/** * @throws CApiBaseException(Errs::Db_ExceptionError) 3001 * * @return bool */ public function createDatabase() { CDbCreator::ClearStatic(); $aConnections =& CDbCreator::CreateConnector($this->oSettings); $oConnect = $aConnections[0]; if ($oConnect) { $oConnect->ConnectNoSelect(); $oConnect->Execute($this->oCommandCreator->createDatabase($this->oSettings->GetConf('DBName'))); } else { throw new CApiBaseException(Errs::Db_ExceptionError); } return true; }
public function SystemDb() { if (CApi::getCsrfToken('p7admToken') === CPost::get('txtToken')) { if (CApi::GetConf('mailsuite', false)) { $this->oSettings->SetConf('Common/DBType', EDbType::MySQL); } else { $this->oSettings->SetConf('Common/DBType', EnumConvert::FromPost(CPost::get('radioSqlType'), 'EDbType')); } if (CPost::Has('txtSqlLogin')) { $this->oSettings->SetConf('Common/DBLogin', CPost::get('txtSqlLogin')); } if (CPost::Has('txtSqlPassword') && AP_DUMMYPASSWORD !== (string) CPost::get('txtSqlPassword')) { $this->oSettings->SetConf('Common/DBPassword', CPost::get('txtSqlPassword')); } if (CPost::Has('txtSqlName')) { $this->oSettings->SetConf('Common/DBName', CPost::get('txtSqlName')); } if (CPost::Has('txtSqlSrc')) { $this->oSettings->SetConf('Common/DBHost', CPost::get('txtSqlSrc')); } if (CPost::GetCheckBox('isTestConnection')) { CDbCreator::ClearStatic(); $aConnections =& CDbCreator::CreateConnector($this->oSettings); $oConnect = $aConnections[0]; if ($oConnect) { $this->LastError = AP_LANG_CONNECTUNSUCCESSFUL; try { if ($oConnect->Connect()) { $this->LastMessage = AP_LANG_CONNECTSUCCESSFUL; $this->LastError = ''; } } catch (CApiDbException $oException) { $this->LastError .= "\r\n" . $oException->getMessage() . ' (' . (int) $oException->getCode() . ')'; } } else { $this->LastError = AP_LANG_CONNECTUNSUCCESSFUL; } $this->oSettings->SaveToXml(); } else { $this->saveSettingsXmlWithMessage(); } } return ''; }
/** * @param api_Settings $oSettings */ public function __construct(api_Settings &$oSettings) { $aConnections =& CDbCreator::CreateConnector($oSettings); $this->oSettings = $oSettings; $this->sPrefix = $this->oSettings->GetConf('Common/DBPrefix'); $this->oConnector = null; $this->oSlaveConnector = null; $this->oLastException = null; if (is_array($aConnections) && 2 === count($aConnections)) { $this->oConnector =& $aConnections[0]; if (null !== $aConnections[1]) { $this->oSlaveConnector =& $aConnections[1]; } } }
/** * @return CDbStorage */ public function &GetSqlHelper() { if (null === $this->oSqlHelper) { $oSettings =& $this->GetSettings(); if ($oSettings) { $this->oSqlHelper = CDbCreator::CreateCommandCreatorHelper($oSettings); } else { $this->oSqlHelper = false; } } return $this->oSqlHelper; }
<?php include_once '/var/www/html/libraries/afterlogic/api.php'; if (CApi::IsValid()) { $settings =& CApi::GetSettings(); if ($settings) { $settings->SetConf('Common/DBHost', 'localhost'); $settings->SetConf('Common/DBName', 'afterlogic'); $settings->SetConf('Common/DBLogin', 'root'); $settings->SetConf('Common/DBPassword', 'webbundle'); CDbCreator::ClearStatic(); CDbCreator::CreateConnector($settings); $oApiDbManager = CApi::Manager('db'); $oApiDbManager->SyncTables(); $settings->SaveToXml(); } }
public function DoPost() { if (isset($_POST['test_btn'])) { $this->initDbSettings(); $sError = $sMessage = ''; CDbCreator::ClearStatic(); $aConnections =& CDbCreator::CreateConnector($this->oSettings); $oConnect = $aConnections[0]; if ($oConnect) { $sError = 'Failed to connect.'; try { if ($oConnect->Connect()) { $sMessage = 'Connected successfully.'; $sError = ''; } } catch (CApiDbException $oException) { $sError .= "\r\n" . $oException->getMessage() . ' (' . (int) $oException->getCode() . ')'; } } else { $sError = 'Failed to connect.'; } if (!empty($sError)) { $_SESSION['wm_install_db_test_error'] = $sError; } else { if (!empty($sMessage)) { $_SESSION['wm_install_db_test_message'] = $sMessage; } } } else { if (isset($_POST['create_db_btn'])) { $this->initDbSettings(); $sError = ''; /* @var $oApiDbManager CApiDbManager */ $oApiDbManager = CApi::Manager('db'); if ($oApiDbManager->createDatabase($sError)) { $_SESSION['wm_install_db_name_create_message'] = 'Database created successfully.'; } else { $_SESSION['wm_install_db_name_create_error'] = $sError; } } else { if (isset($_POST['next_btn'])) { $this->initDbSettings(); $bResult = true; if (isset($_POST['chNotCreate']) && 1 === (int) $_POST['chNotCreate']) { /* @var $oApiDbManager CApiDbManager */ $oApiDbManager = CApi::Manager('db'); if ($oApiDbManager->isAUsersTableExists()) { $_SESSION['wm_install_db_foot_error'] = 'The data tables already exist. To proceed, specify another prefix or delete the existing tables.'; $bResult = false; } else { $bResult = $oApiDbManager->syncTables(); if (!$bResult) { $_SESSION['wm_install_db_foot_error'] = $oApiDbManager->GetLastErrorMessage(); } } } $_SESSION['wm-install-create-db'] = true; return $bResult; } } } return false; }