="ktopicmodule" colspan="<?php echo empty($this->postActions) ? 5 : 6 ?>"><?php echo $this->module; ?></td> </tr> <?php endif; ?>
if ($fmessage->userid > 0) { echo CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink($fbConfig, $fmessage->userid, $msg_username); } else { echo $msg_username; } ?> </span> <?php if ($fbConfig->userlist_usertype) { echo '<span class = "msgusertype">(' . $msg_usertype . ')</span>'; } ?> <br/> <?php if ($fmessage->userid > 0) { echo CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink($fbConfig, $fmessage->userid, $msg_avatar); } else { echo $msg_avatar; } ?> <?php $gr_title = getFBGroupName($lists["userid"]); if ($gr_title->id > 1) { ?> <span class = "view-group_<?php echo $gr_title->id; ?> "> <?php echo $gr_title->title;
<?php } ?> <?php } elseif ($this->type == 'thanks') { ?> <?php foreach ($this->stats as $stat) { ?> <tr class="krow<?php echo ($i ^= 1) + 1; ?> "> <td class="kcol-first"><?php echo CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink($stat->id, JString::substr(htmlspecialchars($stat->username), '0', $this->params->get('titlelength'))); ?> </td> <td class="kcol-last"><span class="kstats-hits-bg"><span class="kstats-hits" style="width:<?php echo $this->getBarWidth($stat->receivedthanks); ?> %;"><?php echo CKunenaTools::formatLargeNumber($stat->receivedthanks, 3); ?> </span></span></td> </tr> <?php } ?> <?php }
<?php foreach ($this->topuserthanks as $topthanks) { $k = 1 - $k; if ($topthanks->receivedthanks == $this->topthanks) { $barwidth = 100; } else { $barwidth = round($topthanks->receivedthanks * 100 / $this->topthanks); } ?> <tr class = "k<?php echo $this->escape($tabclass[$k]); ?> "> <td class="kcol-first"> <?php echo CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink(intval($topthanks->id)); ?> </td> <td class="kcol-mid"> <img class = "kstats-bar" src = "<?php echo KUNENA_TMPLTMAINIMGURL . 'images/bar.png'; ?> " alt = "" height = "10" width = "<?php echo intval($barwidth); ?> %"/> </td> <td class="kcol-last"> <?php echo intval($topthanks->receivedthanks); ?>
public function profileIcon($name) { switch ($name) { case 'gender' : switch ($this->gender) { case 1 : $gender = 'male'; break; case 2 : $gender = 'female'; break; default : $gender = 'unknown'; } $title = JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_MYPROFILE_GENDER' ) . ': ' . JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_MYPROFILE_GENDER_' . $gender ); return '<span class="kicon-profile kicon-profile-gender-' . $gender . '" title="' . $title . '"></span>'; break; case 'birthdate' : if ($this->birthdate) { $date = new JDate ( $this->birthdate, 0 ); if ($date->toFormat('%Y')<1902) break; return '<span class="kicon-profile kicon-profile-birthdate" title="' . JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_MYPROFILE_BIRTHDATE' ) . ': ' . KunenaDate::getInstance($this->birthdate)->toKunena( 'date', 0 ) . '"></span>'; } break; case 'location' : if ($this->location) return '<span class="kicon-profile kicon-profile-location" title="' . JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_MYPROFILE_LOCATION' ) . ': ' . $this->escape ( $this->location ) . '"></span>'; break; case 'website' : $url = 'http://' . $this->websiteurl; if (! $this->websitename) $websitename = $this->websiteurl; else $websitename = $this->websitename; if ($this->websiteurl) return '<a href="' . $this->escape ( $url ) . '" target="_blank"><span class="kicon-profile kicon-profile-website" title="' . JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_MYPROFILE_WEBSITE' ) . ': ' . $this->escape ( $websitename ) . '"></span></a>'; break; case 'private' : $pms = KunenaFactory::getPrivateMessaging (); return $pms->showIcon ( $this->userid ); break; case 'email' : // TODO: show email return; // '<span class="email" title="'. JText::_('COM_KUNENA_MYPROFILE_EMAIL').'"></span>'; break; case 'profile' : if (! $this->userid) return; return CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink ( $this->userid, '<span class="profile" title="' . JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_VIEW_PROFILE' ) . '"></span>' ); break; } }
check_dberror("Unable to load moderators."); ?> <?php if (count($modslist) > 0) { ?> <div class = "fbbox-bottomarea-modlist"> <?php echo '' . _GEN_MODERATORS . ": "; $mod_cnt = 0; foreach ($modslist as $mod) { if ($mod_cnt) { echo ', '; } $mod_cnt++; echo CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink($fbConfig, $mod->userid, $fbConfig->username ? $mod->username : $mod->name); } ?> </div> <?php } ?> <!-- /Mod List --> </td> <td class="fb_list_categories"> <?php if ($fbConfig->enableforumjump) { require KUNENA_PATH_LIB . DS . 'kunena.forumjump.php'; } ?> </td> </tr>
<th class="kcol-last kbanned-expire" width="32%"><?php echo JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BAN_EXPIRETIME'); ?></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php if ( $this->bannedusers ) : foreach ($this->bannedusers as $userban) : $bantext = $userban->blocked ? JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BAN_UNBLOCK_USER') : JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BAN_UNBAN_USER'); $j++; ?> <tr class="krow<?php echo ($i^=1)+1;?>"> <td class="kcol-first kid"> <?php echo $j; ?> </td> <td class="kcol-mid kbanned-user"> <?php echo CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink ( intval($userban->userid) ) ?> </td> <td class="kcol-mid kbanned-from"> <span><?php echo $userban->blocked ? JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BAN_BANLEVEL_JOOMLA') : JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BAN_BANLEVEL_KUNENA') ?></span> </td> <td class="kcol-mid kbanned-start"> <span><?php echo KunenaDate::getInstance($userban->created_time)->toKunena('datetime') ?></span> </td> <td class="kcol-last kbanned-expire"> <span><?php echo $userban->isLifetime() ? JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BAN_LIFETIME') : KunenaDate::getInstance($userban->expiration)->toKunena('datetime') ?></span> </td> </tr> <?php endforeach; ?> <?php else : ?> <tr class="krow2"> <td colspan="5" class="kcol-first">
<?php if ($this->config->userlist_online) : ?> <td class="kcol-mid"> <span class="kicon-button kbuttononline-<?php echo $profile->isOnline('yes', 'no') ?>"><span class="online-<?php echo $profile->isOnline('yes', 'no') ?>"><span><?php echo $profile->isOnline(JText::_('COM_KUNENA_ONLINE'), JText::_('COM_KUNENA_OFFLINE')); ?></span></span></span> </td> <?php endif; ?> <?php if ($this->config->userlist_avatar) : ?> <td class="kcol-mid"><?php echo !empty($uslavatar) ? CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink(intval($user->id), $uslavatar) : ' ' ?></td> <?php endif; ?> <?php if ($this->config->userlist_name) : ?> <td class="kcol-mid"><?php echo CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink(intval($user->id), $this->escape($user->name)); ?></td> <?php endif; ?> <?php if ($this->config->userlist_username) : ?> <td class="kcol-mid"><?php echo CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink(intval($user->id), $this->escape($user->username)); ?></td> <?php endif; ?> <?php if ($this->config->userlist_posts) : ?> <td class="kcol-mid"><?php echo intval($user->posts); ?></td> <?php endif; ?> <?php if ($this->config->userlist_karma) : ?> <td class="kcol-mid"><?php echo intval($user->karma); ?></td> <?php endif; ?> <?php if ($this->config->userlist_email) : ?> <td class="kcol-mid"><?php echo $user->email ? JHTML::_('email.cloak', $user->email) : '' ?></td> <?php endif; ?> <?php if ($this->config->userlist_usertype) : ?>
} ?> <tr class="krow<?php echo ($i ^= 1) + 1; ?> "> <td colspan="4"> <?php if (empty($nbvoters)) { $nbvoters = "0"; } echo JText::_('COM_KUNENA_POLL_VOTERS_TOTAL') . " <strong>" . $nbvoters . "</strong> "; if ($this->config->pollresultsuserslist && !empty($pollusersvoted)) { echo " ( "; foreach ($pollusersvoted as $row) { echo CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink(intval($row->userid)) . " "; } echo " ) "; } ?> </td> </tr> <?php if ($this->my->id == "0") { ?> <tr class="krow2"> <td colspan="4" class="kpoll-info"><?php echo JText::_('COM_KUNENA_POLL_NOT_LOGGED'); ?> </td> </tr>
<?php elseif ( $this->type == 'posters' ) : ?> <?php foreach ( $this->stats as $stat) : ?> <tr class="krow<?php echo ($i^=1)+1;?>"> <td class="kcol-first"><?php echo CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink($stat->userid, JString::substr ( htmlspecialchars ($stat->username), '0', $this->params->get ( 'titlelength' ) )); ?></td> <td class="kcol-last"><span class="kstats-hits-bg"><span class="kstats-hits" style="width:<?php echo $this->getBarWidth($stat->posts);?>%;"><?php echo CKunenaTools::formatLargeNumber($stat->posts, 3);?></span></span></td> </tr> <?php endforeach; ?> <?php elseif ( $this->type == 'profiles' ) : ?> <?php foreach ( $this->stats as $stat) : ?> <tr class="krow<?php echo ($i^=1)+1;?>"> <td class="kcol-first"><?php echo CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink($stat->user_id, JString::substr ( htmlspecialchars ($stat->user), '0', $this->params->get ( 'titlelength' ) )); ?></td> <td class="kcol-last"><span class="kstats-hits-bg"><span class="kstats-hits" style="width:<?php echo $this->getBarWidth($stat->hits);?>%;"><?php echo CKunenaTools::formatLargeNumber($stat->hits, 3);?></span></span></td> </tr> <?php endforeach; ?> <?php elseif ( $this->type == 'thanks' ) : ?> <?php foreach ( $this->stats as $stat) : ?> <tr class="krow<?php echo ($i^=1)+1;?>"> <td class="kcol-first"><?php echo CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink($stat->id, JString::substr ( htmlspecialchars ($stat->username), '0', $this->params->get ( 'titlelength' ) )); ?></td> <td class="kcol-last"><span class="kstats-hits-bg"><span class="kstats-hits" style="width:<?php echo $this->getBarWidth($stat->receivedthanks);?>%;"><?php echo CKunenaTools::formatLargeNumber($stat->receivedthanks, 3);?></span></span></td> </tr> <?php endforeach; ?> <?php endif; ?> <?php endif; ?> </table> <?php endif; ?> <?php if ($this->params->get( 'sh_statslink' )) : ?> <div class="kstats-all"><?php echo CKunenaLink::GetStatsLink(JText::_('MOD_KUNENASTATS_LINK')); ?></div> <?php endif; ?> </div>
function showlist($ulrows, $total_results, $pageNav, $limitstart, $query_ext, $search = "") { $app =& JFactory::getApplication(); $fbConfig =& CKunenaConfig::getInstance(); $kunena_db =& JFactory::getDBO(); if ($search == "") { $search = _KUNENA_USRL_SEARCH; } ?> <script type = "text/javascript"> <!-- function validate() { if (( == "") || ( == "")) { alert('<?php echo _KUNENA_USRL_SEARCH_ALERT; ?> '); return false; } else { return true; } } //--> </script> <?php if ($fbConfig->joomlastyle < 1) { $boardclass = "fb_"; } ?> <div class="<?php echo $boardclass; ?> _bt_cvr1"> <div class="<?php echo $boardclass; ?> _bt_cvr2"> <div class="<?php echo $boardclass; ?> _bt_cvr3"> <div class="<?php echo $boardclass; ?> _bt_cvr4"> <div class="<?php echo $boardclass; ?> _bt_cvr5"> <table class = "fb_blocktable" id ="fb_userlist" border = "0" cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "0" width="100%"> <thead> <tr> <th> <table width = "100%" border = "0" cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "0"> <tr> <td align = "left"> <div class = "fb_title_cover fbm"> <span class="fb_title fbl"> <?php echo _KUNENA_USRL_USERLIST; ?> </span> <?php printf(_KUNENA_USRL_REGISTERED_USERS, $app->getCfg('sitename'), $total_results); ?> </div> </td> <td align = "right"> <form name = "usrlform" method = "post" action = "<?php echo CKunenaLink::GetUserlistURL(); ?> " onsubmit = "return validate()"> <input type = "text" name = "search" class = "inputbox" style = "width:150px" maxlength = "100" value = "<?php echo $search; ?> " onblur = "if(this.value=='') this.value='<?php echo $search; ?> ';" onfocus = "if(this.value=='<?php echo $search; ?> ') this.value='';" /> <input type = "image" src = "<?php echo KUNENA_TMPLTMAINIMGURL . '/images/usl_search_icon.gif'; ?> " alt = "<?php echo _KUNENA_USRL_SEARCH; ?> " align = "top" style = "border: 0px;"/> </form> </td> </tr> </table> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td class = "<?php echo $boardclass; ?> fb-userlistinfo"> <!-- Begin: Listing --> <table width = "100%" border = "0" cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "0"> <tr class = "fb_sth fbs"> <th class = "th-1 frst <?php echo $boardclass; ?> sectiontableheader" align="center"> </th> <?php if ($fbConfig->userlist_online) { ?> <th class = "th-2 <?php echo $boardclass; ?> sectiontableheader" align="center"> <?php echo _KUNENA_USRL_ONLINE; ?> </th> <?php } ?> <?php if ($fbConfig->userlist_avatar) { ?> <th class = "th-3 <?php echo $boardclass; ?> sectiontableheader" align="center"> <?php echo _KUNENA_USRL_AVATAR; ?> </th> <?php } ?> <?php if ($fbConfig->userlist_name) { ?> <th class = "th-4 <?php echo $boardclass; ?> sectiontableheader" align="center"> <?php echo _KUNENA_USRL_NAME; echo CKunenaLink::GetUserlistLink('&orderby=name&direction=ASC', '<img src="' . KUNENA_TMPLTMAINIMGURL . '/images/down.gif" border="0" alt="' . _KUNENA_USRL_ASC . '" />'); echo CKunenaLink::GetUserlistLink('&orderby=name&direction=DESC', '<img src="' . KUNENA_TMPLTMAINIMGURL . '/images/up.gif" border="0" alt="' . _KUNENA_USRL_DESC . '" />'); ?> </th> <?php } ?> <?php if ($fbConfig->userlist_username) { ?> <th class = "th-5 <?php echo $boardclass; ?> sectiontableheader" align="center"> <?php echo _KUNENA_USRL_USERNAME; echo CKunenaLink::GetUserlistLink('&orderby=username&direction=ASC', '<img src="' . KUNENA_TMPLTMAINIMGURL . '/images/down.gif" border="0" alt="' . _KUNENA_USRL_ASC . '" />'); echo CKunenaLink::GetUserlistLink('&orderby=username&direction=DESC', '<img src="' . KUNENA_TMPLTMAINIMGURL . '/images/up.gif" border="0" alt="' . _KUNENA_USRL_DESC . '" />'); ?> </th> <?php } ?> <?php if ($fbConfig->userlist_group) { ?> <th class = "th-6 <?php echo $boardclass; ?> sectiontableheader" align="center"> <?php echo _KUNENA_USRL_GROUP; echo CKunenaLink::GetUserlistLink('&orderby=group_id&direction=ASC', '<img src="' . KUNENA_TMPLTMAINIMGURL . '/images/down.gif" border="0" alt="' . _KUNENA_USRL_ASC . '" />'); echo CKunenaLink::GetUserlistLink('&orderby=group_id&direction=DESC', '<img src="' . KUNENA_TMPLTMAINIMGURL . '/images/up.gif" border="0" alt="' . _KUNENA_USRL_DESC . '" />'); ?> </th> <?php } ?> <?php if ($fbConfig->userlist_posts) { ?> <th class = "th-7 <?php echo $boardclass; ?> sectiontableheader" align="center"> <?php echo _KUNENA_USRL_POSTS; echo CKunenaLink::GetUserlistLink('&orderby=posts&direction=ASC', '<img src="' . KUNENA_TMPLTMAINIMGURL . '/images/down.gif" border="0" alt="' . _KUNENA_USRL_ASC . '" />'); echo CKunenaLink::GetUserlistLink('&orderby=posts&direction=DESC', '<img src="' . KUNENA_TMPLTMAINIMGURL . '/images/up.gif" border="0" alt="' . _KUNENA_USRL_DESC . '" />'); ?> </th> <?php } ?> <?php if ($fbConfig->userlist_karma) { ?> <th class = "th-7 <?php echo $boardclass; ?> sectiontableheader" align="center"> <?php echo _KUNENA_USRL_KARMA; echo CKunenaLink::GetUserlistLink('&orderby=karma&direction=ASC', '<img src="' . KUNENA_TMPLTMAINIMGURL . '/images/down.gif" border="0" alt="' . _KUNENA_USRL_ASC . '" />'); echo CKunenaLink::GetUserlistLink('&orderby=karma&direction=DESC', '<img src="' . KUNENA_TMPLTMAINIMGURL . '/images/up.gif" border="0" alt="' . _KUNENA_USRL_DESC . '" />'); ?> </th> <?php } ?> <?php if ($fbConfig->userlist_email) { ?> <th class = "th-8 <?php echo $boardclass; ?> sectiontableheader" align="center"> <?php echo _KUNENA_USRL_EMAIL; echo CKunenaLink::GetUserlistLink('&orderby=email&direction=ASC', '<img src="' . KUNENA_TMPLTMAINIMGURL . '/images/down.gif" border="0" alt="' . _KUNENA_USRL_ASC . '" />'); echo CKunenaLink::GetUserlistLink('&orderby=email&direction=DESC', '<img src="' . KUNENA_TMPLTMAINIMGURL . '/images/up.gif" border="0" alt="' . _KUNENA_USRL_DESC . '" />'); ?> </th> <?php } ?> <?php if ($fbConfig->userlist_usertype) { ?> <th class = "th-9 <?php echo $boardclass; ?> sectiontableheader" align="center"> <?php echo _KUNENA_USRL_USERTYPE; echo CKunenaLink::GetUserlistLink('&orderby=usertype&direction=ASC', '<img src="' . KUNENA_TMPLTMAINIMGURL . '/images/down.gif" border="0" alt="' . _KUNENA_USRL_ASC . '" />'); echo CKunenaLink::GetUserlistLink('&orderby=usertype&direction=DESC', '<img src="' . KUNENA_TMPLTMAINIMGURL . '/images/up.gif" border="0" alt="' . _KUNENA_USRL_DESC . '" />'); ?> </th> <?php } ?> <?php if ($fbConfig->userlist_joindate) { ?> <th class = "th-10 <?php echo $boardclass; ?> sectiontableheader" align="center"> <?php echo _KUNENA_USRL_JOIN_DATE; echo CKunenaLink::GetUserlistLink('&orderby=registerDate&direction=ASC', '<img src="' . KUNENA_TMPLTMAINIMGURL . '/images/down.gif" border="0" alt="' . _KUNENA_USRL_ASC . '" />'); echo CKunenaLink::GetUserlistLink('&orderby=registerDate&direction=DESC', '<img src="' . KUNENA_TMPLTMAINIMGURL . '/images/up.gif" border="0" alt="' . _KUNENA_USRL_DESC . '" />'); ?> </th> <?php } ?> <?php if ($fbConfig->userlist_lastvisitdate) { ?> <th class = "th-11 <?php echo $boardclass; ?> sectiontableheader" align="center"> <?php echo _KUNENA_USRL_LAST_LOGIN; echo CKunenaLink::GetUserlistLink('&orderby=lastvisitDate&direction=ASC', '<img src="' . KUNENA_TMPLTMAINIMGURL . '/images/down.gif" border="0" alt="' . _KUNENA_USRL_ASC . '" />'); echo CKunenaLink::GetUserlistLink('&orderby=lastvisitDate&direction=DESC', '<img src="' . KUNENA_TMPLTMAINIMGURL . '/images/up.gif" border="0" alt="' . _KUNENA_USRL_DESC . '" />'); ?> </th> <?php } ?> <?php if ($fbConfig->userlist_userhits) { ?> <th class = "th-12 lst <?php echo $boardclass; ?> sectiontableheader" align="center"> <?php echo _KUNENA_USRL_HITS; echo CKunenaLink::GetUserlistLink('&orderby=uhits&direction=ASC', '<img src="' . KUNENA_TMPLTMAINIMGURL . '/images/down.gif" border="0" alt="' . _KUNENA_USRL_ASC . '" />'); echo CKunenaLink::GetUserlistLink('&orderby=uhits&direction=DESC', '<img src="' . KUNENA_TMPLTMAINIMGURL . '/images/up.gif" border="0" alt="' . _KUNENA_USRL_DESC . '" />'); ?> </th> <?php } ?> </tr> <?php $i = 1; foreach ($ulrows as $ulrow) { $evenodd = $i % 2; if ($evenodd == 0) { $usrl_class = "sectiontableentry1"; } else { $usrl_class = "sectiontableentry2"; } $nr = $i + $limitstart; // Avatar $uslavatar = ''; if ($fbConfig->avatar_src == "clexuspm") { $uslavatar = '<img border="0" class="usl_avatar" src="' . MyPMSTools::getAvatarLinkWithID($ulrow->id, "s") . '" alt="" />'; } else { if ($fbConfig->avatar_src == "cb") { $kunenaProfile =& CKunenaCBProfile::getInstance(); $uslavatar = $kunenaProfile->showAvatar($ulrow->id); } else { $kunena_db->setQuery("SELECT avatar FROM #__fb_users WHERE userid='{$ulrow->id}'"); $avatar = $kunena_db->loadResult(); if ($avatar != '') { if (!file_exists(KUNENA_PATH_UPLOADED . DS . 'avatars/s_' . $avatar)) { $uslavatar = '<img border="0" class="usl_avatar" src="' . KUNENA_LIVEUPLOADEDPATH . '/avatars/' . $avatar . '" alt="" />'; } else { $uslavatar = '<img border="0" class="usl_avatar" src="' . KUNENA_LIVEUPLOADEDPATH . '/avatars/s_' . $avatar . '" alt="" />'; } } else { $uslavatar = '<img border="0" class="usl_avatar" src="' . KUNENA_LIVEUPLOADEDPATH . '/avatars/s_nophoto.jpg" alt="" />'; } } } // ?> <tr class = "<?php echo $boardclass; echo $usrl_class; ?> fbm"> <td class = "td-1 frst fbs" align="center"> <?php echo $nr; ?> </td> <?php if ($fbConfig->userlist_online) { ?> <td class = "td-2"> <?php // online - ofline status $sql = "SELECT COUNT(userid) FROM #__session WHERE userid='{$ulrow->id}'"; $kunena_db->setQuery($sql); $isonline = $kunena_db->loadResult(); if ($isonline && $ulrow->showOnline == 1) { echo isset($fbIcons['onlineicon']) ? '<img src="' . KUNENA_URLICONSPATH . $fbIcons['onlineicon'] . '" border="0" alt="' . _MODLIST_ONLINE . '" />' : ' <img src="' . KUNENA_URLEMOTIONSPATH . 'onlineicon.gif" border="0" alt="' . _MODLIST_ONLINE . '" />'; } else { echo isset($fbIcons['offlineicon']) ? '<img src="' . KUNENA_URLICONSPATH . $fbIcons['offlineicon'] . '" border="0" alt="' . _MODLIST_OFFLINE . '" />' : ' <img src="' . KUNENA_URLEMOTIONSPATH . 'offlineicon.gif" border="0" alt="' . _MODLIST_OFFLINE . '" />'; } ?> </td> <?php } ?> <?php if ($fbConfig->userlist_avatar) { ?> <td class = "td-3" align="center"> <?php if (strlen($uslavatar)) { echo CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink($fbConfig, $ulrow->id, $uslavatar); } else { echo ' '; } ?> </td> <?php } ?> <?php if ($fbConfig->userlist_name) { ?> <td class = "td-4 fbm" align="center"> <?php echo CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink($fbConfig, $ulrow->id, $ulrow->name); ?> </td> <?php } ?> <?php if ($fbConfig->userlist_username) { ?> <td class = "td-5 fbm" align="center"> <?php echo CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink($fbConfig, $ulrow->id, $ulrow->username); ?> </td> <?php } ?> <?php if ($fbConfig->userlist_group) { ?> <td class = "td-6 fbs" align="center"> <span class = "view-group_<?php echo $ulrow->group_id; ?> "> <?php echo $ulrow->title; ?> </span> </td> <?php } ?> <?php if ($fbConfig->userlist_posts) { ?> <td class = "td-7 fbs" align="center"> <?php echo $ulrow->posts; ?> </td> <?php } ?> <?php if ($fbConfig->userlist_karma) { ?> <td class = "td-7 fbs" align="center"> <?php echo $ulrow->karma; ?> </td> <?php } ?> <?php if ($fbConfig->userlist_email) { echo "\t\t<td class=\"td-8 fbs\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"mailto:{$ulrow->email}\">{$ulrow->email}</a></td>\n"; } if ($fbConfig->userlist_usertype) { echo "\t\t<td class=\"td-9 fbs\" align=\"center\">{$ulrow->usertype}</td>\n"; } if ($fbConfig->userlist_joindate) { echo "\t\t<td class=\"td-10 fbs\" align=\"center\">" . convertDate($ulrow->registerDate) . "</td>\n"; } if ($fbConfig->userlist_lastvisitdate) { echo "\t\t<td class=\"td-11 fbs\" align=\"center\">" . convertDate($ulrow->lastvisitDate) . "</td>\n"; } ?> <td class = "td-12 lst fbs" align="center"> <?php if ($fbConfig->userlist_userhits) { ?> <?php echo $ulrow->uhits; ?> <?php } ?> </td> <?php echo "\t</tr>\n"; $i++; } ?> </table> <form name = "usrlform" method = "post" action = "<?php echo CKunenaLink::GetUserlistURL(); ?> " onsubmit = "return false;"> <table width = "100%" class="fb_userlist_pagenav" border = "0" cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "0"> <tr class = "fb_sth fbs"> <th class = "th-1 fbm" align = "center" style = "text-align:center;"> <?php // TODO: fxstein - Need to perform SEO cleanup echo $pageNav->getPagesLinks(CKunenaLink::GetUserlistURL($query_ext)); ?> </th> </tr> </table> <table class = "fb_blocktable" id="fb_userlist_bottom" style="border-bottom:0px;margin:0;" border = "0" cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "0" width="100%"> <tr> <th class = "th-right fbs" align="right" style="text-align:right"> <?php echo $pageNav->getPagesCounter(); ?> | <?php echo _KUNENA_USRL_DISPLAY_NR; ?> <?php echo $pageNav->getLimitBox(CKunenaLink::GetUserlistURL($query_ext)); ?> </th> </tr> </table> </form> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <!-- Finish: Listing --> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php //(JJ) BEGIN: WHOISONLINE if (file_exists(KUNENA_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/plugin/who/whoisonline.php')) { include KUNENA_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/plugin/who/whoisonline.php'; } else { include KUNENA_PATH_TEMPLATE_DEFAULT . DS . 'plugin/who/whoisonline.php'; } //(JJ) FINISH: WHOISONLINE ?> <!-- Begin: Forum Jump --> <div class="<?php echo $boardclass; ?> _bt_cvr1"> <div class="<?php echo $boardclass; ?> _bt_cvr2"> <div class="<?php echo $boardclass; ?> _bt_cvr3"> <div class="<?php echo $boardclass; ?> _bt_cvr4"> <div class="<?php echo $boardclass; ?> _bt_cvr5"> <table class = "fb_blocktable" id="fb_bottomarea" border = "0" cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "0"> <thead> <tr> <th class = "th-right"> <?php //(JJ) FINISH: CAT LIST BOTTOM if ($fbConfig->enableforumjump) { require_once KUNENA_PATH_LIB . DS . 'kunena.forumjump.php'; } ?> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody><tr><td></td></tr></tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Finish: Forum Jump --> <?php }
<tr class = "<?php echo $boardclass . '' . $tabclass[$k]; ?> "> <td class = "td-1"> <div style = "float: right; width: 14ex;"> </div> <span> <?php if ($user->userid == 0) { echo $user->username; } else { echo CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink($fbConfig, $user->userid, $user->username); } ?> </span> <?php if ($kunena_my->gid > 1) { ?> (<?php echo $user->userip; ?> ) <?php
?> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td rowspan="2" valign="top" class="kprofile-left kauthor"> <p><?php echo $this->escape($mes->name); ?> </p> <p><?php $profile = KunenaFactory::getUser(intval($mes->userid)); $useravatar = $profile->getAvatarLink('', '', 'profile'); if ($useravatar) { echo CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink(intval($mes->userid), $useravatar); } ?> </p> </td> <td class="kmessage-left khistorymsg"> <div class="kmsgbody"> <div class="kmsgtext"> <?php echo KunenaParser::parseBBCode($mes->message, $this); ?> </div> </div> <?php if (!empty($this->attachmentslist[$mes->id])) { $this->displayAttachments($this->attachmentslist[$mes->id]);
<p><?php echo JText::_('COM_KUNENA_MODERATION_TITLE_SELECTED') ?>:</p> <div class="kmoderate-message"> <h4><?php echo $this->message->subject ?></h4> <div class="kmessage-timeby"> <span class="kmessage-time" title="<?php echo KunenaDate::getInstance($this->message->time)->toKunena('config_post_dateformat_hover'); ?>"> <?php echo JText::_('COM_KUNENA_POSTED_AT')?> <?php echo KunenaDate::getInstance($this->message->time)->toKunena('config_post_dateformat'); ?> </span> <span class="kmessage-by"><?php echo JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BY')?> <?php echo CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink($this->message->userid, $this->message->name) ?></span></div> <div class="kmessage-avatar"><?php echo KunenaFactory::getAvatarIntegration()->getLink(KunenaFactory::getUser($this->message->userid)); ?></div> <div class="kmessage-msgtext"><?php echo KunenaHtmlParser::stripBBCode ($this->message->message, 300) ?></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <p> <?php echo JText::_('COM_KUNENA_MODERATE_THIS_USER') ?>: <strong><?php echo CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink($this->message->userid, $this->escape($this->message->name).' ('.$this->message->userid.')') ?></strong> </p> <ul> <li><label for="kmoderate-mode-selected" class="hasTip" title="<?php echo JText::_('COM_KUNENA_MODERATION_MOVE_SELECTED') ?> :: "><input type="radio" value="0" checked="checked" name="mode" id="kmoderate-mode-selected"><?php echo JText::_('COM_KUNENA_MODERATION_MOVE_SELECTED') ?></label></li> <li><label for="kmoderate-mode-newer" class="hasTip" title="<?php echo JText::sprintf ( 'COM_KUNENA_MODERATION_MOVE_NEWER', $this->escape($this->replies) ) ?> :: "><input type="radio" value="2" name="mode" id="kmoderate-mode-newer"><?php echo JText::sprintf ( 'COM_KUNENA_MODERATION_MOVE_NEWER', $this->escape($this->replies) ) ?></label></li> </ul> <br/> <?php else: ?> <label><?php echo JText::_('COM_KUNENA_MODERATION_DEST') ?>:</label> <?php endif; ?> <div class="modcategorieslist"> <label for="kmod_categories1"><?php echo JText::_('COM_KUNENA_MODERATION_DEST_CATEGORY') ?>:</label> <?php echo $this->categorylist ?>
<th class="kbanned-expire" width="32%"><?php echo JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BAN_EXPIRETIME'); ?></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php if ( $this->bannedusers ) : foreach ($this->bannedusers as $userban) : $bantext = $userban->blocked ? JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BAN_UNBLOCK_USER') : JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BAN_UNBAN_USER'); $j++; ?> <tr class="krow<?php echo ($i^=1)+1;?>"> <td class="kcol-first kid"> <?php echo $j; ?> </td> <td class="kcol-mid kbanned-user"> <a href="#"><?php echo CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink ( intval($userban->userid) ); ?> </a> </td> <td class="kcol-mid kbanned-from"> <span><?php echo $userban->blocked ? JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BAN_BANLEVEL_JOOMLA') : JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BAN_BANLEVEL_KUNENA'); ?></span> </td> <td class="kcol-mid kbanned-start"> <span><?php echo KunenaDate::getInstance($userban->created_time)->toKunena('datetime'); ?></span> </td> <td class="kcol-mid kbanned-expire"> <span><?php echo $userban->isLifetime() ? JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BAN_LIFETIME') : KunenaDate::getInstance($userban->expiration)->toKunena('datetime'); ?></span> </td> </tr> <?php endforeach; ?> <?php else : ?> <tr class="krow2"> <td colspan="5" class="kcol-first">
foreach ($topprofiles as $topprofile) { $k = 1 - $k; if ($topprofile->hits == $topprofil) { $barwidth = 100; } else { $barwidth = round($topprofile->hits * 100 / $topprofil); } ?> <tr class = "<?php echo '' . $boardclass . '' . $tabclass[$k] . ''; ?> "> <td class="td-1" align="left"> <?php echo CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink($fbConfig, $topprofile->user_id, $topprofile->user); ?> </td> <td class="td-2"> <img class = "jr-forum-stat-bar" src = "<?php echo KUNENA_TMPLTMAINIMGURL . '/images/bar.gif'; ?> " alt = "" height = "10" width = "<?php echo $barwidth; ?> %"/> </td> <td class="td-3"> <?php echo $topprofile->hits; ?>
<span class="kpost-userposts"><?php echo JText::_('COM_KUNENA_POSTS') . intval($this->userposts); ?></span> <?php endif ?> <?php if ($this->userpoints) : ?> <span class="kpost-userposts"><?php echo JText::_('COM_KUNENA_AUP_POINTS') . intval($this->userpoints); ?></span> <?php endif ?> </div> </li> <?php if (!empty($this->personaltext)) : ?> <li class="kpost-personal"> <?php echo $this->personaltext ?> </li> <?php endif ?> <?php endif; ?> <?php $avatar = $this->profile->getAvatarImage ('kavatar', 'welcome'); if ($avatar) : ?> <li class="kpost-avatar"> <span class="kavatar"><?php echo CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink ( intval($this->profile->userid), $avatar ); ?></span> </li> <?php endif; ?> <li class="kpost-username"> <?php echo $this->profile->getLink() ?> </li> <?php if (!empty($this->usertype)) : ?> <li class="kpost-usertype"> <span class = "kmsgusertype">( <?php echo $this->escape($this->usertype) ?> )</span> </li> <?php endif ?> <?php if ($this->profile->exists()): ?> <?php if (!empty($this->userranktitle)) : ?> <li class="kpost-userrank"> <?php echo $this->escape($this->userranktitle) ?> </li>
<table class="kprofilebox"> <tbody> <tr class="krow1"> <?php if ($this->me->getAvatarImage('welcome')) : ?> <td class="kprofilebox-left"> <?php echo $this->me->getAvatarImage('kavatar', 'welcome'); ?> </td> <?php endif; ?> <td class="kprofileboxcnt"> <ul class="kprofilebox-link"> <?php if (!empty($this->privateMessagesLink)) : ?><li><?php echo $this->privateMessagesLink ?></li><?php endif ?> <?php if (!empty($this->editProfileLink)) : ?><li><?php echo $this->editProfileLink ?></li><?php endif ?> <?php if (!empty($this->announcementsLink)) : ?><li><?php echo $this->announcementsLink ?></li><?php endif ?> </ul> <ul class="kprofilebox-welcome"> <li><?php echo JText::_('COM_KUNENA_PROFILEBOX_WELCOME'); ?>, <strong><?php echo CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink ( intval($this->me->userid) ); ;?></strong></li> <li class="kms"><strong><?php echo JText::_('COM_KUNENA_MYPROFILE_LASTVISITDATE'); ?>:</strong> <span title="<?php echo KunenaDate::getInstance($this->me->lastvisitDate)->toKunena('ago'); ?>"><?php echo KunenaDate::getInstance($this->me->lastvisitDate)->toKunena('date_today'); ?></span></li> <?php if ($this->logout) : ?> <li> <form action="<?php echo KunenaRoute::_('index.php?option=com_kunena') ?>" method="post" name="login"> <input type="submit" name="submit" class="kbutton" value="<?php echo JText::_('COM_KUNENA_PROFILEBOX_LOGOUT'); ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="option" value="<?php echo $this->logout['option']; ?>" /> <?php if (!empty($this->logout['view'])) : ?> <input type="hidden" name="view" value="<?php echo $this->logout['view']; ?>" /> <?php endif; ?> <input type="hidden" name="task" value="<?php echo $this->logout['task']; ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $this->logout['field_return']; ?>" value="[K=RETURN_URL]" /> [K=TOKEN] </form> </li> <?php endif; ?>
function displayStatistics($tpl = null) { $cache = JFactory::getCache('com_kunena', 'output'); if ($cache->start("{$this->template->name}.common.statistics", 'com_kunena.template')) return; // FIXME: refactor code $this->config = KunenaFactory::getConfig(); require_once(KPATH_SITE.'/lib/'); $kunena_stats = KunenaForumStatistics::getInstance ( ); $kunena_stats->loadGeneral(); $this->assign($kunena_stats); $this->latestMemberLink = CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink($this->lastUserId); $this->statisticsURL = KunenaRoute::_('index.php?option=com_kunena&view=statistics'); $result = $this->loadTemplate($tpl); if (JError::isError($result)) { return $result; } echo $result; $cache->end(); }
<ul> <?php if ($this->config->avataroncat > 0) : $useravatar = KunenaFactory::getUser((int)$last->last_post_userid)->getAvatarImage('klist-avatar', 'list'); if ($useravatar) : ?> <li class="klatest-avatar"> <?php echo CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink ( intval($last->last_post_userid), $useravatar ); ?></li> <?php endif; ?> <?php endif; ?> <li class="ktopic-title"> <?php echo JText::_('COM_KUNENA_GEN_LAST_POST') . ': '. CKunenaLink::GetThreadPageLink ( 'view', intval($last->id), intval($last->last_topic_id), intval($last->getLastPostLocation()), intval($this->config->messages_per_page), KunenaHtmlParser::parseText($last->last_topic_subject, 30), intval($last->last_post_id) );?> </li> <li class="ktopic-details"> <?php echo JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BY') . ' '; echo CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink ( intval($last->last_post_userid), $this->escape($last->last_post_guest_name) ); echo KunenaDate::getInstance($last->last_post_time)->toSpan('config_post_dateformat','config_post_dateformat_hover'); ?> </li> </ul> </td> <?php else : ?> <td class="kcol-mid kcol-knoposts"><?php echo JText::_('COM_KUNENA_NO_POSTS'); ?></td> <?php endif ?> <td class="kcategory-actions"> <?php echo CKunenaLink::GetCategoryActionLink ( 'unsubscribe', $this->category->id, JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BUTTON_UNSUBSCRIBE_CATEGORY'), 'nofollow', '', JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BUTTON_UNSUBSCRIBE_CATEGORY_LONG'), '&userid='.$this->me->userid ); ?> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>