// Include the essential config-file which also creates the $Orange variable with its defaults. include __DIR__ . '/config.php'; // Define what to include to make the plugin to work $Orange['stylesheets'][] = 'css/slideshow.css'; $Orange['javascript_include'][] = 'js/slideshow.js'; // Do it and store it all in variables in the Orange container. $Orange['title'] = "Startsida"; $calender = new CCalendar(); $calender->getValues(); $calender->generateCalenderData(); $output = $calender->printMiniCalendar(); $content = new CContent(); $res = $content->getBlogContentForFirstPage(); $blog_posts = $content->drawBlogPosts($res); $news = $content->getNews(); $printNews = $content->drawNews($news); $slide = <<<EOD <div id="slideshow" class='slideshow' data-host="" data-path="img/dogs/" data-images='["1.jpg", "2.jpg", "5.jpg", "6.jpg"]'> <img src='img/dogs/6.jpg' width='962px' height='400px' alt='Me'/> </div> EOD; $Orange['main'] = <<<EOD {$slide} <div> <div class="nyheter"> <div class="rubrik"><p class="undertext">Nyheter</div> {$printNews} </div> <aside class="aside"> <div class="rubrik"><p class="undertext">Kalender</div>