public function __construct($bandName) { $db = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "root"); mysql_select_db("test"); $sql = "select,, CD.title, tracks.tracknum, tracks.title as tracktitle "; $sql .= "from CD left join tracks on = tracks.cid "; $sql .= "where band = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($bandName) . "' "; $sql .= "order by tracks.tracknum"; $results = mysql_query($sql); $cdID = 0; $cd = NULL; while ($result = mysql_fetch_array($results)) { if ($result["id"] !== $cdID) { if (!is_null($cd)) { $this->_CDs[] = $cd; } $cdID = $result['id']; $cd = new CD($result['band'], $result['title']); } $cd->addTrack($result['tracktitle']); } $this->_CDs[] = $cd; }
public function getTrackList() { $output = ''; foreach ($this->trackList as $num => $track) { $output .= $num + 1 . ") {$track}. "; } return $output; } } class CDTrackListDecoratorCaps { private $__cd; public function __construct(CD $cd) { $this->__cd = $cd; } public function makeCaps() { foreach ($this->__cd->trackList as &$track) { $track = strtoupper($track); } } } $tracksFromExternalSource = array('What It Means', 'Brr', 'Goodbye'); $myCD = new CD(); foreach ($tracksFromExternalSource as $track) { $myCD->addTrack($track); } $myCDCaps = new CDTrackListDecoratorCaps($myCD); $myCDCaps->makeCaps(); print "The CD contains the following tracks: " . $myCD->getTrackList();
{ $this->band = $band; } public function addTrack($track) { $this->tracks[] = $track; } } $title = 'Waste of a Rib'; $band = 'Never Again'; $tracksFromExternalSource = array('What It Means', 'Brrr', 'Goodbye'); $cd = new CD(); $cd->setTitle($title); $cd->setBand($band); foreach ($tracksFromExternalSource as $track) { $cd->addTrack($track); } class enhancedCD { public $title = ''; public $band = ''; public $tracks = array(); public function __construct() { $this->tracks[] = 'DATA TRACK'; } public function setTitle($title) { $this->title = $title; } public function setBand($band)