Esempio n. 1
 function GetRSSText($arIBLOCK, $LIMIT_NUM = false, $LIMIT_DAY = false, $yandex = false)
     global $DB;
     $strRes = "";
     $serverName = "";
     if (isset($arIBLOCK["SERVER_NAME"]) && strlen($arIBLOCK["SERVER_NAME"]) > 0) {
         $serverName = $arIBLOCK["SERVER_NAME"];
     if (strlen($serverName) <= 0 && !isset($arIBLOCK["SERVER_NAME"])) {
         $dbSite = CSite::GetList($b = "sort", $o = "asc", array("LID" => $arIBLOCK["LID"]));
         if ($arSite = $dbSite->Fetch()) {
             $serverName = $arSite["SERVER_NAME"];
     if (strlen($serverName) <= 0) {
         if (defined("SITE_SERVER_NAME") && strlen(SITE_SERVER_NAME) > 0) {
             $serverName = SITE_SERVER_NAME;
         } else {
             $serverName = COption::GetOptionString("main", "server_name", "");
     $strRes .= "<channel>\n";
     $strRes .= "<title>" . htmlspecialcharsbx($arIBLOCK["NAME"]) . "</title>\n";
     $strRes .= "<link>http://" . $serverName . "</link>\n";
     $strRes .= "<description>" . htmlspecialcharsbx($arIBLOCK["DESCRIPTION"]) . "</description>\n";
     $strRes .= "<lastBuildDate>" . date("r") . "</lastBuildDate>\n";
     $strRes .= "<ttl>" . $arIBLOCK["RSS_TTL"] . "</ttl>\n";
     $db_img_arr = CFile::GetFileArray($arIBLOCK["PICTURE"]);
     if ($db_img_arr) {
         if (substr($db_img_arr["SRC"], 0, 1) == "/") {
             $strImage = "http://" . $serverName . $db_img_arr["SRC"];
         } else {
             $strImage = $db_img_arr["SRC"];
         $strRes .= "<image>\n";
         $strRes .= "<title>" . htmlspecialcharsbx($arIBLOCK["NAME"]) . "</title>\n";
         $strRes .= "<url>" . $strImage . "</url>\n";
         $strRes .= "<link>http://" . $serverName . "</link>\n";
         $strRes .= "<width>" . $db_img_arr["WIDTH"] . "</width>\n";
         $strRes .= "<height>" . $db_img_arr["HEIGHT"] . "</height>\n";
         $strRes .= "</image>\n";
     $arNodes = array();
     $db_res = $DB->Query("SELECT NODE, NODE_VALUE FROM b_iblock_rss WHERE IBLOCK_ID = " . IntVal($arIBLOCK["ID"]));
     while ($db_res_arr = $db_res->Fetch()) {
         $arNodes[$db_res_arr["NODE"]] = $db_res_arr["NODE_VALUE"];
     $strSql = "SELECT DISTINCT BE.*, " . "\t" . $DB->DateToCharFunction("BE.TIMESTAMP_X") . " as TIMESTAMP_X, " . "\t" . $DB->DateToCharFunction("BE.ACTIVE_FROM", "FULL") . " as ACTIVE_FROM, " . "\t" . $DB->DateToCharFunction("BE.ACTIVE_TO", "FULL") . " as ACTIVE_TO, " . "\tL.DIR as LANG_DIR, B.DETAIL_PAGE_URL, B.LIST_PAGE_URL, B.LID, L.SERVER_NAME " . "FROM b_iblock_element BE, b_lang L, b_iblock B " . "\tLEFT JOIN b_iblock_group IBG ON IBG.IBLOCK_ID=B.ID " . "WHERE BE.IBLOCK_ID = B.ID " . "\tAND B.LID = L.LID " . "\tAND IBG.GROUP_ID IN (2) " . "\tAND BE.WF_STATUS_ID = 1 AND BE.WF_PARENT_ELEMENT_ID is null " . "\tAND IBG.PERMISSION>='R' " . "\tAND (IBG.PERMISSION='X' OR B.ACTIVE='Y') " . "\tAND (BE.IBLOCK_ID = " . IntVal($arIBLOCK["ID"]) . ") " . "\tAND ((BE.ACTIVE_TO >= " . $DB->GetNowFunction() . " OR BE.ACTIVE_TO IS NULL) AND (BE.ACTIVE_FROM <= " . $DB->GetNowFunction() . " OR BE.ACTIVE_FROM IS NULL)) " . "\tAND (BE.ACTIVE = 'Y') ";
     if ($LIMIT_DAY !== false) {
         $strSql .= " AND (BE.ACTIVE_FROM>=" . $DB->CharToDateFunction($DB->ForSql(date($DB->DateFormatToPHP(CLang::GetDateFormat("FULL")), mktime(date("H"), date("i"), date("s"), date("m"), date("d") - IntVal($LIMIT_DAY), date("Y")))), "FULL") . " OR BE.ACTIVE_FROM IS NULL) ";
     $res = $DB->Query($strSql);
     $items = new CIBlockResult($res->result);
     if ($LIMIT_NUM !== False && IntVal($LIMIT_NUM) > 0) {
     while ($arItem = $items->GetNext()) {
         $props = CIBlockElement::GetProperty($arIBLOCK["ID"], $arItem["ID"], "sort", "asc", array("ACTIVE" => "Y", "NON_EMPTY" => "Y"));
         $arProps = array();
         while ($arProp = $props->Fetch()) {
             if (strlen($arProp["CODE"]) > 0) {
                 $arProps[$arProp["CODE"]] = array("NAME" => htmlspecialcharsbx($arProp["NAME"]), "VALUE" => htmlspecialcharsex($arProp["VALUE"]));
             } else {
                 $arProps[$arProp["ID"]] = array("NAME" => htmlspecialcharsbx($arProp["NAME"]), "VALUE" => htmlspecialcharsex($arProp["VALUE"]));
         $arLinkProp = $arProps["DOC_LINK"];
         $strRes .= "<item>\n";
         if (strlen($arNodes["title"]) > 0) {
             $strRes .= "<title>" . htmlspecialcharsbx(CIBlockRSS::ExtractProperties($arNodes["title"], $arProps, $arItem)) . "</title>\n";
         } else {
             $strRes .= "<title>" . htmlspecialcharsbx($arItem["~NAME"]) . "</title>\n";
         if (strlen($arNodes["link"]) > 0) {
             $strRes .= "<link>" . CIBlockRSS::ExtractProperties($arNodes["link"], $arProps, $arItem) . "</link>\n";
         } else {
             $strRes .= "<link>http://" . $serverName . ($arLinkProp["VALUE"] ? $arLinkProp["VALUE"] : $arItem["DETAIL_PAGE_URL"]) . "</link>\n";
         if (strlen($arNodes["description"]) > 0) {
             $strRes .= "<description>" . htmlspecialcharsbx(CIBlockRSS::ExtractProperties($arNodes["description"], $arProps, $arItem)) . "</description>\n";
         } else {
             $strRes .= "<description>" . ($arItem["PREVIEW_TEXT"] || $yandex ? htmlspecialcharsbx($arItem["PREVIEW_TEXT"]) : htmlspecialcharsbx($arItem["DETAIL_TEXT"])) . "</description>\n";
         if (strlen($arNodes["enclosure"]) > 0) {
             $strRes .= "<enclosure url=\"" . htmlspecialcharsbx(CIBlockRSS::ExtractProperties($arNodes["enclosure"], $arProps, $arItem)) . "\" length=\"" . htmlspecialcharsbx(CIBlockRSS::ExtractProperties($arNodes["enclosure_length"], $arProps, $arItem)) . "\" type=\"" . htmlspecialcharsbx(CIBlockRSS::ExtractProperties($arNodes["enclosure_type"], $arProps, $arItem)) . "\"/>\n";
         } else {
             $db_img_arr = CFile::GetFileArray($arItem["PREVIEW_PICTURE"]);
             if ($db_img_arr) {
                 if (substr($db_img_arr["SRC"], 0, 1) == "/") {
                     $strImage = "http://" . $serverName . $db_img_arr["SRC"];
                 } else {
                     $strImage = $db_img_arr["SRC"];
                 $strRes .= "<enclosure url=\"" . $strImage . "\" length=\"" . $db_img_arr["FILE_SIZE"] . "\" type=\"" . $db_img_arr["CONTENT_TYPE"] . "\" width=\"" . $db_img_arr["WIDTH"] . "\" height=\"" . $db_img_arr["HEIGHT"] . "\"/>\n";
         if (strlen($arNodes["category"]) > 0) {
             $strRes .= "<category>" . htmlspecialcharsbx(CIBlockRSS::ExtractProperties($arNodes["category"], $arProps, $arItem)) . "</category>\n";
         } else {
             $strPath = "";
             $nav = CIBlockSection::GetNavChain($arIBLOCK["ID"], $arItem["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"]);
             while ($ar_nav = $nav->GetNext()) {
                 $strPath .= $ar_nav["NAME"] . "/";
             if (strlen($strPath) > 0) {
                 $strRes .= "<category>" . htmlspecialcharsbx($strPath) . "</category>\n";
         if ($yandex) {
             $strRes .= "<yandex:full-text>" . htmlspecialcharsbx($arItem["DETAIL_TEXT"]) . "</yandex:full-text>\n";
         if (strlen($arNodes["pubDate"]) > 0) {
             $strRes .= "<pubDate>" . htmlspecialcharsbx(CIBlockRSS::ExtractProperties($arNodes["pubDate"], $arProps, $arItem)) . "</pubDate>\n";
         } else {
             if (strlen($arItem["ACTIVE_FROM"]) > 0) {
                 $strRes .= "<pubDate>" . date("r", MkDateTime($DB->FormatDate($arItem["ACTIVE_FROM"], Clang::GetDateFormat("FULL"), "DD.MM.YYYY H:I:S"), "d.m.Y H:i:s")) . "</pubDate>\n";
             } else {
                 $strRes .= "<pubDate>" . date("r") . "</pubDate>\n";
         $strRes .= "</item>\n";
     $strRes .= "</channel>\n";
     return $strRes;
Esempio n. 2
 function GetList($arOrder = array("SORT" => "ASC"), $arFilter = array(), $arGroupBy = false, $arNavStartParams = false, $arSelectFields = array())
     Filter combinations:
     CHECK_PERMISSIONS="N" - check permissions of the current user to the infoblock
     	MIN_PERMISSION="R" - when permissions check, then minimal access level
     SHOW_HISTORY="N" - add history items to list
     	SHOW_NEW="N" - if not add history items, then add new, but not published elements
     global $DB, $USER, $APPLICATION;
     $MAX_LOCK = intval(COption::GetOptionString("workflow", "MAX_LOCK_TIME", "60"));
     $uid = is_object($USER) ? intval($USER->GetID()) : 0;
     $arIblockElementFields = array("ID" => "BE.ID", "TIMESTAMP_X" => $DB->DateToCharFunction("BE.TIMESTAMP_X"), "TIMESTAMP_X_UNIX" => 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(BE.TIMESTAMP_X)', "MODIFIED_BY" => "BE.MODIFIED_BY", "DATE_CREATE" => $DB->DateToCharFunction("BE.DATE_CREATE"), "DATE_CREATE_UNIX" => 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(BE.DATE_CREATE)', "CREATED_BY" => "BE.CREATED_BY", "IBLOCK_ID" => "BE.IBLOCK_ID", "IBLOCK_SECTION_ID" => "BE.IBLOCK_SECTION_ID", "ACTIVE" => "BE.ACTIVE", "ACTIVE_FROM" => CPageOption::GetOptionString("iblock", "FORMAT_ACTIVE_DATES", "-") != "-" ? $DB->DateToCharFunction("BE.ACTIVE_FROM", CPageOption::GetOptionString("iblock", "FORMAT_ACTIVE_DATES", "SHORT")) : "IF(EXTRACT(HOUR_SECOND FROM BE.ACTIVE_FROM)>0, " . $DB->DateToCharFunction("BE.ACTIVE_FROM", "FULL") . ", " . $DB->DateToCharFunction("BE.ACTIVE_FROM", "SHORT") . ")", "ACTIVE_TO" => CPageOption::GetOptionString("iblock", "FORMAT_ACTIVE_DATES", "-") != "-" ? $DB->DateToCharFunction("BE.ACTIVE_TO", CPageOption::GetOptionString("iblock", "FORMAT_ACTIVE_DATES", "SHORT")) : "IF(EXTRACT(HOUR_SECOND FROM BE.ACTIVE_TO)>0, " . $DB->DateToCharFunction("BE.ACTIVE_TO", "FULL") . ", " . $DB->DateToCharFunction("BE.ACTIVE_TO", "SHORT") . ")", "DATE_ACTIVE_FROM" => CPageOption::GetOptionString("iblock", "FORMAT_ACTIVE_DATES", "-") != "-" ? $DB->DateToCharFunction("BE.ACTIVE_FROM", CPageOption::GetOptionString("iblock", "FORMAT_ACTIVE_DATES", "SHORT")) : "IF(EXTRACT(HOUR_SECOND FROM BE.ACTIVE_FROM)>0, " . $DB->DateToCharFunction("BE.ACTIVE_FROM", "FULL") . ", " . $DB->DateToCharFunction("BE.ACTIVE_FROM", "SHORT") . ")", "DATE_ACTIVE_TO" => CPageOption::GetOptionString("iblock", "FORMAT_ACTIVE_DATES", "-") != "-" ? $DB->DateToCharFunction("BE.ACTIVE_TO", CPageOption::GetOptionString("iblock", "FORMAT_ACTIVE_DATES", "SHORT")) : "IF(EXTRACT(HOUR_SECOND FROM BE.ACTIVE_TO)>0, " . $DB->DateToCharFunction("BE.ACTIVE_TO", "FULL") . ", " . $DB->DateToCharFunction("BE.ACTIVE_TO", "SHORT") . ")", "SORT" => "BE.SORT", "NAME" => "BE.NAME", "PREVIEW_PICTURE" => "BE.PREVIEW_PICTURE", "PREVIEW_TEXT" => "BE.PREVIEW_TEXT", "PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE" => "BE.PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE", "DETAIL_PICTURE" => "BE.DETAIL_PICTURE", "DETAIL_TEXT" => "BE.DETAIL_TEXT", "DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE" => "BE.DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE", "SEARCHABLE_CONTENT" => "BE.SEARCHABLE_CONTENT", "WF_STATUS_ID" => "BE.WF_STATUS_ID", "WF_PARENT_ELEMENT_ID" => "BE.WF_PARENT_ELEMENT_ID", "WF_LAST_HISTORY_ID" => "BE.WF_LAST_HISTORY_ID", "WF_NEW" => "BE.WF_NEW", "LOCK_STATUS" => "if (BE.WF_DATE_LOCK is null, 'green', if(DATE_ADD(BE.WF_DATE_LOCK, interval " . $MAX_LOCK . " MINUTE)<now(), 'green', if(BE.WF_LOCKED_BY=" . $uid . ", 'yellow', 'red')))", "WF_LOCKED_BY" => "BE.WF_LOCKED_BY", "WF_DATE_LOCK" => $DB->DateToCharFunction("BE.WF_DATE_LOCK"), "WF_COMMENTS" => "BE.WF_COMMENTS", "IN_SECTIONS" => "BE.IN_SECTIONS", "SHOW_COUNTER" => "BE.SHOW_COUNTER", "SHOW_COUNTER_START" => "BE.SHOW_COUNTER_START", "CODE" => "BE.CODE", "TAGS" => "BE.TAGS", "XML_ID" => "BE.XML_ID", "EXTERNAL_ID" => "BE.XML_ID", "TMP_ID" => "BE.TMP_ID", "USER_NAME" => "concat('(',U.LOGIN,') ',ifnull(U.NAME,''),' ',ifnull(U.LAST_NAME,''))", "LOCKED_USER_NAME" => "concat('(',UL.LOGIN,') ',ifnull(UL.NAME,''),' ',ifnull(UL.LAST_NAME,''))", "CREATED_USER_NAME" => "concat('(',UC.LOGIN,') ',ifnull(UC.NAME,''),' ',ifnull(UC.LAST_NAME,''))", "LANG_DIR" => "L.DIR", "LID" => "B.LID", "IBLOCK_TYPE_ID" => "B.IBLOCK_TYPE_ID", "IBLOCK_CODE" => "B.CODE", "IBLOCK_NAME" => "B.NAME", "IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID" => "B.XML_ID", "DETAIL_PAGE_URL" => "B.DETAIL_PAGE_URL", "LIST_PAGE_URL" => "B.LIST_PAGE_URL", "CREATED_DATE" => $DB->DateFormatToDB("YYYY.MM.DD", "BE.DATE_CREATE"), "BP_PUBLISHED" => "if(BE.WF_STATUS_ID = 1, 'Y', 'N')");
     $bDistinct = false;
     CIBlockElement::PrepareGetList($arIblockElementFields, $arJoinProps, $bOnlyCount, $bDistinct, $arSelectFields, $sSelect, $arAddSelectFields, $arFilter, $sWhere, $sSectionWhere, $arAddWhereFields, $arGroupBy, $sGroupBy, $arOrder, $arSqlOrder, $arAddOrderByFields, $arIBlockFilter, $arIBlockMultProps, $arIBlockConvProps, $arIBlockAllProps, $arIBlockNumProps, $arIBlockLongProps);
     $arFilterIBlocks = isset($arFilter["IBLOCK_ID"]) ? array($arFilter["IBLOCK_ID"]) : array();
     //******************FROM PART********************************************
     $sFrom = "";
     foreach ($arJoinProps["FPS"] as $iblock_id => $iPropCnt) {
         $sFrom .= "\t\t\tINNER JOIN b_iblock_element_prop_s" . $iblock_id . " FPS" . $iPropCnt . " ON FPS" . $iPropCnt . ".IBLOCK_ELEMENT_ID = BE.ID\n";
         $arFilterIBlocks[$iblock_id] = $iblock_id;
     foreach ($arJoinProps["FP"] as $propID => $db_prop) {
         $i = $db_prop["CNT"];
         if ($db_prop["bFullJoin"]) {
             $sFrom .= "\t\t\tINNER JOIN b_iblock_property FP" . $i . " ON FP" . $i . ".IBLOCK_ID = B.ID AND " . (IntVal($propID) > 0 ? " FP" . $i . ".ID=" . IntVal($propID) . "\n" : " FP" . $i . ".CODE='" . $DB->ForSQL($propID, 200) . "'\n");
         } else {
             $sFrom .= "\t\t\tLEFT JOIN b_iblock_property FP" . $i . " ON FP" . $i . ".IBLOCK_ID = B.ID AND " . (IntVal($propID) > 0 ? " FP" . $i . ".ID=" . IntVal($propID) . "\n" : " FP" . $i . ".CODE='" . $DB->ForSQL($propID, 200) . "'\n");
         if ($db_prop["IBLOCK_ID"]) {
             $arFilterIBlocks[$db_prop["IBLOCK_ID"]] = $db_prop["IBLOCK_ID"];
     foreach ($arJoinProps["FPV"] as $propID => $db_prop) {
         $i = $db_prop["CNT"];
         if ($db_prop["MULTIPLE"] == "Y") {
             $bDistinct = true;
         if ($db_prop["VERSION"] == 2) {
             $strTable = "b_iblock_element_prop_m" . $db_prop["IBLOCK_ID"];
         } else {
             $strTable = "b_iblock_element_property";
         if ($db_prop["bFullJoin"]) {
             $sFrom .= "\t\t\tINNER JOIN " . $strTable . " FPV" . $i . " ON FPV" . $i . ".IBLOCK_PROPERTY_ID = FP" . $db_prop["JOIN"] . ".ID AND FPV" . $i . ".IBLOCK_ELEMENT_ID = BE.ID\n";
         } else {
             $sFrom .= "\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . $strTable . " FPV" . $i . " ON FPV" . $i . ".IBLOCK_PROPERTY_ID = FP" . $db_prop["JOIN"] . ".ID AND FPV" . $i . ".IBLOCK_ELEMENT_ID = BE.ID\n";
         if ($db_prop["IBLOCK_ID"]) {
             $arFilterIBlocks[$db_prop["IBLOCK_ID"]] = $db_prop["IBLOCK_ID"];
     foreach ($arJoinProps["FPEN"] as $propID => $db_prop) {
         $i = $db_prop["CNT"];
         if ($db_prop["VERSION"] == 2 && $db_prop["MULTIPLE"] == "N") {
             if ($db_prop["bFullJoin"]) {
                 $sFrom .= "\t\t\tINNER JOIN b_iblock_property_enum FPEN" . $i . " ON FPEN" . $i . ".PROPERTY_ID = " . $db_prop["ORIG_ID"] . " AND FPS" . $db_prop["JOIN"] . ".PROPERTY_" . $db_prop["ORIG_ID"] . " = FPEN" . $i . ".ID\n";
             } else {
                 $sFrom .= "\t\t\tLEFT JOIN b_iblock_property_enum FPEN" . $i . " ON FPEN" . $i . ".PROPERTY_ID = " . $db_prop["ORIG_ID"] . " AND FPS" . $db_prop["JOIN"] . ".PROPERTY_" . $db_prop["ORIG_ID"] . " = FPEN" . $i . ".ID\n";
         } else {
             if ($db_prop["bFullJoin"]) {
                 $sFrom .= "\t\t\tINNER JOIN b_iblock_property_enum FPEN" . $i . " ON FPEN" . $i . ".PROPERTY_ID = FPV" . $db_prop["JOIN"] . ".IBLOCK_PROPERTY_ID AND FPV" . $db_prop["JOIN"] . ".VALUE_ENUM = FPEN" . $i . ".ID\n";
             } else {
                 $sFrom .= "\t\t\tLEFT JOIN b_iblock_property_enum FPEN" . $i . " ON FPEN" . $i . ".PROPERTY_ID = FPV" . $db_prop["JOIN"] . ".IBLOCK_PROPERTY_ID AND FPV" . $db_prop["JOIN"] . ".VALUE_ENUM = FPEN" . $i . ".ID\n";
         if ($db_prop["IBLOCK_ID"]) {
             $arFilterIBlocks[$db_prop["IBLOCK_ID"]] = $db_prop["IBLOCK_ID"];
     foreach ($arJoinProps["BE"] as $propID => $db_prop) {
         $i = $db_prop["CNT"];
         $sFrom .= "\t\t\tLEFT JOIN b_iblock_element BE" . $i . " ON BE" . $i . ".ID = " . ($db_prop["VERSION"] == 2 && $db_prop["MULTIPLE"] == "N" ? "FPS" . $db_prop["JOIN"] . ".PROPERTY_" . $db_prop["ORIG_ID"] : "FPV" . $db_prop["JOIN"] . ".VALUE_NUM") . ($arFilter["SHOW_HISTORY"] != "Y" ? " AND ((BE.WF_STATUS_ID=1 AND BE.WF_PARENT_ELEMENT_ID IS NULL)" . ($arFilter["SHOW_NEW"] == "Y" ? " OR BE.WF_NEW='Y'" : "") . ")" : "") . "\n";
         if ($db_prop["bJoinIBlock"]) {
             $sFrom .= "\t\t\tLEFT JOIN b_iblock B" . $i . " ON B" . $i . ".ID = BE" . $i . ".IBLOCK_ID\n";
         if ($db_prop["bJoinSection"]) {
             $sFrom .= "\t\t\tLEFT JOIN b_iblock_section BS" . $i . " ON BS" . $i . ".ID = BE" . $i . ".IBLOCK_SECTION_ID\n";
         if ($db_prop["IBLOCK_ID"]) {
             $arFilterIBlocks[$db_prop["IBLOCK_ID"]] = $db_prop["IBLOCK_ID"];
     foreach ($arJoinProps["BE_FPS"] as $iblock_id => $db_prop) {
         $sFrom .= "\t\t\tLEFT JOIN b_iblock_element_prop_s" . $iblock_id . " JFPS" . $db_prop["CNT"] . " ON JFPS" . $db_prop["CNT"] . ".IBLOCK_ELEMENT_ID = BE" . $db_prop["JOIN"] . ".ID\n";
         if ($db_prop["IBLOCK_ID"]) {
             $arFilterIBlocks[$db_prop["IBLOCK_ID"]] = $db_prop["IBLOCK_ID"];
     foreach ($arJoinProps["BE_FP"] as $propID => $db_prop) {
         $i = $db_prop["CNT"];
         list($propID, $link) = explode("~", $propID, 2);
         if ($db_prop["bFullJoin"]) {
             $sFrom .= "\t\t\tINNER JOIN b_iblock_property JFP" . $i . " ON JFP" . $i . ".IBLOCK_ID = BE" . $db_prop["JOIN"] . ".IBLOCK_ID AND " . (IntVal($propID) > 0 ? " JFP" . $i . ".ID=" . IntVal($propID) . "\n" : " JFP" . $i . ".CODE='" . $DB->ForSQL($propID, 200) . "'\n");
         } else {
             $sFrom .= "\t\t\tLEFT JOIN b_iblock_property JFP" . $i . " ON JFP" . $i . ".IBLOCK_ID = BE" . $db_prop["JOIN"] . ".IBLOCK_ID AND " . (IntVal($propID) > 0 ? " JFP" . $i . ".ID=" . IntVal($propID) . "\n" : " JFP" . $i . ".CODE='" . $DB->ForSQL($propID, 200) . "'\n");
         if ($db_prop["IBLOCK_ID"]) {
             $arFilterIBlocks[$db_prop["IBLOCK_ID"]] = $db_prop["IBLOCK_ID"];
     foreach ($arJoinProps["BE_FPV"] as $propID => $db_prop) {
         $i = $db_prop["CNT"];
         list($propID, $link) = explode("~", $propID, 2);
         if ($db_prop["MULTIPLE"] == "Y") {
             $bDistinct = true;
         if ($db_prop["VERSION"] == 2) {
             $strTable = "b_iblock_element_prop_m" . $db_prop["IBLOCK_ID"];
         } else {
             $strTable = "b_iblock_element_property";
         if ($db_prop["bFullJoin"]) {
             $sFrom .= "\t\t\tINNER JOIN " . $strTable . " JFPV" . $i . " ON JFPV" . $i . ".IBLOCK_PROPERTY_ID = JFP" . $db_prop["JOIN"] . ".ID AND JFPV" . $i . ".IBLOCK_ELEMENT_ID = BE" . $db_prop["BE_JOIN"] . ".ID\n";
         } else {
             $sFrom .= "\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . $strTable . " JFPV" . $i . " ON JFPV" . $i . ".IBLOCK_PROPERTY_ID = JFP" . $db_prop["JOIN"] . ".ID AND JFPV" . $i . ".IBLOCK_ELEMENT_ID = BE" . $db_prop["BE_JOIN"] . ".ID\n";
         if ($db_prop["IBLOCK_ID"]) {
             $arFilterIBlocks[$db_prop["IBLOCK_ID"]] = $db_prop["IBLOCK_ID"];
     foreach ($arJoinProps["BE_FPEN"] as $propID => $db_prop) {
         $i = $db_prop["CNT"];
         list($propID, $link) = explode("~", $propID, 2);
         if ($db_prop["VERSION"] == 2 && $db_prop["MULTIPLE"] == "N") {
             if ($db_prop["bFullJoin"]) {
                 $sFrom .= "\t\t\tINNER JOIN b_iblock_property_enum JFPEN" . $i . " ON JFPEN" . $i . ".PROPERTY_ID = " . $db_prop["ORIG_ID"] . " AND JFPS" . $db_prop["JOIN"] . ".PROPERTY_" . $db_prop["ORIG_ID"] . " = JFPEN" . $i . ".ID\n";
             } else {
                 $sFrom .= "\t\t\tLEFT JOIN b_iblock_property_enum JFPEN" . $i . " ON JFPEN" . $i . ".PROPERTY_ID = " . $db_prop["ORIG_ID"] . " AND JFPS" . $db_prop["JOIN"] . ".PROPERTY_" . $db_prop["ORIG_ID"] . " = JFPEN" . $i . ".ID\n";
         } else {
             if ($db_prop["bFullJoin"]) {
                 $sFrom .= "\t\t\tINNER JOIN b_iblock_property_enum JFPEN" . $i . " ON JFPEN" . $i . ".PROPERTY_ID = JFPV" . $db_prop["JOIN"] . ".IBLOCK_PROPERTY_ID AND JFPV" . $db_prop["JOIN"] . ".VALUE_ENUM = JFPEN" . $i . ".ID\n";
             } else {
                 $sFrom .= "\t\t\tLEFT JOIN b_iblock_property_enum JFPEN" . $i . " ON JFPEN" . $i . ".PROPERTY_ID = JFPV" . $db_prop["JOIN"] . ".IBLOCK_PROPERTY_ID AND JFPV" . $db_prop["JOIN"] . ".VALUE_ENUM = JFPEN" . $i . ".ID\n";
         if ($db_prop["IBLOCK_ID"]) {
             $arFilterIBlocks[$db_prop["IBLOCK_ID"]] = $db_prop["IBLOCK_ID"];
     if (strlen($arJoinProps["BES"])) {
         $sFrom .= "\t\t\t" . $arJoinProps["BES"] . "\n";
     if ($arJoinProps["RV"]) {
         $sFrom .= "\t\t\tLEFT JOIN b_rating_voting RV ON RV.ENTITY_TYPE_ID = 'IBLOCK_ELEMENT' AND RV.ENTITY_ID = BE.ID\n";
     if ($arJoinProps["RVU"]) {
         $sFrom .= "\t\t\tLEFT JOIN b_rating_vote RVU ON RVU.ENTITY_TYPE_ID = 'IBLOCK_ELEMENT' AND RVU.ENTITY_ID = BE.ID AND RVU.USER_ID = " . $uid . "\n";
     if ($arJoinProps["RVV"]) {
         $sFrom .= "\t\t\t" . ($arJoinProps["RVV"]["bFullJoin"] ? "INNER" : "LEFT") . " JOIN b_rating_vote RVV ON RVV.ENTITY_TYPE_ID = 'IBLOCK_ELEMENT' AND RVV.ENTITY_ID = BE.ID\n";
     //******************END OF FROM PART********************************************
     $bCatalogSort = false;
     if (count($arAddSelectFields) > 0 || count($arAddWhereFields) > 0 || count($arAddOrderByFields) > 0) {
         if (CModule::IncludeModule("catalog")) {
             $res_catalog = CCatalogProduct::GetQueryBuildArrays($arAddOrderByFields, $arAddWhereFields, $arAddSelectFields);
             if ($sGroupBy == "" && !$bOnlyCount && !(is_object($this) && isset($this->strField))) {
                 $sSelect .= $res_catalog["SELECT"] . " ";
             $sFrom .= str_replace("LEFT JOIN", "\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN", $res_catalog["FROM"]) . "\n";
             //$sWhere .= $res_catalog["WHERE"]." "; moved to MkFilter
             if (is_array($res_catalog["ORDER"]) && count($res_catalog["ORDER"])) {
                 $bCatalogSort = true;
                 foreach ($res_catalog["ORDER"] as $i => $val) {
                     $arSqlOrder[$i] = $val;
     $i = array_search("CREATED_BY_FORMATTED", $arSelectFields);
     if ($i !== false) {
         if ($sSelect && $sGroupBy == "" && !$bOnlyCount && !(is_object($this) && isset($this->strField))) {
         } else {
     $sOrderBy = "";
     foreach ($arSqlOrder as $i => $val) {
         if (strlen($val)) {
             if ($sOrderBy == "") {
                 $sOrderBy = " ORDER BY ";
             } else {
                 $sOrderBy .= ",";
             $sOrderBy .= $val . " ";
     if (strlen(trim($sSelect)) <= 0) {
         $sSelect = "0 as NOP ";
     $bDistinct = $bDistinct || isset($arFilter["INCLUDE_SUBSECTIONS"]) && $arFilter["INCLUDE_SUBSECTIONS"] == "Y";
     if ($bDistinct) {
         $sSelect = str_replace("%%_DISTINCT_%%", "DISTINCT", $sSelect);
     } else {
         $sSelect = str_replace("%%_DISTINCT_%%", "", $sSelect);
     $sFrom = "\n\t\t\tb_iblock B\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN b_lang L ON B.LID=L.LID\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN b_iblock_element BE ON BE.IBLOCK_ID = B.ID\n\t\t\t" . ltrim($sFrom, "\t\n") . (in_array("USER_NAME", $arSelectFields) ? "\t\t\tLEFT JOIN b_user U ON U.ID=BE.MODIFIED_BY\n" : "") . (in_array("LOCKED_USER_NAME", $arSelectFields) ? "\t\t\tLEFT JOIN b_user UL ON UL.ID=BE.WF_LOCKED_BY\n" : "") . (in_array("CREATED_USER_NAME", $arSelectFields) || in_array("CREATED_BY_FORMATTED", $arSelectFields) ? "\t\t\tLEFT JOIN b_user UC ON UC.ID=BE.CREATED_BY\n" : "") . "\n\t\t";
     $strSql = "\n\t\t\tFROM " . $sFrom . "\n\t\t\tWHERE 1=1 " . $sWhere . "\n\t\t\t" . $sGroupBy . "\n\t\t";
     if (isset($this) && is_object($this) && isset($this->strField)) {
         $this->sFrom = $sFrom;
         $this->sWhere = $sWhere;
         return "SELECT " . $sSelect . $strSql;
     if ($bOnlyCount) {
         $res = $DB->Query("SELECT " . $sSelect . $strSql, false, "FILE: " . __FILE__ . "<br> LINE: " . __LINE__);
         $res = $res->Fetch();
         return $res["CNT"];
     if (is_array($arNavStartParams)) {
         $nTopCount = intval($arNavStartParams["nTopCount"]);
         $nElementID = intval($arNavStartParams["nElementID"]);
         if ($nTopCount > 0) {
             $strSql = "SELECT " . $sSelect . $strSql . $sOrderBy . " LIMIT " . $nTopCount;
             $res = $DB->Query($strSql);
         } elseif ($nElementID > 0 && $sGroupBy == "" && $sOrderBy != "" && strpos($sSelect, "BE.ID") !== false && !$bCatalogSort) {
             $nPageSize = intval($arNavStartParams["nPageSize"]);
             if ($nPageSize > 0) {
                 $DB->Query("SET @rank=0");
                 $DB->Query("\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT @rank:=el1.rank\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT @rank:=@rank+1 AS rank, el0.*\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT " . $sSelect . $strSql . $sOrderBy . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t) el0\n\t\t\t\t\t\t) el1\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE el1.ID = " . $nElementID . "\n\t\t\t\t\t");
                 $DB->Query("SET @rank2=0");
                 $res = $DB->Query("\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT *\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT @rank2:=@rank2+1 AS RANK, el0.*\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT " . $sSelect . $strSql . $sOrderBy . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t) el0\n\t\t\t\t\t\t) el1\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE el1.RANK between @rank-{$nPageSize} and @rank+{$nPageSize}\n\t\t\t\t\t");
             } else {
                 $DB->Query("SET @rank=0");
                 $res = $DB->Query("\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT el1.*\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT @rank:=@rank+1 AS RANK, el0.*\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT " . $sSelect . $strSql . $sOrderBy . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t) el0\n\t\t\t\t\t\t) el1\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE el1.ID = " . $nElementID . "\n\t\t\t\t\t");
         } else {
             if ($sGroupBy == "") {
                 $res_cnt = $DB->Query("SELECT COUNT(" . ($bDistinct ? "DISTINCT BE.ID" : "'x'") . ") as C " . $strSql);
                 $res_cnt = $res_cnt->Fetch();
                 $cnt = $res_cnt["C"];
             } else {
                 $res_cnt = $DB->Query("SELECT 'x' " . $strSql);
                 $cnt = $res_cnt->SelectedRowsCount();
             $strSql = "SELECT " . $sSelect . $strSql . $sOrderBy;
             $res = new CDBResult();
             $res->NavQuery($strSql, $cnt, $arNavStartParams);
     } else {
         $strSql = "SELECT " . $sSelect . $strSql . $sOrderBy;
         $res = $DB->Query($strSql, false, "FILE: " . __FILE__ . "<br> LINE: " . __LINE__);
     $res = new CIBlockResult($res);
     $res->arIBlockMultProps = $arIBlockMultProps;
     $res->arIBlockConvProps = $arIBlockConvProps;
     $res->arIBlockAllProps = $arIBlockAllProps;
     $res->arIBlockNumProps = $arIBlockNumProps;
     $res->arIBlockLongProps = $arIBlockLongProps;
     return $res;
Esempio n. 3
		"TYPE" => "catalog",
		"ACTIVE" => "Y"

	$obCache = new CPHPCache();
	if ($obCache->InitCache(36000, serialize($arFilter), "/iblock/menu"))
		$arSectionsInfo = $obCache->GetVars();
	elseif ($obCache->StartDataCache())
		if (CModule::IncludeModule("iblock"))
			$dbIBlock = CIBlock::GetList(array('SORT' => 'ASC', 'ID' => 'ASC'), $arFilter);
			$dbIBlock = new CIBlockResult($dbIBlock);
			$curIblockID = 0;
			if ($arIBlock = $dbIBlock->GetNext())
				$dbSections = CIBlockSection::GetList(array(), array("IBLOCK_ID" => $arIBlock["ID"]), false, array("ID", "SECTION_PAGE_URL", "PICTURE", "DESCRIPTION"));
				while($arSections = $dbSections->GetNext())
					$pictureSrc = CFile::GetFileArray($arSections["PICTURE"]);

					if ($pictureSrc)
						$arResizePicture = CFile::ResizeImageGet(
							array("width" => 240, 'height'=>700),
Esempio n. 4
 * Returns an array with Information block fields or false if none found.
 * iblock have to be linked to the current site.
 * @param string $lang Site identifier block linked to.
 * @param int $ID Numeric identifier of the iblock
 * @param string $type Type of iblock restrict search to.
 * @return array
function GetIBlockLang($lang, $ID, $type = "")
    $res = CIBlock::GetList(array(), array("ID" => intval($ID), "TYPE" => $type, "LID" => $lang, "ACTIVE" => "Y"));
    if ($res) {
        $res = new CIBlockResult($res);
        return $res->GetNext();
    } else {
        return false;
	if ($APPLICATION->GetProperty("CATALOG_COMPARE_LIST", false) == false && IsModuleInstalled('iblock'))
		$arFilter = Array("TYPE"=>"catalog", "SITE_ID"=>SITE_ID);
		$obCache = new CPHPCache;
		if($obCache->InitCache(36000, serialize($arFilter), "/iblock/catalog/active"))
			$arIBlocks = $obCache->GetVars();
		elseif(CModule::IncludeModule("iblock") && $obCache->StartDataCache())

			$arIBlocks = array();
			$dbRes = CIBlock::GetList(Array(), $arFilter);
			$dbRes = new CIBlockResult($dbRes);

				global $CACHE_MANAGER;
				while($arIBlock = $dbRes->GetNext())

					if($arIBlock["ACTIVE"] == "Y")
						$arIBlocks[$arIBlock["ID"]] = $arIBlock;

Esempio n. 6

if ($REQUEST_METHOD == "POST" && $STEP > 1 && check_freetrix_sessid())
	if ($STEP > 1)
		$arIBlockRes = CIBlock::GetList(
			array("sort" => "asc"),
				"ID" => $IBLOCK_ID,
		$arIBlockRes = new CIBlockResult($arIBlockRes);
		if ($IBLOCK_ID <= 0 || !($arIBlock = $arIBlockRes->GetNext()))
			$strError .= GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_EXP_NO_IBLOCK")."<br>";

		if (strlen($strError) > 0)
			$STEP = 1;

	if ($STEP > 2)
		$csvFile = new CCSVData();

		if ($fields_type != "F" && $fields_type != "R")
			$strError .= GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_EXP_NO_FORMAT")."<br>";
Esempio n. 7
 public static function GetList($arOrder = array("SORT" => "ASC"), $arFilter = array(), $bIncCnt = false, $arSelect = array(), $arNavStartParams = false)
     global $DB, $USER, $USER_FIELD_MANAGER;
     if (!is_array($arOrder)) {
         $arOrder = array();
     if (isset($arFilter["IBLOCK_ID"]) && $arFilter["IBLOCK_ID"] > 0) {
         $obUserFieldsSql = new CUserTypeSQL();
         $obUserFieldsSql->SetEntity("IBLOCK_" . $arFilter["IBLOCK_ID"] . "_SECTION", "BS.ID");
     } else {
         foreach ($arFilter as $key => $val) {
             $res = CIBlock::MkOperationFilter($key);
             if (preg_match("/^UF_/", $res["FIELD"])) {
                 trigger_error("arFilter parameter of the CIBlockSection::GetList contains user fields, but has no IBLOCK_ID field.", E_USER_WARNING);
     $arJoinProps = array();
     $bJoinFlatProp = false;
     $arSqlSearch = CIBlockSection::GetFilter($arFilter);
     $bCheckPermissions = !array_key_exists("CHECK_PERMISSIONS", $arFilter) || $arFilter["CHECK_PERMISSIONS"] !== "N";
     $bIsAdmin = is_object($USER) && $USER->IsAdmin();
     if ($bCheckPermissions && !$bIsAdmin) {
         $arSqlSearch[] = CIBlockSection::_check_rights_sql($arFilter["MIN_PERMISSION"]);
     if (array_key_exists("PROPERTY", $arFilter)) {
         $val = $arFilter["PROPERTY"];
         foreach ($val as $propID => $propVAL) {
             $res = CIBlock::MkOperationFilter($propID);
             $propID = $res["FIELD"];
             $cOperationType = $res["OPERATION"];
             if ($db_prop = CIBlockProperty::GetPropertyArray($propID, CIBlock::_MergeIBArrays($arFilter["IBLOCK_ID"], $arFilter["IBLOCK_CODE"]))) {
                 $bSave = false;
                 if (array_key_exists($db_prop["ID"], $arJoinProps)) {
                     $iPropCnt = $arJoinProps[$db_prop["ID"]];
                 } elseif ($db_prop["VERSION"] != 2 || $db_prop["MULTIPLE"] == "Y") {
                     $bSave = true;
                     $iPropCnt = count($arJoinProps);
                 if (!is_array($propVAL)) {
                     $propVAL = array($propVAL);
                 if ($db_prop["PROPERTY_TYPE"] == "N" || $db_prop["PROPERTY_TYPE"] == "G" || $db_prop["PROPERTY_TYPE"] == "E") {
                     if ($db_prop["VERSION"] == 2 && $db_prop["MULTIPLE"] == "N") {
                         $r = CIBlock::FilterCreate("FPS.PROPERTY_" . $db_prop["ORIG_ID"], $propVAL, "number", $cOperationType);
                         $bJoinFlatProp = $db_prop["IBLOCK_ID"];
                     } else {
                         $r = CIBlock::FilterCreate("FPV" . $iPropCnt . ".VALUE_NUM", $propVAL, "number", $cOperationType);
                 } else {
                     if ($db_prop["VERSION"] == 2 && $db_prop["MULTIPLE"] == "N") {
                         $r = CIBlock::FilterCreate("FPS.PROPERTY_" . $db_prop["ORIG_ID"], $propVAL, "string", $cOperationType);
                         $bJoinFlatProp = $db_prop["IBLOCK_ID"];
                     } else {
                         $r = CIBlock::FilterCreate("FPV" . $iPropCnt . ".VALUE", $propVAL, "string", $cOperationType);
                 if (strlen($r) > 0) {
                     if ($bSave) {
                         $db_prop["iPropCnt"] = $iPropCnt;
                         $arJoinProps[$db_prop["ID"]] = $db_prop;
                     $arSqlSearch[] = $r;
     $strSqlSearch = "";
     foreach ($arSqlSearch as $r) {
         if (strlen($r) > 0) {
             $strSqlSearch .= "\n\t\t\t\tAND  (" . $r . ") ";
     if (isset($obUserFieldsSql)) {
         $r = $obUserFieldsSql->GetFilter();
         if (strlen($r) > 0) {
             $strSqlSearch .= "\n\t\t\t\tAND (" . $r . ") ";
     $strProp1 = "";
     foreach ($arJoinProps as $propID => $db_prop) {
         if ($db_prop["VERSION"] == 2) {
             $strTable = "b_iblock_element_prop_m" . $db_prop["IBLOCK_ID"];
         } else {
             $strTable = "b_iblock_element_property";
         $i = $db_prop["iPropCnt"];
         $strProp1 .= "\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN b_iblock_property FP" . $i . " ON FP" . $i . ".IBLOCK_ID=B.ID AND\n\t\t\t\t" . (IntVal($propID) > 0 ? " FP" . $i . ".ID=" . IntVal($propID) . " " : " FP" . $i . ".CODE='" . $DB->ForSQL($propID, 200) . "' ") . "\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . $strTable . " FPV" . $i . " ON FP" . $i . ".ID=FPV" . $i . ".IBLOCK_PROPERTY_ID AND FPV" . $i . ".IBLOCK_ELEMENT_ID=BE.ID ";
     if ($bJoinFlatProp) {
         $strProp1 .= "\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN b_iblock_element_prop_s" . $bJoinFlatProp . " FPS ON FPS.IBLOCK_ELEMENT_ID = BE.ID\n\t\t\t";
     $arSqlSelect = array();
     foreach ($arSelect as $field) {
         $field = strtoupper($field);
         if (array_key_exists($field, $arFields)) {
             $arSqlSelect[$field] = $arFields[$field] . " AS " . $field;
     if (array_key_exists("DESCRIPTION", $arSqlSelect)) {
     if (array_key_exists("LIST_PAGE_URL", $arSqlSelect) || array_key_exists("SECTION_PAGE_URL", $arSqlSelect)) {
         $arSqlSelect["ID"] = $arFields["ID"] . " AS ID";
         $arSqlSelect["CODE"] = $arFields["CODE"] . " AS CODE";
         $arSqlSelect["EXTERNAL_ID"] = $arFields["EXTERNAL_ID"] . " AS EXTERNAL_ID";
         $arSqlSelect["IBLOCK_TYPE_ID"] = $arFields["IBLOCK_TYPE_ID"] . " AS IBLOCK_TYPE_ID";
         $arSqlSelect["IBLOCK_ID"] = $arFields["IBLOCK_ID"] . " AS IBLOCK_ID";
         $arSqlSelect["IBLOCK_CODE"] = $arFields["IBLOCK_CODE"] . " AS IBLOCK_CODE";
         $arSqlSelect["GLOBAL_ACTIVE"] = $arFields["GLOBAL_ACTIVE"] . " AS GLOBAL_ACTIVE";
     if (count($arSqlSelect)) {
         $sSelect = implode(",\n", $arSqlSelect);
     } else {
         $sSelect = "\n\t\t\t\tBS.*,\n\t\t\t\tB.LIST_PAGE_URL,\n\t\t\t\tB.SECTION_PAGE_URL,\n\t\t\t\tB.IBLOCK_TYPE_ID,\n\t\t\t\tB.CODE as IBLOCK_CODE,\n\t\t\t\tB.XML_ID as IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID,\n\t\t\t\tBS.XML_ID as EXTERNAL_ID,\n\t\t\t\t" . $DB->DateToCharFunction("BS.TIMESTAMP_X") . " as TIMESTAMP_X,\n\t\t\t\t" . $DB->DateToCharFunction("BS.DATE_CREATE") . " as DATE_CREATE\n\t\t\t";
     if (!$bIncCnt) {
         $strSelect = $sSelect . (isset($obUserFieldsSql) ? $obUserFieldsSql->GetSelect() : "");
         $strSql = "\n\t\t\t\tFROM b_iblock_section BS\n\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN b_iblock B ON BS.IBLOCK_ID = B.ID\n\t\t\t\t\t" . (isset($obUserFieldsSql) ? $obUserFieldsSql->GetJoin("BS.ID") : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t" . (strlen($strProp1) > 0 ? "\tINNER JOIN b_iblock_section BSTEMP ON BSTEMP.IBLOCK_ID = BS.IBLOCK_ID\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN b_iblock_section_element BSE ON BSE.IBLOCK_SECTION_ID=BSTEMP.ID\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN b_iblock_element BE ON (BSE.IBLOCK_ELEMENT_ID=BE.ID\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND ((BE.WF_STATUS_ID=1 AND BE.WF_PARENT_ELEMENT_ID IS NULL )\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND BE.IBLOCK_ID = BS.IBLOCK_ID\n\t\t\t\t\t" . ($arFilter["CNT_ALL"] == "Y" ? " OR BE.WF_NEW='Y' " : "") . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t" . ($arFilter["CNT_ACTIVE"] == "Y" ? " AND BE.ACTIVE='Y'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND (BE.ACTIVE_TO >= " . $DB->CurrentTimeFunction() . " OR BE.ACTIVE_TO IS NULL)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND (BE.ACTIVE_FROM <= " . $DB->CurrentTimeFunction() . " OR BE.ACTIVE_FROM IS NULL)" : "") . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $strProp1 . " " : "") . "\n\t\t\t\tWHERE 1=1\n\t\t\t\t" . (strlen($strProp1) > 0 ? "\tAND BSTEMP.LEFT_MARGIN >= BS.LEFT_MARGIN\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND BSTEMP.RIGHT_MARGIN <= BS.RIGHT_MARGIN " : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t" . $strSqlSearch . "\n\t\t\t";
         $strGroupBy = "";
     } else {
         $strSelect = $sSelect . ",COUNT(DISTINCT BE.ID) as ELEMENT_CNT" . (isset($obUserFieldsSql) ? $obUserFieldsSql->GetSelect() : "");
         $strSql = "\n\t\t\t\tFROM b_iblock_section BS\n\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN b_iblock B ON BS.IBLOCK_ID = B.ID\n\t\t\t\t\t" . (isset($obUserFieldsSql) ? $obUserFieldsSql->GetJoin("BS.ID") : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t" . ($arFilter["ELEMENT_SUBSECTIONS"] == "N" ? "\tLEFT JOIN b_iblock_section_element BSE ON BSE.IBLOCK_SECTION_ID=BS.ID " : "\tINNER JOIN b_iblock_section BSTEMP ON BSTEMP.IBLOCK_ID = BS.IBLOCK_ID\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN b_iblock_section_element BSE ON BSE.IBLOCK_SECTION_ID=BSTEMP.ID ") . "\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN b_iblock_element BE ON (BSE.IBLOCK_ELEMENT_ID=BE.ID\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND ((BE.WF_STATUS_ID=1 AND BE.WF_PARENT_ELEMENT_ID IS NULL )\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND BE.IBLOCK_ID = BS.IBLOCK_ID\n\t\t\t\t" . ($arFilter["CNT_ALL"] == "Y" ? " OR BE.WF_NEW='Y' " : "") . ")\n\t\t\t\t" . ($arFilter["CNT_ACTIVE"] == "Y" ? " AND BE.ACTIVE='Y'\n\t\t\t\t\tAND (BE.ACTIVE_TO >= " . $DB->CurrentTimeFunction() . " OR BE.ACTIVE_TO IS NULL)\n\t\t\t\t\tAND (BE.ACTIVE_FROM <= " . $DB->CurrentTimeFunction() . " OR BE.ACTIVE_FROM IS NULL)" : "") . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t" . $strProp1 . "\n\t\t\t\tWHERE 1=1\n\t\t\t\t" . ($arFilter["ELEMENT_SUBSECTIONS"] == "N" ? "\t" : "\tAND BSTEMP.IBLOCK_ID = BS.IBLOCK_ID\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND BSTEMP.LEFT_MARGIN >= BS.LEFT_MARGIN\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND BSTEMP.RIGHT_MARGIN <= BS.RIGHT_MARGIN ") . "\n\t\t\t\t" . $strSqlSearch . "\n\t\t\t";
         $strGroupBy = "GROUP BY BS.ID, B.ID";
     $arSqlOrder = array();
     foreach ($arOrder as $by => $order) {
         $by = strtolower($by);
         if (isset($arSqlOrder[$by])) {
         $order = strtolower($order);
         if ($order != "asc") {
             $order = "desc";
         if ($by == "id") {
             $arSqlOrder[$by] = " BS.ID " . $order . " ";
         } elseif ($by == "section") {
             $arSqlOrder[$by] = " BS.IBLOCK_SECTION_ID " . $order . " ";
         } elseif ($by == "name") {
             $arSqlOrder[$by] = " BS.NAME " . $order . " ";
         } elseif ($by == "code") {
             $arSqlOrder[$by] = " BS.CODE " . $order . " ";
         } elseif ($by == "active") {
             $arSqlOrder[$by] = " BS.ACTIVE " . $order . " ";
         } elseif ($by == "left_margin") {
             $arSqlOrder[$by] = " BS.LEFT_MARGIN " . $order . " ";
         } elseif ($by == "depth_level") {
             $arSqlOrder[$by] = " BS.DEPTH_LEVEL " . $order . " ";
         } elseif ($by == "sort") {
             $arSqlOrder[$by] = " BS.SORT " . $order . " ";
         } elseif ($by == "created") {
             $arSqlOrder[$by] = " BS.DATE_CREATE " . $order . " ";
         } elseif ($by == "created_by") {
             $arSqlOrder[$by] = " BS.CREATED_BY " . $order . " ";
         } elseif ($by == "modified_by") {
             $arSqlOrder[$by] = " BS.MODIFIED_BY " . $order . " ";
         } elseif ($bIncCnt && $by == "element_cnt") {
             $arSqlOrder[$by] = " ELEMENT_CNT " . $order . " ";
         } elseif (isset($obUserFieldsSql) && ($s = $obUserFieldsSql->GetOrder($by))) {
             $arSqlOrder[$by] = " " . $s . " " . $order . " ";
         } else {
             $by = "timestamp_x";
             $arSqlOrder[$by] = " BS.TIMESTAMP_X " . $order . " ";
     if (count($arSqlOrder) > 0) {
         $strSqlOrder = "\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY " . implode(", ", $arSqlOrder);
     } else {
         $strSqlOrder = "";
     if (is_array($arNavStartParams)) {
         $nTopCount = intval($arNavStartParams["nTopCount"]);
         if ($nTopCount > 0) {
             $res = $DB->Query($DB->TopSql("SELECT DISTINCT " . $strSelect . $strSql . $strGroupBy . $strSqlOrder, $nTopCount));
         } else {
             $res_cnt = $DB->Query("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT BS.ID) as C " . $strSql);
             $res_cnt = $res_cnt->Fetch();
             $res = new CDBResult();
             $res->NavQuery("SELECT DISTINCT " . $strSelect . $strSql . $strGroupBy . $strSqlOrder, $res_cnt["C"], $arNavStartParams);
     } else {
         $res = $DB->Query("SELECT DISTINCT " . $strSelect . $strSql . $strGroupBy . $strSqlOrder, false, "FILE: " . __FILE__ . "<br> LINE: " . __LINE__);
     $res = new CIBlockResult($res);
     if (isset($arFilter["IBLOCK_ID"]) && $arFilter["IBLOCK_ID"] > 0) {
         $res->SetUserFields($USER_FIELD_MANAGER->GetUserFields("IBLOCK_" . $arFilter["IBLOCK_ID"] . "_SECTION"));
     return $res;
Esempio n. 8
         $arAvailGroups[] = array("ID" => IntVal($ar_res["ID"]), "IBLOCK_SECTION_ID" => IntVal($ar_res["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"]), "NAME" => $ar_res["NAME"]);
 $arSectionIDs = array();
 foreach ($arAvailGroups as $key => $value) {
     $strTmpCat .= "<category id=\"" . $value["ID"] . "\"" . (IntVal($value["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"]) > 0 ? " parentId=\"" . $value["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"] . "\"" : "") . ">" . yandex_text2xml($value["NAME"], true) . "</category>\n";
     $arSectionIDs[] = $value["ID"];
 $filter = array("IBLOCK_ID" => $IBLOCK_ID, "ACTIVE_DATE" => "Y", "ACTIVE" => "Y");
 if (!$bAllSections) {
     $filter["INCLUDE_SUBSECTIONS"] = "Y";
     $filter["SECTION_ID"] = $arSectionIDs;
 $res = CIBlockElement::GetList(array(), $filter, false, false, $arSelect);
 $db_acc = new CIBlockResult($res);
 $total_sum = 0;
 $is_exists = false;
 $cnt = 0;
 while ($arAcc = $db_acc->GetNext()) {
     $str_QUANTITY = IntVal($arAcc["CATALOG_QUANTITY"]);
     if ($str_QUANTITY <= 0) {
         $str_QUANTITY = 1;
     $minPrice = 0;
     $minPriceRUR = 0;
     $minPriceGroup = 0;
     $minPriceCurrency = "";
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($arPTypes); $i++) {
         if (strlen($arAcc["CATALOG_CURRENCY_" . $arPTypes[$i]]) <= 0) {
Esempio n. 9
function GetCatalogProductTable($IBLOCK, $SECT_ID = false, $arOrder = array("sort" => "asc"), $cnt = 0)
    return false;
    $arFilter = array("IBLOCK_ID" => intval($IBLOCK), "ACTIVE" => "Y", "ACTIVE_DATE" => "Y");
    if ($SECT_ID !== false) {
        $arFilter["SECTION_ID"] = intval($SECT_ID);
    $res = CCatalogProduct::GetListEx($arOrder, $arFilter);
    $dbr = new CIBlockResult($res->result);
    if ($cnt > 0) {
    return $dbr;
if (strlen($strError) > 0) {
if ($arParams['IBLOCK_ID'] > 0) {
    $arrFilter["IBLOCK_ID"] = $arParams["IBLOCK_ID"];
    //	$GLOBALS["CACHE_MANAGER"]->RegisterTag("iblock_id_".$arParams["IBLOCK_ID"]);
    $arFilter = array("ID" => $arParams['IBLOCK_ID'], "TYPE" => "catalog", "SITE_ID" => SITE_ID);
    $obCache = new CPHPCache();
    if ($obCache->InitCache(36000, serialize($arFilter), "/iblock/catalog/top")) {
        $arIblock = $obCache->GetVars();
    } else {
        $arIBlock = array();
        $dbRes = CIBlock::GetList(array(), $arFilter);
        $dbRes = new CIBlockResult($dbRes);
        if (defined("BX_COMP_MANAGED_CACHE")) {
            global $CACHE_MANAGER;
            if ($arIBlock = $dbRes->GetNext()) {
                $CACHE_MANAGER->RegisterTag("iblock_id_" . $arParams["IBLOCK_ID"]);
        } else {
            if (!($arIBlock = $dbRes->GetNext())) {
                $arIBlock = array();
} else {
Esempio n. 11
if (CModule::IncludeModule("iblock")) {
    $arFilter = array("ACTIVE" => "Y", "GLOBAL_ACTIVE" => "Y", "IBLOCK_ID" => $arParams["IBLOCK_ID"]);
    if (strlen($arResult["VARIABLES"]["SECTION_CODE"]) > 0) {
        $arFilter["=CODE"] = $arResult["VARIABLES"]["SECTION_CODE"];
    } elseif ($arResult["VARIABLES"]["SECTION_ID"] > 0) {
        $arFilter["ID"] = $arResult["VARIABLES"]["SECTION_ID"];
    $obCache = new CPHPCache();
    if ($obCache->InitCache(36000, serialize($arFilter), "/iblock/catalog")) {
        $arCurSection = $obCache->GetVars();
    } else {
        $arCurSection = array();
        $dbRes = CIBlockSection::GetList(array(), $arFilter, false, array("ID"));
        $dbRes = new CIBlockResult($dbRes);
        if (defined("BX_COMP_MANAGED_CACHE")) {
            global $CACHE_MANAGER;
            if ($arCurSection = $dbRes->GetNext()) {
                $CACHE_MANAGER->RegisterTag("iblock_id_" . $arParams["IBLOCK_ID"]);
        } else {
            if (!($arCurSection = $dbRes->GetNext())) {
                $arCurSection = array();
Esempio n. 12
    if (isset($arParams["IBLOCK_TYPE_ID"])) {
        $arFilter = array("TYPE" => $arParams["IBLOCK_TYPE_ID"], "SITE_ID" => SITE_ID);
    } else {
        if (!CModule::IncludeModule('catalog')) {
            return array();
        $dbRes = CCatalog::GetList(array(), array('LID' => SITE_ID));
        $arFilter = array("ID" => array(), "SITE_ID" => SITE_ID);
        while ($arRes = $dbRes->Fetch()) {
            $arFilter["ID"][] = $arRes["IBLOCK_ID"];
    $dbIBlock = CIBlock::GetList(array('SORT' => 'ASC', 'ID' => 'DESC'), $arFilter);
    $dbIBlock = new CIBlockResult($dbIBlock);
    while ($arIBlock = $dbIBlock->GetNext()) {
        if (defined("BX_COMP_MANAGED_CACHE")) {
            $GLOBALS["CACHE_MANAGER"]->RegisterTag("iblock_id_" . $arIBlock["ID"]);
        if ($arIBlock["ACTIVE"] == "Y") {
            $arResult["IBLOCK_LIST"][$arIBlock['ID']] = $arIBlock;
    if (defined("BX_COMP_MANAGED_CACHE")) {
foreach ($arResult["IBLOCK_LIST"] as $arIBlock) {
    $aMenuLinksExt = $APPLICATION->IncludeComponent("bitrix:menu.sections", "", array("IS_SEF" => "Y", "SEF_BASE_URL" => "", "SECTION_PAGE_URL" => $arIBlock['SECTION_PAGE_URL'], "DETAIL_PAGE_URL" => $arIBlock['DETAIL_PAGE_URL'], "IBLOCK_TYPE" => $arIBlock['IBLOCK_TYPE_ID'], "IBLOCK_ID" => $arIBlock['ID'], "DEPTH_LEVEL" => "3", "CACHE_TYPE" => $arParams["CACHE_TYPE"], "CACHE_TIME" => $arParams["CACHE_TIME"]), false, array('HIDE_ICONS' => 'Y'));
Esempio n. 13
  * Processing request of the elements
  * @param \CIBlockResult $element
  * @return array
 protected function processingElementsResult($element)
     $arElement = $element;
     if ($this->arParams['RESULT_PROCESSING_MODE'] === 'EXTENDED') {
         $arElement = $element->GetFields();
         $arElement['PROPS'] = $element->GetProperties();
     } elseif (!empty($this->arParams['SELECT_PROPS'])) {
         foreach ($this->arParams['SELECT_PROPS'] as $propCode) {
             if (trim($propCode)) {
                 $arProp = explode('.', $propCode);
                 $propCode = array_shift($arProp);
                 $propValue = $element['PROPERTY_' . $propCode . '_VALUE'];
                 $propDescr = $element['PROPERTY_' . $propCode . '_DESCRIPTION'];
                 if ($propValue) {
                     $arElement['PROPS'][$propCode]['VALUE'] = $propValue;
                 if ($propDescr) {
                     $arElement['PROPS'][$propCode]['DESCRIPTION'] = $propDescr;
                 if (!empty($arElement['PROPS'][$propCode])) {
                     foreach ($arProp as $field) {
                         $arElement['PROPS'][$propCode]['LINKED'][$field] = $element['PROPERTY_' . $propCode . '_' . $field];
     if ($arElement = $this->prepareElementsResult($arElement)) {
         return $arElement;
     } else {
         return false;
Esempio n. 14
function GetIBlockLang($lang, $ID, $type = "")
    $res = CIBlock::GetList(array("sort" => "asc"), array("ID" => IntVal($ID), "TYPE" => $type, "LID" => $lang, "ACTIVE" => "Y"));
    $res = new CIBlockResult($res);
    return $arRes = $res->GetNext();