Esempio n. 1
function lastcomments_mode(&$object)
    global $modx;
    $output_comments = NULL;
    // Check if viewing is allowed
    if ($object->canView) {
        // Get comments
        $limit = $object->config["limit"] > 0 ? $object->config["limit"] : 3;
        $array_comments = $object->provider->GetComments("*", $object->config["tagids"], 1, $object->config["upc"], $object->config["sortby"], 0, $limit, $object->config["userids"]);
        // Render comments
        $count = count($array_comments);
        $comments = array();
        // Comment Numbering
        for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
            $num = $object->config["numdir"] ? $count - $i : $i + 1;
            $array_comments[$i]["postnumber"] = $num;
        for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
            $chunk["rowclass"] = $object->getChunkRowClass($i + 1, $array_comments[$i]["createdby"]);
            $tpl = new CChunkie($object->templates["comments"]);
            $tpl->AddVar('jot', $object->config);
            $tpl->AddVar('comment', $array_comments[$i]);
            $tpl->AddVar('chunk', $chunk);
            $comments[] = $tpl->Render();
        $object->config["html"]["comments"] = join("", $comments);
        //onSetCommentsOutput event
        if (null !== ($output = $object->doEvent("onSetCommentsOutput"))) {
            return $output;
        $output_comments = $object->config["html"]["comments"];
    if ($object->config["output"]) {
        return $output_comments;
Esempio n. 2
function form_mode(&$object)
    global $modx;
    $output_form = NULL;
    //----  Allow post?
    if ($object->canPost) {
        // Render Form
        $tpl = new CChunkie($object->templates["form"]);
        $tpl->AddVar('jot', $object->config);
        $tpl->AddVar('form', $object->form);
        $object->config["html"]["form"] = $tpl->Render();
        $object->config["html"]["form"] = preg_replace('~\\[\\+(.*?)\\+\\]~s', '', $object->config["html"]["form"]);
        //onSetFormOutput event
        if (null !== ($output = $object->doEvent("onSetFormOutput"))) {
            return $output;
        $output_form = $object->config["html"]["form"];
    // -----
    // Output or placeholder?
    if ($object->config["output"]) {
        return $output_form;
Esempio n. 3
 function doNotifyAuthor($commentid = 0)
     echo '<!-- notifying author -->';
     global $modx;
     if ($this->config["moderation"]["notifyAuthor"]) {
         // What is the e-mail address of the article author?
         $author_id = $this->config['authorid'];
         $res = $modx->db->select('*', $modx->getFullTableName('user_attributes'), "id = '{$author_id}'");
         $results_array = $modx->db->makeArray($res);
         $user = $results_array[0];
         // Assume there is only one result
         // Get comment fields (copied from doNotifyModerators)
         $cObj = $this->provider;
         $comment = $cObj->getFields();
         $tpl = new CChunkie($this->templates["notifyauthor"]);
         $tpl->AddVar('jot', $this->config);
         $tpl->AddVar('comment', $comment);
         $tpl->AddVar('siteurl', "http://" . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]);
         $tpl->AddVar('recipient', $user);
         $message = $tpl->Render();
         mail($user["email"], $this->config["subject"]["author"], $message, "From: " . $modx->config['emailsender'] . "\r\n" . "X-Mailer: Content Manager - PHP/" . phpversion());
Esempio n. 4
function comments_mode(&$object)
    global $modx;
    $output_comments = NULL;
    // Check if viewing is allowed
    if ($object->canView) {
        // View (Moderation)
        $view = 1;
        if ($object->isModerator) {
            $view = $object->config["moderation"]["view"];
            $object->config["moderation"]["unpublished"] = $object->provider->GetCommentCount($object->config["docids"], $object->config["tagids"], 0, $object->config["userids"]);
            $object->config["moderation"]["published"] = $object->provider->GetCommentCount($object->config["docids"], $object->config["tagids"], 1, $object->config["userids"]);
            $object->config["moderation"]["mixed"] = $object->provider->GetCommentCount($object->config["docids"], $object->config["tagids"], 2, $object->config["userids"]);
        // Get total number of comments
        $commentTotal = $object->provider->GetCommentCount($object->config["docids"], $object->config["tagids"], $view, $object->config["userids"]);
        $limit = $object->config["limit"];
        $commentTotal = $limit > 0 && $limit < $commentTotal ? $limit : $commentTotal;
        $pagination = isset($_GET[$object->config["querykey"]["navigation"]]) && $_GET[$object->config["querykey"]["navigation"]] == 0 ? 0 : $object->config["pagination"];
        $pageAdjacents = $object->config["pageAdjacents"];
        // Apply pagination if enabled
        if ($pagination > 0) {
            $pageLength = $limit > 0 && $limit < $pagination ? $limit : $pagination;
            $lastPage = $pageTotal = ceil($commentTotal / $pageLength);
            $pageCurrent = isset($_GET[$object->config["querykey"]["navigation"]]) ? $_GET[$object->config["querykey"]["navigation"]] : 1;
            if ($pageCurrent < 1 || $pageCurrent > $pageTotal) {
                $pageCurrent = 1;
            $pageOffset = $pageCurrent * $pageLength - $pageLength;
            $navStart = $pageOffset + 1;
            $navEnd = $pageOffset + $pageLength > $commentTotal ? $commentTotal : $pageOffset + $pageLength;
        } else {
            $pageLength = $limit;
            $pageOffset = 0;
            $lastPage = $pageTotal = 1;
            $pageCurrent = 1;
            $navStart = 0;
            $navEnd = $commentTotal;
        // Navigation
        $object->config['nav'] = array('total' => $commentTotal, 'start' => $navStart, 'end' => $navEnd);
        $object->config['page'] = array('length' => $pageLength, 'total' => $pageTotal, 'current' => $pageCurrent);
        // Render Moderation Options
        if ($object->isModerator) {
            $tpl = new CChunkie($object->templates["moderate"]);
            $tpl->AddVar('jot', $object->config);
            $object->config["html"]["moderate"] = $tpl->Render();
        // Get comments
        $array_comments = $object->provider->GetComments($object->config["docids"], $object->config["tagids"], $view, $object->config["upc"], $object->config["sortby"], $pageOffset, $pageLength, $object->config["userids"]);
        // Render navigation
        if ($pagination > 0 && $pageTotal > 1) {
            $tpl = new CChunkie($object->templates["navigation"]);
            $tplPage = $tpl->getTemplate($object->templates["navPage"]);
            $tplPageCur = $tpl->getTemplate($object->templates["navPageCur"]);
            $tplPageSpl = $tpl->getTemplate($object->templates["navPageSpl"]);
            $tplDots = $tpl->getTemplate($object->templates["navPageDots"]);
            $pages = '';
            if ($lastPage < 7 + $pageAdjacents * 2) {
                //not enough pages to bother breaking it up
                for ($counter = 1; $counter <= $lastPage; $counter++) {
                    if ($counter == $pageCurrent) {
                        $pages .= str_replace('[]', $counter, $tplPageCur);
                    } else {
                        $pages .= str_replace('[]', $counter, $tplPage);
                    // other pages
            } elseif ($lastPage > 5 + $pageAdjacents * 2) {
                //enough pages to hide some
                //close to beginning; only hide later pages
                if ($pageCurrent < 1 + $pageAdjacents * 2) {
                    for ($counter = 1; $counter < 4 + $pageAdjacents * 2; $counter++) {
                        if ($counter == $pageCurrent) {
                            $pages .= str_replace('[]', $counter, $tplPageCur) . $tplPageSpl;
                        } else {
                            $pages .= str_replace('[]', $counter, $tplPage) . $tplPageSpl;
                        // other pages
                    $pages .= str_replace('[]', $counter, $tplDots) . $tplPageSpl;
                    $pages .= str_replace('[]', $lastPage - 1, $tplPage) . $tplPageSpl;
                    $pages .= str_replace('[]', $lastPage, $tplPage);
                } elseif ($lastPage - $pageAdjacents * 2 > $pageCurrent && $pageCurrent > $pageAdjacents * 2) {
                    $pages .= str_replace('[]', 1, $tplPage) . $tplPageSpl;
                    // first page
                    $pages .= str_replace('[]', 2, $tplPage) . $tplPageSpl;
                    // second page
                    $pages .= str_replace('[]', 3, $tplDots) . $tplPageSpl;
                    for ($counter = $pageCurrent - $pageAdjacents; $counter <= $pageCurrent + $pageAdjacents; $counter++) {
                        if ($counter == $pageCurrent) {
                            $pages .= str_replace('[]', $counter, $tplPageCur) . $tplPageSpl;
                        } else {
                            $pages .= str_replace('[]', $counter, $tplPage) . $tplPageSpl;
                    // other pages
                    $pages .= str_replace('[]', $counter, $tplDots) . $tplPageSpl;
                    $pages .= str_replace('[]', $lastPage - 1, $tplPage) . $tplPageSpl;
                    // page before the last
                    $pages .= str_replace('[]', $lastPage, $tplPage);
                    // last page
                } else {
                    $pages .= str_replace('[]', 1, $tplPage) . $tplPageSpl;
                    // first page
                    $pages .= str_replace('[]', 2, $tplPage) . $tplPageSpl;
                    // second page;
                    $pages .= str_replace('[]', 3, $tplDots) . $tplPageSpl;
                    for ($counter = $lastPage - (2 + $pageAdjacents * 2); $counter <= $lastPage; $counter++) {
                        if ($counter == $pageCurrent) {
                            $pages .= str_replace('[]', $counter, $tplPageCur);
                        } else {
                            $pages .= str_replace('[]', $counter, $tplPage);
                        // other pages
                        if ($counter < $lastPage) {
                            $pages .= $tplPageSpl;
            $tpl->template = str_replace('[+jot.pages+]', $pages, $tpl->template);
            $tpl->AddVar('jot', $object->config);
            $object->config["html"]["navigation"] = $tpl->Render();
        // Render subscription options
        $tpl = new CChunkie($object->templates["subscribe"]);
        $tpl->AddVar('jot', $object->config);
        $object->config["html"]["subscribe"] = $output_subscribe = $tpl->Render();
        // Render comments
        $count = count($array_comments);
        $comments = array();
        // Comment Numbering
        for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
            $num = $object->config["numdir"] ? $commentTotal - ($pageOffset + $i) : $pageOffset + ($i + 1);
            $array_comments[$i]["postnumber"] = $num;
        for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
            $chunk["rowclass"] = $object->getChunkRowClass($i + 1, $array_comments[$i]["createdby"]);
            $tpl = new CChunkie($object->templates["comments"]);
            $tpl->AddVar('jot', $object->config);
            $tpl->AddVar('comment', $array_comments[$i]);
            $tpl->AddVar('chunk', $chunk);
            $comments[] = $tpl->Render();
        $object->config["html"]["comments"] = join("", $comments);
        //onSetCommentsOutput event
        if (null !== ($output = $object->doEvent("onSetCommentsOutput"))) {
            return $output;
        $output_comments = $object->config["html"]["subscribe"] . $object->config["html"]["moderate"] . $object->config["html"]["navigation"] . $object->config["html"]["comments"] . $object->config["html"]["navigation"];
    if ($object->config["output"]) {
        return $output_comments;
Esempio n. 5
 function doNotify($commentid = 0, $action = "notify")
     global $modx;
     // Get comment fields
     $cObj = $this->provider;
     $comment = $cObj->getFields();
     switch ($action) {
         case "notify":
             $user_ids = $this->provider->getSubscriptions($this->config["docid"], $this->config["tagid"]);
             $subject = $this->config["subject"]["subscribe"];
         case "notifymoderator":
             $user_ids = $this->getMembersOfWebGroup($this->config["permissions"]["moderate"]);
             $subject = $this->config["subject"]["moderate"];
         case "notifyauthor":
             $user_ids = array($this->config["authorid"]);
             $subject = $this->config["subject"]["author"];
         case "notifyemails":
             $user_ids = $this->config["notifyEmails"];
             $subject = $this->config["subject"]["emails"];
     include_once MODX_MANAGER_PATH . "includes/controls/class.phpmailer.php";
     foreach ($user_ids as $user_id) {
         if ($this->config["user"]["id"] !== $user_id) {
             if ($action == "notifyemails") {
                 $user = array();
                 $user["email"] = $user_id;
                 $user["username"] = $this->config["notifyNames"][$user_id];
             } else {
                 $user = $this->getUserInfo($user_id);
             $tpl = new CChunkie($this->templates[$action]);
             $tpl->AddVar("siteurl", "http://" . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]);
             //onBeforeNotify event
             if (null === $this->doEvent("onBeforeNotify", array("commentid" => $commentid, "action" => $action, "tpl" => &$tpl, "subject" => &$subject, "comment" => &$comment, "user" => &$user))) {
                 $tpl->AddVar("jot", $this->config);
                 $tpl->AddVar("comment", $comment);
                 $tpl->AddVar("recipient", $user);
                 $mail = new PHPMailer();
                 $mail->CharSet = $modx->config["modx_charset"];
                 $mail->From = $modx->config["emailsender"];
                 $mail->FromName = $modx->config["site_name"];
                 $mail->Subject = $subject;
                 $mail->Body = $tpl->Render();
Esempio n. 6
 function treeRender($tree, $pid, &$object, $depth)
     global $modx;
     if (empty($tree[$pid])) {
     $res = '';
     foreach ($tree[$pid] as $k => $row) {
         $chunk["rowclass"] = $object->getChunkRowClass($k + 1, $row["createdby"]);
         $tpl = new CChunkie($object->templates["comments"]);
         $row["parentlink"] = $object->preserveUrl($modx->documentIdentifier, '', array_merge($object->_link, array('parent' => $row["id"])));
         $row["depth"] = $depth;
         $tpl->AddVar('jot', $object->config);
         $tpl->AddVar('comment', $row);
         $tpl->AddVar('chunk', $chunk);
         if (isset($tree[$row['id']]) && $object->config["depth"] > $depth) {
             $tpl->AddVar('jot.wrapper', treeRender($tree, $row['id'], $object, $depth + 1));
         } else {
             $tpl->AddVar('jot.wrapper', '');
         $res .= $tpl->Render();
     return $res;