public static function sendMail($id) { $event = CEvents::getDetails($id); $headers = 'From: GSC' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n"; $to = ""; $subject = "GSC Event Update"; $message = "<html>\n <head>\n </head>\n <body>\n <p>Hey there! have a look at the new event</p>\n <h4><p>{$event['title']}</p></h4>\n <h5><p>{$event['description']}</p></h5>\n <img src='{$event['id']}' alt='Event Image'></img>\n <p>To be held at {$event['venue']}</p>\n <p>Scheduled on {$event['date']} at {$event['time']}</p>\n <h5><p>This is an automated email do not reply</p></h5> \n <h5><b><i>-Sincierly the GSC team</i></b></h5> \n </body>\n </html>"; $sql = "SELECT * FROM members"; if ($result = mysql_query($sql)) { while ($subscriber = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { if ($to == "") { $to = $subscriber['email']; } else { $to .= "," . $subscriber['email']; } } if (mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers)) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } }
public function ajaxTogglePublish($id, $type, $eventName = false) { // Send email notification to owner when a group is published. $config = CFactory::getConfig(); $event = JTable::getInstance('Event', 'CTable'); $event->load($id); // Added published = 2 for new created event under moderation. if ($type == 'published' && $event->published == 2) { $lang = JFactory::getLanguage(); $lang->load('com_community', JPATH_ROOT); $my = CFactory::getUser(); // Add notification //CFactory::load('libraries', 'notification'); //CFactory::load('helpers', 'event'); if ($event->type == CEventHelper::GROUP_TYPE && $event->contentid != 0) { $url = 'index.php?option=com_community&view=events&task=viewevent&eventid=' . $event->id . '&groupid=' . $event->contentid; } else { $url = 'index.php?option=com_community&view=events&task=viewevent&eventid=' . $event->id; } //Send notification email to owner $params = new CParameter(''); $params->set('url', 'index.php?option=com_community&view=events&task=viewevent&eventid=' . $event->id); $params->set('event', $event->title); $params->set('event_url', 'index.php?option=com_community&view=events&task=viewevent&eventid=' . $event->id); CNotificationLibrary::add('events_notify_creator', $my->id, $event->creator, JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_EVENTS_PUBLISHED_MAIL_SUBJECT'), '', 'events.notifycreator', $params); //CFactory::load('libraries', 'events'); // Add activity stream for new created event. $event->published = 1; // by pass published checking. CEvents::addEventStream($event); // send notification email to group's member for new created event. CEvents::addGroupNotification($event); } return parent::ajaxTogglePublish($id, $type, 'events'); }
public static function getActivityContentHTML($act) { // Ok, the activity could be an upload OR a wall comment. In the future, the content should // indicate which is which $html = ''; $param = new CParameter($act->params); $action = $param->get('action', false); if ($action == 'events.create') { return CEvents::getEventSummary($act->cid, $param); } else { if ($action == 'event.join' || $action == 'event.attendence.attend') { return CEvents::getEventSummary($act->cid, $param); } else { if ($action == 'event.wall.create' || $action == 'events.wall.create') { $wallid = $param->get('wallid', 0); $html = CWallLibrary::getWallContentSummary($wallid); return $html; } } } return $html; }
<?php session_start(); require '../../include/'; require '../../include/'; if (isset($_SESSION['user'])) { $login = new CLogin($_SESSION['user']['username'], $_SESSION['user']['password']); if ($login->isAuthentiated()) { if (isset($_POST['id'])) { $eventid = $_POST['id']; if ($details = CEvents::getDetails($eventid)) { $response = $details; } else { } } else { $response = array('error' => true, 'title' => 'Error!', 'message' => 'Invalid event details', 'style' => 'error'); } } else { $response = array('error' => true, 'title' => 'Access Denied', 'message' => 'You are not authentiated', 'style' => 'error'); } } else { $response = array('error' => true, 'title' => 'Access Denied', 'message' => 'You are not authentiated', 'style' => 'error'); } echo json_encode($response);
/** * Called by status box to add new stream data * * @param type $message * @param type $attachment * @return type */ public function ajaxStreamAdd($message, $attachment, $streamFilter = FALSE) { $streamHTML = ''; // $attachment pending filter $cache = CFactory::getFastCache(); $cache->clean(array('activities')); $my = CFactory::getUser(); $userparams = $my->getParams(); if (!COwnerHelper::isRegisteredUser()) { return $this->ajaxBlockUnregister(); } //@rule: In case someone bypasses the status in the html, we enforce the character limit. $config = CFactory::getConfig(); if (JString::strlen($message) > $config->get('statusmaxchar')) { $message = JHTML::_('string.truncate', $message, $config->get('statusmaxchar')); } $message = JString::trim($message); $objResponse = new JAXResponse(); $rawMessage = $message; // @rule: Autolink hyperlinks // @rule: Autolink to users profile when message contains @username // $message = CUserHelper::replaceAliasURL($message); // the processing is done on display side $emailMessage = CUserHelper::replaceAliasURL($rawMessage, true); // @rule: Spam checks if ($config->get('antispam_akismet_status')) { $filter = CSpamFilter::getFilter(); $filter->setAuthor($my->getDisplayName()); $filter->setMessage($message); $filter->setEmail($my->email); $filter->setURL(CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=profile&userid=' . $my->id)); $filter->setType('message'); $filter->setIP($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); if ($filter->isSpam()) { $objResponse->addAlert(JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_STATUS_MARKED_SPAM')); return $objResponse->sendResponse(); } } $attachment = json_decode($attachment, true); switch ($attachment['type']) { case 'message': //if (!empty($message)) { switch ($attachment['element']) { case 'profile': //only update user status if share messgage is on his profile if (COwnerHelper::isMine($my->id, $attachment['target'])) { //save the message $status = $this->getModel('status'); /* If no privacy in attachment than we apply default: Public */ if (!isset($attachment['privacy'])) { $attachment['privacy'] = COMMUNITY_STATUS_PRIVACY_PUBLIC; } $status->update($my->id, $rawMessage, $attachment['privacy']); //set user status for current session. $today = JFactory::getDate(); $message2 = empty($message) ? ' ' : $message; $my->set('_status', $rawMessage); $my->set('_posted_on', $today->toSql()); // Order of replacement $order = array("\r\n", "\n", "\r"); $replace = '<br />'; // Processes \r\n's first so they aren't converted twice. $messageDisplay = str_replace($order, $replace, $message); $messageDisplay = CKses::kses($messageDisplay, CKses::allowed()); //update user status $objResponse->addScriptCall("joms.jQuery('#profile-status span#profile-status-message').html('" . addslashes($messageDisplay) . "');"); } //if actor posted something to target, the privacy should be under target's profile privacy settings if (!COwnerHelper::isMine($my->id, $attachment['target']) && $attachment['target'] != '') { $attachment['privacy'] = CFactory::getUser($attachment['target'])->getParams()->get('privacyProfileView'); } //push to activity stream $act = new stdClass(); $act->cmd = 'profile.status.update'; $act->actor = $my->id; $act->target = $attachment['target']; $act->title = $message; $act->content = ''; $act->app = $attachment['element']; $act->cid = $my->id; $act->access = $attachment['privacy']; $act->comment_id = CActivities::COMMENT_SELF; $act->comment_type = 'profile.status'; $act->like_id = CActivities::LIKE_SELF; $act->like_type = 'profile.status'; $activityParams = new CParameter(''); /* Save cords if exists */ if (isset($attachment['location'])) { /* Save geo name */ $act->location = $attachment['location'][0]; $act->latitude = $attachment['location'][1]; $act->longitude = $attachment['location'][2]; } $headMeta = new CParameter(''); if (isset($attachment['fetch'])) { $headMeta->set('title', $attachment['fetch'][2]); $headMeta->set('description', $attachment['fetch'][3]); $headMeta->set('image', $attachment['fetch'][1]); $headMeta->set('link', $attachment['fetch'][0]); //do checking if this is a video link $video = JTable::getInstance('Video', 'CTable'); $isValidVideo = @$video->init($attachment['fetch'][0]); if ($isValidVideo) { $headMeta->set('type', 'video'); $headMeta->set('video_provider', $video->type); $headMeta->set('video_id', $video->getVideoId()); $headMeta->set('height', $video->getHeight()); $headMeta->set('width', $video->getWidth()); } $activityParams->set('headMetas', $headMeta->toString()); } //Store mood in paramm if (isset($attachment['mood']) && $attachment['mood'] != 'Mood') { $activityParams->set('mood', $attachment['mood']); } $act->params = $activityParams->toString(); //CActivityStream::add($act); //check if the user points is enabled if (CUserPoints::assignPoint('profile.status.update')) { /* Let use our new CApiStream */ $activityData = CApiActivities::add($act); CTags::add($activityData); $recipient = CFactory::getUser($attachment['target']); $params = new CParameter(''); $params->set('actorName', $my->getDisplayName()); $params->set('recipientName', $recipient->getDisplayName()); $params->set('url', CUrlHelper::userLink($act->target, false)); $params->set('message', $message); $params->set('stream', JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_SINGULAR_STREAM')); $params->set('stream_url', CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=profile&userid=' . $activityData->actor . '&actid=' . $activityData->id)); CNotificationLibrary::add('profile_status_update', $my->id, $attachment['target'], JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_FRIEND_WALL_POST', $my->getDisplayName()), '', '', $params); //email and add notification if user are tagged CUserHelper::parseTaggedUserNotification($message, $my, $activityData, array('type' => 'post-comment')); } break; // Message posted from Group page // Message posted from Group page case 'groups': // $groupLib = new CGroups(); $group = JTable::getInstance('Group', 'CTable'); $group->load($attachment['target']); // Permission check, only site admin and those who has // mark their attendance can post message if (!COwnerHelper::isCommunityAdmin() && !$group->isMember($my->id) && $config->get('lockgroupwalls')) { $objResponse->addScriptCall("alert('permission denied');"); return $objResponse->sendResponse(); } $act = new stdClass(); $act->cmd = 'groups.wall'; $act->actor = $my->id; $act->target = 0; $act->title = $message; $act->content = ''; $act->app = 'groups.wall'; $act->cid = $attachment['target']; $act->groupid = $group->id; $act->group_access = $group->approvals; $act->eventid = 0; $act->access = 0; $act->comment_id = CActivities::COMMENT_SELF; $act->comment_type = 'groups.wall'; $act->like_id = CActivities::LIKE_SELF; $act->like_type = 'groups.wall'; $activityParams = new CParameter(''); /* Save cords if exists */ if (isset($attachment['location'])) { /* Save geo name */ $act->location = $attachment['location'][0]; $act->latitude = $attachment['location'][1]; $act->longitude = $attachment['location'][2]; } $headMeta = new CParameter(''); if (isset($attachment['fetch'])) { $headMeta->set('title', $attachment['fetch'][2]); $headMeta->set('description', $attachment['fetch'][3]); $headMeta->set('image', $attachment['fetch'][1]); $headMeta->set('link', $attachment['fetch'][0]); //do checking if this is a video link $video = JTable::getInstance('Video', 'CTable'); $isValidVideo = @$video->init($attachment['fetch'][0]); if ($isValidVideo) { $headMeta->set('type', 'video'); $headMeta->set('video_provider', $video->type); $headMeta->set('video_id', $video->getVideoId()); $headMeta->set('height', $video->getHeight()); $headMeta->set('width', $video->getWidth()); } $activityParams->set('headMetas', $headMeta->toString()); } //Store mood in paramm if (isset($attachment['mood']) && $attachment['mood'] != 'Mood') { $activityParams->set('mood', $attachment['mood']); } $act->params = $activityParams->toString(); $activityData = CApiActivities::add($act); CTags::add($activityData); CUserPoints::assignPoint('group.wall.create'); $recipient = CFactory::getUser($attachment['target']); $params = new CParameter(''); $params->set('message', $emailMessage); $params->set('group', $group->name); $params->set('group_url', 'index.php?option=com_community&view=groups&task=viewgroup&groupid=' . $group->id); $params->set('url', CRoute::getExternalURL('index.php?option=com_community&view=groups&task=viewgroup&groupid=' . $group->id, false)); //Get group member emails $model = CFactory::getModel('Groups'); $members = $model->getMembers($attachment['target'], null, true, false, true); $membersArray = array(); if (!is_null($members)) { foreach ($members as $row) { if ($my->id != $row->id) { $membersArray[] = $row->id; } } } $groupParams = new CParameter($group->params); if ($groupParams->get('wallnotification')) { CNotificationLibrary::add('groups_wall_create', $my->id, $membersArray, JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_NEW_WALL_POST_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_SUBJECT', $my->getDisplayName(), $group->name), '', '', $params); } //@since 4.1 when a there is a new post in group, dump the data into group stats $statsModel = CFactory::getModel('stats'); $statsModel->addGroupStats($group->id, 'post'); // Add custom stream // Reload the stream with new stream data $streamHTML = $groupLib->getStreamHTML($group, array('showLatestActivityOnTop' => true)); break; // Message posted from Event page // Message posted from Event page case 'events': $eventLib = new CEvents(); $event = JTable::getInstance('Event', 'CTable'); $event->load($attachment['target']); // Permission check, only site admin and those who has // mark their attendance can post message if (!COwnerHelper::isCommunityAdmin() && !$event->isMember($my->id) && $config->get('lockeventwalls')) { $objResponse->addScriptCall("alert('permission denied');"); return $objResponse->sendResponse(); } // If this is a group event, set the group object $groupid = $event->type == 'group' ? $event->contentid : 0; // $groupLib = new CGroups(); $group = JTable::getInstance('Group', 'CTable'); $group->load($groupid); $act = new stdClass(); $act->cmd = 'events.wall'; $act->actor = $my->id; $act->target = 0; $act->title = $message; $act->content = ''; $act->app = 'events.wall'; $act->cid = $attachment['target']; $act->groupid = $event->type == 'group' ? $event->contentid : 0; $act->group_access = $group->approvals; $act->eventid = $event->id; $act->event_access = $event->permission; $act->access = 0; $act->comment_id = CActivities::COMMENT_SELF; $act->comment_type = 'events.wall'; $act->like_id = CActivities::LIKE_SELF; $act->like_type = 'events.wall'; $activityParams = new CParameter(''); /* Save cords if exists */ if (isset($attachment['location'])) { /* Save geo name */ $act->location = $attachment['location'][0]; $act->latitude = $attachment['location'][1]; $act->longitude = $attachment['location'][2]; } $headMeta = new CParameter(''); if (isset($attachment['fetch'])) { $headMeta->set('title', $attachment['fetch'][2]); $headMeta->set('description', $attachment['fetch'][3]); $headMeta->set('image', $attachment['fetch'][1]); $headMeta->set('link', $attachment['fetch'][0]); //do checking if this is a video link $video = JTable::getInstance('Video', 'CTable'); $isValidVideo = @$video->init($attachment['fetch'][0]); if ($isValidVideo) { $headMeta->set('type', 'video'); $headMeta->set('video_provider', $video->type); $headMeta->set('video_id', $video->getVideoId()); $headMeta->set('height', $video->getHeight()); $headMeta->set('width', $video->getWidth()); } $activityParams->set('headMetas', $headMeta->toString()); } //Store mood in paramm if (isset($attachment['mood']) && $attachment['mood'] != 'Mood') { $activityParams->set('mood', $attachment['mood']); } $act->params = $activityParams->toString(); $activityData = CApiActivities::add($act); CTags::add($activityData); // add points CUserPoints::assignPoint('event.wall.create'); $params = new CParameter(''); $params->set('message', $emailMessage); $params->set('event', $event->title); $params->set('event_url', 'index.php?option=com_community&view=events&task=viewevent&eventid=' . $event->id); $params->set('url', CRoute::getExternalURL('index.php?option=com_community&view=events&task=viewevent&eventid=' . $event->id, false)); //Get event member emails $members = $event->getMembers(COMMUNITY_EVENT_STATUS_ATTEND, 12, CC_RANDOMIZE); $membersArray = array(); if (!is_null($members)) { foreach ($members as $row) { if ($my->id != $row->id) { $membersArray[] = $row->id; } } } CNotificationLibrary::add('events_wall_create', $my->id, $membersArray, JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_NEW_WALL_POST_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_SUBJECT_EVENTS', $my->getDisplayName(), $event->title), '', '', $params); //@since 4.1 when a there is a new post in event, dump the data into event stats $statsModel = CFactory::getModel('stats'); $statsModel->addEventStats($event->id, 'post'); // Reload the stream with new stream data $streamHTML = $eventLib->getStreamHTML($event, array('showLatestActivityOnTop' => true)); break; } $objResponse->addScriptCall('__callback', ''); // /} break; case 'photo': switch ($attachment['element']) { case 'profile': $photoIds = $attachment['id']; //use User Preference for Privacy //$privacy = $userparams->get('privacyPhotoView'); //$privacy = $attachment['privacy']; $photo = JTable::getInstance('Photo', 'CTable'); if (!isset($photoIds[0]) || $photoIds[0] <= 0) { //$objResponse->addScriptCall('__callback', JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_PHOTO_UPLOADED_SUCCESSFULLY', $photo->caption)); exit; } //always get album id from the photo itself, do not let it assign by params from user post data $photoModel = CFactory::getModel('photos'); $photo = $photoModel->getPhoto($photoIds[0]); /* OK ! If album_id is not provided than we use album id from photo ( it should be default album id ) */ $albumid = isset($attachment['album_id']) ? $attachment['album_id'] : $photo->albumid; $album = JTable::getInstance('Album', 'CTable'); $album->load($albumid); $privacy = $album->permissions; //limit checking // $photoModel = CFactory::getModel( 'photos' ); // $config = CFactory::getConfig(); // $total = $photoModel->getTotalToday( $my->id ); // $max = $config->getInt( 'limit_photo_perday' ); // $remainingUploadCount = $max - $total; $params = array(); foreach ($photoIds as $key => $photoId) { if (CLimitsLibrary::exceedDaily('photos')) { unset($photoIds[$key]); continue; } $photo->load($photoId); $photo->permissions = $privacy; $photo->published = 1; $photo->status = 'ready'; $photo->albumid = $albumid; /* We must update this photo into correct album id */ $photo->store(); $params[] = clone $photo; } if ($config->get('autoalbumcover') && !$album->photoid) { $album->photoid = $photoIds[0]; $album->store(); } // Break if no photo added, which is likely because of daily limit. if (count($photoIds) < 1) { $objResponse->addScriptCall('__throwError', JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_PHOTO_UPLOAD_LIMIT_EXCEEDED')); return $objResponse->sendResponse(); } // Trigger onPhotoCreate // $apps = CAppPlugins::getInstance(); $apps->loadApplications(); $apps->triggerEvent('onPhotoCreate', array($params)); $act = new stdClass(); $act->cmd = 'photo.upload'; $act->actor = $my->id; $act->access = $privacy; //$attachment['privacy']; $act->target = $attachment['target'] == $my->id ? 0 : $attachment['target']; $act->title = $message; $act->content = ''; // Generated automatically by stream. No need to add anything $act->app = 'photos'; $act->cid = $albumid; $act->location = $album->location; /* Comment and like for individual photo upload is linked * to the photos itsel */ $act->comment_id = $photo->id; $act->comment_type = 'photos'; $act->like_id = $photo->id; $act->like_type = 'photo'; $albumUrl = 'index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=album&albumid=' . $album->id . '&userid=' . $my->id; $albumUrl = CRoute::_($albumUrl); $photoUrl = 'index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=photo&albumid=' . $album->id . '&userid=' . $photo->creator . '&photoid=' . $photo->id; $photoUrl = CRoute::_($photoUrl); $params = new CParameter(''); $params->set('multiUrl', $albumUrl); $params->set('photoid', $photo->id); $params->set('action', 'upload'); $params->set('stream', '1'); $params->set('photo_url', $photoUrl); $params->set('style', COMMUNITY_STREAM_STYLE); $params->set('photosId', implode(',', $photoIds)); if (count($photoIds > 1)) { $params->set('count', count($photoIds)); $params->set('batchcount', count($photoIds)); } //Store mood in param if (isset($attachment['mood']) && $attachment['mood'] != 'Mood') { $params->set('mood', $attachment['mood']); } // Add activity logging // CActivityStream::remove($act->app, $act->cid); $activityData = CActivityStream::add($act, $params->toString()); // Add user points CUserPoints::assignPoint('photo.upload'); //add a notification to the target user if someone posted photos on target's profile if ($my->id != $attachment['target']) { $recipient = CFactory::getUser($attachment['target']); $params = new CParameter(''); $params->set('actorName', $my->getDisplayName()); $params->set('recipientName', $recipient->getDisplayName()); $params->set('url', CUrlHelper::userLink($act->target, false)); $params->set('message', $message); $params->set('stream', JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_SINGULAR_STREAM')); $params->set('stream_url', CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=profile&userid=' . $activityData->actor . '&actid=' . $activityData->id)); CNotificationLibrary::add('profile_status_update', $my->id, $attachment['target'], JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_NOTIFICATION_STREAM_PHOTO_POST', count($photoIds)), '', '', $params); } //email and add notification if user are tagged CUserHelper::parseTaggedUserNotification($message, $my, $activityData, array('type' => 'post-comment')); $objResponse->addScriptCall('__callback', JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_PHOTO_UPLOADED_SUCCESSFULLY', $photo->caption)); break; case 'events': $event = JTable::getInstance('Event', 'CTable'); $event->load($attachment['target']); $privacy = 0; //if this is a group event, we need to follow the group privacy if ($event->type == 'group' && $event->contentid) { $group = JTable::getInstance('Group', 'CTable'); $group->load(${$event}->contentid); $privacy = $group->approvals ? PRIVACY_GROUP_PRIVATE_ITEM : 0; } $photoIds = $attachment['id']; $photo = JTable::getInstance('Photo', 'CTable'); $photo->load($photoIds[0]); $albumid = isset($attachment['album_id']) ? $attachment['album_id'] : $photo->albumid; $album = JTable::getInstance('Album', 'CTable'); $album->load($albumid); $params = array(); foreach ($photoIds as $photoId) { $photo->load($photoId); $photo->caption = $message; $photo->permissions = $privacy; $photo->published = 1; $photo->status = 'ready'; $photo->albumid = $albumid; $photo->store(); $params[] = clone $photo; } // Trigger onPhotoCreate // $apps = CAppPlugins::getInstance(); $apps->loadApplications(); $apps->triggerEvent('onPhotoCreate', array($params)); $act = new stdClass(); $act->cmd = 'photo.upload'; $act->actor = $my->id; $act->access = $privacy; $act->target = $attachment['target'] == $my->id ? 0 : $attachment['target']; $act->title = $message; //JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_ACTIVITIES_UPLOAD_PHOTO' , '{photo_url}', $album->name ); $act->content = ''; // Generated automatically by stream. No need to add anything $act->app = 'photos'; $act->cid = $album->id; $act->location = $album->location; $act->eventid = $event->id; $act->group_access = $privacy; // just in case this event belongs to a group //$act->access = $attachment['privacy']; /* Comment and like for individual photo upload is linked * to the photos itsel */ $act->comment_id = $photo->id; $act->comment_type = 'photos'; $act->like_id = $photo->id; $act->like_type = 'photo'; $albumUrl = 'index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=album&albumid=' . $album->id . '&userid=' . $my->id; $albumUrl = CRoute::_($albumUrl); $photoUrl = 'index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=photo&albumid=' . $album->id . '&userid=' . $photo->creator . '&photoid=' . $photo->id; $photoUrl = CRoute::_($photoUrl); $params = new CParameter(''); $params->set('multiUrl', $albumUrl); $params->set('photoid', $photo->id); $params->set('action', 'upload'); $params->set('stream', '1'); // this photo uploaded from status stream $params->set('photo_url', $photoUrl); $params->set('style', COMMUNITY_STREAM_STYLE); // set stream style $params->set('photosId', implode(',', $photoIds)); // Add activity logging if (count($photoIds > 1)) { $params->set('count', count($photoIds)); $params->set('batchcount', count($photoIds)); } //Store mood in paramm if (isset($attachment['mood']) && $attachment['mood'] != 'Mood') { $params->set('mood', $attachment['mood']); } // CActivityStream::remove($act->app, $act->cid); $activityData = CActivityStream::add($act, $params->toString()); // Add user points CUserPoints::assignPoint('photo.upload'); // Reload the stream with new stream data $eventLib = new CEvents(); $event = JTable::getInstance('Event', 'CTable'); $event->load($attachment['target']); $streamHTML = $eventLib->getStreamHTML($event, array('showLatestActivityOnTop' => true)); $objResponse->addScriptCall('__callback', JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_PHOTO_UPLOADED_SUCCESSFULLY', $photo->caption)); break; case 'groups': // $groupLib = new CGroups(); $group = JTable::getInstance('Group', 'CTable'); $group->load($attachment['target']); $photoIds = $attachment['id']; $privacy = $group->approvals ? PRIVACY_GROUP_PRIVATE_ITEM : 0; $photo = JTable::getInstance('Photo', 'CTable'); $photo->load($photoIds[0]); $albumid = isset($attachment['album_id']) ? $attachment['album_id'] : $photo->albumid; $album = JTable::getInstance('Album', 'CTable'); $album->load($albumid); $params = array(); foreach ($photoIds as $photoId) { $photo->load($photoId); $photo->caption = $message; $photo->permissions = $privacy; $photo->published = 1; $photo->status = 'ready'; $photo->albumid = $albumid; $photo->store(); $params[] = clone $photo; } // Trigger onPhotoCreate // $apps = CAppPlugins::getInstance(); $apps->loadApplications(); $apps->triggerEvent('onPhotoCreate', array($params)); $act = new stdClass(); $act->cmd = 'photo.upload'; $act->actor = $my->id; $act->access = $privacy; $act->target = $attachment['target'] == $my->id ? 0 : $attachment['target']; $act->title = $message; //JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_ACTIVITIES_UPLOAD_PHOTO' , '{photo_url}', $album->name ); $act->content = ''; // Generated automatically by stream. No need to add anything $act->app = 'photos'; $act->cid = $album->id; $act->location = $album->location; $act->groupid = $group->id; $act->group_access = $group->approvals; $act->eventid = 0; //$act->access = $attachment['privacy']; /* Comment and like for individual photo upload is linked * to the photos itsel */ $act->comment_id = $photo->id; $act->comment_type = 'photos'; $act->like_id = $photo->id; $act->like_type = 'photo'; $albumUrl = 'index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=album&albumid=' . $album->id . '&userid=' . $my->id; $albumUrl = CRoute::_($albumUrl); $photoUrl = 'index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=photo&albumid=' . $album->id . '&userid=' . $photo->creator . '&photoid=' . $photo->id; $photoUrl = CRoute::_($photoUrl); $params = new CParameter(''); $params->set('multiUrl', $albumUrl); $params->set('photoid', $photo->id); $params->set('action', 'upload'); $params->set('stream', '1'); // this photo uploaded from status stream $params->set('photo_url', $photoUrl); $params->set('style', COMMUNITY_STREAM_STYLE); // set stream style $params->set('photosId', implode(',', $photoIds)); // Add activity logging if (count($photoIds > 1)) { $params->set('count', count($photoIds)); $params->set('batchcount', count($photoIds)); } //Store mood in paramm if (isset($attachment['mood']) && $attachment['mood'] != 'Mood') { $params->set('mood', $attachment['mood']); } // CActivityStream::remove($act->app, $act->cid); $activityData = CActivityStream::add($act, $params->toString()); // Add user points CUserPoints::assignPoint('photo.upload'); // Reload the stream with new stream data $streamHTML = $groupLib->getStreamHTML($group, array('showLatestActivityOnTop' => true)); $objResponse->addScriptCall('__callback', JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_PHOTO_UPLOADED_SUCCESSFULLY', $photo->caption)); break; dafault: return; } break; case 'video': switch ($attachment['element']) { case 'profile': // attachment id $fetch = $attachment['fetch']; $cid = $fetch[0]; $privacy = isset($attachment['privacy']) ? $attachment['privacy'] : COMMUNITY_STATUS_PRIVACY_PUBLIC; $video = JTable::getInstance('Video', 'CTable'); $video->load($cid); $video->set('creator_type', VIDEO_USER_TYPE); $video->set('status', 'ready'); $video->set('permissions', $privacy); $video->set('title', $fetch[3]); $video->set('description', $fetch[4]); $video->set('category_id', $fetch[5]); /* Save cords if exists */ if (isset($attachment['location'])) { $video->set('location', $attachment['location'][0]); $video->set('latitude', $attachment['location'][1]); $video->set('longitude', $attachment['location'][2]); } // Add activity logging $url = $video->getViewUri(false); $act = new stdClass(); $act->cmd = 'videos.linking'; $act->actor = $my->id; $act->target = $attachment['target'] == $my->id ? 0 : $attachment['target']; $act->access = $privacy; //filter empty message $act->title = $message; $act->app = 'videos.linking'; $act->content = ''; $act->cid = $video->id; $act->location = $video->location; /* Save cords if exists */ if (isset($attachment['location'])) { /* Save geo name */ $act->location = $attachment['location'][0]; $act->latitude = $attachment['location'][1]; $act->longitude = $attachment['location'][2]; } $act->comment_id = $video->id; $act->comment_type = 'videos.linking'; $act->like_id = $video->id; $act->like_type = 'videos.linking'; $params = new CParameter(''); $params->set('video_url', $url); $params->set('style', COMMUNITY_STREAM_STYLE); // set stream style //Store mood in paramm if (isset($attachment['mood']) && $attachment['mood'] != 'Mood') { $params->set('mood', $attachment['mood']); } // $activityData = CActivityStream::add($act, $params->toString()); //this video must be public because it's posted on someone else's profile if ($my->id != $attachment['target']) { $video->set('permissions', COMMUNITY_STATUS_PRIVACY_PUBLIC); $params = new CParameter(); $params->set('activity_id', $activityData->id); // activity id is used to remove the activity if someone deleted this video $params->set('target_id', $attachment['target']); $video->params = $params->toString(); //also send a notification to the user $recipient = CFactory::getUser($attachment['target']); $params = new CParameter(''); $params->set('actorName', $my->getDisplayName()); $params->set('recipientName', $recipient->getDisplayName()); $params->set('url', CUrlHelper::userLink($act->target, false)); $params->set('message', $message); $params->set('stream', JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_SINGULAR_STREAM')); $params->set('stream_url', CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=profile&userid=' . $activityData->actor . '&actid=' . $activityData->id)); CNotificationLibrary::add('profile_status_update', $my->id, $attachment['target'], JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_NOTIFICATION_STREAM_VIDEO_POST'), '', '', $params); } $video->store(); // @rule: Add point when user adds a new video link // CUserPoints::assignPoint('video.add', $video->creator); //email and add notification if user are tagged CUserHelper::parseTaggedUserNotification($message, $my, $activityData, array('type' => 'post-comment')); // Trigger for onVideoCreate // $apps = CAppPlugins::getInstance(); $apps->loadApplications(); $params = array(); $params[] = $video; $apps->triggerEvent('onVideoCreate', $params); $this->cacheClean(array(COMMUNITY_CACHE_TAG_VIDEOS, COMMUNITY_CACHE_TAG_FRONTPAGE, COMMUNITY_CACHE_TAG_FEATURED, COMMUNITY_CACHE_TAG_VIDEOS_CAT, COMMUNITY_CACHE_TAG_ACTIVITIES)); $objResponse->addScriptCall('__callback', JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_VIDEOS_UPLOAD_SUCCESS', $video->title)); break; case 'groups': // attachment id $fetch = $attachment['fetch']; $cid = $fetch[0]; $privacy = 0; //$attachment['privacy']; $video = JTable::getInstance('Video', 'CTable'); $video->load($cid); $video->set('status', 'ready'); $video->set('groupid', $attachment['target']); $video->set('permissions', $privacy); $video->set('creator_type', VIDEO_GROUP_TYPE); $video->set('title', $fetch[3]); $video->set('description', $fetch[4]); $video->set('category_id', $fetch[5]); /* Save cords if exists */ if (isset($attachment['location'])) { $video->set('location', $attachment['location'][0]); $video->set('latitude', $attachment['location'][1]); $video->set('longitude', $attachment['location'][2]); } $video->store(); // $groupLib = new CGroups(); $group = JTable::getInstance('Group', 'CTable'); $group->load($attachment['target']); // Add activity logging $url = $video->getViewUri(false); $act = new stdClass(); $act->cmd = 'videos.linking'; $act->actor = $my->id; $act->target = $attachment['target'] == $my->id ? 0 : $attachment['target']; $act->access = $privacy; //filter empty message $act->title = $message; $act->app = 'videos'; $act->content = ''; $act->cid = $video->id; $act->groupid = $video->groupid; $act->group_access = $group->approvals; $act->location = $video->location; /* Save cords if exists */ if (isset($attachment['location'])) { /* Save geo name */ $act->location = $attachment['location'][0]; $act->latitude = $attachment['location'][1]; $act->longitude = $attachment['location'][2]; } $act->comment_id = $video->id; $act->comment_type = 'videos'; $act->like_id = $video->id; $act->like_type = 'videos'; $params = new CParameter(''); $params->set('video_url', $url); $params->set('style', COMMUNITY_STREAM_STYLE); // set stream style //Store mood in paramm if (isset($attachment['mood']) && $attachment['mood'] != 'Mood') { $params->set('mood', $attachment['mood']); } $activityData = CActivityStream::add($act, $params->toString()); // @rule: Add point when user adds a new video link CUserPoints::assignPoint('video.add', $video->creator); // Trigger for onVideoCreate $apps = CAppPlugins::getInstance(); $apps->loadApplications(); $params = array(); $params[] = $video; $apps->triggerEvent('onVideoCreate', $params); $this->cacheClean(array(COMMUNITY_CACHE_TAG_VIDEOS, COMMUNITY_CACHE_TAG_FRONTPAGE, COMMUNITY_CACHE_TAG_FEATURED, COMMUNITY_CACHE_TAG_VIDEOS_CAT, COMMUNITY_CACHE_TAG_ACTIVITIES)); $objResponse->addScriptCall('__callback', JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_VIDEOS_UPLOAD_SUCCESS', $video->title)); // Reload the stream with new stream data $streamHTML = $groupLib->getStreamHTML($group, array('showLatestActivityOnTop' => true)); break; case 'events': //event videos $fetch = $attachment['fetch']; $cid = $fetch[0]; $privacy = 0; //$attachment['privacy']; $video = JTable::getInstance('Video', 'CTable'); $video->load($cid); $video->set('status', 'ready'); $video->set('eventid', $attachment['target']); $video->set('permissions', $privacy); $video->set('creator_type', VIDEO_EVENT_TYPE); $video->set('title', $fetch[3]); $video->set('description', $fetch[4]); $video->set('category_id', $fetch[5]); /* Save cords if exists */ if (isset($attachment['location'])) { $video->set('location', $attachment['location'][0]); $video->set('latitude', $attachment['location'][1]); $video->set('longitude', $attachment['location'][2]); } $video->store(); // $eventLib = new CEvents(); $event = JTable::getInstance('Event', 'CTable'); $event->load($attachment['target']); $group = new stdClass(); if ($event->type == 'group' && $event->contentid) { // check if this a group event, and follow the permission $group = JTable::getInstance('Group', 'CTable'); $group->load($event->contentid); } // Add activity logging $url = $video->getViewUri(false); $act = new stdClass(); $act->cmd = 'videos.linking'; $act->actor = $my->id; $act->target = $attachment['target'] == $my->id ? 0 : $attachment['target']; $act->access = $privacy; //filter empty message $act->title = $message; $act->app = 'videos'; $act->content = ''; $act->cid = $video->id; $act->groupid = 0; $act->group_access = isset($group->approvals) ? $group->approvals : 0; // if this is a group event $act->location = $video->location; /* Save cords if exists */ if (isset($attachment['location'])) { /* Save geo name */ $act->location = $attachment['location'][0]; $act->latitude = $attachment['location'][1]; $act->longitude = $attachment['location'][2]; } $act->eventid = $event->id; $act->comment_id = $video->id; $act->comment_type = 'videos'; $act->like_id = $video->id; $act->like_type = 'videos'; $params = new CParameter(''); $params->set('video_url', $url); $params->set('style', COMMUNITY_STREAM_STYLE); // set stream style //Store mood in paramm if (isset($attachment['mood']) && $attachment['mood'] != 'Mood') { $params->set('mood', $attachment['mood']); } $activityData = CActivityStream::add($act, $params->toString()); // @rule: Add point when user adds a new video link CUserPoints::assignPoint('video.add', $video->creator); // Trigger for onVideoCreate $apps = CAppPlugins::getInstance(); $apps->loadApplications(); $params = array(); $params[] = $video; $apps->triggerEvent('onVideoCreate', $params); $this->cacheClean(array(COMMUNITY_CACHE_TAG_VIDEOS, COMMUNITY_CACHE_TAG_FRONTPAGE, COMMUNITY_CACHE_TAG_FEATURED, COMMUNITY_CACHE_TAG_VIDEOS_CAT, COMMUNITY_CACHE_TAG_ACTIVITIES)); $objResponse->addScriptCall('__callback', JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_VIDEOS_UPLOAD_SUCCESS', $video->title)); // Reload the stream with new stream data $streamHTML = $eventLib->getStreamHTML($event, array('showLatestActivityOnTop' => true)); break; default: return; } break; case 'event': switch ($attachment['element']) { case 'profile': require_once COMMUNITY_COM_PATH . '/controllers/events.php'; $eventController = new CommunityEventsController(); // Assign default values where necessary $attachment['description'] = $message; $attachment['ticket'] = 0; $attachment['offset'] = 0; $event = $eventController->ajaxCreate($attachment, $objResponse); $objResponse->addScriptCall('window.location="' . $event->getLink() . '";'); if (CFactory::getConfig()->get('event_moderation')) { $objResponse->addAlert(JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_EVENTS_MODERATION_NOTICE', $event->title)); } break; case 'groups': require_once COMMUNITY_COM_PATH . '/controllers/events.php'; $eventController = new CommunityEventsController(); // $groupLib = new CGroups(); $group = JTable::getInstance('Group', 'CTable'); $group->load($attachment['target']); // Assign default values where necessary $attachment['description'] = $message; $attachment['ticket'] = 0; $attachment['offset'] = 0; $event = $eventController->ajaxCreate($attachment, $objResponse); CEvents::addGroupNotification($event); $objResponse->addScriptCall('window.location="' . $event->getLink() . '";'); // Reload the stream with new stream data $streamHTML = $groupLib->getStreamHTML($group, array('showLatestActivityOnTop' => true)); if (CFactory::getConfig()->get('event_moderation')) { $objResponse->addAlert(JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_EVENTS_MODERATION_NOTICE', $event->title)); } break; } break; case 'link': break; } //no matter what kind of message it is, always filter the hashtag if there's any if (!empty($act->title) && isset($activityData->id) && $activityData->id) { //use model to check if this has a tag in it and insert into the table if possible $hashtags = CContentHelper::getHashTags($act->title); if (count($hashtags)) { //$hashTag $hashtagModel = CFactory::getModel('hashtags'); foreach ($hashtags as $tag) { $hashtagModel->addActivityHashtag($tag, $activityData->id); } } } // Frontpage filter if ($streamFilter != false) { $streamFilter = json_decode($streamFilter); $filter = $streamFilter->filter; $value = $streamFilter->value; $extra = false; // Append added data to the list. if (isset($activityData) && $activityData->id) { $model = CFactory::getModel('Activities'); $extra = $model->getActivity($activityData->id); } switch ($filter) { case 'privacy': if ($value == 'me-and-friends' && $my->id != 0) { $streamHTML = CActivities::getActivitiesByFilter('active-user-and-friends', $my->id, 'frontpage', true, array(), $extra); } else { $streamHTML = CActivities::getActivitiesByFilter('all', $my->id, 'frontpage', true, array(), $extra); } break; case 'apps': $streamHTML = CActivities::getActivitiesByFilter('all', $my->id, 'frontpage', true, array('apps' => array($value)), $extra); break; case 'hashtag': $streamHTML = CActivities::getActivitiesByFilter('all', $my->id, 'frontpage', true, array($filter => $value), $extra); break; default: $defaultFilter = $config->get('frontpageactivitydefault'); if ($defaultFilter == 'friends' && $my->id != 0) { $streamHTML = CActivities::getActivitiesByFilter('active-user-and-friends', $my->id, 'frontpage', true, array(), $extra); } else { $streamHTML = CActivities::getActivitiesByFilter('all', $my->id, 'frontpage', true, array(), $extra); } break; } } if (!isset($attachment['filter'])) { $attachment['filter'] = ''; $filter = $config->get('frontpageactivitydefault'); $filter = explode(':', $filter); $attachment['filter'] = isset($filter[1]) ? $filter[1] : $filter[0]; } if (empty($streamHTML)) { if (!isset($attachment['target'])) { $attachment['target'] = ''; } if (!isset($attachment['element'])) { $attachment['element'] = ''; } $streamHTML = CActivities::getActivitiesByFilter($attachment['filter'], $attachment['target'], $attachment['element'], true, array('show_featured' => true, 'showLatestActivityOnTop' => true)); } $objResponse->addAssign('activity-stream-container', 'innerHTML', $streamHTML); // Log user engagement CEngagement::log($attachment['type'] . '.share', $my->id); return $objResponse->sendResponse(); }
/** * Responsible for displaying the event page. * */ public function viewevent() { $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); $jinput = $mainframe->input; $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $config = CFactory::getConfig(); $my = CFactory::getUser(); CWindow::load(); $eventLib = new CEvents(); $eventid = JRequest::getInt('eventid', 0); $eventModel = CFactory::getModel('events'); $event = JTable::getInstance('Event', 'CTable'); $handler = CEventHelper::getHandler($event); $event->load($eventid); if (empty($event->id)) { return JError::raiseWarning(404, JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_EVENTS_NOT_AVAILABLE_ERROR')); } if ($event->unlisted && !$event->isMember($my->id) && !$event->getUserStatus($my->id) == 0) { $text = JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_EVENTS_UNLISTED_ERROR'); $text .= ' <a href="javascript:" onclick="joms.api.eventJoin(\'' . $event->id . '\');">Request Invitation</a>'; return JError::raiseWarning(403, $text); } if (!$handler->exists()) { $mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_EVENTS_NOT_AVAILABLE_ERROR'), 'error'); return; } if (!$handler->browsable()) { echo JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_ACCESS_SECTION'); return; } // @rule: Test if the group is unpublished, don't display it at all. if (!$event->isPublished()) { echo JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_EVENTS_UNDER_MODERATION'); return; } //$this->showSubmenu(); $event->hit(); $isGroupAdmin = false; // Basic page presentation if ($event->type == 'group') { $groupId = $event->contentid; $group = JTable::getInstance('Group', 'CTable'); $group->load($groupId); // Set pathway for group videos // Community > Groups > Group Name > Events $this->addPathway(JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_GROUPS'), CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=groups')); $this->addPathway($group->name, CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=groups&task=viewgroup&groupid=' . $groupId)); $groupEventDetails = new stdClass(); $groupEventDetails->creator = CFactory::getUser($event->creator); $groupEventDetails->groupName = $group->name; $groupEventDetails->groupLink = CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=groups&task=viewgroup&groupid=' . $group->id); $isGroupAdmin = $group->isAdmin($my->id); } $this->addPathway(JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_EVENTS'), CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=events')); $this->addPathway($event->title); /** * Opengraph */ CHeadHelper::setType('website', JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_EVENT_PAGE_TITLE', $event->title), null, array($event->getCover())); // Permissions and privacies $isEventGuest = $event->isMember($my->id); $isMine = $my->id == $event->creator; $isAdmin = $event->isAdmin($my->id) || $isGroupAdmin; $isCommunityAdmin = COwnerHelper::isCommunityAdmin(); // Get Event Admins $eventAdmins = $event->getAdmins(12, CC_RANDOMIZE); $adminsInArray = array(); // Attach avatar of the admin for ($i = 0; $i < count($eventAdmins); $i++) { $row = $eventAdmins[$i]; $admin = CFactory::getUser($row->id); array_push($adminsInArray, '<a href="' . CUrlHelper::userLink($admin->id) . '">' . $admin->getDisplayName() . '</a>'); } $adminsList = ltrim(implode(', ', $adminsInArray), ','); // Get Attending Event Guests $eventMembers = $event->getMembers(COMMUNITY_EVENT_STATUS_ATTEND, CFactory::getConfig()->get('event_sidebar_members_show_total', 12), CC_RANDOMIZE); $eventMembersCount = $event->getMembersCount(COMMUNITY_EVENT_STATUS_ATTEND); // Attach avatar of the admin // Pre-load multiple users at once $userids = array(); foreach ($eventMembers as $uid) { $userids[] = $uid->id; } CFactory::loadUsers($userids); for ($i = 0; $i < count($eventMembers); $i++) { $row = $eventMembers[$i]; $eventMembers[$i] = CFactory::getUser($row->id); } // Pre-load multiple users at once $waitingApproval = $event->isPendingApproval($my->id); $waitingRespond = false; $myStatus = $event->getUserStatus($my->id); $hasResponded = $myStatus == COMMUNITY_EVENT_STATUS_ATTEND || $myStatus == COMMUNITY_EVENT_STATUS_WONTATTEND || $myStatus == COMMUNITY_EVENT_STATUS_MAYBE; // Get Bookmark HTML $bookmarks = new CBookmarks(CRoute::getExternalURL('index.php?option=com_community&view=events&task=viewevent&eventid=' . $event->id)); $bookmarksHTML = $bookmarks->getHTML(); // Get the Wall $wallContent = CWallLibrary::getWallContents('events', $event->id, $isAdmin, $config->get('stream_default_comments'), 0, 'wall/content', 'events,events'); $wallCount = CWallLibrary::getWallCount('events', $event->id); $viewAllLink = false; if ($jinput->request->get('task', '', 'STRING') != 'app') { $viewAllLink = CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=events&task=app&eventid=' . $event->id . '&app=walls'); } $wallContent .= CWallLibrary::getViewAllLinkHTML($viewAllLink, $wallCount); $wallForm = ''; // Construct the RVSP radio list $arr = array(JHTML::_('select.option', COMMUNITY_EVENT_STATUS_ATTEND, JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_EVENTS_YES')), JHTML::_('select.option', COMMUNITY_EVENT_STATUS_WONTATTEND, JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_EVENTS_NO')), JHTML::_('select.option', COMMUNITY_EVENT_STATUS_MAYBE, JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_EVENTS_MAYBE'))); $status = $event->getMemberStatus($my->id); $radioList = JHTML::_('select.radiolist', $arr, 'status', '', 'value', 'text', $status, false); $unapprovedCount = $event->inviteRequestCount(); //... $editEvent = $jinput->get->get('edit', false, 'NONE'); $editEvent = $editEvent == 1 ? true : false; // Am I invited in this event? $isInvited = false; $join = ''; $friendsCount = 0; $isInvited = $eventModel->isInvitedMe(0, $my->id, $event->id); // If I was invited, I want to know my invitation informations if ($isInvited) { $invitor = CFactory::getUser($isInvited[0]->invited_by); $join = '<a href="' . CUrlHelper::userLink($invitor->id) . '">' . $invitor->getDisplayName() . '</a>'; // Get users friends in this group $friendsCount = $eventModel->getFriendsCount($my->id, $event->id); } // Get like $likes = new CLike(); $isUserLiked = false; if ($isLikeEnabled = $likes->enabled('events')) { $isUserLiked = $likes->userLiked('events', $event->id, $my->id); } $totalLikes = $likes->getLikeCount('events', $event->id); // Is this event is a past event? $now = new JDate(); $isPastEvent = $event->getEndDate(false)->toSql() < $now->toSql(true) ? true : false; // Get the formated date & time $format = $config->get('eventshowampm') ? JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_EVENTS_TIME_FORMAT_12HR') : JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_EVENTS_TIME_FORMAT_24HR'); $startDate = $event->getStartDate(false); $endDate = $event->getEndDate(false); $allday = false; if ($startDate->format('%Y-%m-%d') == $endDate->format('%Y-%m-%d') && $startDate->format('%H:%M:%S') == '00:00:00' && $endDate->format('%H:%M:%S') == '23:59:59') { $format = JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_EVENT_TIME_FORMAT_LC1'); $allday = true; } $event->startdateHTML = CTimeHelper::getFormattedTime($event->startdate, $format); $event->enddateHTML = CTimeHelper::getFormattedTime($event->enddate, $format); if (!isset($event->params)) { $event->params = ''; } $params = new CParameter($event->params); $event->defaultCover = $event->isDefaultCover(); // Cover position. $event->coverPostion = $params->get('coverPosition', ''); if (strpos($event->coverPostion, '%') === false) { $event->coverPostion = 0; } // Find cover album and photo. $event->coverAlbum = false; $event->coverPhoto = false; $album = JTable::getInstance('Album', 'CTable'); $albumId = $album->isCoverExist('event', $event->id); if ($albumId) { $album->load($albumId); $event->coverAlbum = $albumId; $event->coverPhoto = $album->photoid; } $inviteHTML = CInvitation::getHTML(null, 'events,inviteUsers', $event->id, CInvitation::SHOW_FRIENDS, CInvitation::SHOW_EMAIL); $status = new CUserStatus($event->id, 'events'); $tmpl = new CTemplate(); $creator = new CUserStatusCreator('message'); $creator->title = $isMine ? JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_STATUS') : JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_MESSAGE'); $creator->html = $tmpl->fetch('status.message'); $status->addCreator($creator); // Upgrade wall to stream @since 2.5 $event->upgradeWallToStream(); // Add custom stream $streamHTML = $eventLib->getStreamHTML($event); if ($event->getMemberStatus($my->id) == COMMUNITY_EVENT_STATUS_ATTEND) { $RSVPmessage = JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_EVENTS_ATTENDING_EVENT_MESSAGE'); } else { if ($event->getMemberStatus($my->id) == COMMUNITY_EVENT_STATUS_WONTATTEND) { $RSVPmessage = JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_EVENTS_NOT_ATTENDING_EVENT_MESSAGE'); } else { $RSVPmessage = JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_EVENTS_NOT_RESPOND_RSVP_MESSAGE'); } } // Get recurring event series $eventSeries = null; $seriesCount = 0; if ($event->isRecurring()) { $advance = array('expired' => false, 'return' => 'object', 'limit' => COMMUNITY_EVENT_SERIES_LIMIT, 'exclude' => $event->id, 'published' => 1); $tempseries = $eventModel->getEventChilds($event->parent, $advance); foreach ($tempseries as $series) { $table = JTable::getInstance('Event', 'CTable'); $table->bind($series); $eventSeries[] = $table; } $seriesCount = $eventModel->getEventChildsCount($event->parent); } //pending request invitation guest $pendingRequestGuests = $event->getMembers(COMMUNITY_EVENT_STATUS_REQUESTINVITE, 0, false, false); // Pre-load multiple users at once $tempUserInfo = array(); foreach ($pendingRequestGuests as $uid) { $tempUserInfo[] = CFactory::getUser($uid->id); } $pendingRequestGuests = $tempUserInfo; $featured = new CFeatured(FEATURED_EVENTS); $featuredList = $featured->getItemIds(); // Get Attending Event Guests $maybeList = $event->getMembers(COMMUNITY_EVENT_STATUS_MAYBE, 12, CC_RANDOMIZE); $maybeCount = $event->getMembersCount(COMMUNITY_EVENT_STATUS_MAYBE); $tempUserInfo = array(); foreach ($maybeList as $uid) { $tempUserInfo[] = CFactory::getUser($uid->id); } $maybeList = $tempUserInfo; $wontAttendList = $event->getMembers(COMMUNITY_EVENT_STATUS_WONTATTEND, 12, CC_RANDOMIZE); $wontAttendCount = $event->getMembersCount(COMMUNITY_EVENT_STATUS_WONTATTEND); $tempUserInfo = array(); foreach ($wontAttendList as $uid) { $tempUserInfo[] = CFactory::getUser($uid->id); } $wontAttendList = $tempUserInfo; //gets all the albums related to this photo $photosModel = CFactory::getModel('photos'); $albums = $photosModel->getEventAlbums($event->id); $totalPhotos = 0; foreach ($albums as $album) { $albumParams = new CParameter($album->params); $totalPhotos = $totalPhotos + $albumParams->get('count'); } //get total videos $videosModel = CFactory::getModel('videos'); $videos = $videosModel->getEventVideos($eventid); $totalVideos = count($videosModel->getEventVideos($eventid)); // Output to template echo $tmpl->setMetaTags('event', $event)->set('status', $status)->set('albums', $albums)->set('videos', $videos)->set('pendingRequestGuests', $pendingRequestGuests)->set('streamHTML', $streamHTML)->set('timezone', CTimeHelper::getTimezone($event->offset))->set('handler', $handler)->set('isUserLiked', $isUserLiked)->set('totalLikes', $totalLikes)->set('inviteHTML', $inviteHTML)->set('guestStatus', $event->getUserStatus($my->id))->set('event', $event)->set('radioList', $radioList)->set('bookmarksHTML', $bookmarksHTML)->set('isLikeEnabled', $isLikeEnabled)->set('isEventGuest', $isEventGuest)->set('isMine', $isMine)->set('isAdmin', $isAdmin)->set('isCommunityAdmin', $isCommunityAdmin)->set('unapproved', $unapprovedCount)->set('waitingApproval', $waitingApproval)->set('wallContent', $wallContent)->set('eventMembers', $eventMembers)->set('eventMembersCount', $eventMembersCount)->set('editEvent', $editEvent)->set('my', $my)->set('creator', CFactory::getUser($event->creator))->set('memberStatus', $myStatus)->set('waitingRespond', $waitingRespond)->set('isInvited', $isInvited)->set('join', $join)->set('friendsCount', $friendsCount)->set('isPastEvent', $isPastEvent)->set('adminsList', $adminsList)->set('RSVPmessage', $RSVPmessage)->set('allday', $allday)->set('eventSeries', $eventSeries)->set('seriesCount', $seriesCount)->set('groupEventDetails', isset($groupEventDetails) ? $groupEventDetails : null)->set('featuredList', $featuredList)->set('photoPermission', $params->get('photopermission'))->set('videoPermission', $params->get('videopermission'))->set('showPhotos', $params->get('photopermission') != -1 && $config->get('enablephotos') && $config->get('eventphotos'))->set('showVideos', $params->get('videopermission') != -1 && $config->get('enablevideos') && $config->get('eventvideos'))->set('totalPhotos', $totalPhotos)->set('totalVideos', $totalVideos)->set('maybeList', $maybeList)->set('maybeCount', $maybeCount)->set('wontAttendList', $wontAttendList)->set('wontAttendCount', $wontAttendCount)->fetch('events/single'); }
/** * Return the HTML formatted activity content */ static function getActivityContent($act) { $cache = CFactory::getFastCache(); $cacheid = __FILE__ . __LINE__ . serialize(func_get_args()); if ($data = $cache->get($cacheid)) { return $data; } // Return empty content or content with old, invalid data // In some old version, some content might have 'This is the body' if ($act->content == 'This is the body') { return ''; } $html = $act->content; // For known core, apps, we can simply call the content command switch ($act->app) { case 'videos': CFactory::load('libraries', 'videos'); $html = CVideos::getActivityContentHTML($act); break; case 'photos': CFactory::load('libraries', 'photos'); $html = CPhotos::getActivityContentHTML($act); break; case 'events': CFactory::load('libraries', 'events'); $html = CEvents::getActivityContentHTML($act); break; case 'groups.wall': case 'groups': CFactory::load('libraries', 'groups'); $html = CGroups::getActivityContentHTML($act); break; case 'groups.discussion.reply': case 'groups.discussion': CFactory::load('libraries', 'groups'); $html = CGroups::getActivityContentHTML($act); break; case 'groups.bulletin': CFactory::load('libraries', 'groups'); $html = CGroups::getActivityContentHTML($act); case 'system': CFactory::load('libraries', 'adminstreams'); $html = CAdminstreams::getActivityContentHTML($act); break; case 'walls': // If a wall does not have any content, do not // display the summary if ($act->app == 'walls' && $act->cid == 0) { $html = ''; return $html; } if ($act->cid != 0) { CFactory::load('libraries', 'wall'); $html = CWall::getActivityContentHTML($act); } break; default: // for other unknown apps, we include the plugin see if it is is callable // we call the onActivityContentDisplay(); CFactory::load('libraries', 'apps'); $apps =& CAppPlugins::getInstance(); $plugin =& $apps->get($act->app); $method = 'onActivityContentDisplay'; if (is_callable(array($plugin, $method))) { $args = array(); $args[] = $act; $html = call_user_func_array(array($plugin, $method), $args); } else { $html = $act->content; } } $cache->store($html, $cacheid, array('activities')); return $html; }
public function ajaxUpdateStatus($eventId, $status) { $filter = JFilterInput::getInstance(); $eventId = $filter->clean($eventId, 'int'); $status = $filter->clean($status, 'int'); $target = NULL; if (!COwnerHelper::isRegisteredUser()) { return $this->ajaxBlockUnregister(); } $my = CFactory::getUser(); $objResponse = new JAXResponse(); $memberId = $my->id; $modal =& $this->getModel('events'); $event =& JTable::getInstance('Event', 'CTable'); $event->load($eventId); CFactory::load('helpers', 'event'); $handler = CEventHelper::getHandler($event); if (!$handler->isAllowed()) { $objResponse->addAlert(JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_ACCESS_FORBIDDEN')); return $objResponse->sendResponse(); } if ($event->ticket && ($status == COMMUNITY_EVENT_STATUS_ATTEND && $event->confirmedcount + 1 > $event->ticket)) { $objResponse->addAlert(JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_EVENTS_TICKET_FULL')); return $objResponse->sendResponse(); } $eventMember =& JTable::getInstance('EventMembers', 'CTable'); $eventMember->load($memberId, $eventId); if ($eventMember->permission != 1 && $eventMember->permission != 2) { $eventMember->permission = 3; } $date =& JFactory::getDate(); $eventMember->created = $date->toMYSQL(); $eventMember->status = $status; $eventMember->store(); $event->updateGuestStats(); $event->store(); //activities stream goes here. $url = $handler->getFormattedLink('index.php?option=com_community&view=events&task=viewevent&eventid=' . $event->id, false); CFactory::load('helpers', 'event'); // We update the activity only if a user attend an event and the event was set to public event if ($status == COMMUNITY_EVENT_STATUS_ATTEND && $handler->isPublic()) { $command = 'events.attendence.attend'; $actor = $my->id; $target = 0; $content = ''; $cid = $event->id; $app = 'events'; $act = $handler->getActivity($command, $actor, $target, $content, $cid, $app); $act->eventid = $event->id; $params = new CParameter(''); $action_str = 'events.attendence.attend'; $params->set('eventid', $event->id); $params->set('action', $action_str); $params->set('event_url', $url); // Add activity logging CFactory::load('libraries', 'activities'); CActivityStream::add($act, $params->toString()); } //trigger goes here. CFactory::load('libraries', 'apps'); $appsLib =& CAppPlugins::getInstance(); $appsLib->loadApplications(); $params = array(); $params[] =& $event; $params[] = $my->id; $params[] = $status; if (!is_null($target)) { $params[] = $target; } $this->cacheClean(array(COMMUNITY_CACHE_TAG_EVENTS, COMMUNITY_CACHE_TAG_ACTIVITIES)); CFactory::load('libraries', 'events'); $html = CEvents::getEventMemberHTML($event->id); if ($status == COMMUNITY_EVENT_STATUS_ATTEND) { $RSVPmessage = JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_EVENTS_ATTENDING_EVENT_MESSAGE'); } else { $RSVPmessage = JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_EVENTS_NOT_ATTENDING_EVENT_MESSAGE'); } $objResponse->addScriptCall('__callback', $html); $objResponse->addScriptCall("joms.jQuery('#community-event-rsvp-alert .cdata').html('{$RSVPmessage}');"); return $objResponse->sendResponse(); }
public function display($data = null) { $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $userid = JRequest::getCmd('userid', null); $groupId = JRequest::getInt('groupid', '', 'GET'); $my = CFactory::getUser(); $document->setLink(CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community')); // list user events or group events if (!empty($groupId)) { $title = JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_SUBSCRIBE_TO_GROUP_EVENTS_FEEDS'); $group = JTable::getInstance('Group', 'CTable'); $group->load($groupId); CFactory::load('helpers', 'owner'); $isMember = $group->isMember($my->id); $isMine = $my->id == $group->ownerid; if (!$isMember && !$isMine && !COwnerHelper::isCommunityAdmin() && $group->approvals == COMMUNITY_PRIVATE_GROUP) { echo JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_GROUPS_PRIVATE_NOTICE'); return; } $eventModel = CFactory::getModel('events'); $tmpEvents = $eventModel->getGroupEvents($groupId, '', $mainframe->getCfg('feed_limit')); $rows = array(); foreach ($tmpEvents as $eventEntry) { $event =& JTable::getInstance('Event', 'CTable'); $event->bind($eventEntry); $rows[] = $event; } } else { include_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'libraries' . DS . 'events.php'; $event = new CEvents(); $rows = $event->getFEED($mainframe->getCfg('feed_limit'), $userid); } foreach ($rows as $row) { if ($row->type != 'title') { $event =& JTable::getInstance('Event', 'CTable'); $event->load($row->id); $getGroupId = !empty($groupId) ? '&groupid=' . $groupId : ''; $eventDetails = '<div>' . JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_EVENTS_NO_SEAT') . ': ' . $row->ticket . '</div>'; $eventDetails .= '<div>' . JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_EVENTS_LOCATION') . ': ' . $row->location . '</div>'; $eventDetails .= '<div>' . JText::_('Start Date') . ': ' . $row->startdate . '</div>'; $eventDetails .= '<div>' . JText::_('End Date') . ': ' . $row->enddate . '</div>'; $eventDetails .= '<br />'; $eventDetails .= '<div>' . JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_EVENTS_CONFIRMED') . ': ' . $row->confirmedcount . ', '; $eventDetails .= JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_EVENTS_MAYBE') . ': ' . $row->maybecount . ', '; $eventDetails .= JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_EVENTS_REJECTED') . ': ' . $row->declinedcount . '</div>'; // load individual item creator class $item = new JFeedItem(); $item->title = $row->title; $item->link = CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=events&task=viewevent&eventid=' . $row->id . $getGroupId); $item->description = '<img src="' . $event->getThumbAvatar() . '" alt="" /> ' . $row->description . $eventDetails; $item->date = $row->created; $item->category = ''; //$row->category; $item->description = CString::str_ireplace('_QQQ_', '"', $item->description); // Make sure url is absolute $item->description = CString::str_ireplace('href="/', 'href="' . JURI::base(), $item->description); // loads item info into rss array $document->addItem($item); } } }
/** * Return the HTML formatted activity contet */ static function getActivityContent($act) { // Return empty content or content with old, invalid data // In some old version, some content might have 'This is the body' if ($act->content == 'This is the body') { return ''; } $html = $act->content; // For know core, apps, we can simply call the content command switch ($act->app) { case 'videos': CFactory::load('libraries', 'videos'); $html = CVideos::getActivityContentHTML($act); break; case 'photos': CFactory::load('libraries', 'photos'); $html = CPhotos::getActivityContentHTML($act); break; case 'events': CFactory::load('libraries', 'events'); $html = CEvents::getActivityContentHTML($act); break; case 'groups': CFactory::load('libraries', 'groups'); $html = CGroups::getActivityContentHTML($act); break; case 'walls': // If a wall does not have any content, do not // display the summary if ($act->app == 'walls' && $act->cid == 0) { $html = ''; return $html; } default: // for other unknown apps, we include the plugin see if it is is callable // we call the onActivityContentDisplay(); CFactory::load('libraries', 'apps'); $apps =& CAppPlugins::getInstance(); $plugin =& $apps->get($act->app); $method = 'onActivityContentDisplay'; if (is_callable(array($plugin, $method))) { $args = array(); $args[] = $act; $html = call_user_func_array(array($plugin, $method), $args); } else { $html = $act->content; } } return $html; }
private function _addGroupNotification($event) { CEvents::addGroupNotification($event); }
<?php session_start(); require_once '../../include/'; require_once '../../include/'; if (isset($_SESSION['user'])) { $login = new CLogin($_SESSION['user']['username'], $_SESSION['user']['password']); if ($login->isAuthentiated()) { if (isset($_POST['id'])) { $eventid = $_POST['id']; if (CEvents::deleteEvent($eventid)) { $response = array('error' => false, 'title' => 'Done!', 'message' => 'The event was removed', 'style' => 'notice'); } else { $response = array('error' => true, 'title' => 'Internal Error!', 'message' => 'There was an internal error', 'style' => 'error'); } } else { $response = array('error' => true, 'title' => 'Error!', 'message' => 'Invalid event index', 'style' => 'error'); } } else { $response = array('error' => true, 'title' => 'Access Denied', 'message' => 'You are not authentiated', 'style' => 'error'); } } else { $response = array('error' => true, 'title' => 'Access Denied', 'message' => 'You are not authentiated', 'style' => 'error'); } echo json_encode($response);
<?php require '../../include/'; if (isset($_POST['no'])) { $admin = false; if (isset($_POST['admin'])) { $admin = $_POST['admin']; } $noOfEvents = $_POST['no']; if ($html = CEvents::getEvents($noOfEvents, $admin)) { $noOfEvents = CEvents::noOfEvents(); $response = array('html' => $html, 'count' => $noOfEvents); } else { $response = array('html' => '', 'count' => $noOfEvents); } echo json_encode($response); }
/** * Called by status box to add new stream data * * @param type $message * @param type $attachment * @return type */ public function ajaxStreamAdd($message, $attachment) { //$filter = JFilterInput::getInstance(); //$message = $filter->clean($message, 'string'); $streamHTML = ''; // $attachment pending filter $cache = CFactory::getFastCache(); $cache->clean(array('activities')); $my = CFactory::getUser(); if (!COwnerHelper::isRegisteredUser()) { return $this->ajaxBlockUnregister(); } CFactory::load('libraries', 'activities'); CFactory::load('libraries', 'userpoints'); CFactory::load('helpers', 'linkgenerator'); CFactory::load('libraries', 'notification'); //@rule: In case someone bypasses the status in the html, we enforce the character limit. $config = CFactory::getConfig(); if (JString::strlen($message) > $config->get('statusmaxchar')) { $message = JString::substr($message, 0, $config->get('statusmaxchar')); } $message = JString::trim($message); //$message = CStringHelper::escape($message); //$inputFilter = CFactory::getInputFilter(true); //$message = $inputFilter->clean($message); $objResponse = new JAXResponse(); $rawMessage = $message; // @rule: Autolink hyperlinks $message = CLinkGeneratorHelper::replaceURL($message); // @rule: Autolink to users profile when message contains @username $message = CLinkGeneratorHelper::replaceAliasURL($message); // @rule: Spam checks if ($config->get('antispam_akismet_status')) { CFactory::load('libraries', 'spamfilter'); $filter = CSpamFilter::getFilter(); $filter->setAuthor($my->getDisplayName()); $filter->setMessage($message); $filter->setEmail($my->email); $filter->setURL(CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=profile&userid=' . $my->id)); $filter->setType('message'); $filter->setIP($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); if ($filter->isSpam()) { $objResponse->addAlert(JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_STATUS_MARKED_SPAM')); return $objResponse->sendResponse(); } } $attachment = json_decode($attachment, true); //respect wall setting before adding activity CFactory::load('helpers', 'friends'); CFactory::load('helper', 'owner'); //$objResponse->addScriptCall("alert('permission denied');"); //return $objResponse->sendResponse(); /* $attachment['type'] = The content type, message/videos/photos/events $attachment['element'] = The owner, profile, groups,events */ switch ($attachment['type']) { case "message": if (!empty($message)) { switch ($attachment['element']) { case 'profile': //only update user status if share messgage is on his profile if (COwnerHelper::isMine($my->id, $attachment['target'])) { //save the message $status =& $this->getModel('status'); $status->update($my->id, $rawMessage, $attachment['privacy']); //set user status for current session. $today =& JFactory::getDate(); $message2 = empty($message) ? ' ' : $message; $my->set('_status', $rawMessage); $my->set('_posted_on', $today->toMySQL()); // Order of replacement $order = array("\r\n", "\n", "\r"); $replace = '<br />'; // Processes \r\n's first so they aren't converted twice. $messageDisplay = str_replace($order, $replace, $message); $messageDisplay = CKses::kses($messageDisplay, CKses::allowed()); //update user status $objResponse->addScriptCall("joms.jQuery('#profile-status span#profile-status-message').html('" . addslashes($messageDisplay) . "');"); } //push to activity stream $privacyParams = $my->getParams(); $act = new stdClass(); $act->cmd = 'profile.status.update'; $act->actor = $my->id; $act->target = $attachment['target']; $act->title = $message; $act->content = ''; $act->app = $attachment['element']; $act->cid = $my->id; $act->access = $attachment['privacy']; $act->comment_id = CActivities::COMMENT_SELF; $act->comment_type = 'profile.status'; $act->like_id = CActivities::LIKE_SELF; $act->like_type = 'profile.status'; CActivityStream::add($act); CUserPoints::assignPoint('profile.status.update'); $recipient = CFactory::getUser($attachment['target']); $params = new CParameter(''); $params->set('actorName', $my->getDisplayName()); $params->set('recipientName', $recipient->getDisplayName()); $params->set('url', CUrlHelper::userLink($act->target, false)); $params->set('message', $message); CNotificationLibrary::add('etype_profile_status_update', $my->id, $attachment['target'], JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_FRIEND_WALL_POST', $my->getDisplayName()), '', '', $params); break; // Message posted from Group page // Message posted from Group page case 'groups': CFactory::load('libraries', 'groups'); $groupLib = new CGroups(); $group = JTable::getInstance('Group', 'CTable'); $group->load($attachment['target']); // Permission check, only site admin and those who has // mark their attendance can post message if (!COwnerHelper::isCommunityAdmin() && !$group->isMember($my->id)) { $objResponse->addScriptCall("alert('permission denied');"); return $objResponse->sendResponse(); } $act = new stdClass(); $act->cmd = 'groups.wall'; $act->actor = $my->id; $act->target = 0; $act->title = $message; $act->content = ''; $act->app = 'groups.wall'; $act->cid = $attachment['target']; $act->groupid = $group->id; $act->group_access = $group->approvals; $act->eventid = 0; $act->access = 0; $act->comment_id = CActivities::COMMENT_SELF; $act->comment_type = 'groups.wall'; $act->like_id = CActivities::LIKE_SELF; $act->like_type = 'groups.wall'; CActivityStream::add($act); CUserPoints::assignPoint('profile.status.update'); $recipient = CFactory::getUser($attachment['target']); $params = new CParameter(''); $params->set('message', $message); $params->set('group', $group->name); $params->set('url', CRoute::getExternalURL('index.php?option=com_community&view=groups&task=viewgroup&groupid=' . $group->id, false)); //Get group member emails $model = CFactory::getModel('Groups'); $members = $model->getMembers($attachment['target'], null); $membersArray = array(); if (!is_null($members)) { foreach ($members as $row) { if ($my->id != $row->id) { $membersArray[] = $row->id; } } } CNotificationLibrary::add('etype_groups_wall_create', $my->id, $membersArray, JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_NEW_WALL_POST_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_SUBJECT', $my->getDisplayName(), $group->name), '', 'groups.wall', $params); // Add custom stream // Reload the stream with new stream data $streamHTML = $groupLib->getStreamHTML($group); break; // Message posted from Event page // Message posted from Event page case 'events': CFactory::load('libraries', 'events'); $eventLib = new CEvents(); $event = JTable::getInstance('Event', 'CTable'); $event->load($attachment['target']); // Permission check, only site admin and those who has // mark their attendance can post message if (!COwnerHelper::isCommunityAdmin() && !$event->isMember($my->id)) { $objResponse->addScriptCall("alert('permission denied');"); return $objResponse->sendResponse(); } // If this is a group event, set the group object $groupid = $event->type == 'group' ? $event->contentid : 0; CFactory::load('libraries', 'groups'); $groupLib = new CGroups(); $group = JTable::getInstance('Group', 'CTable'); $group->load($groupid); $act = new stdClass(); $act->cmd = 'events.wall'; $act->actor = $my->id; $act->target = 0; $act->title = $message; $act->content = ''; $act->app = 'events.wall'; $act->cid = $attachment['target']; $act->groupid = $event->type == 'group' ? $event->contentid : 0; $act->group_access = $group->approvals; $act->eventid = $event->id; $act->event_access = $event->permission; $act->access = 0; $act->comment_id = CActivities::COMMENT_SELF; $act->comment_type = 'events.wall'; $act->like_id = CActivities::LIKE_SELF; $act->like_type = 'events.wall'; CActivityStream::add($act); // Reload the stream with new stream data $streamHTML = $eventLib->getStreamHTML($event); break; } $objResponse->addScriptCall('__callback', ''); } break; case "photo": switch ($attachment['element']) { case 'profile': $photoId = $attachment['id']; $privacy = $attachment['privacy']; $photo = JTable::getInstance('Photo', 'CTable'); $photo->load($photoId); $photo->caption = $message; $photo->permissions = $privacy; $photo->published = 1; $photo->status = 'ready'; $photo->store(); // Trigger onPhotoCreate CFactory::load('libraries', 'apps'); $apps =& CAppPlugins::getInstance(); $apps->loadApplications(); $params = array(); $params[] =& $photo; $apps->triggerEvent('onPhotoCreate', $params); $album = JTable::getInstance('Album', 'CTable'); $album->load($photo->albumid); $act = new stdClass(); $act->cmd = 'photo.upload'; $act->actor = $my->id; $act->access = $attachment['privacy']; $act->target = $attachment['target'] == $my->id ? 0 : $attachment['target']; $act->title = $message; //JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_ACTIVITIES_UPLOAD_PHOTO' , '{photo_url}', $album->name ); $act->content = ''; // Generated automatically by stream. No need to add anything $act->app = 'photos'; $act->cid = $album->id; $act->location = $album->location; /* Comment and like for individual photo upload is linked * to the photos itsel */ $act->comment_id = $photo->id; //CActivities::COMMENT_SELF; $act->comment_type = 'photos'; $act->like_id = $photo->id; //CActivities::LIKE_SELF; $act->like_type = 'photo'; // like type is 'photo' not 'photos' $albumUrl = 'index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=album&albumid=' . $album->id . '&userid=' . $my->id; $albumUrl = CRoute::_($albumUrl); $photoUrl = 'index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=photo&albumid=' . $album->id . '&userid=' . $photo->creator . '#photoid=' . $photo->id; $photoUrl = CRoute::_($photoUrl); $params = new CParameter(''); $params->set('multiUrl', $albumUrl); $params->set('photoid', $photo->id); $params->set('action', 'upload'); $params->set('stream', '1'); // this photo uploaded from status stream $params->set('photo_url', $photoUrl); // Add activity logging CFactory::load('libraries', 'activities'); CActivityStream::add($act, $params->toString()); // Add user points CFactory::load('libraries', 'userpoints'); CUserPoints::assignPoint('photo.upload'); $objResponse->addScriptCall('__callback', JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_PHOTO_UPLOADED_SUCCESSFULLY', $photo->caption)); break; case 'groups': CFactory::load('libraries', 'groups'); $groupLib = new CGroups(); $group = JTable::getInstance('Group', 'CTable'); $group->load($attachment['target']); $photoId = $attachment['id']; $privacy = $group->approvals ? PRIVACY_GROUP_PRIVATE_ITEM : 0; $photo = JTable::getInstance('Photo', 'CTable'); $photo->load($photoId); $photo->caption = $message; $photo->permissions = $privacy; $photo->published = 1; $photo->status = 'ready'; $photo->store(); // Trigger onPhotoCreate CFactory::load('libraries', 'apps'); $apps =& CAppPlugins::getInstance(); $apps->loadApplications(); $params = array(); $params[] =& $photo; $apps->triggerEvent('onPhotoCreate', $params); $album = JTable::getInstance('Album', 'CTable'); $album->load($photo->albumid); $act = new stdClass(); $act->cmd = 'photo.upload'; $act->actor = $my->id; $act->access = $privacy; $act->target = $attachment['target'] == $my->id ? 0 : $attachment['target']; $act->title = $message; //JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_ACTIVITIES_UPLOAD_PHOTO' , '{photo_url}', $album->name ); $act->content = ''; // Generated automatically by stream. No need to add anything $act->app = 'photos'; $act->cid = $album->id; $act->location = $album->location; $act->groupid = $group->id; $act->group_access = $group->approvals; $act->eventid = 0; //$act->access = $attachment['privacy']; /* Comment and like for individual photo upload is linked * to the photos itsel */ $act->comment_id = $photo->id; //CActivities::COMMENT_SELF; $act->comment_type = 'photos'; $act->like_id = $photo->id; //CActivities::LIKE_SELF; $act->like_type = 'photo'; // like type is 'photo' not 'photos' $albumUrl = 'index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=album&albumid=' . $album->id . '&userid=' . $my->id; $albumUrl = CRoute::_($albumUrl); $photoUrl = 'index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=photo&albumid=' . $album->id . '&userid=' . $photo->creator . '#photoid=' . $photo->id; $photoUrl = CRoute::_($photoUrl); $params = new CParameter(''); $params->set('multiUrl', $albumUrl); $params->set('photoid', $photo->id); $params->set('action', 'upload'); $params->set('stream', '1'); // this photo uploaded from status stream $params->set('photo_url', $photoUrl); // Add activity logging CFactory::load('libraries', 'activities'); CActivityStream::add($act, $params->toString()); // Add user points CFactory::load('libraries', 'userpoints'); CUserPoints::assignPoint('photo.upload'); // Reload the stream with new stream data $streamHTML = $groupLib->getStreamHTML($group); $objResponse->addScriptCall('__callback', JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_PHOTO_UPLOADED_SUCCESSFULLY', $photo->caption)); break; } break; case "video": switch ($attachment['element']) { case 'profile': // attachment id $cid = $attachment['id']; $privacy = $attachment['privacy']; $video = JTable::getInstance('Video', 'CTable'); $video->load($cid); $video->status = 'ready'; $video->permissions = $privacy; $video->store(); // Add activity logging $url = $video->getViewUri(false); $act = new stdClass(); $act->cmd = 'videos.upload'; $act->actor = $my->id; $act->target = $attachment['target'] == $my->id ? 0 : $attachment['target']; $act->access = $privacy; //filter empty message $act->title = $message; $act->app = 'videos'; $act->content = ''; $act->cid = $video->id; $act->location = $video->location; $act->comment_id = $video->id; $act->comment_type = 'videos'; $act->like_id = $video->id; $act->like_type = 'videos'; $params = new CParameter(''); $params->set('video_url', $url); CFactory::load('libraries', 'activities'); CActivityStream::add($act, $params->toString()); // @rule: Add point when user adds a new video link CFactory::load('libraries', 'userpoints'); CUserPoints::assignPoint('video.add', $video->creator); $this->cacheClean(array(COMMUNITY_CACHE_TAG_VIDEOS, COMMUNITY_CACHE_TAG_FRONTPAGE, COMMUNITY_CACHE_TAG_FEATURED, COMMUNITY_CACHE_TAG_VIDEOS_CAT, COMMUNITY_CACHE_TAG_ACTIVITIES)); $objResponse->addScriptCall('__callback', JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_VIDEOS_UPLOAD_SUCCESS', $video->title)); break; case 'groups': // attachment id $cid = $attachment['id']; $privacy = 0; //$attachment['privacy']; $video = JTable::getInstance('Video', 'CTable'); $video->load($cid); $video->status = 'ready'; $video->groupid = $attachment['target']; $video->permissions = $privacy; $video->store(); CFactory::load('libraries', 'groups'); $groupLib = new CGroups(); $group = JTable::getInstance('Group', 'CTable'); $group->load($attachment['target']); // Add activity logging $url = $video->getViewUri(false); $act = new stdClass(); $act->cmd = 'videos.upload'; $act->actor = $my->id; $act->target = $attachment['target'] == $my->id ? 0 : $attachment['target']; $act->access = $privacy; //filter empty message $act->title = $message; $act->app = 'videos'; $act->content = ''; $act->cid = $video->id; $act->groupid = $video->groupid; $act->group_access = $group->approvals; $act->location = $video->location; $act->comment_id = $video->id; $act->comment_type = 'videos'; $act->like_id = $video->id; $act->like_type = 'videos'; $params = new CParameter(''); $params->set('video_url', $url); CFactory::load('libraries', 'activities'); CActivityStream::add($act, $params->toString()); // @rule: Add point when user adds a new video link CFactory::load('libraries', 'userpoints'); CUserPoints::assignPoint('video.add', $video->creator); $this->cacheClean(array(COMMUNITY_CACHE_TAG_VIDEOS, COMMUNITY_CACHE_TAG_FRONTPAGE, COMMUNITY_CACHE_TAG_FEATURED, COMMUNITY_CACHE_TAG_VIDEOS_CAT, COMMUNITY_CACHE_TAG_ACTIVITIES)); $objResponse->addScriptCall('__callback', JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_VIDEOS_UPLOAD_SUCCESS', $video->title)); // Reload the stream with new stream data $streamHTML = $groupLib->getStreamHTML($group); break; } break; case "event": switch ($attachment['element']) { case 'profile': require_once COMMUNITY_COM_PATH . DS . 'controllers' . DS . 'events.php'; $eventController = new CommunityEventsController(); // Assign default values where necessary $attachment['description'] = $message; $attachment['ticket'] = 0; $attachment['offset'] = 0; $event = $eventController->ajaxCreate($attachment, $objResponse); $objResponse->addScriptCall('__callback', ''); break; } case 'group': require_once COMMUNITY_COM_PATH . DS . 'controllers' . DS . 'events.php'; $eventController = new CommunityEventsController(); CFactory::load('libraries', 'groups'); $groupLib = new CGroups(); $group = JTable::getInstance('Group', 'CTable'); $group->load($attachment['target']); // Assign default values where necessary $attachment['description'] = $message; $attachment['ticket'] = 0; $attachment['offset'] = 0; $event = $eventController->ajaxCreate($attachment, $objResponse); $objResponse->addScriptCall('__callback', ''); // Reload the stream with new stream data $streamHTML = $groupLib->getStreamHTML($group); break; break; case "link": break; } // If no filter specified, we can assume it is for all if (!isset($attachment['filter'])) { $attachment['filter'] = ''; } if (empty($streamHTML)) { $streamHTML = CActivities::getActivitiesByFilter($attachment['filter'], $attachment['target'], $attachment['element']); } $objResponse->addAssign('activity-stream-container', 'innerHTML', $streamHTML); return $objResponse->sendResponse(); }
/** * Responsible for displaying the event page. **/ public function viewevent() { $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $config = CFactory::getConfig(); $my = CFactory::getUser(); CFactory::load('libraries', 'tooltip'); CFactory::load('libraries', 'wall'); CFactory::load('libraries', 'window'); CFactory::load('libraries', 'activities'); CFactory::load('libraries', 'events'); CWindow::load(); $eventLib = new CEvents(); $eventid = JRequest::getInt('eventid', 0); $eventModel =& CFactory::getModel('events'); $event =& JTable::getInstance('Event', 'CTable'); CFactory::load('helpers', 'event'); $handler = CEventHelper::getHandler($event); $event->load($eventid); if (!$handler->exists()) { $mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_EVENTS_NOT_AVAILABLE_ERROR'), 'error'); return; } if (!$handler->browsable()) { echo JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_ACCESS_SECTION'); return; } // @rule: Test if the group is unpublished, don't display it at all. if (!$event->published) { echo JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_EVENTS_UNDER_MODERATION'); return; } $this->showSubmenu(); $event->hit(); // Basic page presentation if ($event->type == 'group') { $groupId = $event->contentid; $group =& JTable::getInstance('Group', 'CTable'); $group->load($groupId); // Set pathway for group videos // Community > Groups > Group Name > Events $this->addPathway(JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_GROUPS'), CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=groups')); $this->addPathway($group->name, CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=groups&task=viewgroup&groupid=' . $groupId)); } $this->addPathway(JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_EVENTS'), CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=events')); $this->addPathway($event->title); // Permissions and privacies CFactory::load('helpers', 'owner'); $isEventGuest = $event->isMember($my->id); $isMine = $my->id == $event->creator; $isAdmin = $event->isAdmin($my->id); $isCommunityAdmin = COwnerHelper::isCommunityAdmin(); // Get Event Admins $eventAdmins = $event->getAdmins(12, CC_RANDOMIZE); $adminsInArray = array(); // Attach avatar of the admin for ($i = 0; $i < count($eventAdmins); $i++) { $row =& $eventAdmins[$i]; $admin = CFactory::getUser($row->id); array_push($adminsInArray, '<a href="' . CUrlHelper::userLink($admin->id) . '">' . $admin->getDisplayName() . '</a>'); } $adminsList = ltrim(implode(', ', $adminsInArray), ','); // Get Attending Event Guests $eventMembers = $event->getMembers(COMMUNITY_EVENT_STATUS_ATTEND, 12, CC_RANDOMIZE); $eventMembersCount = $event->getMembersCount(COMMUNITY_EVENT_STATUS_ATTEND); // Attach avatar of the admin // Pre-load multiple users at once $userids = array(); foreach ($eventMembers as $uid) { $userids[] = $uid->id; } CFactory::loadUsers($userids); for ($i = 0; $i < count($eventMembers); $i++) { $row =& $eventMembers[$i]; $eventMembers[$i] = CFactory::getUser($row->id); } // Pre-load multiple users at once $waitingApproval = $event->isPendingApproval($my->id); $waitingRespond = false; $myStatus = $event->getUserStatus($my->id); $hasResponded = $myStatus == COMMUNITY_EVENT_STATUS_ATTEND || $myStatus == COMMUNITY_EVENT_STATUS_WONTATTEND || $myStatus == COMMUNITY_EVENT_STATUS_MAYBE; // Get Bookmark HTML CFactory::load('libraries', 'bookmarks'); $bookmarks = new CBookmarks(CRoute::getExternalURL('index.php?option=com_community&view=events&task=viewevent&eventid=' . $event->id)); $bookmarksHTML = $bookmarks->getHTML(); // Get Reporting HTML CFactory::load('libraries', 'reporting'); $report = new CReportingLibrary(); $reportHTML = $report->getReportingHTML(JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_EVENTS_REPORT'), 'events,reportEvent', array($event->id)); // Get the Wall CFactory::load('libraries', 'wall'); $wallContent = CWallLibrary::getWallContents('events', $event->id, $isAdmin, 10, 0, 'wall.content', 'events,events'); $wallCount = CWallLibrary::getWallCount('events', $event->id); $viewAllLink = false; if (JRequest::getVar('task', '', 'REQUEST') != 'app') { $viewAllLink = CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=events&task=app&eventid=' . $event->id . '&app=walls'); } $wallContent .= CWallLibrary::getViewAllLinkHTML($viewAllLink, $wallCount); $wallForm = ''; /*if( !$config->get('lockeventwalls') || ($config->get('lockeventwalls') && ($isEventGuest) && !($waitingApproval) && $hasResponded) || $isCommunityAdmin ) { $wallForm = CWallLibrary::getWallInputForm( $event->id , 'events,ajaxSaveWall', 'events,ajaxRemoveWall' ); }*/ // Construct the RVSP radio list $arr = array(JHTML::_('select.option', COMMUNITY_EVENT_STATUS_ATTEND, JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_EVENTS_YES')), JHTML::_('select.option', COMMUNITY_EVENT_STATUS_WONTATTEND, JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_EVENTS_NO')), JHTML::_('select.option', COMMUNITY_EVENT_STATUS_MAYBE, JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_EVENTS_MAYBE'))); $status = $event->getMemberStatus($my->id); $radioList = JHTML::_('select.radiolist', $arr, 'status', '', 'value', 'text', $status, false); $unapprovedCount = $event->inviteRequestCount(); //... $editEvent = JRequest::getVar('edit', false, 'GET'); $editEvent = $editEvent == 1 ? true : false; // Am I invited in this event? $isInvited = false; $join = ''; $friendsCount = 0; $isInvited = $eventModel->isInvitedMe(0, $my->id, $event->id); // If I was invited, I want to know my invitation informations if ($isInvited) { $invitor = CFactory::getUser($isInvited[0]->invited_by); $join = '<a href="' . CUrlHelper::userLink($invitor->id) . '">' . $invitor->getDisplayName() . '</a>'; // Get users friends in this group $friendsCount = $eventModel->getFriendsCount($my->id, $event->id); } // Get like CFactory::load('libraries', 'like'); $likes = new CLike(); $likesHTML = $likes->getHTML('events', $event->id, $my->id); // Is this event is a past event? $now = new JDate(); $isPastEvent = $event->getEndDate(false)->toMySQL() < $now->toMySQL(true) ? true : false; // Get the formated date & time $format = $config->get('eventshowampm') ? JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_EVENTS_TIME_FORMAT_12HR') : JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_EVENTS_TIME_FORMAT_24HR'); $startDate = $event->getStartDate(false); $endDate = $event->getEndDate(false); $allday = false; if ($startDate->toFormat('%Y-%m-%d') == $endDate->toFormat('%Y-%m-%d') && $startDate->toFormat('%H:%M:%S') == '00:00:00' && $endDate->toFormat('%H:%M:%S') == '23:59:59') { $format = JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_EVENT_TIME_FORMAT_LC1'); $allday = true; } $event->startdateHTML = CTimeHelper::getFormattedTime($event->startdate, $format); $event->enddateHTML = CTimeHelper::getFormattedTime($event->enddate, $format); CFactory::load('libraries', 'invitation'); $inviteHTML = CInvitation::getHTML(null, 'events,inviteUsers', $event->id, CInvitation::SHOW_FRIENDS, CInvitation::SHOW_EMAIL); CFactory::load('libraries', 'userstatus'); $status = new CUserStatus($event->id, 'events'); $tmpl = new CTemplate(); $creator = new CUserStatusCreator('message'); $creator->title = $isMine ? JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_STATUS') : JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_MESSAGE'); $creator->html = $tmpl->fetch('status.message'); $status->addCreator($creator); // Upgrade wall to stream @since 2.5 $event->upgradeWallToStream(); // Add custom stream $streamHTML = $eventLib->getStreamHTML($event); if ($event->getMemberStatus($my->id) == COMMUNITY_EVENT_STATUS_ATTEND) { $RSVPmessage = JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_EVENTS_ATTENDING_EVENT_MESSAGE'); } else { if ($event->getMemberStatus($my->id) == COMMUNITY_EVENT_STATUS_WONTATTEND) { $RSVPmessage = JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_EVENTS_NOT_ATTENDING_EVENT_MESSAGE'); } else { $RSVPmessage = JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_EVENTS_NOT_RESPOND_RSVP_MESSAGE'); } } // Output to template echo $tmpl->setMetaTags('event', $event)->set('status', $status)->set('streamHTML', $streamHTML)->set('timezone', CTimeHelper::getTimezone($event->offset))->set('handler', $handler)->set('likesHTML', $likesHTML)->set('inviteHTML', $inviteHTML)->set('guestStatus', $event->getUserStatus($my->id))->set('event', $event)->set('radioList', $radioList)->set('bookmarksHTML', $bookmarksHTML)->set('reportHTML', $reportHTML)->set('isEventGuest', $isEventGuest)->set('isMine', $isMine)->set('isAdmin', $isAdmin)->set('isCommunityAdmin', $isCommunityAdmin)->set('unapproved', $unapprovedCount)->set('waitingApproval', $waitingApproval)->set('wallContent', $wallContent)->set('eventMembers', $eventMembers)->set('eventMembersCount', $eventMembersCount)->set('editEvent', $editEvent)->set('my', $my)->set('memberStatus', $myStatus)->set('waitingRespond', $waitingRespond)->set('isInvited', $isInvited)->set('join', $join)->set('friendsCount', $friendsCount)->set('isPastEvent', $isPastEvent)->set('adminsList', $adminsList)->set('RSVPmessage', $RSVPmessage)->set('allday', $allday)->fetch('events.viewevent'); }