  * @return bool
 protected function isAuthorized()
     if (!$this->isFromShortCode) {
         return $this->plugin->canUserDoRoleOption('CanSeeSubmitData');
     } else {
         $isAuth = $this->plugin->canUserDoRoleOption('CanSeeSubmitDataViaShortcode');
         if ($isAuth && isset($this->options['role'])) {
             $isAuth = $this->plugin->isUserRoleEqualOrBetterThan($this->options['role']);
         return $isAuth;
    function display(&$plugin)
        if ($plugin == null) {
            $plugin = new CF7DBPlugin();
        $canEdit = $plugin->canUserDoRoleOption('CanChangeSubmitData');
        global $wpdb;
        $tableName = $plugin->getSubmitsTableName();
        $useDataTables = $plugin->getOption('UseDataTablesJS', 'true', true) == 'true';
        $tableHtmlId = 'cf2dbtable';
        // Identify which forms have data in the database
        $formsList = $plugin->getForms();
        if (count($formsList) == 0) {
            echo htmlspecialchars(__('No form submissions in the database', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'));
        $page = 1;
        if (isset($_REQUEST['dbpage'])) {
            $page = $this->getRequestParam('dbpage');
        $currSelection = null;
        if (isset($_REQUEST['form_name'])) {
            $currSelection = $this->getRequestParam('form_name');
        } else {
            if (isset($_REQUEST['form'])) {
                $currSelection = $this->getRequestParam('form');
        if ($currSelection) {
            $currSelection = stripslashes($currSelection);
            $currSelection = html_entity_decode($currSelection);
        $currSelectionEscaped = htmlentities($currSelection, null, 'UTF-8');
        // If there is only one form in the DB, select that by default
        if (!$currSelection && count($formsList) == 1) {
            $currSelection = $formsList[0];
            // Bug fix: Need to set this so the Editor plugin can reference it
            $_REQUEST['form_name'] = $formsList[0];
        if ($currSelection) {
            // Check for delete operation
            if (isset($_POST['cfdbdel']) && $canEdit && wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST['_wpnonce'])) {
                if (isset($_POST['submit_time'])) {
                    $submitTime = $_POST['submit_time'];
                    $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("delete from `{$tableName}` where `form_name` = '%s' and `submit_time` = %F", $currSelection, $submitTime));
                } else {
                    if (isset($_POST['all'])) {
                        $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("delete from `{$tableName}` where `form_name` = '%s'", $currSelection));
                    } else {
                        foreach ($_POST as $name => $value) {
                            // checkboxes
                            if ($value == 'row') {
                                // Dots and spaces in variable names are converted to underscores. For example <input name="a.b" /> becomes $_REQUEST["a_b"].
                                // http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.variables.external.php
                                // We are expecting a time value like '1300728460.6626' but will instead get '1300728460_6626'
                                // so we need to put the '.' back in before going to the DB.
                                $name = str_replace('_', '.', $name);
                                $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("delete from `{$tableName}` where `form_name` = '%s' and `submit_time` = %F", $currSelection, $name));
            } else {
                if (isset($_POST['delete_wpcf7']) && $canEdit && wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST['_wpnonce'])) {
        // Form selection drop-down list
        $pluginDirUrl = $plugin->getPluginDirUrl();
    <table width="100%" cellspacing="20">
            <td align="left" valign="top">
                <form method="get" action="<?php 
        echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
" name="displayform" id="displayform">
                    <input type="hidden" name="page" value="<?php 
        echo htmlspecialchars($this->getRequestParam('page'));
                    <select name="form_name" id="form_name" onchange="this.form.submit();">
                        <option value=""><?php 
        echo htmlspecialchars(__('* Select a form *', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'));
        foreach ($formsList as $formName) {
            $selected = $formName == $currSelection ? "selected" : "";
            $formNameEscaped = htmlentities($formName, null, 'UTF-8');
                        <option value="<?php 
            echo $formNameEscaped;
" <?php 
            echo $selected;
            echo $formNameEscaped;
            <td align="center" valign="top">
        if ($currSelection) {
                <script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript">
                    function changeDbPage(page) {
                        var newdiv = document.createElement('div');
                        newdiv.innerHTML = "<input id='dbpage' name='dbpage' type='hidden' value='" + page + "'>";
                        var dispForm = document.forms['displayform'];
                    function getSearchFieldValue() {
                        var searchVal = '';
                        if (typeof jQuery == 'function') {
                            try {
                                searchVal = jQuery('#<?php 
            echo $tableHtmlId;
_filter input').val();
                            catch (e) {
                        return searchVal;
                    function exportData(encSelect) {
                        var enc = encSelect.options[encSelect.selectedIndex].value;
                        var url;
                        if (enc == 'GSS') {
                            if (typeof jQuery == 'function') {
                                try {
                                    jQuery("#GoogleCredentialsDialog").dialog({ autoOpen: false, title: '<?php 
            echo htmlspecialchars(__("Google Login for Upload", 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'));
' });
                                catch (e) {
                                    alert('Error: ' + e.message);
                            else {
            echo htmlspecialchars(__('Cannot perform operation because jQuery is not loaded in this page', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'));
                        else if (enc == 'GLD') {
            echo htmlspecialchars(__('You will now be navigated to the builder page where it will generate a function to place in your Google Spreadsheet', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'));
                            url = '<?php 
            echo $plugin->getAdminUrlPrefix('admin.php');
            echo urlencode($currSelection);
&enc=' + enc;
                            location.href = url;
                        else {
                            url = '<?php 
            echo $plugin->getAdminUrlPrefix('admin-ajax.php');
            echo urlencode($currSelection);
&enc=' + enc;
                            var searchVal = getSearchFieldValue();
                            if (searchVal != null && searchVal != "") {
                                url += '&search=' + encodeURIComponent(searchVal);
                            location.href = url;
                    function uploadGoogleSS() {
                        var key = '3fde789a';
                        var guser = printHex(des(key, jQuery('#guser').attr('value'), 1));
                        var gpwd = printHex(des(key, jQuery('#gpwd').attr('value'), 1));
                        var form = document.createElement("form");
                        form.setAttribute("method", 'POST');
                        var url = '<?php 
            echo $pluginDirUrl;
            echo urlencode($currSelection);
                        var searchVal = getSearchFieldValue();
                        if (searchVal != null && searchVal != "") {
                            url += '&search=' + encodeURI(searchVal);
                        form.setAttribute("action", url);
                        var params = {guser: encodeURI(guser), gpwd: encodeURI(gpwd)};
                        for (var pkey in params) {
                            var hiddenField = document.createElement("input");
                            hiddenField.setAttribute("type", "hidden");
                            hiddenField.setAttribute("name", pkey);
                            hiddenField.setAttribute("value", params[pkey]);
                <form name="exportcsv" action="<?php 
            echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
                    <input type="hidden" name="unbuffered" value="true"/>
                    <select size="1" name="enc">
                        <option id="IQY" value="IQY">
            echo htmlspecialchars(__('Excel Internet Query', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'));
                        <option id="CSVUTF8BOM" value="CSVUTF8BOM">
            echo htmlspecialchars(__('Excel CSV (UTF8-BOM)', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'));
                        <option id="TSVUTF16LEBOM" value="TSVUTF16LEBOM">
            echo htmlspecialchars(__('Excel TSV (UTF16LE-BOM)', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'));
                        <option id="CSVUTF8" value="CSVUTF8">
            echo htmlspecialchars(__('Plain CSV (UTF-8)', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'));
                        <option id="CSVSJIS" value="CSVSJIS">
            echo htmlspecialchars(__('Excel CSV for Japanese (Shift-JIS)', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'));
                        <option id="GSS" value="GSS">
            echo htmlspecialchars(__('Google Spreadsheet', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'));
                        <option id="GLD" value="GLD">
            echo htmlspecialchars(__('Google Spreadsheet Live Data', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'));
                        <option id="HTML" value="HTML">
            echo htmlspecialchars(__('HTML', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'));
                        <option id="JSON" value="JSON">
            echo htmlspecialchars(__('JSON', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'));
                    <input name="exportButton" type="button"
            echo htmlspecialchars(__('Export', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'));
                    <span style="font-size: x-small;"><br /><?php 
            echo '<a href="admin.php?page=' . $plugin->getShortCodeBuilderPageSlug() . '">' . __('Advanced Export', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension') . '</a>';
            <td align="right" valign="top">
        if ($currSelection && $canEdit) {
                <form action="<?php 
            echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
" method="post">
                    <input name="form_name" type="hidden" value="<?php 
            echo $currSelectionEscaped;
                    <input name="all" type="hidden" value="y"/>
                    <input name="cfdbdel" type="submit"
            echo htmlspecialchars(__('Delete All This Form\'s Records', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'));
                           onclick="return confirm('<?php 
            echo htmlspecialchars(__('Are you sure you want to delete all the data for this form?', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'));
                    <form action="<?php 
            echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
" method="post">
                        <input name="form_name" type="hidden" value="<?php 
            echo $currSelectionEscaped;
                        <input name="delete_wpcf7" type="submit"
            echo htmlspecialchars(__('Remove _wpcf7 columns', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'));
        if ($currSelection && $canEdit && $useDataTables) {
            <td align="left" colspan="3">
                <span id="edit_controls">
                    <a href="http://cfdbplugin.com/?page_id=459" target="_cfdbedit"><?php 
            echo htmlspecialchars(__('Edit Data Mode', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'));

        if ($currSelection) {
            // Show table of form data
            if ($useDataTables) {
                $i18nUrl = $plugin->getDataTableTranslationUrl();
                // Work out the datatable menu for number or rows shown
                $maxVisible = $plugin->getOption('MaxVisibleRows', -1);
                if (!is_numeric($maxVisible)) {
                    $maxVisible = -1;
                $menuJS = $this->createDatatableLengthMenuJavascriptString($maxVisible);
                $sScrollX = $plugin->getOption('HorizontalScroll', 'true', true) == 'true' ? '"100%"' : '""';
            <script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript">
                var oTable;
                jQuery(document).ready(function() {
                    oTable = jQuery('#<?php 
                echo $tableHtmlId;
').dataTable({ <?php 
                // "sDom": 'Rlfrtip', // ColReorder
                        "bJQueryUI": true,
                        "aaSorting": [],
                        //"sScrollY": "400",
                        "bScrollCollapse": true,
                        "sScrollX": <?php 
                echo $sScrollX;
                        "iDisplayLength": <?php 
                echo $maxVisible;
                        "aLengthMenu": <?php 
                echo $menuJS;
                if ($i18nUrl) {
                    echo ", \"oLanguage\": { \"sUrl\":  \"{$i18nUrl}\" }";
                if ($canEdit) {
                    do_action_ref_array('cfdb_edit_fnDrawCallbackJSON', array($tableHtmlId));
                    jQuery('th[id="delete_th"]').unbind('click'); <?php 
                // Don't sort delete column

            if ($canEdit) {
        <form action="<?php 
                echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
" method="post">
            <input name="form_name" type="hidden" value="<?php 
                echo $currSelectionEscaped;
                <input name="cfdbdel" type="hidden" value="rows"/>
            $exporter = new ExportToHtmlTable();
            $dbRowCount = $exporter->getDBRowCount($currSelection);
            $maxRows = $plugin->getOption('MaxRows', '100', true);
            $startRow = $this->paginationDiv($plugin, $dbRowCount, $maxRows, $page);
            <div <?php 
            if (!$useDataTables) {
                echo 'style="overflow:auto; max-height:500px; max-width:500px; min-width:75px"';
            // Pick up any options that the user enters in the URL.
            // This will include extraneous "form_name" and "page" GET params which are in the URL
            // for this admin page
            $options = array_merge($_POST, $_GET);
            $options['canDelete'] = $canEdit;
            if ($maxRows) {
                $options['limit'] = $startRow - 1 . ',' . $maxRows;
            if ($useDataTables) {
                $options['id'] = $tableHtmlId;
                $options['class'] = '';
                $options['style'] = "#{$tableHtmlId} {padding:0;} #{$tableHtmlId} td > div { max-height: 100px;  min-width:75px; overflow: auto; font-size: small;}";
                // don't let cells get too tall
            $exporter->export($currSelection, $options);
            if ($canEdit) {
        <script type="text/javascript">
            (function ($) {
                var url = "admin.php?page=<?php 
        echo $plugin->getDBPageSlug();
        echo urlencode($currSelection);
                $('td[title="Submitted"] div').each(
                        function () {
                            var submitTime = $(this).attr('id').split(",");
                            $(this).html('<a target="_cfdb_entry" href="' + url + submitTime[0] + '">' + $(this).html() + '</a>');
        <div style="margin-top:1em"> <?php 
        // Footer
        <table style="width:100%;">
                <td align="center" colspan="4">
                    <span style="font-size:x-small; font-style: italic;">
        echo htmlspecialchars(__('Did you know: This plugin captures data from these plugins:', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'));
                        <a target="_cf7" href="https://wordpress.org/plugins/contact-form-7/">Contact Form 7</a>,
                        <a target="_fscf" href="https://wordpress.org/plugins/si-contact-form/">Fast Secure Contact Form</a>,
                        <a target="_jetpack" href="https://wordpress.org/plugins/jetpack/">JetPack Contact Form</a>,
                        <a target="_gravityforms" href="http://www.gravityforms.com">Gravity Forms</a>,
                        <a target="_wr" href="https://wordpress.org/plugins/wr-contactform/">WR ContactForm</a>,
                        <a target="_formidable" href="https://wordpress.org/plugins/formidable/">Formidable Forms (BETA)</a>,
                        <a target="_quform" href="http://codecanyon.net/item/quform-wordpress-form-builder/706149/">Quform (BETA)</a>,
                        <a target="_ninjaforms" href="https://wordpress.org/plugins/ninja-forms/">Ninja Forms (BETA)</a>,
                        <a target="_caldera" href="https://wordpress.org/plugins/caldera-forms/">Caldera Forms (BETA)</a>
                        <a target="_cf2" href="https://wordpress.org/plugins/cforms2/">CFormsII Forms (BETA)</a>
                <td align="center" colspan="4">
                    <span style="font-size:x-small; font-style: italic;">
        echo htmlspecialchars(__('Did you know: You can add this data to your posts and pages using these shortcodes:', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'));
                        <a target="_faq" href="http://cfdbplugin.com/?page_id=284">[cfdb-html]</a>
                        <a target="_faq" href="http://cfdbplugin.com/?page_id=91">[cfdb-datatable]</a>
                        <a target="_faq" href="http://cfdbplugin.com/?page_id=93">[cfdb-table]</a>
                        <a target="_faq" href="http://cfdbplugin.com/?page_id=98">[cfdb-value]</a>
                        <a target="_faq" href="http://cfdbplugin.com/?page_id=278">[cfdb-count]</a>
                        <a target="_faq" href="http://cfdbplugin.com/?page_id=96">[cfdb-json]</a>
                <td align="center" colspan="4">
                        <span style="font-size:x-small; font-style: italic;">
        echo htmlspecialchars(__('Would you like to help translate this plugin into your language?', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'));
                            <a target="_i18n"
        echo htmlspecialchars(__('How to create a translation', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'));
        if ($currSelection && 'true' == $plugin->getOption('ShowQuery', 'false', true)) {
        <div id="query" style="margin: 20px; border: dotted #d3d3d3 1pt;">
            echo htmlspecialchars(__('Query:', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'));
            echo $exporter->getPivotQuery($currSelection);
        if ($currSelection) {
        <div id="GoogleCredentialsDialog" style="display:none; background-color:#EEEEEE;">
                    <td><label for="guser">User</label></td>
                    <td><input id="guser" type="text" size="25" value="@gmail.com"/></td>
                    <td><label for="gpwd">Password</label></td>
                    <td><input id="gpwd" type="password" size="25" value=""/></td>
                        <input type="button" value="<?php 
            echo htmlspecialchars(__('Cancel', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'));
                        <input type="button" value="<?php 
            echo htmlspecialchars(__('Upload', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'));
        <script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript">
            var addColumnLabelText = '<?php 
            echo htmlspecialchars(__('Add Column', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'));
            var deleteColumnLabelText = '<?php 
            echo htmlspecialchars(__('Delete Column', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'));
            do_action_ref_array('cfdb_edit_setup', array($plugin));
    public function export($formName, $options = null)
        $plugin = new CF7DBPlugin();
        if (!$plugin->canUserDoRoleOption('CanSeeSubmitData')) {
            CFDBDie::wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'));
        header('Expires: 0');
        header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate');
        $pluginUrlDir = $plugin->getPluginDirUrl();
        $scriptLink = $pluginUrlDir . 'CFDBGoogleSSLiveData.php';
        $imageUrlDir = $pluginUrlDir . "help";
        $siteUrl = get_option('home');
        $userName = is_user_logged_in() ? wp_get_current_user()->user_login : '******';
        <style type="text/css">
            *.popup-trigger {
                position: relative;
                z-index: 0;

            *.popup-trigger:hover {
                background-color: transparent;
                z-index: 50;

            *.popup-content {
                position: absolute!important;
                background-color: #ffffff;
                padding: 5px;
                border: 2px gray;
                visibility: hidden!important;
                color: black;
                text-decoration: none;
                overflow: auto;

            *.popup-trigger:hover *.popup-content {
                visibility: visible!important;
                top: 50px!important;
                left: 50px!important;
        _e('Setting up a Google Spreadsheet to pull in data from WordPress requires these manual steps:', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension');
        <table cellspacing="15px" cellpadding="15px">
                    <div class="popup-trigger">
                        <a href="<?php 
        echo $imageUrlDir;
                            <img src="<?php 
        echo $imageUrlDir;
/GoogleNewSS.png" alt="Create a new spreadsheet" height="100px" width="61px"/>

                            <div class="popup-content">
                                <img src="<?php 
        echo $imageUrlDir;
/GoogleNewSS.png" alt="Create a new spreadsheet" height="75%" width="75%"/>
        _e('Log into Google Docs and create a new Google Spreadsheet', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension');
                    <div class="popup-trigger">
                        <a href="<?php 
        echo $imageUrlDir;
                            <img src="<?php 
        echo $imageUrlDir;
/GoogleOpenScriptEditor.png" alt="Create a new spreadsheet" height="69px" width="100px"/>

                            <div class="popup-content">
                                <img src="<?php 
        echo $imageUrlDir;
/GoogleOpenScriptEditor.png" alt="Create a new spreadsheet" height="75%" width="75%"/>
        _e('Go to <strong>Tools</strong> menu -> <strong>Script Editor...', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension');
                    <div class="popup-trigger">
                        <a href="<?php 
        echo $imageUrlDir;
                            <img src="<?php 
        echo $imageUrlDir;
/GoogleChooseSpreadsheet.png" alt="Choose Spreadsheet" height="69px" width="100px"/>

                            <div class="popup-content">
                                <img src="<?php 
        echo $imageUrlDir;
/GoogleChooseSpreadsheet.png" alt="GoogleChooseSpreadsheet Spreadsheet" height="75%" width="75%"/>
        _e('Choose <strong>Spreadsheet</strong>', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension');
                    <div class="popup-trigger">
                        <a href="<?php 
        echo $imageUrlDir;
                            <img src="<?php 
        echo $imageUrlDir;
/GooglePasteScriptEditor.png" alt="Paste script text" height="68px" width="100px"/>

                            <div class="popup-content">
                                <img src="<?php 
        echo $imageUrlDir;
/GooglePasteScriptEditor.png" alt="Paste script text" height="75%" width="75%"/>
        _e('Delete any text that is already there', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension');
        _e('<strong>Copy</strong> the text from ', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension');
                        <a target="_gscript" href="<?php 
        echo $scriptLink;
        _e('THIS SCRIPT FILE', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension');
        _e('and <strong>paste</strong> it into the Google script editor', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension');
                    <div class="popup-trigger">
                        <a href="<?php 
        echo $imageUrlDir;
                            <img src="<?php 
        echo $imageUrlDir;
/GoogleSaveScriptEditor.png" alt="Create a new spreadsheet" height="100px" width="83px"/>

                            <div class="popup-content">
                                <img src="<?php 
        echo $imageUrlDir;
/GoogleSaveScriptEditor.png" alt="Create a new spreadsheet" height="75%" width="75%"/>
        _e('<strong>Save</strong> the script', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension');
                    <div class="popup-trigger">
                        <a href="<?php 
        echo $imageUrlDir;
                            <img src="<?php 
        echo $imageUrlDir;
/GoogleEnterFormula.png" alt="Create a new spreadsheet" height="43px" width="100px"/>

                            <div class="popup-content">
                                <img src="<?php 
        echo $imageUrlDir;
/GoogleEnterFormula.png" alt="Create a new spreadsheet" height="75%" width="75%"/>
        _e('Click on a cell A1 in the Spreadsheet (or any cell)', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension');
        _e('Enter in the cell the formula:', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension');
                        <br/><span style="background-color: yellow"><code><?php 
        echo "=cfdbdata(\"{$siteUrl}\", \"{$formName}\", \"{$userName}\", \"&lt;password&gt;\")";
        _e('Replace <strong>&lt;password&gt;</strong> with your <em>WordPress</em> password', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension');
        $scBuilderPageUrl = $siteUrl . '/wp-admin/admin.php?page=CF7DBPluginShortCodeBuilder&enc=GLD&form=' . urlencode($formName);
                        <a href="<?php 
        echo $scBuilderPageUrl;
" target="sc"><?php 
        _e('Customize the output by creating a Google Spreadsheet Function call with additional options', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension');
        <span style="color:red; font-weight:bold;">
            WARNING: since you are putting your login information into the Google Spreadsheet, be sure not to share
        the spreadsheet with others.</span>
        $html = ob_get_contents();
        CFDBDie::wp_die($html, __('How to Set up Google Spreadsheet to pull data from WordPress', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'), array('response' => 200, 'back_link' => true));
    public function export($formName, $options = null)
        $plugin = new CF7DBPlugin();
        if (!$plugin->canUserDoRoleOption('CanSeeSubmitData')) {
            CFDBDie::wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'));
        header('Expires: 0');
        header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate');
        $pluginUrlDir = $plugin->getPluginDirUrl();
        $scriptLink = $pluginUrlDir . 'Cf7ToDBGGoogleSS.js.php';
        $imageUrlDir = $pluginUrlDir . "help";
        $siteUrl = get_option('home');
        $search = isset($options['search']) ? $options['search'] : '';
        <style type="text/css">
            *.popup-trigger {
                position: relative;
                z-index: 0;

            *.popup-trigger:hover {
                background-color: transparent;
                z-index: 50;

            *.popup-content {
                position: absolute!important;
                background-color: #ffffff;
                padding: 5px;
                border: 2px gray;
                visibility: hidden!important;
                color: black;
                text-decoration: none;
                overflow: auto;

            *.popup-trigger:hover *.popup-content {
                visibility: visible!important;
                top: 50px!important;
                left: 50px!important;
        Setting up a Google Spreadsheet to pull in data from WordPress requires these manual steps:
        <table cellspacing="15px" cellpadding="15px">
                    <div class="popup-trigger">
                        <a href="<?php 
        echo $imageUrlDir;
                            <img src="<?php 
        echo $imageUrlDir;
/GoogleNewSS.png" alt="Create a new spreadsheet" height="100px" width="61px"/>

                            <div class="popup-content">
                                <img src="<?php 
        echo $imageUrlDir;
/GoogleNewSS.png" alt="Create a new spreadsheet"/>
                <td><p>Log into Google Docs and create a new Google Spreadsheet</p></td>
                    <div class="popup-trigger">
                        <a href="<?php 
        echo $imageUrlDir;
                            <img src="<?php 
        echo $imageUrlDir;
/GoogleOpenScriptEditor.png" alt="Create a new spreadsheet" height="69px" width="100px"/>

                            <div class="popup-content">
                                <img src="<?php 
        echo $imageUrlDir;
/GoogleOpenScriptEditor.png" alt="Create a new spreadsheet"/>
                <td><p>Go to <b>Tools</b> menu -> <b>Scripts</b> -> <b>Script Editor...</b></p></td>
                    <div class="popup-trigger">
                        <a href="<?php 
        echo $imageUrlDir;
                            <img src="<?php 
        echo $imageUrlDir;
/GooglePasteScriptEditor.png" alt="Paste script text" height="68px" width="100px"/>

                            <div class="popup-content">
                                <img src="<?php 
        echo $imageUrlDir;
/GooglePasteScriptEditor.png" alt="Paste script text"/>
                    <p>Delete any text that is already there</p>
                    <p><b>Copy</b> the text from <a target="_gscript" href="<?php 
        echo $scriptLink;
">THIS SCRIPT FILE</a> and <b>paste</b> it
                    into the Google script editor</p>
                    <div class="popup-trigger">
                        <a href="<?php 
        echo $imageUrlDir;
                            <img src="<?php 
        echo $imageUrlDir;
/GoogleSaveScriptEditor.png" alt="Create a new spreadsheet" height="100px" width="83px"/>

                            <div class="popup-content">
                                <img src="<?php 
        echo $imageUrlDir;
/GoogleSaveScriptEditor.png" alt="Create a new spreadsheet"/>
                    <p><b>Save</b> and <b>close</b> the script editor.</p>
                    <div class="popup-trigger">
                        <a href="<?php 
        echo $imageUrlDir;
                            <img src="<?php 
        echo $imageUrlDir;
/GoogleEnterFormula.png" alt="Create a new spreadsheet" height="43px" width="100px"/>

                            <div class="popup-content">
                                <img src="<?php 
        echo $imageUrlDir;
/GoogleEnterFormula.png" alt="Create a new spreadsheet"/>
                    <p>Click on a cell A1 in the Spreadsheet (or any cell)</p>
                    <p>Enter in the cell the formula:</p>
        echo "=CF7ToDBData(\"{$siteUrl}\", \"{$formName}\", \"{$search}\", \"user\", \"pwd\")";
                    <p>Replacing <b>user</b> and <b>pwd</b> with your <u>WordPress</u> site user name and password</p>

        <span style="color:red; font-weight:bold;">
            WARNING: since you are putting your login information into the Google Spreadsheet, be sure not to share
        the spreadsheet with others.</span>
        $html = ob_get_contents();
        CFDBDie::wp_die($html, __('How to Set up Google Spreadsheet to pull data from WordPress', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'), array('response' => 200, 'back_link' => true));
Esempio n. 5
 protected function isAuthorized()
     return $this->isFromShortCode ? $this->plugin->canUserDoRoleOption('CanSeeSubmitDataViaShortcode') : $this->plugin->canUserDoRoleOption('CanSeeSubmitData');
    function display(&$plugin)
        if ($plugin == null) {
            $plugin = new CF7DBPlugin();
        $canEdit = $plugin->canUserDoRoleOption('CanChangeSubmitData');
        global $wpdb;
        $tableName = $plugin->getSubmitsTableName();
        $useDataTables = $plugin->getOption('UseDataTablesJS', 'true') == 'true';
        $tableHtmlId = 'cf2dbtable';
        // Identify which forms have data in the database
        $rows = $wpdb->get_results("select distinct `form_name` from `{$tableName}` order by `form_name`");
        if ($rows == null || count($rows) == 0) {
            _e('No form submissions in the database', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension');
        $page = 1;
        if (isset($_REQUEST['dbpage'])) {
            $page = $_REQUEST['dbpage'];
        } else {
            if (isset($_GET['dbpage'])) {
                $page = $_GET['dbpage'];
        $currSelection = null;
        if (isset($_REQUEST['form_name'])) {
            $currSelection = $_REQUEST['form_name'];
        } else {
            if (isset($_GET['form_name'])) {
                $currSelection = $_GET['form_name'];
        if ($currSelection) {
            // Check for delete operation
            if (isset($_POST['delete']) && $canEdit) {
                if (isset($_POST['submit_time'])) {
                    $submitTime = $_POST['submit_time'];
                    $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("delete from `{$tableName}` where `form_name` = '%s' and `submit_time` = %F", $currSelection, $submitTime));
                } else {
                    if (isset($_POST['all'])) {
                        $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("delete from `{$tableName}` where `form_name` = '%s'", $currSelection));
                    } else {
                        foreach ($_POST as $name => $value) {
                            // checkboxes
                            if ($value == 'row') {
                                // Dots and spaces in variable names are converted to underscores. For example <input name="a.b" /> becomes $_REQUEST["a_b"].
                                // http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.variables.external.php
                                // We are expecting a time value like '1300728460.6626' but will instead get '1300728460_6626'
                                // so we need to put the '.' back in before going to the DB.
                                $name = str_replace('_', '.', $name);
                                $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("delete from `{$tableName}` where `form_name` = '%s' and `submit_time` = %F", $currSelection, $name));
        // Form selection drop-down list
        $pluginDirUrl = $plugin->getPluginDirUrl();
    <table width="100%" cellspacing="20">
            <td align="left" valign="top">
                <form method="get" action="" name="displayform" id="displayform">
                    <input type="hidden" name="page" value="<?php 
        echo $_REQUEST['page'];
                    <select name="form_name" id="form_name" onchange="this.form.submit();">
                        <option value=""><?php 
        _e('* Select a form *', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension');
        foreach ($rows as $aRow) {
            $formName = $aRow->form_name;
            $selected = $formName == $currSelection ? "selected" : "";
                        <option value="<?php 
            echo $formName;
" <?php 
            echo $selected;
            echo $formName;
            <td align="center" valign="top">
        if ($currSelection) {
                <script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript">
                    function changeDbPage(page) {
                        var newdiv = document.createElement('div');
                        newdiv.innerHTML = "<input id='dbpage' name='dbpage' type='hidden' value='" + page + "'>";
                        var dispForm = document.forms['displayform'];
                    function getSearchFieldValue() {
                        var searchVal = '';
                        if (typeof jQuery == 'function') {
                            try {
                                searchVal = jQuery('#<?php 
            echo $tableHtmlId;
_filter input').val();
                            catch (e) {
                        return searchVal;
                    function exportData(encSelect) {
                        var enc = encSelect.options[encSelect.selectedIndex].value;
                        if (enc == 'GSS') {
                            if (typeof jQuery == 'function') {
                                try {
                                    jQuery("#GoogleCredentialsDialog").dialog({ autoOpen: false, title: '<?php 
            _e("Google Login for Upload", 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension');
' });
                                catch (e) {
                                    alert('Error: ' + e.message);
                            else {
            _e('Cannot perform operation because jQuery is not loaded in this page', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension');
                        else {
                            var url = '<?php 
            echo admin_url('admin-ajax.php');
            echo urlencode($currSelection);
&enc=' + enc;
                            var searchVal = getSearchFieldValue();
                            if (searchVal != null && searchVal != "") {
                                url += '&search=' + encodeURIComponent(searchVal);
                            location.href = url;
                    function uploadGoogleSS() {
                        var key = '3fde789a';
                        var guser = printHex(des(key, jQuery('#guser').attr('value'), 1));
                        var gpwd = printHex(des(key, jQuery('#gpwd').attr('value'), 1));
                        var form = document.createElement("form");
                        form.setAttribute("method", 'POST');
                        var url = '<?php 
            echo $pluginDirUrl;
            echo urlencode($currSelection);
                        var searchVal = getSearchFieldValue();
                        if (searchVal != null && searchVal != "") {
                            url += '&search=' + encodeURI(searchVal);
                        form.setAttribute("action", url);
                        var params = {guser: encodeURI(guser), gpwd: encodeURI(gpwd)};
                        for (var pkey in params) {
                            var hiddenField = document.createElement("input");
                            hiddenField.setAttribute("type", "hidden");
                            hiddenField.setAttribute("name", pkey);
                            hiddenField.setAttribute("value", params[pkey]);
                <form name="exportcsv" action="">
                    <select size="1" name="enc">
                        <option id="IQY" value="IQY">
            _e('Excel Internet Query', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension');
                        <option id="CSVUTF8BOM" value="CSVUTF8BOM">
            _e('Excel CSV (UTF8-BOM)', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension');
                        <option id="TSVUTF16LEBOM" value="TSVUTF16LEBOM">
            _e('Excel TSV (UTF16LE-BOM)', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension');
                        <option id="CSVUTF8" value="CSVUTF8">
            _e('Plain CSV (UTF-8)', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension');
                        <option id="GSS" value="GSS">
            _e('Google Spreadsheet', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension');
                        <option id="GLD" value="GLD">
            _e('Google Spreadsheet Live Data', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension');
                        <option id="HTML" value="HTML">
            _e('HTML', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension');
                        <option id="JSON" value="JSON">
            _e('JSON', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension');
                    <input name="exportButton" type="button"
            _e('Export', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension');
                    <span style="font-size: x-small;"><br /><?php 
            echo '<a href="admin.php?page=' . $plugin->getSortCodeBuilderPageSlug() . '">' . __('Advanced Export', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension') . '</a>';
            <td align="right" valign="top">
        if ($currSelection && $canEdit) {
                <form action="" method="post">
                    <input name="form_name" type="hidden" value="<?php 
            echo $currSelection;
                    <input name="all" type="hidden" value="y"/>
                    <input name="delete" type="submit"
            _e('Delete All This Form\'s Records', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension');
                           onclick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete all the data for this form?')"/>
        if ($currSelection && $canEdit && $useDataTables) {
            <td align="left" colspan="3">
                <span id="edit_controls">
                    <a href="http://cfdbplugin.com/?page_id=459" target="_cfdbedit"><?php 
            _e('Edit Data Mode', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension');

        if ($currSelection) {
            // Show table of form data
            if ($useDataTables) {
                $i18nUrl = $plugin->getDataTableTranslationUrl();
            <script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript">
                var oTable;
                jQuery(document).ready(function() {
                    oTable = jQuery('#<?php 
                echo $tableHtmlId;
').dataTable({ <?php 
                // "sDom": 'Rlfrtip', // ColReorder
                    "bJQueryUI": true,
                    "aaSorting": [],
                    "bScrollCollapse": true
                if ($i18nUrl) {
                    echo ", \"oLanguage\": { \"sUrl\":  \"{$i18nUrl}\" }";
                if ($canEdit) {
                    do_action_ref_array('cfdb_edit_fnDrawCallbackJSON', array($tableHtmlId));

            if ($canEdit) {
        <form action="" method="post">
            <input name="form_name" type="hidden" value="<?php 
                echo $currSelection;
                <input name="delete" type="hidden" value="rows"/>
            $exporter = new ExportToHtmlTable();
            $dbRowCount = $exporter->getDBRowCount($currSelection);
            $maxRows = $plugin->getOption('MaxRows', '100');
            $startRow = $this->paginationDiv($plugin, $dbRowCount, $maxRows, $page);
            <div <?php 
            if (!$useDataTables) {
                echo 'style="overflow:auto; max-height:500px; max-width:500px; min-width:75px"';
            // Pick up any options that the user enters in the URL.
            // This will include extraneous "form_name" and "page" GET params which are in the URL
            // for this admin page
            $options = array_merge($_POST, $_GET);
            $options['canDelete'] = $canEdit;
            if ($maxRows) {
                $options['limit'] = $startRow - 1 . ',' . $maxRows;
            if ($useDataTables) {
                $options['id'] = $tableHtmlId;
                $options['class'] = '';
                $options['style'] = "#{$tableHtmlId} td > div { max-height: 100px;  min-width:75px; overflow: auto; font-size: small; }";
                // don't let cells get too tall
            $exporter->export($currSelection, $options);
            if ($canEdit) {
    <div style="margin-top:1em"> <?php 
        // Footer
        <table style="width:100%;">
                <td align="center" colspan="4">
                    <span style="font-size:x-small; font-style: italic;">
        _e('Did you know: This plugin captures data from both these plugins:', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension');
                        <a target="_cf7" href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/contact-form-7/">Contact Form 7</a>
                        <a target="_fscf" href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/si-contact-form/">Fast Secure Contact Form</a>
                <td align="center" colspan="4">
                    <span style="font-size:x-small; font-style: italic;">
        _e('Did you know: You can add this data to your posts and pages using these shortcodes:', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension');
                        <a target="_faq" href="http://cfdbplugin.com/?page_id=284">[cfdb-html]</a>
                        <a target="_faq" href="http://cfdbplugin.com/?page_id=91">[cfdb-datatable]</a>
                        <a target="_faq" href="http://cfdbplugin.com/?page_id=93">[cfdb-table]</a>
                        <a target="_faq" href="http://cfdbplugin.com/?page_id=98">[cfdb-value]</a>
                        <a target="_faq" href="http://cfdbplugin.com/?page_id=278">[cfdb-count]</a>
                        <a target="_faq" href="http://cfdbplugin.com/?page_id=96">[cfdb-json]</a>
                <td align="center" colspan="4">
                        <span style="font-size:x-small; font-style: italic;">
        _e('Would you like to help translate this plugin into your language?', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension');
                            <a target="_i18n"
        _e('How to create a translation', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension');
        if ($currSelection && 'true' == $plugin->getOption('ShowQuery')) {
        <div id="query">
            _e('Query:', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension');
            echo $exporter->getPivotQuery($currSelection);
        if ($currSelection) {
        <div id="GoogleCredentialsDialog" style="display:none; background-color:#EEEEEE;">
                    <td><label for="guser">User</label></td>
                    <td><input id="guser" type="text" size="25" value="@gmail.com"/></td>
                    <td><label for="gpwd">Password</label></td>
                    <td><input id="gpwd" type="password" size="25" value=""/></td>
                        <input type="button" value="<?php 
            _e('Cancel', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension');
                        <input type="button" value="<?php 
            _e('Upload', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension');
        <script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript">
            var addColumnLabelText = '<?php 
            _e('Add Column', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension');
            var deleteColumnLabelText = '<?php 
            _e('Delete Column', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension');
            do_action_ref_array('cfdb_edit_setup', array($plugin));
Esempio n. 7
 public function ajaxRenameForm()
     header("Pragma: no-cache");
     header("Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT");
     $cfdb = new CF7DBPlugin();
     if (!$cfdb->canUserDoRoleOption('CanChangeSubmitData')) {
     if (!isset($_REQUEST['form']) || !$_REQUEST['form']) {
         echo 'No form name set';
     if (!isset($_REQUEST['newformname']) || !$_REQUEST['newformname']) {
         echo 'No new form name set';
     global $wpdb;
     $tableName = $cfdb->getSubmitsTableName();
     $parametrizedQuery = "UPDATE `{$tableName}` SET `form_name` = %s WHERE `form_name` = %s";
     $result = $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare($parametrizedQuery, $_REQUEST['newformname'], $_REQUEST['form']));
     if ($result == false) {
         echo 'Failed to update';
     } else {
         $url = admin_url('admin.php') . '?page=CF7DBPluginSubmissions&form_name=' . $_REQUEST['newformname'];
         printf('Form "%s" renamed to <a href="%s">"%s"</a>.', $_REQUEST['form'], $url, $_REQUEST['newformname']);
         $backUrl = admin_url('admin.php') . '?page=CF7DBPluginImport';
         printf('<br/><a href="%s">%s</a>', $backUrl, 'Back');