Esempio n. 1
ci_tests php5 [mysql|postgres|sqlite] [-b] [test-files]
   -b   break on first error
   -t   test-mode, don't run the commands actually
   -n x repeat tests x times
   -?   this help

> ci_tests
run all unit tests in any combination.

> ci_tests php5 postgres mysql AkHasMany AkBelongsTo
run AkHasMany and AkBelongsTo on PHP5 using the postgres and mysql-db.

1.  Copy DEFAULT-ci-config.yaml to config/ci-config.yaml and set it up

2.  Copy config/config.php to config/mysql-testing.php, config/postgres-testing.php [...] and modify the database settings at least for the testing environment. You can configure the filename for these config-files in the script directly if you must.

3.  Expects to be run from inside the test folder structure. So to speak your current directory must be */test or a subdir. The script itself can be placed whereever you want. You can define a (shell-)macro and quickly swap between different installations and test again. ;-)

This script backups config/config.php to config-backup.php (and restores it after run).

$test_args = array('Myself_will_be_thrown_away', "all", "-t");