public function __construct($path, $model) { $this->model = $model; list($module, $form) = explode(".", $path, 2); $form_path = "application.modules.{$module}.forms.{$form}"; parent::__construct($form_path, $model); }
/** * Constructor */ public function __construct($content) { parent::__construct(); $this->content = $content; $save = isset($content['id']) ? 'save' : 'create'; $this->AddElement(new CFormElementHidden('id', array('value' => $content['id'])))->AddElement(new CFormElementText('title', array('value' => $content['title'])))->AddElement(new CFormElementText('key', array('value' => $content['key'])))->AddElement(new CFormElementTextarea('data', array('label' => 'Content:', 'value' => $content['data'])))->AddElement(new CFormElementText('type', array('value' => $content['type'])))->AddElement(new CFormElementText('filter', array('value' => $content['filter'])))->AddElement(new CFormElementSubmit($save, array('callback' => array($this, 'DoSave'), 'callback-args' => array($content))))->AddElement(new CFormElementSubmit('delete', array('callback' => array($this, 'DoDelete'), 'callback-args' => array($content)))); $this->SetValidation('title', array('not_empty'))->SetValidation('key', array('not_empty')); }
function __construct(&$ZBX_CONFIG) { $this->DISABLE_NEXT_BUTTON = false; $this->ZBX_CONFIG =& $ZBX_CONFIG; $this->stage = array(0 => array('title' => '1. Introduction', 'fnc' => 'stage0'), 1 => array('title' => '2. Licence Agreement', 'fnc' => 'stage1'), 2 => array('title' => '3. Check of pre-requisites', 'fnc' => 'stage2'), 3 => array('title' => '4. Configure DB connection', 'fnc' => 'stage3'), 4 => array('title' => '5. ZABBIX server details', 'fnc' => 'stage4'), 5 => array('title' => '6. Pre-Installation Summary', 'fnc' => 'stage5'), 6 => array('title' => '7. Install', 'fnc' => 'stage6'), 7 => array('title' => '8. Finish', 'fnc' => 'stage7')); $this->EventHandler(); parent::__construct(null, 'post'); }
/** Create all form elements and validation rules in the constructor. * */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $items = array('tomato', 'potato', 'apple', 'pear', 'banana'); $shoppingcart = array('potato', 'pear'); $this->AddElement(new CFormElementCheckboxMultiple('items', array('values' => $items, 'checked' => $shoppingcart))); $this->AddElement(new CFormElementSubmit('submit', array('callback' => array($this, 'DoSubmit')))); }
function __construct(&$ZBX_CONFIG) { $this->DISABLE_NEXT_BUTTON = false; $this->ZBX_CONFIG =& $ZBX_CONFIG; $this->stage = array(0 => array('title' => '1. Welcome', 'fnc' => 'stage1'), 1 => array('title' => '2. Check of pre-requisites', 'fnc' => 'stage2'), 2 => array('title' => '3. Configure DB connection', 'fnc' => 'stage3'), 3 => array('title' => '4. Zabbix server details', 'fnc' => 'stage4'), 4 => array('title' => '5. Pre-Installation summary', 'fnc' => 'stage5'), 5 => array('title' => '6. Install', 'fnc' => 'stage6')); $this->eventHandler(); parent::__construct('post'); }
/** Create all form elements and validation rules in the constructor. * */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $items = array('tomato', 'potato', 'apple', 'pear', 'banana'); $shoppingcart = array('potato', 'pear'); foreach ($items as $item) { $this->AddElement(new CFormElementCheckbox($item, array('value' => $item, 'label' => $item, 'checked' => in_array($item, $shoppingcart)))); } $this->AddElement(new CFormElementSubmit('submit', array('callback' => array($this, 'DoSubmit')))); }
public function __construct($title = null, $action = null, $method = null, $enctype = null, $form_variable = null) { $method = is_null($method) ? 'post' : $method; parent::__construct($method, $action, $enctype); $this->setTitle($title); $form_variable = is_null($form_variable) ? 'form' : $form_variable; $this->addVar($form_variable, get_request($form_variable, 1)); $this->bottom_items = new CCol(SPACE, 'form_row_last'); $this->bottom_items->setColSpan(2); }
/** * Constructor * */ public function create($successCallback, $values = null) { parent::__construct(); $message = $values ? $values['message'] : ""; $email = $values ? $values['email'] : ""; $name = $values ? $values['name'] : ""; $id = $values ? $values['id'] : ""; $this->AddElement(new CFormElementText('message', ['value' => $message]))->AddElement(new CFormElementText('name', ['value' => $name]))->AddElement(new CFormElementText('email', ['value' => $email]))->AddElement(new CFormElementHidden('id', ['value' => $id]))->AddElement(new CFormElementSubmit('submit', array('callback' => $successCallback)))->AddElement(new CFormElementSubmit('submit-fail', array('callback' => array($this, 'DoSubmitFail')))); return $this; }
function __construct() { $this->DISABLE_CANCEL_BUTTON = false; $this->DISABLE_BACK_BUTTON = false; $this->SHOW_RETRY_BUTTON = false; $this->STEP_FAILED = false; $this->frontendSetup = new CFrontendSetup(); $this->stage = [0 => ['title' => _('Welcome'), 'fnc' => 'stage0'], 1 => ['title' => _('Check of pre-requisites'), 'fnc' => 'stage1'], 2 => ['title' => _('Configure DB connection'), 'fnc' => 'stage2'], 3 => ['title' => _('Zabbix server details'), 'fnc' => 'stage3'], 4 => ['title' => _('Pre-installation summary'), 'fnc' => 'stage4'], 5 => ['title' => _('Install'), 'fnc' => 'stage5']]; $this->eventHandler(); parent::__construct('post'); }
/** * Constructor * */ public function create($successCallback, $user = null) { parent::__construct(); $acronym = $user ? $user->acronym : ""; $email = $user ? $user->email : ""; $name = $user ? $user->name : ""; $id = $user ? $user->id : ""; $password = $user ? $user->password : ""; $this->AddElement(new CFormElementText('acronym', ['value' => $acronym]))->AddElement(new CFormElementText('name', ['value' => $name]))->AddElement(new CFormElementText('email', ['value' => $email]))->AddElement(new CFormElementHidden('id', ['value' => $id]))->AddElement(new CFormElementPassword('password', ['value' => $password]))->AddElement(new CFormElementSubmit('submit', array('callback' => $successCallback)))->AddElement(new CFormElementSubmit('submit-fail', array('callback' => array($this, 'DoSubmitFail')))); return $this; }
public function __construct($config, $model = null, $parent = null) { $side = Yii::app()->controller instanceof AdminController ? 'admin' : 'client'; if ($this->back_button_show === null) { $this->back_button_show = $side == 'admin'; } if (is_string($config)) { $config = self::getFullAlias($config); } parent::__construct($config, $model, $parent); $this->addAttributesToButtons(); }
/** Create all form elements and validation rules in the constructor. * */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); /* $this->AddElement(new CFormElementText('name', array('label'=>'Name of contact person:', 'required'=>true))) ->AddElement(new CFormElementText('email', array('required'=>true))) ->AddElement(new CFormElementText('phone', array('required'=>true))); */ $this->AddElement(new CFormElementCheckbox('accept_mail', array('label' => 'It´s great if you send me product information by mail.', 'checked' => false)))->AddElement(new CFormElementCheckbox('accept_phone', array('label' => 'You may call me to try and sell stuff.', 'checked' => true)))->AddElement(new CFormElementCheckbox('accept_agreement', array('label' => 'You must accept the <a href=>license agreement</a>.', 'required' => true)))->AddElement(new CFormElementSubmit('submit', array('callback' => array($this, 'DoSubmit'))))->AddElement(new CFormElementSubmit('submit-fail', array('callback' => array($this, 'DoSubmitFail')))); /*$this->SetValidation('name', array('not_empty')) ->SetValidation('email', array('not_empty')) ->SetValidation('phone', array('not_empty', 'numeric')); */ $this->SetValidation('accept_agreement', array('must_accept')); }
public function __construct($config, $model = null, $parent = null) { if ($this->side == null) { $this->side = Yii::app()->controller instanceof AdminController ? 'admin' : 'client'; } if ($this->inputElementClass == null) { $this->inputElementClass = ucfirst($this->side) . 'FormInputElement'; } if (is_string($config)) { $config = self::getFullAlias($config); } parent::__construct($config, $model, $parent); $this->addAttributesToButtons(); $this->formatDateAttributes(); }
/** Create all form elements and validation rules in the constructor. * */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $tests = array('not_empty' => 'not_empty', 'numeric' => 'numeric', 'mail_address' => 'mail_address'); $testKeys = array_keys($tests); $this->AddElement(new CFormElementText('Enter-a-value', array()))->AddElement(new CFormElementCheckboxMultiple('items', array('description' => 'Choose the validation rules to use.', 'values' => $testKeys, 'checked' => null)))->AddElement(new CFormElementSubmit('submit', array('callback' => array($this, 'DoSubmit')))); if (!empty($_POST['items'])) { $validation = array(); foreach ($_POST['items'] as $val) { $validation[] = $tests[$val]; } //echo "<pre>" . print_r($validation, true) . "</pre>"; $this->SetValidation('Enter-a-value', $validation); } }
public function __construct($title = null, $action = null, $method = null, $enctype = null, $form_variable = null) { $this->top_items = array(); $this->center_items = array(); $this->bottom_items = array(); $this->tableclass = 'formtable'; if (null == $method) { $method = 'post'; } if (null == $form_variable) { $form_variable = 'form'; } parent::__construct($action, $method, $enctype); $this->setTitle($title); $this->setAlign('center'); $this->setHelp(); $this->addVar($form_variable, get_request($form_variable, 1)); $this->addVar('form_refresh', get_request('form_refresh', 0) + 1); $this->bottom_items = new CCol(SPACE, 'form_row_last'); $this->bottom_items->setColSpan(2); }
/** Create all form elements and validation rules in the constructor. * */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->AddElement(new CFormElementText('name'))->AddElement(new CFormElementText('email'))->AddElement(new CFormElementText('phone'))->AddElement(new CFormElementSubmit('submit', array('callback' => array($this, 'DoSubmit')))); }
/** * Constructor */ public function __construct($object) { parent::__construct(); $this->AddElement(new CFormElementText('acronym'))->AddElement(new CFormElementPassword('password'))->AddElement(new CFormElementSubmit('login', array('callback' => array($object, 'DoLogin')))); $this->SetValidation('acronym', array('not_empty'))->SetValidation('password', array('not_empty')); }
/** * Form to create a new user. * * @param CUser $user the user object. */ public function CreateUserCreate($user) { parent::__construct(); $this->AddElement(new CFormElementText('acronym', array('required' => true)))->AddElement(new CFormElementPassword('password1', array('required' => true, 'label' => 'Password:'******'password2', array('required' => true, 'label' => 'Password again:')))->AddElement(new CFormElementText('name', array('required' => true)))->AddElement(new CFormElementText('email', array('required' => true)))->AddElement(new CFormElementSubmit('create', array('callback' => array($this, 'DoCreate'), 'callback-args' => array($user)))); $this->SetValidation('acronym', array('not_empty'))->SetValidation('password1', array('not_empty'))->SetValidation('password2', array('not_empty', 'match' => 'password1'))->SetValidation('name', array('not_empty'))->SetValidation('email', array('not_empty')); }
/** * Constructor */ public function __construct($object) { parent::__construct(); $this->AddElement(new CFormElementText('acronym', array('required' => true)))->AddElement(new CFormElementPassword('password', array('required' => true)))->AddElement(new CFormElementPassword('password1', array('required' => true, 'label' => 'Password again:')))->AddElement(new CFormElementText('name', array('required' => true)))->AddElement(new CFormElementText('email', array('required' => true)))->AddElement(new CFormElementSubmit('create', array('callback' => array($object, 'DoCreate')))); $this->SetValidation('acronym', array('not_empty'))->SetValidation('password', array('not_empty'))->SetValidation('password1', array('not_empty'))->SetValidation('name', array('not_empty'))->SetValidation('email', array('not_empty')); }
/** Create all form elements and validation rules in the constructor. * */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->AddElement(new CFormElementText('name'))->AddElement(new CFormElementText('email'))->AddElement(new CFormElementText('phone'))->AddElement(new CFormElementSubmit('submit', array('callback' => array($this, 'DoSubmit'))))->AddElement(new CFormElementSubmit('submit-fail', array('callback' => array($this, 'DoSubmitFail')))); $this->SetValidation('name', array('not_empty'))->SetValidation('email', array('not_empty'))->SetValidation('phone', array('not_empty', 'numeric')); }
/** * Constructor Method * * @access public * @param string|array $config * @param CModel $model * @param CBaseController|CForm $parent * @return void */ public function __construct($config, $model = null, $parent = null) { parent::__construct($config, $model, $parent); \application\components\EventManager::attach($this); }
/** * Constructor. * @param mixed $parent the direct parent of this form. This could be either a {@link CBaseController} * @param mixed $config the configuration for this form. It can be a configuration array * @param CModel $model the model object associated with this form. If it is null, * @param mixed $key */ public function __construct($config, $model, $parent = null, $key = null) { $this->_key = $key; parent::__construct($config, $model, $parent); }
/** * Constructor */ public function __construct($object, $user) { parent::__construct(); $this->AddElement(new CFormElementText('acronym', array('readonly' => true, 'value' => $user['acronym'])))->AddElement(new CFormElementPassword('password'))->AddElement(new CFormElementPassword('password1', array('label' => 'Password again:')))->AddElement(new CFormElementSubmit('change_password', array('callback' => array($object, 'DoChangePassword'))))->AddElement(new CFormElementText('name', array('value' => $user['name'], 'required' => true)))->AddElement(new CFormElementText('email', array('value' => $user['email'], 'required' => true)))->AddElement(new CFormElementSubmit('save', array('callback' => array($object, 'DoProfileSave')))); $this->SetValidation('name', array('not_empty'))->SetValidation('email', array('not_empty')); }
public function __construct($oDBTable, $sAction = '.', $aFormFields = array()) { parent::__construct($sAction, $aFormFields); $this->_oDBTable = $oDBTable; $this->addFieldsFromDBTable($this->_oDBTable); }
/** Create all form elements and validation rules in the constructor. * */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->AddElement(new CFormElementText('name', array('label' => 'Name of contact person:', 'required' => true)))->AddElement(new CFormElementText('email', array('required' => true)))->AddElement(new CFormElementText('phone', array('required' => true)))->AddElement(new CFormElementSubmit('submit', array('callback' => array($this, 'DoSubmit'))))->AddElement(new CFormElementSubmit('submit-fail', array('callback' => array($this, 'DoSubmitFail')))); $this->SetValidation('name', array('not_empty'))->SetValidation('email', array('not_empty'))->SetValidation('phone', array('not_empty', 'numeric')); }
/** * Constructor */ public function __construct($object) { parent::__construct(); $this->objecyt = $object; $this->AddElement(new CFormElementTextarea('data', array('label' => 'Add entry:')))->AddElement(new CFormElementSubmit('add', array('callback' => array($this, 'DoAdd'), 'callback-args' => array($object)))); }