public static function GetList($arSort=array(), $arFilter=array(), $arNavParams=false, $arUserField) { $rs = false; if(\CModule::IncludeModule("statistic")) { $arAliases = array("ID" => "CITY_ID", "NAME" => "CITY_NAME"); $ob = new \CCity(); $rs = new CUserTypeLocationEnum($ob->GetList( static::__makeArrayFromAlias($arSort, $arAliases), static::__makeArrayFromAlias($arFilter, $arAliases) )); // getlist is not supported pagenavigation yet if(is_array($arNavParams) && is_set($arNavParams, "nTopCount")) { $arr = array(); while($ar = $rs->Fetch()) { if(count($arr) >= intval($arNavParams["nTopCount"])) break; $arr[] = $ar; } $rs = new CUserTypeLocationEnum(); $rs->InitFromArray($arr); } } return $rs; }
function ShowStep() { $wizard =& $this->GetWizard(); $import_type = $wizard->GetVar('import_type'); if ($import_type !== 'city') { $import_type = 'country'; $this->content = GetMessage('STATWIZ_STEP2_COUNTRY_CHOOSEN'); } else { $this->content = GetMessage('STATWIZ_STEP2_CITY_CHOOSEN'); } $this->content .= "<br><br>"; $this->content .= GetMessage('STATWIZ_STEP2_CONTENT'); $this->content .= "<br><br>"; $file_name = $wizard->GetVar('file_name'); $arFiles = CCity::FindFiles($import_type); if (count($arFiles) <= 0) { $this->content .= GetMessage('STATWIZ_FILES_NOT_FOUND'); } else { $this->content .= "<style>\n\t\t\ttable.statwiz_table { border-collapse:collapse; }\n\t\t\ttable.statwiz_table td { font-family:Verdana,Arial,sans-serif; border: 1px solid #BDC6E0; padding:3px; background-color: white; }\n\t\t\ttable.statwiz_table td.head { background-color:#E6E9F4; }\n\t\t\ttable.statwiz_table td.tail { background-color:#EAEDF7; }\n\t\t\t</style>\n\t\t\t"; $this->content .= '<table class="statwiz_table"> <tr> <td class="head"> </td> <td class="head">' . GetMessage('STATWIZ_STEP2_FILE_NAME') . '</td> <td class="head">' . GetMessage('STATWIZ_STEP2_FILE_SIZE') . '</td> <td class="head">' . GetMessage('STATWIZ_STEP2_DESCRIPTION') . '</td> </tr>'; foreach ($arFiles as $arFile) { $this->content .= '<tr>'; $arInputAttr = array(); if ($arFile["FILE"] === $file_name) { $arInputAttr['checked'] = 'checked'; } $arInputAttr["id"] = htmlspecialcharsbx($arFile["FILE"]); $this->content .= '<td>' . $this->ShowRadioField("file_name", $arFile["FILE"], $arInputAttr) . '</td>'; $this->content .= '<td nowrap><label for="' . $arInputAttr["id"] . '">' . $arFile["FILE"] . '</label></td>'; $pos = 0; $this->content .= '<td nowrap>' . CFile::FormatSize($arFile["SIZE"]) . '</td>'; switch ($arFile["SOURCE"]) { case "MAXMIND-IP-COUNTRY": $this->content .= '<td>' . GetMessage('STATWIZ_STEP2_FILE_TYPE_MAXMIND_IP_COUNTRY') . '</td>'; break; case "IP-TO-COUNTRY": $this->content .= '<td>' . GetMessage('STATWIZ_STEP2_FILE_TYPE_IP_TO_COUNTRY') . '</td>'; break; case "MAXMIND-IP-LOCATION": $this->content .= '<td>' . GetMessage('STATWIZ_STEP2_FILE_TYPE_MAXMIND_IP_LOCATION') . '</td>'; break; case "MAXMIND-CITY-LOCATION": $this->content .= '<td>' . GetMessage('STATWIZ_STEP2_FILE_TYPE_MAXMIND_CITY_LOCATION') . '</td>'; break; case "IPGEOBASE": $this->content .= '<td>' . GetMessage('STATWIZ_STEP2_FILE_TYPE_IPGEOBASE') . '</td>'; break; case "IPGEOBASE2": $this->content .= '<td>' . GetMessage('STATWIZ_STEP2_FILE_TYPE_IPGEOBASE2') . '</td>'; break; case "IPGEOBASE2-CITY": $this->content .= '<td>' . GetMessage('STATWIZ_STEP2_FILE_TYPE_IPGEOBASE2_CITY') . '</td>'; break; default: $this->content .= '<td>' . GetMessage('STATWIZ_STEP2_FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN') . '</td>'; } $this->content .= '</tr>'; } $this->content .= '</table>'; } }
<td style="text-align:center"><input type="radio" name="IP_LOOKUP_CLASS" value="<?php echo $arDescr["CLASS"]; ?> " <?php echo $arDescr["CLASS"] == $selected ? "checked" : ""; ?> ></td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> <?php echo BeginNote(); $obCity = new CCity(); $arCity = $obCity->GetFullInfo(); foreach ($arCity as $FIELD_ID => $arField) { echo $arField["TITLE"], ": ", $arField["VALUE"], "<br>"; } echo EndNote(); ?> </td> </tr> <?php $tabControl->BeginNextTab(); foreach ($arOPTIONS["TAB3"] as $key => $Option) { if (!is_array($Option)) { if ($key == "BROWSERS") {
public static function GetPageWeights_RS() { $err_mess = CAdvBanner::err_mess() . "<br>Function: GetPageWeights_RS<br>Line: "; global $APPLICATION, $DB, $USER; $stat_adv_id = intval($_SESSION["SESS_LAST_ADV_ID"]); $stat_country_id = trim($_SESSION["SESS_COUNTRY_ID"]); $stat_city_id = intval($_SESSION["SESS_CITY_ID"]); if ($stat_city_id > 0 && CModule::IncludeModule('statistic')) { $rsCity = CCity::GetList(array(), array("=CITY_ID" => $stat_city_id)); if ($arCity = $rsCity->Fetch()) { $stat_region = $arCity["REGION_NAME"]; } } $new_guest = $_SESSION["SESS_GUEST_NEW"] == "N" ? "N" : "Y"; $url = CAdvBanner::GetCurUri(); $arrTime = getdate(); $weekday = strtoupper($arrTime["weekday"]); $hour = intval($arrTime["hours"]); $strUserGroups = $USER->GetUserGroupString(); $DONT_USE_CONTRACT = COption::GetOptionString("advertising", "DONT_USE_CONTRACT", "N"); if ($DONT_USE_CONTRACT == "N") { $strSql = "\n\t\t\t\tSELECT DISTINCT\n\t\t\t\t\tB.TYPE_SID,\n\t\t\t\t\tB.ID\t\t\t\t\tBANNER_ID,\n\t\t\t\t\tB.WEIGHT\t\t\t\tBANNER_WEIGHT,\n\t\t\t\t\tB.SHOWS_FOR_VISITOR,\n\t\t\t\t\tB.FIX_CLICK,\n\t\t\t\t\tB.FIX_SHOW,\n\t\t\t\t\tB.KEYWORDS\t\t\t\tBANNER_KEYWORDS,\n\t\t\t\t\t" . $DB->DateToCharFunction("B.DATE_SHOW_FIRST") . "\t\tDATE_SHOW_FIRST,\n\t\t\t\t\t" . $DB->DateToCharFunction("B.DATE_SHOW_FROM") . "\t\t\tDATE_SHOW_FROM,\n\t\t\t\t\t" . $DB->DateToCharFunction("B.DATE_SHOW_TO") . "\t\t\tDATE_SHOW_TO,\n\t\t\t\t\tB.FLYUNIFORM\t\t\tFLYUNIFORM,\n\t\t\t\t\tB.MAX_SHOW_COUNT\t\tMAX_SHOW_COUNT,\n\t\t\t\t\tB.SHOW_COUNT\t\t\tSHOW_COUNT,\n\t\t\t\t\tC.ID\t\t\t\t\tCONTRACT_ID,\n\t\t\t\t\tC.WEIGHT\t\t\t\tCONTRACT_WEIGHT,\n\t\t\t\t\tC.KEYWORDS\t\t\t\tCONTRACT_KEYWORDS\n\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\tb_adv_type T\n\n\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN b_adv_banner B ON (\n\t\t\t\t\t\tB.ACTIVE='Y'\n\t\t\t\t\tand\tB.TYPE_SID = T.SID\n\t\t\t\t\tand\tB.STATUS_SID = 'PUBLISHED'\n\t\t\t\t\tand (B.FOR_NEW_GUEST is null or B.FOR_NEW_GUEST='{$new_guest}')\n\t\t\t\t\tand\t(ifnull(B.MAX_SHOW_COUNT,0)>ifnull(B.SHOW_COUNT,0) or ifnull(B.MAX_SHOW_COUNT,0)=0)\n\t\t\t\t\tand (ifnull(B.MAX_CLICK_COUNT,0)>ifnull(B.CLICK_COUNT,0) or ifnull(B.MAX_CLICK_COUNT,0)=0)\n\t\t\t\t\tand (ifnull(B.MAX_VISITOR_COUNT,0)>ifnull(B.VISITOR_COUNT,0) or ifnull(B.MAX_VISITOR_COUNT,0)=0)\n\t\t\t\t\tand (B.DATE_SHOW_FROM<=now() or B.DATE_SHOW_FROM is null or length(B.DATE_SHOW_FROM)<=0)\n\t\t\t\t\tand (B.DATE_SHOW_TO>=now() or B.DATE_SHOW_TO is null or length(B.DATE_SHOW_TO)<=0))\n\n\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN b_adv_banner_2_site BS ON (\n\t\t\t\t\t\tBS.BANNER_ID = B.ID\n\t\t\t\t\tand BS.SITE_ID = '" . SITE_ID . "')\n\n\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN b_adv_contract C ON (\n\t\t\t\t\t\tC.ID = B.CONTRACT_ID\n\t\t\t\t\tand C.ACTIVE='Y'\n\t\t\t\t\tand\t(ifnull(C.MAX_SHOW_COUNT,0)>ifnull(C.SHOW_COUNT,0) or ifnull(C.MAX_SHOW_COUNT,0)=0)\n\t\t\t\t\tand (ifnull(C.MAX_CLICK_COUNT,0)>ifnull(C.CLICK_COUNT,0) or ifnull(C.MAX_CLICK_COUNT,0)=0)\n\t\t\t\t\tand (ifnull(C.MAX_VISITOR_COUNT,0)>ifnull(C.VISITOR_COUNT,0) or ifnull(C.MAX_VISITOR_COUNT,0)=0)\n\t\t\t\t\tand (C.DATE_SHOW_FROM<=now() or C.DATE_SHOW_FROM is null or length(C.DATE_SHOW_FROM)<=0)\n\t\t\t\t\tand (C.DATE_SHOW_TO>=now() or C.DATE_SHOW_TO is null or length(C.DATE_SHOW_TO)<=0))\n\n\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN b_adv_contract_2_site CS ON (\n\t\t\t\t\t\tCS.CONTRACT_ID = B.CONTRACT_ID\n\t\t\t\t\tand CS.SITE_ID = '" . SITE_ID . "')\n\n\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN b_adv_contract_2_type CT ON (\n\t\t\t\t\t\tCT.CONTRACT_ID = C.ID\n\t\t\t\t\tand (CT.TYPE_SID = 'ALL' or CT.TYPE_SID = T.SID))\n\n\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN b_adv_banner_2_weekday BW ON (\n\t\t\t\t\t\tBW.BANNER_ID = B.ID\n\t\t\t\t\tand BW.C_WEEKDAY='" . $DB->ForSql($weekday, 10) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\tand BW.C_HOUR = '{$hour}')\n\n\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN b_adv_contract_2_weekday CW ON (\n\t\t\t\t\t\tCW.CONTRACT_ID = C.ID\n\t\t\t\t\tand CW.C_WEEKDAY='" . $DB->ForSql($weekday, 10) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\tand CW.C_HOUR = '{$hour}')\n\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN b_adv_banner_2_group UG1 ON (\n\t\t\t\t\t(UG1.BANNER_ID = B.ID\n\t\t\t\t\tand UG1.GROUP_ID in (" . $strUserGroups . ") and UG1.GROUP_ID<>2)\n\t\t\t\t)\n\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN b_adv_banner_2_page BP1 ON (\n\t\t\t\t\t\tBP1.BANNER_ID = B.ID\n\t\t\t\t\tand BP1.SHOW_ON_PAGE='Y')\n\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN b_adv_banner_2_page BP2 ON (\n\t\t\t\t\t\tBP2.BANNER_ID = B.ID\n\t\t\t\t\tand BP2.SHOW_ON_PAGE='N'\n\t\t\t\t\tand '" . $DB->ForSQL($url) . "' like concat(BP2.PAGE, '%'))\n\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN b_adv_contract_2_page\tCP1 ON (\n\t\t\t\t\t\tCP1.CONTRACT_ID = C.ID\n\t\t\t\t\tand CP1.SHOW_ON_PAGE='Y')\n\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN b_adv_contract_2_page CP2 ON (\n\t\t\t\t\t\tCP2.CONTRACT_ID = C.ID\n\t\t\t\t\tand CP2.SHOW_ON_PAGE='N'\n\t\t\t\t\tand '" . $DB->ForSQL($url) . "' like concat(CP2.PAGE, '%'))\n\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN b_adv_banner_2_stat_adv\tBA\tON BA.BANNER_ID = B.ID\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN b_adv_banner_2_country BC ON BC.BANNER_ID = B.ID AND (\n\t\t\t\t\t(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(B.STAT_TYPE is null OR length(B.STAT_TYPE)=0 OR B.STAT_TYPE='COUNTRY')\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND BC.COUNTRY_ID='" . $DB->ForSql($stat_country_id, 2) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t) OR (\n\t\t\t\t\t\tB.STAT_TYPE='REGION'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND BC.COUNTRY_ID='" . $DB->ForSql($stat_country_id, 2) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND BC.REGION='" . $DB->ForSql($stat_region) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t) OR (\n\t\t\t\t\t\tB.STAT_TYPE='CITY'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND BC.CITY_ID='" . intval($stat_city_id) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t)\n\n\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\tT.ACTIVE = 'Y'\n\n\t\t\t\tand (\n\t\t\t\t\tB.STAT_COUNT is null\n\t\t\t\t\tor B.STAT_COUNT = 0\n\t\t\t\t\tor BC.BANNER_ID is not null\n\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\tand BP2.ID is null\n\t\t\t\tand CP2.ID is null\n\t\t\t\tand (BP1.ID is null or '" . $DB->ForSQL($url) . "' like concat(BP1.PAGE, '%'))\n\t\t\t\tand (CP1.ID is null or '" . $DB->ForSQL($url) . "' like concat(CP1.PAGE, '%'))\n\t\t\t\tand (BA.STAT_ADV_ID is null or BA.STAT_ADV_ID='" . $stat_adv_id . "')\n\t\t\t\tand (BC.COUNTRY_ID is null or BC.COUNTRY_ID='" . $DB->ForSql($stat_country_id, 2) . "')\n\n\t\t\t\tand\n\t\t\t\t(\n\t\t\t\t\t(B.SHOW_USER_GROUP = 'Y' and UG1.GROUP_ID is not null)\n\t\t\t\t\tor\n\t\t\t\t\t(B.SHOW_USER_GROUP <> 'Y' and UG1.GROUP_ID is null)\n\t\t\t\t)\n\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY B.TYPE_SID desc, C.ID desc\n\t\t\t\t"; } else { $strSql = "\n\t\t\t\tSELECT DISTINCT\n\t\t\t\t\tB.TYPE_SID,\n\t\t\t\t\tB.ID\t\t\t\t\tBANNER_ID,\n\t\t\t\t\tB.WEIGHT\t\t\t\tBANNER_WEIGHT,\n\t\t\t\t\tB.SHOWS_FOR_VISITOR,\n\t\t\t\t\tB.FIX_CLICK,\n\t\t\t\t\tB.FIX_SHOW,\n\t\t\t\t\tB.KEYWORDS\t\t\t\tBANNER_KEYWORDS\n\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\tb_adv_type T\n\n\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN b_adv_banner B ON (\n\t\t\t\t\t\tB.ACTIVE='Y'\n\t\t\t\t\tand\tB.TYPE_SID = T.SID\n\t\t\t\t\tand\tB.STATUS_SID = 'PUBLISHED'\n\t\t\t\t\tand (B.FOR_NEW_GUEST is null or B.FOR_NEW_GUEST='{$new_guest}')\n\t\t\t\t\tand\t(ifnull(B.MAX_SHOW_COUNT,0)>ifnull(B.SHOW_COUNT,0) or ifnull(B.MAX_SHOW_COUNT,0)=0)\n\t\t\t\t\tand (ifnull(B.MAX_CLICK_COUNT,0)>ifnull(B.CLICK_COUNT,0) or ifnull(B.MAX_CLICK_COUNT,0)=0)\n\t\t\t\t\tand (ifnull(B.MAX_VISITOR_COUNT,0)>ifnull(B.VISITOR_COUNT,0) or ifnull(B.MAX_VISITOR_COUNT,0)=0)\n\t\t\t\t\tand (B.DATE_SHOW_FROM<=now() or B.DATE_SHOW_FROM is null or length(B.DATE_SHOW_FROM)<=0)\n\t\t\t\t\tand (B.DATE_SHOW_TO>=now() or B.DATE_SHOW_TO is null or length(B.DATE_SHOW_TO)<=0))\n\n\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN b_adv_banner_2_site BS ON (\n\t\t\t\t\t\tBS.BANNER_ID = B.ID\n\t\t\t\t\tand BS.SITE_ID = '" . SITE_ID . "')\n\n\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN b_adv_banner_2_weekday BW ON (\n\t\t\t\t\t\tBW.BANNER_ID = B.ID\n\t\t\t\t\tand BW.C_WEEKDAY='" . $DB->ForSql($weekday, 10) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\tand BW.C_HOUR = '{$hour}')\n\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN b_adv_banner_2_group UG1 ON (\n\t\t\t\t\t(UG1.BANNER_ID = B.ID\n\t\t\t\t\tand UG1.GROUP_ID in (" . $strUserGroups . ") and UG1.GROUP_ID<>2)\n\t\t\t\t)\n\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN b_adv_banner_2_page BP1 ON (\n\t\t\t\t\t\tBP1.BANNER_ID = B.ID\n\t\t\t\t\tand BP1.SHOW_ON_PAGE='Y')\n\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN b_adv_banner_2_page BP2 ON (\n\t\t\t\t\t\tBP2.BANNER_ID = B.ID\n\t\t\t\t\tand BP2.SHOW_ON_PAGE='N'\n\t\t\t\t\tand '" . $DB->ForSQL($url) . "' like concat(BP2.PAGE, '%'))\n\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN b_adv_banner_2_stat_adv\tBA\tON BA.BANNER_ID = B.ID\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN b_adv_banner_2_country BC ON BC.BANNER_ID = B.ID AND (\n\t\t\t\t\t(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(B.STAT_TYPE is null OR length(B.STAT_TYPE)=0 OR B.STAT_TYPE='COUNTRY')\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND BC.COUNTRY_ID='" . $DB->ForSql($stat_country_id, 2) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t) OR (\n\t\t\t\t\t\tB.STAT_TYPE='REGION'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND BC.COUNTRY_ID='" . $DB->ForSql($stat_country_id, 2) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND BC.REGION='" . $DB->ForSql($stat_region) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t) OR (\n\t\t\t\t\t\tB.STAT_TYPE='CITY'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND BC.CITY_ID='" . intval($stat_city_id) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t)\n\n\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\tT.ACTIVE = 'Y'\n\n\t\t\t\tand (\n\t\t\t\t\tB.STAT_COUNT is null\n\t\t\t\t\tor B.STAT_COUNT = 0\n\t\t\t\t\tor BC.BANNER_ID is not null\n\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\tand BP2.ID is null\n\t\t\t\tand (BP1.ID is null or '" . $DB->ForSQL($url) . "' like concat(BP1.PAGE, '%'))\n\t\t\t\tand (BA.STAT_ADV_ID is null or BA.STAT_ADV_ID='" . $stat_adv_id . "')\n\t\t\t\tand (BC.COUNTRY_ID is null or BC.COUNTRY_ID='" . $DB->ForSql($stat_country_id, 2) . "')\n\t\t\t\tand\n\t\t\t\t(\n\t\t\t\t\t(B.SHOW_USER_GROUP = 'Y' and UG1.GROUP_ID is not null)\n\t\t\t\t\tor\n\t\t\t\t\t(B.SHOW_USER_GROUP <> 'Y' and UG1.GROUP_ID is null)\n\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY B.TYPE_SID desc"; } $rs = $DB->Query($strSql, false, $err_mess . __LINE__); return $rs; }
public static function LoadCSV($file_name, $step, &$file_position) { global $APPLICATION; $DB = CDatabase::GetModuleConnection('statistic'); $arCache = array(); $arLookupCache = array(); $arCountryCache = array(); $fp = fopen($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . $file_name, "rb"); if (!$fp) { return "Y"; } $file_format = CCity::GetCSVFormatType($fp); $file_position = intval($file_position); fseek($fp, $file_position); if ($step > 0) { $end_time = getmicrotime() + $step; } else { $end_time = 0; } switch ($file_format) { case "MAXMIND-IP-COUNTRY": $delimiter = ","; $char_set = LANG_CHARSET; $table_name = "b_stat_country"; $arFieldsMap = array("ID" => array("key" => true, "index" => 4, "type" => "varchar", "len" => 2, "default" => "NA"), "NAME" => array("index" => 5, "type" => "varchar", "len" => 50, "default" => "N00", "enc" => true)); break; case "IP-TO-COUNTRY": $delimiter = ","; $char_set = LANG_CHARSET; $table_name = "b_stat_country"; $arFieldsMap = array("ID" => array("key" => true, "index" => 2, "type" => "varchar", "len" => 2, "default" => "NA"), "SHORT_NAME" => array("index" => 3, "type" => "varchar", "len" => 3, "default" => "N00"), "NAME" => array("index" => 4, "type" => "varchar", "len" => 50, "enc" => true)); break; case "MAXMIND-IP-LOCATION": $delimiter = ","; $char_set = LANG_CHARSET; $table_name = "b_stat_city_ip"; $arFieldsMap = array("START_IP" => array("key" => true, "index" => 0, "type" => "ipnum"), "END_IP" => array("index" => 1, "type" => "ipnum"), "XML_ID" => array("index" => 2, "type" => "lookup"), "COUNTRY_ID" => array("index" => -1, "type" => "varchar"), "CITY_ID" => array("index" => -2, "type" => "number")); //Some files need to skip first line if ($file_position <= 0) { fgets($fp, 4096); fgets($fp, 4096); } break; case "MAXMIND-CITY-LOCATION": $delimiter = ","; $char_set = "iso-8859-1"; $table_name = "b_stat_city"; $arFieldsMap = array("COUNTRY_ID" => array("index" => 1, "type" => "varchar", "len" => 2, "default" => "NA"), "REGION" => array("index" => 2, "type" => "varchar", "len" => 255, "enc" => true), "NAME" => array("index" => 3, "type" => "varchar", "len" => 255, "enc" => true), "XML_ID" => array("key" => true, "index" => 0, "type" => "varchar", "len" => 255)); //Some files need to skip first line if ($file_position <= 0) { fgets($fp, 4096); fgets($fp, 4096); } break; case "IPGEOBASE": $delimiter = "\t"; $char_set = "Windows-1251"; $table_name = "b_stat_city_ip"; $arFieldsMap = array("START_IP" => array("key" => true, "index" => 0, "type" => "ipnum"), "END_IP" => array("index" => 1, "type" => "ipnum"), "COUNTRY_ID" => array("index" => 3, "type" => "varchar", "len" => 2, "default" => "NA"), "XML_ID" => array("index" => array(3, 4, 5), "type" => "upsert", "enc" => true, "master" => array("COUNTRY_ID" => array("index" => 3, "type" => "varchar", "len" => 2, "default" => "NA"), "REGION" => array("index" => 5, "type" => "varchar", "len" => 255, "enc" => true), "NAME" => array("index" => 4, "type" => "varchar", "len" => 255, "enc" => true))), "CITY_ID" => array("index" => -1, "type" => "number")); break; case "IPGEOBASE2": $delimiter = "\t"; $char_set = "Windows-1251"; $table_name = "b_stat_city_ip"; $arFieldsMap = array("START_IP" => array("key" => true, "index" => 0, "type" => "ipnum"), "END_IP" => array("index" => 1, "type" => "ipnum"), "COUNTRY_ID" => array("index" => 3, "type" => "varchar", "len" => 2, "default" => "NA", "update_city" => 4), "XML_ID" => array("index" => 4, "type" => "lookup"), "CITY_ID" => array("index" => -1, "type" => "number")); break; case "IPGEOBASE2-CITY": $delimiter = "\t"; $char_set = "Windows-1251"; $table_name = "b_stat_city"; $arFieldsMap = array("COUNTRY_ID" => array("skip_update" => true, "index" => 100, "type" => "varchar", "len" => 2, "default" => "NA"), "REGION" => array("index" => 2, "type" => "varchar", "len" => 255, "enc" => true), "NAME" => array("index" => 1, "type" => "varchar", "len" => 255, "enc" => true), "XML_ID" => array("key" => true, "index" => 0, "type" => "varchar", "len" => 255)); break; default: return "Y"; } $bConv = $char_set != LANG_CHARSET; while (!feof($fp)) { //$arr = fgetcsv($fp, 4096, $delimiter); $arr = fgets($fp, 4096); if ($bConv && preg_match("/[^a-zA-Z0-9 \t\n\r]/", $arr)) { $arr = $APPLICATION->ConvertCharset($arr, $char_set, LANG_CHARSET); } $arr = preg_split("/" . $delimiter . "/" . BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, $arr); $arAllSQLFields = array(); $arFields = array(); $strUpdate = ""; $strWhere = ""; $strInsert1 = ""; $strInsert2 = ""; $bEmptyKey = false; foreach ($arFieldsMap as $FIELD_ID => $arField) { if (is_array($arField["index"])) { $value = ""; foreach ($arField["index"] as $index) { $value .= trim($arr[$index], "\" \n\r\t"); } $value = md5($value); } else { $value = trim($arr[$arField["index"]], "\" \n\r\t"); } //if($bConv && $arField["enc"] && preg_match("/[^a-zA-Z0-9 \t\n\r]/", $value)) // $value = $APPLICATION->ConvertCharset($value, $char_set, LANG_CHARSET); if (!$value && $arField["default"]) { $value = $arField["default"]; } if ($arField["type"] == "upsert") { if (!array_key_exists($value, $arLookupCache)) { $rs = $DB->Query("SELECT ID as CITY_ID FROM b_stat_city WHERE XML_ID = '" . $DB->ForSQL($value) . "'"); $ar = $rs->Fetch(); if (!$ar) { $arNewMaster = array("XML_ID" => $value); foreach ($arField["master"] as $MASTER_FIELD_ID => $arMasterField) { $m_value = trim($arr[$arMasterField["index"]], "\""); //if($bConv && $arMasterField["enc"] && preg_match("/[^a-zA-Z0-9 \t\n\r]/", $m_value)) // $m_value = $APPLICATION->ConvertCharset($m_value, $char_set, LANG_CHARSET); if (!$m_value && $arMasterField["default"]) { $m_value = $arMasterField["default"]; } $arNewMaster[$MASTER_FIELD_ID] = $m_value; } $ar = array("CITY_ID" => $DB->Add("b_stat_city", $arNewMaster)); } $arLookupCache[$value] = $ar; } foreach ($arLookupCache[$value] as $key => $val) { $arr[$arFieldsMap[$key]["index"]] = $val; } continue; } if ($arField["type"] == "lookup") { if (!array_key_exists($value, $arLookupCache)) { $rs = $DB->Query("SELECT COUNTRY_ID, ID as CITY_ID FROM b_stat_city WHERE XML_ID = '" . $DB->ForSQL($value) . "'"); $ar = $rs->Fetch(); if (!$ar) { $ar = array("COUNTRY_ID" => "NA", "CITY_ID" => 0); } $arLookupCache[$value] = $ar; } foreach ($arLookupCache[$value] as $key => $val) { $arr[$arFieldsMap[$key]["index"]] = $val; } continue; } if ($FIELD_ID === "COUNTRY_ID" && !array_key_exists($value, $arCountryCache) && strlen($value) > 0) { $cid = $DB->ForSQL($value, 2); $rs = $DB->Query("SELECT ID FROM b_stat_country WHERE ID = '" . $cid . "'"); if (!$rs->Fetch()) { $DB->Query("insert into b_stat_country (ID) values ('" . $cid . "')"); } $arCountryCache[$value] = true; } if ($FIELD_ID === "COUNTRY_ID" && isset($arField["update_city"]) && strlen($value) > 0) { $city_id = $DB->ForSQL(trim($arr[$arField["update_city"]], "\" \n\r\t")); $cid = $DB->ForSQL($value, 2); $rs = $DB->Query("UPDATE b_stat_city SET COUNTRY_ID = '" . $cid . "' WHERE XML_ID = '" . $city_id . "'"); } switch ($arField["type"]) { case "varchar": $sql_value = "'" . $DB->ForSQL($value, $arField["len"]) . "'"; break; case "ipnum": case "number": $sql_value = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $value); break; default: $sql_value = "'" . $DB->ForSQL($value) . "'"; break; } $arAllSQLFields[$FIELD_ID] = $sql_value; if ($arField["key"]) { if ($value) { if ($strWhere) { $strWhere .= " AND "; } $strWhere .= $FIELD_ID . " = " . $sql_value; } else { $bEmptyKey = true; } } else { $arFields[$FIELD_ID] = $value; if ($strUpdate) { $strUpdate .= ", "; } $strUpdate .= $FIELD_ID . " = " . $sql_value; } if ($strInsert1) { $strInsert1 .= ", "; } $strInsert1 .= $FIELD_ID; if ($strInsert2) { $strInsert2 .= ", "; } $strInsert2 .= $sql_value; } if (!$bEmptyKey && $strWhere && $strUpdate && !array_key_exists($strWhere, $arCache)) { if ($table_name == "b_stat_city_ip" && $arAllSQLFields["START_IP"] && $arAllSQLFields["END_IP"]) { $arToUpdate = CCity::ResolveIPRange($arAllSQLFields["START_IP"], $arAllSQLFields["END_IP"]); } else { $rs = $DB->Query("SELECT * FROM {$table_name} WHERE {$strWhere}"); $arToUpdate = $rs->Fetch(); } if ($arToUpdate) { $bNeedUpdate = false; foreach ($arFields as $UPD_FIELD_ID => $upd_value) { if (!isset($arFieldsMap[$UPD_FIELD_ID]["skip_update"])) { if ($upd_value != $arToUpdate[$UPD_FIELD_ID]) { $bNeedUpdate = true; break; } } } if ($bNeedUpdate) { $DB->Query("UPDATE {$table_name} SET {$strUpdate} WHERE {$strWhere}"); } } else { $DB->Query("INSERT INTO {$table_name} ({$strInsert1}) VALUES ({$strInsert2})"); } $arCache[$strWhere] = true; } if ($end_time && getmicrotime() > $end_time) { $file_position = ftell($fp); return "N"; } } $file_position = ftell($fp); return "Y"; }
} // create image $ImageHandle = CreateImageHandle($width, $height); $arrX = array(); // data points X $arrY = array(); // data points Y $arrayX = array(); // axis X $arrayY = array(); // axis Y /****************************************************** Get data *******************************************************/ $arF = array("COUNTRY_ID" => $find_country_id, "DATE1" => $find_date1, "DATE2" => $find_date2); $arrDays = CCity::GetGraphArray($arF, $arrLegend, $find_data_type, 20); reset($arrDays); while (list($keyD, $arD) = each($arrDays)) { $date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $arD["M"], $arD["D"], $arD["Y"]); $date_tmp = 0; $next_date = AddTime($prev_date, 1, "D"); if ($date > $next_date && intval($prev_date) > 0) { $date_tmp = $next_date; while ($date_tmp < $date) { $arrX[] = $date_tmp; reset($arrLegend); while (list($keyL, $arrL) = each($arrLegend)) { $arrY_data[$keyL][] = 0; $arrY[] = 0; } $date_tmp = AddTime($date_tmp, 1, "D");
</td> </tr> <?php } ?> <?php if (CModule::IncludeModule("statistic")) { $arDisplay = array(); if ($str_STAT_TYPE === "CITY") { if (is_array($arrSTAT_TYPE_VALUES) && count($arrSTAT_TYPE_VALUES) > 0) { $arFilter = array(); foreach ($arrSTAT_TYPE_VALUES as $ar) { $arFilter[] = $ar["CITY_ID"]; } $rs = CCity::GetList("CITY", array("=CITY_ID" => $arFilter)); while ($ar = $rs->GetNext()) { $arDisplay[$ar["CITY_ID"]] = "[" . $ar["COUNTRY_ID"] . "] [" . $ar["REGION_NAME"] . "] " . $ar["CITY_NAME"]; } } } elseif ($str_STAT_TYPE === "REGION") { if (is_array($arrSTAT_TYPE_VALUES)) { foreach ($arrSTAT_TYPE_VALUES as $ar) { $arDisplay[$ar["COUNTRY_ID"] . "|" . $ar["REGION"]] = "[" . $ar["COUNTRY_ID"] . "] " . $ar["REGION"]; } } } else { if (is_array($arrSTAT_TYPE_VALUES) && count($arrSTAT_TYPE_VALUES) > 0) { $arr = array_flip($arrSTAT_TYPE_VALUES); $v1 = "s_id"; $rs = CStatCountry::GetList($v1, $v2, array(), $v3);
$APPLICATION->AuthForm(GetMessage("ACCESS_DENIED")); } } IncludeModuleLangFile(__FILE__); $sTableID = "tbl_stat_city_multiselect"; $oSort = new CAdminSorting($sTableID, "CITY", "asc"); $lAdmin = new CAdminList($sTableID, $oSort); $FilterArr = array("find", "find_type", "find_country_id", "find_country_id_exact_match", "find_country_short_name", "find_country_short_name_exact_match", "find_country_name", "find_country_name_exact_match", "find_region_name", "find_region_name_exact_match", "find_city_name", "find_city_name_exact_match"); $lAdmin->InitFilter($FilterArr); $arFilter = array(($find_country_id_exact_match == "Y" ? "=" : "%") . "COUNTRY_ID" => $find != "" && $find_type == "county_id" ? $find : $find_country_id, ($find_country_short_name_exact_match == "Y" ? "=" : "%") . "COUNTRY_SHORT_NAME" => $find != "" && $find_type == "county_short_name" ? $find : $find_country_short_name, ($find_country_name_exact_match == "Y" ? "=" : "%") . "COUNTRY_NAME" => $find != "" && $find_type == "county_name" ? $find : $find_country_name, ($find_region_name_exact_match == "Y" ? "=" : "%") . "REGION_NAME" => $find != "" && $find_type == "region_name" ? $find : $find_region_name, ($find_city_name_exact_match == "Y" ? "=" : "%") . "CITY_NAME" => $find != "" && $find_type == "city_name" ? $find : $find_city_name); foreach ($arFilter as $i => $flt) { if (trim($flt) == "") { unset($arFilter[$i]); } } $cData = new CCity(); $rsData = $cData->GetList(array($by => $order), $arFilter, $is_filtered); $rsData = new CAdminResult($rsData, $sTableID); $rsData->NavStart(); $lAdmin->NavText($rsData->GetNavPrint(GetMessage("STAT_CITY_MSEL_PAGES"))); $arHeaders = array(array("id" => "COUNTRY_ID", "content" => GetMessage("STAT_CITY_MSEL_COUNTRY_ID"), "sort" => "CITY", "default" => true), array("id" => "COUNTRY_SHORT_NAME", "content" => GetMessage("STAT_CITY_MSEL_COUNTRY_SHORT_NAME"), "sort" => "COUNTRY_SHORT_NAME", "default" => true), array("id" => "COUNTRY_NAME", "content" => GetMessage("STAT_CITY_MSEL_COUNTRY_NAME"), "sort" => "COUNTRY_NAME", "default" => true), array("id" => "REGION_NAME", "content" => GetMessage("STAT_CITY_MSEL_REGION_NAME"), "sort" => "REGION_NAME", "default" => true), array("id" => "CITY_NAME", "content" => GetMessage("STAT_CITY_MSEL_CITY_NAME"), "sort" => "CITY_NAME", "default" => true)); $lAdmin->AddHeaders($arHeaders); while ($arRes = $rsData->NavNext(true, "f_")) { $row =& $lAdmin->AddRow($f_CITY_ID, $arRes); $row->AddViewField("COUNTRY_ID", $f_COUNTRY_ID . '<input type="hidden" name="CITY_NAME[' . $f_CITY_ID . ']" id="CITY_NAME[' . $f_CITY_ID . ']" value="[' . $f_COUNTRY_ID . '] [' . $f_REGION_NAME . '] ' . $f_CITY_NAME . '">'); } $arFooter = array(); $arFooter[] = array("title" => GetMessage("MAIN_ADMIN_LIST_SELECTED"), "value" => $rsData->SelectedRowsCount()); $arFooter[] = array("counter" => true, "title" => GetMessage("MAIN_ADMIN_LIST_CHECKED"), "value" => "0"); $lAdmin->AddFooter($arFooter); $lAdmin->AddGroupActionTable(array(array("action" => "setTargetValue(0, 'form_" . $sTableID . "', '" . CUtil::JSEscape($_REQUEST["field"]) . "')", "value" => "select", "type" => "button", "title" => GetMessage("STAT_CITY_MSEL_SELECT_TITLE"), "name" => GetMessage("STAT_CITY_MSEL_SELECT"))), array("disable_action_target" => true));
function ReallyKeep() { global $USER, $APPLICATION, $STOP_SAVE_STATISTIC, $STOP_MESSAGE, $STOP_REDIRECT_URL, $STOP, $STOP_LIST_ID, $STOP_MESSAGE_LID; $DB = CDatabase::GetModuleConnection('statistic'); $SITE_ID = ""; if (defined("ADMIN_SECTION") && ADMIN_SECTION === true) { $sql_site = "null"; } elseif (defined("SITE_ID")) { $sql_site = "'" . $DB->ForSql(SITE_ID, 2) . "'"; $SITE_ID = SITE_ID; } else { $sql_site = "null"; } $ADV_NA = COption::GetOptionString("statistic", "ADV_NA"); __SetReferer("referer1", "REFERER1_SYN"); __SetReferer("referer2", "REFERER2_SYN"); __SetReferer("referer3", "REFERER3_SYN"); $SAVE_HITS = COption::GetOptionString("statistic", "SAVE_HITS") == "N" ? "N" : "Y"; $SAVE_VISITS = COption::GetOptionString("statistic", "SAVE_VISITS") == "N" ? "N" : "Y"; $SAVE_REFERERS = COption::GetOptionString("statistic", "SAVE_REFERERS") == "N" ? "N" : "Y"; $SAVE_PATH_DATA = COption::GetOptionString("statistic", "SAVE_PATH_DATA") == "N" ? "N" : "Y"; $stmp = time(); $hour = date("G", $stmp); // 0..23 $weekday = date("w", $stmp); // 0..6 if ($weekday == 0) { $weekday = 7; } $month = date("n", $stmp); // 1..12 if ($STOP_SAVE_STATISTIC != "N" or $STOP != "Y") { if (isset($_SESSION["SESS_ADD_TO_FAVORITES"]) && $_SESSION["SESS_ADD_TO_FAVORITES"] == "Y") { $FAVORITES = "Y"; $_SESSION["SESS_ADD_TO_FAVORITES"] = ""; } else { $FAVORITES = "N"; } $ERROR_404 = defined("ERROR_404") && ERROR_404 == "Y" ? "Y" : "N"; $DB_now = $DB->GetNowFunction(); // save function for use in sql $DB_now_date = $DB->GetNowDate(); // save function for use in sql $STOP_LIST_ID = intval($STOP_LIST_ID); if ($ERROR_404 == "Y") { init_get_params($APPLICATION->GetCurUri()); } $IS_USER_AUTHORIZED = intval($_SESSION["SESS_LAST_USER_ID"]) > 0 && is_object($USER) && $USER->IsAuthorized() ? "Y" : "N"; stat_session_register("SESS_SEARCHER_ID"); stat_session_register("SESS_SEARCHER_NAME"); stat_session_register("SESS_SEARCHER_CHECK_ACTIVITY"); stat_session_register("SESS_SEARCHER_SAVE_STATISTIC"); stat_session_register("SESS_SEARCHER_HIT_KEEP_DAYS"); stat_session_register("SESS_LAST_PROTOCOL"); stat_session_register("SESS_LAST_URI"); stat_session_register("SESS_LAST_HOST"); stat_session_register("SESS_LAST_PAGE"); stat_session_register("SESS_LAST_DIR"); stat_session_register("SESS_HTTP_REFERER"); stat_session_register("SESS_COUNTRY_ID"); stat_session_register("SESS_CITY_ID"); stat_session_register("SESS_SESSION_ID"); stat_session_register("SESS_REFERER_ID"); stat_session_register("FROM_SEARCHER_ID"); stat_session_register("SESS_FROM_SEARCHERS"); stat_session_register("SESS_REQUEST_URI_CHANGE"); stat_session_register("SESS_LAST_DIR_ID"); stat_session_register("SESS_LAST_PAGE_ID"); stat_session_register("SESS_GRABBER_STOP_TIME"); stat_session_register("SESS_GRABBER_DEFENCE_STACK"); stat_session_register("ACTIVITY_EXCEEDING_NOTIFIED"); // SESSION_DATA_ID will be false when there is no sessions stored // true when session was not found in database // and an integer when was found and populated to $SESSION array $SESSION_DATA_ID = CKeepStatistics::RestoreSession(); // Let's check activity limit $BLOCK_ACTIVITY = CStatistics::BlockVisitorActivity(); // Activity under the limit if (!$BLOCK_ACTIVITY) { //Check if searcher was not deleted from searchers list if (intval($_SESSION["SESS_SEARCHER_ID"]) > 0) { $strSql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT ID\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM b_stat_searcher\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE ID = '" . intval($_SESSION["SESS_SEARCHER_ID"]) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t"; $z = $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: " . __FILE__ . "<br>Line: " . __LINE__); if (!$z->Fetch()) { unset($_SESSION["SESS_SEARCHER_ID"]); } } // We did not check for searcher if (strlen($_SESSION["SESS_SEARCHER_ID"]) <= 0) { // is it searcher hit? $strSql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tID, NAME, SAVE_STATISTIC, HIT_KEEP_DAYS, CHECK_ACTIVITY\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tb_stat_searcher\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tACTIVE = 'Y'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tand " . $DB->Length("USER_AGENT") . ">0\n\t\t\t\t\t\tand upper('" . $DB->ForSql($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], 500) . "') like " . $DB->Concat("'%'", "upper(USER_AGENT)", "'%'") . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY " . $DB->Length("USER_AGENT") . " desc, ID\n\t\t\t\t\t\t"; $z = $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: " . __FILE__ . "<br>Line: " . __LINE__); if ($zr = $z->Fetch()) { $_SESSION["SESS_SEARCHER_ID"] = intval($zr["ID"]); $_SESSION["SESS_SEARCHER_NAME"] = $zr["NAME"]; $_SESSION["SESS_SEARCHER_CHECK_ACTIVITY"] = $zr["CHECK_ACTIVITY"]; $_SESSION["SESS_SEARCHER_SAVE_STATISTIC"] = $zr["SAVE_STATISTIC"]; $_SESSION["SESS_SEARCHER_HIT_KEEP_DAYS"] = $zr["HIT_KEEP_DAYS"]; //Here was warning "A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time." //@ini_set("url_rewriter.tags", ""); } $_SESSION["SESS_SEARCHER_ID"] = intval($_SESSION["SESS_SEARCHER_ID"]); } /************************************************ Searcher section ************************************************/ // searcher detected if (intval($_SESSION["SESS_SEARCHER_ID"]) > 0) { $_SESSION["SESS_SEARCHER_ID"] = intval($_SESSION["SESS_SEARCHER_ID"]); // let's update day counter $arFields = array("DATE_LAST" => $DB_now, "TOTAL_HITS" => "TOTAL_HITS + 1"); $rows = $DB->Update("b_stat_searcher_day", $arFields, "WHERE SEARCHER_ID='" . $_SESSION["SESS_SEARCHER_ID"] . "' and DATE_STAT=" . $DB_now_date, "File: " . __FILE__ . "<br>Line: " . __LINE__, false, false, false); // there is no stat for the day yet if (intval($rows) <= 0) { // add it $arFields_i = array("DATE_STAT" => $DB_now_date, "DATE_LAST" => $DB_now, "SEARCHER_ID" => $_SESSION["SESS_SEARCHER_ID"], "TOTAL_HITS" => 1); $DB->Insert("b_stat_searcher_day", $arFields_i, "File: " . __FILE__ . "<br>Line: " . __LINE__); } elseif (intval($rows) > 1) { $strSql = "SELECT ID FROM b_stat_searcher_day WHERE SEARCHER_ID='" . $_SESSION["SESS_SEARCHER_ID"] . "' and DATE_STAT=" . $DB_now_date . " ORDER BY ID"; $i = 0; $rs = $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: " . __FILE__ . "<br>Line: " . __LINE__); while ($ar = $rs->Fetch()) { $i++; if ($i > 1) { $strSql = "DELETE FROM b_stat_searcher_day WHERE ID = " . $ar["ID"]; $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: " . __FILE__ . "<br>Line: " . __LINE__); } } } // save indexed page if neccessary if ($_SESSION["SESS_SEARCHER_SAVE_STATISTIC"] == "Y") { $sql_HIT_KEEP_DAYS = strlen($_SESSION["SESS_SEARCHER_HIT_KEEP_DAYS"]) > 0 ? intval($_SESSION["SESS_SEARCHER_HIT_KEEP_DAYS"]) : "null"; $arFields = array("DATE_HIT" => $DB_now, "SEARCHER_ID" => intval($_SESSION["SESS_SEARCHER_ID"]), "URL" => "'" . $DB->ForSql(__GetFullRequestUri(), 2000) . "'", "URL_404" => "'" . $ERROR_404 . "'", "IP" => "'" . $DB->ForSql($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], 15) . "'", "USER_AGENT" => "'" . $DB->ForSql($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], 500) . "'", "HIT_KEEP_DAYS" => $sql_HIT_KEEP_DAYS, "SITE_ID" => $sql_site); $id = $DB->Insert("b_stat_searcher_hit", $arFields, "File: " . __FILE__ . "<br>Line: " . __LINE__); if ($ERROR_404 == "N") { CStatistics::Set404("b_stat_searcher_hit", "ID = " . intval($id), array("URL_404" => "Y")); } } } else { /************************************************ Visitor section ************************************************/ /************************************************ Variables which describe current page ************************************************/ $CURRENT_DIR = __GetCurrentDir(); $CURRENT_PAGE = __GetCurrentPage(); $CURRENT_PROTOCOL = CMain::IsHTTPS() ? "https://" : "http://"; // protocol $CURRENT_PORT = $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]; // port $CURRENT_HOST = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]; // domain $CURRENT_PAGE = __GetFullRequestUri($CURRENT_PAGE); // w/o parameters $CURRENT_URI = __GetFullRequestUri(); // with params $CURRENT_DIR = __GetFullRequestUri($CURRENT_DIR); // catalog /************************************************ Country detection ************************************************/ if (strlen($_SESSION["SESS_COUNTRY_ID"]) <= 0) { $obCity = new CCity(); $_SESSION["SESS_COUNTRY_ID"] = $obCity->GetCountryCode(); $_SESSION["SESS_CITY_ID"] = $obCity->GetCityID(); } /************************************************ IP => number ************************************************/ $REMOTE_ADDR_NUMBER = ip2number($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]); /************************************************ Advertising campaign ************************************************/ CStatistics::Set_Adv(); /************************************************ Guest ID detection ************************************************/ $arGuest = CStatistics::Set_Guest(); // Setup default advertising campaign if ($ADV_NA == "Y" && intval($_SESSION["SESS_ADV_ID"]) <= 0 && intval($_SESSION["SESS_LAST_ADV_ID"]) <= 0) { $_SESSION["referer1"] = COption::GetOptionString("statistic", "AVD_NA_REFERER1"); $_SESSION["referer2"] = COption::GetOptionString("statistic", "AVD_NA_REFERER2"); CStatistics::Set_Adv(); $arGuest = CStatistics::Set_Guest(); } /************************************************ Session section ************************************************/ $_SESSION["SESS_SESSION_ID"] = intval($_SESSION["SESS_SESSION_ID"]); //session already exists if ($_SESSION["SESS_SESSION_ID"] > 0) { $SESSION_NEW = "N"; // update $arFields = array("USER_ID" => intval($_SESSION["SESS_LAST_USER_ID"]), "USER_AUTH" => "'" . $IS_USER_AUTHORIZED . "'", "USER_AGENT" => "'" . $DB->ForSql($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], 500) . "'", "DATE_LAST" => $DB_now, "IP_LAST" => "'" . $DB->ForSql($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], 15) . "'", "IP_LAST_NUMBER" => $REMOTE_ADDR_NUMBER, "HITS" => "HITS + 1"); $rows = $DB->Update("b_stat_session", $arFields, "WHERE ID='" . $_SESSION["SESS_SESSION_ID"] . "'", "File: " . __FILE__ . "<br>Line: " . __LINE__); // was cleaned up if (intval($rows) <= 0) { // store as new $_SESSION["SESS_SESSION_ID"] = 0; if ($ADV_NA == "Y" && intval($_SESSION["SESS_ADV_ID"]) <= 0 && intval($_SESSION["SESS_LAST_ADV_ID"]) <= 0) { $_SESSION["referer1"] = COption::GetOptionString("statistic", "AVD_NA_REFERER1"); $_SESSION["referer2"] = COption::GetOptionString("statistic", "AVD_NA_REFERER2"); } CStatistics::Set_Adv(); $arGuest = CStatistics::Set_Guest(); } } // it is new session if ($_SESSION["SESS_SESSION_ID"] <= 0) { $SESSION_NEW = "Y"; // save session data $arFields = array("GUEST_ID" => intval($_SESSION["SESS_GUEST_ID"]), "NEW_GUEST" => "'" . $DB->ForSql($_SESSION["SESS_GUEST_NEW"]) . "'", "USER_ID" => intval($_SESSION["SESS_LAST_USER_ID"]), "USER_AUTH" => "'" . $DB->ForSql($IS_USER_AUTHORIZED) . "'", "URL_FROM" => "'" . $DB->ForSql($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"], 2000) . "'", "URL_TO" => "'" . $DB->ForSql($CURRENT_URI, 2000) . "'", "URL_TO_404" => "'" . $DB->ForSql($ERROR_404) . "'", "URL_LAST" => "'" . $DB->ForSql($CURRENT_URI, 2000) . "'", "URL_LAST_404" => "'" . $DB->ForSql($ERROR_404) . "'", "USER_AGENT" => "'" . $DB->ForSql($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], 500) . "'", "DATE_STAT" => $DB_now_date, "DATE_FIRST" => $DB_now, "DATE_LAST" => $DB_now, "IP_FIRST" => "'" . $DB->ForSql($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], 15) . "'", "IP_FIRST_NUMBER" => "'" . $DB->ForSql($REMOTE_ADDR_NUMBER) . "'", "IP_LAST" => "'" . $DB->ForSql($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], 15) . "'", "IP_LAST_NUMBER" => "'" . $DB->ForSql($REMOTE_ADDR_NUMBER) . "'", "PHPSESSID" => "'" . $DB->ForSql(session_id(), 255) . "'", "STOP_LIST_ID" => "'" . $DB->ForSql($STOP_LIST_ID) . "'", "COUNTRY_ID" => "'" . $DB->ForSql($_SESSION["SESS_COUNTRY_ID"], 2) . "'", "CITY_ID" => $_SESSION["SESS_CITY_ID"] > 0 ? intval($_SESSION["SESS_CITY_ID"]) : "null", "ADV_BACK" => "null", "FIRST_SITE_ID" => $sql_site, "LAST_SITE_ID" => $sql_site, "HITS" => 1); // campaign? if (intval($_SESSION["SESS_ADV_ID"]) > 0) { $arFields["ADV_ID"] = intval($_SESSION["SESS_ADV_ID"]); $arFields["ADV_BACK"] = "'N'"; $arFields["REFERER1"] = "'" . $DB->ForSql($_SESSION["referer1"], 255) . "'"; $arFields["REFERER2"] = "'" . $DB->ForSql($_SESSION["referer2"], 255) . "'"; $arFields["REFERER3"] = "'" . $DB->ForSql($_SESSION["referer3"], 255) . "'"; } elseif (intval($_SESSION["SESS_LAST_ADV_ID"]) > 0) { $arFields["ADV_ID"] = intval($_SESSION["SESS_LAST_ADV_ID"]); $arFields["ADV_BACK"] = "'Y'"; $arFields["REFERER1"] = "'" . $DB->ForSql($arGuest["last_referer1"], 255) . "'"; $arFields["REFERER2"] = "'" . $DB->ForSql($arGuest["last_referer2"], 255) . "'"; } // look for the same IP? $day_host_counter = 1; $day_host_counter_site = strlen($SITE_ID) > 0 ? 1 : 0; $strSql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT S.FIRST_SITE_ID\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM b_stat_session S\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE S.IP_FIRST_NUMBER = " . $REMOTE_ADDR_NUMBER . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND S.DATE_STAT=" . $DB_now_date . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t"; $e = $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: " . __FILE__ . "<br>Line: " . __LINE__); while ($er = $e->Fetch()) { $day_host_counter = 0; if ($SITE_ID == $er["FIRST_SITE_ID"]) { $day_host_counter_site = 0; break; } } $_SESSION["SESS_SESSION_ID"] = intval($DB->Insert("b_stat_session", $arFields, "File: " . __FILE__ . "<br>Line: " . __LINE__)); if ($ERROR_404 == "N") { CStatistics::Set404("b_stat_session", "ID = " . $_SESSION["SESS_SESSION_ID"], array("URL_TO_404" => "Y", "URL_LAST_404" => "Y")); } $day_guest_counter = 0; $new_guest_counter = 0; // new guest if ($_SESSION["SESS_GUEST_NEW"] == "Y") { // update day statistic $day_guest_counter = 1; $new_guest_counter = 1; } else { // first hit for today if ($_SESSION["SESS_LAST"] != "Y") { // update day statistic $day_guest_counter = 1; $_SESSION["SESS_LAST"] = "Y"; } } // update day counter $arFields = array("SESSIONS" => 1, "C_HOSTS" => intval($day_host_counter), "GUESTS" => intval($day_guest_counter), "NEW_GUESTS" => intval($new_guest_counter), "SESSION" => 1, "HOST" => intval($day_host_counter), "GUEST" => intval($day_guest_counter), "NEW_GUEST" => intval($new_guest_counter)); // when current day is already exists // we have to update it $rows = CTraffic::IncParam($arFields); if ($rows !== false && $rows <= 0) { // add new one CStatistics::SetNewDay(1, 0, 1, 0, intval($new_guest_counter), 1); // and update it CTraffic::IncParam(array("SESSION" => 1, "HOST" => 1, "GUEST" => 1, "NEW_GUEST" => intval($new_guest_counter))); } // site is not defined if (strlen($SITE_ID) > 0) { // обновляем счетчик "по дням" для текущего сайта $arFields = array("SESSIONS" => 1, "C_HOSTS" => intval($day_host_counter_site), "SESSION" => 1, "HOST" => intval($day_host_counter_site)); // обновим счетчики траффика для текущего дня $rows = CTraffic::IncParam(array(), $arFields, $SITE_ID); // если текущего дня для сайта в базе еще нет то if ($rows !== false && intval($rows) <= 0) { // добавляем его CStatistics::SetNewDayForSite($SITE_ID, 1, 0, 1); // обновим счетчики траффика для текущего дня CTraffic::IncParam(array(), array("SESSION" => 1, "HOST" => 1), $SITE_ID); } } // если страна определена то if (strlen($_SESSION["SESS_COUNTRY_ID"]) > 0) { $arFields = array("SESSIONS" => 1, "NEW_GUESTS" => $new_guest_counter); CStatistics::UpdateCountry($_SESSION["SESS_COUNTRY_ID"], $arFields); } if ($_SESSION["SESS_CITY_ID"] > 0) { $arFields = array("SESSIONS" => 1, "NEW_GUESTS" => $new_guest_counter); CStatistics::UpdateCity($_SESSION["SESS_CITY_ID"], $arFields); } // обновляем гостя $arFields = array("SESSIONS" => "SESSIONS + 1", "LAST_SESSION_ID" => $_SESSION["SESS_SESSION_ID"], "LAST_USER_AGENT" => "'" . $DB->ForSql($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], 500) . "'", "LAST_COUNTRY_ID" => "'" . $DB->ForSql($_SESSION["SESS_COUNTRY_ID"], 2) . "'", "LAST_CITY_ID" => $_SESSION["SESS_CITY_ID"] > 0 ? intval($_SESSION["SESS_CITY_ID"]) : "null"); // if ($obCity) { $arFields["LAST_CITY_INFO"] = "'" . $obCity->ForSQL() . "'"; } // если это прямой заход по рекламной кампании то if (intval($_SESSION["SESS_ADV_ID"]) > 0) { // обновляем рекламную кампанию последнего захода гостя $arFields["LAST_ADV_ID"] = intval($_SESSION["SESS_ADV_ID"]); $arFields["LAST_ADV_BACK"] = "'N'"; $arFields["LAST_REFERER1"] = "'" . $DB->ForSql($_SESSION["referer1"], 255) . "'"; $arFields["LAST_REFERER2"] = "'" . $DB->ForSql($_SESSION["referer2"], 255) . "'"; $arFields["LAST_REFERER3"] = "'" . $DB->ForSql($_SESSION["referer3"], 255) . "'"; } elseif (intval($_SESSION["SESS_LAST_ADV_ID"]) > 0) { // взводим флаг возврата на последнем заходе гостя $arFields["LAST_ADV_BACK"] = "'Y'"; $arFields["LAST_REFERER1"] = "'" . $DB->ForSql($arGuest["last_referer1"], 255) . "'"; $arFields["LAST_REFERER2"] = "'" . $DB->ForSql($arGuest["last_referer2"], 255) . "'"; } if ($_SESSION["SESS_GUEST_NEW"] == "Y") { $arFields["FIRST_SESSION_ID"] = $_SESSION["SESS_SESSION_ID"]; } $rows = $DB->Update("b_stat_guest", $arFields, "WHERE ID=" . intval($_SESSION["SESS_GUEST_ID"]), "File: " . __FILE__ . "<br>Line: " . __LINE__, false, false, false); // обновляем рекламные кампании if (intval($_SESSION["SESS_ADV_ID"]) > 0 || intval($_SESSION["SESS_LAST_ADV_ID"]) > 0) { CStatistics::Update_Adv(); } /************************************************ Referring sites ************************************************/ if ($SAVE_REFERERS != "N" && __GetReferringSite($PROT, $SN, $SN_WithoutPort, $PAGE_FROM) && strlen($SN) > 0 && $SN != $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) { $REFERER_LIST_ID = CStatistics::GetRefererListID($PROT, $SN, $PAGE_FROM, $CURRENT_URI, $ERROR_404, $sql_site); /************************************************ Search phrases ************************************************/ if (substr($SN, 0, 4) == "www.") { $sql = "('" . $DB->ForSql(substr($SN, 4), 255) . "' like P.DOMAIN or '" . $DB->ForSql($SN, 255) . "' like P.DOMAIN)"; } else { $sql = "'" . $DB->ForSql($SN, 255) . "' like P.DOMAIN"; } $strSql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tS.ID,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tS.NAME,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tP.DOMAIN,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tP.VARIABLE,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tP.CHAR_SET\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tb_stat_searcher S,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tb_stat_searcher_params P\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tS.ACTIVE='Y'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tand\tP.SEARCHER_ID = S.ID\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tand\t" . $sql . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"; $q = $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: " . __FILE__ . "<br>Line: " . __LINE__); if ($qr = $q->Fetch()) { $_SESSION["FROM_SEARCHER_ID"] = $qr["ID"]; $FROM_SEARCHER_NAME = $qr["NAME"]; $FROM_SEARCHER_PHRASE = ""; if (strlen($qr["VARIABLE"]) > 0) { $page = substr($PAGE_FROM, strpos($PAGE_FROM, "?") + 1); $bIsUTF8 = is_utf8_url($page); parse_str($page, $arr); $arrVar = explode(",", $qr["VARIABLE"]); foreach ($arrVar as $var) { $var = trim($var); $phrase = $arr[$var]; if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $phrase = stripslashes($phrase); } if ($bIsUTF8) { $phrase_temp = trim($APPLICATION->ConvertCharset($phrase, "utf-8", LANG_CHARSET)); if (strlen($phrase_temp)) { $phrase = $phrase_temp; } } elseif (strlen($qr["CHAR_SET"]) > 0) { $phrase_temp = trim($APPLICATION->ConvertCharset($phrase, $qr["CHAR_SET"], LANG_CHARSET)); if (strlen($phrase_temp)) { $phrase = $phrase_temp; } } $phrase = trim($phrase); if (strlen($phrase)) { $FROM_SEARCHER_PHRASE .= strlen($FROM_SEARCHER_PHRASE) > 0 ? " / " . $phrase : $phrase; } } } //echo "FROM_SEARCHER_PHRASE = ".$FROM_SEARCHER_PHRASE."<br>\n"; // если извлекли поисковую фразу, то занесем ее в базу if (strlen($FROM_SEARCHER_PHRASE) > 0) { $arFields = array("DATE_HIT" => $DB_now, "SEARCHER_ID" => intval($_SESSION["FROM_SEARCHER_ID"]), "REFERER_ID" => $REFERER_LIST_ID, "PHRASE" => "'" . $DB->ForSql($FROM_SEARCHER_PHRASE, 255) . "'", "URL_FROM" => "'" . $DB->ForSql($PROT . $SN . $PAGE_FROM, 2000) . "'", "URL_TO" => "'" . $DB->ForSql($CURRENT_URI, 2000) . "'", "URL_TO_404" => "'" . $ERROR_404 . "'", "SESSION_ID" => $_SESSION["SESS_SESSION_ID"], "SITE_ID" => $sql_site); $id = $DB->Insert("b_stat_phrase_list", $arFields, "File: " . __FILE__ . "<br>Line: " . __LINE__); if ($ERROR_404 == "N") { CStatistics::Set404("b_stat_phrase_list", "ID = " . intval($id), array("URL_TO_404" => "Y")); } // запомним поисковую фразу в сессии $_SESSION["SESS_SEARCH_PHRASE"] = $FROM_SEARCHER_PHRASE; // увеличим счетчик фраз у поисковой системы $_SESSION["SESS_FROM_SEARCHERS"][] = $_SESSION["FROM_SEARCHER_ID"]; $arFields = array("PHRASES" => "PHRASES + 1"); $rows = $DB->Update("b_stat_searcher", $arFields, "WHERE ID=" . intval($_SESSION["FROM_SEARCHER_ID"]), "File: " . __FILE__ . "<br>Line: " . __LINE__, false, false, false); } } } } /************************************************ Hits ************************************************/ if ($_SESSION["SESS_SESSION_ID"] > 0) { if ($SAVE_HITS != "N") { // добавляем хит $arFields = array("SESSION_ID" => $_SESSION["SESS_SESSION_ID"], "DATE_HIT" => $DB_now, "GUEST_ID" => intval($_SESSION["SESS_GUEST_ID"]), "NEW_GUEST" => "'" . $DB->ForSql($_SESSION["SESS_GUEST_NEW"]) . "'", "USER_ID" => intval($_SESSION["SESS_LAST_USER_ID"]), "USER_AUTH" => "'" . $IS_USER_AUTHORIZED . "'", "URL" => "'" . $DB->ForSql($CURRENT_URI, 2000) . "'", "URL_404" => "'" . $ERROR_404 . "'", "URL_FROM" => "'" . $DB->ForSql(isset($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]) ? $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"] : "", 2000) . "'", "IP" => "'" . $DB->ForSql($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], 15) . "'", "METHOD" => "'" . $DB->ForSql($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"], 10) . "'", "COOKIES" => "'" . $DB->ForSql(GetCookieString(), 2000) . "'", "USER_AGENT" => "'" . $DB->ForSql($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], 500) . "'", "STOP_LIST_ID" => "'" . $STOP_LIST_ID . "'", "COUNTRY_ID" => "'" . $DB->ForSql($_SESSION["SESS_COUNTRY_ID"], 2) . "'", "CITY_ID" => $_SESSION["SESS_CITY_ID"] > 0 ? intval($_SESSION["SESS_CITY_ID"]) : "null", "SITE_ID" => $sql_site); self::$HIT_ID = intval($DB->Insert("b_stat_hit", $arFields, "File: " . __FILE__ . "<br>Line: " . __LINE__)); if ($ERROR_404 == "N") { CStatistics::Set404("b_stat_hit", "ID = " . self::$HIT_ID, array("URL_404" => "Y")); } } // если гость на данном хите добавил в фавориты и до этого еще не добавлял то $favorites_counter = 0; if ($FAVORITES == "Y" && $_SESSION["SESS_GUEST_FAVORITES"] == "N") { $ALLOW_ADV_FAVORITES = "Y"; $_SESSION["SESS_GUEST_FAVORITES"] = "Y"; $favorites_counter = 1; } // обновляем счетчик "по дням" $arFields = array("HITS" => 1, "FAVORITES" => $favorites_counter, "HIT" => 1, "FAVORITE" => $favorites_counter); // если текущий день есть в базе то // обновим счетчики траффика для текущего дня $rows = CTraffic::IncParam($arFields); if ($rows !== false && intval($rows) <= 0) { // если текущий день не определен в базе то // добавляем его $new_guest_counter = $_SESSION["SESS_GUEST_NEW"] == "Y" ? 1 : 0; CStatistics::SetNewDay(1, 0, 1, 1, $new_guest_counter, 1, $favorites_counter); // обновим счетчики траффика для текущего дня CTraffic::IncParam(array("SESSION" => 1, "HIT" => 1, "HOST" => 1, "GUEST" => 1, "NEW_GUEST" => $new_guest_counter, "FAVORITE" => $favorites_counter)); } // если сайт определен то if (strlen($SITE_ID) > 0) { // обновляем счетчик "по дням" $arFields = array("HITS" => 1, "HIT" => 1); // если текущий день сайта определен в базе то // обновим счетчики траффика для текущего дня $rows = CTraffic::IncParam(array(), $arFields, $SITE_ID); if ($rows !== false && intval($rows) <= 0) { // если текущий день сайта не определен в базе то // добавляем его CStatistics::SetNewDayForSite($SITE_ID, 1, 0, 1, 1); // обновим счетчики траффика для текущего дня CTraffic::IncParam(array(), array("SESSION" => 1, "HIT" => 1, "HOST" => 1), $SITE_ID); } } /************************************************ Пути по сайту ************************************************/ if ($SAVE_PATH_DATA != "N") { CStatistics::SavePathData($SITE_ID, $CURRENT_PAGE, $ERROR_404); } /************************************************ Посещение разделов и страниц ************************************************/ if ($SAVE_VISITS != "N") { CStatistics::SaveVisits($sql_site, $SESSION_NEW, $CURRENT_DIR, $CURRENT_PAGE, $ERROR_404); } // обновляем сессию $arFields = array("LAST_HIT_ID" => self::$HIT_ID, "URL_LAST" => "'" . $DB->ForSql($CURRENT_URI, 2000) . "'", "URL_LAST_404" => "'" . $ERROR_404 . "'", "DATE_LAST" => $DB_now, "LAST_SITE_ID" => $sql_site); if ($SESSION_NEW == "Y") { $arFields["FIRST_HIT_ID"] = self::$HIT_ID; } if ($FAVORITES == "Y") { $arFields["FAVORITES"] = "'Y'"; } $DB->Update("b_stat_session", $arFields, "WHERE ID=" . $_SESSION["SESS_SESSION_ID"], "File: " . __FILE__ . "<br>Line: " . __LINE__, false, false, false); if ($ERROR_404 == "N") { CStatistics::Set404("b_stat_session", "ID = " . $_SESSION["SESS_SESSION_ID"], array("URL_LAST_404" => "Y")); } // обновляем гостя $arFields = array("HITS" => "HITS + 1", "LAST_SESSION_ID" => $_SESSION["SESS_SESSION_ID"], "LAST_DATE" => $DB_now, "LAST_USER_ID" => intval($_SESSION["SESS_LAST_USER_ID"]), "LAST_USER_AUTH" => "'" . $IS_USER_AUTHORIZED . "'", "LAST_URL_LAST" => "'" . $DB->ForSql($CURRENT_URI, 2000) . "'", "LAST_URL_LAST_404" => "'" . $ERROR_404 . "'", "LAST_USER_AGENT" => "'" . $DB->ForSql($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], 500) . "'", "LAST_IP" => "'" . $DB->ForSql($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], 15) . "'", "LAST_COOKIE" => "'" . $DB->ForSql(GetCookieString(), 2000) . "'", "LAST_LANGUAGE" => "'" . $DB->ForSql($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"], 255) . "'", "LAST_SITE_ID" => $sql_site); if ($FAVORITES == "Y") { $arFields["FAVORITES"] = "'Y'"; } $DB->Update("b_stat_guest", $arFields, "WHERE ID=" . intval($_SESSION["SESS_GUEST_ID"]), "File: " . __FILE__ . "<br>Line: " . __LINE__, false, false, false); if ($ERROR_404 == "N") { CStatistics::Set404("b_stat_guest", "ID = " . intval($_SESSION["SESS_GUEST_ID"]), array("LAST_URL_LAST_404" => "Y")); } // обновляем прямые рекламные кампании if (intval($_SESSION["SESS_ADV_ID"]) > 0) { // увеличиваем счетчик хитов на прямом заходе $arFields = array("DATE_LAST" => $DB_now, "HITS" => "HITS+1"); if ($FAVORITES == "Y" && $ALLOW_ADV_FAVORITES == "Y") { // увеличиваем счетчик посетителей добавивших в избранное на прямом заходе $arFields["FAVORITES"] = "FAVORITES + 1"; $favorite = 1; } $DB->Update("b_stat_adv", $arFields, "WHERE ID=" . intval($_SESSION["SESS_ADV_ID"]), "File: " . __FILE__ . "<br>Line: " . __LINE__, false, false, false); // обновляем счетчик хитов по дням $arFields = array("HITS" => "HITS+1", "FAVORITES" => "FAVORITES + " . intval($favorite)); $rows = $DB->Update("b_stat_adv_day", $arFields, "WHERE ADV_ID=" . intval($_SESSION["SESS_ADV_ID"]) . " and DATE_STAT=" . $DB_now_date, "File: " . __FILE__ . "<br>Line: " . __LINE__, false, false, false); // если его нет то if (intval($rows) <= 0) { // добавляем его $arFields = array("ADV_ID" => intval($_SESSION["SESS_ADV_ID"]), "DATE_STAT" => $DB_now_date, "HITS" => 1, "FAVORITES" => intval($favorite)); $DB->Insert("b_stat_adv_day", $arFields, "File: " . __FILE__ . "<br>Line: " . __LINE__); } } elseif (intval($_SESSION["SESS_LAST_ADV_ID"]) > 0) { // увеличиваем счетчик хитов на возврате $arFields = array("DATE_LAST" => $DB_now, "HITS_BACK" => "HITS_BACK+1"); if ($FAVORITES == "Y" && $ALLOW_ADV_FAVORITES == "Y") { // увеличиваем счетчик посетителей добавивших в избранное на возврате $arFields["FAVORITES_BACK"] = "FAVORITES_BACK + 1"; $favorite = 1; } $DB->Update("b_stat_adv", $arFields, "WHERE ID=" . intval($_SESSION["SESS_LAST_ADV_ID"]), "File: " . __FILE__ . "<br>Line: " . __LINE__, false, false, false); $arFields = array("HITS_BACK" => "HITS_BACK+1", "FAVORITES_BACK" => "FAVORITES_BACK + " . intval($favorite)); // обновляем счетчик хитов по дням $rows = $DB->Update("b_stat_adv_day", $arFields, "WHERE ADV_ID=" . intval($_SESSION["SESS_LAST_ADV_ID"]) . " and DATE_STAT=" . $DB_now_date, "File: " . __FILE__ . "<br>Line: " . __LINE__, false, false, false); // если его нет то if (intval($rows) <= 0) { // добавляем его $arFields = array("ADV_ID" => intval($_SESSION["SESS_LAST_ADV_ID"]), "DATE_STAT" => $DB_now_date, "HITS_BACK" => 1, "FAVORITES_BACK" => intval($favorite)); $DB->Insert("b_stat_adv_day", $arFields, "File: " . __FILE__ . "<br>Line: " . __LINE__); } } // обрабатываем событие if (defined("GENERATE_EVENT") && GENERATE_EVENT == "Y") { global $event1, $event2, $event3, $goto, $money, $currency, $site_id; if (strlen($site_id) <= 0) { $site_id = false; } CStatistics::Set_Event($event1, $event2, $event3, $goto, $money, $currency, $site_id); } // увеличиваем счетчик хитов у страны if (strlen($_SESSION["SESS_COUNTRY_ID"]) > 0) { CStatistics::UpdateCountry($_SESSION["SESS_COUNTRY_ID"], array("HITS" => 1)); } if ($_SESSION["SESS_CITY_ID"] > 0) { CStatistics::UpdateCity($_SESSION["SESS_CITY_ID"], array("HITS" => 1)); } if (isset($_SESSION["SESS_FROM_SEARCHERS"]) && is_array($_SESSION["SESS_FROM_SEARCHERS"]) && !empty($_SESSION["SESS_FROM_SEARCHERS"])) { // обновляем счетчик хитов у поисковых фраз для поисковиков $arFields = array("PHRASES_HITS" => "PHRASES_HITS+1"); $_SESSION["SESS_FROM_SEARCHERS"] = array_unique($_SESSION["SESS_FROM_SEARCHERS"]); if (count($_SESSION["SESS_FROM_SEARCHERS"]) > 0) { $str = "0"; foreach ($_SESSION["SESS_FROM_SEARCHERS"] as $value) { $str .= ", " . intval($value); } $DB->Update("b_stat_searcher", $arFields, "WHERE ID in ({$str})", "File: " . __FILE__ . "<br>Line: " . __LINE__, false, false, false); } } if (isset($_SESSION["SESS_REFERER_ID"]) && intval($_SESSION["SESS_REFERER_ID"]) > 0) { // обновляем ссылающиеся $arFields = array("HITS" => "HITS+1"); $DB->Update("b_stat_referer", $arFields, "WHERE ID=" . intval($_SESSION["SESS_REFERER_ID"]), "File: " . __FILE__ . "<br>Line: " . __LINE__, false, false, false); } } /******************************************************* Переменные хранящие параметры предыдущей страницы *******************************************************/ $_SESSION["SESS_HTTP_REFERER"] = $_SESSION["SESS_LAST_URI"]; $_SESSION["SESS_LAST_PROTOCOL"] = $CURRENT_PROTOCOL; $_SESSION["SESS_LAST_PORT"] = $CURRENT_PORT; $_SESSION["SESS_LAST_HOST"] = $CURRENT_HOST; $_SESSION["SESS_LAST_URI"] = $CURRENT_URI; $_SESSION["SESS_LAST_PAGE"] = $CURRENT_PAGE; $_SESSION["SESS_LAST_DIR"] = $CURRENT_DIR; } } else { /************************************************ Обработка превышения лимита активности *************************************************/ $fname = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . BX_PERSONAL_ROOT . "/activity_limit.php"; if (file_exists($fname)) { include $fname; } else { CHTTP::SetStatus("503 Service Unavailable"); die; } } /************************************************************ Обрабатываем ситуацию когда не поддерживаются сессии и/или не сохраняются куки *************************************************************/ // если мы делали select из таблицы b_stat_session_data то if ($SESSION_DATA_ID) { $arrSTAT_SESSION = stat_session_register(true); $sess_data_for_db = strtolower($DB->type) == "oracle" ? "'" . $DB->ForSql(serialize($arrSTAT_SESSION), 2000) . "'" : "'" . $DB->ForSql(serialize($arrSTAT_SESSION)) . "'"; // если в результате этого select'а были выбраны данные то if (intval($SESSION_DATA_ID) > 0 && $SESSION_DATA_ID !== true) { // обновляем их $arFields = array("DATE_LAST" => $DB_now, "GUEST_MD5" => "'" . get_guest_md5() . "'", "SESS_SESSION_ID" => intval($_SESSION["SESS_SESSION_ID"]), "SESSION_DATA" => $sess_data_for_db); $DB->Update("b_stat_session_data", $arFields, "WHERE ID = " . intval($SESSION_DATA_ID), "File: " . __FILE__ . "<br>Line: " . __LINE__, false, false, false); } else { // иначе вставляем эти данные $arFields = array("DATE_FIRST" => $DB_now, "DATE_LAST" => $DB_now, "GUEST_MD5" => "'" . get_guest_md5() . "'", "SESS_SESSION_ID" => intval($_SESSION["SESS_SESSION_ID"]), "SESSION_DATA" => $sess_data_for_db); $DB->Insert("b_stat_session_data", $arFields, "File: " . __FILE__ . "<br>Line: " . __LINE__); } } } // if ($STOP_SAVE_STATISTIC!="N" or $STOP!="Y") if ($STOP == "Y") { $z = CLanguage::GetByID($STOP_MESSAGE_LID); $zr = $z->Fetch(); $charset = strlen($zr["CHARSET"]) > 0 ? $zr["CHARSET"] : "windows-1251"; //We have URL with no MESSAGE if (strlen($STOP_REDIRECT_URL) > 0 && strlen($STOP_MESSAGE) <= 0) { //So just do redirect LocalRedirect($STOP_REDIRECT_URL, true); } elseif (strlen($STOP_MESSAGE) > 0) { $STOP_MESSAGE .= " [" . $STOP_LIST_ID . "]"; echo '<html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=' . $charset . '"> ' . (strlen($STOP_REDIRECT_URL) > 0 ? '<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="3;URL=' . htmlspecialcharsbx($STOP_REDIRECT_URL) . '">' : '') . ' </head> <body> <div align="center"><h3>' . $STOP_MESSAGE . '</h3></div> </body> </html>'; } die; } }
} elseif ($file_type === "MAXMIND-IP-COUNTRY") { i2c_create_db($total_reindex, $reindex_success, $step_reindex, $_SESSION["STATWIZ_INT_PREV"], 5, $FILE_NAME, ""); } elseif ($file_type === "MAXMIND-CITY-LOCATION") { $reindex_success = "Y"; } elseif ($file_type === "MAXMIND-IP-LOCATION") { $reindex_success = "Y"; } else { $reindex_success = "Y"; } if ($reindex_success === "Y") { echo '<script>Import(2)</script>'; } else { $_SESSION["STATWIZ_TOTAL_REINDEX"] = $total_reindex[0]; echo "<script>Import(1, {file_position:'" . intval($total_reindex[1]) . "',AMOUNT:" . intval(filesize($ABS_FILE_NAME)) . ",POS:" . intval($total_reindex[1]) . "})</script>"; } break; case 2: $reindex_success = CCity::LoadCSV($FILE_NAME, 10, $file_position); if ($reindex_success === "Y") { echo '<script>Import(3)</script>'; } else { echo "<script>Import(2, {file_position:'" . intval($file_position) . "',AMOUNT:" . intval(filesize($ABS_FILE_NAME)) . ",POS:" . intval($file_position) . "})</script>"; } break; case 3: echo GetMessage("STATWIZ_IMPORT_ALL_DONE") . "<br>"; echo '<script>EnableButton();</script>'; break; } } require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . BX_ROOT . "/modules/main/include/epilog_after.php";
public function __construct($scenario = 'search') { parent::__construct($scenario); }
} else { $find_data_type = "SESSIONS"; } } elseif ($saved_group_by != $find_data_type) { //Set if changed $saved_group_by = $find_data_type; } InitFilterEx($arSettings, $sTableID . "_settings", "set"); $arrDays = array(); AdminListCheckDate($lAdmin, array("find_date1" => $find_date1, "find_date2" => $find_date2)); $arrLegend = array(); $arrTotalLegend = array(); $arFilter = array("COUNTRY_ID" => $find_country_id < 0 ? "" : $find_country_id, "DATE1" => $find_date1, "DATE2" => $find_date2); if (strlen($arFilter["COUNTRY_ID"]) == 2) { $arrDays = CCity::GetGraphArray($arFilter, $arrLegend, $find_data_type, 20); $arrTotalDays = CCity::GetGraphArray($arFilter, $arrTotalLegend, "TOTAL_" . $find_data_type, 20); } else { $lAdmin->AddFilterError(GetMessage("STAT_NO_COUNTRY_ID")); } $lAdmin->BeginCustomContent(); if (!function_exists("ImageCreate")) { ShowError(GetMessage("STAT_GD_NOT_INSTALLED")); } else { $width = COption::GetOptionString("statistic", "GRAPH_WEIGHT"); $height = COption::GetOptionString("statistic", "GRAPH_HEIGHT"); $diameter = COption::GetOptionString("statistic", "DIAGRAM_DIAMETER"); $found = false; foreach ($arrLegend as $key => $val) { if ($val[$find_data_type] > 0) { $found = true; break;