function CheckFields($ACTION, &$arFields, $ID = 0) { if ((is_set($arFields, "POST_ID") || $ACTION == "ADD") && strlen($arFields["POST_ID"]) <= 0) { $GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->ThrowException(GetMessage("BLG_GCT_EMPTY_POST_ID"), "EMPTY_POST_ID"); return false; } elseif (is_set($arFields, "POST_ID")) { $arResult = CBlogPost::GetByID($arFields["POST_ID"]); if (!$arResult) { $GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->ThrowException(str_replace("#ID#", $arFields["POST_ID"], GetMessage("BLG_GCT_ERROR_NO_POST")), "ERROR_NO_POST"); return false; } } if ((is_set($arFields, "BLOG_ID") || $ACTION == "ADD") && IntVal($arFields["BLOG_ID"]) <= 0) { $GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->ThrowException(GetMessage("BLG_GCT_EMPTY_BLOG_ID"), "EMPTY_BLOG_ID"); return false; } elseif (is_set($arFields, "BLOG_ID")) { $arResult = CBlog::GetByID($arFields["BLOG_ID"]); if (!$arResult) { $GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->ThrowException(str_replace("#ID#", $arFields["BLOG_ID"], GetMessage("BLG_GCT_ERROR_NO_BLOG")), "ERROR_NO_BLOG"); return false; } } if ((is_set($arFields, "CATEGORY_ID") || $ACTION == "ADD") && IntVal($arFields["CATEGORY_ID"]) <= 0) { $GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->ThrowException(GetMessage("BLG_GCT_EMPTY_CATEGORY_ID"), "EMPTY_CATEGORY_ID"); return false; } elseif (is_set($arFields, "CATEGORY_ID")) { $arResult = CBlogCategory::GetByID($arFields["CATEGORY_ID"]); if (!$arResult) { $GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->ThrowException(str_replace("#ID#", $arFields["CATEGORY_ID"], GetMessage("BLG_GCT_ERROR_NO_CATEGORY")), "ERROR_NO_CATEGORY"); return false; } } return True; }
public static function CanUserDeletePost($ID, $userID, $blogOwnerID, $groupOwnerID) { $ID = IntVal($ID); $userID = IntVal($userID); $blogOwnerID = IntVal($blogOwnerID); $groupOwnerID = IntVal($groupOwnerID); $blogModulePermissions = $GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->GetGroupRight("blog"); if ($blogModulePermissions >= "W") { return True; } $arPost = CBlogPost::GetByID($ID); if (empty($arPost)) { return False; } if ($groupOwnerID > 0) { $arBlogUser = CBlogUser::GetByID($userID, BLOG_BY_USER_ID); if ($arBlogUser && $arBlogUser["ALLOW_POST"] != "Y") { return False; } $perms = BLOG_PERMS_DENY; if (CSocNetFeaturesPerms::CanPerformOperation($userID, SONET_ENTITY_GROUP, $groupOwnerID, "blog", "view_post")) { $perms = BLOG_PERMS_READ; } if (CSocNetFeaturesPerms::CanPerformOperation($userID, SONET_ENTITY_GROUP, $groupOwnerID, "blog", "write_post")) { $perms = BLOG_PERMS_WRITE; } if (CSocNetFeaturesPerms::CanPerformOperation($userID, SONET_ENTITY_GROUP, $groupOwnerID, "blog", "full_post")) { $perms = BLOG_PERMS_FULL; } if ($perms >= BLOG_PERMS_WRITE && $arPost["AUTHOR_ID"] == $userID) { return true; } if ($perms > BLOG_PERMS_WRITE) { return true; } } else { $arBlog = CBlog::GetByID($arPost["BLOG_ID"]); $arBlogUser = CBlogUser::GetByID($userID, BLOG_BY_USER_ID); if ($arBlogUser && $arBlogUser["ALLOW_POST"] != "Y") { return False; } $perms = BLOG_PERMS_DENY; if (CSocNetFeaturesPerms::CanPerformOperation($userID, SONET_ENTITY_USER, $blogOwnerID, "blog", "view_post")) { $perms = BLOG_PERMS_READ; } if (CSocNetFeaturesPerms::CanPerformOperation($userID, SONET_ENTITY_USER, $blogOwnerID, "blog", "write_post")) { $perms = BLOG_PERMS_WRITE; } if (CSocNetFeaturesPerms::CanPerformOperation($userID, SONET_ENTITY_USER, $blogOwnerID, "blog", "full_post")) { $perms = BLOG_PERMS_FULL; } if ($perms >= BLOG_PERMS_WRITE && $arPost["AUTHOR_ID"] == $userID) { return true; } if ($perms > BLOG_PERMS_WRITE) { return true; } } return False; }
public static function GetPing($blogUrl, $postID, $arParams = array()) { global $DB; $blogUrl = Trim($blogUrl); $postID = IntVal($postID); $bSuccess = True; $arPost = CBlogPost::GetByID($postID); if (!$arPost) { CBlogTrackback::SendPingResponce(1, "Invalid target post"); $bSuccess = False; } if ($bSuccess) { if ($arPost["ENABLE_TRACKBACK"] != "Y" || COption::GetOptionString("blog", "enable_trackback", "Y") != "Y") { CBlogTrackback::SendPingResponce(1, "Trackbacks disabled"); $bSuccess = False; } } if ($bSuccess) { $arBlog = CBlog::GetByID($arPost["BLOG_ID"]); if (!$arBlog || $arBlog["URL"] != $blogUrl) { CBlogTrackback::SendPingResponce(1, "Invalid target blog"); $bSuccess = False; } } if ($bSuccess) { if (!isset($arParams["title"]) || strlen($arParams["title"]) <= 0 || !isset($arParams["url"]) || strlen($arParams["url"]) <= 0) { CBlogTrackback::SendPingResponce(1, "Missing required fields"); $bSuccess = False; } } if ($bSuccess) { if (!isset($arParams["excerpt"])) { $arParams["excerpt"] = $arParams["title"]; } if (!isset($arParams["blog_name"])) { $arParams["blog_name"] = ""; } } if ($bSuccess) { $serverCharset = ""; $arGroup = CBlogGroup::GetByID($arBlog["GROUP_ID"]); $dbSite = CSite::GetList($b = "sort", $o = "asc", array("LID" => $arGroup["SITE_ID"])); if ($arSite = $dbSite->Fetch()) { $serverCharset = $arSite["CHARSET"]; } if (strlen($serverCharset) <= 0) { if (defined("SITE_CHARSET") && strlen(SITE_CHARSET) > 0) { $serverCharset = SITE_CHARSET; } else { $serverCharset = "windows-1251"; } } preg_match("/charset=(\")*(.*?)(\")*(;|\$)/", $_SERVER["CONTENT_TYPE"], $charset); $charset = preg_replace("#[^[:space:]a-zA-Z0-9\\-]#is", "", $charset[2]); if (strlen($charset) <= 0) { $charset = "utf-8"; } if ($charset != $serverCharset) { $arParams["title"] = $GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->ConvertCharset($arParams["title"], $charset, $serverCharset); $arParams["url"] = $GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->ConvertCharset($arParams["url"], $charset, $serverCharset); $arParams["excerpt"] = $GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->ConvertCharset($arParams["excerpt"], $charset, $serverCharset); $arParams["blog_name"] = $GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->ConvertCharset($arParams["blog_name"], $charset, $serverCharset); } $arFields = array("TITLE" => $arParams["title"], "URL" => $arParams["url"], "PREVIEW_TEXT" => $arParams["excerpt"], "BLOG_NAME" => $arParams["blog_name"], "=POST_DATE" => $DB->CurrentTimeFunction(), "BLOG_ID" => $arPost["BLOG_ID"], "POST_ID" => $arPost["ID"]); $dbTrackback = CBlogTrackback::GetList(array(), array("BLOG_ID" => $arPost["BLOG_ID"], "POST_ID" => $arPost["ID"], "URL" => $arParams["url"])); if ($arTrackback = $dbTrackback->Fetch()) { if (!CBlogTrackback::Update($arTrackback["ID"], $arFields)) { if ($ex = $GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->GetException()) { $errorMessage = $ex->GetString() . ".<br>"; } else { $errorMessage = "Unknown error" . ".<br>"; } CBlogTrackback::SendPingResponce(1, $errorMessage); } } else { if (!CBlogTrackback::Add($arFields)) { if ($ex = $GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->GetException()) { $errorMessage = $ex->GetString() . ".<br>"; } else { $errorMessage = "Unknown error" . ".<br>"; } CBlogTrackback::SendPingResponce(1, $errorMessage); } } CBlogTrackback::SendPingResponce(0, "Ping accepted"); } return $bSuccess; }
} } else { $dbUser = CUser::GetByID($arBlogUser["USER_ID"]); $arUser = $dbUser->GetNext(); if ($arParams["SET_TITLE"] == "Y") { $APPLICATION->SetTitle(str_replace("#NAME#", CBlogUser::GetUserName($arBlogUser["ALIAS"], $arUser["NAME"], $arUser["LAST_NAME"], $arUser["LOGIN"]), GetMessage("B_B_FR_TITLE_OF"))); } } $dbList = CBlogUser::GetUserFriendsList($arParams["ID"], $USER->GetID(), $USER->IsAuthorized(), $arParams["MESSAGE_COUNT"], $arParams["GROUP_ID"]); $arResult["FRIENDS_POSTS"] = array(); $arResult["IDS"] = array(); $p = new blogTextParser(false, $arParams["PATH_TO_SMILE"]); $arParserParams = array("imageWidth" => $arParams["IMAGE_MAX_WIDTH"], "imageHeight" => $arParams["IMAGE_MAX_HEIGHT"]); while ($arList = $dbList->Fetch()) { $arResult["IDS"][] = $arList["ID"]; $arPost = CBlogPost::GetByID($arList["ID"]); $arPost = CBlogTools::htmlspecialcharsExArray($arPost); $arBlog = CBlog::GetByID($arPost["BLOG_ID"]); $arBlog = CBlogTools::htmlspecialcharsExArray($arBlog); $arPost["urlToPost"] = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["PATH_TO_POST"], array("blog" => $arBlog["URL"], "post_id" => CBlogPost::GetPostID($arPost["ID"], $arPost["CODE"], $arParams["ALLOW_POST_CODE"]))); $arPost["urlToAuthor"] = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["PATH_TO_USER"], array("user_id" => $arPost["AUTHOR_ID"])); if ($arPost["AUTHOR_ID"] == $arBlog["OWNER_ID"]) { $arPost["urlToBlog"] = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["PATH_TO_BLOG"], array("blog" => $arBlog["URL"])); } else { if ($arOwnerBlog = CBlog::GetByOwnerID($arPost["AUTHOR_ID"], $arParams["GROUP_ID"])) { $arPost["urlToBlog"] = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["PATH_TO_BLOG"], array("blog" => $arOwnerBlog["URL"])); } } $arImages = array(); $dbImage = CBlogImage::GetList(array("ID" => "ASC"), array("POST_ID" => $arPost["ID"], "BLOG_ID" => $arBlog["ID"], "IS_COMMENT" => "N")); while ($arImage = $dbImage->Fetch()) {
} else { define("LANGUAGE_ID", "en"); } IncludeModuleLangFile($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/bitrix/templates/mobile_app/components/bitrix/"); $strError = false; if ($post_id <= 0) { $strError = GetMessage("BLOG_MOBILE_AJAX_POST_ID_ERROR"); } elseif (!$GLOBALS["USER"]->IsAuthorized()) { $strError = GetMessage("BLOG_MOBILE_AJAX_USER_NOT_AUTHORIZED_ERROR"); } elseif (!check_bitrix_sessid()) { $strError = GetMessage("BLOG_MOBILE_AJAX_SESSION_ERROR"); } elseif (!CModule::IncludeModule("blog")) { $strError = GetMessage("BLOG_MOBILE_AJAX_BLOG_MODULE_ERROR"); } elseif (!CModule::IncludeModule("socialnetwork")) { $strError = GetMessage("BLOG_MOBILE_AJAX_SONET_MODULE_ERROR"); } elseif (!($arBlogPost = CBlogPost::GetByID($post_id))) { $strError = GetMessage("BLOG_MOBILE_BLOG_POST_ERROR"); } elseif (!($arBlog = CBlog::GetByID($arBlogPost["BLOG_ID"]))) { $strError = GetMessage("BLOG_MOBILE_BLOG_ERROR"); } if (!$strError) { if ($action == "delete_post") { $PostPerm = CBlogPost::GetSocNetPostPerms($post_id, true, $GLOBALS["USER"]->GetID(), $arBlogPost["AUTHOR_ID"]); if ($PostPerm < BLOG_PERMS_FULL) { $strError = GetMessage("BLOG_MOBILE_DELETE_PERMISSION_ERROR"); } else { CBlogPost::DeleteLog($post_id); if (CBlogPost::Delete($post_id)) { BXClearCache(True, "/" . SITE_ID . "/blog/popular_posts/"); BXClearCache(true, "/blog/socnet_post/" . $post_id . "/"); BXClearCache(true, "/blog/socnet_post/gen/" . $post_id . "/");
public static function BuildRSS($postID, $blogID, $type = "RSS2.0", $numPosts = 10, $arPathTemplate = Array()) { $blogID = IntVal($blogID); $postID = IntVal($postID); if($blogID <= 0) return false; if($postID <= 0) return false; $numPosts = IntVal($numPosts); $type = strtolower(preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9.]/is", "", $type)); if ($type != "rss.92" && $type != "atom.03") $type = "rss2.0"; $rssText = False; $arBlog = CBlog::GetByID($blogID); if ($arBlog && $arBlog["ACTIVE"] == "Y" && $arBlog["ENABLE_RSS"] == "Y") { $arGroup = CBlogGroup::GetByID($arBlog["GROUP_ID"]); if($arGroup["SITE_ID"] == SITE_ID) { $arPost = CBlogPost::GetByID($postID); if(!empty($arPost) && $arPost["BLOG_ID"] == $arBlog["ID"] && $arPost["ENABLE_COMMENTS"] == "Y") { $now = date("r"); $nowISO = date("Y-m-d\TH:i:s").substr(date("O"), 0, 3).":".substr(date("O"), -2, 2); $serverName = ""; $charset = ""; $language = ""; $dbSite = CSite::GetList(($b = "sort"), ($o = "asc"), array("LID" => SITE_ID)); if ($arSite = $dbSite->Fetch()) { $serverName = $arSite["SERVER_NAME"]; $charset = $arSite["CHARSET"]; $language = $arSite["LANGUAGE_ID"]; } if (strlen($serverName) <= 0) { if (defined("SITE_SERVER_NAME") && strlen(SITE_SERVER_NAME) > 0) $serverName = SITE_SERVER_NAME; else $serverName = COption::GetOptionString("main", "server_name", ""); } if (strlen($charset) <= 0) { if (defined("SITE_CHARSET") && strlen(SITE_CHARSET) > 0) $charset = SITE_CHARSET; else $charset = "windows-1251"; } if(strlen($arPathTemplate["PATH_TO_BLOG"])>0) $blogURL = htmlspecialcharsbx("http://".$serverName.CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arPathTemplate["PATH_TO_BLOG"], array("blog" => $arBlog["URL"], "user_id" => $arBlog["OWNER_ID"], "group_id" => $arBlog["SOCNET_GROUP_ID"]))); else $blogURL = htmlspecialcharsbx("http://".$serverName.CBlog::PreparePath($arBlog["URL"], $arGroup["SITE_ID"])); if(strlen($arPathTemplate["PATH_TO_POST"])>0) $url = htmlspecialcharsbx("http://".$serverName.CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arPathTemplate["PATH_TO_POST"], array("blog" => $arBlog["URL"], "post_id" => CBlogPost::GetPostID($arPost["ID"], $arPost["CODE"], $arPathTemplate["ALLOW_POST_CODE"]), "user_id" => $arBlog["OWNER_ID"], "group_id" => $arBlog["SOCNET_GROUP_ID"]))); else $url = htmlspecialcharsbx("http://".$serverName.CBlogPost::PreparePath($arBlog["URL"], $arPost["ID"], $arGroup["SITE_ID"])); $dbUser = CUser::GetByID($arPost["AUTHOR_ID"]); $arUser = $dbUser->Fetch(); if($arPathTemplate["USE_SOCNET"] == "Y") { $blogName = GetMessage("BLG_GCM_RSS_TITLE_SOCNET", Array("#AUTHOR_NAME#" => htmlspecialcharsEx($arUser["NAME"]." 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$rssText .= " <link>".$url."</link>\n"; $rssText .= " <language>".$language."</language>\n"; $rssText .= " <docs></docs>\n"; $rssText .= " <pubDate>".$now."</pubDate>\n"; $rssText .= "\n"; } elseif ($type == "atom.03") { $atomID = "tag:".htmlspecialcharsbx($serverName).",".date("Y-m-d").":".$postID; $rssText .= "<"."?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"".$charset."\"?".">\n\n"; $rssText .= "<feed version=\"0.3\" xmlns=\"\" xml:lang=\"".$language."\">\n"; $rssText .= " <title>".$blogName."</title>\n"; $rssText .= " <tagline>".$url."</tagline>\n"; $rssText .= " <id>".$atomID."</id>\n"; $rssText .= " <link rel=\"alternate\" type=\"text/html\" href=\"".$url."\" />\n"; $rssText .= " <modified>".$nowISO."</modified>\n"; $BlogUser = CBlogUser::GetByID($arPost["AUTHOR_ID"], BLOG_BY_USER_ID); $authorP = htmlspecialcharsex(CBlogUser::GetUserName($BlogUser["ALIAS"], $arUser["NAME"], $arUser["LAST_NAME"], $arUser["LOGIN"], $arUser["SECOND_NAME"])); if(strLen($arPathTemplate["PATH_TO_USER"])>0) $authorURLP = htmlspecialcharsbx("http://".$serverName.CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arPathTemplate["PATH_TO_USER"], array("user_id"=>$arPost["AUTHOR_ID"]))); else $authorURLP = "http://".$serverName.CBlogUser::PreparePath($arPost["AUTHOR_ID"], $arGroup["SITE_ID"]); $rssText .= " <author>\n"; $rssText .= " <name>".$authorP."</name>\n"; $rssText .= " <uri>".$authorURLP."</uri>\n"; $rssText .= " </author>\n"; $rssText .= "\n"; } $user_id = $GLOBALS["USER"]->GetID(); if($arPathTemplate["USE_SOCNET"] == "Y") { $postPerm = CBlogPost::GetSocNetPostPerms($postID); if($postPerm > BLOG_PERMS_DENY) $postPerm = CBlogComment::GetSocNetUserPerms($postID, $arPost["AUTHOR_ID"]); } else $postPerm = CBlogPost::GetBlogUserCommentPerms($postID, IntVal($user_id)); if($postPerm >= BLOG_PERMS_READ) { $parser = new blogTextParser(); $arParserParams = Array( "imageWidth" => $arPathTemplate["IMAGE_MAX_WIDTH"], "imageHeight" => $arPathTemplate["IMAGE_MAX_HEIGHT"], ); CTimeZone::Disable(); $dbComments = CBlogComment::GetList( array("DATE_CREATE" => "DESC"), array( //"BLOG_ID" => $blogID, "POST_ID" => $postID, "PUBLISH_STATUS" => BLOG_PUBLISH_STATUS_PUBLISH, ), false, array("nTopCount" => $numPosts), array("ID", "TITLE", "DATE_CREATE", "POST_TEXT", "AUTHOR_EMAIL", "AUTHOR_ID", "AUTHOR_NAME", "USER_LOGIN", "USER_LAST_NAME", "USER_SECOND_NAME", "USER_NAME", "BLOG_USER_ALIAS") ); CTimeZone::Enable(); $arImages = Array(); $dbImages = CBlogImage::GetList(Array(), Array("BLOG_ID" => $blogID, "POST_ID" => $postID, "IS_COMMENT" => "Y", "!COMMENT_ID" => false)); while($arI = $dbImages->Fetch()) $arImages[$arI["ID"]] = $arI["FILE_ID"]; while ($arComments = $dbComments->Fetch()) { $arDate = ParseDateTime($arComments["DATE_CREATE"], CSite::GetDateFormat("FULL", $arGroup["SITE_ID"])); $date = date("r", mktime($arDate["HH"], $arDate["MI"], $arDate["SS"], $arDate["MM"], $arDate["DD"], $arDate["YYYY"])); if(strpos($url, "?") !== false) $url1 = $url."&"; else $url1 = $url."?"; $url1 .= "commentId=".$arComments["ID"]."#".$arComments["ID"]; $authorURL = ""; if(IntVal($arComments["AUTHOR_ID"]) > 0) { $author = CBlogUser::GetUserName($arComments["BLOG_USER_ALIAS"], $arComments["USER_NAME"], $arComments["USER_LAST_NAME"], $arComments["USER_LOGIN"], $arComments["USER_SECOND_NAME"]); if(strLen($arPathTemplate["PATH_TO_USER"])>0) $authorURL = htmlspecialcharsbx("http://".$serverName.CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arPathTemplate["PATH_TO_USER"], array("user_id"=>$arComments["AUTHOR_ID"]))); else $authorURL = htmlspecialcharsbx("http://".$serverName.CBlogUser::PreparePath($arComments["AUTHOR_ID"], $arGroup["SITE_ID"])); } else $author = $arComments["AUTHOR_NAME"]; $arAllow = array("HTML" => "N", "ANCHOR" => "Y", "BIU" => "Y", "IMG" => "Y", "QUOTE" => "Y", "CODE" => "Y", "FONT" => "Y", "LIST" => "Y", "SMILES" => "Y", "NL2BR" => "N", "VIDEO" => "Y", "TABLE" => "Y", "CUT_ANCHOR" => "N"); if($arPathTemplate["NO_URL_IN_COMMENTS"] == "L" || (IntVal($arComments["AUTHOR_ID"]) <= 0 && $arPathTemplate["NO_URL_IN_COMMENTS"] == "A")) $arAllow["CUT_ANCHOR"] = "Y"; if($arPathTemplate["NO_URL_IN_COMMENTS_AUTHORITY_CHECK"] == "Y" && $arAllow["CUT_ANCHOR"] != "Y" && IntVal($arComments["AUTHOR_ID"]) > 0) { $authorityRatingId = CRatings::GetAuthorityRating(); $arRatingResult = CRatings::GetRatingResult($authorityRatingId, $arComments["AUTHOR_ID"]); if($arRatingResult["CURRENT_VALUE"] < $arPathTemplate["NO_URL_IN_COMMENTS_AUTHORITY"]) $arAllow["CUT_ANCHOR"] = "Y"; } $text = $parser->convert_to_rss($arComments["POST_TEXT"], $arImages, $arAllow, false, $arParserParams); $title = GetMessage("BLG_GCM_COMMENT_TITLE", Array("#POST_TITLE#" => htmlspecialcharsEx($arPost["TITLE"]), "#COMMENT_AUTHOR#" => htmlspecialcharsEx($author))); /*$title = str_replace( array("&", "<", ">", "\""), array("&", "<", ">", """), $title); */ //$text1 = HTMLToTxt($text, "", Array("\ "), 60); $text = "<![CDATA[".$text."]]>"; if ($type == "rss.92") { $rssText .= " <item>\n"; $rssText .= " <title>".$title."</title>\n"; $rssText .= " <description>".$text."</description>\n"; $rssText .= " <link>".$url1."</link>\n"; $rssText .= " </item>\n"; $rssText .= "\n"; } elseif ($type == "rss2.0") { $rssText .= " <item>\n"; $rssText .= " <title>".$title."</title>\n"; $rssText .= " <description>".$text."</description>\n"; $rssText .= " <link>".$url1."</link>\n"; $rssText .= " <guid>".$url1."</guid>\n"; $rssText .= " <pubDate>".$date."</pubDate>\n"; $rssText .= " </item>\n"; $rssText .= "\n"; } elseif ($type == "atom.03") { $atomID = "tag:".htmlspecialcharsbx($serverName).":".$arBlog["URL"]."/".$arPost["ID"]; $timeISO = mktime($arDate["HH"], $arDate["MI"], $arDate["SS"], $arDate["MM"], $arDate["DD"], $arDate["YYYY"]); $dateISO = date("Y-m-d\TH:i:s", $timeISO).substr(date("O", $timeISO), 0, 3).":".substr(date("O", $timeISO), -2, 2); $rssText .= "<entry>\n"; $rssText .= " <title type=\"text/html\">".$title."</title>\n"; $rssText .= " <link rel=\"alternate\" type=\"text/html\" href=\"".$url1."\"/>\n"; $rssText .= " <issued>".$dateISO."</issued>\n"; $rssText .= " <modified>".$nowISO."</modified>\n"; $rssText .= " <id>".$atomID."</id>\n"; $rssText .= " <content type=\"text/html\" mode=\"escaped\" xml:lang=\"".$language."\" xml:base=\"".$blogURL."\">\n"; $rssText .= $text."\n"; $rssText .= " </content>\n"; $rssText .= " <author>\n"; $rssText .= " <name>".htmlspecialcharsex($author)."</name>\n"; if(strlen($authorURL) > 0) $rssText .= " <uri>".$authorURL."</uri>\n"; $rssText .= " </author>\n"; $rssText .= "</entry>\n"; $rssText .= "\n"; } } } if ($type == "rss.92") $rssText .= " </channel>\n</rss>"; elseif ($type == "rss2.0") $rssText .= " </channel>\n</rss>"; elseif ($type == "atom.03") $rssText .= "\n\n</feed>"; } } } return $rssText; }
$arParams["SEO_USE"] = "N"; } $user_id = $USER->GetID(); $arResult["USER_ID"] = $user_id; $arBlog = CBlog::GetByUrl($arParams["BLOG_URL"], $arParams["GROUP_ID"]); $arBlog = CBlogTools::htmlspecialcharsExArray($arBlog); $arResult["Blog"] = $arBlog; $arGroup = CBlogGroup::GetByID($arBlog["GROUP_ID"]); if (!empty($arBlog) && $arBlog["ACTIVE"] == "Y" && $arGroup["SITE_ID"] == SITE_ID) { if ($bIDbyCode) { $arParams["ID"] = CBlogPost::GetID($arParams["ID"], $arBlog["ID"]); } $arPost = CBlogPost::GetByID($arParams["ID"]); if (empty($arPost) && !$bIDbyCode) { $arParams["ID"] = CBlogPost::GetID($arParams["ID"], $arBlog["ID"]); $arPost = CBlogPost::GetByID($arParams["ID"]); } if (!empty($arPost) && $arPost["PUBLISH_STATUS"] != BLOG_PUBLISH_STATUS_PUBLISH) { unset($arPost); } if (!empty($arPost) && $arBlog["ID"] == $arPost["BLOG_ID"]) { CBlogPost::CounterInc($arParams["ID"]); $arPost = CBlogTools::htmlspecialcharsExArray($arPost); $arResult["Post"] = $arPost; $arResult["PostPerm"] = CBlogPost::GetBlogUserPostPerms($arParams["ID"], $arResult["USER_ID"]); if ($arPost["AUTHOR_ID"] == $arBlog["OWNER_ID"]) { $arResult["urlToBlog"] = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["PATH_TO_BLOG"], array("blog" => $arBlog["URL"], "user_id" => $arPost["AUTHOR_ID"])); } else { $arOwnerBlog = CBlog::GetByOwnerID($arPost["AUTHOR_ID"], $arParams["GROUP_ID"]); $arResult["urlToBlog"] = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["PATH_TO_BLOG"], array("blog" => $arOwnerBlog["URL"], "user_id" => $arPost["AUTHOR_ID"])); }
function AddLiveComment($commentId = 0, $path = "") { if(IntVal($commentId) <= 0) return; if(CModule::IncludeModule("pull") && CPullOptions::GetNginxStatus()) { if($arComment = CBlogComment::GetByID($commentId)) { if(strlen($path) <= 0 && strlen($arComment["PATH"]) > 0) $path = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arComment["PATH"], array("post_id" =>$arComment["POST_ID"], "comment_id"=>$arComment["ID"])); if(strlen($path) <= 0) { $arPost = CBlogPost::GetByID($arComment["POST_ID"]); $path = $path = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arPost["PATH"], array("post_id" =>$arComment["POST_ID"], "comment_id"=>$arComment["ID"]))."?commentId=".$arComment["ID"]; } CPullWatch::AddToStack("UNICOMMENTSBLOG_".$arComment["POST_ID"], array( 'module_id' => "unicomments", 'command' => "comment", 'params' => Array( "AUTHOR_ID" => $arComment["AUTHOR_ID"], "ID" => $arComment["ID"], "POST_ID" => $arComment["POST_ID"], "TS" => time(), "ACTION" => "REPLY", "URL" => array( "LINK" => $path, ), "ENTITY_XML_ID" => "BLOG_".$arComment["POST_ID"], "APPROVED" => "Y", "NEED_REQUEST" => "Y", ), ) ); } } }
public static function Delete($ID) { global $DB; $ID = IntVal($ID); $arPost = CBlogPost::GetByID($ID); if ($arPost) { foreach (GetModuleEvents("blog", "OnBeforePostDelete", true) as $arEvent) { if (ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($ID)) === false) { return false; } } $dbResult = CBlogComment::GetList(array(), array("POST_ID" => $ID), false, false, array("ID")); while ($arResult = $dbResult->Fetch()) { if (!CBlogComment::Delete($arResult["ID"])) { return False; } } $dbResult = CBlogUserGroupPerms::GetList(array(), array("POST_ID" => $ID, "BLOG_ID" => $arPost["BLOG_ID"]), false, false, array("ID")); while ($arResult = $dbResult->Fetch()) { if (!CBlogUserGroupPerms::Delete($arResult["ID"])) { return False; } } $dbResult = CBlogTrackback::GetList(array(), array("POST_ID" => $ID, "BLOG_ID" => $arPost["BLOG_ID"]), false, false, array("ID")); while ($arResult = $dbResult->Fetch()) { if (!CBlogTrackback::Delete($arResult["ID"])) { return False; } } $dbResult = CBlogPostCategory::GetList(array(), array("POST_ID" => $ID, "BLOG_ID" => $arPost["BLOG_ID"]), false, false, array("ID")); while ($arResult = $dbResult->Fetch()) { if (!CBlogPostCategory::Delete($arResult["ID"])) { return False; } } $strSql = "SELECT F.ID " . "FROM b_blog_post P, b_file F " . "WHERE P.ID = " . $ID . " " . "\tAND P.ATTACH_IMG = F.ID "; $z = $DB->Query($strSql, false, "FILE: " . __FILE__ . " LINE:" . __LINE__); while ($zr = $z->Fetch()) { CFile::Delete($zr["ID"]); } CBlogPost::DeleteSocNetPostPerms($ID); unset($GLOBALS["BLOG_POST"]["BLOG_POST_CACHE_" . $ID]); $arBlog = CBlog::GetByID($arPost["BLOG_ID"]); $result = $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_blog_post WHERE ID = " . $ID . "", true); if (IntVal($arBlog["LAST_POST_ID"]) == $ID) { CBlog::SetStat($arPost["BLOG_ID"]); } if ($result) { $res = CBlogImage::GetList(array(), array("POST_ID" => $ID, "IS_COMMENT" => "N")); while ($aImg = $res->Fetch()) { CBlogImage::Delete($aImg['ID']); } } if ($result) { $GLOBALS["USER_FIELD_MANAGER"]->Delete("BLOG_POST", $ID); } foreach (GetModuleEvents("blog", "OnPostDelete", true) as $arEvent) { ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($ID, &$result)); } if (CModule::IncludeModule("search")) { CSearch::Index("blog", "P" . $ID, array("TITLE" => "", "BODY" => "")); //CSearch::DeleteIndex("blog", false, "COMMENT", $arPost["BLOG_ID"]."|".$ID); } return $result; } else { return false; } return True; }
} } } else { $arResult["ERROR_MESSAGE"][] = GetMessage("BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_NO_BLOG"); CHTTP::SetStatus("404 Not Found"); } } elseif (IntVal($_GET["show_id"]) > 0 && $arResult["IDEA_MODERATOR"]) { if ($arResult["BLOG"] = CBlog::GetByUrl($arParams["BLOG_URL"], $arParams["GROUP_ID"])) { if ($_GET["success"] == "Y") { $arResultNFCache["OK_MESSAGE"][] = GetMessage("IDEA_BLOG_BLOG_MES_SHOWED"); } else { if (check_bitrix_sessid()) { $arResult["PostPerm"] = CBlog::GetBlogUserPostPerms($arResult["BLOG"]["ID"], $user_id); $hide_id = IntVal($_GET["show_id"]); if ($arResult["PostPerm"] >= BLOG_PERMS_MODERATE) { if (CBlogPost::GetByID($hide_id)) { if (CBlogPost::Update($hide_id, array("PUBLISH_STATUS" => BLOG_PUBLISH_STATUS_PUBLISH))) { BXClearCache(True, "/" . SITE_ID . "/blog/" . $arParams["BLOG_URL"] . "/first_page/"); BXClearCache(True, "/" . SITE_ID . "/blog/" . $arParams["BLOG_URL"] . "/pages/"); BXClearCache(True, "/" . SITE_ID . "/blog/" . $arParams["BLOG_URL"] . "/post/" . $hide_id . "/"); BXClearCache(True, '/' . SITE_ID . '/idea/statistic_list/'); LocalRedirect($APPLICATION->GetCurPageParam("show_id=" . $hide_id . "&success=Y", array("del_id", "sessid", "success", "hide_id", "show_id"))); } else { $arResultNFCache["ERROR_MESSAGE"][] = GetMessage("IDEA_BLOG_BLOG_MES_SHOW_ERROR"); } } } else { $arResultNFCache["ERROR_MESSAGE"][] = GetMessage("IDEA_BLOG_BLOG_MES_SHOW_NO_RIGHTS"); } } }
$arResult["ERROR_MESSAGE"][] = GetMessage("BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_MES_DEL_NO_RIGHTS"); } } else { $arResult["ERROR_MESSAGE"][] = GetMessage("BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_MES_DEL_NO_RIGHTS"); } } else { $arResult["ERROR_MESSAGE"][] = GetMessage("BLOG_BLOG_SESSID_WRONG"); } } } elseif (IntVal($_GET["pub_id"]) > 0) { if ($_GET["success"] == "Y") { $arResult["OK_MESSAGE"][] = GetMessage("BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_MES_PUB"); } else { if (check_bitrix_sessid()) { $pub_id = IntVal($_GET["pub_id"]); if ($arPost = CBlogPost::GetByID($pub_id)) { if ($arPost["AUTHOR_ID"] == $user_id && $arPost["PUBLISH_STATUS"] != BLOG_PUBLISH_STATUS_PUBLISH) { if (CBlogPost::Update($pub_id, array("PUBLISH_STATUS" => BLOG_PUBLISH_STATUS_PUBLISH, "=DATE_PUBLISH" => $DB->GetNowFunction()))) { $arParamsNotify = array("bSoNet" => true, "allowVideo" => $arResult["allowVideo"], "PATH_TO_SMILE" => $arParams["PATH_TO_SMILE"], "PATH_TO_POST" => $arParams["PATH_TO_POST"], "SOCNET_GROUP_ID" => $arParams["SOCNET_GROUP_ID"], "user_id" => $arParams["USER_ID"], "NAME_TEMPLATE" => $arParams["NAME_TEMPLATE"], "SHOW_LOGIN" => $arParams["SHOW_LOGIN"]); CBlogPost::Notify($arPost, false, $arParamsNotify); $socnetRights = CBlogPost::GetSocNetPermsCode($arPost["ID"]); $arFieldsIM = array("TYPE" => "POST", "TITLE" => $arPost["TITLE"], "URL" => CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate(htmlspecialcharsBack($arParams["PATH_TO_POST"]), array("post_id" => $arPost["ID"], "user_id" => $arParams["USER_ID"])), "ID" => $arPost["ID"], "FROM_USER_ID" => $arParams["USER_ID"], "TO_USER_ID" => array(), "TO_SOCNET_RIGHTS" => $socnetRights, "TO_SOCNET_RIGHTS_OLD" => array()); CBlogPost::NotifyIm($arFieldsIM); LocalRedirect($APPLICATION->GetCurPageParam("pub_id=" . $pub_id . "&success=Y", array("del_id", "pub_id", "sessid", "success"))); } else { $arResult["ERROR_MESSAGE"][] = GetMessage("BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_MES_PUB_ERROR"); } } } else { $arResult["ERROR_MESSAGE"][] = GetMessage("BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_MES_PUB_NO_RIGHTS"); }
function AddComment_Review_CheckIBlock_Blog($arElement) { if (!CModule::IncludeModule("iblock")) { return false; } if (!CModule::IncludeModule("blog")) { return false; } $needProperty = array(); $ELEMENT_IBLOCK_ID = intVal($arElement["IBLOCK_ID"]); $ELEMENT_NAME = Trim($arElement["~NAME"]); $ELEMENT_BLOG_POST_ID = intVal($arElement["PROPERTY_BLOG_POST_ID_VALUE"]); $ELEMENT_BLOG_COMMENT_CNT = intVal($arElement["PROPERTY_BLOG_COMMENT_CNT_VALUE"]); if ($ELEMENT_BLOG_POST_ID <= 0) { $db_res = CIBlockElement::GetProperty($ELEMENT_IBLOCK_ID, $arElement["ID"], false, false, array("CODE" => "BLOG_POST_ID")); if (!($db_res && ($res = $db_res->Fetch()))) { $needProperty[] = "BLOG_POST_ID"; } } if ($ELEMENT_BLOG_COMMENT_CNT <= 0) { $db_res = CIBlockElement::GetProperty($ELEMENT_IBLOCK_ID, $arElement["ID"], false, false, array("CODE" => "BLOG_COMMENT_CNT")); if (!($db_res && ($res = $db_res->Fetch()))) { $needProperty[] = "BLOG_COMMENT_CNT"; } } if (!empty($needProperty)) { $obProperty = new CIBlockProperty(); $res = true; foreach ($needProperty as $nameProperty) { $sName = trim($nameProperty == "BLOG_POST_ID" ? GetMessage("P_BLOG_POST_ID") : GetMessage("P_BLOG_COMMENTS_CNT")); $sName = empty($sName) ? $nameProperty : $sName; $res = $obProperty->Add(array("IBLOCK_ID" => $ELEMENT_IBLOCK_ID, "ACTIVE" => "Y", "PROPERTY_TYPE" => "N", "MULTIPLE" => "N", "NAME" => $sName, "CODE" => $nameProperty)); } } // Set NULL for post_id if it was deleted if ($ELEMENT_BLOG_POST_ID > 0) { $arTopic = CBlogPost::GetByID($ELEMENT_BLOG_POST_ID); if (!$arTopic || !is_array($arTopic) || count($arTopic) <= 0) { CIBlockElement::SetPropertyValues($arElement["ID"], $ELEMENT_IBLOCK_ID, 0, "BLOG_POST_ID"); $ELEMENT_BLOG_POST_ID = 0; } } return $ELEMENT_BLOG_POST_ID; }
function OnGetRatingContentOwner($arParams) { if ($arParams['ENTITY_TYPE_ID'] == 'BLOG_POST') { $arPost = CBlogPost::GetByID(IntVal($arParams['ENTITY_ID'])); return $arPost['AUTHOR_ID']; } elseif ($arParams['ENTITY_TYPE_ID'] == 'BLOG_COMMENT') { $arComment = CBlogComment::GetByID(IntVal($arParams['ENTITY_ID'])); return $arComment['AUTHOR_ID']; } return false; }
$v = CBlogCategory::Add(array("BLOG_ID" => $arCopyBlog["ID"], "NAME" => $arCat["NAME"])); } else { $v = $arCatBlogCopy[ToLower($arCat["NAME"])]; } CBlogPostCategory::Add(array("BLOG_ID" => $arCopyBlog["ID"], "POST_ID" => $copyID, "CATEGORY_ID" => $v)); $arCopyCat[] = $v; } if (!empty($arCopyCat)) { $arCopyPostUpdate["CATEGORY_ID"] = implode(",", $arCopyCat); } if ($_POST["move2blogcopy"] == "Y") { $arCopyPostUpdate["NUM_COMMENTS"] = 0; } if (!empty($arCopyPostUpdate)) { $copyID = CBlogPost::Update($copyID, $arCopyPostUpdate); $arCopyPost = CBlogPost::GetByID($copyID); } if ($_POST["move2blogcopy"] != "Y") { if (CBlogPost::CanUserDeletePost($arParams["ID"], $user_id)) { $dbC = CBlogComment::GetList(array("ID" => "ASC"), array("BLOG_ID" => $arBlog["ID"], "POST_ID" => $arParams["ID"]), false, false, array("PATH", "PUBLISH_STATUS", "POST_TEXT", "TITLE", "DATE_CREATE", "AUTHOR_IP1", "AUTHOR_IP", "AUTHOR_EMAIL", "AUTHOR_NAME", "AUTHOR_ID", "PARENT_ID", "POST_ID", "BLOG_ID", "ID")); while ($arC = $dbC->Fetch()) { $arCTmp = array("BLOG_ID" => $arCopyBlog["ID"], "POST_ID" => $copyID); CBlogComment::Update($arC["ID"], $arCTmp); } $arFilter = array("POST_ID" => $arParams["ID"], "BLOG_ID" => $arBlog["ID"], "IS_COMMENT" => "Y"); $res = CBlogImage::GetList(array("ID" => "ASC"), $arFilter); while ($arImg = $res->GetNext()) { $arNewImg = array("BLOG_ID" => $arCopyBlog["ID"], "POST_ID" => $copyID); CBlogImage::Update($arImg["ID"], $arNewImg); } if (!CBlogPost::Delete($arParams["ID"])) {
if (CBlogPost::Delete($DEL_ID)) { $okMessage = GetMessage("B_B_HIDE_M_DEL"); } else { $errorMessage = GetMessage("B_B_HIDE_M_DEL_ERR"); } } else { $errorMessage = GetMessage("B_B_HIDE_M_DEL_RIGHTS"); } } elseif (IntVal($_GET["show_id"]) > 0) { if ($_GET["success"] == "Y") { $okMessage = GetMessage("BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_MES_SHOWED"); } else { if (check_bitrix_sessid()) { $show_id = IntVal($_GET["show_id"]); if ($arResult["PostPerm"] >= BLOG_PERMS_MODERATE) { if (CBlogPost::GetByID($show_id)) { if (CBlogPost::Update($show_id, array("PUBLISH_STATUS" => BLOG_PUBLISH_STATUS_PUBLISH))) { BXClearCache(True, "/" . SITE_ID . "/blog/" . $arBlog["URL"] . "/first_page/"); BXClearCache(True, "/" . SITE_ID . "/blog/" . $arBlog["URL"] . "/pages/"); BXClearCache(True, "/" . SITE_ID . "/blog/" . $arBlog["URL"] . "/calendar/"); BXClearCache(True, "/" . SITE_ID . "/blog/" . $arBlog["URL"] . "/post/" . $show_id . "/"); BXClearCache(True, "/" . SITE_ID . "/blog/last_messages/"); BXClearCache(True, "/" . SITE_ID . "/blog/commented_posts/"); BXClearCache(True, "/" . SITE_ID . "/blog/popular_posts/"); BXClearCache(True, "/" . SITE_ID . "/blog/last_comments/"); BXClearCache(True, "/" . SITE_ID . "/blog/groups/" . $arBlog["GROUP_ID"] . "/"); BXClearCache(True, "/" . SITE_ID . "/blog/" . $arBlog["URL"] . "/trackback/" . $show_id . "/"); BXClearCache(True, "/" . SITE_ID . "/blog/" . $arBlog["URL"] . "/rss_out/"); BXClearCache(True, "/" . SITE_ID . "/blog/" . $arBlog["URL"] . "/rss_all/"); BXClearCache(True, "/" . SITE_ID . "/blog/rss_sonet/"); BXClearCache(True, "/" . SITE_ID . "/blog/rss_all/");
<?php if (CModule::IncludeModule("blog")) { $arComments = array(); $dbLogComment = CSocNetLogComments::GetList(array("LOG_DATE" => "ASC"), array("EVENT_ID" => "blog_comment_micro", "SOURCE_ID" => false), false, false, array("ID", "LOG_SOURCE_ID", "USER_ID", "TEXT_MESSAGE", "LOG_DATE")); while ($arLogComment = $dbLogComment->Fetch()) { $arPost = CBlogPost::GetByID($arLogComment["LOG_SOURCE_ID"]); if ($arPost) { $arBlog = CBlog::GetByID($arPost["BLOG_ID"]); $arFieldsComment = array("POST_ID" => $arPost["ID"], "BLOG_ID" => $arBlog["ID"], "POST_TEXT" => $arLogComment["TEXT_MESSAGE"], "DATE_CREATE" => $arLogComment["LOG_DATE"], "AUTHOR_ID" => $arLogComment["USER_ID"], "PARENT_ID" => false); $commentId = CBlogComment::Add($arFieldsComment); $arComments[$arLogComment["ID"]] = $commentId; } } foreach ($arComments as $log_comment_id => $blog_comment_id) { CSocNetLogComments::Update($log_comment_id, array("SOURCE_ID" => $blog_comment_id)); } }
} /******************************************************************** /Default params ********************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** Actions ********************************************************************/ $postId = $_GET["del_id"] > 0 ? $_GET["del_id"] : ($_GET["hide_id"] > 0 ? $_GET["hide_id"] : $_GET["show_id"]); if ($arResult["IDEA_MODERATOR"] && $postId > 0) { if ($_GET["success"] == "Y") { $arResultNFCache["OK_MESSAGE"][] = $_GET["del_id"] > 0 ? GetMessage("BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_MES_DELED") : ($_GET["hide_id"] > 0 ? GetMessage("BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_MES_HIDED") : GetMessage("IDEA_BLOG_BLOG_MES_SHOWED")); } else { if (!check_bitrix_sessid()) { $arResultNFCache["ERROR_MESSAGE"][] = GetMessage("BLOG_BLOG_SESSID_WRONG"); } else { if (CBlogPost::GetByID($postId)) { if ($_GET["del_id"] > 0) { if (!CBlogPost::CanUserDeletePost(IntVal($_GET["del_id"]), $user_id)) { $arResultNFCache["ERROR_MESSAGE"][] = GetMessage("BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_MES_DEL_NO_RIGHTS"); } else { if (!CBlogPost::Delete($postId)) { $arResultNFCache["ERROR_MESSAGE"][] = GetMessage("BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_MES_DEL_ERROR"); } else { CIdeaManagment::getInstance()->Notification(array("TYPE" => "IDEA", "ID" => $postId))->getSonetNotify()->Remove(); } } } else { if ($arResult["PostPerm"] < BLOG_PERMS_MODERATE) { $arResultNFCache["ERROR_MESSAGE"][] = $_GET["hide_id"] > 0 ? GetMessage("BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_MES_HIDE_NO_RIGHTS") : GetMessage("IDEA_BLOG_BLOG_MES_SHOW_NO_RIGHTS"); } elseif (!CBlogPost::Update($postId, array("PUBLISH_STATUS" => $_GET["hide_id"] > 0 ? BLOG_PUBLISH_STATUS_READY : BLOG_PUBLISH_STATUS_PUBLISH))) { $arResultNFCache["ERROR_MESSAGE"][] = $_GET["hide_id"] > 0 ? GetMessage("BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_MES_HIDE_ERROR") : GetMessage("BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_MES_SHOW_ERROR");
/** * Use component to work with LiveFeed * @param int $commentId Comment ID which needs to send. * @param array $arParams Array of settings (DATE_TIME_FORMAT, SHOW_RATING, PATH_TO_USER, AVATAR_SIZE, NAME_TEMPLATE, SHOW_LOGIN) * @return string */ public static function addLiveComment($commentId = 0, $arParams = array()) { $res = ""; if ($commentId > 0 && CModule::IncludeModule("pull") && \CPullOptions::GetNginxStatus() && ($comment = CBlogComment::GetByID($commentId)) && ($arPost = CBlogPost::GetByID($comment["POST_ID"]))) { global $DB, $APPLICATION; $arParams["DATE_TIME_FORMAT"] = isset($arParams["DATE_TIME_FORMAT"]) ? $arParams["DATE_TIME_FORMAT"] : $DB->DateFormatToPHP(CSite::GetDateFormat("FULL")); $arParams["SHOW_RATING"] = $arParams["SHOW_RATING"] == "N" ? "N" : "Y"; $arParams["PATH_TO_USER"] = isset($arParams["PATH_TO_USER"]) ? $arParams["PATH_TO_USER"] : ''; $arParams["AVATAR_SIZE_COMMENT"] = $arParams["AVATAR_SIZE_COMMENT"] > 0 ? $arParams["AVATAR_SIZE_COMMENT"] : ($arParams["AVATAR_SIZE"] > $arParams["AVATAR_SIZE"] ? $arParams["AVATAR_SIZE"] : 58); $arParams["NAME_TEMPLATE"] = isset($arParams["NAME_TEMPLATE"]) ? $arParams["NAME_TEMPLATE"] : CSite::GetNameFormat(); $arParams["SHOW_LOGIN"] = $arParams["SHOW_LOGIN"] == "N" ? "N" : "Y"; $comment["DateFormated"] = FormatDateFromDB($comment["DATE_CREATE"], $arParams["DATE_TIME_FORMAT"], true); $timestamp = MakeTimeStamp($comment["DATE_CREATE"]); if (strcasecmp(LANGUAGE_ID, 'EN') !== 0 && strcasecmp(LANGUAGE_ID, 'DE') !== 0) { $comment["DateFormated"] = ToLower($comment["DateFormated"]); } $comment["UF"] = $GLOBALS["USER_FIELD_MANAGER"]->GetUserFields("BLOG_COMMENT", $commentId, LANGUAGE_ID); $arAuthor = CBlogUser::GetUserInfo($comment["AUTHOR_ID"], $arParams["PATH_TO_USER"], array("AVATAR_SIZE_COMMENT" => $arParams["AVATAR_SIZE_COMMENT"])); if (intval($arAuthor["PERSONAL_PHOTO"]) > 0) { $image_resize = CFile::ResizeImageGet($arAuthor["PERSONAL_PHOTO"], array("width" => $arParams["AVATAR_SIZE_COMMENT"], "height" => $arParams["AVATAR_SIZE_COMMENT"]), BX_RESIZE_IMAGE_EXACT); $arAuthor["PERSONAL_PHOTO_RESIZED"] = array("src" => $image_resize["src"]); } $p = new blogTextParser(false, ''); $ufCode = "UF_BLOG_COMMENT_FILE"; if (is_array($comment["UF"][$ufCode])) { $p->arUserfields = array($ufCode => array_merge($comment["UF"][$ufCode], array("TAG" => "DOCUMENT ID"))); } $arAllow = array("HTML" => "N", "ANCHOR" => "Y", "BIU" => "Y", "IMG" => "Y", "QUOTE" => "Y", "CODE" => "Y", "FONT" => "Y", "LIST" => "Y", "SMILES" => "Y", "NL2BR" => "N", "VIDEO" => "Y", "SHORT_ANCHOR" => "Y"); $arParserParams = array("imageWidth" => 800, "imageHeight" => 800); $comment["TextFormated"] = $p->convert($comment["POST_TEXT"], false, array(), $arAllow, $arParserParams); $p->bMobile = true; $comment["TextFormatedMobile"] = $p->convert($comment["POST_TEXT"], false, array(), $arAllow, $arParserParams); $comment["TextFormatedJS"] = CUtil::JSEscape(htmlspecialcharsBack($comment["POST_TEXT"])); $comment["TITLE"] = CUtil::JSEscape(htmlspecialcharsBack($comment["TITLE"])); $eventHandlerID = AddEventHandler("main", "system.field.view.file", array("CSocNetLogTools", "logUFfileShow")); $res = $APPLICATION->IncludeComponent("", "", array("TEMPLATE_ID" => 'BLOG_COMMENT_BG_', "RATING_TYPE_ID" => $arParams["SHOW_RATING"] == "Y" ? "BLOG_COMMENT" : "", "ENTITY_XML_ID" => "BLOG_" . $arPost["ID"], "RECORDS" => array($commentId => array("ID" => $comment["ID"], "NEW" => $arParams["FOLLOW"] != "N" && $comment["NEW"] == "Y" ? "Y" : "N", "APPROVED" => $comment["PUBLISH_STATUS"] == BLOG_PUBLISH_STATUS_PUBLISH ? "Y" : "N", "POST_TIMESTAMP" => $timestamp, "POST_TIME" => $comment["DATE_CREATE_TIME"], "POST_DATE" => $comment["DateFormated"], "AUTHOR" => array("ID" => $arAuthor["ID"], "NAME" => $arAuthor["~NAME"], "LAST_NAME" => $arAuthor["~LAST_NAME"], "SECOND_NAME" => $arAuthor["~SECOND_NAME"], "AVATAR" => $arAuthor["PERSONAL_PHOTO_resized"]["src"]), "FILES" => false, "UF" => $comment["UF"], "~POST_MESSAGE_TEXT" => $comment["POST_TEXT"], "WEB" => array("POST_TIME" => $comment["DATE_CREATE_TIME"], "POST_DATE" => $comment["DateFormated"], "CLASSNAME" => "", "POST_MESSAGE_TEXT" => $comment["TextFormated"], "AFTER" => <<<HTML <script>top.text{$commentId} = text{$commentId} = '{$comment["TextFormatedJS"]}';top.title{$commentId} = title{$commentId} = '{$comment["TITLE"]}';top.arComFiles{$commentId} = [];</script> HTML ), "MOBILE" => array("POST_TIME" => $comment["DATE_CREATE_TIME"], "POST_DATE" => $comment["DateFormated"], "CLASSNAME" => "", "POST_MESSAGE_TEXT" => $comment["TextFormatedMobile"]))), "NAV_STRING" => "", "NAV_RESULT" => "", "PREORDER" => "N", "RIGHTS" => array("MODERATE" => "N", "EDIT" => "N", "DELETE" => "N"), "VISIBLE_RECORDS_COUNT" => 1, "ERROR_MESSAGE" => "", "OK_MESSAGE" => "", "RESULT" => $commentId, "PUSH&PULL" => array("ACTION" => "REPLY", "ID" => $commentId), "MODE" => "PULL_MESSAGE", "VIEW_URL" => "", "EDIT_URL" => "", "MODERATE_URL" => "", "DELETE_URL" => "", "AUTHOR_URL" => "", "AVATAR_SIZE" => $arParams["AVATAR_SIZE_COMMENT"], "NAME_TEMPLATE" => $arParams["NAME_TEMPLATE"], "SHOW_LOGIN" => $arParams["SHOW_LOGIN"], "DATE_TIME_FORMAT" => "", "LAZYLOAD" => "", "NOTIFY_TAG" => "", "NOTIFY_TEXT" => "", "SHOW_MINIMIZED" => "Y", "SHOW_POST_FORM" => "", "IMAGE_SIZE" => "", "mfi" => ""), array(), null); if ($eventHandlerID !== false && intval($eventHandlerID) > 0) { RemoveEventHandler('main', 'system.field.view.file', $eventHandlerID); } } return $res; }
function AddLiveComment($commentId = 0, $path = "", $arParams = array()) { if (IntVal($commentId) <= 0) { return; } if (CModule::IncludeModule("pull") && CPullOptions::GetNginxStatus() && ($arComment = CBlogComment::GetByID($commentId)) && ($arPost = CBlogPost::GetByID($arComment["POST_ID"]))) { if (strlen($path) <= 0 && strlen($arComment["PATH"]) > 0) { $path = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arComment["PATH"], array("post_id" => $arComment["POST_ID"], "comment_id" => $commentId)); } if (strlen($path) <= 0) { $path = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arPost["PATH"], array("post_id" => $arComment["POST_ID"], "comment_id" => $commentId)) . "?commentId=" . $commentId; } $arFormatParams = array("PATH_TO_USER" => isset($arParams["PATH_TO_USER"]) ? $arParams["PATH_TO_USER"] : '', "PATH_TO_POST" => $path, "NAME_TEMPLATE" => isset($arParams["NAME_TEMPLATE"]) ? $arParams["NAME_TEMPLATE"] : CSite::GetNameFormat(), "SHOW_LOGIN" => isset($arParams["SHOW_LOGIN"]) ? $arParams["SHOW_LOGIN"] : true, "AVATAR_SIZE_COMMENT" => isset($arParams["AVATAR_SIZE_COMMENT"]) ? $arParams["AVATAR_SIZE_COMMENT"] : 58, "PATH_TO_SMILE" => isset($arParams["PATH_TO_SMILE"]) ? $arParams["PATH_TO_SMILE"] : '', "DATE_TIME_FORMAT" => isset($arParams["DATE_TIME_FORMAT"]) ? $arParams["DATE_TIME_FORMAT"] : '', "SHOW_RATING" => isset($arParams["SHOW_RATING"]) ? $arParams["SHOW_RATING"] : '', "RATING_TYPE" => "like"); $arComment["DateFormated"] = FormatDateFromDB($arComment["DATE_CREATE"], $arFormatParams["DATE_TIME_FORMAT"], true); if (strcasecmp(LANGUAGE_ID, 'EN') !== 0 && strcasecmp(LANGUAGE_ID, 'DE') !== 0) { $arComment["DateFormated"] = ToLower($arComment["DateFormated"]); } $arComment["UF"] = $GLOBALS["USER_FIELD_MANAGER"]->GetUserFields("BLOG_COMMENT", $commentId, LANGUAGE_ID); $arAuthor = CBlogUser::GetUserInfo($arComment["AUTHOR_ID"], $arFormatParams["PATH_TO_USER"], array("AVATAR_SIZE_COMMENT" => $arFormatParams["AVATAR_SIZE_COMMENT"])); if (IsModuleInstalled('extranet') && CModule::IncludeModule('socialnetwork')) { CSocNetTools::InitGlobalExtranetArrays(); } $arTmpUser = array("NAME" => $arAuthor["~NAME"], "LAST_NAME" => $arAuthor["~LAST_NAME"], "SECOND_NAME" => $arAuthor["~SECOND_NAME"], "LOGIN" => $arAuthor["~LOGIN"], "NAME_LIST_FORMATTED" => ""); $arAuthor["NAME_FORMATED"] = CUser::FormatName($arFormatParams["NAME_TEMPLATE"], $arTmpUser, $arFormatParams["SHOW_LOGIN"] != "N"); if (intval($arAuthor["PERSONAL_PHOTO"]) > 0) { $image_resize = CFile::ResizeImageGet($arAuthor["PERSONAL_PHOTO"], array("width" => $arFormatParams["AVATAR_SIZE_COMMENT"], "height" => $arFormatParams["AVATAR_SIZE_COMMENT"]), BX_RESIZE_IMAGE_EXACT); $arAuthor["PERSONAL_PHOTO_RESIZED"] = array("src" => $image_resize["src"]); } $p = new blogTextParser(false, ''); $ufCode = "UF_BLOG_COMMENT_FILE"; if (is_array($arComment["UF"][$ufCode])) { $p->arUserfields = array($ufCode => array_merge($arComment["UF"][$ufCode], array("TAG" => "DOCUMENT ID"))); } $arAllow = array("HTML" => "N", "ANCHOR" => "Y", "BIU" => "Y", "IMG" => "Y", "QUOTE" => "Y", "CODE" => "Y", "FONT" => "Y", "LIST" => "Y", "SMILES" => "Y", "NL2BR" => "N", "VIDEO" => "Y", "SHORT_ANCHOR" => "Y"); $arParserParams = array("imageWidth" => 800, "imageHeight" => 800); $arComment["TextFormated"] = $p->convert($arComment["POST_TEXT"], false, array(), $arAllow, $arParserParams); $p->bMobile = true; $arComment["TextFormatedMobile"] = $p->convert($arComment["POST_TEXT"], false, array(), $arAllow, $arParserParams); if ($perm >= BLOG_PERMS_MODERATE) { if ($arComment["PUBLISH_STATUS"] == BLOG_PUBLISH_STATUS_PUBLISH) { $arComment["CAN_HIDE"] = "Y"; } else { $arComment["CAN_SHOW"] = "Y"; } } else { $arComment["CAN_SHOW"] = $arComment["CAN_HIDE"] = "N"; } $urlToPost = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate(htmlspecialcharsBack($arFormatParams["PATH_TO_POST"]), array("post_id" => "#source_post_id#", "user_id" => $arPost["AUTHOR_ID"])); $urlToPost .= strpos($urlToPost, "?") !== false ? "&" : "?"; $arUrl = array("LINK" => $urlToPost, "SHOW" => $urlToPost . "show_comment_id=#comment_id#&comment_post_id=#post_id#&" . bitrix_sessid_get(), "HIDE" => $urlToPost . "hide_comment_id=#comment_id#&comment_post_id=#post_id#&" . bitrix_sessid_get(), "DELETE" => $urlToPost . "delete_comment_id=#comment_id#&comment_post_id=#post_id#&" . bitrix_sessid_get(), "USER" => htmlspecialcharsback($arFormatParams["PATH_TO_USER"])); CRatingsComponentsMain::GetShowRating($arFormatParams); if ($arFormatParams["SHOW_RATING"] == "Y") { $arRating = CRatings::GetRatingVoteResult('BLOG_COMMENT', array($arComment["ID"])); } $arCommentParams = array("ID" => $commentId, "ENTITY_XML_ID" => "BLOG_" . $arPost["ID"], "FULL_ID" => array("BLOG_" . $arPost["ID"], $commentId), "ACTION" => "REPLY", "APPROVED" => "Y", "PANELS" => array("EDIT" => "N", "MODERATE" => "N", "DELETE" => "N"), "NEW" => "Y", "AUTHOR" => array("ID" => $GLOBALS["USER"]->GetID(), "NAME" => $arAuthor["NAME_FORMATED"], "URL" => $arAuthor["url"], "E-MAIL" => $arComment["AuthorEmail"], "AVATAR" => $arAuthor["PERSONAL_PHOTO_resized"]["src"], "IS_EXTRANET" => is_array($GLOBALS["arExtranetUserID"]) && in_array($GLOBALS["USER"]->GetID(), $GLOBALS["arExtranetUserID"])), "POST_TIMESTAMP" => $arComment["DATE_CREATE_TS"], "POST_TIME" => $arComment["DATE_CREATE_TIME"], "POST_DATE" => $arComment["DateFormated"], "POST_MESSAGE_TEXT" => $arComment["TextFormated"], "POST_MESSAGE_TEXT_MOBILE" => $arComment["TextFormatedMobile"], "URL" => array("LINK" => str_replace(array("##comment_id#", "#comment_id#"), array("", $commentId), $arUrl["LINK"]), "EDIT" => "__blogEditComment('" . $commentId . "', '" . $arPost["ID"] . "');", "MODERATE" => str_replace(array("#source_post_id#", "#post_id#", "#comment_id#", "&" . bitrix_sessid_get()), array($arPost["ID"], $arPost["ID"], $commentId, ""), $arComment["CAN_SHOW"] == "Y" ? $arUrl["SHOW"] : ($arComment["CAN_HIDE"] == "Y" ? $arUrl["HIDE"] : "")), "DELETE" => str_replace(array("#source_post_id#", "#post_id#", "#comment_id#", "&" . bitrix_sessid_get()), array($arPost["ID"], $arPost["ID"], $commentId, ""), $arUrl["DELETE"])), "AFTER" => "", "BEFORE_ACTIONS_MOBILE" => "", "AFTER_MOBILE" => ""); if ($arFormatParams["SHOW_RATING"] == "Y") { $arRatingData = array("ENTITY_TYPE_ID" => "BLOG_COMMENT", "ENTITY_ID" => $commentId, "OWNER_ID" => $arComment["AUTHOR_ID"], "USER_VOTE" => $arRating[$commentId]["USER_VOTE"], "USER_HAS_VOTED" => $arRating[$commentId]["USER_HAS_VOTED"], "TOTAL_VOTES" => $arRating[$commentId]["TOTAL_VOTES"], "TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES" => $arRating[$commentId]["TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES"], "TOTAL_NEGATIVE_VOTES" => $arRating[$commentId]["TOTAL_NEGATIVE_VOTES"], "TOTAL_VALUE" => $arRating[$commentId]["TOTAL_VALUE"], "PATH_TO_USER_PROFILE" => $arUrl["USER"]); ob_start(); $GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->IncludeComponent("", $arFormatParams["RATING_TYPE"], $arRatingData, false, array("HIDE_ICONS" => "Y")); $arCommentParams["BEFORE_ACTIONS"] = ob_get_clean(); ob_start(); $GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->IncludeComponent("", "mobile_comment_" . $arFormatParams["RATING_TYPE"], $arRatingData, false, array("HIDE_ICONS" => "Y")); $arCommentParams["BEFORE_ACTIONS_MOBILE"] = ob_get_clean(); } $arUFResult = self::BuildUFFields($arComment["UF"]); $arCommentParams["AFTER"] .= $arUFResult["AFTER"]; $arCommentParams["AFTER_MOBILE"] .= $arUFResult["AFTER_MOBILE"]; if ($arComment["CAN_EDIT"] == "Y") { ob_start(); ?> <script> top.text<?php echo $commentId; ?> = text<?php echo $commentId; ?> = '<?php echo CUtil::JSEscape(htmlspecialcharsBack($arComment["POST_TEXT"])); ?> '; top.title<?php echo $commentId; ?> = title<?php echo $commentId; ?> = '<?php echo isset($arComment["TITLE"]) ? CUtil::JSEscape($arComment["TITLE"]) : ''; ?> '; top.arComFiles<?php echo $commentId; ?> = [];<?php ?> </script><?php $arCommentParams["AFTER"] .= ob_get_clean(); } CPullWatch::AddToStack('UNICOMMENTSBLOG_' . $arPost["ID"], array('module_id' => 'unicomments', 'command' => 'comment', 'params' => $arCommentParams)); } }
function Update($ID, $arFields) { global $DB; $ID = IntVal($ID); if (strlen($arFields["PATH"]) > 0) { $arFields["PATH"] = str_replace("#post_id#", $ID, $arFields["PATH"]); } $arFields1 = array(); foreach ($arFields as $key => $value) { if (substr($key, 0, 1) == "=") { $arFields1[substr($key, 1)] = $value; unset($arFields[$key]); } } if (!CBlogPost::CheckFields("UPDATE", $arFields, $ID)) { return false; } elseif (!$GLOBALS["USER_FIELD_MANAGER"]->CheckFields("BLOG_POST", $ID, $arFields)) { return false; } $db_events = GetModuleEvents("blog", "OnBeforePostUpdate"); while ($arEvent = $db_events->Fetch()) { if (ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($ID, &$arFields)) === false) { return false; } } $arOldPost = CBlogPost::GetByID($ID); if (is_array($arFields["ATTACH_IMG"])) { if (!array_key_exists("MODULE_ID", $arFields["ATTACH_IMG"]) || strlen($arFields["ATTACH_IMG"]["MODULE_ID"]) <= 0) { $arFields["ATTACH_IMG"]["MODULE_ID"] = "blog"; } $prefix = "blog"; if (strlen($arFields["URL"]) > 0) { $prefix .= "/" . $arFields["URL"]; } CFile::SaveForDB($arFields, "ATTACH_IMG", $prefix); } $strUpdate = $DB->PrepareUpdate("b_blog_post", $arFields); foreach ($arFields1 as $key => $value) { if (strlen($strUpdate) > 0) { $strUpdate .= ", "; } $strUpdate .= $key . "=" . $value . " "; } if (strlen($strUpdate) > 0) { $oldPostPerms = CBlogUserGroup::GetGroupPerms(1, $arOldPost["BLOG_ID"], $ID, BLOG_PERMS_POST); $strSql = "UPDATE b_blog_post SET " . "\t" . $strUpdate . " " . "WHERE ID = " . $ID . " "; $DB->Query($strSql, False, "File: " . __FILE__ . "<br>Line: " . __LINE__); unset($GLOBALS["BLOG_POST"]["BLOG_POST_CACHE_" . $ID]); $GLOBALS["USER_FIELD_MANAGER"]->Update("BLOG_POST", $ID, $arFields); } else { $ID = False; } if ($ID) { $arNewPost = CBlogPost::GetByID($ID); if ($arNewPost["PUBLISH_STATUS"] != $arOldPost["PUBLISH_STATUS"] || $arNewPost["BLOG_ID"] != $arOldPost["BLOG_ID"]) { CBlog::SetStat($arNewPost["BLOG_ID"]); } if ($arNewPost["BLOG_ID"] != $arOldPost["BLOG_ID"]) { CBlog::SetStat($arOldPost["BLOG_ID"]); } if (is_set($arFields, "PERMS_POST")) { CBlogPost::SetPostPerms($ID, $arFields["PERMS_POST"], BLOG_PERMS_POST); } if (is_set($arFields, "PERMS_COMMENT")) { CBlogPost::SetPostPerms($ID, $arFields["PERMS_COMMENT"], BLOG_PERMS_COMMENT); } if (array_key_exists("SOCNET_RIGHTS", $arFields)) { $arFields["SC_PERM_OLD"] = CBlogPost::GetSocNetPermsCode($ID); $arFields["SC_PERM"] = CBlogPost::UpdateSocNetPerms($ID, $arFields["SOCNET_RIGHTS"], $arNewPost); } $db_events = GetModuleEvents("blog", "OnPostUpdate"); while ($arEvent = $db_events->Fetch()) { ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($ID, &$arFields)); } if (CModule::IncludeModule("search")) { $newPostPerms = CBlogUserGroup::GetGroupPerms(1, $arNewPost["BLOG_ID"], $ID, BLOG_PERMS_POST); $arBlog = CBlog::GetByID($arNewPost["BLOG_ID"]); if ($arOldPost["PUBLISH_STATUS"] == BLOG_PUBLISH_STATUS_PUBLISH && $oldPostPerms >= BLOG_PERMS_READ && ($arNewPost["PUBLISH_STATUS"] != BLOG_PUBLISH_STATUS_PUBLISH || $newPostPerms < BLOG_PERMS_READ) || $arBlog["SEARCH_INDEX"] != "Y") { CSearch::Index("blog", "P" . $ID, array("TITLE" => "", "BODY" => "")); CSearch::DeleteIndex("blog", false, "COMMENT", $arBlog["ID"] . "|" . $ID); } elseif ($arNewPost["DATE_PUBLISHED"] == "Y" && $arNewPost["PUBLISH_STATUS"] == BLOG_PUBLISH_STATUS_PUBLISH && $newPostPerms >= BLOG_PERMS_READ && $arBlog["SEARCH_INDEX"] == "Y") { $tag = ""; $arGroup = CBlogGroup::GetByID($arBlog["GROUP_ID"]); if (strlen($arFields["PATH"]) > 0) { $arPostSite = array($arGroup["SITE_ID"] => $arFields["PATH"]); } elseif (strlen($arNewPost["PATH"]) > 0) { if (strlen($arNewPost["CODE"]) > 0) { $arNewPost["PATH"] = str_replace("#post_id#", $arNewPost["CODE"], $arNewPost["PATH"]); } else { $arNewPost["PATH"] = str_replace("#post_id#", $ID, $arNewPost["PATH"]); } $arPostSite = array($arGroup["SITE_ID"] => $arNewPost["PATH"]); } else { $arPostSite = array($arGroup["SITE_ID"] => CBlogPost::PreparePath($arBlog["URL"], $arNewPost["ID"], $arGroup["SITE_ID"], false, $arBlog["OWNER_ID"], $arBlog["SOCNET_GROUP_ID"])); } if (strlen($arNewPost["CATEGORY_ID"]) > 0) { $arC = explode(",", $arNewPost["CATEGORY_ID"]); $arTag = array(); foreach ($arC as $v) { $arCategory = CBlogCategory::GetByID($v); $arTag[] = $arCategory["NAME"]; } $tag = implode(",", $arTag); } $arSearchIndex = array("SITE_ID" => $arPostSite, "LAST_MODIFIED" => $arNewPost["DATE_PUBLISH"], "PARAM1" => "POST", "PARAM2" => $arNewPost["BLOG_ID"], "PARAM3" => $arNewPost["ID"], "PERMISSIONS" => array(2), "TITLE" => $arNewPost["TITLE"], "BODY" => blogTextParser::killAllTags($arNewPost["DETAIL_TEXT"]), "TAGS" => $tag, "USER_ID" => $arNewPost["AUTHOR_ID"], "ENTITY_TYPE_ID" => "BLOG_POST", "ENTITY_ID" => $arNewPost["ID"]); $bIndexComment = false; if ($arBlog["USE_SOCNET"] == "Y") { if (!empty($arFields["SC_PERM"])) { $arSearchIndex["PERMISSIONS"] = $arFields["SC_PERM"]; if ($arFields["SC_PERM"] != $arFields["SC_PERM_OLD"]) { $bIndexComment = true; } } else { $arSearchIndex["PERMISSIONS"] = CBlogPost::GetSocnetPermsCode($ID); } } CSearch::Index("blog", "P" . $ID, $arSearchIndex, True); if ($arOldPost["PUBLISH_STATUS"] != BLOG_PUBLISH_STATUS_PUBLISH && $arNewPost["PUBLISH_STATUS"] == BLOG_PUBLISH_STATUS_PUBLISH || $bIndexComment) { $arParamsComment = array("BLOG_ID" => $arBlog["ID"], "POST_ID" => $ID, "SITE_ID" => $arGroup["SITE_ID"], "PATH" => $arPostSite[$arGroup["SITE_ID"]] . "?commentId=#comment_id###comment_id#", "BLOG_URL" => $arBlog["URL"], "OWNER_ID" => $arBlog["OWNER_ID"], "SOCNET_GROUP_ID" => $arBlog["SOCNET_GROUP_ID"], "USE_SOCNET" => $arBlog["USE_SOCNET"]); CBlogComment::_IndexPostComments($arParamsComment); } } } } return $ID; }
} $BLOG_ID = intval($BLOG_ID); if (!$BLOG_ID) { $BLOG_ID = intval($_POST['BLOG_ID']); } $arr = CBlogSitePath::GetBySiteID(SITE_ID); $sBlogPath = $arr['PATH']; if ($BLOG_ID) { $arBlog = CBlog::GetByID($BLOG_ID); } else { $res = CBlog::GetList(array(), array("URL" => $OWNER)); $arBlog = $res->Fetch(); $BLOG_ID = intval($arBlog['ID']); } if ($arBlog) { if (IntVal($ID) > 0 && ($arPost = CBlogPost::GetByID($ID))) { $APPLICATION->SetTitle(str_replace("#BLOG#", htmlspecialchars($arBlog["NAME"]), "" . GetMessage("BLOG_POST_EDIT") . "")); $perms = CBlogPost::GetBlogUserPostPerms($ID, $USER_ID); } else { $ID = 0; $APPLICATION->SetTitle(str_replace("#BLOG#", htmlspecialchars($arBlog["NAME"]), "" . GetMessage("BLOG_NEW_MESSAGE") . "")); $perms = CBlog::GetBlogUserPostPerms($BLOG_ID, $USER_ID); } if ($perms >= BLOG_PERMS_WRITE && (intval($arPost['ID']) == 0 || $arPost['BLOG_ID'] == $BLOG_ID)) { ###### Form #### $image_form = ' <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>' . GetMessage("BLOG_P_IMAGE_UPLOAD") . '</title> </head>
/** * Checking blog comment for spam * @param &array Comment fields to check * @return null|boolean NULL when success or FALSE when spam detected */ function OnBeforeCommentAddHandler(&$arFields) { global $APPLICATION, $USER; $ct_status = COption::GetOptionString('cleantalk.antispam', 'status', '0'); $ct_comment_blog = COption::GetOptionString('cleantalk.antispam', 'form_comment_blog', '0'); if ($ct_status == 1 && $ct_comment_blog == 1) { if ($USER->IsAdmin()) { return; } // Skip authorized user with more than 5 approved comments if ($USER->IsAuthorized()) { $approved_comments = CBlogComment::GetList(array('ID' => 'ASC'), array('AUTHOR_ID' => $arFields['AUTHOR_ID'], 'PUBLISH_STATUS' => BLOG_PUBLISH_STATUS_PUBLISH), array()); if (intval($approved_comments) > 5) { return; } } $aComment = array(); $aComment['type'] = 'comment'; $aComment['sender_email'] = isset($arFields['AUTHOR_EMAIL']) ? $arFields['AUTHOR_EMAIL'] : ''; $aComment['sender_nickname'] = isset($arFields['AUTHOR_NAME']) ? $arFields['AUTHOR_NAME'] : ''; $aComment['message_title'] = ''; $aComment['message_body'] = isset($arFields['POST_TEXT']) ? $arFields['POST_TEXT'] : ''; $aComment['example_title'] = ''; $aComment['example_body'] = ''; $aComment['example_comments'] = ''; if (COption::GetOptionString('cleantalk.antispam', 'form_send_example', '0') == 1) { $arPost = CBlogPost::GetByID($arFields['POST_ID']); if (is_array($arPost)) { $aComment['example_title'] = $arPost['TITLE']; $aComment['example_body'] = $arPost['DETAIL_TEXT']; // Find last 10 approved comments $db_res = CBlogComment::GetList(array('DATE_CREATE' => 'DESC'), array('POST_ID' => $arFields['POST_ID'], 'PUBLISH_STATUS' => BLOG_PUBLISH_STATUS_PUBLISH), false, array('nTopCount' => 10), array('POST_TEXT')); while ($ar_res = $db_res->Fetch()) { $aComment['example_comments'] .= $ar_res['TITLE'] . "\n\n" . $ar_res['POST_TEXT'] . "\n\n"; } } } $aResult = self::CheckAllBefore($aComment, TRUE); if (isset($aResult) && is_array($aResult)) { if ($aResult['errno'] == 0) { if ($aResult['allow'] == 1) { // Not spammer - just return; return; } else { if ($aResult['stop_queue'] == 1) { // Spammer and stop_queue - return false and throw if (preg_match('//u', $aResult['ct_result_comment'])) { $err_str = preg_replace('/^[^\\*]*?\\*\\*\\*|\\*\\*\\*[^\\*]*?$/iu', '', $aResult['ct_result_comment']); $err_str = preg_replace('/<[^<>]*>/iu', '', $err_str); } else { $err_str = preg_replace('/^[^\\*]*?\\*\\*\\*|\\*\\*\\*[^\\*]*?$/i', '', $aResult['ct_result_comment']); $err_str = preg_replace('/<[^<>]*>/i', '', $err_str); } $APPLICATION->ThrowException($err_str); return FALSE; } else { // Spammer and NOT stop_queue - to manual approvement // BLOG_PUBLISH_STATUS_READY // It doesn't work // values below results in endless 'Loading' AJAX message :( //$arFields['PUBLISH_STATUS'] = BLOG_PUBLISH_STATUS_READY; //$arFields['PUBLISH_STATUS'] = BLOG_PUBLISH_STATUS_DRAFT; //return; // It doesn't work too // Status setting in OnCommentAddHandler still results in endless 'Loading' AJAX message :( //$GLOBALS['ct_after_CommentAdd_status'] = BLOG_PUBLISH_STATUS_READY; //return; if (preg_match('//u', $aResult['ct_result_comment'])) { $err_str = preg_replace('/^[^\\*]*?\\*\\*\\*|\\*\\*\\*[^\\*]*?$/iu', '', $aResult['ct_result_comment']); $err_str = preg_replace('/<[^<>]*>/iu', '', $err_str); } else { $err_str = preg_replace('/^[^\\*]*?\\*\\*\\*|\\*\\*\\*[^\\*]*?$/i', '', $aResult['ct_result_comment']); $err_str = preg_replace('/<[^<>]*>/i', '', $err_str); } $APPLICATION->ThrowException($err_str); return FALSE; } } } } } }
$arResult["ELEMENT"]["~DETAIL_PAGE_URL"] = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["~DETAIL_URL"], array("USER_ALIAS" => $arGallery["CODE"], "SECTION_ID" => $arResult["ELEMENT"]["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"], "ELEMENT_ID" => $arResult["ELEMENT"]["ID"])); $arResult["ELEMENT"]["DETAIL_PAGE_URL"] = htmlspecialcharsbx($arResult["ELEMENT"]["~DETAIL_PAGE_URL"]); $obProperty = false; $iCommentID = 0; /************** BLOG *****************************************************/ $obProperty = new CIBlockProperty(); if (is_set($arResult["ELEMENT"]["PROPERTIES"], "BLOG_POST_ID")) { $iCommentID = intVal($arResult["ELEMENT"]["PROPERTIES"]["BLOG_POST_ID"]["VALUE"]); } else { $res = $obProperty->Add(array("IBLOCK_ID" => $arParams["IBLOCK_ID"], "ACTIVE" => "Y", "PROPERTY_TYPE" => "N", "MULTIPLE" => "N", "NAME" => strLen(GetMessage("P_BLOG_POST_ID")) <= 0 ? "BLOG_POST_ID" : GetMessage("P_BLOG_POST_ID"), "CODE" => "BLOG_POST_ID")); } if (!is_set($arResult["ELEMENT"], "PROPERTY_BLOG_COMMENTS_CNT_VALUE")) { $res = $obProperty->Add(array("IBLOCK_ID" => $arParams["IBLOCK_ID"], "ACTIVE" => "Y", "PROPERTY_TYPE" => "N", "MULTIPLE" => "N", "NAME" => strLen(GetMessage("P_BLOG_COMMENTS_CNT")) <= 0 ? "P_BLOG_COMMENTS_CNT" : GetMessage("P_BLOG_COMMENTS_CNT"), "CODE" => "BLOG_COMMENTS_CNT")); } if ($iCommentID > 0) { $arPost = CBlogPost::GetByID($iCommentID); if (!$arPost) { $iCommentID = 0; } elseif (intVal($arPost["NUM_COMMENTS"]) > 0 && $arPost["NUM_COMMENTS"] != $arResult["ELEMENT"]["PROPERTIES"]["BLOG_COMMENTS_CNT"]["VALUE"]) { CIBlockElement::SetPropertyValues($arParams["ELEMENT_ID"], $arParams["IBLOCK_ID"], intVal($arPost["NUM_COMMENTS"]), "BLOG_COMMENTS_CNT"); } } if (!$iCommentID && isset($_REQUEST["parentId"])) { $arCategory = array(); $arBlog = CBlog::GetByUrl($arParams["BLOG_URL"]); if (!empty($arResult["ELEMENT"]["TAGS"])) { $arCategoryVal = explode(",", $arResult["ELEMENT"]["TAGS"]); foreach ($arCategoryVal as $k => $v) { if ($id = CBlogCategory::Add(array("BLOG_ID" => $arBlog["ID"], "NAME" => $v))) { $arCategory[] = $id; }
$arGalleriesIds = array(0); $arUsers = array(); switch ($_REQUEST["ACTION"]) { case "drop": if (!CIBlockElement::Delete($itemID)) { $sError = GetMessage("P_DELETE_ERROR"); if ($ex = $APPLICATION->GetException()) { $sError = $ex->GetString(); } $arError[] = array("id" => "drop error", "text" => PhotoShowError(array("code" => "NOT_DELETED", "title" => $sError, "DATA" => $arRes))); continue; } $iFileSize += intVal($arRes["REAL_PICTURE"]["FILE_SIZE"]); if ($arRes["BLOG_POST_ID"] > 0) { CModule::IncludeModule("blog"); $arPost = CBlogPost::GetByID($arRes["BLOG_POST_ID"]); $arBlog = CBlog::GetByID($arPost["BLOG_ID"]); CBlogPost::Delete($arRes["BLOG_POST_ID"]); BXClearCache(True, "/" . SITE_ID . "/blog/" . $arBlog["URL"]); } if ($arRes["FORUM_TOPIC_ID"] > 0) { CModule::IncludeModule("forum"); ForumDeleteTopic($arRes["FORUM_TOPIC_ID"]); } $events = GetModuleEvents("photogallery", "OnAfterPhotoDrop"); $arEventFields = array("ID" => $arRes["ID"], "SECTION_ID" => $arRes["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"]); $sectionsIds[] = $arRes["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"]; while ($arEvent = $events->Fetch()) { ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($arEventFields, $arParams)); } break;
function Update($ID, $arFields, $bSearchIndex = true) { global $DB; $ID = IntVal($ID); if(strlen($arFields["PATH"]) > 0) $arFields["PATH"] = str_replace("#post_id#", $ID, $arFields["PATH"]); $arFields1 = array(); foreach ($arFields as $key => $value) { if (substr($key, 0, 1) == "=") { $arFields1[substr($key, 1)] = $value; unset($arFields[$key]); } } if (!CBlogPost::CheckFields("UPDATE", $arFields, $ID)) return false; elseif(!$GLOBALS["USER_FIELD_MANAGER"]->CheckFields("BLOG_POST", $ID, $arFields)) return false; foreach(GetModuleEvents("blog", "OnBeforePostUpdate", true) as $arEvent) { if (ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, Array($ID, &$arFields))===false) return false; } $arOldPost = CBlogPost::GetByID($ID); if(is_array($arFields["ATTACH_IMG"])) { if ( !array_key_exists("MODULE_ID", $arFields["ATTACH_IMG"]) || strlen($arFields["ATTACH_IMG"]["MODULE_ID"]) <= 0 ) $arFields["ATTACH_IMG"]["MODULE_ID"] = "blog"; $prefix = "blog"; if(strlen($arFields["URL"]) > 0) $prefix .= "/".$arFields["URL"]; CFile::SaveForDB($arFields, "ATTACH_IMG", $prefix); } $strUpdate = $DB->PrepareUpdate("b_blog_post", $arFields); foreach ($arFields1 as $key => $value) { if (strlen($strUpdate) > 0) $strUpdate .= ", "; $strUpdate .= $key."=".$value." "; } if (strlen($strUpdate) > 0) { $oldPostPerms = CBlogUserGroup::GetGroupPerms(1, $arOldPost["BLOG_ID"], $ID, BLOG_PERMS_POST); $strSql = "UPDATE b_blog_post SET ". " ".$strUpdate." ". "WHERE ID = ".$ID." "; $DB->Query($strSql, False, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); unset($GLOBALS["BLOG_POST"]["BLOG_POST_CACHE_".$ID]); foreach(GetModuleEvents("blog", "OnBeforePostUserFieldUpdate", true) as $arEvent) ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, Array("BLOG_POST", $ID, $arFields)); $GLOBALS["USER_FIELD_MANAGER"]->Update("BLOG_POST", $ID, $arFields); } else { $ID = False; } if ($ID) { $arNewPost = CBlogPost::GetByID($ID); if($arNewPost["PUBLISH_STATUS"] != $arOldPost["PUBLISH_STATUS"] || $arNewPost["BLOG_ID"] != $arOldPost["BLOG_ID"]) CBlog::SetStat($arNewPost["BLOG_ID"]); if ($arNewPost["BLOG_ID"] != $arOldPost["BLOG_ID"]) CBlog::SetStat($arOldPost["BLOG_ID"]); if (is_set($arFields, "PERMS_POST")) CBlogPost::SetPostPerms($ID, $arFields["PERMS_POST"], BLOG_PERMS_POST); if (is_set($arFields, "PERMS_COMMENT")) CBlogPost::SetPostPerms($ID, $arFields["PERMS_COMMENT"], BLOG_PERMS_COMMENT); if(array_key_exists("SOCNET_RIGHTS", $arFields)) { $arFields["SC_PERM_OLD"] = CBlogPost::GetSocNetPermsCode($ID); $arFields["SC_PERM"] = CBlogPost::UpdateSocNetPerms($ID, $arFields["SOCNET_RIGHTS"], $arNewPost); } foreach(GetModuleEvents("blog", "OnPostUpdate", true) as $arEvent) ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, Array($ID, &$arFields)); if ($bSearchIndex && CModule::IncludeModule("search")) { $newPostPerms = CBlogUserGroup::GetGroupPerms(1, $arNewPost["BLOG_ID"], $ID, BLOG_PERMS_POST); $arBlog = CBlog::GetByID($arNewPost["BLOG_ID"]); if ( $arOldPost["PUBLISH_STATUS"] == BLOG_PUBLISH_STATUS_PUBLISH && $oldPostPerms >= BLOG_PERMS_READ && ( $arNewPost["PUBLISH_STATUS"] != BLOG_PUBLISH_STATUS_PUBLISH || $newPostPerms < BLOG_PERMS_READ ) || $arBlog["SEARCH_INDEX"] != "Y" ) { CSearch::Index("blog", "P".$ID, array( "TITLE" => "", "BODY" => "" ) ); CSearch::DeleteIndex("blog", false, "COMMENT", $arBlog["ID"]."|".$ID); } elseif ( $arNewPost["DATE_PUBLISHED"] == "Y" && $arNewPost["PUBLISH_STATUS"] == BLOG_PUBLISH_STATUS_PUBLISH && $newPostPerms >= BLOG_PERMS_READ && $arBlog["SEARCH_INDEX"] == "Y" ) { $tag = ""; $arGroup = CBlogGroup::GetByID($arBlog["GROUP_ID"]); if(strlen($arFields["PATH"]) > 0) { $arPostSite = array($arGroup["SITE_ID"] => $arFields["PATH"]); } elseif(strlen($arNewPost["PATH"]) > 0) { $arNewPost["PATH"] = ( strlen($arNewPost["CODE"]) > 0 ? str_replace("#post_id#", $arNewPost["CODE"], $arNewPost["PATH"]) : str_replace("#post_id#", $ID, $arNewPost["PATH"]) ); $arPostSite = array($arGroup["SITE_ID"] => $arNewPost["PATH"]); } else { $arPostSite = array( $arGroup["SITE_ID"] => CBlogPost::PreparePath( $arBlog["URL"], $arNewPost["ID"], $arGroup["SITE_ID"], false, $arBlog["OWNER_ID"], $arBlog["SOCNET_GROUP_ID"] ) ); } if ( $arBlog["USE_SOCNET"] == "Y" && CModule::IncludeModule("extranet") ) { $arPostSiteExt = CExtranet::GetSitesByLogDestinations($arFields["SC_PERM"]); foreach($arPostSiteExt as $lid) { if (!array_key_exists($lid, $arPostSite)) { $arPostSite[$lid] = str_replace( array("#user_id#", "#post_id#"), array($arBlog["OWNER_ID"], $arNewPost["ID"]), COption::GetOptionString("socialnetwork", "userblogpost_page", false, $lid) ); } } } if(strlen($arNewPost["CATEGORY_ID"])>0) { $arC = explode(",", $arNewPost["CATEGORY_ID"]); $arTag = Array(); foreach($arC as $v) { $arCategory = CBlogCategory::GetByID($v); $arTag[] = $arCategory["NAME"]; } $tag = implode(",", $arTag); } $searchContent = blogTextParser::killAllTags($arNewPost["DETAIL_TEXT"]); $searchContent .= "\r\n" . $GLOBALS["USER_FIELD_MANAGER"]->OnSearchIndex("BLOG_POST", $arNewPost["ID"]); $authorName = ""; if(IntVal($arNewPost["AUTHOR_ID"]) > 0) { $dbUser = CUser::GetByID($arNewPost["AUTHOR_ID"]); if($arUser = $dbUser->Fetch()) { $arTmpUser = array( "NAME" => $arUser["NAME"], "LAST_NAME" => $arUser["LAST_NAME"], "SECOND_NAME" => $arUser["SECOND_NAME"], "LOGIN" => $arUser["LOGIN"], ); $authorName = CUser::FormatName(CSite::GetNameFormat(), $arTmpUser, false, false); if(strlen($authorName) > 0) $searchContent .= "\r\n".$authorName; } } $arSearchIndex = array( "SITE_ID" => $arPostSite, "LAST_MODIFIED" => $arNewPost["DATE_PUBLISH"], "PARAM1" => "POST", "PARAM2" => $arNewPost["BLOG_ID"], "PARAM3" => $arNewPost["ID"], "PERMISSIONS" => array(2), "TITLE" => $arNewPost["TITLE"], "BODY" => $searchContent, "TAGS" => $tag, "USER_ID" => $arNewPost["AUTHOR_ID"], "ENTITY_TYPE_ID" => "BLOG_POST", "ENTITY_ID" => $arNewPost["ID"], ); $bIndexComment = false; if($arBlog["USE_SOCNET"] == "Y") { if(!empty($arFields["SC_PERM"])) { $arSearchIndex["PERMISSIONS"] = $arFields["SC_PERM"]; if($arFields["SC_PERM"] != $arFields["SC_PERM_OLD"]) $bIndexComment = true; } else $arSearchIndex["PERMISSIONS"] = CBlogPost::GetSocnetPermsCode($ID); if(!in_array("U".$arNewPost["AUTHOR_ID"], $arSearchIndex["PERMISSIONS"])) $arSearchIndex["PERMISSIONS"][] = "U".$arNewPost["AUTHOR_ID"]; if(is_array($arSearchIndex["PERMISSIONS"])) { $sgId = array(); foreach($arSearchIndex["PERMISSIONS"] as $perm) { if(strpos($perm, "SG") !== false) { $sgIdTmp = str_replace("SG", "", substr($perm, 0, strpos($perm, "_"))); if(!in_array($sgIdTmp, $sgId) && IntVal($sgIdTmp) > 0) $sgId[] = $sgIdTmp; } } if(!empty($sgId)) { $arSearchIndex["PARAMS"] = array( "socnet_group" => $sgId, "entity" => "socnet_group", ); } } // get mentions and grats $arMentionedUserID = CBlogPost::GetMentionedUserID($arNewPost); if (!empty($arMentionedUserID)) { if (!isset($arSearchIndex["PARAMS"])) { $arSearchIndex["PARAMS"] = array(); } $arSearchIndex["PARAMS"]["mentioned_user_id"] = $arMentionedUserID; } } CSearch::Index("blog", "P".$ID, $arSearchIndex, True); if(($arOldPost["PUBLISH_STATUS"] != BLOG_PUBLISH_STATUS_PUBLISH && $arNewPost["PUBLISH_STATUS"] == BLOG_PUBLISH_STATUS_PUBLISH) || $bIndexComment) //index comments { $arParamsComment = Array( "BLOG_ID" => $arBlog["ID"], "POST_ID" => $ID, "SITE_ID" => $arGroup["SITE_ID"], "PATH" => $arPostSite[$arGroup["SITE_ID"]]."?commentId=#comment_id###comment_id#", "BLOG_URL" => $arBlog["URL"], "OWNER_ID" => $arBlog["OWNER_ID"], "SOCNET_GROUP_ID" => $arBlog["SOCNET_GROUP_ID"], "USE_SOCNET" => $arBlog["USE_SOCNET"], ); CBlogComment::_IndexPostComments($arParamsComment); } } } } BXClearCache(true, '/blog/socnet_post/gen/'.$ID); return $ID; }
function SetGroupPerms($ID, $blogID, $postID = 0, $permission = BLOG_PERMS_DENY, $permsType = BLOG_PERMS_POST) { global $DB; $ID = IntVal($ID); $blogID = IntVal($blogID); $postID = IntVal($postID); $arAvailPerms = array_keys($GLOBALS["AR_BLOG_PERMS"]); if (!in_array($permission, $arAvailPerms)) { $permission = $arAvailPerms[0]; } $permsType = $permsType == BLOG_PERMS_COMMENT ? BLOG_PERMS_COMMENT : BLOG_PERMS_POST; $bSuccess = True; $arUserGroup = CBlogUserGroup::GetByID($ID); if (!$arUserGroup) { $GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->ThrowException(str_replace("#ID#", $ID, GetMessage("BLG_GUG_ERROR_NO_USER_GROUP")), "ERROR_NO_USER_GROUP"); $bSuccess = False; } if ($bSuccess) { $arBlog = CBlog::GetByID($blogID); if (!$arBlog) { $GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->ThrowException(str_replace("#ID#", $blogID, GetMessage("BLG_GUG_ERROR_NO_BLOG")), "ERROR_NO_BLOG"); $bSuccess = False; } } if ($bSuccess) { if ($postID > 0) { $arPost = CBlogPost::GetByID($postID); if (!$arPost) { $GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->ThrowException(str_replace("#ID#", $postID, GetMessage("BLG_GUG_ERROR_NO_POST")), "ERROR_NO_POST"); $bSuccess = False; } } } if ($bSuccess) { $oldGroupPerms = CBlogUserGroup::GetGroupPerms(1, $blogID, 0, BLOG_PERMS_POST); $DB->StartTransaction(); $currentPerms = CBlogUserGroup::GetGroupPerms($ID, $blogID, $postID, $permsType); if ($currentPerms) { if ($currentPerms != $permission) { if ($postID > 0) { $DB->Query("UPDATE b_blog_user_group_perms SET " . "\tPERMS = '" . $DB->ForSql($permission) . "' " . "WHERE BLOG_ID = " . $blogID . " " . "\tAND POST_ID = " . $postID . " " . "\tAND USER_GROUP_ID = " . $ID . "" . "\tAND PERMS_TYPE = '" . $DB->ForSql($permsType) . "'"); } else { $DB->Query("UPDATE b_blog_user_group_perms SET " . "\tPERMS = '" . $DB->ForSql($permission) . "' " . "WHERE BLOG_ID = " . $blogID . " " . "\tAND USER_GROUP_ID = " . $ID . " " . "\tAND PERMS_TYPE = '" . $DB->ForSql($permsType) . "'" . "\tAND POST_ID IS NULL "); } } } else { if ($postID > 0) { $DB->Query("INSERT INTO b_blog_user_group_perms (BLOG_ID, USER_GROUP_ID, PERMS_TYPE, POST_ID, PERMS) " . "VALUES (" . $blogID . ", " . $ID . ", '" . $DB->ForSql($permsType) . "', " . $postID . ", '" . $DB->ForSql($permission) . "') "); } else { $DB->Query("INSERT INTO b_blog_user_group_perms (BLOG_ID, USER_GROUP_ID, PERMS_TYPE, POST_ID, PERMS) " . "VALUES (" . $blogID . ", " . $ID . ", '" . $DB->ForSql($permsType) . "', null, '" . $DB->ForSql($permission) . "') "); } } $DB->Commit(); unset($GLOBALS["BLOG_USER_GROUP"]["BLOG_GROUP_PERMS_CACHE_" . $blogID . "_" . $postID . "_" . $permsType . "_" . $ID]); unset($GLOBALS["BLOG_USER_GROUP"]["BLOG_USER_PERMS_CACHE_" . $blogID . "_" . $postID . "_" . $permsType]); } if ($bSuccess) { if (CModule::IncludeModule("search")) { $newGroupPerms = CBlogUserGroup::GetGroupPerms(1, $blogID, 0, BLOG_PERMS_POST); if ($oldGroupPerms >= BLOG_PERMS_READ && $newGroupPerms < BLOG_PERMS_READ) { CSearch::DeleteIndex("blog", false, $blogID); } elseif ($oldGroupPerms < BLOG_PERMS_READ && $newGroupPerms >= BLOG_PERMS_READ) { } } } return $bSuccess; }
function GetSocNetPostPerms($postId = 0, $bNeedFull = false, $userId = false) { if (!$userId) { $userId = IntVal($GLOBALS["USER"]->GetID()); $bByUserId = false; } else { $userId = IntVal($userId); $bByUserId = true; } $postId = IntVal($postId); if ($postId <= 0) { return false; } $perms = BLOG_PERMS_DENY; $arAvailPerms = array_keys($GLOBALS["AR_BLOG_PERMS"]); if (!$bByUserId) { $blogModulePermissions = $GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->GetGroupRight("blog"); if ($blogModulePermissions >= "W" || CSocNetUser::IsCurrentUserModuleAdmin()) { $perms = $arAvailPerms[count($arAvailPerms) - 1]; } } else { if (CSocNetUser::IsUserModuleAdmin($userId)) { $perms = $arAvailPerms[count($arAvailPerms) - 1]; } } $arPost = CBlogPost::GetByID($postId); if ($arPost["AUTHOR_ID"] == $userId) { $perms = BLOG_PERMS_FULL; } if ($perms <= BLOG_PERMS_DENY) { $arPerms = CBlogPost::GetSocNetPerms($postId); $arEntities = array(); if (isset($GLOBALS["BLOG_POST"]["UAC_CACHE_" . $userId]) && !empty($GLOBALS["BLOG_POST"]["UAC_CACHE_" . $userId])) { $arEntities = $GLOBALS["BLOG_POST"]["UAC_CACHE_" . $userId]; } else { $dbA = CAccess::GetUserCodes($userId); while ($arA = $dbA->Fetch()) { if ($arA["PROVIDER_ID"] == "intranet") { $arEntities["DR"][] = $arA["ACCESS_CODE"]; } elseif ($arA["PROVIDER_ID"] == "socnetgroup") { $g = substr($arA["ACCESS_CODE"], 2); $gId = IntVal($g); $gR = substr($g, strpos($g, "_") + 1); $arEntities["SG"][$gId][] = $gR; } } $GLOBALS["BLOG_POST"]["UAC_CACHE_" . $userId] = $arEntities; } foreach ($arPerms as $t => $val) { foreach ($val as $id => $p) { if ($userId > 0 && $t == "U" && $userId == $id) { $perms = BLOG_PERMS_READ; if (in_array("US" . $userId, $p)) { // if author $perms = BLOG_PERMS_FULL; } break; } if (in_array("G2", $p)) { $perms = BLOG_PERMS_READ; break; } if ($userId > 0 && in_array("AU", $p)) { $perms = BLOG_PERMS_READ; break; } if ($t == "SG") { if (!empty($arEntities["SG"][$id])) { foreach ($arEntities["SG"][$id] as $gr) { if (in_array("SG" . $id . "_" . $gr, $p)) { $perms = BLOG_PERMS_READ; break; } } } } if ($t == "DR") { if (in_array("DR" . $id, $arEntities["DR"])) { $perms = BLOG_PERMS_READ; break; } } } if ($perms > BLOG_PERMS_DENY) { break; } } if ($bNeedFull && $perms <= BLOG_PERMS_FULL) { $arGroupsId = array(); if (!empty($arPerms["SG"])) { foreach ($arPerms["SG"] as $gid => $val) { if (!empty($arEntities["SG"][$gid])) { $arGroupsId[] = $gid; } } } $operation = array("full_post", "moderate_post", "write_post", "premoderate_post"); if (!empty($arGroupsId)) { foreach ($operation as $v) { if ($perms <= BLOG_PERMS_READ) { $f = CSocNetFeaturesPerms::GetOperationPerm(SONET_ENTITY_GROUP, $arGroupsId, "blog", $v); if (!empty($f)) { foreach ($f as $gid => $val) { if (in_array($val, $arEntities["SG"][$gid])) { switch ($v) { case "full_post": $perms = BLOG_PERMS_FULL; break; case "moderate_post": $perms = BLOG_PERMS_MODERATE; break; case "write_post": $perms = BLOG_PERMS_WRITE; break; case "premoderate_post": $perms = BLOG_PERMS_PREMODERATE; break; } } } } } } } } } return $perms; }
public static function getBlogPostUsersImprtnt($arFields) { if (!is_array($arFields)) { throw new Exception('Incorrect input data'); } $arParams["postId"] = intval($arFields['POST_ID']); if ($arParams["postId"] <= 0) { throw new Exception('Wrong post ID'); } $arParams["nTopCount"] = 500; $arParams["paramName"] = 'BLOG_POST_IMPRTNT'; $arParams["paramValue"] = 'Y'; $arResult = array(); $cache = new CPHPCache(); $cache_id = "blog_post_param_" . serialize(array($arParams["postId"], $arParams["nTopCount"], $arParams["paramName"], $arParams["paramValue"])); $cache_path = $GLOBALS["CACHE_MANAGER"]->GetCompCachePath(CComponentEngine::MakeComponentPath("")) . "/" . $arParams["postId"]; $cache_time = defined("BX_COMP_MANAGED_CACHE") ? 3600 * 24 * 365 : 600; if ($cache->InitCache($cache_time, $cache_id, $cache_path)) { $arResult = $cache->GetVars(); } else { $cache->StartDataCache($cache_time, $cache_id, $cache_path); if (CModule::IncludeModule("blog")) { if (defined("BX_COMP_MANAGED_CACHE")) { $GLOBALS["CACHE_MANAGER"]->StartTagCache($cache_path); $GLOBALS["CACHE_MANAGER"]->RegisterTag($arParams["paramName"] . $arParams["postId"]); } if ($arBlogPost = CBlogPost::GetByID($arParams["postId"])) { $postPerms = CBlogPost::GetSocNetPostPerms($arParams["postId"], true, $GLOBALS["USER"]->GetID(), $arBlogPost["AUTHOR_ID"]); if ($postPerms >= BLOG_PERMS_READ) { $db_res = CBlogUserOptions::GetList(array(), array('POST_ID' => $arParams["postId"], 'NAME' => $arParams["paramName"], 'VALUE' => $arParams["paramValue"], 'USER_ACTIVE' => 'Y'), array("nTopCount" => $arParams["nTopCount"], "SELECT" => array("USER_ID"))); if ($db_res) { while ($res = $db_res->Fetch()) { $arResult[] = $res["USER_ID"]; } } } } if (defined("BX_COMP_MANAGED_CACHE")) { $GLOBALS["CACHE_MANAGER"]->EndTagCache(); } $cache->EndDataCache($arResult); } } return $arResult; }
LocalRedirect($APPLICATION->GetCurPageParam("del_id=" . $DEL_ID . "&success=Y", array("del_id", "sessid", "success", "show_id"))); } else { $errorMessage = GetMessage("B_B_HIDE_M_DEL_ERR"); } } else { $errorMessage = GetMessage("B_B_HIDE_M_DEL_RIGHTS"); } } } elseif (IntVal($_GET["show_id"]) > 0) { if ($_GET["success"] == "Y") { $okMessage = GetMessage("BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_MES_SHOWED"); } else { if (check_bitrix_sessid()) { $show_id = IntVal($_GET["show_id"]); if ($arResult["PostPerm"] >= BLOG_PERMS_MODERATE) { if ($arPost = CBlogPost::GetByID($show_id)) { if (CBlogPost::Update($show_id, array("PUBLISH_STATUS" => BLOG_PUBLISH_STATUS_PUBLISH))) { BXClearCache(True, "/" . SITE_ID . "/blog/" . $arBlog["URL"] . "/first_page/"); BXClearCache(True, "/" . SITE_ID . "/blog/" . $arBlog["URL"] . "/pages/"); BXClearCache(True, "/" . SITE_ID . "/blog/" . $arBlog["URL"] . "/calendar/"); BXClearCache(True, "/" . SITE_ID . "/blog/" . $arBlog["URL"] . "/post/" . $show_id . "/"); BXClearCache(True, "/" . SITE_ID . "/blog/last_messages/"); BXClearCache(True, "/" . SITE_ID . "/blog/commented_posts/"); BXClearCache(True, "/" . SITE_ID . "/blog/popular_posts/"); BXClearCache(True, "/" . SITE_ID . "/blog/last_comments/"); BXClearCache(True, "/" . SITE_ID . "/blog/groups/" . $arBlog["GROUP_ID"] . "/"); BXClearCache(True, "/" . SITE_ID . "/blog/" . $arBlog["URL"] . "/trackback/" . $show_id . "/"); BXClearCache(True, "/" . SITE_ID . "/blog/" . $arBlog["URL"] . "/rss_out/"); BXClearCache(True, "/" . SITE_ID . "/blog/" . $arBlog["URL"] . "/rss_all/"); BXClearCache(True, "/" . SITE_ID . "/blog/rss_sonet/"); BXClearCache(True, "/" . SITE_ID . "/blog/rss_all/");
"ID"=>IntVal($arFolders[1]), "TBLenght" => 0, "CACHE_TIME"=>0, ) ); */ if (CModule::IncludeModule("blog")) { $CACHE_TIME = intval($CACHE_TIME); $ID = IntVal($ID); $BLOG_URL = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/is", "", Trim($BLOG_URL)); $TBLenght = IntVal($TBLenght) > 0 ? IntVal($TBLenght) : false; $editPage = strlen($EDIT_PAGE) > 0 ? $EDIT_PAGE : "post_edit.php"; $is404 = $is404 == 'N' ? false : true; $USER_ID = $USER->GetID(); $PostPerm = CBlogPost::GetBlogUserPostPerms($ID, $USER_ID); $arPost = CBlogPost::GetByID($ID); $arBlog = CBlog::GetByID($arPost["BLOG_ID"]); $dbBlog = CBlog::GetList(array(), array("URL" => $BLOG_URL), false, array("nTopCount" => 1)); if (($arBlogUrl = $dbBlog->Fetch()) || strlen($BLOG_URL) <= 0) { $APPLICATION->SetTitle($arPost["TITLE"]); $APPLICATION->AddChainItem($arBlogUrl["NAME"], CBlog::PreparePath($arBlogUrl["URL"])); //Заявка на чтение блога if ($_GET["become_friend"] == "Y" && $PostPerm < BLOG_PERMS_READ) { if ($USER->IsAuthorized()) { $dbCandidate = CBlogCandidate::GetList(array(), array("BLOG_ID" => $arBlog["ID"], "USER_ID" => $USER_ID)); if ($arCandidate = $dbCandidate->Fetch()) { echo '<font class="text">' . GetMessage("B_B_MES_REQUEST_ALREADY") . '</font>'; } else { if (CBlogCandidate::Add(array("BLOG_ID" => $arBlog["ID"], "USER_ID" => $USER_ID))) { echo '<font class="text">' . GetMessage("B_B_MES_REQUEST_ADDED") . '</font>'; } else {