Esempio n. 1
    $text2 = new CTextBox('macros[' . $i . '][value]', $macro['value'], 40, $readonly, 255);
    $text2->setAttribute('placeholder', _('value'));
    $span = new CSpan('⇒');
    $deleteButtonCell = null;
    if (!$readonly) {
        $deleteButtonCell = array(new CButton('macros_' . $i . '_remove', _('Remove'), null, 'link_menu element-table-remove'));
        if (isset($macro['globalmacroid'])) {
            $deleteButtonCell[] = new CVar('macros[' . $i . '][globalmacroid]', $macro['globalmacroid'], 'macros_' . $i . '_id');
        if (isset($macro['hostmacroid'])) {
            $deleteButtonCell[] = new CVar('macros[' . $i . '][hostmacroid]', $macro['hostmacroid'], 'macros_' . $i . '_id');
    $row = array($text1, $span, $text2, $deleteButtonCell);
    $macrosTable->addRow($row, 'form_row');
// buttons
if (!$readonly) {
    $addButton = new CButton('macro_add', _('Add'), null, 'link_menu element-table-add');
    $buttonColumn = new CCol($addButton);
    $buttonColumn->setAttribute('colspan', 5);
    $buttonRow = new CRow();
    $buttonRow->setAttribute('id', 'row_new_macro');
// form list
$macrosFormList = new CFormList('macrosFormList');
return $macrosFormList;
function create_hat($caption, $items, $addicons = null, $id = null, $state = null)
    if (is_null($id)) {
        list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
        $id = 'hat_' . (int) ($sec % 10) . (int) ($usec * 1000);
    $td_l = new CCol(SPACE);
    $td_l->setAttribute('width', '100%');
    $icons_row = array($td_l);
    if (!is_null($addicons)) {
        if (!is_array($addicons)) {
            $addicons = array($addicons);
        foreach ($addicons as $value) {
            $icons_row[] = $value;
    if (!is_null($state)) {
        $icon = new CIcon(_('Show') . '/' . _('Hide'), $state ? 'arrowup' : 'arrowdown', "change_hat_state(this,'" . $id . "');");
        $icon->setAttribute('id', $id . '_icon');
        $icons_row[] = $icon;
    } else {
        $state = true;
    $icon_tab = new CTable();
    $icon_tab->setAttribute('width', '100%');
    $table = new CTable();
    $table->setAttribute('width', '100%');
    $table->addRow(get_table_header($caption, $icon_tab));
    $div = new CDiv($items);
    $div->setAttribute('id', $id);
    if (!$state) {
        $div->setAttribute('style', 'display: none;');
    return $table;
Esempio n. 3
function bar_report_form3()
    global $USER_DETAILS;
    $available_hosts = get_accessible_hosts_by_user($USER_DETAILS, PERM_READ_ONLY);
    $config = get_request('config', 1);
    $title = get_request('title', S_REPORT . ' 3');
    $xlabel = get_request('xlabel', '');
    $ylabel = get_request('ylabel', '');
    $sorttype = get_request('sorttype', 0);
    $scaletype = get_request('scaletype', TIMEPERIOD_TYPE_WEEKLY);
    $avgperiod = get_request('avgperiod', TIMEPERIOD_TYPE_DAILY);
    $report_timesince = get_request('report_timesince', date('YmdHis', time() - 86400));
    $report_timetill = get_request('report_timetill', date('YmdHis'));
    $captions = get_request('captions', array());
    $items = get_request('items', array());
    $hostids = get_request('hostids', array());
    $hostids = zbx_toHash($hostids);
    $showlegend = get_request('showlegend', 0);
    $palette = get_request('palette', 0);
    $palettetype = get_request('palettetype', 0);
    $reportForm = new CFormTable(null, null, 'get');
    $reportForm->setAttribute('name', 'zbx_report');
    $reportForm->setAttribute('id', 'zbx_report');
    //	$reportForm->setMethod('post');
    if (isset($_REQUEST['report_show']) && !empty($items)) {
        $reportForm->addVar('report_show', 'show');
    $reportForm->addVar('config', $config);
    $reportForm->addVar('report_timesince', date('YmdHis', $report_timesince));
    $reportForm->addVar('report_timetill', date('YmdHis', $report_timetill));
    //	$reportForm->addVar('items',$items); 				//params are set later!!
    //	$reportForm->addVar('periods',$periods);
    $reportForm->addRow(S_TITLE, new CTextBox('title', $title, 40));
    $reportForm->addRow(S_X . SPACE . S_LABEL, new CTextBox('xlabel', $xlabel, 40));
    $reportForm->addRow(S_Y . SPACE . S_LABEL, new CTextBox('ylabel', $ylabel, 40));
    $reportForm->addRow(S_LEGEND, new CCheckBox('showlegend', $showlegend, null, 1));
    $reportForm->addVar('sortorder', 0);
    // GROUPS
    $groupids = get_request('groupids', array());
    $group_tb = new CTweenBox($reportForm, 'groupids', $groupids, 10);
    $options = array('real_hosts' => 1, 'output' => 'extend');
    $db_groups = CHostGroup::get($options);
    order_result($db_groups, 'name');
    foreach ($db_groups as $gnum => $group) {
        $groupids[$group['groupid']] = $group['groupid'];
        $group_tb->addItem($group['groupid'], $group['name']);
    $reportForm->addRow(S_GROUPS, $group_tb->Get(S_SELECTED_GROUPS, S_OTHER . SPACE . S_GROUPS));
    // ----------
    // HOSTS
    //	validate_group(PERM_READ_ONLY,array('real_hosts'),'web.last.conf.groupid');
    $groupid = get_request('groupid', 0);
    $cmbGroups = new CComboBox('groupid', $groupid, 'submit()');
    $cmbGroups->addItem(0, S_ALL_S);
    foreach ($db_groups as $gnum => $group) {
        $cmbGroups->addItem($group['groupid'], $group['name']);
    $td_groups = new CCol(array(S_GROUP, SPACE, $cmbGroups));
    $td_groups->setAttribute('style', 'text-align: right;');
    $host_tb = new CTweenBox($reportForm, 'hostids', $hostids, 10);
    $options = array('real_hosts' => 1, 'output' => array('hostid', 'host'));
    if ($groupid > 0) {
        $options['groupids'] = $groupid;
    $db_hosts = CHost::get($options);
    $db_hosts = zbx_toHash($db_hosts, 'hostid');
    order_result($db_hosts, 'host');
    foreach ($db_hosts as $hnum => $host) {
        $host_tb->addItem($host['hostid'], $host['host']);
    $options = array('real_hosts' => 1, 'output' => array('hostid', 'host'), 'hostids' => $hostids);
    $db_hosts2 = CHost::get($options);
    order_result($db_hosts2, 'host');
    foreach ($db_hosts2 as $hnum => $host) {
        if (!isset($db_hosts[$host['hostid']])) {
            $host_tb->addItem($host['hostid'], $host['host']);
    $reportForm->addRow(S_HOSTS, $host_tb->Get(S_SELECTED_HOSTS, array(S_OTHER . SPACE . S_HOSTS . SPACE . '|' . SPACE . S_GROUP . SPACE, $cmbGroups)));
    // ----------
    // PERIOD
    $clndr_icon = new CImg('images/general/bar/cal.gif', 'calendar', 16, 12, 'pointer');
    $clndr_icon->addAction('onclick', 'javascript: ' . 'var pos = getPosition(this); ' . '; ' . 'pos.left+=16; ' . "CLNDR['avail_report_since'].clndr.clndrshow(,pos.left);");
    $reporttimetab = new CTable(null, 'calendar');
    $reporttimetab->setAttribute('width', '10%');
    $reporttimetab->addRow(array(S_FROM, new CNumericBox('report_since_day', $report_timesince > 0 ? date('d', $report_timesince) : '', 2), '/', new CNumericBox('report_since_month', $report_timesince > 0 ? date('m', $report_timesince) : '', 2), '/', new CNumericBox('report_since_year', $report_timesince > 0 ? date('Y', $report_timesince) : '', 4), SPACE, new CNumericBox('report_since_hour', $report_timesince > 0 ? date('H', $report_timesince) : '', 2), ':', new CNumericBox('report_since_minute', $report_timesince > 0 ? date('i', $report_timesince) : '', 2), $clndr_icon));
    zbx_add_post_js('create_calendar(null,' . '["report_since_day","report_since_month","report_since_year","report_since_hour","report_since_minute"],' . '"avail_report_since",' . '"report_timesince");');
    $clndr_icon->addAction('onclick', 'javascript: ' . 'var pos = getPosition(this); ' . '; ' . 'pos.left+=16; ' . "CLNDR['avail_report_till'].clndr.clndrshow(,pos.left);");
    $reporttimetab->addRow(array(S_TILL, new CNumericBox('report_till_day', $report_timetill > 0 ? date('d', $report_timetill) : '', 2), '/', new CNumericBox('report_till_month', $report_timetill > 0 ? date('m', $report_timetill) : '', 2), '/', new CNumericBox('report_till_year', $report_timetill > 0 ? date('Y', $report_timetill) : '', 4), SPACE, new CNumericBox('report_till_hour', $report_timetill > 0 ? date('H', $report_timetill) : '', 2), ':', new CNumericBox('report_till_minute', $report_timetill > 0 ? date('i', $report_timetill) : '', 2), $clndr_icon));
    zbx_add_post_js('create_calendar(null,' . '["report_till_day","report_till_month","report_till_year","report_till_hour","report_till_minute"],' . '"avail_report_till",' . '"report_timetill");');
    zbx_add_post_js('addListener($("filter_icon"),' . '"click",' . 'CLNDR[\'avail_report_since\'].clndr.clndrhide.bindAsEventListener(CLNDR[\'avail_report_since\'].clndr));' . 'addListener($("filter_icon"),' . '"click",' . 'CLNDR[\'avail_report_till\'].clndr.clndrhide.bindAsEventListener(CLNDR[\'avail_report_till\'].clndr));');
    $reportForm->addRow(S_PERIOD, $reporttimetab);
    $scale = new CComboBox('scaletype', $scaletype);
    $scale->addItem(TIMEPERIOD_TYPE_DAILY, S_DAILY);
    $reportForm->addRow(S_SCALE, $scale);
    $avgcmb = new CComboBox('avgperiod', $avgperiod);
    $avgcmb->addItem(TIMEPERIOD_TYPE_DAILY, S_DAILY);
    $reportForm->addRow(S_AVERAGE_BY, $avgcmb);
    // ITEMS
    $itemid = 0;
    $description = '';
    if (count($items) && $items[0]['itemid'] > 0) {
        $itemid = $items[0]['itemid'];
        $description = get_item_by_itemid($itemid);
        $description = item_description($description);
    $reportForm->addVar('items[0][itemid]', $itemid);
    $txtCondVal = new CTextBox('items[0][description]', $description, 50, 'yes');
    $btnSelect = new CButton('btn1', S_SELECT, "return PopUp('popup.php?dstfrm=" . $reportForm->GetName() . "&dstfld1=items[0][itemid]&dstfld2=items[0][description]&" . "srctbl=items&srcfld1=itemid&srcfld2=description&monitored_hosts=1');", 'T');
    $reportForm->addRow(S_ITEM, array($txtCondVal, $btnSelect));
    $paletteCmb = new CComboBox('palette', $palette);
    $paletteCmb->addItem(0, S_PALETTE . ' #1');
    $paletteCmb->addItem(1, S_PALETTE . ' #2');
    $paletteCmb->addItem(2, S_PALETTE . ' #3');
    $paletteCmb->addItem(3, S_PALETTE . ' #4');
    $paletteTypeCmb = new CComboBox('palettetype', $palettetype);
    $paletteTypeCmb->addItem(0, S_MIDDLE);
    $paletteTypeCmb->addItem(1, S_DARKEN);
    $paletteTypeCmb->addItem(2, S_BRIGHTEN);
    $reportForm->addRow(S_PALETTE, array($paletteCmb, $paletteTypeCmb));
    $reportForm->addItemToBottomRow(new CButton('report_show', S_SHOW));
    $reset = new CButton('reset', S_RESET);
    return $reportForm;
     foreach ($this->data['new_operation']['opconditions'] as $opcondition) {
         if (!isset($opcondition['conditiontype'])) {
             $opcondition['conditiontype'] = 0;
         if (!isset($opcondition['operator'])) {
             $opcondition['operator'] = 0;
         if (!isset($opcondition['value'])) {
             $opcondition['value'] = 0;
         if (!str_in_array($opcondition['conditiontype'], $allowed_opconditions)) {
         $label = num2letter($i);
         $labelCol = new CCol($label, 'label');
         $labelCol->setAttribute('data-conditiontype', $opcondition['conditiontype']);
         $labelCol->setAttribute('data-formulaid', $label);
         $operationConditionsTable->addRow(array($labelCol, get_condition_desc($opcondition['conditiontype'], $opcondition['operator'], $opcondition['value']), array(new CButton('remove', _('Remove'), 'javascript: removeOperationCondition(' . $i . ');', 'link_menu'), new CVar('new_operation[opconditions][' . $i . '][conditiontype]', $opcondition['conditiontype']), new CVar('new_operation[opconditions][' . $i . '][operator]', $opcondition['operator']), new CVar('new_operation[opconditions][' . $i . '][value]', $opcondition['value']))), null, 'opconditions_' . $i);
     $calcTypeComboBox = new CComboBox('new_operation[evaltype]', $this->data['new_operation']['evaltype'], 'submit()');
     $calcTypeComboBox->attr('id', 'operationEvaltype');
     $calcTypeComboBox->addItem(CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_AND_OR, _('And/Or'));
     $calcTypeComboBox->addItem(CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_AND, _('And'));
     $calcTypeComboBox->addItem(CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_OR, _('Or'));
     $newOperationsTable->addRow(array(_('Type of calculation'), array($calcTypeComboBox, new CSpan('', null, 'operationConditionLabel'))), null, 'operationConditionRow');
     if (!isset($_REQUEST['new_opcondition'])) {
         $operationConditionsTable->addRow(new CCol(new CSubmit('new_opcondition', _('New'), null, 'link_menu')));
     $newOperationsTable->addRow(array(_('Conditions'), new CDiv($operationConditionsTable, 'objectgroup inlineblock border_dotted ui-corner-all')), 'indent_top');
Esempio n. 5
 * NOTE - menu array format:
 * first level:
 *	'label' = main menu title.
 *	'default_page_id	= default page url from 'pages' then opened menu.
 *	'pages' = collection of pages which are displayed from this menu.
 *	these pages are saved a last visited submenu of main menu.
 * second level (pages):
 *	'url' = real url for this page
 *	'label' =  submenu title, if missing, menu skipped, but remembered as last visited page.
 *	'sub_pages' = collection of pages for displaying but not remembered as last visited.
function zbx_construct_menu(&$main_menu, &$sub_menus, &$page)
    global $ZBX_MENU;
    $denied_page_requested = false;
    $page_exists = false;
    $deny = !defined('ZBX_PAGE_NO_AUTHORIZATION');
    foreach ($ZBX_MENU as $label => $menu) {
        $show_menu = true;
        if (isset($menu['user_type'])) {
            $show_menu &= $menu['user_type'] <= CWebUser::$data['type'];
        if ($label == 'login') {
            $show_menu = false;
        $menu_class = 'horizontal_menu_n';
        $sub_menus[$label] = array();
        foreach ($menu['pages'] as $sub_page) {
            $show_sub_menu = true;
            // show check
            if (!isset($sub_page['label'])) {
                $show_sub_menu = false;
            if (!isset($sub_page['user_type'])) {
                $sub_page['user_type'] = $menu['user_type'];
            if (CWebUser::$data['type'] < $sub_page['user_type']) {
                $show_sub_menu = false;
            $row = array('menu_text' => isset($sub_page['label']) ? $sub_page['label'] : '', 'menu_url' => $sub_page['url'], 'class' => 'highlight', 'selected' => false);
            $sub_menu_active = $page['file'] == $sub_page['url'];
            $sub_menu_active |= isset($sub_page['sub_pages']) && str_in_array($page['file'], $sub_page['sub_pages']);
            if ($sub_menu_active) {
                // permition check
                $deny &= CWebUser::$data['type'] < $menu['user_type'] || CWebUser::$data['type'] < $sub_page['user_type'];
                $menu_class = 'active';
                $page_exists = true;
                $page['menu'] = $label;
                $row['selected'] = true;
                if (!defined('ZBX_PAGE_NO_MENU')) {
                    CProfile::update('' . $label . '.last', $sub_page['url'], PROFILE_TYPE_STR);
            if ($show_sub_menu) {
                $sub_menus[$label][] = $row;
        if ($page_exists && !defined('ZBX_NOT_ALLOW_ALL_NODES') && (isset($menu['force_disable_all_nodes']) || isset($sub_page['force_disable_all_nodes']))) {
            define('ZBX_NOT_ALLOW_ALL_NODES', 1);
        if ($page_exists && $deny) {
            $denied_page_requested = true;
        if (!$show_menu) {
        $menu_url = $sub_menus[$label][$menu['default_page_id']]['menu_url'];
        $mmenu_entry = new CCol($menu['label'], $menu_class);
        $mmenu_entry->setAttribute('id', $label);
        $mmenu_entry->addAction('onclick', 'javascript: redirect(\'' . $menu_url . '\');');
        $mmenu_entry->addAction('onmouseover', 'javascript: MMenu.mouseOver(\'' . $label . '\');');
        $mmenu_entry->addAction('onmouseout', 'javascript: MMenu.mouseOut();');
        array_push($main_menu, $mmenu_entry);
    if (!$page_exists && $page['type'] != PAGE_TYPE_XML && $page['type'] != PAGE_TYPE_CSV && $page['type'] != PAGE_TYPE_TEXT_FILE) {
        $denied_page_requested = true;
    return $denied_page_requested;
Esempio n. 6
$lastValueHeader->setAttribute('title', _('Last value'));
$lastDataHeader = new CCol(new CSpan(_x('Change', 'noun in latest data')), 'latest-data');
$lastDataHeader->setAttribute('title', _x('Change', 'noun in latest data'));
$checkAllCheckbox = new CCheckBox('all_items', null, "checkAll('" . $form->getName() . "', 'all_items', 'itemids');");
$checkAllCheckboxCol = new CCol($checkAllCheckbox, 'latest-checkbox');
if ($filter['showDetails']) {
    $intervalHeader = new CCol(new CSpan(_('Interval')), 'latest-interval');
    $intervalHeader->setAttribute('title', _('Interval'));
    $historyHeader = new CCol(new CSpan(_('History')), 'latest-history');
    $historyHeader->setAttribute('title', _('History'));
    $trendsHeader = new CCol(new CSpan(_('Trends')), 'latest-trends');
    $trendsHeader->setAttribute('title', _('Trends'));
    $typeHeader = new CCol(new CSpan(_('Type')), 'latest-type');
    $typeHeader->setAttribute('title', _('Type'));
    $infoHeader = new CCol(new CSpan(_('Info')), 'latest-info');
    $infoHeader->setAttribute('title', _('Info'));
    $table->setHeader(array(new CCol(new CDiv(null, 'app-list-toggle-all icon-plus-9x9')), $checkAllCheckboxCol, $hostHeader, $nameHeader, $intervalHeader, $historyHeader, $trendsHeader, $typeHeader, $lastCheckHeader, $lastValueHeader, $lastDataHeader, new CCol(null, 'latest-actions'), $infoHeader));
} else {
    $table->setHeader(array(new CCol(new CDiv(null, 'app-list-toggle-all icon-plus-9x9')), $checkAllCheckboxCol, $hostHeader, $nameHeader, $lastCheckHeader, $lastValueHeader, $lastDataHeader, new CCol(null, 'latest-actions')));
$tab_rows = array();
foreach ($items as $key => $item) {
    if (!$item['applications']) {
    $lastHistory = isset($history[$item['itemid']][0]) ? $history[$item['itemid']][0] : null;
    $prevHistory = isset($history[$item['itemid']][1]) ? $history[$item['itemid']][1] : null;
    if (strpos($item['units'], ',') !== false) {
        list($item['units'], $item['unitsLong']) = explode(',', $item['units']);
    } else {
function make_sorting_header($obj, $tabfield, $url = '')
    global $page;
    $sortorder = $_REQUEST['sort'] == $tabfield && $_REQUEST['sortorder'] == ZBX_SORT_UP ? ZBX_SORT_DOWN : ZBX_SORT_UP;
    $link = new Curl($url);
    if (empty($url)) {
    $link->setArgument('sort', $tabfield);
    $link->setArgument('sortorder', $sortorder);
    $url = $link->getUrl();
    if ($page['type'] != PAGE_TYPE_HTML && defined('ZBX_PAGE_MAIN_HAT')) {
        $script = "javascript: return updater.onetime_update('" . ZBX_PAGE_MAIN_HAT . "', '" . $url . "');";
    } else {
        $script = 'javascript: redirect("' . $url . '");';
    $cont = new CSpan();
    foreach ($obj as $el) {
        if (is_object($el) || $el === SPACE) {
        } else {
            $cont->addItem(new CSpan($el, 'underline'));
    $img = null;
    if (isset($_REQUEST['sort']) && $tabfield == $_REQUEST['sort']) {
        if ($sortorder == ZBX_SORT_UP) {
            $img = new CSpan(SPACE, 'icon_sortdown');
        } else {
            $img = new CSpan(SPACE, 'icon_sortup');
    $col = new CCol(array($cont, $img), 'nowrap hover_grey');
    $col->setAttribute('onclick', $script);
    return $col;
Esempio n. 8
function show_messages($bool = true, $okmsg = null, $errmsg = null)
    global $page, $ZBX_MESSAGES;
    if (!defined('PAGE_HEADER_LOADED')) {
        return null;
    if (defined('ZBX_API_REQUEST')) {
        return null;
    if (!isset($page['type'])) {
        $page['type'] = PAGE_TYPE_HTML;
    $message = array();
    $width = 0;
    $height = 0;
    if (!$bool && !is_null($errmsg)) {
        $msg = _('ERROR') . ': ' . $errmsg;
    } elseif ($bool && !is_null($okmsg)) {
        $msg = $okmsg;
    if (isset($msg)) {
        switch ($page['type']) {
            case PAGE_TYPE_IMAGE:
                array_push($message, array('text' => $msg, 'color' => !$bool ? array('R' => 255, 'G' => 0, 'B' => 0) : array('R' => 34, 'G' => 51, 'B' => 68), 'font' => 2));
                $width = max($width, imagefontwidth(2) * zbx_strlen($msg) + 1);
                $height += imagefontheight(2) + 1;
            case PAGE_TYPE_XML:
                echo htmlspecialchars($msg) . "\n";
            case PAGE_TYPE_HTML:
                $msg_tab = new CTable($msg, $bool ? 'msgok' : 'msgerr');
                $row = array();
                $msg_col = new CCol(bold($msg), 'msg_main msg');
                $msg_col->setAttribute('id', 'page_msg');
                $row[] = $msg_col;
                if (isset($ZBX_MESSAGES) && !empty($ZBX_MESSAGES)) {
                    $msg_details = new CDiv(_('Details'), 'blacklink');
                    $msg_details->setAttribute('onclick', 'javascript: showHide("msg_messages", IE ? "block" : "table");');
                    $msg_details->setAttribute('title', _('Maximize') . '/' . _('Minimize'));
                    array_unshift($row, new CCol($msg_details, 'clr'));
    if (isset($ZBX_MESSAGES) && !empty($ZBX_MESSAGES)) {
        if ($page['type'] == PAGE_TYPE_IMAGE) {
            $msg_font = 2;
            foreach ($ZBX_MESSAGES as $msg) {
                if ($msg['type'] == 'error') {
                    array_push($message, array('text' => $msg['message'], 'color' => array('R' => 255, 'G' => 55, 'B' => 55), 'font' => $msg_font));
                } else {
                    array_push($message, array('text' => $msg['message'], 'color' => array('R' => 155, 'G' => 155, 'B' => 55), 'font' => $msg_font));
                $width = max($width, imagefontwidth($msg_font) * zbx_strlen($msg['message']) + 1);
                $height += imagefontheight($msg_font) + 1;
        } elseif ($page['type'] == PAGE_TYPE_XML) {
            foreach ($ZBX_MESSAGES as $msg) {
                echo '[' . $msg['type'] . '] ' . $msg['message'] . "\n";
        } else {
            $lst_error = new CList(null, 'messages');
            foreach ($ZBX_MESSAGES as $msg) {
                $lst_error->addItem($msg['message'], $msg['type']);
                $bool = $bool && 'error' != zbx_strtolower($msg['type']);
            $msg_show = 6;
            $msg_count = count($ZBX_MESSAGES);
            if ($msg_count > $msg_show) {
                $msg_count = $msg_show * 16;
                $lst_error->setAttribute('style', 'height: ' . $msg_count . 'px;');
            $tab = new CTable(null, $bool ? 'msgok' : 'msgerr');
            $tab->setAttribute('id', 'msg_messages');
            $tab->setAttribute('style', 'width: 100%;');
            if (isset($msg_tab) && $bool) {
                $tab->setAttribute('style', 'display: none;');
            $tab->addRow(new CCol($lst_error, 'msg'));
        $ZBX_MESSAGES = null;
    if ($page['type'] == PAGE_TYPE_IMAGE && count($message) > 0) {
        $width += 2;
        $height += 2;
        $canvas = imagecreate($width, $height);
        imagefilledrectangle($canvas, 0, 0, $width, $height, imagecolorallocate($canvas, 255, 255, 255));
        foreach ($message as $id => $msg) {
            $message[$id]['y'] = 1 + (isset($previd) ? $message[$previd]['y'] + $message[$previd]['h'] : 0);
            $message[$id]['h'] = imagefontheight($msg['font']);
            imagestring($canvas, $msg['font'], 1, $message[$id]['y'], $msg['text'], imagecolorallocate($canvas, $msg['color']['R'], $msg['color']['G'], $msg['color']['B']));
            $previd = $id;
    $name->setAttribute('name_step', $stepid);
    $name->onClick('return PopUp("popup_httpstep.php?dstfrm=' . $httpForm->getName() . '&list_name=steps&stepid="+jQuery(this).attr("name_step")+"' . url_param($step['name'], false, 'name') . url_param($step['timeout'], false, 'timeout') . url_param($step['url'], false, 'url') . url_param($step['posts'], false, 'posts') . url_param($step['required'], false, 'required') . url_param($step['status_codes'], false, 'status_codes') . '", 600, 410);');
    if (zbx_strlen($step['url']) > 70) {
        $url = new CSpan(substr($step['url'], 0, 35) . SPACE . '...' . SPACE . substr($step['url'], zbx_strlen($step['url']) - 25, 25));
    } else {
        $url = $step['url'];
    $removeButton = new CButton('remove_' . $stepid, _('Remove'), 'javascript: removeStep(this);', 'link_menu');
    $removeButton->setAttribute('remove_step', $stepid);
    $row = new CRow(array(new CSpan(null, 'ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s move'), $numSpan, $name, $step['timeout'] . SPACE . _('sec'), $url, htmlspecialchars($step['required']), $step['status_codes'], $removeButton), 'sortable');
    $row->setAttribute('id', 'steps_' . $stepid);
$tmpColumn = new CCol(new CButton('add_step', _('Add'), 'return PopUp("popup_httpstep.php?dstfrm=' . $httpForm->getName() . '", 600, 410);', 'link_menu'), null, 8);
$tmpColumn->setAttribute('style', 'vertical-align: middle;');
$stepsTable->addRow(new CRow($tmpColumn));
$httpStepFormList->addRow(_('Steps'), new CDiv($stepsTable, 'objectgroup inlineblock border_dotted ui-corner-all'));
// append tabs to form
$httpTab = new CTabView(array('remember' => true));
if (!$this->data['form_refresh']) {
$httpTab->addTab('scenarioTab', _('Scenario'), $httpFormList);
$httpTab->addTab('stepTab', _('Steps'), $httpStepFormList);
// append buttons to form
if (!empty($this->data['httptestid'])) {
    $httpForm->addItem(makeFormFooter(array(new CSubmit('save', _('Save'))), array(new CSubmit('clone', _('Clone')), new CButtonDelete(_('Delete scenario?'), url_param('form') . url_param('httptestid') . url_param('hostid')), new CButtonCancel())));
} else {
    $httpForm->addItem(makeFormFooter(array(new CSubmit('save', _('Save'))), array(new CButtonCancel())));
Esempio n. 10
 $scroll_div->setAttribute('id', 'scrollbar_cntr');
 $charts_wdgt->addFlicker($scroll_div, CProfile::get('web.charts.filter.state', 1));
 $graphDims = getGraphDims($_REQUEST['graphid']);
 if ($graphDims['graphtype'] == GRAPH_TYPE_PIE || $graphDims['graphtype'] == GRAPH_TYPE_EXPLODED) {
     $loadSBox = 0;
     $scrollWidthByImage = 0;
     $containerid = 'graph_cont1';
     $src = 'chart6.php?graphid=' . $_REQUEST['graphid'];
 } else {
     $loadSBox = 1;
     $scrollWidthByImage = 1;
     $containerid = 'graph_cont1';
     $src = 'chart2.php?graphid=' . $_REQUEST['graphid'];
 $graph_cont = new CCol();
 $graph_cont->setAttribute('id', $containerid);
 $icon = get_icon('favourite', array('fav' => 'web.favorite.graphids', 'elname' => 'graphid', 'elid' => $_REQUEST['graphid']));
 $fs_icon = get_icon('fullscreen', array('fullscreen' => $_REQUEST['fullscreen']));
 $rst_icon = get_icon('reset', array('id' => $_REQUEST['graphid']));
 array_push($icons, $icon, $rst_icon, $fs_icon);
 $utime = zbxDateToTime($_REQUEST['stime']);
 $starttime = get_min_itemclock_by_graphid($_REQUEST['graphid']);
 if ($utime < $starttime) {
     $starttime = $utime;
 $timeline = array('starttime' => date('YmdHis', $starttime), 'period' => $effectiveperiod, 'usertime' => date('YmdHis', $utime + $effectiveperiod));
 $dom_graph_id = 'graph';
 $objData = array('id' => $_REQUEST['graphid'], 'domid' => $dom_graph_id, 'containerid' => $containerid, 'src' => $src, 'objDims' => $graphDims, 'loadSBox' => $loadSBox, 'loadImage' => 1, 'loadScroll' => 1, 'scrollWidthByImage' => $scrollWidthByImage, 'dynamic' => 1);
 zbx_add_post_js('timeControl.addObject("' . $dom_graph_id . '",' . zbx_jsvalue($timeline) . ',' . zbx_jsvalue($objData) . ');');
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
$regExpForm = new CForm();
$regExpForm->addVar('form', $this->data['form']);
$regExpForm->addVar('form_refresh', $this->data['form_refresh']);
$regExpForm->addVar('regexpid', get_request('regexpid'));
$regExpLeftTable = new CTable();
$regExpLeftTable->addRow(create_hat(_('Regular expression'), get_regexp_form(), null, 'hat_regexp'));
$regExpRightTable = new CTable();
$regExpRightTable->addRow(create_hat(_('Expressions'), get_expressions_tab(), null, 'hat_expressions'));
if (isset($_REQUEST['new_expression'])) {
    $hatTable = create_hat(_('New expression'), get_expression_form(), null, 'hat_new_expression');
    $hatTable->setAttribute('style', 'margin-top: 3px;');
$regExpLeftColumn = new CCol($regExpLeftTable);
$regExpLeftColumn->setAttribute('valign', 'top');
$regExpRightColumn = new CCol($regExpRightTable);
$regExpRightColumn->setAttribute('valign', 'top');
$regExpOuterTable = new CTable();
$regExpOuterTable->addRow(array($regExpLeftColumn, new CCol('&nbsp;'), $regExpRightColumn));
return $regExpForm;
Esempio n. 12
$help = new CHelp('web.view.php', 'right');
$help_table = new CTableInfo();
$help_table->setAttribute('style', 'width: 200px');
if ($_REQUEST['type'] == SHOW_TRIGGERS) {
    $help_table->addRow(array(new CCol(SPACE, 'normal'), S_DISABLED));
foreach (array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) as $tr_severity) {
    $help_table->addRow(array(new CCol(get_severity_description($tr_severity), get_severity_style($tr_severity)), S_ENABLED));
$help_table->addRow(array(new CCol(SPACE, 'unknown_trigger'), S_UNKNOWN));
if ($_REQUEST['type'] == SHOW_TRIGGERS) {
    $col = new CCol(SPACE, 'unknown_trigger');
    $col->setAttribute('style', 'background-image: url(images/gradients/blink1.gif); ' . 'background-position: top left; background-repeat: repeate;');
    $help_table->addRow(array($col, S_5_MIN));
    $col = new CCol(SPACE, 'unknown_trigger');
    $col->setAttribute('style', 'background-image: url(images/gradients/blink2.gif); ' . 'background-position: top left; background-repeat: repeate;');
    $help_table->addRow(array($col, S_15_MIN));
    $help_table->addRow(array(new CCol(SPACE), S_NO_TRIGGER));
} else {
    $help_table->addRow(array(new CCol(SPACE), S_DISABLED . ' ' . S_OR . ' ' . S_NO_TRIGGER));
$over_wdgt = new CWidget();
// Header
$url = 'overview.php?fullscreen=' . ($_REQUEST['fullscreen'] ? '0' : '1');
$fs_icon = new CDiv(SPACE, 'fullscreen');
$fs_icon->setAttribute('title', $_REQUEST['fullscreen'] ? S_NORMAL . ' ' . S_VIEW : S_FULLSCREEN);
$fs_icon->addAction('onclick', new CScript("javascript: document.location = '" . $url . "';"));
$over_wdgt->addHeader(S_OVERVIEW_BIG, array($fs_icon, $help));
// 2nd heder
$form_l = new CForm();
Esempio n. 13
function show_history($itemid, $from, $stime, $period)
    //show_table_header(S_TILL.SPACE.$till.' ( '.zbx_date2age($stime,$stime+$period).' )');
    $td = new CCol(get_js_sizeable_graph('graph', 'chart.php?itemid=' . $itemid . url_param($from, false, 'from') . url_param($stime, false, 'stime') . url_param($period, false, 'period')));
    $td->setAttribute('align', 'center');
    $tr = new CRow($td);
    $tr->setAttribute('bgcolor', '#dddddd');
    $table = new CTable();
    $table->setAttribute('width', '100%');
    $table->setAttribute('bgcolor', '#cccccc');
    $table->setAttribute('cellspacing', '1');
    $table->setAttribute('cellpadding', '3');
Esempio n. 14
 * Create report bar for for "Compare values for multiple periods"
 * @return object $reportForm
function valueComparisonFormForMultiplePeriods()
    $config = get_request('config', 1);
    $title = get_request('title', _('Report 3'));
    $xlabel = get_request('xlabel', '');
    $ylabel = get_request('ylabel', '');
    $scaletype = get_request('scaletype', TIMEPERIOD_TYPE_WEEKLY);
    $avgperiod = get_request('avgperiod', TIMEPERIOD_TYPE_DAILY);
    $report_timesince = get_request('report_timesince', date(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT_ZERO_TIME, time() - SEC_PER_DAY));
    $report_timetill = get_request('report_timetill', date(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT_ZERO_TIME));
    $itemId = get_request('itemid', 0);
    $hostids = get_request('hostids', array());
    $hostids = zbx_toHash($hostids);
    $showlegend = get_request('showlegend', 0);
    $palette = get_request('palette', 0);
    $palettetype = get_request('palettetype', 0);
    $reportForm = new CFormTable(null, null, 'get');
    $reportForm->setAttribute('name', 'zbx_report');
    $reportForm->setAttribute('id', 'zbx_report');
    if (isset($_REQUEST['report_show']) && $itemId) {
        $reportForm->addVar('report_show', 'show');
    $reportForm->addVar('config', $config);
    $reportForm->addVar('report_timesince', date(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT, $report_timesince));
    $reportForm->addVar('report_timetill', date(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT, $report_timetill));
    $reportForm->addRow(_('Title'), new CTextBox('title', $title, 40));
    $reportForm->addRow(_('X label'), new CTextBox('xlabel', $xlabel, 40));
    $reportForm->addRow(_('Y label'), new CTextBox('ylabel', $ylabel, 40));
    $reportForm->addRow(_('Legend'), new CCheckBox('showlegend', $showlegend, null, 1));
    $reportForm->addVar('sortorder', 0);
    $groupids = get_request('groupids', array());
    $group_tb = new CTweenBox($reportForm, 'groupids', $groupids, 10);
    $options = array('real_hosts' => true, 'output' => 'extend');
    $db_groups = API::HostGroup()->get($options);
    order_result($db_groups, 'name');
    foreach ($db_groups as $gnum => $group) {
        $groupids[$group['groupid']] = $group['groupid'];
        $group_tb->addItem($group['groupid'], $group['name']);
    $reportForm->addRow(_('Groups'), $group_tb->Get(_('Selected groups'), _('Other groups')));
    $groupid = get_request('groupid', 0);
    $cmbGroups = new CComboBox('groupid', $groupid, 'submit()');
    $cmbGroups->addItem(0, _('All'));
    foreach ($db_groups as $gnum => $group) {
        $cmbGroups->addItem($group['groupid'], $group['name']);
    $td_groups = new CCol(array(_('Group'), SPACE, $cmbGroups));
    $td_groups->setAttribute('style', 'text-align: right;');
    $host_tb = new CTweenBox($reportForm, 'hostids', $hostids, 10);
    $options = array('real_hosts' => true, 'output' => array('hostid', 'name'));
    if ($groupid > 0) {
        $options['groupids'] = $groupid;
    $db_hosts = API::Host()->get($options);
    $db_hosts = zbx_toHash($db_hosts, 'hostid');
    order_result($db_hosts, 'name');
    foreach ($db_hosts as $hnum => $host) {
        $host_tb->addItem($host['hostid'], $host['name']);
    $options = array('real_hosts' => true, 'output' => array('hostid', 'name'), 'hostids' => $hostids);
    $db_hosts2 = API::Host()->get($options);
    order_result($db_hosts2, 'name');
    foreach ($db_hosts2 as $hnum => $host) {
        if (!isset($db_hosts[$host['hostid']])) {
            $host_tb->addItem($host['hostid'], $host['name']);
    $reportForm->addRow(_('Hosts'), $host_tb->Get(_('Selected hosts'), array(_('Other hosts | Group') . SPACE, $cmbGroups)));
    $reporttimetab = new CTable(null, 'calendar');
    $timeSinceRow = createDateSelector('report_timesince', $report_timesince, 'report_timetill');
    array_unshift($timeSinceRow, _('From'));
    $timeTillRow = createDateSelector('report_timetill', $report_timetill, 'report_timesince');
    array_unshift($timeTillRow, _('Till'));
    $reportForm->addRow(_('Period'), $reporttimetab);
    $scale = new CComboBox('scaletype', $scaletype);
    $scale->addItem(TIMEPERIOD_TYPE_HOURLY, _('Hourly'));
    $scale->addItem(TIMEPERIOD_TYPE_DAILY, _('Daily'));
    $scale->addItem(TIMEPERIOD_TYPE_WEEKLY, _('Weekly'));
    $scale->addItem(TIMEPERIOD_TYPE_MONTHLY, _('Monthly'));
    $scale->addItem(TIMEPERIOD_TYPE_YEARLY, _('Yearly'));
    $reportForm->addRow(_('Scale'), $scale);
    $avgcmb = new CComboBox('avgperiod', $avgperiod);
    $avgcmb->addItem(TIMEPERIOD_TYPE_HOURLY, _('Hourly'));
    $avgcmb->addItem(TIMEPERIOD_TYPE_DAILY, _('Daily'));
    $avgcmb->addItem(TIMEPERIOD_TYPE_WEEKLY, _('Weekly'));
    $avgcmb->addItem(TIMEPERIOD_TYPE_MONTHLY, _('Monthly'));
    $avgcmb->addItem(TIMEPERIOD_TYPE_YEARLY, _('Yearly'));
    $reportForm->addRow(_('Average by'), $avgcmb);
    $itemName = '';
    if ($itemId) {
        $itemName = get_item_by_itemid($itemId);
        $itemName = itemName($itemName);
    $itemidVar = new CVar('itemid', $itemId, 'itemid');
    $txtCondVal = new CTextBox('item_name', $itemName, 50, 'yes');
    $txtCondVal->setAttribute('id', 'item_name');
    $btnSelect = new CButton('btn1', _('Select'), 'return PopUp("popup.php?dstfrm=' . $reportForm->GetName() . '&dstfld1=itemid' . '&dstfld2=item_name' . '&srctbl=items' . '&srcfld1=itemid' . '&srcfld2=name' . '&monitored_hosts=1");', 'T');
    $reportForm->addRow(_('Item'), array($txtCondVal, $btnSelect));
    $paletteCmb = new CComboBox('palette', $palette);
    $paletteCmb->addItem(0, _s('Palette #%1$s', 1));
    $paletteCmb->addItem(1, _s('Palette #%1$s', 2));
    $paletteCmb->addItem(2, _s('Palette #%1$s', 3));
    $paletteCmb->addItem(3, _s('Palette #%1$s', 4));
    $paletteTypeCmb = new CComboBox('palettetype', $palettetype);
    $paletteTypeCmb->addItem(0, _('Middle'));
    $paletteTypeCmb->addItem(1, _('Darken'));
    $paletteTypeCmb->addItem(2, _('Brighten'));
    $reportForm->addRow(_('Palette'), array($paletteCmb, $paletteTypeCmb));
    $reportForm->addItemToBottomRow(new CSubmit('report_show', _('Show')));
    $reset = new CButton('reset', _('Reset'));
    return $reportForm;
Esempio n. 15
        $value = new CSpan(trigger_value2str($row_event['value']), get_trigger_value_style($row_event['value']));
        if ($config['event_ack_enable']) {
            if ($row_event['acknowledged'] == 1) {
                $acks_cnt = DBfetch(DBselect('SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt FROM acknowledges WHERE eventid=' . $row_event['eventid']));
                $ack = array(new CSpan(S_YES, 'off'), SPACE . '(' . $acks_cnt['cnt'] . SPACE, new CLink(S_SHOW, 'acknow.php?eventid=' . $row_event['eventid'], 'action'), ')');
            } else {
                $ack = new CLink(S_NOT_ACKNOWLEDGED, 'acknow.php?eventid=' . $row_event['eventid'], 'on');
        $description = expand_trigger_description_by_data(array_merge($row, array('clock' => $row_event['clock'])), ZBX_FLAG_EVENT);
        $font = new CTag('font', 'yes');
        $font->setAttribute('color', '#808080');
        $font->addItem(array('&nbsp;-&nbsp;', $description));
        $description = $font;
        $description = new CCol($description);
        $description->setAttribute('style', 'white-space: normal; width: 90%;');
        $clock = new CLink(zbx_date2str(S_DATE_FORMAT_YMDHMS, $row_event['clock']), 'tr_events.php?triggerid=' . $row['triggerid'] . '&eventid=' . $row_event['eventid'], 'action');
        $table->addRow(array($config['event_ack_enable'] ? $row_event['acknowledged'] == 1 ? SPACE : new CCheckBox('events[' . $row_event['eventid'] . ']', 'no', NULL, $row_event['eventid']) : NULL, new CCol(get_severity_description($row['priority']), get_severity_style($row['priority'], $row_event['value'])), $value, $clock, get_node_name_by_elid($row['triggerid']), $host, $description, $actions, $config['event_ack_enable'] ? new CCol($ack, 'center') : NULL, new CLink($row['comments'] == '' ? S_ADD : S_SHOW, 'tr_comments.php?triggerid=' . $row['triggerid'], 'action')));
        if ($event_limit >= $config['event_show_max']) {
    unset($row, $description, $actions);
//----- GO ------
if ($config['event_ack_enable']) {
    $goBox = new CComboBox('go');
    $goBox->addItem('bulkacknowledge', S_BULK_ACKNOWLEDGE);
    // goButton name is necessary!!!
    $goButton = new CButton('goButton', S_GO . ' (0)');
    $buttonCol = new CCol(new CButton('addJMXInterface', _('Add'), null, 'link_menu'), 'interface-add-control');
    $col = new CCol($helpTextWhenDragInterfaceJMX);
    $col->setAttribute('colspan', 6);
    $buttonRow = new CRow(array($buttonCol, $col));
    $buttonRow->setAttribute('id', 'JMXIterfacesFooter');
    $hostList->addRow(_('JMX interfaces'), new CDiv($ifTab, 'border_dotted objectgroup inlineblock interface-group'), false, null, 'interface-row');
    // table for IPMI interfaces with footer
    $ifTab = new CTable(null, 'formElementTable');
    $ifTab->setAttribute('id', 'IPMIInterfaces');
    $ifTab->setAttribute('data-type', 'ipmi');
    $helpTextWhenDragInterfaceIPMI = new CSpan(_('Drag here to change the type of the interface to "IPMI" type.'));
    $buttonCol = new CCol(new CButton('addIPMIInterface', _('Add'), null, 'link_menu'), 'interface-add-control');
    $col = new CCol($helpTextWhenDragInterfaceIPMI);
    $col->setAttribute('colspan', 6);
    $buttonRow = new CRow(array($buttonCol, $col));
    $buttonRow->setAttribute('id', 'IPMIIterfacesFooter');
    $hostList->addRow(_('IPMI interfaces'), new CDiv($ifTab, 'border_dotted objectgroup inlineblock interface-group'), false, null, 'interface-row');
} else {
    $interfaces = array();
    $existingInterfaceTypes = array();
    foreach ($dbHost['interfaces'] as $interface) {
        $interface['locked'] = true;
        $existingInterfaceTypes[$interface['type']] = true;
        $interfaces[$interface['interfaceid']] = $interface;
    zbx_add_post_js('hostInterfacesManager.add(' . CJs::encodeJson($interfaces) . ');');
    // table for agent interfaces with footer
Esempio n. 17
 private function makeSImgStr($id)
     $tr = new CRow();
     $count = isset($this->tree[$id]['nodeimg']) ? strlen($this->tree[$id]['nodeimg']) : 0;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
         $td = new CCol();
         $img = null;
         switch ($this->tree[$id]['nodeimg'][$i]) {
             case 'O':
                 $img = new CImg('images/general/tree/zero.gif', 'o', '22', '14');
             case 'I':
                 $td->setAttribute('style', 'background-image: url(images/general/tree/pointc.gif);');
                 $img = new CImg('images/general/tree/zero.gif', 'i', '22', '14');
             case 'L':
                 $td->setAttribute('valign', 'top');
                 $div = new CTag('div', 'yes');
                 $div->setAttribute('style', 'height: 10px; background-image: url(images/general/tree/pointc.gif);');
                 if ($this->tree[$id]['nodetype'] == 2) {
                     $img = new CImg('images/general/tree/plus.gif', 'y', '22', '14');
                     $img->setAttribute('onclick', $this->treename . '.closeSNodeX("' . $id . '", this);');
                     $img->setAttribute('id', 'idi_' . $id);
                     $img->setAttribute('class', 'pointer');
                 } else {
                     $img = new CImg('images/general/tree/pointl.gif', 'y', '22', '14');
                 $img = $div;
             case 'T':
                 $td->setAttribute('valign', 'top');
                 if ($this->tree[$id]['nodetype'] == 2) {
                     $td->setAttribute('style', 'background-image: url(images/general/tree/pointc.gif);');
                     $img = new CImg('images/general/tree/plus.gif', 't', '22', '14');
                     $img->setAttribute('onclick', $this->treename . '.closeSNodeX("' . $id . '", this);');
                     $img->setAttribute('id', 'idi_' . $id);
                     $img->setAttribute('class', 'pointer');
                     $img->setAttribute('style', 'top: 1px; position: relative;');
                 } else {
                     $td->setAttribute('style', 'background-image: url(images/general/tree/pointc.gif);');
                     $img = new CImg('images/general/tree/pointl.gif', 't', '22', '14');
     return $tr;
Esempio n. 18
 if (isset($ZBX_SERVER_NAME) && !zbx_empty($ZBX_SERVER_NAME)) {
     $table = new CTable();
     $table->addStyle('width: 100%;');
     $tableColumn = new CCol(new CSpan($ZBX_SERVER_NAME, 'textcolorstyles'));
     if (is_null($node_form)) {
         $tableColumn->addStyle('padding-right: 5px;');
     } else {
         $tableColumn->addStyle('padding-right: 20px; padding-bottom: 2px;');
     $table->addRow(array($tableColumn, $node_form));
     $node_form = $table;
 // 1st level menu
 $table = new CTable(null, 'maxwidth');
 $r_col = new CCol($node_form, 'right');
 $r_col->setAttribute('style', 'line-height: 1.8em;');
 $table->addRow(array($menu_table, $r_col));
 $page_menu = new CDiv(null, 'textwhite');
 $page_menu->setAttribute('id', 'mmenu');
 // 2nd level menu
 $sub_menu_table = new CTable(null, 'sub_menu maxwidth ui-widget-header');
 $menu_divs = array();
 $menu_selected = false;
 foreach ($sub_menus as $label => $sub_menu) {
     $sub_menu_row = array();
     foreach ($sub_menu as $id => $sub_page) {
         if (empty($sub_page['menu_text'])) {
             $sub_page['menu_text'] = SPACE;
         $sub_page['menu_url'] .= '?ddreset=1';
Esempio n. 19
function getEventActionsStatus($eventIds)
    if (empty($eventIds)) {
        return array();
    $actions = array();
    $alerts = DBselect('SELECT a.eventid,a.status,COUNT(a.alertid) AS cnt' . ' FROM alerts a' . ' WHERE a.alerttype IN (' . ALERT_TYPE_MESSAGE . ',' . ALERT_TYPE_COMMAND . ')' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('a.eventid', $eventIds) . ' GROUP BY eventid,status');
    while ($alert = DBfetch($alerts)) {
        $actions[$alert['eventid']][$alert['status']] = $alert['cnt'];
    foreach ($actions as $eventId => $action) {
        $sendCount = isset($action[ALERT_STATUS_SENT]) ? $action[ALERT_STATUS_SENT] : 0;
        $notSendCount = isset($action[ALERT_STATUS_NOT_SENT]) ? $action[ALERT_STATUS_NOT_SENT] : 0;
        $failedCount = isset($action[ALERT_STATUS_FAILED]) ? $action[ALERT_STATUS_FAILED] : 0;
        // calculate total
        $mixed = 0;
        if ($sendCount > 0) {
            $mixed += ALERT_STATUS_SENT;
        if ($failedCount > 0) {
            $mixed += ALERT_STATUS_FAILED;
        // display
        if ($notSendCount > 0) {
            $status = new CSpan(_('In progress'), 'orange');
        } elseif ($mixed == ALERT_STATUS_SENT) {
            $status = new CSpan(_('Ok'), 'green');
        } elseif ($mixed == ALERT_STATUS_FAILED) {
            $status = new CSpan(_('Failed'), 'red');
        } else {
            $columnLeft = new CCol($sendCount > 0 ? new CSpan($sendCount, 'green') : SPACE);
            $columnLeft->setAttribute('width', '10');
            $columnRight = new CCol($failedCount > 0 ? new CSpan($failedCount, 'red') : SPACE);
            $columnRight->setAttribute('width', '10');
            $status = new CRow(array($columnLeft, $columnRight));
        $actions[$eventId] = new CTable(' - ');
    return $actions;
Esempio n. 20
         $div_node_tree->addStyle('display: none');
         if (!is_null($combo_node_list)) {
             $node_form->addItem(array(new CSpan(S_CURRENT_NODE, 'textcolorstyles'), $combo_node_list));
 // 1st level menu
 $table = new CTable();
 $table->setAttribute('style', 'width: 100%;');
 $r_col = new CCol($node_form);
 $r_col->setAttribute('align', 'right');
 //		$r_col->setAttribute('style','text-align: right;');
 $table->addRow(array($menu_table, $r_col));
 $page_menu = new CDiv();
 $page_menu->setAttribute('id', 'mmenu');
 // 2nd level menu
 $sub_menu_table = new CTable(NULL, 'sub_menu');
 $menu_divs = array();
 $menu_selected = false;
 foreach ($sub_menus as $label => $sub_menu) {
     $sub_menu_row = array();
     foreach ($sub_menu as $id => $sub_page) {
Esempio n. 21
function show_messages($bool = TRUE, $okmsg = NULL, $errmsg = NULL)
    global $page, $ZBX_MESSAGES;
    if (!defined('PAGE_HEADER_LOADED')) {
    if (defined('ZBX_API_REQUEST')) {
    if (!isset($page['type'])) {
        $page['type'] = PAGE_TYPE_HTML;
    $message = array();
    $width = 0;
    $height = 0;
    $img_space = null;
    if (!$bool && !is_null($errmsg)) {
        $msg = S_CONFIG_ERROR_HEAD . ': ' . $errmsg;
    } else {
        if ($bool && !is_null($okmsg)) {
            $msg = $okmsg;
    $api_errors = CZBXAPI::resetErrors();
    if (!empty($api_errors)) {
    if (isset($msg)) {
        switch ($page['type']) {
            case PAGE_TYPE_IMAGE:
                array_push($message, array('text' => $msg, 'color' => !$bool ? array('R' => 255, 'G' => 0, 'B' => 0) : array('R' => 34, 'G' => 51, 'B' => 68), 'font' => 2));
                $width = max($width, ImageFontWidth(2) * zbx_strlen($msg) + 1);
                $height += imagefontheight(2) + 1;
            case PAGE_TYPE_XML:
                echo htmlspecialchars($msg) . "\n";
                //				case PAGE_TYPE_JS: break;
            //				case PAGE_TYPE_JS: break;
            case PAGE_TYPE_HTML:
                $msg_tab = new CTable($msg, $bool ? 'msgok' : 'msgerr');
                $row = array();
                $msg_col = new CCol(bold($msg), 'msg_main msg');
                $msg_col->setAttribute('id', 'page_msg');
                $row[] = $msg_col;
                if (isset($ZBX_MESSAGES) && !empty($ZBX_MESSAGES)) {
                    $msg_details = new CDiv(S_DETAILS, 'blacklink');
                    $msg_details->setAttribute('onclick', "javascript: ShowHide('msg_messages', IE?'block':'table');");
                    $msg_details->setAttribute('title', S_MAXIMIZE . '/' . S_MINIMIZE);
                    array_unshift($row, new CCol($msg_details, 'clr'));
                $img_space = new CImg('images/general/tree/zero.gif', 'space', '100', '2');
    if (isset($ZBX_MESSAGES) && !empty($ZBX_MESSAGES)) {
        if ($page['type'] == PAGE_TYPE_IMAGE) {
            $msg_font = 2;
            foreach ($ZBX_MESSAGES as $msg) {
                if ($msg['type'] == 'error') {
                    array_push($message, array('text' => $msg['message'], 'color' => array('R' => 255, 'G' => 55, 'B' => 55), 'font' => $msg_font));
                } else {
                    array_push($message, array('text' => $msg['message'], 'color' => array('R' => 155, 'G' => 155, 'B' => 55), 'font' => $msg_font));
                $width = max($width, imagefontwidth($msg_font) * zbx_strlen($msg['message']) + 1);
                $height += imagefontheight($msg_font) + 1;
        } else {
            if ($page['type'] == PAGE_TYPE_XML) {
                foreach ($ZBX_MESSAGES as $msg) {
                    echo '[' . $msg['type'] . '] ' . $msg['message'] . "\n";
            } else {
                $lst_error = new CList(null, 'messages');
                foreach ($ZBX_MESSAGES as $msg) {
                    $lst_error->addItem($msg['message'], $msg['type']);
                    $bool = $bool && 'error' != zbx_strtolower($msg['type']);
                //message scroll if needed
                $msg_show = 6;
                $msg_count = count($ZBX_MESSAGES);
                if ($msg_count > $msg_show) {
                    $msg_count = $msg_show;
                    $msg_count = $msg_count * 16;
                    $lst_error->setAttribute('style', 'height: ' . $msg_count . 'px;');
                $tab = new CTable(null, $bool ? 'msgok' : 'msgerr');
                $tab->setAttribute('id', 'msg_messages');
                $tab->setAttribute('style', 'width: 100%;');
                if (isset($msg_tab) && $bool) {
                    $tab->setAttribute('style', 'display: none;');
                $tab->addRow(new CCol($lst_error, 'msg'));
        $ZBX_MESSAGES = null;
    if (!is_null($img_space)) {
        print unpack_object($img_space);
    if ($page['type'] == PAGE_TYPE_IMAGE && count($message) > 0) {
        $width += 2;
        $height += 2;
        $canvas = imagecreate($width, $height);
        imagefilledrectangle($canvas, 0, 0, $width, $height, imagecolorallocate($canvas, 255, 255, 255));
        foreach ($message as $id => $msg) {
            $message[$id]['y'] = 1 + (isset($previd) ? $message[$previd]['y'] + $message[$previd]['h'] : 0);
            $message[$id]['h'] = imagefontheight($msg['font']);
            imagestring($canvas, $msg['font'], 1, $message[$id]['y'], $msg['text'], imagecolorallocate($canvas, $msg['color']['R'], $msg['color']['G'], $msg['color']['B']));
            $previd = $id;
Esempio n. 22
function make_favorite_maps()
    $table = new CTableInfo();
    $fav_sysmaps = get_favorites('web.favorite.sysmapids');
    foreach ($fav_sysmaps as $key => $favorite) {
        $source = $favorite['source'];
        $sourceid = $favorite['value'];
        if (!($sysmap = get_sysmap_by_sysmapid($sourceid))) {
        if (!sysmap_accessible($sourceid, PERM_READ_ONLY)) {
        $link = new CLink(get_node_name_by_elid($sourceid) . $sysmap['name'], 'maps.php?sysmapid=' . $sourceid);
        $capt = new CSpan($link);
        $capt->setAttribute('style', 'line-height: 14px; vertical-align: middle;');
        $icon = new CLink(new CImg('images/general/chart.png', 'map', 18, 18, 'borderless'), 'maps.php?sysmapid=' . $sourceid . '&fullscreen=1');
        $table->addRow(new CCol(array($icon, SPACE, $capt)));
    $td = new CCol(array(new CLink(S_MAPS . ' &raquo;', 'maps.php', 'highlight')));
    $td->setAttribute('style', 'text-align: right;');
    return $table;
            $details = '';
    // action list
    $actionLinks = array();
    if (!empty($mediaType['listOfActions'])) {
        foreach ($mediaType['listOfActions'] as $action) {
            $actionLinks[] = new CLink($action['name'], 'actionconf.php?form=update&actionid=' . $action['actionid']);
            $actionLinks[] = ', ';
    } else {
        $actionLinks = '-';
    $actionColumn = new CCol($actionLinks);
    $actionColumn->setAttribute('style', 'white-space: normal;');
    $statusLink = 'media_types.php?go=' . ($mediaType['status'] == MEDIA_TYPE_STATUS_DISABLED ? 'activate' : 'disable') . '&mediatypeids' . SQUAREBRACKETS . '=' . $mediaType['mediatypeid'];
    $status = MEDIA_TYPE_STATUS_ACTIVE == $mediaType['status'] ? new CLink(_('Enabled'), $statusLink, 'enabled') : new CLink(_('Disabled'), $statusLink, 'disabled');
    // append row
    $mediaTypeTable->addRow(array(new CCheckBox('mediatypeids[' . $mediaType['mediatypeid'] . ']', null, null, $mediaType['mediatypeid']), $this->data['displayNodes'] ? $mediaType['nodename'] : null, new CLink($mediaType['description'], '?form=edit&mediatypeid=' . $mediaType['mediatypeid']), media_type2str($mediaType['typeid']), $status, $actionColumn, $details));
// create go button
$goComboBox = new CComboBox('go');
$goOption = new CComboItem('activate', _('Enable selected'));
$goOption->setAttribute('confirm', _('Enable selected media types?'));
$goOption = new CComboItem('disable', _('Disable selected'));
$goOption->setAttribute('confirm', _('Disable selected media types?'));
$goOption = new CComboItem('delete', _('Delete selected'));
$goOption->setAttribute('confirm', _('Delete selected media types?'));
Esempio n. 24
    $hosts_count = CTemplate::get($params);
    $overalCount = $hosts_count['rowscount'];
    $viewCount = count($templates);
    $header = array(is_show_all_nodes() ? new CCol(S_NODE) : null, new CCol(S_TEMPLATES), new CCol(S_ITEMS), new CCol(S_TRIGGERS), new CCol(S_GRAPHS));
    $table = new CTableInfo();
    foreach ($templates as $num => $template) {
        $templateid = $template['hostid'];
        $groupid = isset($hostsgroups[$templateid]) ? $hostsgroups[$templateid] : 0;
        $link = 'groupid=' . $groupid . '&hostid=' . $templateid;
        $caption = make_decoration($template['host'], $search);
        $table->addRow(array(get_node_name_by_elid($templateid), new CLink($caption, 'hosts.php?config=3&hostid=' . $templateid), new CLink(S_GO, 'items.php?' . $link), new CLink(S_GO, 'triggers.php?' . $link), new CLink(S_GO, 'graphs.php?' . $link)));
    $table->setFooter(new CCol(S_DISPLAYING . SPACE . $viewCount . SPACE . S_OF_SMALL . SPACE . $overalCount . SPACE . S_FOUND_SMALL));
    $wdgt_templates = new CWidget('search_templates', $table);
    $wdgt_templates->addHeader(S_TEMPLATES, SPACE);
$td_l = new CCol($left_tab);
$td_l->setAttribute('valign', 'top');
$td_r = new CCol($right_tab);
$td_r->setAttribute('valign', 'top');
$outer_table = new CTable();
$outer_table->setAttribute('border', 0);
$outer_table->addRow(array($td_l, $td_r));
include_once 'include/page_footer.php';
    if ($result != '-') {
        $style = $result == 'TRUE' ? 'background-color: #ccf; color: #00f;' : 'background-color: #fcc; color: #f00;';
    $col = new CCol($result);
    $col->setAttribute('style', $style);
    $res_table->addRow(new CRow(array($e['list'], $col)));
$result = '-';
if ($allowedTesting && $test) {
    $result = evalExpressionData($expression, $macrosData, $octet);
$style = 'text-align: center;';
if ($result != '-') {
    $style = $result == 'TRUE' ? 'background-color: #ccf; color: #00f;' : 'background-color: #fcc; color: #f00;';
$col = new CCol($result);
$col->setAttribute('style', $style);
$res_table->setFooter(array($outline, $col), $res_table->headerClass);
$frm_test->addRow(_('Result'), $res_table);
// action buttons
$btn_test = new CSubmit('test_expression', _('Test'));
if (!$allowedTesting) {
    $btn_test->setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
$btn_close = new CButton('close', _('Close'), 'javascript: self.close();');
//------------------------ </FORM> ---------------------------
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/include/page_footer.php';
Esempio n. 26
 private function createFlicker($col1, $col2 = null)
     $table = new CTable(null, 'textwhite maxwidth middle flicker');
     if (!is_null($col2)) {
         $td_r = new CCol($col2, 'flicker_r');
         $td_r->setAttribute('align', 'right');
         $table->addRow(array(new CCol($col1, 'flicker_l'), $td_r));
     } else {
         $td_c = new CCol($col1, 'flicker_c');
         $td_c->setAttribute('align', 'center');
     return $table;
$imageComboBoxForm->addItem(_('Type') . SPACE);
$this->data['widget']->addHeader(_('Images'), $imageComboBoxForm);
// form
$imageForm = new CForm();
$imageTable = new CTable(_('No images found.'), 'header_wide padding_standard');
$count = 0;
$imageRow = new CRow();
foreach ($this->data['images'] as $image) {
    $img = $image['imagetype'] == IMAGE_TYPE_BACKGROUND ? new CLink(new CImg('imgstore.php?width=200&height=200&iconid=' . $image['imageid'], 'no image'), 'image.php?imageid=' . $image['imageid']) : new CImg('imgstore.php?iconid=' . $image['imageid'], 'no image');
    $nodeName = $this->data['displayNodes'] ? new CSpan($image['nodename'], 'unknown') : null;
    $name = new CLink($image['name'], 'adm.images.php?form=update&imageid=' . $image['imageid']);
    $imgColumn = new CCol();
    $imgColumn->setAttribute('align', 'center');
    $imgColumn->addItem(array($img, BR(), $nodeName, $name), 'center');
    if ($count % 4 == 0) {
        $imageRow = new CRow();
if ($count > 0) {
    while ($count % 4 != 0) {
foreach ($this->data['slides'] as $step => $slides) {
    $name = '';
    if (!empty($slides['screenid'])) {
        $screen = get_screen_by_screenid($slides['screenid']);
        if (!empty($screen['name'])) {
            $name = $screen['name'];
    $delay = new CNumericBox('slides[' . $step . '][delay]', !empty($slides['delay']) ? $slides['delay'] : '', 5, 'no', true, false);
    $delay->setAttribute('placeholder', _('default'));
    $removeButton = new CButton('remove_' . $step, _('Remove'), 'javascript: removeSlide(this);', 'link_menu');
    $removeButton->setAttribute('remove_slide', $step);
    $row = new CRow(array(new CSpan(null, 'ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s move'), new CSpan($i++ . ':', 'rowNum', 'current_slide_' . $step), $name, $delay, $removeButton), 'sortable', 'slides_' . $step);
$addButtonColumn = new CCol(empty($this->data['work_slide']) ? new CButton('add', _('Add'), 'return PopUp("popup.php?srctbl=screens&srcfld1=screenid&dstfrm=' . $slideForm->getName() . '&multiselect=1", 450, 450)', 'link_menu') : null, null, 5);
$addButtonColumn->setAttribute('style', 'vertical-align: middle;');
$slideTable->addRow(new CRow($addButtonColumn, null, 'screenListFooter'));
$slideFormList->addRow(_('Slides'), new CDiv($slideTable, 'objectgroup inlineblock border_dotted ui-corner-all'));
// append tabs to form
$slideTab = new CTabView();
$slideTab->addTab('slideTab', _('Slide'), $slideFormList);
// append buttons to form
if (empty($this->data['slideshowid'])) {
    $slideForm->addItem(makeFormFooter(new CSubmit('save', _('Save')), new CButtonCancel()));
} else {
    $slideForm->addItem(makeFormFooter(new CSubmit('save', _('Save')), array(new CSubmit('clone', _('Clone')), new CButtonDelete(_('Delete slide show?'), url_param('form') . url_param('slideshowid') . url_param('config')), new CButtonCancel())));
return $slideWidget;
// create table
$servicesParentTable = new CTableInfo();
$servicesParentTable->setHeader(array(_('Service'), _('Status calculation'), _('Trigger')));
$prefix = null;
// root
$description = new CLink(_('root'), '#', null, 'javascript:
	jQuery(\'#parent_name\', window.opener.document).val(' . zbx_jsvalue(_('root')) . ');
	jQuery(\'#parentname\', window.opener.document).val(' . zbx_jsvalue(_('root')) . ');
	jQuery(\'#parentid\', window.opener.document).val(' . zbx_jsvalue(0) . ');
	return false;');
$servicesParentTable->addRow(array(array($prefix, $description), _('Note'), '-'));
// others
foreach ($this->data['db_pservices'] as $db_service) {
    $description = new CSpan($db_service['name'], 'link');
    $description->setAttribute('onclick', 'javascript:
		jQuery(\'#parent_name\', window.opener.document).val(' . zbx_jsvalue($db_service['name']) . ');
		jQuery(\'#parentname\', window.opener.document).val(' . zbx_jsvalue($db_service['name']) . ');
		jQuery(\'#parentid\', window.opener.document).val(' . zbx_jsvalue($db_service['serviceid']) . ');
		return false;');
    $servicesParentTable->addRow(array(array($prefix, $description), serviceAlgorythm($db_service['algorithm']), $db_service['trigger']));
$column = new CCol(new CButton('cancel', _('Cancel'), 'javascript: self.close();'));
$column->setAttribute('style', 'text-align:right;');
// append table to form
// append form to widget
return $servicesParentWidget;
Esempio n. 30
function show_messages($bool = true, $okmsg = null, $errmsg = null)
    global $page, $ZBX_MESSAGES;
    if (!defined('PAGE_HEADER_LOADED')) {
        return null;
    if (defined('ZBX_API_REQUEST')) {
        return null;
    if (!isset($page['type'])) {
        $page['type'] = PAGE_TYPE_HTML;
    $imageMessages = array();
    if (!$bool && !is_null($errmsg)) {
        $msg = _('ERROR') . ': ' . $errmsg;
    } elseif ($bool && !is_null($okmsg)) {
        $msg = $okmsg;
    if (isset($msg)) {
        switch ($page['type']) {
            case PAGE_TYPE_IMAGE:
                // save all of the messages in an array to display them later in an image
                $imageMessages[] = array('text' => $msg, 'color' => !$bool ? array('R' => 255, 'G' => 0, 'B' => 0) : array('R' => 34, 'G' => 51, 'B' => 68));
            case PAGE_TYPE_XML:
                echo htmlspecialchars($msg) . "\n";
            case PAGE_TYPE_HTML:
                $msg_tab = new CTable($msg, $bool ? 'msgok' : 'msgerr');
                $row = array();
                $msg_col = new CCol(bold($msg), 'msg_main msg');
                $msg_col->setAttribute('id', 'page_msg');
                $row[] = $msg_col;
                if (isset($ZBX_MESSAGES) && !empty($ZBX_MESSAGES)) {
                    $msg_details = new CDiv(_('Details'), 'blacklink');
                    $msg_details->setAttribute('onclick', 'javascript: showHide("msg_messages", IE ? "block" : "table");');
                    $msg_details->setAttribute('title', _('Maximize') . '/' . _('Minimize'));
                    array_unshift($row, new CCol($msg_details, 'clr'));
    if (isset($ZBX_MESSAGES) && !empty($ZBX_MESSAGES)) {
        if ($page['type'] == PAGE_TYPE_IMAGE) {
            foreach ($ZBX_MESSAGES as $msg) {
                // save all of the messages in an array to display them later in an image
                if ($msg['type'] == 'error') {
                    $imageMessages[] = array('text' => $msg['message'], 'color' => array('R' => 255, 'G' => 55, 'B' => 55));
                } else {
                    $imageMessages[] = array('text' => $msg['message'], 'color' => array('R' => 155, 'G' => 155, 'B' => 55));
        } elseif ($page['type'] == PAGE_TYPE_XML) {
            foreach ($ZBX_MESSAGES as $msg) {
                echo '[' . $msg['type'] . '] ' . $msg['message'] . "\n";
        } else {
            $lst_error = new CList(null, 'messages');
            foreach ($ZBX_MESSAGES as $msg) {
                $lst_error->addItem($msg['message'], $msg['type']);
                $bool = $bool && 'error' !== strtolower($msg['type']);
            $msg_show = 6;
            $msg_count = count($ZBX_MESSAGES);
            if ($msg_count > $msg_show) {
                $msg_count = $msg_show * 16;
                $lst_error->setAttribute('style', 'height: ' . $msg_count . 'px;');
            $tab = new CTable(null, $bool ? 'msgok' : 'msgerr');
            $tab->setAttribute('id', 'msg_messages');
            $tab->setAttribute('style', 'width: 100%;');
            if (isset($msg_tab) && $bool) {
                $tab->setAttribute('style', 'display: none;');
            $tab->addRow(new CCol($lst_error, 'msg'));
        $ZBX_MESSAGES = null;
    // draw an image with the messages
    if ($page['type'] == PAGE_TYPE_IMAGE && count($imageMessages) > 0) {
        $imageFontSize = 8;
        // calculate the size of the text
        $imageWidth = 0;
        $imageHeight = 0;
        foreach ($imageMessages as &$msg) {
            $size = imageTextSize($imageFontSize, 0, $msg['text']);
            $msg['height'] = $size['height'] - $size['baseline'];
            // calculate the total size of the image
            $imageWidth = max($imageWidth, $size['width']);
            $imageHeight += $size['height'] + 1;
        // additional padding
        $imageWidth += 2;
        $imageHeight += 2;
        // create the image
        $canvas = imagecreate($imageWidth, $imageHeight);
        imagefilledrectangle($canvas, 0, 0, $imageWidth, $imageHeight, imagecolorallocate($canvas, 255, 255, 255));
        // draw each message
        $y = 1;
        foreach ($imageMessages as $msg) {
            $y += $msg['height'];
            imageText($canvas, $imageFontSize, 0, 1, $y, imagecolorallocate($canvas, $msg['color']['R'], $msg['color']['G'], $msg['color']['B']), $msg['text']);